public function test_unschedule()
     $time = time();
     $hook = md5(rand());
     $action_id = wc_schedule_single_action($time, $hook);
     $next = wc_next_scheduled_action($hook);
     $store = ActionScheduler::store();
     $action = $store->fetch_action($action_id);
  * When a subscription's status is updated, maybe schedule an event
  * @param object $subscription An instance of a WC_Subscription object
  * @param string $date_type Can be 'start', 'trial_end', 'next_payment', 'last_payment', 'end', 'end_of_prepaid_term' or a custom date type
  * @param string $datetime A MySQL formated date/time string in the GMT/UTC timezone.
 public function update_status($subscription, $new_status, $old_status)
     $action_args = array('subscription_id' => $subscription->id);
     switch ($new_status) {
         case 'active':
             foreach ($this->action_hooks as $action_hook => $date_type) {
                 $next_scheduled = wc_next_scheduled_action($action_hook, $action_args);
                 $event_time = $subscription->get_time($date_type);
                 // Maybe clear the existing schedule for this hook
                 if (false !== $next_scheduled && $next_scheduled != $event_time) {
                     wc_unschedule_action($action_hook, $action_args);
                 if (0 != $event_time && $event_time > current_time('timestamp', true) && $next_scheduled != $event_time) {
                     wc_schedule_single_action($event_time, $action_hook, $action_args);
         case 'pending-cancel':
             $end_time = $subscription->get_time('end');
             // This will have been set to the correct date already
             // Now that we have the current times, clear the scheduled hooks
             foreach ($this->action_hooks as $action_hook => $date_type) {
                 wc_unschedule_action($action_hook, $action_args);
             $next_scheduled = wc_next_scheduled_action('woocommerce_scheduled_subscription_end_of_prepaid_term', $action_args);
             if (false !== $next_scheduled && $next_scheduled != $end_time) {
                 wc_unschedule_action('woocommerce_scheduled_subscription_end_of_prepaid_term', $action_args);
             // The end date was set in WC_Subscriptions::update_dates() to the appropriate value, so we can schedule our action for that time
             if ($end_time > current_time('timestamp', true) && $next_scheduled != $end_time) {
                 wc_schedule_single_action($end_time, 'woocommerce_scheduled_subscription_end_of_prepaid_term', $action_args);
         case 'on-hold':
         case 'cancelled':
         case 'switched':
         case 'expired':
         case 'trash':
             foreach ($this->action_hooks as $action_hook => $date_type) {
                 wc_unschedule_action($action_hook, $action_args);
             wc_unschedule_action('woocommerce_scheduled_subscription_end_of_prepaid_term', $action_args);
  * Update subscription WP-Cron tasks to Action Scheduler.
  * @since 2.0
 public static function upgrade_hooks($number_hooks_to_upgrade)
     $counter = 0;
     $cron = _get_cron_array();
     foreach ($cron as $timestamp => $actions) {
         foreach ($actions as $hook => $details) {
             if ('scheduled_subscription_payment' == $hook || 'scheduled_subscription_expiration' == $hook || 'scheduled_subscription_end_of_prepaid_term' == $hook || 'scheduled_subscription_trial_end' == $hook || 'paypal_check_subscription_payment' == $hook) {
                 foreach ($details as $hook_key => $values) {
                     if (!wc_next_scheduled_action($hook, $values['args'])) {
                         wc_schedule_single_action($timestamp, $hook, $values['args']);
                     if ($counter >= $number_hooks_to_upgrade) {
                 // If there are no other jobs scheduled for this hook at this timestamp, remove the entire hook
                 if (0 == count($cron[$timestamp][$hook])) {
                 if ($counter >= $number_hooks_to_upgrade) {
         // If there are no actions schedued for this timestamp, remove the entire schedule
         if (0 == count($cron[$timestamp])) {
         if ($counter >= $number_hooks_to_upgrade) {
     // Set the cron with the removed schedule
     return $counter;
        if ($subscription_details['expiry_date'] == 0 && !in_array($subscription_details['status'], array('cancelled', 'switched'))) {
            _e('When Cancelled', 'woocommerce-subscriptions');
        } else {
            if (in_array($subscription_details['status'], array('cancelled', 'switched'))) {
                $end_of_prepaid_term = wc_next_scheduled_action('scheduled_subscription_end_of_prepaid_term', array('user_id' => (int) $user_id, 'subscription_key' => $subscription_key));
                if (false === $end_of_prepaid_term) {
                    $end_timestamp = strtotime($subscription_details['end_date']);
                } else {
                    $end_timestamp = $end_of_prepaid_term;
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Migrate the trial expiration, next payment and expiration/end dates to a new subscription.
