public function test_wp_idea_stream_parse_query()
     // Generate a publish idea
     $idea_id = $this->factory->idea->create(array('author' => 1));
     // Create a user
     $u1 = $this->factory->user->create();
     $u2 = $this->factory->user->create();
     wp_idea_stream_add_rate($idea_id, $u1, 1);
     wp_idea_stream_add_rate($idea_id, $u2, 1);
     $rates = get_post_meta($idea_id, '_ideastream_rates', true);
     // Get user 1 rates
     $u1_rated_ideas = wp_idea_stream_ideas_get_ideas(array('per_page' => -1, 'meta_query' => array(array('key' => '_ideastream_rates', 'value' => ';i:' . $u1 . ';', 'compare' => 'LIKE'))));
     $u1_rated_id = wp_list_pluck($u1_rated_ideas['ideas'], 'ID');
     $this->assertTrue($idea_id === (int) reset($u1_rated_id));
     // Get user 2 rates
     $u2_rated_ideas = wp_idea_stream_ideas_get_ideas(array('per_page' => -1, 'meta_query' => array(array('key' => '_ideastream_rates', 'value' => ';i:' . $u2 . ';', 'compare' => 'LIKE'))));
     $u2_rated_id = wp_list_pluck($u2_rated_ideas['ideas'], 'ID');
     $this->assertTrue($idea_id === (int) reset($u2_rated_id));
     // Get user 2 rates
     $author_rated_ideas = wp_idea_stream_ideas_get_ideas(array('per_page' => -1, 'meta_query' => array(array('key' => '_ideastream_rates', 'value' => ';i:1;', 'compare' => 'LIKE'))));
     // Author did not vote on his idea
     $author_rated_id = wp_list_pluck($author_rated_ideas['ideas'], 'ID');
     $this->assertFalse($idea_id === (int) reset($author_rated_id), 'Only ideas the user rated should be in the query');
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Process the repair tool
  * In case something went wrong with group activities (visibility, component...),
  * this tool should repair the problematic activities.
  * @package WP Idea Stream
  * @subpackage buddypress/activity
  * @since 2.0.0
  * @global $wpdb
  * @uses   bp_is_active() to check if a component is active
  * @uses   wp_list_pluck() to pluck a certain field out of each object in a list.
  * @uses   bp_activity_get() to get all ideastream activities
  * @uses   wp_filter_object_list() to filter a list of objects, based on a set of key => value arguments.
  * @uses   wp_parse_id_list() to sanitize a list of ids
  * @uses   get_post_meta() to get the group id the idea is attached to
  * @uses   groups_get_groups() to get the needed groups
  * @uses   WP_Idea_Stream_Activity::bulk_edit_activity() to update the activities (component/item_id/visibility)
  * @return array the result of the repair operation.
 public function repair_activities()
     global $wpdb;
     $buddypress = buddypress();
     $blog_id = get_current_blog_id();
     // Description of this tool, displayed to the user
     $statement = __('Making sure IdeaStream activities are consistent: %s', 'wp-idea-stream');
     // Default to failure text
     $result = __('No activity needs to be repaired.', 'wp-idea-stream');
     // Default to unrepaired
     $repair = 0;
     if (!bp_is_active('groups')) {
     $ideastream_types = wp_list_pluck($this->activity_actions, 'type');
     // Get all activities
     $ideastream_activities = bp_activity_get(array('filter' => array('action' => $ideastream_types), 'show_hidden' => true, 'spam' => 'all', 'per_page' => false));
     if (is_array($ideastream_activities['activities'])) {
         $idea_comments = array();
         $idea_posts = array();
         $to_repair = array();
         $attached_component = array('comment' => array($buddypress->groups->id => array(), $buddypress->blogs->id => array()), 'post' => array($buddypress->groups->id => array(), $buddypress->blogs->id => array()));
         foreach ($ideastream_activities['activities'] as $activity) {
             if (false !== strpos($activity->type, 'comment')) {
                 $idea_comments[$activity->id] = $activity->secondary_item_id;
                 $attached_component['comment'][$activity->component][] = $activity->id;
             } else {
                 $idea_posts[$activity->id] = $activity->secondary_item_id;
                 $attached_component['post'][$activity->component][] = $activity->id;
         // Gets the comment activities to repair
         if (!empty($idea_comments)) {
             // I don't think get_comments() allow us to get comments
             // using a list of comment ids..
