public function __construct($date = '', $id, $theme_option, $calendar_data, $form_option, $extra_field, $selected = array(), $ajax = false)
     $this->theme_option = $theme_option;
     $this->calendar_data = $calendar_data;
     $this->form_data = $form_option;
     $this->extra_field = $extra_field;
     $this->id = $id;
     $this->ajax = $ajax;
     $this->selected = $selected;
     $currency_list = wpdevart_bc_get_currency();
     if (isset($currency_list[esc_html($this->theme_option['currency'])])) {
         $this->currency = $currency_list[esc_html($this->theme_option['currency'])]['simbol'];
     if (isset($this->theme_option['time_format'])) {
         $this->theme_option['time_format'] .= isset($theme_option->time_type) ? ' ' . $theme_option->time_type : '';
     if (isset($theme_option->time_type) && $theme_option->time_type != '') {
         $this->theme_option['time_format'] = str_replace(array('H', 'h'), 'g', $this->theme_option["time_format"]);
     if ($date == '' && !isset($_REQUEST['date'])) {
         $date = date('Y-m-d');
     if (isset($_REQUEST['date']) && $_REQUEST['date'] != '') {
         $date = $_REQUEST['date'];
     $date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($date));
     $date_array = explode('-', $date);
     $year = $date_array[0];
     $month = $date_array[1];
     $day = $date_array[2];
     if (isset($_REQUEST['year']) && $_REQUEST['year'] != '') {
         $year = $_REQUEST['year'];
     if (isset($_REQUEST['month']) && $_REQUEST['month'] != '') {
         $month = $_REQUEST['month'];
     if (isset($_REQUEST['day']) && $_REQUEST['day'] != '') {
         $day = $_REQUEST['day'];
     $this->month = (int) $month;
     $this->year = (int) $year;
     $this->day = (int) $day;
     $this->month_days_count = cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, $this->month, $this->year);
     $this->jd = cal_to_jd(CAL_GREGORIAN, $this->month, date(1), $this->year);
     $this->month_start = jddayofweek($this->jd);
     $this->month_name = __(jdmonthname($this->jd, 1), 'booking-calendar');
    public function edit_setting($id = 0)
        $wpdevart_themes = array('general' => array('title' => 'General', 'sections' => array('general' => array('date_format' => array('id' => 'date_format', 'title' => __('Date format', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('Type your date format for emails and the reservation table', 'booking-calendar'), 'valid_options' => array('F j, Y' => date('F j, Y'), 'Y M j' => date('Y M j'), 'd.m.Y' => date('d.m.Y'), 'd-m-Y' => date('d-m-Y'), 'd/m/Y' => date('d/m/Y'), 'm/d/Y' => date('m/d/Y')), 'type' => 'select', 'default' => ''), 'week_days' => array('id' => 'week_days', 'title' => __('Week days format', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'valid_options' => array('0' => 'Sunday', '1' => 'Sun', '2' => 'Su'), 'type' => 'select', 'default' => ''), 'day_start' => array('id' => 'day_start', 'title' => __('Start Day of the week', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('Type here the start day of the week for Calendar', 'booking-calendar'), 'valid_options' => array('0' => 'Sunday', '1' => 'Monday', '2' => 'Tuesday', '3' => 'Wednesday', '4' => 'Thursday', '5' => 'Friday', '6' => 'Saturday'), 'type' => 'select', 'default' => '1'), 'unavailable_week_days' => array('id' => 'unavailable_week_days', 'title' => __('Unavailable week days', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'valid_options' => array('0' => 'Sunday', '1' => 'Monday', '2' => 'Tuesday', '3' => 'Wednesday', '4' => 'Thursday', '5' => 'Friday', '6' => 'Saturday'), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => array()), 'enable_instant_approval' => array('id' => 'enable_instant_approval', 'title' => __('Enable instant approval', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('Select this option and the booking request will be approved instantly', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => ''), 'type_days_selection' => array('id' => 'type_days_selection', 'title' => __('Type of days selection in calendar', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'radio', 'valid_options' => array("multiple_days" => "Multiple days", "single_day" => "Single day"), 'default' => 'multiple_days'), 'enable_checkinout' => array('id' => 'enable_checkinout', 'title' => __('Enable Check in/Check out', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('Show Check in/Check out text in Form', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => 'on'), 'enable_number_items' => array('id' => 'enable_number_items', 'title' => __('Enable number of items', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('Show number of items in Form', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => 'on'), 'enable_terms_cond' => array('id' => 'enable_terms_cond', 'title' => __('Enable Terms & Conditions', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('Enable Terms & Conditions', 'booking-calendar'), 'enable' => array('terms_cond_link'), 'type' => 'checkbox_enable', 'default' => ''), 'terms_cond_link' => array('id' => 'terms_cond_link', 'title' => __('Terms & Conditions link', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('Terms & Conditions link', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'text', 'extra_div' => true, 'extra_div_end' => true, 'default' => ''), 'auto_fill' => array('id' => 'auto_fill', 'title' => __('Auto-fill fields', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('Select this option to use the Auto-fill fields function', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => ''), 'enable_form_title' => array('id' => 'enable_form_title', 'title' => __('Enable Form title', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => 'on'), 'enable_extras_title' => array('id' => 'enable_extras_title', 'title' => __('Enable Extras title', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => 'on'), 'legend_enable' => array('id' => 'legend_enable', 'title' => __('Show days status below date', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('This is an important function, so we think you should use the days status option', 'booking-calendar'), 'enable' => array('legend_available_enable', 'legend_available', 'legend_booked_enable', 'legend_booked', 'legend_unavailable_enable', 'legend_unavailable'), 'type' => 'checkbox_enable', 'default' => 'on'), 'legend_available_enable' => array('id' => 'legend_available_enable', 'title' => __('Available', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'enable' => array('legend_available'), 'type' => 'checkbox_enable', 'extra_div' => true, 'default' => 'on'), 'legend_available' => array('id' => 'legend_available', 'title' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'text', 'default' => 'Available'), 'legend_booked_enable' => array('id' => 'legend_booked_enable', 'title' => __('Booked', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'enable' => array('legend_booked'), 'type' => 'checkbox_enable', 'default' => 'on'), 'legend_booked' => array('id' => 'legend_booked', 'title' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'text', 'default' => 'Booked'), 'legend_unavailable_enable' => array('id' => 'legend_unavailable_enable', 'title' => __('Unavailable', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'enable' => array('legend_unavailable'), 'type' => 'checkbox_enable', 'default' => 'on'), 'legend_unavailable' => array('id' => 'legend_unavailable', 'title' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'text', 'extra_div_end' => true, 'default' => 'Unavailable'), 'action_after_submit' => array('id' => 'action_after_submit', 'title' => __('Action after submition', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'valid_options' => array('stay_on_calendar' => 'Stay on Calendar', 'redirect' => 'Redirect visitor to a new page'), 'enable' => array('stay_on_calendar' => array('message_text'), 'redirect' => array('redirect_url')), 'type' => 'radio_enable', 'pro' => true, 'default' => 'stay_on_calendar'), 'message_text' => array('id' => 'message_text', 'title' => __('Message title', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'text', 'default' => 'Thanks :)'), 'redirect_url' => array('id' => 'redirect_url', 'title' => __('URL', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'text', 'default' => '')), 'currency_settings' => array('currency' => array('id' => 'currency', 'title' => __('Currency', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'valid_options' => wpdevart_bc_get_currency(), 'currency' => true, 'type' => 'select', 'default' => 'USD')))), "styles_and_colors" => array('title' => 'Styles and Colors', 'pro' => true, 'sections' => array('styles' => array('calendar_max_width' => array('id' => 'calendar_max_width', 'title' => __('Calendar Maximum width', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'text', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '680'), 'calendar_header_font_weight' => array('id' => 'calendar_header_font_weight', 'title' => __('Calendar Header font weight', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'select', 'valid_options' => $this->font_weight(), 'pro' => true, 'default' => 'normal'), 'calendar_header_font_style' => array('id' => 'calendar_header_font_style', 'title' => __('Calendar Header font style', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'select', 'valid_options' => $this->font_style(), 'pro' => true, 'default' => 'normal'), 'calendar_header_padding' => array('id' => 'calendar_header_padding', 'title' => __('Calendar Header padding', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'text', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '10'), 'next_prev_month_size' => array('id' => 'next_prev_month_size', 'title' => __('Next Prev Month font size', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'text', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '15'), 'current_month_size' => array('id' => 'current_month_size', 'title' => __('Current Month font size', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'text', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '19'), 'current_year_size' => array('id' => 'current_year_size', 'title' => __('Current Year font size', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'text', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '19'), 'week_days_font_weight' => array('id' => 'week_days_font_weight', 'title' => __('Week Days font weight', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'select', 'valid_options' => $this->font_weight(), 'pro' => true, 'default' => 'normal'), 'week_days_font_style' => array('id' => 'week_days_font_style', 'title' => __('Week Days font style', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'select', 'valid_options' => $this->font_style(), 'pro' => true, 'default' => 'normal'), 'week_days_size' => array('id' => 'week_days_size', 'title' => __('Week Days font size', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'text', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '13'), 'day_number_font_weight' => array('id' => 'day_number_font_weight', 'title' => __('Day Number font weight', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'select', 'valid_options' => $this->font_weight(), 'pro' => true, 'default' => 'normal'), 'day_number_font_style' => array('id' => 'day_number_font_style', 'title' => __('Day Number font style', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'select', 'valid_options' => $this->font_style(), 'pro' => true, 'default' => 'normal'), 'day_number_size' => array('id' => 'day_number_size', 'title' => __('Day Number font size', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'text', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '13'), 'days_min_height' => array('id' => 'days_min_height', 'title' => __('Days Minimum height', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'text', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '65'), 'info_font_weight' => array('id' => 'info_font_weight', 'title' => __('Info font weight', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'select', 'valid_options' => $this->font_weight(), 'pro' => true, 'default' => 'normal'), 'info_font_style' => array('id' => 'info_font_style', 'title' => __('Info font style', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'select', 'valid_options' => $this->font_style(), 'pro' => true, 'default' => 'normal'), 'info_size' => array('id' => 'info_size', 'title' => __('Info font size', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'text', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '13'), 'info_border_radius' => array('id' => 'info_border_radius', 'title' => __('Info Border radius', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'text', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '0'), 'form_title_weight' => array('id' => 'form_title_weight', 'title' => __('Form/Extra Title font weight', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'select', 'valid_options' => $this->font_weight(), 'pro' => true, 'default' => 'normal'), 'form_title_style' => array('id' => 'form_title_style', 'title' => __('Form/Extra Title font style', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'select', 'valid_options' => $this->font_style(), 'pro' => true, 'default' => 'italic'), 'form_title_size' => array('id' => 'form_title_size', 'title' => __('Form/Extra Title font size', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'text', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '21'), 'form_labels_weight' => array('id' => 'form_labels_weight', 'title' => __('Form/Extra Labels font weight', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'select', 'valid_options' => $this->font_weight(), 'pro' => true, 'default' => 'normal'), 'form_labels_style' => array('id' => 'form_labels_style', 'title' => __('Form/Extra Labels font style', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'select', 'valid_options' => $this->font_style(), 'pro' => true, 'default' => 'italic'), 'form_labels_size' => array('id' => 'form_labels_size', 'title' => __('Form/Extra Labels font size', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'text', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '15'), 'form_fields_weight' => array('id' => 'form_fields_weight', 'title' => __('Form/Extra Fields font weight', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'select', 'valid_options' => $this->font_weight(), 'pro' => true, 'default' => 'normal'), 'form_fields_style' => array('id' => 'form_fields_style', 'title' => __('Form/Extra Fields font style', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'select', 'valid_options' => $this->font_style(), 'pro' => true, 'default' => 'normal'), 'form_fields_size' => array('id' => 'form_fields_size', 'title' => __('Form/Extra Fields font size', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'text', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '15'), 'form_submit_weight' => array('id' => 'form_submit_weight', 'title' => __('Form Submit font weight', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'select', 'valid_options' => $this->font_weight(), 'pro' => true, 'default' => 'normal'), 'form_style_style' => array('id' => 'form_style_style', 'title' => __('Form Submit font style', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'select', 'valid_options' => $this->font_style(), 'pro' => true, 