Exemplo n.º 1
 private function view_options()
     require_once ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/options-head.php';
     wp_enqueue_style('yop-poll-wizard-css', YOP_POLL_URL . 'css/yop-poll-wizard.css', array(), YOP_POLL_VERSION);
     wp_enqueue_script('yop-poll-wizard-js', YOP_POLL_URL . 'js/polls/wizard-options.js', array('jquery'), YOP_POLL_VERSION, true);
     $translation_array = array('next_next' => __("Next"), 'prev_prev' => __yop_poll("Previous"), 'savee' => __('Save'), 'empty_answer' => __yop_poll("Please fill in empty answers from Question"));
     wp_localize_script('yop-poll-wizard-js', 'button_yop', $translation_array);
     $isdone = array(1);
     wp_localize_script('yop-poll-wizard-js', 'isdone', $isdone);
     wp_enqueue_style('yop-poll-slider-css', YOP_POLL_URL . 'css/yop-poll-slider.css', array(), YOP_POLL_VERSION);
     wp_enqueue_script('yop-poll-add-edit-js', YOP_POLL_URL . 'js/polls/yop-poll-add-edit.js', array('jquery', 'jquery-ui-sortable', 'jquery-ui-dialog'), YOP_POLL_VERSION, true);
     wp_enqueue_script('yop-poll-slider-js', YOP_POLL_URL . 'js/yop-poll-slider.js', array('jquery', 'jquery-ui-dialog'), YOP_POLL_VERSION, true);
     $data['poll_url'] = YOP_POLL_URL;
     wp_enqueue_style('yop-poll-add-edit-css', YOP_POLL_URL . 'css/polls/add-edit.css', array(), YOP_POLL_VERSION);
     global $page;
     //load all options and display them
     $time_format = "H:i:s";
     $options = get_option('yop_poll_options');
     if ($options['date_format'] == "UE") {
         $date_format = "d-m-Y";
     } else {
         $date_format = "m-d-Y";
     $data['date_format'] = $date_format . ' ' . $time_format;
     $data['yop_poll_options'] = get_option('yop_poll_options', array());
     $data['title'] = __yop_poll("General Options");
     $options = $data['yop_poll_options'];
     $args = array('name' => 'yop_poll_options[yop_poll_archive_page_id]', 'selected' => $options['yop_poll_archive_page_id'], 'echo' => false);
     $data['poll_archive'] = wp_dropdown_pages($args);
     $this->display('general.html', $data);
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function create_edc_page_options($post)
     // Page type dropdown
     $edc_page_type = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'edc_page_type', true) or '';
     $edc_page_type_options = array('' => 'Default', 'mirror' => 'Mirror', 'redirect' => 'Redirect');
     echo '<p><strong>Page Type</strong></p>';
     echo '<label class="screen-reader-text" for="edc_page_type">Page Type</label>';
     echo '<select id="edc_page_type" name="edc_page_type">';
     foreach ($edc_page_type_options as $val => $text) {
         $selected = $val == $edc_page_type ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
         echo "<option value='{$val}' {$selected}>{$text}</option>";
     echo '</select>';
     // Dropdown for page to mirror
     $edc_mirror_id = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'edc_mirror_id', true);
     $pages = wp_dropdown_pages(array('post_type' => 'page', 'exclude_tree' => $post->ID, 'selected' => $edc_mirror_id, 'name' => 'edc_mirror_id', 'show_option_none' => '-- Select One --', 'sort_column' => 'menu_order, post_title', 'echo' => 0));
     echo '<div id="edc_mirror_page_options"' . ($edc_page_type == 'mirror' ? '' : ' style="display: none;"') . '">';
     echo '<p><strong>Page to Mirror</strong></p>';
     echo '<label class="screen-reader-text" for="edc_mirror_id">Page to Mirror</label>';
     echo $pages;
     echo '</div>';
     // Hide from menu checkbox
     $edc_hide_from_menu = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'edc_hide_from_menu', true);
     $checked = $edc_hide_from_menu ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
     echo '<p><strong>Menu Options</strong></p>';
     echo '<p><label class="selectit" for="edc_hide_from_menu">';
     echo " <input name='edc_hide_from_menu' type='hidden' value='0' />";
     echo " <input id='edc_hide_from_menu' name='edc_hide_from_menu' type='checkbox' {$checked} value='1' />";
     echo ' Hide from menu.';
     echo '</label></p>';
    public function form($instance)
        $instance = wp_parse_args((array) $instance, array('title' => '', 'project' => 0));
        $title = strip_tags($instance['title']);
        $project = (int) $instance['project'];
		<p><label for="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('title');
        _e('Title:', 'buggypress');
			<input class="widefat" id="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('title');
" name="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_name('title');
" type="text" value="<?php 
        echo esc_attr($title);
" /></p>

        wp_dropdown_pages(array('post_type' => BuggyPress_Project::POST_TYPE, 'post_status' => 'publish', 'show_option_none' => __('Current Context', 'buggypress'), 'option_none_value' => 0, 'selected' => $project, 'name' => $this->get_field_name('project'), 'id' => $this->get_field_id('project')));
  * Render the control's content.
  * @since 3.4.0
 public function render_content()
     $dropdown = wp_dropdown_pages(array('name' => '_customize-dropdown-pages-' . $this->id, 'echo' => 0, 'show_option_none' => __('&mdash; Select Pages &mdash;', 'the-monday'), 'option_none_value' => '', 'selected' => $this->value()));
     // Hackily add in the data link parameter.