             $in = implode(',', wp_parse_id_list($idea_comments));
             $sql = array('select' => "SELECT c.comment_ID, m.meta_value as group_id", 'from' => "FROM {$wpdb->comments} c LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->postmeta} m", 'on' => "ON (c.comment_post_ID = m.post_id )", 'where' => $wpdb->prepare("WHERE comment_ID IN ({$in}) AND m.meta_key = %s", '_ideastream_group_id'));
             $idea_comments_check = $wpdb->get_results(join(' ', $sql), OBJECT_K);
             foreach ($idea_comments as $activity_comment_id => $comment_secondary_id) {
                 if (!empty($idea_comments_check[$comment_secondary_id]) && !in_array($activity_comment_id, $attached_component['comment'][$buddypress->groups->id])) {
                     $to_repair['groups'][$idea_comments_check[$comment_secondary_id]->group_id][] = $activity_comment_id;
                 } else {
                     if (empty($idea_comments_check[$comment_secondary_id]) && in_array($activity_comment_id, $attached_component['comment'][$buddypress->groups->id])) {
                         $to_repair['blogs'][] = $activity_comment_id;
         // Gets the idea activities to repair
         if (!empty($idea_posts)) {
             add_filter('wp_idea_stream_ideas_get_status', 'wp_idea_stream_ideas_get_all_status', 10, 1);
             // Get user's ideas posted in the group
             $idea_posts_check = wp_idea_stream_ideas_get_ideas(array('per_page' => -1, 'include' => $idea_posts, 'meta_query' => array(array('key' => '_ideastream_group_id', 'compare' => 'EXIST'))));
             $idea_posts_check = wp_list_pluck($idea_posts_check['ideas'], 'ID');
             remove_filter('wp_idea_stream_ideas_get_status', 'wp_idea_stream_ideas_get_all_status', 10, 1);
             foreach ($idea_posts as $activity_post_id => $post_secondary_id) {
                 if (in_array($post_secondary_id, $idea_posts_check) && !in_array($activity_post_id, $attached_component['post'][$buddypress->groups->id])) {
                     $group_id = get_post_meta($post_secondary_id, '_ideastream_group_id', true);
                     if (!empty($group_id)) {
                         $to_repair['groups'][$group_id][] = $activity_post_id;
                 } else {
                     if (!in_array($post_secondary_id, $idea_posts_check) && in_array($activity_post_id, $attached_component['post'][$buddypress->groups->id])) {
                         $to_repair['blogs'][] = $activity_post_id;
     if (!empty($to_repair['groups'])) {
         // Get the groups to have their status
         $groups = groups_get_groups(array('show_hidden' => true, 'populate_extras' => false, 'include' => join(',', array_keys($to_repair['groups'])), 'per_page' => false));
         if (!empty($groups['groups'])) {
             $public_groups = wp_filter_object_list($groups['groups'], array('status' => 'public'), 'and', 'id');
             foreach ($to_repair['groups'] as $item_id => $repair_activities) {
                 $hide_sitewide = 0;
                 if (!in_array($item_id, $public_groups)) {
                     $hide_sitewide = 1;
                 self::bulk_edit_activity($repair_activities, $hide_sitewide, $buddypress->groups->id, $item_id);
                 $repair += count($repair_activities);
     if (!empty($to_repair['blogs'])) {
         self::bulk_edit_activity($to_repair['blogs'], 0, $buddypress->blogs->id, $blog_id);
         $repair += count($to_repair['blogs']);
     // Setup success/fail messaging
     if (!empty($repair)) {
         $result = sprintf(__('%d repared', 'wp-idea-stream'), $repair);
     // All done!