'default' => 'normal'), 'reserv_info_weight' => array('id' => 'reserv_info_weight', 'title' => __('Reservation Info font weight', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'select', 'valid_options' => $this->font_weight(), 'pro' => true, 'default' => 'normal'), 'reserv_info_style' => array('id' => 'reserv_info_style', 'title' => __('Reservation Info font style', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'select', 'valid_options' => $this->font_style(), 'pro' => true, 'default' => 'normal'), 'reserv_info_size' => array('id' => 'reserv_info_size', 'title' => __('Reservation Info font size', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'text', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '14')), "colors" => array('calendar_header_bg' => array('id' => 'calendar_header_bg', 'title' => __('Calendar Header background', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'color', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '#FFFFFF'), 'next_prev_month' => array('id' => 'next_prev_month', 'title' => __('Next Preview Month color', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'color', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '#636363'), 'current_month' => array('id' => 'current_month', 'title' => __('Current Month color', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'color', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '#636363'), 'current_year' => array('id' => 'current_year', 'title' => __('Current Year color', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'color', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '#636363'), 'week_days_bg' => array('id' => 'week_days_bg', 'title' => __('Week Days background', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'color', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '#ECECEC'), 'week_days_color' => array('id' => 'week_days_color', 'title' => __('Week Days color', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'color', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '#656565'), 'calendar_bg' => array('id' => 'calendar_bg', 'title' => __('Calendar background', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'color', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '#FFFFFF'), 'calendar_border' => array('id' => 'calendar_border', 'title' => __('Calendar Border color', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'color', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '#ddd'), 'day_bg' => array('id' => 'day_bg', 'title' => __('Day background', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'color', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '#FFFFFF'), 'day_number_bg' => array('id' => 'day_number_bg', 'title' => __('Day Number background', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'color', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '#ECECEC'), 'day_color' => array('id' => 'day_color', 'title' => __('Day Number color', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'color', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '#464646'), 'available_day_bg' => array('id' => 'available_day_bg', 'title' => __('Available Day background', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'color', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '#FFFFFF'), 'available_day_number_bg' => array('id' => 'available_day_number_bg', 'title' => __('Available Day Number background', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'color', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '#85B70B'), 'available_day_color' => array('id' => 'available_day_color', 'title' => __('Available Day Number color', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'color', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '#FFFFFF'), 'selected_day_bg' => array('id' => 'selected_day_bg', 'title' => __('Selected Day background', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'color', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '#FFFFFF'), 'selected_day_number_bg' => array('id' => 'selected_day_number_bg', 'title' => __('Selected Day Number background', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'color', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '#373740'), 'selected_day_color' => array('id' => 'selected_day_color', 'title' => __('Selected Day Number color', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'color', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '#FFFFFF'), 'unavailable_day_bg' => array('id' => 'unavailable_day_bg', 'title' => __('Unavailable Day background', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'color', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '#FFFFFF'), 'unavailable_day_number_bg' => array('id' => 'unavailable_day_number_bg', 'title' => __('Unavailable Day Number background', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'color', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '#464646'), 'unavailable_day_color' => array('id' => 'unavailable_day_color', 'title' => __('Unavailable Day Number color', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'color', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '#ECECEC'), 