     $dropdown = str_replace('<select', '<select ' . $this->get_link(), $dropdown);
     printf('<label class="customize-control-select"><span class="customize-control-title">%s</span><span class="description customize-control-description">%s</span> %s </label>', $this->label, $this->description, $dropdown);
Exemplo n.º 5
function pasw_meta_box($page) {
  $children = get_pages('child_of='.$page->ID); //load all the kids
  if ( count($children) != 0 ) { //display the select box only if we have child pages
    print '<p>';
    print '<strong>'.__("Page").': </strong>';
    print '<label for="pasw_select" class="screen-reader-text">'.__("Page to display as Widget").'</label>';
    $default = (get_post_meta($page->ID, 'pasw_widget_page_id', true));
    print '</p>';
    print '<input type="hidden" id="pasw_last_subpage" name="pasw_last_subpage" value="'.$default.'" />';
    if ($default) {
      $dtitle = get_the_title($default);
      edit_post_link('edit '. $dtitle, '<p>', '</p>', $default);
  } else {
    $parentid = get_post_meta($page->ID, 'pasw_is_subpage');
    if (is_numeric($parentid[0])) {
      $title = get_the_title($parentid[0]);
      $link = get_page_link($parentid[0]);
      $editlink = get_edit_post_link($parentid[0]);
      print __("This page is a sidebar of '<a href=\"".$link."\">".$title."</a>', you can edit '".$title."' <a href=\"".$editlink."\">here</a>.");
    } else {
      print __("No sub pages found, add a subpage to use it as a widget");
     ** Back-end widget form.
     ** @see WP_Widget::form()
     ** @param array $instance Previously saved values from database.
    function form($instance)
        $thisTitle = isset($instance['title']) ? esc_attr($instance['title']) : 'NL - Link to Page';
        $thisPage = isset($instance['page']) ? $instance['page'] : 0;
        $argsPage = array('authors' => '', 'child_of' => 0, 'depth' => 0, 'echo' => 1, 'exclude' => '', 'exclude_tree' => '', 'hierarchical' => 1, 'include' => '', 'meta_key' => '', 'meta_value' => '', 'name' => $this->get_field_name('page'), 'post_type' => 'page', 'selected' => $thisPage, 'sort_column' => 'post_title', 'sort_order' => 'ASC');

<div style="padding: 5px 0px">
  Display Title: 
  <input type="text" id="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('title');
" name="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_name('title');
" size="20" value="<?php 
        echo $thisTitle;
<div style="padding: 5px 0px">

        echo ob_get_clean();
Exemplo n.º 7
            public function render_content()
                switch ($this->type) {
                    case 'textarea':
                            <span class="customize-control-title"><?php 
                        echo esc_html($this->label);
                            <textarea rows="5" style="width:100%;" <?php 
                        echo esc_textarea($this->value());
                    case 'dropdown-pages':
                        $dropdown = wp_dropdown_pages(array('name' => '_customize-dropdown-pages-' . $this->id, 'echo' => 0, 'show_option_none' => __('&mdash; Select &mdash;', 'wp-profile'), 'option_none_value' => '0', 'selected' => $this->value()));
                        $dropdown = str_replace('<select', '<select ' . $this->get_link(), $dropdown);
                        printf('<label class="customize-control-select"><span class="customize-control-title">%s</span> %s</label>', $this->label, $dropdown);
 public function render_content()
     $dropdown = wp_dropdown_pages(array('name' => '_customize-dropdown-blocks-content-' . $this->id, 'echo' => 0, 'show_option_none' => __('&mdash; Select &mdash;'), 'option_none_value' => '0', 'selected' => $this->value(), 'post_type' => 'blocks_content'));
     // Hackily add in the data link parameter.
     $dropdown = str_replace('<select', '<select ' . $this->get_link(), $dropdown);
     printf('<label class="customize-control-select"><span class="customize-control-title">%s</span> %s</label>', $this->label, $dropdown);
  * Render Metabox
  * @param type $item
 public function admin_metabox($item)
     $group_id = $item->id;
     $page_id = groups_get_groupmeta($group_id, '_group_linked_page', true);
     wp_nonce_field('_bp_linked_group_page', '_bp_linked_group_page_nonce');
     wp_dropdown_pages(array('name' => '_group_linked_page', 'selected' => $page_id, 'show_option_none' => __('Please select a page')));
    public function render_content()

		<label class="customize-control-select">
        if (!empty($this->label)) {
			<span class="customize-control-title"><?php 
            echo esc_html($this->label);
        // Description
        if (!empty($this->description)) {
			<span class="description customize-control-description"><?php 
            echo $this->description;
        $dropdown = wp_dropdown_pages(array('name' => '_customize-dropdown-pages-' . $this->id, 'echo' => 0, 'show_option_none' => __('&mdash; Select &mdash;', 'wpex'), 'option_none_value' => '0', 'selected' => $this->value()));
        // Hackily add in the data link parameter.
        echo str_replace('<select', '<select ' . $this->get_link(), $dropdown);
Exemplo n.º 11
 * Render 'Page' custom field type
 * @since 0.1.0
 * @param array  $field              The passed in `CMB2_Field` object
 * @param mixed  $value              The value of this field escaped.
 *                                   It defaults to `sanitize_text_field`.
 *                                   If you need the unescaped value, you can access it
 *                                   via `$field->value()`
 * @param int    $object_id          The ID of the current object
 * @param string $object_type        The type of object you are working with.
 *                                   Most commonly, `post` (this applies to all post-types),
 *                                   but could also be `comment`, `user` or `options-page`.
 * @param object $field_type_object  The `CMB2_Types` object
function kt_cmb2_render_page_field_callback($field, $value, $object_id, $object_type, $field_type_object)
    $args = array('name' => $field->args['id'], 'id' => $field->args['id']);
    if ($field->value) {
        $args['selected'] = $field->value;
  * Refresh the parameters passed to the JavaScript via JSON.
