Exemplo n.º 1
 * Get theme update information from the PMPro server.
 * @since  2.0
function memberlite_getUpdateInfo()
    //check if forcing a pull from the server
    $update_info = get_option("memberlite_update_info", false);
    $update_info_timestamp = get_option("memberlite_update_info_timestamp", 0);
    //if no update_infos locally, we need to hit the server
    if (empty($update_info) || !empty($_REQUEST['force-check']) || current_time('timestamp') > $update_info_timestamp + 86400) {
         * Filter to change the timeout for this wp_remote_get() request.
         * @since 2.0.1
         * @param int $timeout The number of seconds before the request times out
        $timeout = apply_filters("memberlite_get_update_info_timeout", 5);
        //get em
        $remote_info = wp_remote_get(PMPRO_LICENSE_SERVER . "/themes/memberlite", $timeout);
        //test response
        if (is_wp_error($remote_info) || empty($remote_info['response']) || $remote_info['response']['code'] != '200') {
            pmpro_setMessage("Could not connect to the PMPro License Server to get update information. Try again later.", "error");
        } else {
            //update update_infos in cache
            $update_info = json_decode(wp_remote_retrieve_body($remote_info), true);
            add_option("memberlite_update_info", $update_info, NULL, 'no');
        //save timestamp of last update
        add_option("memberlite_update_info_timestamp", current_time('timestamp'), NULL, 'no');
    return $update_info;
 public static function fetch_url($url)
     $use_file_get_contents = get_option('ecwid_fetch_url_use_file_get_contents', false);
     if ($use_file_get_contents == 'Y') {
         $result = @file_get_contents($url);
     } else {
         if (get_option('ecwid_http_use_stream', false)) {
             self::$http_use_streams = true;
         $result = wp_remote_get($url, array('timeout' => get_option('ecwid_remote_get_timeout', 5)));
         if (get_option('ecwid_http_use_stream', false)) {
             self::$http_use_streams = false;
         if (!is_array($result)) {
             $result = @file_get_contents($url);
             if (!empty($result)) {
                 update_option('ecwid_fetch_url_use_file_get_contents', true);
     $return = array('code' => '', 'data' => '', 'message' => '');
     if (is_array($result)) {
         $return = array('code' => $result['response']['code'], 'data' => $result['body']);
     } elseif (is_object($result)) {
         $return = array('code' => $result->get_error_code(), 'data' => $result->get_error_data(), 'message' => $result->get_error_message());
         $get_contents = file_get_contents($url);
         if ($get_contents !== false) {
             $return = array('code' => 200, 'data' => $get_contents, 'is_file_get_contents' => true);
     return $return;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * @param array $current_import
  * @return bool
 function import(array $current_import)
     // fetch the remote content
     $html = wp_remote_get($current_import['file']);
     // Something failed
     if (is_wp_error($html)) {
         $redirect_url = get_admin_url(get_current_blog_id(), '/tools.php?page=pb_import');
         error_log('\\PressBooks\\Import\\Html import error, wp_remote_get() ' . $html->get_error_message());
         $_SESSION['pb_errors'][] = $html->get_error_message();
     $url = parse_url($current_import['file']);
     // get parent directory (with forward slash e.g. /parent)
     $path = dirname($url['path']);
     $domain = $url['scheme'] . '://' . $url['host'] . $path;
     // get id (there will be only one)
     $id = array_keys($current_import['chapters']);
     // front-matter, chapter, or back-matter
     $post_type = $this->determinePostType($id[0]);
     $chapter_parent = $this->getChapterParent();
     $body = $this->kneadandInsert($html['body'], $post_type, $chapter_parent, $domain);
     // Done
     return $this->revokeCurrentImport();
  * Sends and receives data to and from the server API
  * @access public
  * @since  1.0.0
  * @return object $response
 public function plugin_information($args)
     $target_url = $this->create_upgrade_api_url($args);
     $apisslverify = get_option('mainwp_api_sslVerifyCertificate') === false || get_option('mainwp_api_sslVerifyCertificate') == 1 ? 1 : 0;
     $request = wp_remote_get($target_url, array('timeout' => 50, 'sslverify' => $apisslverify));
     //      $request = wp_remote_post( MainWP_Api_Manager::instance()->getUpgradeUrl() . 'wc-api/upgrade-api/', array('body' => $args) );
     if (is_wp_error($request) || wp_remote_retrieve_response_code($request) != 200) {
         return false;
     $response = unserialize(wp_remote_retrieve_body($request));
      * For debugging errors from the API
      * For errors like: unserialize(): Error at offset 0 of 170 bytes
      * Comment out $response above first