     return array(0, sprintf($statement, $result));
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Constructor
  * @package WP Idea Stream
  * @subpackage idea/tags
  * @since 2.0.0
  * @param  array $args the loop args
  * @uses   get_query_var()
  * @uses   wp_idea_stream_get_idea_var() to get the globalized query loop
  * @uses   wp_idea_stream_ideas_get_idea_by_name() to get the idea object thanks to its post_name
  * @uses   wp_idea_stream_reset_post() to reset the $wp_query->post data
  * @uses   wp_idea_stream_set_idea_var() to globalized the need for a reset postdata
  * @uses   wp_idea_stream_ideas_get_ideas() get all matching ideas
  * @uses   wp_idea_stream_is_pretty_links() do we have a custom permalink structure ?
  * @uses   add_query_arg() to build the url in case default permalink is set
  * @uses   wp_idea_stream_is_idea_archive() to check an idea archive page is being displayed
  * @uses   wp_idea_stream_get_root_url() to get ideas archive url
  * @uses   wp_idea_stream_is_category() to check a category page is being displayed
  * @uses   wp_idea_stream_get_category_url() to get the category url
  * @uses   wp_idea_stream_is_tag() to check a tag page is being displayed
  * @uses   wp_idea_stream_get_tag_url() to get the category url
  * @uses   wp_idea_stream_is_user_profile_rates() to check the rates user's profile page is displayed
  * @uses   wp_idea_stream_users_get_displayed_profile_url() to get user's profile url
  * @uses   wp_idea_stream_is_user_profile_ideas() to check the main user's profile page is displayed
  * @uses   wp_idea_stream_paged_slug() to get the pagination slug
  * @uses   wp_idea_stream_search_rewrite_id() to get the search rewrite id
  * @uses   WP_Idea_Stream_Loop::start() to launch the loop
  * @uses   apply_filters() call 'wp_idea_stream_ideas_pagination_args' to override paginate args
 public function __construct($args = array())
     if (!empty($args) && empty($args['is_widget'])) {
         $paged = get_query_var('paged');
         // Set which pagination page
         if (!empty($paged)) {
             $args['page'] = $paged;
             // Checking query string just in case
         } else {
             if (!empty($_GET['paged'])) {
                 $args['page'] = absint($_GET['paged']);
                 // Checking in page args
             } else {
                 if (!empty($args['page'])) {
                     $args['page'] = absint($args['page']);
                     // Default to first page
                 } else {
                     $args['page'] = 1;
     // Only get the idea requested
     if (!empty($args['idea_name'])) {
         $query_loop = wp_idea_stream_get_idea_var('query_loop');
         if (empty($query_loop->idea)) {
             $idea = wp_idea_stream_ideas_get_idea_by_name($args['idea_name']);
         } else {
             $idea = $query_loop->idea;
         // can't do this too ealy
         $reset_data = array_merge((array) $idea, array('is_page' => true));
         // this needs a "reset postdata"!
         wp_idea_stream_set_idea_var('needs_reset', true);
         $ideas = array('ideas' => array($idea), 'total' => 1, 'get_args' => array('page' => 1, 'per_page' => 1));
         // Get the ideas
     } else {
         $ideas = wp_idea_stream_ideas_get_ideas($args);
     if (!empty($ideas['get_args'])) {
         foreach ($ideas['get_args'] as $key => $value) {
             $this->{$key} = $value;
     } else {
         return false;
     $params = array('plugin_prefix' => 'wp_idea_stream', 'item_name' => 'idea', 'item_name_plural' => 'ideas', 'items' => $ideas['ideas'], 'total_item_count' => $ideas['total'], 'page' => $this->page, 'per_page' => $this->per_page);
     $paginate_args = array();
     // No pretty links
     if (!wp_idea_stream_is_pretty_links()) {
         $paginate_args['base'] = add_query_arg('paged', '%#%');
     } else {
         // Is it the main archive page ?
         if (wp_idea_stream_is_idea_archive()) {
             $base = trailingslashit(wp_idea_stream_get_root_url()) . '%_%';
             // Or the category archive page ?