  * @access public
 public function to_json()
     $l10n = Kirki_l10n::get_strings($this->kirki_config);
     $dropdown = wp_dropdown_pages(array('name' => '_customize-dropdown-pages-' . esc_attr($this->id), 'echo' => 0, 'show_option_none' => esc_attr($l10n['select-page']), 'option_none_value' => '0', 'selected' => esc_attr($this->value())));
     // Hackily add in the data link parameter.
     $dropdown = str_replace('<select', '<select ' . $this->get_link(), $dropdown);
     $this->json['dropdown'] = $dropdown;
Exemplo n.º 13
    public function form($instance)
        if ($instance) {
            $title = esc_attr($instance['title']);
        } else {
            $title = __('', 'charity-life-wpl');
        if (isset($instance['page_id'])) {
            $page_id = (int) $instance['page_id'];
        } else {
            $page_id = 0;
				<label for="<?php 
        echo esc_attr($this->get_field_id('title'));
"> <?php 
        _e('Title:', 'charity-life-wpl');
				<input class="widefat" id="<?php 
        echo esc_attr($this->get_field_id('title'));
" name="<?php 
        echo esc_attr($this->get_field_name('title'));
" type="text" value="<?php 
        echo esc_html($title);
" />

				<label for="<?php 
        echo esc_attr($this->get_field_id('pages'));
"> <?php 
        _e('Page:', 'charity-life-wpl');

        $args = array('id' => $this->get_field_id('page_id'), 'name' => $this->get_field_name('page_id'), 'selected' => $page_id);
			<br />
			<p style="font-size: 10px; color: #999; margin: -10px 0 0 0px; padding: 0px;">
        printf(__('The ID of this widget is: %1$s %3$s %2$s', 'charity-life-wpl'), '<strong>', '</strong>', '#' . esc_attr($this->id));
			<br />
Exemplo n.º 14
function rmag_primary_options($content)
    global $rcl_options;
    $rcl_options = get_option('primary-rmag-options');
    include_once RCL_PATH . 'functions/rcl_options.php';
    $opt = new Rcl_Options(rcl_key_addon(pathinfo(__FILE__)));
    $args = array('selected' => $rcl_options['basket_page_rmag'], 'name' => 'basket_page_rmag', 'show_option_none' => '<span style="color:red">Не выбрано</span>', 'echo' => 0);
    $content .= $opt->options('Настройки WP-RECALL-MAGAZIN', array($opt->option_block(array($opt->title('Общие настройки'), $opt->label('Email для уведомлений'), $opt->option('email', array('name' => 'admin_email_magazin_recall')), $opt->notice('Если email не указан, то уведомления будут рассылаться всем пользователям сайта с правами "Администратор"'), $opt->label('Наценка на товары (%)'), $opt->option('number', array('name' => 'margin_product')), $opt->notice('Если ноль или ничего нет, то наценка на товары не используется'))), $opt->option_block(array($opt->title('Оформление заказа'), $opt->label('Регистрация при оформлении'), $opt->option('select', array('name' => 'noreg_order', 'options' => array('Включено', 'Отключено'))), $opt->notice('Если включено, то пользователь автоматически регистрируется на сайте при успешном оформлении заказа'))), $opt->option_block(array($opt->title('Учет товара'), $opt->label('Учет товара на складе'), $opt->option('select', array('name' => 'products_warehouse_recall', 'options' => array('Отключено', 'Включено'))), $opt->notice('Если учет ведется, то у товаров можно будет отмечать наличие на складе. Если товар не в наличии, то кнопка на добавление товара в корзину отсутствует'))), $opt->option_block(array($opt->title('Корзина'), $opt->label('Порядок вывода кнопки "В корзину"'), $opt->option('select', array('name' => 'add_basket_button_recall', 'options' => array('Автоматически', 'Через шорткод'))), $opt->notice('На странице товара. Если шорткод, то используем [add-basket]'), $opt->label('Страница оформления заказа'), wp_dropdown_pages($args), $opt->notice('Укажите страницу, где размещен шорткод [basket]'))), $opt->option_block(array($opt->title('Система похожих или рекомендуемых товаров'), $opt->label('Порядок вывода'), $opt->option('select', array('name' => 'sistem_related_products', 'options' => array('Отключено', 'Включено'))), $opt->notice('Если учет ведется, то у товаров можно будет отмечать наличие на складе. Если товар не в наличии, то кнопка на добавление товара в корзину отсутствует'), $opt->label('Заголовок блока рекомендуемых товаров'), $opt->option('text', array('name' => 'title_related_products_recall')), $opt->label('Количество рекомендуемых товаров'), $opt->option('number', array('name' => 'size_related_products')))), $opt->option_block(array($opt->title('Валюта и курсы'), $opt->label('Основная валюта'), $opt->option('select', array('name' => 'primary_cur', 'options' => rcl_get_currency())), $opt->label('Второстепенная валюта'), $opt->option('select', array('name' => 'multi_cur', 'parent' => true, 'options' => array('Отключено', 'Включено'))), $opt->child(array('name' => 'multi_cur', 'value' => 1), array($opt->label('Выберите валюту'), $opt->option('select', array('name' => 'secondary_cur', 'options' => rcl_get_currency())), $opt->label('Курс'), $opt->option('text', array('name' => 'curse_currency')), $opt->notice('Укажите курс второстепенной валюты по отношению к основной. Например: 1.3')))))));
    return $content;
function cf7_success_page_panel_meta($post)
    wp_nonce_field('cf7_success_page_metaboxes', 'cf7_success_page_metaboxes_nonce');
    $cf7_success_page = get_post_meta($post->id(), '_cf7_success_page_key', true);
    // The meta box content
    $dropdown_options = array('echo' => 0, 'name' => 'cf7-redirect-page-id', 'show_option_none' => '--', 'option_none_value' => '0', 'selected' => $cf7_success_page);
    echo '<h3>Redirect Settings</h3>
            <legend>Select a page to redirect to on successful form submission.</legend>' . wp_dropdown_pages($dropdown_options) . '</fieldset>';
Exemplo n.º 16
 * Register <select> input with list of Pages as options.
