Exemplo n.º 1
function wppa_create_wppa_init_js()
    global $wppa_api_version;
    global $wppa_lang;
    global $wppa;
    global $wppa_init_js_data;
    // Init
    if (is_numeric(wppa_opt('wppa_fullimage_border_width'))) {
        $fbw = wppa_opt('wppa_fullimage_border_width') + '1';
    } else {
        $fbw = '0';
    // Make content
    $content = '/* -- WPPA+ Runtime parameters
/* Dynamicly Created on ' . date('c') . '
    if ((WPPA_DEBUG || wppa_get_get('debug') || WP_DEBUG) && !wppa_switch('wppa_defer_javascript')) {
        $content .= '
	/* Check if wppa.js and jQuery are present */
	if (typeof(_wppaSlides) == \'undefined\') alert(\'There is a problem with your theme. The file wppa.js is not loaded when it is expected (Errloc = wppa_kickoff).\');
	if (typeof(jQuery) == \'undefined\') alert(\'There is a problem with your theme. The jQuery library is not loaded when it is expected (Errloc = wppa_kickoff).\');
    /* This goes into wppa.js */
    /* If you add something that uses an element from $wppa_opt[], */
    /* or a function that uses an element from $wppa_opt[], */
    /* add the optionslug to $init_js_critical[] in wppa_update_option in wppa-utils.php !!!!! */
    $content .= '
	wppaVersion = "' . $wppa_api_version . '";
	wppaBackgroundColorImage = "' . wppa_opt('wppa_bgcolor_img') . '";
	wppaPopupLinkType = "' . wppa_opt('wppa_thumb_linktype') . '";
	wppaAnimationType = "' . wppa_opt('wppa_animation_type') . '";
	wppaAnimationSpeed = ' . wppa_opt('wppa_animation_speed') . ';
	wppaThumbnailAreaDelta = ' . wppa_get_thumbnail_area_delta() . ';
	wppaTextFrameDelta = ' . wppa_get_textframe_delta() . ';
	wppaBoxDelta = ' . wppa_get_box_delta() . ';
	wppaSlideShowTimeOut = ' . wppa_opt('wppa_slideshow_timeout') . ';
	wppaPreambule = ' . wppa_get_preambule() . ';
	wppaFilmShowGlue = ' . (wppa_switch('wppa_film_show_glue') ? 'true' : 'false') . ';
	wppaSlideShow = "' . __a('Slideshow') . '";
	wppaStart = "' . __a('Start') . '";
	wppaStop = "' . __a('Stop') . '";
	wppaSlower = "' . __a('Slower') . '";
	wppaFaster = "' . __a('Faster') . '";
	wppaPhoto = "' . __a('Photo') . '";
	wppaOf = "' . __a('of') . '";
	wppaPreviousPhoto = "' . __a('Previous photo') . '";
	wppaNextPhoto = "' . __a('Next photo') . '";
	wppaPrevP = "' . __a('Prev.') . '";
	wppaNextP = "' . __a('Next') . '";
	wppaAvgRating = "' . __a('Average rating') . '";
	wppaMyRating = "' . __a('My rating') . '";
	wppaAvgRat = "' . __a('Avg.') . '";
	wppaMyRat = "' . __a('Mine') . '";
	wppaDislikeMsg = "' . __a('You marked this image as inappropriate.') . '";
	wppaShowDislikeCount = ' . (wppa_switch('wppa_dislike_show_count') ? 'true' : 'false') . ';
	wppaNoDislikes = "' . __a('No dislikes') . '";
	wppa1Dislike = "' . __a('1 dislike') . '";
	wppaDislikes = "' . __a('dislikes') . '";
	wppaIncludingMine = "' . __a('including mine') . '";
	wppaMiniTreshold = ' . (wppa_opt('wppa_mini_treshold') ? wppa_opt('wppa_mini_treshold') : '0') . ';
	wppaRatingOnce = ' . (wppa_switch('wppa_rating_change') || wppa_switch('wppa_rating_multi') ? 'false' : 'true') . ';
	wppaPleaseName = "' . __a('Please enter your name') . '";
	wppaPleaseEmail = "' . __a('Please enter a valid email address') . '";
	wppaPleaseComment = "' . __a('Please enter a comment') . '";