'booked_day_bg' => array('id' => 'booked_day_bg', 'title' => __('Booked Day background', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'color', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '#FFFFFF'), 'booked_day_number_bg' => array('id' => 'booked_day_number_bg', 'title' => __('Booked Day Number background', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'color', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '#FD7C93'), 'booked_day_color' => array('id' => 'booked_day_color', 'title' => __('Booked Day Number color', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'color', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '#FFFFFF'), 'info_icon_color' => array('id' => 'info_icon_color', 'title' => __('Info Icon color', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'color', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '#FFFFFF'), 'info_bg' => array('id' => 'info_bg', 'title' => __('Info background', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'color', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '#FFFFFF'), 'info_color' => array('id' => 'info_color', 'title' => __('Info Icon color', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'color', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '#4E4E4E'), 'form_bg' => array('id' => 'form_bg', 'title' => __('Form background', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'color', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '#FDFDFD'), 'form_border' => array('id' => 'form_border', 'title' => __('Form boreder color', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'color', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '#ddd'), 'form_title_color' => array('id' => 'form_title_color', 'title' => __('Form/Extra Title color', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'color', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '#636363'), 'form_title_bg' => array('id' => 'form_title_bg', 'title' => __('Form/Extra Title background', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'color', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '#FDFDFD'), 'form_labels_color' => array('id' => 'form_labels_color', 'title' => __('Form/Extra Labels color', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'color', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '#636363'), 'form_fields_color' => array('id' => 'form_fields_color', 'title' => __('Form/Extra Fields color', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'color', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '#636363'), 'reserv_info_color' => array('id' => 'reserv_info_color', 'title' => __('Reservation Info color', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'color', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '#545454'), 'total_bg' => array('id' => 'total_bg', 'title' => __('Total Price background', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'color', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '#545454'), 'total_color' => array('id' => 'total_color', 'title' => __('Total Price color', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'color', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '#F7F7F7'), 'required_star_color' => array('id' => 'required_star_color', 'title' => __('Required Star color', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'color', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '#FD7C93'), 'submit_button_bg' => array('id' => 'submit_button_bg', 'title' => __('Submit Button background', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'color', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '#FD7C93'), 'submit_button_color' => array('id' => 'submit_button_color', 'title' => __('Submit Button color', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'color', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '#FFFFFF'), 'error_info_bg' => array('id' => 'error_info_bg', 'title' => __('Error Info background', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'color', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '#FFFFFF'), 'error_info_color' => array('id' => 'error_info_color', 'title' => __('Error Info color', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'color', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '#C11212'), 'error_info_border' => array('id' => 'error_info_border', 'title' => __('Error Info Border color', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'color', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '#C11212'), 'error_info_close_bg' => array('id' => 'error_info_close_bg', 'title' => __('Error Info Close background', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'color', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '#C11212'), 'error_info_close_color' => array('id' => 'error_info_close_color', 'title' => __('Error Info Close color', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'color', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '#FFFFFF'), 'successfully_info_bg' => array('id' => 'successfully_info_bg', 'title' => __('Successfully Info background', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'color', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '#FFFFFF'), 'successfully_info_color' => array('id' => 'successfully_info_color', 'title' => __('Successfully Info color', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'color', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '#7FAD16'), 'successfully_info_border' => array('id' => 'successfully_info_border', 'title' => __('Successfully Info Border color', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'color', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '#7FAD16'), 'successfully_info_close_bg' => array('id' => 'successfully_info_close_bg', 'title' => __('Successfully Info Close background', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'color', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '#7FAD16'), 'successfully_info_close_color' => array('id' => 'successfully_info_close_color', 'title' => __('Successfully Info Close color', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'color', 'pro' => true, 'default' => '#FFFFFF')))), "notifications" => array('title' => 'Notifications', 'sections' => array('email_to_administrator' => array('admin_mail_info' => array('id' => 'admin_mail_info', 'title' => __('You can use these shortcodes in content of admin templates', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('<span>[detalis]</span> - inserting detalis about the reservation,<br><span>[siteurl]</span> - inserting your site URL ,<br><span>[moderatelink]</span> - inserting moderate link of new reservation,<br><span>[form]</span> - inserting form information,<br><span>[extras]</span> - inserting extras information, ', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'info', 'default' => ''), 'notify_admin_on_book' => array('id' => 'notify_admin_on_book', 'title' => __('Notify on book request', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'enable' => array('notify_admin_on_book_to', 'notify_admin_on_book_from', 'notify_admin_on_book_subject', 'notify_admin_on_book_content'), 'type' => 'checkbox_enable', 'default' => 'on'), 'notify_admin_on_book_to' => array('id' => 'notify_admin_on_book_to', 'title' => __('To:', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'text', 'width' => 340, 'extra_div' => true, 'default' => "\"Booking calendar\" <" . get_option("admin_email") . ">"), 'notify_admin_on_book_from' => array('id' => 'notify_admin_on_book_from', 'title' => __('From:', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'text', 'width' => 340, 'default' => '[useremail]'), 'notify_admin_on_book_subject' => array('id' => 'notify_admin_on_book_subject', 'title' => __('Subject:', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'text', 'width' => 340, 'default' => 'You received a booking request.'), 'notify_admin_on_book_content' => array('id' => 'notify_admin_on_book_content', 'title' => __('Content:', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'textarea', 'wp_editor' => true, 'extra_div_end' => true, 'default' => ''), 'notify_admin_on_approved' => array('id' => 'notify_admin_on_approved', 'title' => __('Notify on approved book request', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'enable' => array('notify_admin_on_approved_to', 'notify_admin_on_approved_from', 'notify_admin_on_approved_subject', 'notify_admin_on_approved_content'), 'type' => 'checkbox_enable', 'default' => 'on'), 'notify_admin_on_approved_to' => array('id' => 'notify_admin_on_approved_to', 'title' => __('To:', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'text', 'width' => 340, 'extra_div' => true, 'default' => "\"Booking calendar\" <" . get_option("admin_email") . ">"), 'notify_admin_on_approved_from' => array('id' => 'notify_admin_on_approved_from', 'title' => __('From:', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'text', 'width' => 340, 'default' => '[useremail]'), 'notify_admin_on_approved_subject' => array('id' => 'notify_admin_on_approved_subject', 'title' => __('Subject:', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'text', 'width' => 340, 'default' => 'You received a booking request.'), 'notify_admin_on_approved_content' => array('id' => 'notify_admin_on_approved_content', 'title' => __('Content:', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'textarea', 'wp_editor' => true, 'extra_div_end' => true, 'default' => '')), 'email_to_user' => array('user_mail_info' => array('id' => 'user_mail_info', 'title' => __('You can use these shortcodes in content of user templates', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('<span>[detalis]</span> - inserting detalis about the reservation,<br><span>[siteurl]</span> - inserting your site URL ,<br><span>[form]</span> - inserting form information,<br><span>[extras]</span> - inserting extras information, ', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'info', 'default' => ''), 'notify_user_on_book' => array('id' => 'notify_user_on_book', 'title' => __('Notify on book request', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'enable' => array('notify_user_on_book_from', 'notify_user_on_book_subject', 'notify_user_on_book_content'), 