 * This is basically a wrapper for wp_dropdown_pages() WordPress function.
 * @see wp_dropdown_pages()
 * @param array $field Fields settings
 * @since 0.3
 * @return void
function adverts_dropdown_pages($field)
    if (isset($field["value"])) {
        $value = $field["value"];
    } else {
        $value = null;
    $args = array('selected' => $value, 'echo' => 1, 'name' => $field["name"], 'id' => $field["name"], 'show_option_none' => ' ', 'option_none_value' => 0);
Exemplo n.º 17
function cp_case_field_id($user)
    if (!current_user_can('edit_user', $user->ID)) {
        return false;
    echo "<div><label for=\"select_person\">Изменить персону<br>";
    $args = array('id' => 'select_person', 'selected' => get_user_meta($user->ID, 'id_person', true), 'name' => 'person', 'post_type' => 'persons');
    echo "</label></div>";
Exemplo n.º 18
    public function form($instance)
        if (isset($instance['title'])) {
            $title = $instance['title'];
        } else {
            $title = __('New title', 'wpb_widget_domain');
        $parent = isset($instance['parent']) ? $instance['parent'] : '';
        // Widget admin form
    <label for="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('title');
    <input class="widefat" id="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('title');
        echo $this->get_field_name('title');
        echo esc_attr($title);
" />

        //$dropdown_args = apply_filters( 'page_attributes_dropdown_pages_args',
        //  $dropdown_args, $parent );
        //$pages = wp_dropdown_pages( $dropdown_args );
        $pages = wp_dropdown_pages(array('selected' => $parent, 'echo' => 0, 'name' => $this->get_field_name('parent')));
        if (!empty($pages)) {
      <label for="<?php 
            echo $this->get_field_id('parent');
            echo $pages;
function jt_cmb2_render_rbsgallery_field_callback($field, $value, $object_id, $object_type, $field_type_object)
    $value = $value ? $value : $field->args('default');
	<div class="form-horizontal">
		<div class="form-group">
		    <div class="col-sm-12">
    echo $field->args('desc');

		<div class="form-group">
	    	<label class="col-sm-2  control-label" for="<?php 
    echo $field_type_object->_id();
    echo esc_html($field->args('name'));
		    <div class="col-sm-10">
    $args = array('child_of' => 0, 'sort_order' => 'ASC', 'sort_column' => 'post_title', 'hierarchical' => 1, 'selected' => $value, 'name' => $field_type_object->_name(), 'id' => $field_type_object->_id(), 'class' => 'rbs_select selectpicker', 'echo' => 1, 'show_option_none' => 'none', 'option_none_value' => '0', 'post_type' => 'robo_gallery_table');
    if (count($field->args('depends'))) {
				<script type="text/javascript">
					var  <?php 
        echo $field_type_object->_id();
_depends = <?php 
        echo json_encode($field->args('depends'));
		<div class="form-group">
		    <div class="col-sm-12  ">
    echo $field->args('desc2');

Exemplo n.º 20
function news_attributes_meta_box($post)
    $post_type_object = get_post_type_object($post->post_type);
    if (true) {
        $pages = wp_dropdown_pages(array('post_type' => 'page', 'selected' => $post->post_parent, 'name' => 'parent_id', 'show_option_none' => __('(no parent)'), 'sort_column' => 'menu_order, post_title', 'echo' => 0));
        if (!empty($pages)) {
            echo $pages;
        // end empty pages check
    // end hierarchical check.
function add_robo_gallery_button()
    wp_enqueue_script('rbs-robo-gallery-button', ROBO_GALLERY_URL . 'js/admin/editor-button.js', array('jquery'), '1.0.0', true);
    $translation_array = array('roboGalleryTitle' => __('Robo Gallery', 'rbs_gallery'), 'closeButton' => __('Close'), 'insertButton' => __('Insert'));
    wp_localize_script('rbs-robo-gallery-button', 'robo_gallery_trans', $translation_array);
    echo '<a href="#robo-gallery" id="insert-robo-gallery" class="button"><span class="dashicons dashicons-format-gallery" style="margin: 4px 5px 0 0;"></span>' . __('Add Robo Gallery', 'rbs_gallery') . '</a>';
    $args = array('child_of' => 0, 'sort_order' => 'ASC', 'sort_column' => 'post_title', 'hierarchical' => 1, 'echo' => 0, 'post_type' => 'robo_gallery_table');
    echo '<div id="robo-gallery" style="display: none;">' . __('Select gallery', 'rbs_gallery') . ' ' . wp_dropdown_pages($args) . '<p style="margin-bottom:0px;">' . __('Configure it in', 'rbs_gallery') . ' <a href="edit.php?post_type=robo_gallery_table" target="_blank">' . __('Robo Gallery plugin', 'rbs_gallery') . '</a></p>' . '</div>';
Exemplo n.º 22
function tvr_dropdown_pages()
    global $framework;
    $dropdown = wp_dropdown_pages('hierarchical=1&echo=0');
    preg_match_all("/value=\"([0-9]*)\"/", $dropdown, $matches);
    foreach ($matches[1] as $key => $id) {
        $url = get_permalink($id);
        $selected = $url == $framework->get_current_url() ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
        $dropdown = str_replace($matches[0][$key], $selected . ' value="' . $url . '"', $dropdown);
    echo $dropdown;
Exemplo n.º 23
 public function getOption($selectedValue = null)
     if ($this->xmlElement == null) {
     $atts = $this->xmlElement->attributes();
     $html = '';
     wp_dropdown_pages(array('selected' => $selectedValue, 'name' => $this->name));
     $html = ob_get_contents();
     return $html;
Exemplo n.º 24
 * Callback for Voce_Settings_API for showing a dropdown of pages
 * @param type $value value of setting
 * @param type $setting setting object
 * @param type $setting_args args from setting
function eventbrite_venue_page_settings_cb($value, $setting, $setting_args)
    $dropdown = wp_dropdown_pages(array('echo' => false, 'name' => esc_attr($setting->get_field_name()), 'show_option_none' => __('&mdash; Select &mdash;', 'eventbrite-parent'), 'option_none_value' => '0', 'selected' => get_eventbrite_setting($setting->setting_key, '0')));
    if (!$dropdown) {