  * @since 2.0
 private static function migrate_dates($new_subscription, $old_subscription)
     global $wpdb;
     $dates_to_update = array();
     // old hook => new hook
     $date_keys = array('trial_end' => array('old_subscription_key' => 'trial_expiry_date', 'old_scheduled_hook' => 'scheduled_subscription_trial_end'), 'end' => array('old_subscription_key' => 'expiry_date', 'old_scheduled_hook' => 'scheduled_subscription_expiration'), 'end_date' => array('old_subscription_key' => '_subscription_end_date', 'old_scheduled_hook' => ''), 'next_payment' => array('old_subscription_key' => '', 'old_scheduled_hook' => 'scheduled_subscription_payment'), 'end_of_prepaid_term' => array('old_subscription_key' => '', 'old_scheduled_hook' => 'scheduled_subscription_end_of_prepaid_term'));
     $old_hook_args = array('user_id' => $old_subscription['user_id'], 'subscription_key' => $old_subscription['subscription_key']);
     foreach ($date_keys as $new_key => $old_keys) {
         // First check if there is a date stored on the subscription, and if so, use that
         if (!empty($old_keys['old_subscription_key']) && (isset($old_subscription[$old_keys['old_subscription_key']]) && 0 !== $old_subscription[$old_keys['old_subscription_key']])) {
             $dates_to_update[$new_key] = $old_subscription[$old_keys['old_subscription_key']];
         } elseif (!empty($old_keys['old_scheduled_hook'])) {
             // Now check if there is a scheduled date, this is for next payment and end of prepaid term dates
             $next_scheduled = wc_next_scheduled_action($old_keys['old_scheduled_hook'], $old_hook_args);
             if ($next_scheduled > 0) {
                 if ('end_of_prepaid_term' == $new_key) {
                     wc_schedule_single_action($next_scheduled, 'woocommerce_scheduled_subscription_end_of_prepaid_term', array('subscription_id' => $new_subscription->id));
                 } else {
                     $dates_to_update[$new_key] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $next_scheduled);
     // Trash all the hooks in one go to save write requests
     $wpdb->update($wpdb->posts, array('post_status' => 'trash'), array('post_type' => ActionScheduler_wpPostStore::POST_TYPE, 'post_content' => json_encode($old_hook_args)), array('%s', '%s'));
     $dates_to_update['start'] = $new_subscription->post->post_date_gmt;
     // v2.0 enforces new rules for dates when they are being set, so we need to massage the old data to conform to these new rules
     foreach ($dates_to_update as $date_type => $date) {
         if (0 == $date) {
         switch ($date_type) {
             case 'end':
                 if (array_key_exists('next_payment', $dates_to_update) && $date <= $dates_to_update['next_payment']) {
                     $dates_to_update[$date_type] = $date;
             case 'next_payment':
                 if (array_key_exists('trial_end', $dates_to_update) && $date < $dates_to_update['trial_end']) {
                     $dates_to_update[$date_type] = $date;
             case 'trial_end':
                 if (array_key_exists('start', $dates_to_update) && $date <= $dates_to_update['start']) {
                     $dates_to_update[$date_type] = $date;
     try {
         if (!empty($dates_to_update)) {
         WCS_Upgrade_Logger::add(sprintf('For subscription %d: updated dates = %s', $new_subscription->id, str_replace(array('{', '}', '"'), '', json_encode($dates_to_update))));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         WCS_Upgrade_Logger::add(sprintf('For subscription %d: unable to update dates, exception "%s"', $new_subscription->id, $e->getMessage()));
  * Takes a subscription key and returns the date on which the trial for the subscription ended or is going to end, if any.
  * @param string $subscription_key A subscription key of the form created by @see self::get_subscription_key()
  * @param int $user_id The ID of the user who owns the subscriptions. Although this parameter is optional, if you have the User ID you should pass it to improve performance.