         } else {
             if (wp_idea_stream_is_category()) {
                 $base = trailingslashit(wp_idea_stream_get_category_url()) . '%_%';
                 // Or the tag archive page ?
             } else {
                 if (wp_idea_stream_is_tag()) {
                     $base = trailingslashit(wp_idea_stream_get_tag_url()) . '%_%';
                     // Or the displayed user rated ideas ?
                 } else {
                     if (wp_idea_stream_is_user_profile_rates()) {
                         $base = trailingslashit(wp_idea_stream_users_get_displayed_profile_url('rates')) . '%_%';
                         // Or the displayed user published ideas ?
                     } else {
                         if (wp_idea_stream_is_user_profile_ideas()) {
                             $base = trailingslashit(wp_idea_stream_users_get_displayed_profile_url()) . '%_%';
                             // Or nothing i've planed ?
                         } else {
                              * Create your own pagination base if not handled by the plugin
                              * @param string empty string
                             $base = apply_filters('wp_idea_stream_ideas_pagination_base', '');
         $paginate_args['base'] = $base;
         $paginate_args['format'] = wp_idea_stream_paged_slug() . '/%#%/';
     // Is this a search ?
     if (wp_idea_stream_get_idea_var('is_search')) {
         $paginate_args['add_args'] = array(wp_idea_stream_search_rewrite_id() => $_GET[wp_idea_stream_search_rewrite_id()]);
     // Do we have a specific order to use ?
     $orderby = wp_idea_stream_get_idea_var('orderby');
     if (!empty($orderby) && 'date' != $orderby) {
         $merge = array();
         if (!empty($paginate_args['add_args'])) {
             $merge = $paginate_args['add_args'];
         $paginate_args['add_args'] = array_merge($merge, array('orderby' => $orderby));
      * Use this filter to override the pagination
      * @param array $paginate_args the pagination arguments
     parent::start($params, apply_filters('wp_idea_stream_ideas_pagination_args', $paginate_args));
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Remove ideas of a banned / removed user from group
  * @package WP Idea Stream
  * @subpackage buddypress/groups
  * @since  2.0.0
  * @param  int $group_id the ID of the group
  * @param  int $user_id the ID of the user
  * @uses   apply_filters() call 'wp_idea_stream_buddypress_group_removed_user_ideas' to force ideas to be kept in group
  * @uses   add_filter() to temporarly include all post stati
  * @uses   wp_idea_stream_ideas_get_ideas() to get user's ideas posted in the group
  * @uses   remove_filter() to remove the filter
  * @uses   bp_loggedin_user_id() to get current user ID
  * @uses   WP_Idea_Stream_Idea()->save to update the idea
  * @uses   wp_idea_stream_user_can() to check for user's capacity
  * @uses   delete_post_meta() to remove the attached group
  * @uses   WP_Idea_Stream_Group::bulk_edit_ideas_status to bulk edit the ideas stati
  * @uses   do_action() call 'wp_idea_stream_buddypress_user_removed_from_group' to perform custom actions
 public function user_removed_from_group($group_id = 0, $user_id = 0)
     if (empty($group_id) || empty($user_id)) {
         return false;
      * Use this filter if you want to keep the ideas the user posted in the group
      * even if he was banned / removed from the group or if he left the group.