        echo '<p>' . sprintf(__("You don't have any published pages. To use this feature <a href='%s'>create a new page</a> then come back here and update this.", 'eventbrite-parent') . '</p>', esc_url(admin_url('post-new.php?post_type=page')));
    } else {
        printf('<div class="page-select">%s</div>', $dropdown);
    if (!empty($setting_args['description'])) {
        echo sprintf('<span class="description">%s</span>', wp_kses($setting_args['description'], wp_kses_allowed_html()));
    printf('<p><a href="%1$s">%2$s</a></p>', esc_url(admin_url('post-new.php?post_type=page')), __('Create new page', 'eventbrite-parent'));
Exemplo n.º 25
    function fields()
        $supported_view_types = dp_supported_view_types();
        $fields = array('dp-archive-settings' => array(array('type' => 'description', 'value' => __('These settings determine how to display content on archive pages.', 'dp')), array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'dp_loop_actions_status', 'value' => true, 'title' => __('Loop Actions', 'dp'), 'label' => __('Check this to show "Loop Actions" bar', 'dp')), array('name' => 'dp_sort_types_order'), array('name' => 'dp_sort_types', 'callback' => 'dp_sort_types_settings', 'value' => dp_supported_sort_types()), array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'dp_sort_order', 'value' => true, 'title' => __('Sort Order', 'dp'), 'label' => __('Check this to show ASC/DESC order', 'dp')), array('name' => 'dp_view_types_order'), array('name' => 'dp_view_types', 'callback' => 'dp_view_types_settings', 'value' => dp_supported_view_types()), array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'dp_ajax_inline_for_list_large_view', 'value' => true, 'title' => 'Ajax Inline Video Player', 'label' => 'Check this to enble "Ajax Inline Video Player" with "List Large" view.')), 'dp-cat-featured-settings' => array(array('name' => 'dp_cat_featured', 'callback' => 'dp_cat_featured_settings'), array('name' => 'dp_cat_featured[posts_per_page]', 'value' => 15)), 'dp-custom-labels-settings' => array(array('type' => 'description', 'value' => __("These settings enable you to change the labels of WordPress built-in post type 'post', to 'Videos', or whatever you want to name it.", 'dp')), array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'dp_post_labels_status', 'title' => __('Custom Labels', 'dp'), 'label' => __('check this to enable custom labels for post type "post"?', 'dp'), 'value' => true), array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'dp_post_labels[name]', 'title' => __('name', 'dp'), 'value' => __('Videos', 'dp')), array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'dp_post_labels[singular_name]', 'title' => __('singular_name', 'dp'), 'value' => __('Video', 'dp')), array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'dp_post_labels[add_new]', 'title' => __('add_new', 'dp'), 'value' => __('Add New', 'dp')), array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'dp_post_labels[add_new_item]', 'title' => __('add_new_item', 'dp'), 'value' => __('Add New Video', 'dp')), array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'dp_post_labels[edit_item]', 'title' => __('edit_item', 'dp'), 'value' => __('Edit Video', 'dp')), array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'dp_post_labels[new_item]', 'title' => __('new_item', 'dp'), 'value' => __('New Video', 'dp')), array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'dp_post_labels[all_items]', 'title' => __('all_items', 'dp'), 'value' => __('All Videos', 'dp')), array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'dp_post_labels[view_item]', 'title' => __('view_item', 'dp'), 'value' => __('View Video', 'dp')), array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'dp_post_labels[search_items]', 'title' => __('search_items', 'dp'), 'value' => __('Search Videos', 'dp')), array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'dp_post_labels[not_found]', 'title' => __('not_found', 'dp'), 'value' => __('No videos found.', 'dp')), array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'dp_post_labels[not_found_in_trash]', 'title' => __('not_found_in_trash', 'dp'), 'value' => __('No videos found in Trash.', 'dp')), array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'dp_post_labels[menu_name]', 'title' => __('menu_name', 'dp'), 'value' => __('Videos', 'dp')), array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'dp_post_labels[name_admin_bar]', 'title' => __('name_admin_bar', 'dp'), 'value' => __('Video', 'dp'))), 'dp-general-settings' => array(array('type' => 'select', 'name' => 'dp_logo_type', 'value' => 'image', 'options' => array('text' => 'Text Logo', 'image' => 'Image Logo'), 'title' => __('Logo Type', 'dp')), array('type' => 'upload', 'name' => 'dp_logo', 'title' => __('Image Logo', 'dp'), 'desc' => __('Upload a logo for your theme, or specify the image url of your online logo.', 'dp'), 'value' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/images/logo.png'), array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'dp_site_description', 'title' => __('Tagline', 'dp'), 'label' => __('Show site tagline?', 'dp')), array('type' => 'upload', 'name' => 'dp_favicon', 'title' => __('Favicon', 'dp'), 'desc' => __('Upload a 16px x 16px PNG/GIF image that will represent your website\'s favicon.', 'dp'), 'value' => 'http://s.wordpress.org/favicon.ico'), array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'dp_rss_url', 'title' => __('RSS URL', 'dp'), 'desc' => sprintf(__('The default RSS url of your website is <code>%s</code>, if you want to use other feed url(e.g. feedburner), paste it to here.', 'dp'), get_bloginfo('rss2_url'))), array('type' => 'upload', 'name' => 'dp_login_logo', 'title' => __('Login Logo', 'dp'), 'desc' => __('Upload a logo for your wp-login.php page.', 'dp'), 'value' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/images/login-logo.png'), array('type' => 'custom', 'title' => __('Main Navigation', 'dp'), 'label' => __('Check this to enable footer navigation in