  * @return mixed If the subscription has no trial period, returns 0, otherwise it will return the date the trial period ends or ended in the form specified by $type
  * @since 1.2
 public static function get_trial_expiration_date($subscription_key, $user_id = '', $type = 'mysql')
     if (empty($user_id)) {
         $user_id = self::get_user_id_from_subscription_key($subscription_key);
     $trial_expiry = wc_next_scheduled_action('scheduled_subscription_trial_end', array('user_id' => (int) $user_id, 'subscription_key' => $subscription_key));
     if (false === $trial_expiry) {
         $subscription = self::get_subscription($subscription_key);
         $trial_expiry = !empty($subscription['trial_expiry_date']) ? strtotime($subscription['trial_expiry_date']) : 0;
     $trial_expiry = 'mysql' == $type && 0 != $trial_expiry ? date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $trial_expiry) : $trial_expiry;
     return apply_filters('woocommerce_subscription_trial_expiration_date', $trial_expiry, $subscription_key, $user_id, $type);
  * Return the scheduled date/time
  * @param array $item
  * @return string
 public function get_date_value($item)
     $scheduler = Follow_Up_Emails::instance()->scheduler;
     $param = $scheduler->get_scheduler_parameters($item['id']);
     $send_on = wc_next_scheduled_action('sfn_followup_emails', $param, 'fue');
     if (false === $send_on) {
         // attempt to schedule the email again
         $send_on = strtotime(get_gmt_from_date(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $item['send_on'])));
         wc_schedule_single_action($send_on, 'sfn_followup_emails', $param, 'fue');
     return get_date_from_gmt(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $send_on), get_option('date_format') . ' ' . get_option('time_format'));
Exemplo n.º 8
function blendercloud_api($atts)
    $user_data = array('shop_id' => '0', 'cloud_access' => 0, 'expiration_date' => '1970-01-01 00:00:00');
    $last_expiration_date = new DateTime('1970-01-01 00:00:00');
    // map blenderid to userid
    $args = array('search' => $_GET['blenderid'], 'search_columns' => array('user_login'));
    $user_query = new WP_User_Query($args);
    // Get the results from the query, returning the first user
    $users = $user_query->get_results();
    if (!empty($users)) {
        $user_id = $users[0]->ID;
        $user_data['shop_id'] = $user_id;
        // process simple products (prepaid subscriptions)
        $order_ids = bo_get_all_user_orders($user_id, 'completed');
        foreach ($order_ids as $order_id) {
            $order = new WC_Order($order_id);
            $order_date = $order->order_date;
            $items = $order->get_items();
            foreach ($items as $item) {
                $tmp = bo_empty_subscription_line();
                $product_id = $item['product_id'];
                $product = get_product($product_id);
                $sku = $product->get_sku();
                $expiry_date = new DateTime($order_date);
                $tmp['sku'] = $sku;
                switch ($sku) {
                    case 'cloud-prepaid-3':
                    case 'cloud-prepaid-3-renewal':
                        $expiry_date->modify('+3 month');
                    case 'cloud-prepaid-18':
                        $expiry_date->modify('+18 month');
                        continue 2;
                        // skip to next product
                $tmp['expiration_date'] = $expiry_date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
                $tmp['subscription_status'] = 'prepaid';
                $now = new DateTime("now");
                if ($expiry_date > $now) {
                    $tmp['cloud_access'] = 1;
                if ($expiry_date > $last_expiration_date) {
                    $last_expiration_date = $expiry_date;
                $user_data['subscriptions'][] = $tmp;
        // process recurring subscriptions
        $subscriptions = WC_Subscriptions_Manager::get_users_subscriptions($user_id);
        if (!empty($subscriptions)) {
            // iterate over all subscriptions.
