Exemplo n.º 1
     * List saved credit cards on user account page
    public function account_cc()
        // bail if the vault is not available
        if (!$this->vault_available()) {
        // retrieve the customer's current credit cards
        $current_user = wp_get_current_user();
        $credit_cards = get_user_meta($current_user->ID, 'woocommerce_realex_cc', true);
		<h2 style="margin-top:40px;"><?php 
        _e('Saved Credit Cards', 'woocommerce-gateway-realex');
        if (isset($_POST['realex-delete-card']) && isset($credit_cards[$_POST['realex-delete-card']])) {
            require_once wc_realex()->get_plugin_path() . '/classes/class-wc-realex-api.php';
            // create the realex api client
            $realex_client = new Realex_API($this->get_endpoint_url(), $this->get_realvault_endpoint_url(), $this->get_shared_secret());
            $response = $this->card_cancel_card_request($realex_client, get_user_meta($current_user->ID, 'woocommerce_realex_payerref', true), $_POST['realex-delete-card']);
            if ($response && ($response->result == '00' && $realex_client->verify_transaction_signature($response)) || $response->result == '501') {
                // card successfully removed from the vault, or unknown card/payer combination.  Either way, remove the local token
        if (empty($credit_cards)) {
            echo '<p>' . __('You do not have any saved credit cards.', 'woocommerce-gateway-realex') . '</p>';
        } else {
			<a name="saved-cards"></a>
            esc_html_e('Card Number', 'woocommerce-gateway-realex');
            esc_html_e('Card Type', 'woocommerce-gateway-realex');
            esc_html_e('Expires', 'woocommerce-gateway-realex');
            foreach ($credit_cards as $credit_card) {
                $credit_card = (object) $credit_card;
                echo $credit_card->last4;
                echo $this->card_type_options[$credit_card->type];
                echo $credit_card->expiration_month . '/' . $credit_card->expiration_year;
						<form method="post">
							<input type="hidden" name="realex-delete-card" value="<?php 
                echo $credit_card->ref;
" />
							<input type="submit" class="button" value="<?php 
                _e('Remove', 'woocommerce-gateway-realex');
" />
function init_woocommerce_gateway_realex()
     * The main class for the Realex gateway.  This class handles all the
     * non-gateway tasks such as verifying dependencies are met, loading the text
     * domain, etc.  It also loads the Realex Gateway when needed now that the
     * gateway is only created on the checkout and settings page.  The gateway is
     * also loaded in the following instances:
     * * The order admin page when the order transaction was handled by Realex,
     *   to render a link to the realex transaction page
     * * The credit card vault form on the My Account page
    class WC_Realex extends SV_WC_Plugin
        /** version number */
        const VERSION = '1.8.1';
        /** @var WC_Realex single instance of this plugin */
        protected static $instance;
        /** gateway id */
        const PLUGIN_ID = 'realex';
        /** plugin text domain, DEPRECATED since 1.8.0 */
        const TEXT_DOMAIN = 'woocommerce-gateway-realex';
        /** @var string class to load as gateway, can be base or subscriptions class */
        public $gateway_class_name = 'WC_Gateway_Realex';
         * Initilize the plugin
         * @see SV_WC_Plugin::__construct()
        public function __construct()
            parent::__construct(self::PLUGIN_ID, self::VERSION, array('dependencies' => array('SimpleXML', 'dom')));
            // Load the gateway
            add_action('sv_wc_framework_plugins_loaded', array($this, 'load_classes'));
            // add the 'my account' cc vault if on the My Account page
            add_action('woocommerce_after_my_account', array($this, 'account_cc'));
            // process our mini checkout form on the Pay Page for 3D Secure transactions
            add_action('wp_ajax_wc-realex-checkout', array($this, 'process_checkout'));
            add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_wc-realex-checkout', array($this, 'process_checkout'));
         * Loads Gateway class once parent class is available
        public function load_classes()
            // Realex gateway
            require_once $this->get_plugin_path() . '/classes/class-wc-gateway-realex.php';
            // load Subscriptions class if available
            if ($this->is_subscriptions_active()) {
                require_once $this->get_plugin_path() . '/classes/class-wc-gateway-realex-subscriptions.php';
                $this->gateway_class_name = 'WC_Gateway_Realex_Subscriptions';
            // Add class to WC Payment Methods
            add_filter('woocommerce_payment_gateways', array($this, 'load_gateway'));
         * Adds gateway to the list of available payment gateways
         * @param array $gateways array of gateway names or objects
         * @return array $gateways array of gateway names or objects
        public function load_gateway($gateways)
            $gateways[] = $this->gateway_class_name;
            return $gateways;
         * Load the translation so that WPML is supported
         * @see SV_WC_Plugin::load_translation()
        public function load_translation()
            load_plugin_textdomain('woocommerce-gateway-realex', false, dirname(plugin_basename($this->get_file())) . '/i18n/languages');
         * Checks if the configure-complus message needs to be rendered
         * @since 1.5.3
         * @see SV_WC_Plugin::add_admin_notices()
        public function add_admin_notices()
            // on the plugin settings page render a notice if 3DSecure is enabled and mcrypt is not installed
            if ($this->is_plugin_settings()) {
                $wc_gateway_realex = new WC_Gateway_Realex();
                if ($wc_gateway_realex->is_enabled()) {
                    $threedsecure = $wc_gateway_realex->get_threedsecure();
                    if ($threedsecure->is_enabled() && !extension_loaded('mcrypt')) {
                        $message = sprintf(__('WooCommerce Realex Payment Gateway: 3DSecure: PHP extension %1$smcrypt%2$s not detected, 3DSecure will not be active and no liability shift will occur until you install the %3$smcrypt%4$s PHP extension.  Contact your host or server administrator to configure and install PHP mcrypt.', 'woocommerce-gateway-realex'), '<strong>', '</strong>', '<a href="http://www.php.net/manual/en/mcrypt.setup.php">', '</a>');
                        $this->get_admin_notice_handler()->add_admin_notice($message, 'mcrypt-missing');
            // check ssl dependency
         * Check if SSL is enabled and notify the admin user.  The gateway can technically still
         * function without SSL, so this isn't a fatal dependency, not to mention users might
         * not bother to configure SSL for their test server.