      * @param bool          true to remove user's ideas, false otherwise
      * @param int $group_id the group id the user left/was removed, banned from
      * @param int $user_id  the user id
     $remove_user_ideas = apply_filters('wp_idea_stream_buddypress_group_removed_user_ideas', true, $group_id, $user_id);
     if (empty($remove_user_ideas)) {
     add_filter('wp_idea_stream_ideas_get_status', 'wp_idea_stream_ideas_get_all_status', 10, 1);
     // Get user's ideas posted in the group
     $user_ideas = wp_idea_stream_ideas_get_ideas(array('per_page' => -1, 'author' => $user_id, 'meta_query' => array(array('key' => '_ideastream_group_id', 'value' => $group_id, 'compare' => '='))));
     remove_filter('wp_idea_stream_ideas_get_status', 'wp_idea_stream_ideas_get_all_status', 10, 1);
     if (empty($user_ideas['ideas'])) {
     $ideas = array();
     $leaving_group = doing_action('groups_leave_group');
     // Remove user's ideas from group
     foreach ($user_ideas['ideas'] as $idea) {
         if (!empty($leaving_group) && $idea->post_author == bp_loggedin_user_id()) {
             // Edit each idea's status and reset their group id
             $edit_idea = new WP_Idea_Stream_Idea($idea->ID);
             $edit_idea->status = 'publish';
             $edit_idea->metas['group_id'] = 0;
             // Update the idea
             // Else prepare remove from group
         } else {
             if (wp_idea_stream_user_can('remove_group_ideas')) {
                 delete_post_meta($idea->ID, '_ideastream_group_id');
                 $ideas[] = $idea->ID;
     if (!empty($ideas)) {
         // Bulk edit ideas to reset status to publish
         self::bulk_edit_ideas_status(array('status' => 'publish', 'ideas' => $ideas));
          * Use this action to perform custom ones, after the user ideas are removed as the user was banned
          * or removed from the group
          * @param  int   $user_id    the user id
          * @param  array $user_ideas list of WP_Post idea objects
          * @param  int   $group_id   the group ID
         do_action('wp_idea_stream_buddypress_user_removed_from_group', $user_id, $ideas, $group_id);
Exemplo n.º 5
  * @group remove_from_group
 public function test_wp_idea_stream_groups_member_remove_public_group()
     $bp = buddypress();
     // Set current group
     $bp->groups->current_group = groups_get_group(array('group_id' => $this->group_id, 'populate_extras' => true));
     $u = $this->factory->user->create();
     groups_join_group($this->group_id, $u);
     $idea1 = $this->factory->idea->create(array('author' => $u, 'metas' => array('group_id' => $this->group_id)));
     $idea2 = $this->factory->idea->create(array('author' => $u, 'metas' => array('group_id' => $this->group_id)));
     $bp->is_item_admin = true;
     groups_remove_member($u, $this->group_id);
     // Check metas
     $this->assertEmpty(wp_idea_stream_ideas_get_meta($idea1, 'group_id'));
     $this->assertEmpty(wp_idea_stream_ideas_get_meta($idea2, 'group_id'));
     $ideas = wp_idea_stream_ideas_get_ideas(array('include' => array($idea1, $idea2)));
     $public_ideas = wp_filter_object_list($ideas['ideas'], array('post_status' => 'publish'), 'and', 'ID');
     $this->assertEqualSets(array($idea1, $idea2), $public_ideas, 'When a member is banned from the group, ideas should always be public');
     // Reset item admin
     $bp->is_item_admin = false;
Exemplo n.º 6
 * Hooks to deleted_user to perform additional actions
 * When a user is deleted, we need to be sure the ideas he shared are also
 * deleted to avoid troubles in edit screens as the post author field will found
 * no user. I also remove rates.
 * The main problem here (excepting error notices) is ownership of the idea. To avoid any
 * troubles, deleting when user leaves seems to be the safest. If you have a different point
 * of view, you can remove_action( 'deleted_user', 'wp_idea_stream_users_delete_user_data', 10, 1 )
 * and use a different way of managing this. I advise you to make sure ideas are reattributed to
 * an existing user ID. About rates, there's no problem if a non existing user ID is in the rating
 * list of an idea.