	wppaHideWhenEmpty = ' . (wppa_switch('wppa_hide_when_empty') ? 'true' : 'false') . ';
	wppaBGcolorNumbar = "' . wppa_opt('wppa_bgcolor_numbar') . '";
	wppaBcolorNumbar = "' . wppa_opt('wppa_bcolor_numbar') . '";
	wppaBGcolorNumbarActive = "' . wppa_opt('wppa_bgcolor_numbar_active') . '";
	wppaBcolorNumbarActive = "' . wppa_opt('wppa_bcolor_numbar_active') . '";
	wppaFontFamilyNumbar = "' . wppa_opt('wppa_fontfamily_numbar') . '";
	wppaFontSizeNumbar = "' . wppa_opt('wppa_fontsize_numbar') . 'px";
	wppaFontColorNumbar = "' . wppa_opt('wppa_fontcolor_numbar') . '";
	wppaFontWeightNumbar = "' . wppa_opt('wppa_fontweight_numbar') . '";
	wppaFontFamilyNumbarActive = "' . wppa_opt('wppa_fontfamily_numbar_active') . '";
	wppaFontSizeNumbarActive = "' . wppa_opt('wppa_fontsize_numbar_active') . 'px";
	wppaFontColorNumbarActive = "' . wppa_opt('wppa_fontcolor_numbar_active') . '";
	wppaFontWeightNumbarActive = "' . wppa_opt('wppa_fontweight_numbar_active') . '";
	wppaNumbarMax = "' . wppa_opt('wppa_numbar_max') . '";
	wppaLang = "' . $wppa_lang . '";
	wppaNextOnCallback = ' . (wppa_switch('wppa_next_on_callback') ? 'true' : 'false') . ';
	wppaStarOpacity = ' . wppa_opt('wppa_star_opacity') / '100' . ';
	wppaSlideWrap = ' . (wppa_switch('wppa_slide_wrap') ? 'true' : 'false') . ';
	wppaEmailRequired = ' . (wppa_switch('wppa_comment_email_required') ? 'true' : 'false') . ';
	wppaSlideBorderWidth = ' . $fbw . ';
	wppaAllowAjax = ' . (wppa_switch('wppa_allow_ajax') ? 'true' : 'false') . ';
	wppaUsePhotoNamesInUrls = ' . (wppa_switch('wppa_use_photo_names_in_urls') ? 'true' : 'false') . ';
	wppaThumbTargetBlank = ' . (wppa_switch('wppa_thumb_blank') ? 'true' : 'false') . ';
	wppaRatingMax = ' . wppa_opt('wppa_rating_max') . ';
	wppaRatingDisplayType = "' . wppa_opt('wppa_rating_display_type') . '";
	wppaRatingPrec = ' . wppa_opt('wppa_rating_prec') . ';
	wppaStretch = ' . (wppa_switch('wppa_enlarge') ? 'true' : 'false') . ';
	wppaMinThumbSpace = ' . wppa_opt('wppa_tn_margin') . ';
	wppaThumbSpaceAuto = ' . (wppa_switch('wppa_thumb_auto') ? 'true' : 'false') . ';
	wppaMagnifierCursor = "' . wppa_opt('wppa_magnifier') . '";
	wppaArtMonkyLink = "' . wppa_opt('wppa_art_monkey_link') . '";
	wppaAutoOpenComments = ' . (wppa_switch('wppa_auto_open_comments') ? 'true' : 'false') . ';
	wppaUpdateAddressLine = ' . (wppa_switch('wppa_update_addressline') ? 'true' : 'false') . ';
	wppaFilmThumbTitle = "' . (wppa_opt('wppa_film_linktype') == 'lightbox' ? wppa_zoom_in(false) : __a('Double click to start/stop slideshow running')) . '";
	wppaVoteForMe = "' . __(wppa_opt('wppa_vote_button_text')) . '";
	wppaVotedForMe = "' . __(wppa_opt('wppa_voted_button_text')) . '";
	wppaSlideSwipe = ' . (wppa_switch('wppa_slide_swipe') ? 'true' : 'false') . ';
	wppaMaxCoverWidth = ' . wppa_opt('wppa_max_cover_width') . ';
	wppaDownLoad = "' . __a('Download') . '";
	wppaSlideToFullpopup = ' . (wppa_opt('wppa_slideshow_linktype') == 'fullpopup' ? 'true' : 'false') . '; 
	wppaComAltSize = ' . wppa_opt('wppa_comten_alt_thumbsize') . ';
	wppaBumpViewCount = ' . (wppa_switch('wppa_track_viewcounts') ? 'true' : 'false') . ';
	wppaShareHideWhenRunning = ' . (wppa_switch('wppa_share_hide_when_running') ? 'true' : 'false') . ';