        private function check_ssl()
            if (get_option('woocommerce_force_ssl_checkout') != 'yes') {
                $message = "Realex: WooCommerce is not being forced over SSL; your customer's credit card data could be at risk.";
                $this->get_admin_notice_handler()->add_admin_notice($message, 'ssl-required');
         * Checks is WooCommerce Subscriptions is active
         * @since 1.4
         * @return bool true if WooCommerce Subscriptions is active, false if not active
        public function is_subscriptions_active()
            return $this->is_plugin_active('woocommerce-subscriptions.php');
        /** Frontend methods ******************************************************/
         * Add the credit card vault to the My Account page if needed
        public function account_cc()
            $wc_gateway_realex = new WC_Gateway_Realex();
         * Pay page tokenized payment method checkout process, adapted from
         * WooCommerce core
         * @since 1.7.1
        public function process_checkout()
            $wc_gateway_realex = new WC_Gateway_Realex();
            // Validate
            // Process
            if (SV_WC_Helper::wc_notice_count('error') == 0) {
                // Process Payment
                $result = $wc_gateway_realex->process_payment($_POST['order_id']);
                // Redirect to success/confirmation/payment page
                if ('success' == $result['result']) {
                    $result = apply_filters('woocommerce_payment_successful_result', $result);
                    if (is_ajax()) {
                        echo '<!--WC_START-->' . json_encode($result) . '<!--WC_END-->';
                    } else {
            // If we reached this point then there were errors
            if (is_ajax()) {
                $messages = ob_get_clean();
                $response = array('result' => 'failure', 'messages' => isset($messages) ? $messages : '');
        /** Helper methods ******************************************************/
         * Main Realex Instance, ensures only one instance is/can be loaded
         * @since 1.6.0
         * @see wc_realex()
         * @return WC_Realex
        public static function instance()
            if (is_null(self::$instance)) {
                self::$instance = new self();
            return self::$instance;
         * Gets the plugin documentation url
         * @since 1.5
         * @see SV_WC_Plugin::get_documentation_url()
         * @return string documentation URL
        public function get_documentation_url()
            return 'http://docs.woothemes.com/document/realex-payment-gateway/';
         * Gets the plugin support URL
         * @since 1.7.0
         * @see SV_WC_Plugin::get_support_url()
         * @return string
        public function get_support_url()
            return 'http://support.woothemes.com/';
         * Gets the gateway configuration URL
         * @since 1.5
         * @see SV_WC_Plugin::get_settings_url()
         * @param string $plugin_id the plugin identifier.  Note that this can be a
         *        sub-identifier for plugins with multiple parallel settings pages
         *        (ie a gateway that supports both credit cards and echecks)
         * @return string plugin settings URL
        public function get_settings_url($plugin_id = null)
            return $this->get_payment_gateway_configuration_url($this->gateway_class_name);
         * Returns true if on the gateway settings page
         * @since 1.5
         * @see SV_WC_Plugin::is_plugin_settings()
         * @return boolean true if on the admin gateway settings page
        public function is_plugin_settings()
            return $this->is_payment_gateway_configuration_page($this->gateway_class_name);
         * Returns the admin configuration url for the gateway with class name
         * $gateway_class_name
         * @since 1.5.3
         * @param string $gateway_class_name the gateway class name
         * @return string admin configuration url for the gateway
        public function get_payment_gateway_configuration_url($gateway_class_name)
            return admin_url('admin.php?page=wc-settings&tab=checkout&section=' . strtolower($gateway_class_name));
         * Returns true if the current page is the admin configuration page for the
         * gateway with class name $gateway_class_name
         * @since 1.5.3
         * @param string $gateway_class_name the gateway class name
         * @return boolean true if the current page is the admin configuration page for the gateway
        public function is_payment_gateway_configuration_page($gateway_class_name)
            return isset($_GET['page']) && 'wc-settings' == $_GET['page'] && isset($_GET['tab']) && 'checkout' == $_GET['tab'] && isset($_GET['section']) && strtolower($gateway_class_name) == $_GET['section'];
         * Returns the plugin name, localized
         * @since 1.5
         * @see SV_WC_Plugin::get_plugin_name()
         * @return string the plugin name
        public function get_plugin_name()
            return __('WooCommerce Realex Gateway', 'woocommerce-gateway-realex');
         * Returns __FILE__
         * @since 1.5
         * @see SV_WC_Plugin::get_file()
         * @return string the full path and filename of the plugin file
        protected function get_file()
            return __FILE__;
    // end WC_Realex
     * Returns the One True Instance of Realex
     * @since 1.6.0
     * @return WC_Realex
    function wc_realex()
        return WC_Realex::instance();
    // fire it up!