            foreach ($subscriptions as $subscription_details) {
                if ($subscription_details['status'] != 'trash') {
                    $order_id = $subscription_details['order_id'];
                    $product_id = $subscription_details['product_id'];
                    $order = new WC_Order($order_id);
                    // print_r($order);
                    // $next_payment_date	= WC_Subscriptions_Manager::get_next_payment_date( $subscription_key, $user_id, 'mysql' );
                    $subscription_key = WC_Subscriptions_Manager::get_subscription_key($order_id, $product_id);
                    if ($subscription_details['expiry_date'] == 0 && !in_array($subscription_details['status'], array('cancelled', 'switched'))) {
                        $end_time = WC_Subscriptions_Manager::get_next_payment_date($subscription_key, $user_id, 'mysql');
                        $end_timestamp = strtotime($end_time);
                    } else {
                        if (in_array($subscription_details['status'], array('cancelled', 'switched'))) {
                            $end_of_prepaid_term = wc_next_scheduled_action('scheduled_subscription_end_of_prepaid_term', array('user_id' => (int) $user_id, 'subscription_key' => $subscription_key));
                            if (false === $end_of_prepaid_term) {
                                $end_timestamp = strtotime($subscription_details['end_date']);
                            } else {
                                $end_timestamp = $end_of_prepaid_term;
                        } else {
                            $end_timestamp = strtotime($subscription_details['expiry_date']);
                    //					if( $users[0]->data->user_email == '*****@*****.**' ) {
                    //						print_r($subscription_details);
                    //					}
                    if ($subscription_details['status'] == 'cancelled') {
                        $end_timestamp = strtotime($subscription_details['trial_expiry_date']);
                    if ($subscription_details['status'] == 'on-hold') {
                        $end_timestamp = strtotime($subscription_details['last_payment_date']);
                    $end_time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $end_timestamp);
                    $product = get_product($product_id);
                    $sku = $product->get_sku();
                    $tmp = bo_empty_subscription_line();
                    $tmp['expiration_date'] = $end_time;
                    $tmp['subscription_status'] = $subscription_details['status'];
                    $expiry_date = new DateTime($end_time);
                    if ($expiry_date > $last_expiration_date) {
                        $last_expiration_date = $expiry_date;
                    $now = new DateTime("now");
                    $tmp['cloud_access'] = $expiry_date > $now ? 1 : 0;
                    $tmp['sku'] = $sku;
                    // if order is refunded, stop access
                    if ($order->status == 'refunded') {
                        $tmp['expiration_date'] = $end_time;
                        $tmp['subscription_status'] = 'refunded';
                        $tmp['cloud_access'] = 0;
                    switch ($sku) {
                        case 'cloud-subscription-1-renewal':
                        case 'cloud-subscription-3':
                            //$tmp['failed_payments'] = $subscription['failed_payments'];
                        case 'cloud-subscription-team':
                            // purchased team size
                            $variation_id = $subscription_details['variation_id'];
                            // find variation info from order to pass on # of seats
                            $order = new WC_Order($order_id);
                            $items = $order->get_items();
                            $team_members = 0;
                            foreach ($items as $item) {
                                // does product variation id match the current subscription?
                                if ($item['item_meta']['_variation_id'][0] == $variation_id) {
                                    $team_members = $item['item_meta']['pa_team-size'][0];
                            $tmp['team_members'] = $team_members;
                    $user_data['subscriptions'][] = $tmp;
    // add one grace day to expiration
    $last_expiration_date->add(DateInterval::createfromdatestring('+1 day'));
    $user_data['expiration_date'] = $last_expiration_date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
    $now = new DateTime("now");
    if ($last_expiration_date > $now) {
        $user_data['cloud_access'] = 1;
    //echo "<pre>";print_r($user_data);
    echo json_encode($user_data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
Exemplo n.º 9
  * Schedule the daily summary recurring emails
 public function init_daily_summary()
     if (!function_exists('wc_next_scheduled_action')) {
     if (wc_next_scheduled_action('fue_send_summary')) {
Exemplo n.º 10
  * Utility method to check the action scheduler for dates
  * @param  string $type             the type of scheduled action
  * @param  string $subscription_key key of subscription in the format of order_id_item_id
  * @return string                   either 0 or mysql date
 private static function maybe_get_date_from_action_scheduler($type, $subscription)
     $action_args = array('user_id' => intval($subscription['user_id']), 'subscription_key' => $subscription['subscription_key']);
     WCS_Upgrade_Logger::add(sprintf('-- For order %d: Repairing date type "%s" from action scheduler...', $subscription['order_id'], $type));
     WCS_Upgrade_Logger::add('-- This is the arguments: ' . PHP_EOL . print_r(array($action_args, 'hook' => $type), true) . PHP_EOL);
     $next_date_timestamp = wc_next_scheduled_action($type, $action_args);
     if (false === $next_date_timestamp) {
         // set it to 0 as default
         $formatted_date = 0;
         WCS_Upgrade_Logger::add(sprintf('-- For order %d: Repairing date type "%s": fetch of date unsuccessfull: no action present. Date is 0.', $subscription['order_id'], $type));
     } else {
         $formatted_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $next_date_timestamp);
         WCS_Upgrade_Logger::add(sprintf('-- For order %d: Repairing date type "%s": fetch of date successfull. New date is %s', $subscription['order_id'], $type, $formatted_date));
     return $formatted_date;
  * Move scheduled subscription hooks out of wp-cron and into the new Action Scheduler.
  * Also set all existing subscriptions to "sold individually" to maintain previous behavior
  * for existing subscription products before the subscription quantities feature was enabled..