footer area.', 'dp'), 'desc' => sprintf(__('By default, the main navigation is a list of your categories, if your want to customize it, add a menu on <a href="%s">Apperance->Menus</a> page and set this menu as "Main Navigation" in "Theme Location" box.', 'dp'), admin_url('nav-menus.php'))), array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'dp_responsive', 'value' => true, 'title' => __('Responsive', 'dp'), 'label' => __('Check this to enable responsive?', 'dp')), array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'dp_addthis_pubid', 'value' => true, 'title' => __('AddThis PubID', 'dp'), 'desc' => __('Your AddThis Publisher Profile ID (e.g. xa-502a3a59790da5bd). This required if you want AddThis to track analytics for your site.', 'dp')), array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'dp_fb_ogtags', 'value' => true, 'title' => __('Facebook Open Graph Tags', 'dp'), 'label' => __('Check this to insert Facebook Open Graph Tags into head.', 'dp'))), 'dp-single-settings' => array(array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'dp_related_posts', 'title' => __('Related Posts', 'dp'), 'desc' => __("How many related posts should be displayed on the single post page? If you don't want to show it leave this field blank or set to 0.", 'dp'), 'value' => 4, 'class' => 'small-text'), array('type' => 'select', 'name' => 'dp_related_posts_view', 'title' => __('Related Posts View', 'dp'), 'value' => 'grid-mini', 'options' => array('grid-mini' => $supported_view_types['grid-mini'], 'grid-small' => $supported_view_types['grid-small'], 'grid-medium' => $supported_view_types['grid-medium'])), array('type' => 'select', 'name' => 'dp_single_video_layout', 'title' => __('Single Video Layout', 'dp'), 'desc' => __('Specify a default layout for all of the video posts, and you can override this setting for individual posts in "Video Settings" panel on edit post page.', 'dp'), 'options' => array('standard' => __('Standard', 'dp'), 'full-width' => __('Full Width', 'dp')), 'value' => 'standard', 'class' => 'small-text'), array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'dp_single_video_autoplay', 'title' => __('Autoplay', 'dp'), 'label' => __('Check this to autoplay video when viewing a single video post?', 'dp'), 'value' => true, 'class' => 'small-text'), array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'dp_info_toggle', 'title' => __('"More/Less" Toggle', 'dp'), 'desc' => __("Enter a number as less height for video detatils area, eg. 100, if you don't need this function, leave this field blank or set to 0. Note: this function is only works on single video post pages.", 'dp'), 'value' => 100, 'class' => 'small-text'), array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'dp_single_thumb', 'title' => __('Thumbnail', 'dp'), 'label' => __('Check this to show thumbnail on single posts.', 'dp'), 'value' => false, 'class' => 'small-text')), 'dp-post-likes-settings' => array(array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'dp_post_likes[login_required]', 'value' => true, 'title' => __('Login Required', 'dp'), 'label' => __('Users must be registered and logged in to like post ', 'dp')), array('type' => 'custom', 'name' => 'dp_post_likes_page', 'title' => __('Likes Page', 'dp'), 'custom' => wp_dropdown_pages(array('echo' => false, 'name' => 'dp_post_likes_page', 'selected' => get_option('dp_post_likes_page'), 'show_option_none' => __('&mdash; Select &mdash;', 'dp'))), 'desc' => sprintf(__('<p>Select a page as user\'s likes page, if the page doesn\'t exist:<br />
					1. <a href="%s">Adding a new page</a><br />
					2. Give this page a title like "My Likes".<br />
					3. Set page template as "Likes".<br />
					<br />
					The "Likes Page" is a page for display user/visitor\'s liked posts.<br />
					<strong>* Logged in:</strong> If the user is logged in, the page will display the user\'s liked posts based on the user\'s ID.<br />
					<strong>* Not Logged in:</strong> If the visitor is not logged in, the page will display the visitor\'s liked posts based on the visitor\'s IP.<br />
					<strong>* Login Required + Not Logged in:</strong> If "Login Required" and the user is not logged in, the page will display a message to remind users to register and login.<br />', 'dp'), admin_url('post-new.php?post_type=page')))), 'dp-header-settings' => array(array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'dp_header_search', 'value' => true, 'title' => __('Header Search Box', 'dp'), 'label' => __('Check this to enable search box in header area.', 'dp'))), 'dp-footer-settings' => array(array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'dp_footer_nav_status', 'value' => true, 'title' => __('Footer Navigation', 'dp'), 'label' => __('Check this to enable footer navigation in footer area.', 'dp'), 'desc' => sprintf(__('By default, the footer navigation is a list of your pages, if your want to customize it, add a menu on <a href="%s">Apperance->Menus</a> page and set this menu as "Footer Navigation" in "Theme Location" box.', 'dp'), admin_url('nav-menus.php'))), array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'dp_footbar_status', 'value' => true, 'title' => __('Footbar(Footer Widget Area)', 'dp'), 'label' => sprintf(__('Check this to enable footbar. Add widgets on <a href="%s">Appearance->Widgets</a> page', 'dp'), admin_url('widgets.php'))), array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'dp_site_copyright', 'title' => __('Text for Copyright', 'dp'), 'value' => __('Copyright %1$s &copy; %2$s All rights reserved.', 'dp'), 'desc' => __("<code>%1&#36;s</code> is current year, <code>%2&#36;s</code> is a link with your site name.", 'dp')), array('type' => 'textarea', 'name' => 'dp_site_credits', 'title' => __('Text for Credits', 'dp'), 'value' => __('Powered by <a target="_blank" href="http://wordpress.org/">WordPress</a> & <a target="_blank" href="http://dedepress.com/themes/detube/" title="Premium Video Theme">deTube</a> by <a