     // $response = wp_remote_retrieve_body( $request );
     // print_r($response); exit;
     if (is_object($response)) {
         if (isset($response->package)) {
             $response->package = apply_filters('mainwp_api_manager_upgrade_url', $response->package);
         return $response;
     } else {
         return false;
function constantcontact_submit()
    $form_email = $_REQUEST['constantcontact_email'];
    if ($form_email) {
        $cc_user = get_field('constant_contact_username', 'option');
        $cc_pass = get_field('constant_contact_password', 'option');
        $cc_group = get_field('constant_contact_group_name', 'option');
        if (empty($cc_user) || empty($cc_pass) || empty($cc_group)) {
            $message = 'Plugin Settings incomplete';
        } else {
            if (empty($form_email)) {
                $message = 'Email address is required.';
            } else {
                $cc_url = 'https://api.constantcontact.com/0.1/API_AddSiteVisitor.jsp?' . 'loginName=' . rawurlencode($cc_user) . '&loginPassword='******'&ea=' . rawurlencode($form_email) . '&ic=' . rawurlencode($cc_group);
                $response = wp_remote_get($cc_url);
                if (is_wp_error($response)) {
                    $message = 'Could not connect to Constant Contact';
                } else {
                    $rsp = explode("\n", $response['body']);
                    if (intval($rsp[0])) {
                        $message = !empty($rsp[1]) ? $rsp[1] : (intval($rsp[0]) == 400 ? __('Constant Contact username/password not accepted') : __('Constant Contact error'));
                    } else {
                        $message = get_field('constant_contact_success_message', 'option');
                        $message = $message ? $message : "Thank you, you've been added to the list!";
                        $message_type = 'success';
        if ($message) {
            $tabby_cc_param = array('message' => $message, 'message_type' => $message_type ? $message_type : 'error');
            wp_localize_script('jquery', 'tabby_cc_param', $tabby_cc_param);
Exemplo n.º 6
function instagradam_embed_shortcode($atts, $content = null)
    // define main output
    $str = "";
    // get remote data
    $result = wp_remote_get("https://api.instagram.com/v1/media/popular?client_id=3f72f6859f3240c68b362b80c70e3121");
    if (is_wp_error($result)) {
        // error handling
        $error_message = $result->get_error_message();
        $str = "Something went wrong: {$error_message}";
    } else {
        // processing further
        $result = json_decode($result['body']);
        $main_data = array();
        $n = 0;
        // get username and actual thumbnail
        foreach ($result->data as $d) {
            $main_data[$n]['user'] = $d->user->username;
            $main_data[$n]['thumbnail'] = $d->images->thumbnail->url;
        // create main string, pictures embedded in links
        foreach ($main_data as $data) {
            $str .= '<a target="_blank" href="http://instagram.com/' . $data['user'] . '"><img src="' . $data['thumbnail'] . '" alt="' . $data['user'] . ' pictures"></a> ';
    return $str;
Exemplo n.º 7
 private function get_repository_info()
     if (is_null($this->github_response)) {
         // Do we have a response?
         $request_uri = sprintf('https://api.github.com/repos/%s/%s/releases', $this->username, $this->repository);
         // Build URI
         if ($this->authorize_token) {
             // Is there an access token?
             $request_uri = add_query_arg('access_token', $this->authorize_token, $request_uri);
             // Append it
         $response = json_decode(wp_remote_retrieve_body(wp_remote_get($request_uri)), true);
         // Get JSON and parse it
         if (is_array($response)) {
             // If it is an array
             $response = current($response);
             // Get the first item
         if ($this->authorize_token) {
             // Is there an access token?
             $response['zipball_url'] = add_query_arg('access_token', $this->authorize_token, $response['zipball_url']);
             // Update our zip url with token
         $this->github_response = $response;
         // Set it to our property
Exemplo n.º 8
function _manually_load_plugin()
    $host = getenv('ES_HOST');
    $host = preg_replace('/(^https:\\/\\/|^http:\\/\\/)/is', '', $host);
    $port = getenv('ES_PORT');
    if (empty($host)) {
        $host = 'localhost';
    if (empty($port)) {
        $port = 9200;
    define('ES_HOST', $host);
    define('ES_PORT', $port);
    require dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/wp-elasticsearch.php';
    $tries = 5;
    $sleep = 3;
    do {
        $response = wp_remote_get(esc_url(ES_HOST) . ':' . ES_PORT);
        if (200 == wp_remote_retrieve_response_code($response)) {
            // Looks good!