 * @package WP Idea Stream
 * @subpackage users/functions
 * @since 2.0.0
 * @uses add_filter() to temporarly include all post status
 * @uses wp_idea_stream_ideas_get_ideas() to get all user's ideas and rates
 * @uses remove_filter() to remove the filter
 * @uses apply_filters() Calls 'wp_idea_stream_users_delete_user_force_delete' to override
 * @uses do_action() Calls 'wp_idea_stream_users_before_trash_user_data' to perform actions before idea is trashed
 *                   Calls 'wp_idea_stream_users_before_delete_user_data' to perform actions before idea is deleted
 * @uses wp_delete_post() to peramanently delete (forces flag on) these ideas
 * @uses wp_idea_stream_is_rating_disabled() to check if rating functionality is available
 * @uses wp_idea_stream_delete_rate() to delete user's rates
 * @uses do_action() Calls 'wp_idea_stream_delete_user_rates' to perform actions once user is deleted
function wp_idea_stream_users_delete_user_data($user_id = 0)
    if (empty($user_id)) {
    // Make sure we don't miss any ideas
    add_filter('wp_idea_stream_ideas_get_status', 'wp_idea_stream_ideas_get_all_status', 10, 1);
    // Get user's ideas, in case of multisite
    $user_ideas = wp_idea_stream_ideas_get_ideas(array('per_page' => -1, 'author' => $user_id));
    // remove asap
    remove_filter('wp_idea_stream_ideas_get_status', 'wp_idea_stream_ideas_get_all_status', 10, 1);
     * We're forcing ideas to be deleted definitively
     * Using this filter you can set it to only be trashed
     * Internally use in case user has been spammed (BuddyPress functionnality)
     * @see  buddypress/functions
     * @param bool   $force_delete true to permanently delete, false to trash
    $force_delete = apply_filters('wp_idea_stream_users_delete_user_force_delete', true);
    // If any delete them
    if (!empty($user_ideas['ideas'])) {
        foreach ($user_ideas['ideas'] as $user_idea) {
             * WordPress is using a check on native post types
             * so we can't just pass $force_delete to wp_delete_post().
            if (empty($force_delete)) {
                 * @param  int ID of the idea being trashed
                 * @param  int $user_id the user id
                do_action('wp_idea_stream_users_before_trash_user_data', $user_idea->ID, $user_id);
            } else {
                 * @param  int ID of the idea being trashed
                 * @param  int $user_id the user id
                do_action('wp_idea_stream_users_before_delete_user_data', $user_idea->ID, $user_id);
                wp_delete_post($user_idea->ID, true);
    // Ratings are on, try to delete them.
    if (!wp_idea_stream_is_rating_disabled()) {
        // Make sure we don't miss any ideas
        add_filter('wp_idea_stream_ideas_get_status', 'wp_idea_stream_ideas_get_all_status', 10, 1);
        // Get user's rates
        $rated_ideas = wp_idea_stream_ideas_get_ideas(array('per_page' => -1, 'meta_query' => array(array('key' => '_ideastream_rates', 'value' => ';i:' . $user_id . ';', 'compare' => 'LIKE'))));
        // remove asap
        remove_filter('wp_idea_stream_ideas_get_status', 'wp_idea_stream_ideas_get_all_status', 10, 1);
        // If any delete them.
        if (!empty($rated_ideas['ideas'])) {
            foreach ($rated_ideas['ideas'] as $idea) {
                wp_idea_stream_delete_rate($idea->ID, $user_id);
             * Internally used in BuddyPress part of the plugin to delete notifications
             * generated by the deleted user.
             * @see buddypress/notifications part
             * @param int $user_id the user ID
            do_action('wp_idea_stream_delete_user_rates', $user_id);
     * @param int $user_id the user ID
    do_action('wp_idea_stream_users_deleted_user_data', $user_id);