target="_blank" href="http://dedepress.com" title="Premium WordPress Themes">DeDePress</a>.', 'dp'), 'desc' => __('Whether WordPress or DeDePress, No attribution or backlinks are strictly required, but play the game, it\'s always nice to be credited for your site. Any form of spreading the word is always appreciated!', 'dp')), array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'dp_social_nav_status', 'value' => true, 'title' => __('Social Navigation', 'dp'), 'label' => __('Check this to enable social navigation in footer area', 'dp')), array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'dp_social_nav_desc', 'title' => __('Navigation Description', 'dp'), 'value' => __('Follow us elsewhere', 'dp')), array('type' => 'fields', 'title' => __('Twitter Link', 'dp'), 'fields' => array(array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'dp_social_nav_links[twitter][status]', 'value' => true), array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'dp_social_nav_links[twitter][url]', 'prepend' => __('URL:', 'dp'), 'value' => 'http://twitter.com/dedepress', 'class' => 'regular-text'), array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'dp_social_nav_links[twitter][title]', 'prepend' => __('Title Attribute:', 'dp'), 'value' => __('Follow us on Twitter', 'dp'), 'class' => 'regular-text'))), array('type' => 'fields', 'title' => __('Facebook Link', 'dp'), 'fields' => array(array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'dp_social_nav_links[facebook][status]', 'value' => true), array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'dp_social_nav_links[facebook][url]', 'prepend' => __('URL:', 'dp'), 'value' => 'http://facebook.com/dedepress', 'class' => 'regular-text'), array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'dp_social_nav_links[facebook][title]', 'prepend' => __('Title Attribute:', 'dp'), 'value' => __('Become a fan on Facebook', 'dp'), 'class' => 'regular-text'))), array('type' => 'fields', 'title' => __('Google Plus Link', 'dp'), 'fields' => array(array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'dp_social_nav_links[gplus][status]', 'value' => true), array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'dp_social_nav_links[gplus][url]', 'prepend' => __('URL:', 'dp'), 'value' => 'http://gplus.to/dedepress', 'class' => 'regular-text'), array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'dp_social_nav_links[gplus][title]', 'prepend' => __('Title Attribute:', 'dp'), 'value' => __('Follow us on Google Plus', 'dp'), 'class' => 'regular-text'))), array('type' => 'fields', 'title' => __('RSS Link', 'dp'), 'fields' => array(array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'dp_social_nav_links[rss][status]', 'value' => true), array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'dp_social_nav_links[rss][url]', 'prepend' => __('URL:', 'dp'), 'value' => get_bloginfo('rss2_url'), 'class' => 'regular-text'), array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'dp_social_nav_links[rss][title]', 'prepend' => __('Title Attribute:', 'dp'), 'value' => __('Subscriber to RSS Feed', 'dp'), 'class' => 'regular-text'))), array('type' => 'fields', 'title' => __('Newsletter Link', 'dp'), 'fields' => array(array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'dp_social_nav_links[news][status]', 'value' => true), array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'dp_social_nav_links[news][url]', 'prepend' => __('URL:', 'dp'), 'value' => 'http://dedepress.com', 'class' => 'regular-text'), array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'dp_social_nav_links[news][title]', 'prepend' => __('Title Attribute:', 'dp'), 'value' => __('Premium WordPress Themes', 'dp'), 'class' => 'regular-text')))), 'dp-hook-settings' => array(array('type' => 'textarea', 'name' => 'dp_head_code', 'title' => __('Head Code', 'dp'), 'desc' => __('Paste any code here. It will be inserted before the <code>&lt;/head&gt;</code> tag of your theme.', 'dp')), array('type' => 'textarea', 'name' => 'dp_footer_code', 'title' => __('Footer Code', 'dp'), 'desc' => __('Paste any code here, e.g. your Google Analytics tracking code. It will be inserted before the <code>&lt;/body&gt;</code> tag of your theme.', 'dp'))), 'dp-design-settings' => array(array('type' => 'select', 'name' => 'dp_wrap_layout', 'value' => '', 'options' => array('full-wrap' => __('Full Width', 'dp'), 'boxed-wrap' => __('Boxed', 'dp')), 'title' => __('Wrap Layout', 'dp')), array('type' => 'color', 'name' => 'dp_bgcolor', 'value' => '#EEE', 'title' => __('Custom Background Color', 'dp'), 'append' => __("Default color value is #EEEEEE", 'dp')), array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'dp_bgpat', 'value' => true, 'title' => __('Background Pattern', 'dp'), 'label' => __("Check this to enable background pattern.", 'dp')), array('type' => 'select', 'name' => 'dp_preset_bgpat', 'value' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/images/bg-pattern.png', 'options' => dp_get_patterns(), 'title' => __('Preset Background Pattern', 'dp'), 'desc' => dp_preset_bgpat_preview()), array('type' => 'upload', 'name' => 'dp_custom_bgpat', 'value' => '', 'title' => __('Custom Background Pattern', 'dp'), 'desc' => __('This option will override "Preset Background Pattern" in the above.', 'dp')), array('type' => 'select', 'name' => 'dp_bgrep', 'value' => 'repeat', 'options' => array('repeat', 'repeat-x', 'repeat-y', 'no-repeat'), 'title' => __('Background Repeat', 'dp')), array('type' => 'select', 'name' => 'dp_bgatt', 'value' => 'fixed', 'options' => array('fixed', 'scroll'), 'title' => __('Background Attachment', 'dp')), array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'dp_bgfull', 'value' => false, 'title' => __('Full Page Background Image', 'dp'), 'label' => __("Check this to enable full page background image(not working below IE9).", 'dp'))));
        return $fields;
 public function filter_parent()
     //Global variable that get the current WordPress wp-admin Page.