        } else {
            printf("\nInvalid response from ES, sleeping %d seconds and trying again...\n", intval($sleep));
    } while (--$tries);
    if (200 != wp_remote_retrieve_response_code($response)) {
        exit('Could not connect to Elasticsearch server.');
Exemplo n.º 9
 function get_count_feed_burner($uri)
     $whaturl = "https://feedburner.google.com/api/awareness/1.0/GetFeedData?uri={$uri}";
     //Initialize the Curl session
     $ch = curl_init();
     //Set curl to return the data instead of printing it to the browser.
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
     //Set the URL
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $whaturl);
     //Execute the fetch
     $feed_data = curl_exec($ch);
     //Close the connection
     $fb = '';
     $args = array('method' => 'GET', 'timeout' => 5, 'redirection' => 5, 'httpversion' => '1.0', 'blocking' => true, 'headers' => array(), 'body' => null, 'cookies' => array());
     $feed_data = wp_remote_get($whaturl, $args);
     if (!is_wp_error($feed_data)) {
         $feed_data = $feed_data['body'];
         $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($feed_data);
         $fb = $xml->feed->entry['circulation'];
         //end get cool feedburner count
     //echo the subscriber count
     return $fb;
 * Test whether force rewrite should be enabled or not.
function wpseo_title_test()
    $options = get_option('wpseo_titles');
    $options['forcerewritetitle'] = false;
    $options['title_test'] = 1;
    update_option('wpseo_titles', $options);
    // Setting title_test to > 0 forces the plugin to output the title below through a filter in class-frontend.php.
    $expected_title = 'This is a Yoast Test Title';
    $args = array('user-agent' => sprintf('WordPress/%1$s; %2$s - Yoast', $GLOBALS['wp_version'], get_site_url()));
    $resp = wp_remote_get(get_bloginfo('url'), $args);
    if ($resp && !is_wp_error($resp) && (200 == $resp['response']['code'] && isset($resp['body']))) {
        $res = preg_match('`<title>([^<]+)</title>`im', $resp['body'], $matches);
        if ($res && strcmp($matches[1], $expected_title) !== 0) {
            $options['forcerewritetitle'] = true;
            $resp = wp_remote_get(get_bloginfo('url'), $args);
            $res = false;
            if ($resp && !is_wp_error($resp) && (200 == $resp['response']['code'] && isset($resp['body']))) {
                $res = preg_match('`/<title>([^>]+)</title>`im', $resp['body'], $matches);
        if (!$res || $matches[1] != $expected_title) {
            $options['forcerewritetitle'] = false;
    } else {
        // If that dies, let's make sure the titles are correct and force the output.
        $options['forcerewritetitle'] = true;
    $options['title_test'] = 0;
    update_option('wpseo_titles', $options);
 public function __construct($sURL, $iTimeout = 10, $iRedirects = 5, $aHeaders = null, $sUserAgent = null, $bForceFsockOpen = false)
     $this->timeout = $iTimeout;
     $this->redirects = $iRedirects;
     $this->headers = $sUserAgent;
     $this->useragent = $sUserAgent;
     $this->url = $sURL;
     // If the scheme is not http or https.