	wppaFotomoto = ' . (wppa_switch('wppa_fotomoto_on') ? 'true' : 'false') . ';
	wppaArtMonkeyButton = ' . (wppa_opt('wppa_art_monkey_display') == 'button' ? 'true' : 'false') . ';
	wppaFotomotoHideWhenRunning = ' . (wppa_switch('wppa_fotomoto_hide_when_running') ? 'true' : 'false') . ';
	wppaCommentRequiredAfterVote = ' . (wppa_switch('wppa_vote_needs_comment') ? 'true' : 'false') . ';
	wppaFotomotoMinWidth = ' . wppa_opt('wppa_fotomoto_min_width') . ';
	wppaShortQargs = ' . (wppa_switch('wppa_use_short_qargs') ? 'true' : 'false') . ';
	wppaOvlHires = ' . (wppa_switch('wppa_lb_hres') ? 'true' : 'false') . ';
	wppaSlideVideoStart = ' . (wppa_switch('start_slide_video') ? 'true' : 'false') . ';
	wppaSlideAudioStart = ' . (wppa_switch('start_slide_audio') ? 'true' : 'false') . ';
	wppaAudioHeight = ' . wppa_get_audio_control_height() . '; 
	wppaRel = "' . (wppa_opt('lightbox_name') == 'wppa' ? 'data-rel' : 'rel') . '";
    // Open file
    $file = @fopen(WPPA_PATH . '/wppa-init.' . $wppa_lang . '.js', 'wb');
    if ($file) {
        // Write file
        fwrite($file, $content);
        // Close file
        $wppa_init_js_data = '';
    } else {
        $wppa_init_js_data = '<script type="text/javascript">
/* Warning: file wppa-init.' . $wppa_lang . '.js could not be created */
/* The content is therefor output here */

' . $content . '
function wppa_get_text_frame_style($photo_left, $type)
    if (wppa_in_widget()) {
        $result = '';
    } else {
        if ($type == 'thumb') {
            $width = wppa_get_cover_width($type, true);
            $width -= 13;
            // margin
            $width -= 2;
            // border
            $width -= wppa_opt('smallsize');
            if ($photo_left) {
                $result = 'style="width:' . $width . 'px; float:right;"';
            } else {
                $result = 'style="width:' . $width . 'px; float:left;"';
        } elseif ($type == 'cover') {
            $width = wppa_get_cover_width($type, true);
            $photo_pos = $photo_left;
            switch ($photo_pos) {
                case 'left':
                    $width -= wppa_get_textframe_delta();
                    //	$width -= 13;	// margin
                    //	$width -= 2; 	// border
                    //	$width -= wppa_opt( 'smallsize' );
                    $result = 'style="width:' . $width . 'px; float:right;' . __wcs('wppa-cover-text-frame') . '"';
                case 'right':
                    $width -= wppa_get_textframe_delta();
                    //	$width -= 13;	// margin
                    //	$width -= 2; 	// border
                    //	$width -= wppa_opt( 'smallsize' );
                    $result = 'style="width:' . $width . 'px; float:left;' . __wcs('wppa-cover-text-frame') . '"';
                case 'top':
                    //					$width -= 13;
                    $result = 'style="' . __wcs('wppa-cover-text-frame') . '"';
                case 'bottom':
                    //					$width -= 13;
                    $result = 'style="' . __wcs('wppa-cover-text-frame') . '"';
                    wppa_dbg_msg('Illegal $photo_pos in wppa_get_text_frame_style', 'red');
        } else {
            wppa_dbg_msg('Illegal $type in wppa_get_text_frame_style', 'red');
    return $result;