     global $pagenow;
     //Verify if the page is 'edit.php' and if you are on a post_type page
     if ($pagenow == 'edit.php' && isset($_GET['post_type'])) {
         if (isset($_GET['motherPostID'])) {
             $dropdown_options = array('depth' => 2, 'hierarchical' => 1, 'name' => 'motherPostID', 'post_type' => $_GET['post_type'], 'selected' => $_GET['motherPostID'], 'show_option_none' => __(' Filtro Todos '), 'sort_column' => 'name');
         } else {
             $dropdown_options = array('depth' => 2, 'hierarchical' => 1, 'name' => 'motherPostID', 'post_type' => $_GET['post_type'], 'show_option_none' => __(' Filtro Todos '), 'sort_column' => 'name');
Exemplo n.º 27
 * Use JavaScript to dynamically inject "Main store as front page" option in
 * Settings->Reading.
 * This is not a very elegant hack, but it helps make it easier for user to
 * select the main store as the front page, rather than having to dive into
 * Settings->Store->Pages.
 * @since  0.1
 * @access private
function _wpsc_te2_enqueue_reading_settings_fix()
    $store_as_front_page = wpsc_get_option('store_as_front_page');
    // generate the HTML for the Main store as front page option in Settings->Reading
    // the radio's value is 'wpsc_main_store', but this will be reset back to
    // either 'posts' or 'page' in {@link _wpsc_te2_action_sanitize_show_on_front() }
    $dropdown = '<label>' . sprintf(__('Posts page: %s', 'wp-e-commerce'), wp_dropdown_pages(array('id' => 'wpsc_page_for_posts', 'name' => 'page_for_posts', 'echo' => 0, 'show_option_none' => __('&mdash; Select &mdash;', 'wp-e-commerce'), 'option_none_value' => '0', 'selected' => get_option('page_for_posts')))) . '</label>';
    $html = '<div class="wpsc-main-store-on-front"><p><label><input class="tog" %1$s type="radio" name="show_on_front" value="wpsc_main_store" />%2$s</label></p>';
    $html .= '<ul><li>%3$s</li></ul></div>';
    // the radio box will be checked if 'wpsc_store_as_front_page' option is true
    $html = sprintf($html, checked($store_as_front_page, true, false), __('Main store page', 'wp-e-commerce'), $dropdown);
    // enqueue the script that will dynamically inject this HTML
    wp_localize_script('wpsc-fix-reading-settings', 'WPSC_Fix_Reading', array('html' => $html, 'store_as_front_page' => $store_as_front_page));
Exemplo n.º 28
  * Show a category filter box
 public function filters()
     global $typenow, $wp_query;
     if ($typenow != 'sp_table') {
     $selected = isset($_REQUEST['sp_league']) ? $_REQUEST['sp_league'] : null;
     $args = array('show_option_all' => __('Show all competitions', 'sportspress'), 'taxonomy' => 'sp_league', 'name' => 'sp_league', 'selected' => $selected);
     $selected = isset($_REQUEST['sp_season']) ? $_REQUEST['sp_season'] : null;
     $args = array('show_option_all' => __('Show all seasons', 'sportspress'), 'taxonomy' => 'sp_season', 'name' => 'sp_season', 'selected' => $selected);
     $selected = isset($_REQUEST['team']) ? $_REQUEST['team'] : null;
     $args = array('post_type' => 'sp_team', 'name' => 'team', 'show_option_none' => __('Show all teams', 'sportspress'), 'selected' => $selected, 'values' => 'ID');
Exemplo n.º 29
 function field($args, $instance)
     global $current_user, $user_ID, $post;
     $entries = is_array($entries) ? $entries['name'] : $entries;
     $title = apply_filters('widget_title', empty($instance['title']) ? '' : $instance['title'], $instance, $this->id_base);
     echo $before_widget;
     if ($title) {
         echo $before_title . $title . $after_title;
     if ($post->post_type == 'page') {
         $exclude = $post->ID;
     wp_dropdown_pages(array('name' => $this->get_field_name('name'), 'selected' => empty($entries) ? 0 : $entries));
     echo $after_widget;
Exemplo n.º 30
function dwqa_404_page_display()
    global $dwqa_general_settings;
    $submit_question_page = isset($dwqa_general_settings['pages']['404']) ? $dwqa_general_settings['pages']['404'] : 0;
    wp_dropdown_pages(array('name' => 'dwqa_options[pages][404]', 'show_option_none' => __('Select 404 DWQA Page', 'dwqa'), 'option_none_value' => 0, 'selected' => $submit_question_page));
		<span class="description"><?php 
    _e('This page will be redirected when users without authority click on a private question. You can customize the message of this page in.If not, a default 404 page will be used.', 'dwqa');