     if (!preg_match('/^http(s)?:\\/\\//i', $sURL)) {
         $this->error = '';
         $this->success = false;
     // Arguments
     $aArgs = array('timeout' => $this->timeout, 'redirection' => $this->redirects, true, 'sslverify' => false);
     if (!empty($this->headers)) {
         $aArgs['headers'] = $this->headers;
     if (SIMPLEPIE_USERAGENT != $this->useragent) {
         $aArgs['user-agent'] = $this->useragent;
     // Request
     $res = function_exists('wp_safe_remote_request') ? wp_safe_remote_request($sURL, $aArgs) : wp_remote_get($sURL, $aArgs);
     if (is_wp_error($res)) {
         $this->error = 'WP HTTP Error: ' . $res->get_error_message();
         $this->success = false;
     $this->headers = wp_remote_retrieve_headers($res);
     $this->body = wp_remote_retrieve_body($res);
     $this->status_code = wp_remote_retrieve_response_code($res);
 function createFile($imgURL)
     $remImgURL = urldecode($imgURL);
     $urlParced = pathinfo($remImgURL);
     $remImgURLFilename = $urlParced['basename'];
     $imgData = wp_remote_get($remImgURL);
     if (is_wp_error($imgData)) {
         $badOut['Error'] = print_r($imgData, true) . " - ERROR";
         return $badOut;
     $imgData = $imgData['body'];
     $tmp = array_search('uri', @array_flip(stream_get_meta_data($GLOBALS[mt_rand()] = tmpfile())));
     if (!is_writable($tmp)) {
         return "Your temporary folder or file (file - " . $tmp . ") is not witable. Can't upload images to Flickr";
     rename($tmp, $tmp .= '.png');
     register_shutdown_function(create_function('', "unlink('{$tmp}');"));
     file_put_contents($tmp, $imgData);
     if (!$tmp) {
         return 'You must specify a path to a file';
     if (!file_exists($tmp)) {
         return 'File path specified does not exist';
     if (!is_readable($tmp)) {
         return 'File path specified is not readable';
     //  $data['name'] = basename($tmp);
     return "@{$tmp}";
 public function check_email($data = '')
     if (empty($this->public_key)) {
         return new WP_Error('no_api_key', __('No API key was provided', 'awesome-support'));
     if (empty($data)) {
         if (isset($_POST)) {
             $data = $_POST;
         } else {
             return new WP_Error('no_data', __('No data to check', 'awesome-support'));
     if (!isset($data['email'])) {
         return new WP_Error('no_email', __('No e-mail to check', 'awesome-support'));
     global $wp_version;
     $args = array('timeout' => 5, 'redirection' => 5, 'httpversion' => '1.0', 'user-agent' => 'WordPress/' . $wp_version . '; ' . get_bloginfo('url'), 'blocking' => true, 'headers' => array('Authorization' => 'Basic ' . base64_encode('api:' . $this->public_key)), 'cookies' => array(), 'body' => array('address' => $data['email']), 'compress' => false, 'decompress' => true, 'sslverify' => true, 'stream' => false, 'filename' => null);
     $response = wp_remote_get(esc_url($this->endpoint), $args);
     $response_code = wp_remote_retrieve_response_code($response);
     if (is_wp_error($response)) {
         return $response;
     if (200 != $response_code) {
         return new WP_Error($response_code, wp_remote_retrieve_response_message($response));
     $body = wp_remote_retrieve_body($response);
     return $body;
 protected function getDownloadUrl()
     global $wp_filesystem;
     $package_filename = 'js_composer.zip';
     $res = $this->fs_connect(array(WP_CONTENT_DIR));
     if (!$res) {
         return new WP_Error('no_credentials', __("Error! Can't connect to filesystem", 'js_composer'));
     $username = WPBakeryVisualComposerSettings::get('envato_username');
     $api_key = WPBakeryVisualComposerSettings::get('envato_api_key');
     $purchase_code = WPBakeryVisualComposerSettings::get('js_composer_purchase_code');
     if (empty($username) || empty($api_key) || empty($purchase_code)) {
         return new WP_Error('no_credentials', __('Error! Envato username, api key and your purchase code are required for downloading updates from Envato marketplace for the Visual Composer. Visit <a href="' . admin_url('options-general.php?page=wpb_vc_settings&tab=updater') . '' . '">Settings</a> to fix.', 'js_composer'));
     $json = wp_remote_get($this->envatoDownloadPurchaseUrl($username, $api_key, $purchase_code));
     $result = json_decode($json['body'], true);
     if (!isset($result['download-purchase']['download_url'])) {
         return new WP_Error('no_credentials', __('Error! Envato API error' . (isset($result['error']) ? ': ' . $result['error'] : '.'), 'js_composer'));
     $download_file = download_url($result['download-purchase']['download_url']);
     if (is_wp_error($download_file)) {
         return $download_file;
     $upgrade_folder = $wp_filesystem->wp_content_dir() . 'upgrade_tmp/js_composer_envato_package';
     if (is_dir($upgrade_folder)) {
     $result = unzip_file($download_file, $upgrade_folder);
     if ($result && is_file($upgrade_folder . '/' . $package_filename)) {