'type' => 'checkbox_enable', 'default' => 'on'), 'notify_user_on_book_from' => array('id' => 'notify_user_on_book_from', 'title' => __('From:', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'text', 'width' => 340, 'extra_div' => true, 'default' => "\"Booking calendar\" <" . get_option("admin_email") . ">"), 'notify_user_on_book_subject' => array('id' => 'notify_user_on_book_subject', 'title' => __('Subject:', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'text', 'width' => 340, 'default' => 'Your booking request has been sent.'), 'notify_user_on_book_content' => array('id' => 'user_on_book_content', 'title' => __('Content:', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'textarea', 'wp_editor' => true, 'extra_div_end' => true, 'default' => ''), 'notify_user_on_approved' => array('id' => 'notify_user_on_approved', 'title' => __('Notify when reservation is approved', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'enable' => array('notify_user_on_approved_from', 'notify_user_on_approved_subject', 'notify_user_on_approved_content'), 'type' => 'checkbox_enable', 'default' => 'on'), 'notify_user_on_approved_from' => array('id' => 'notify_user_on_approved_from', 'title' => __('From:', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'text', 'width' => 340, 'extra_div' => true, 'default' => "\"Booking calendar\" <" . get_option("admin_email") . ">"), 'notify_user_on_approved_subject' => array('id' => 'notify_user_on_approved_subject', 'title' => __('Subject:', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'text', 'width' => 340, 'default' => 'Your booking request has been approved'), 'notify_user_on_approved_content' => array('id' => 'notify_user_on_approved_content', 'title' => __('Content:', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'textarea', 'wp_editor' => true, 'extra_div_end' => true, 'default' => ''), 'notify_user_canceled' => array('id' => 'notify_user_canceled', 'title' => __('Notify when reservation is canceled', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'enable' => array('notify_user_canceled_from', 'notify_user_canceled_subject', 'notify_user_canceled_content'), 'type' => 'checkbox_enable', 'default' => 'on'), 'notify_user_canceled_from' => array('id' => 'notify_user_canceled_from', 'title' => __('From:', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'text', 'width' => 340, 'extra_div' => true, 'default' => "\"Booking calendar\" <" . get_option("admin_email") . ">"), 'notify_user_canceled_subject' => array('id' => 'notify_user_canceled_subject', 'title' => __('Subject:', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'text', 'width' => 340, 'default' => 'Your booking request has been canceled'), 'notify_user_canceled_content' => array('id' => 'notify_user_canceled_content', 'title' => __('Content:', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'textarea', 'wp_editor' => true, 'extra_div_end' => true, 'default' => ''), 'notify_user_deleted' => array('id' => 'notify_user_deleted', 'title' => __('Notify when reservation is deleted (rejected)', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'enable' => array('notify_user_deleted_from', 'notify_user_deleted_subject', 'notify_user_deleted_content'), 'type' => 'checkbox_enable', 'default' => 'on'), 'notify_user_deleted_from' => array('id' => 'notify_user_deleted_from', 'title' => __('From:', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'text', 'width' => 340, 'extra_div' => true, 'default' => "\"Booking calendar\" <" . get_option("admin_email") . ">"), 'notify_user_deleted_subject' => array('id' => 'notify_user_deleted_subject', 'title' => __('Subject:', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'text', 'width' => 340, 'default' => 'Your booking request has been rejected'), 'notify_user_deleted_content' => array('id' => 'notify_user_deleted_content', 'title' => __('Content:', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'textarea', 'wp_editor' => true, 'extra_div_end' => true, 'default' => '')))), "default_texts" => array('title' => 'Default Texts', 'sections' => array('default_texts' => array('for_check_in' => array('id' => 'for_check_in', 'title' => __('Text for check in', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'text', 'default' => 'Check in'), 'for_check_out' => array('id' => 'for_check_out', 'title' => __('Text for check out', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'text', 'default' => 'Check out'), 'for_item_count' => array('id' => 'for_item_count', 'title' => __('Text for item count', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'text', 'default' => 'Item count'), 'for_termscond' => array('id' => 'for_termscond', 'title' => __('Text for terms & conditions', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'text', 'default' => 'I accept to agree to the Terms & Conditions.'), 'for_reservation' => array('id' => 'for_reservation', 'title' => __('Text for reservation', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'text', 'default' => 'Reservation'), 'for_select_days' => array('id' => 'for_select_days', 'title' => __('Text for select days', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'text', 'default' => 'Please select the days from calendar.'), 'for_price' => array('id' => 'for_price', 'title' => __('Text for price', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'text', 'default' => 'Price'), 'for_total' => array('id' => 'for_total', 'title' => __('Text for total', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'text', 'default' => 'Total'), 'for_submit_button' => array('id' => 'for_submit_button', 'title' => __('Text for submit button', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'text', 'default' => 'Book Now'), 'for_request_successfully_sent' => array('id' => 'for_request_successfully_sent', 'title' => __('Text for request successfully sent', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'text', 'default' => 'Your request has been successfully sent. Please wait for approval.'), 'for_request_successfully_received' => array('id' => 'for_request_successfully_received', 'title' => __('Text for request successfully received', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'text', 'default' => 'Your request has been successfully received. We are waiting you!'), 'for_error_single' => array('id' => 'for_error_single', 'title' => __('Text for no services available single', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'text', 'default' => 'There are no services available for this day.'), 'for_error_multi' => array('id' => 'for_error_multi', 'title' => __('Text for no services available multiple days', 'booking-calendar'), 'description' => __('', 'booking-calendar'), 'type' => 'text', 'default' => 'There are no services available for the period you selected.')))));
        if ($id != 0) {
            $setting_rows = $this->model_obj->get_setting_rows($id);
            $value = json_decode($setting_rows->value, true);
		<div id="wpdevart_themes" class="wpdevart-item-container wpdevart-main-item-container">
        if ($id != 0) {
					<div class="div-for-clear">
						<span class="admin_logo"></span>
						<h1>Edit Theme <a href=""><span class="pro_feature"> (Upgrade to Pro Version)</span></a></h1>
        } else {
					<div class="div-for-clear">
						<span class="admin_logo"></span>
						<h1>Edit Theme <a href=""><span class="pro_feature"> (Upgrade to Pro Version)</span></a></h1>
			<form action="?page=wpdevart-themes" method="post" class="div-for-clear">
				<div id="wpdevart_wpdevart-item_title">
					<span>Theme Name</span> <input type="text" name="title" value="<?php 
        if (isset($setting_rows->title)) {
            echo esc_attr($setting_rows->title);
					<input type="submit" value="Save" class="action-link wpda-input" name="save">
					<input type="submit" value="Apply" class="action-link wpda-input" name="apply">
				<div id="wpdevart-tabs-container" class="div-for-clear">
					<div id="wpdevart_theme-tabs" class="div-for-clear">
        foreach ($wpdevart_themes as $key => $wpdevart_theme) {
							<div id="wpdevart_theme-tab-<?php 
            echo $key;
" class="wpdevart_tab <?php 
            echo $key == "general" ? "show" : "";
            echo $wpdevart_theme["title"];
            if (isset($wpdevart_theme["pro"]) && $wpdevart_theme["pro"] === true) {
                echo "<span class='pro_feature'> (Pro Feature!)</span>";
					<div id="wpdevart-tabs-item-container" class="div-for-clear">
        foreach ($wpdevart_themes as $key => $wpdevart_setting) {
							<div id="wpdevart_theme-tab-<?php 
            echo $key;
_container" class="wpdevart_container wpdevart-item-section <?php 
            echo $key == "general" ? "show" : "";
            foreach ($wpdevart_setting['sections'] as $value_key => $value_setting) {
								<div class="wpdevart-item-section-cont">
                echo str_replace("_", " ", $value_key);
                foreach ($value_setting as $key => $wpdevart_setting_value) {
                    if (isset($wpdevart_setting_value["extra_div"]) && $wpdevart_setting_value["extra_div"]) {
                        echo "<div class='items_open'>";
                    if (isset($value[$key])) {
                        $sett_value = $value[$key];
                    } else {
                        if (isset($value) && ($wpdevart_setting_value["type"] == "checkbox" || $wpdevart_setting_value["type"] == "checkbox_enable")) {
                            if (isset($wpdevart_setting_value["valid_options"])) {
                                $sett_value = array();
                            } else {
                                $sett_value = "";
                        } else {
                            $sett_value = $wpdevart_setting_value['default'];
                    $function_name = "wpdevart_callback_" . $wpdevart_setting_value['type'];
                    wpdevart_bc_Library::$function_name($wpdevart_setting_value, $sett_value);
                    if (isset($wpdevart_setting_value["extra_div_end"]) && $wpdevart_setting_value["extra_div_end"]) {
                        echo "</div>";
						<input type="hidden" name="task" value="save">
						<input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php 
        echo $id;