         return $upgrade_folder . '/' . $package_filename;
     return new WP_Error('no_credentials', __('Error on unzipping package', 'js_composer'));
 function fetch_feed($username, $slice = 8)
     $barcelona_remote_url = esc_url('http://instagram.com/' . trim(strtolower($username)));
     $barcelona_transient_key = 'barcelona_instagram_feed_' . sanitize_title_with_dashes($username);
     $slice = absint($slice);
     if (false === ($barcelona_result_data = get_transient($barcelona_transient_key))) {
         $barcelona_remote = wp_remote_get($barcelona_remote_url);
         if (is_wp_error($barcelona_remote) || 200 != wp_remote_retrieve_response_code($barcelona_remote)) {
             return new WP_Error('not-connected', esc_html__('Unable to communicate with Instagram.', 'barcelona'));
         preg_match('#window\\.\\_sharedData\\s\\=\\s(.*?)\\;\\<\\/script\\>#', $barcelona_remote['body'], $barcelona_match);
         if (!empty($barcelona_match)) {
             $barcelona_data = json_decode(end($barcelona_match), true);
             if (is_array($barcelona_data) && isset($barcelona_data['entry_data']['ProfilePage'][0]['user']['media']['nodes'])) {
                 $barcelona_result_data = $barcelona_data['entry_data']['ProfilePage'][0]['user']['media']['nodes'];
         if (is_array($barcelona_result_data)) {
             set_transient($barcelona_transient_key, $barcelona_result_data, 60 * 60 * 2);
     if (empty($barcelona_result_data)) {
         return new WP_Error('no-images', esc_html__('Instagram did not return any images.', 'barcelona'));
     return array_slice($barcelona_result_data, 0, $slice);
 public function getArtistShows($artist)
     $json = wp_remote_get($this->apiUrl . 'artists/' . $artist . '/events.json?api_version=2.0&app_id=developer-candidate-practical-exam');
     $array = json_decode($json['body']);
     $shows = $array;
     return $shows;
Exemplo n.º 17
 private function get_notice_json()
     // get notice data from server
     $data = @wp_remote_get($this->server_file, array('sslverify' => false));
     if (isset($data) && !empty($data) && !is_wp_error($data) && $data['response']['code'] == 200) {
         $data = $data['body'];
         // if some data exists
         if ($data != '' || !empty($data)) {
             if (!empty($this->notice_data)) {
                 if (strcmp($data, $this->notice_data) == 0) {
                     // set new cookie for interval value
                     AvadaRedux_Functions::setCookie($this->cookie_id, time(), time() + 86400 * $this->interval, '/');
                     // bail out
             update_option('r_notice_data', $data);
             $this->notice_data = $data;
             // set cookie for three day expiry
             setcookie($this->cookie_id, time(), time() + 86400 * $this->interval, '/');
             // set unique key for dismiss meta key
             update_option($this->cookie_id, time());
Exemplo n.º 18
  * Query twitter's API
  * @uses $this->get_bearer_token() to retrieve token if not working
  * @param string $query Insert the query in the format "count=1&include_entities=true&include_rts=true&screen_name=micc1983!
  * @param array $query_args Array of arguments: Resource type (string) and cache duration (int)
  * @param bool $stop Stop the query to avoid infinite loop
  * @return bool|object Return an object containing the result
 public function query($query, $query_args = array(), $stop = false)
     if ($this->has_error) {
         return false;
     if (is_array($query_args) && !empty($query_args)) {
         $this->query_args = array_merge($this->query_args, $query_args);
     $transient_name = 'wta_' . md5($query);
     if (false !== ($data = get_transient($transient_name))) {
         return json_decode($data);
     $args = array('method' => 'GET', 'timeout' => 5, 'redirection' => 5, 'httpversion' => '1.0', 'blocking' => true, 'headers' => array('Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . $this->bearer_token, 'Accept-Encoding' => 'gzip'), 'body' => null, 'cookies' => array());
     $response = wp_remote_get('https://api.twitter.com/1.1/' . $this->query_args['type'] . '.json?' . $query, $args);
     if (is_wp_error($response) || 200 != $response['response']['code']) {
         if (!$stop) {
             $this->bearer_token = $this->get_bearer_token();
             return $this->query($query, $this->query_args, true);
         } else {
             return $this->bail(__('Bearer Token is good, check your query', 'wp_twitter_api'), $response);
     set_transient($transient_name, $response['body'], $this->query_args['cache']);
     return json_decode($response['body']);
Exemplo n.º 19
  * Returns an array of search suggestions from the unofficial completion API located 
  * at the endpoint specified in this class. &q=query
  * Parses the output into an array of associative arrays with keys of term, volume and
  * current. "current" is a boolean that determines whether the result in question is the searched
  * for term.
  * @return array|WP_Error WP_Error if something goes wrong. Otherwise, an array as described above.
 public static function get_suggestions($search_term)
     $search_term = trim($search_term);
     if (empty($search_term)) {
         return new WP_Error('empty_term', __('Please provide a search term.', 'scribeseo'));
     $response = wp_remote_get(add_query_arg(array('q' => urlencode($search_term)), self::ENDPOINT));
     if (is_wp_error($response)) {
         return $response;
     $result = array();
     // turn on user error handing
     $user_errors = libxml_use_internal_errors(true);
     $complete_suggestions = simplexml_load_string(wp_remote_retrieve_body($response));
     // get any errors
     $xml_errors = libxml_get_errors();
     // restore error handling setting
     if (!empty($xml_errors)) {
         return new WP_Error('xml_error', __('The XML from the Google Completion API could not be loaded appropriately.', 'scribeseo'));
     $complete_suggestions_po = json_decode(json_encode($complete_suggestions));
     if (!is_object($complete_suggestions_po) || !isset($complete_suggestions_po->CompleteSuggestion)) {
         return new WP_Error('xml_error', __('The XML from the Google Completion API could not be loaded appropriately.', 'scribeseo'));
     foreach ($complete_suggestions_po->CompleteSuggestion as $suggestion) {
         $term = $suggestion->suggestion->{'@attributes'}->data;
         $volume = intval($suggestion->num_queries->{'@attributes'}->int);
         $volume_nice = number_format_i18n($volume);
         $current = $term == $search_term;
         $result[] = compact('term', 'volume', 'volume_nice', 'current');
     return $result;
Exemplo n.º 20
  * Execute an API call
  * @param string $method The HTTP method
  * @param string $url The API endpoint
  * @param string $call The API method to call
  * @param array $additional Additional parameters
  * @return array
 public function fetch($method, $url, $call, array $additional = array())
     // Get the signed request URL
     $request = $this->getSignedRequest($method, $url, $call, $additional);
     if ($method == 'GET') {
         $args = array();
         $response = wp_remote_get($request['url'], $args);
         $this->outFile = null;
     } elseif ($method == 'POST') {
         $args = array('body' => $request['postfields']);
         $response = wp_remote_post($request['url'], $args);
     } elseif ($method == 'PUT' && $this->inFile) {
         return new WP_Error('unsupported', "WordPress does not have a native HTTP PUT function");
     // If the response body is not a JSON encoded string
     // we'll return the entire response body
     // Important to do this first, as the next section relies on the decoding having taken place
     if (!($body = json_decode($response['body']))) {
         $body = $response['body'];
     // Check if an error occurred and throw an Exception. This is part of the authentication process - don't modify.
     if (!empty($body->error)) {
         $message = $body->error . ' (Status Code: ' . $response['code'] . ')';
         throw new Dropbox_Exception($message);
     if (is_wp_error($response)) {
         $message = $response->get_error_message();
         throw new Dropbox_Exception($message);
     $results = array('body' => $body, 'code' => $response['response']['code'], 'headers' => $response['headers']);
     return $results;
Exemplo n.º 21
 private function get_notice_json()
     // filesystem object
     $filesystem = $this->parent->filesystem;
     // get notice data from server
     //$data = $filesystem->execute('get_contents', $this->server_file);// 'http://www.reduxframework.com/' . 'wp-content/uploads/redux/redux_notice.json');
     $data = wp_remote_get($this->server_file, array('sslverify' => false));
     $data = $data['body'];
     // if some data exists
     if ($data != '' || !empty($data)) {
         // if local notice file exists
         if (file_exists($this->notice_json)) {
             // get cached data
             $cache_data = $filesystem->execute('get_contents', $this->notice_json);
             // if local and server data are same, then return
             if (strcmp($data, $cache_data) == 0) {
                 // set new cookie for interval value
                 Redux_Functions::setCookie($this->cookie_id, time(), time() + 86400 * $this->interval, '/');
                 // bail out
         // set server data
         $params = array('content' => $data);
         // write local notice file with new data
         $filesystem->execute('put_contents', $this->notice_json, $params);
         // set cookie for three day expiry
         setcookie($this->cookie_id, time(), time() + 86400 * $this->interval, '/');
         // set unique key for dismiss meta key
         update_option($this->cookie_id, time());
Exemplo n.º 22
 * Get uploads from the production site and store them
 * in the local filesystem if they don't already exist.
 * @return  void
function uploads_proxy()
    global $wp_filesystem;
    // The relative request path
    $requestPath = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
    // The relative uploads path
    $uploadsPath = str_replace(get_bloginfo('url'), '', wp_upload_dir()['baseurl']);
    // Check if a upload was requested
    if (strpos($requestPath, $uploadsPath) === 0) {
        // The absolute remote path to the upload
        $remotePath = UP_SITEURL . $requestPath;
        // Get the remote upload file
        $response = wp_remote_get($remotePath);
        // Check the response code
        if ($response['response']['code'] === 200) {
            // The file path relative to the uploads path to store the upload file to
            $relativeUploadFile = str_replace($uploadsPath, '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
            // The absolute file path to store the upload file to
            $absoluteUploadFile = wp_upload_dir()['basedir'] . $relativeUploadFile;
            // Make sure the upload directory exists
            if ($wp_filesystem->put_contents(urldecode($absoluteUploadFile), $response['body'], FS_CHMOD_FILE)) {
                // Redirect to the stored upload
 public static function login_existing_facebook_user_ajax()
     if (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'displet_user_check_request' && !empty($_POST['email']) && !empty($_POST['token'])) {
         $user_id = DispletRetsIdxUsersModel::get_user_id_by_email($_POST['email']);
         if (!empty($user_id)) {
             $json_array = wp_remote_post('https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token?client_id=' . self::$_options['facebook_app_id'] . '&client_secret=' . self::$_options['facebook_app_secret'] . '&grant_type=client_credentials');
             if (!empty($json_array['body'])) {
                 $response = wp_remote_get('https://graph.facebook.com/debug_token?input_token=' . $_POST['token'] . '&' . $json_array['body']);
                 if (!empty($response['body'])) {
                     $result = json_decode($response['body']);
                     if (!empty($result->data) && !empty($result->data->is_valid) && !empty($result->data->app_id) && $result->data->app_id === self::$_options['facebook_app_id']) {
                         wp_set_auth_cookie($user_id, true);
                         echo 'User Exists and Logged In';
         } else {
             echo 'There is no email account associated with this user.';
     echo 'We\'re sorry, there was an error processing your request. Please try again.';
Exemplo n.º 24
 function userMedia()
     $url = 'https://api.instagram.com/v1/users/' . $this->userID() . '/media/recent/?access_token=' . $this->access_token;
     $content = wp_remote_get($url);
     $response = wp_remote_retrieve_body($content);
     return $json = json_decode($response, true);
Exemplo n.º 25
  * Show Theme changes. Code adapted from W3 Total Cache.
  * @return void
 function wplms_update_message($args)
     $transient_name = 'wplms_upgrade_notice_' . $args['Version'];
     if (false === ($upgrade_notice = get_transient($transient_name))) {
         $response = wp_remote_get('https://s3.amazonaws.com/WPLMS/readme.txt');
         if (!is_wp_error($response) && !empty($response['body'])) {
             // Output Upgrade Notice
             $matches = null;
             $regexp = '~==\\s*Upgrade Notice\\s*==\\s*=\\s*(.*)\\s*=(.*)(=\\s*' . preg_quote(WC_VERSION) . '\\s*=|$)~Uis';
             $upgrade_notice = '';
             if (preg_match($regexp, $response['body'], $matches)) {
                 $version = trim($matches[1]);
                 $notices = (array) preg_split('~[\\r\\n]+~', trim($matches[2]));
                 if (version_compare(WC_VERSION, $version, '<')) {
                     $upgrade_notice .= '<div class="wplms_plugin_upgrade_notice">';
                     foreach ($notices as $index => $line) {
                         $upgrade_notice .= wp_kses_post(preg_replace('~\\[([^\\]]*)\\]\\(([^\\)]*)\\)~', '<a href="${2}">${1}</a>', $line));
                     $upgrade_notice .= '</div> ';
             set_transient($transient_name, $upgrade_notice, DAY_IN_SECONDS);
     echo wp_kses_post($upgrade_notice);
Exemplo n.º 26
function _manually_load_plugin()
    $host = getenv('EP_HOST');
    if (empty($host)) {
        $host = 'http://localhost:9200';
    define('EP_HOST', $host);
    require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../vendor/woocommerce/woocommerce.php';
    require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../elasticpress.php';
    add_filter('ep_config_mapping', 'ep_test_shard_number');
    $tries = 5;
    $sleep = 3;
    do {
        $response = wp_remote_get(EP_HOST);
        if (200 == wp_remote_retrieve_response_code($response)) {
            // Looks good!
        } else {
            printf("\nInvalid response from ES, sleeping %d seconds and trying again...\n", intval($sleep));
    } while (--$tries);
    if (200 != wp_remote_retrieve_response_code($response)) {
        exit('Could not connect to ElasticPress server.');
    require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/functions.php';
Exemplo n.º 27
 function ping_search_system()
     global $site_link;
     $url = '';
     $last_ping = get_option('last_ping_search_system') != false ? get_option('last_ping_search_system') : 0;
     $limit_time = time() - $last_ping > 3600;
     //limit time 3600 sm - 1 hour;
     if (count($_POST) > 1 && $limit_time) {
         foreach ($_POST as $key) {
             switch ($key) {
                 case 'google_ping':
                     $url = '//google.com/webmasters/sitemaps/ping?sitemap=';
                 case 'yandex_ping':
                     $url = '//webmaster.yandex.ru/wmconsole/sitemap_list.xml?host=';
                 case 'yahoo_ping':
                     $url = '//search.yahooapis.com/SiteExplorerService/V1/ping?sitemap=';
                 case 'bing_ping':
                     $url = '//www.bing.com/webmaster/ping.aspx?siteMap=';
                 case 'ask_ping':
                     $url = '//submissions.ask.com/ping?sitemap=';
             if (@get_headers($url)) {
                 wp_remote_get($url . $site_link . "sitemap.xml");
         update_option('last_ping_search_system', time());
 public static function get_user($domain, $jwt, $user_id)
     $endpoint = "https://{$domain}/api/v2/users/" . urlencode($user_id);
     $headers = self::get_info_headers();
     $headers['Authorization'] = "Bearer {$jwt}";
     return wp_remote_get($endpoint, array('headers' => $headers));
Exemplo n.º 29
 * The API call
function wpl_instagram_response($userid = null, $count = 6, $columns = 3)
    if (intval($userid) === 0) {
        return '<p>No user ID specified.</p>';
    $transient_var = 'biw_' . $userid . '_' . $count;
    if (false === ($items = get_transient($transient_var))) {
        $response = wp_remote_get('https://api.instagram.com/v1/users/' . $userid . '/media/recent/?client_id=' . BIW_CLIENT_ID . '&count=' . esc_attr($count));
        $response_body = json_decode($response['body']);
        //echo '<pre>'; print_r( $response_body ); echo '</pre>';
        if ($response_body->meta->code !== 200) {
            return '<p>Incorrect user ID specified.</p>';
        $items_as_objects = $response_body->data;
        $items = array();
        foreach ($items_as_objects as $item_object) {
            $item['link'] = $item_object->link;
            $item['src'] = $item_object->images->low_resolution->url;
            $items[] = $item;
        set_transient($transient_var, $items, 60 * 60);
    $output = '<ul class="photo-tiles large-block-grid-3 medium-block-grid-6 small-block-grid-3">';
    foreach ($items as $item) {
        $link = $item['link'];
        $image = $item['src'];
        $output .= '<li class="photo-tile"><a href="' . esc_url($link) . '"><img src="' . esc_url($image) . '" /></a></li>';
    $output .= '</ul>';
    return $output;
Exemplo n.º 30
 private static function apiRequest($act, $post_data = null, $use_ssl = true)
     global $wp_version;
     $site = rawurlencode(base64_encode(get_option('siteurl')));
     $url = "http" . ($use_ssl ? "s://ssl-account.com" : ":/") . "/interface.fabi.me/wpfilebase-pro/{$act}.php";
     $get_args = array('version' => WPFB_VERSION, 'pl_slug' => 'wp-filebase', 'pl_ver' => WPFB_VERSION, 'wp_ver' => $wp_version, 'site' => $site);
     // try to get from cache
     $cache_key = 'wpfb_apireq_' . md5($act . '||' . serialize($get_args) . '||' . serialize($post_data) . '||' . __FILE__);
     if (isset($_REQUEST['no_api_cache'])) {
     $res = get_transient($cache_key);
     if ($res !== false) {
         return $res;
     //trigger_error ( "WP-Filebase apiRequest (ssl=$use_ssl): $act ".json_encode($post_data), E_USER_NOTICE );
     if (empty($post_data)) {
         $res = wp_remote_get($url, $get_args);
     } else {
         $res = wp_remote_post(add_query_arg($get_args, $url), array('body' => $post_data));
     if (is_wp_error($res)) {
         if ($use_ssl) {
             // retry without ssl
             return self::apiRequest($act, $post_data, false);
         echo "<b>WP-Filebase API request error:</b>";
         return false;
     $res = empty($res['body']) ? false : json_decode($res['body']);
     set_transient($cache_key, $res, 0 + 6 * HOUR_IN_SECONDS);
     return $res;