  * @since 1.5
 public static function ajax_upgrade()
     global $wpdb;
     @ini_set('memory_limit', apply_filters('admin_memory_limit', WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT));
     set_transient('wc_subscriptions_is_upgrading', 'true', 60 * 2);
     if ('really_old_version' == $_POST['upgrade_step']) {
         $database_updates = '';
         if ('0' != self::$active_version && version_compare(self::$active_version, '1.2', '<')) {
             update_option(WC_Subscriptions_Admin::$option_prefix . '_active_version', '1.2');
             $database_updates = '1.2, ';
         // Add Variable Subscription product type term
         if ('0' != self::$active_version && version_compare(self::$active_version, '1.3', '<')) {
             update_option(WC_Subscriptions_Admin::$option_prefix . '_active_version', '1.3');
             $database_updates .= '1.3 & ';
         // Moving subscription meta out of user meta and into item meta
         if ('0' != self::$active_version && version_compare(self::$active_version, '1.4', '<')) {
             update_option(WC_Subscriptions_Admin::$option_prefix . '_active_version', '1.4');
             $database_updates .= '1.4.';
         $results = array('message' => sprintf(__('Database updated to version %s', 'woocommerce-subscriptions'), $database_updates));
     } elseif ('products' == $_POST['upgrade_step']) {
         // Set status to 'sold individually' for all existing subscriptions that haven't already been updated
         $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT ID FROM {$wpdb->posts} as posts\n\t\t\t\tJOIN {$wpdb->postmeta} as postmeta\n\t\t\t\t\tON posts.ID = postmeta.post_id\n\t\t\t\t\tAND (postmeta.meta_key LIKE '_subscription%')\n\t\t\t\tJOIN  {$wpdb->postmeta} AS soldindividually\n\t\t\t\t\tON posts.ID = soldindividually.post_id\n\t\t\t\t\tAND ( soldindividually.meta_key LIKE '_sold_individually' AND soldindividually.meta_value !=  'yes' )\n\t\t\t\tWHERE posts.post_type = 'product'";
         $subscription_product_ids = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
         foreach ($subscription_product_ids as $product_id) {
             update_post_meta($product_id->ID, '_sold_individually', 'yes');
         $results = array('message' => sprintf(__('Marked %s subscription products as "sold individually".', 'woocommerce-subscriptions'), count($subscription_product_ids)));
     } else {
         $counter = 0;
         $before_cron_update = microtime(true);
         // update all of the current Subscription cron tasks to the new Action Scheduler
         $cron = _get_cron_array();
         foreach ($cron as $timestamp => $actions) {
             foreach ($actions as $hook => $details) {
                 if ($hook == 'scheduled_subscription_payment' || $hook == 'scheduled_subscription_expiration' || $hook == 'scheduled_subscription_end_of_prepaid_term' || $hook == 'scheduled_subscription_trial_end' || $hook == 'paypal_check_subscription_payment') {
                     foreach ($details as $hook_key => $values) {
                         if (!wc_next_scheduled_action($hook, $values['args'])) {
                             wc_schedule_single_action($timestamp, $hook, $values['args']);
                         if ($counter >= self::$upgrade_limit) {
                     // If there are no other jobs scheduled for this hook at this timestamp, remove the entire hook
                     if (0 == count($cron[$timestamp][$hook])) {
                     if ($counter >= self::$upgrade_limit) {
             // If there are no actions schedued for this timestamp, remove the entire schedule
             if (0 == count($cron[$timestamp])) {
             if ($counter >= self::$upgrade_limit) {
         // Set the cron with the removed schedule
         $results = array('upgraded_count' => $counter, 'message' => sprintf(__('Migrated %s subscription related hooks to the new scheduler (in {execution_time} seconds).', 'woocommerce-subscriptions'), $counter));
     if (isset($counter) && $counter < self::$upgrade_limit) {
     header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8');
     echo json_encode($results);
  * get_content_plain function.
  * @access public
  * @return string
 function get_content_plain()
     $order = new WC_Order($this->object['order_id']);
     $item_name = WC_Subscriptions_Order::get_item_name($this->object['order_id'], $this->object['product_id']);
     $order_item = WC_Subscriptions_Order::get_item_by_product_id($order, $this->object['product_id']);
     $product = $order->get_product_from_item($order_item);
     if (isset($product->variation_data)) {
         $item_name .= ' (' . woocommerce_get_formatted_variation($product->variation_data, true) . ')';
     WC_Subscriptions_Order::$recurring_only_price_strings = true;
     $recurring_total = WC_Subscriptions_Order::get_formatted_order_total(0, $order);
     WC_Subscriptions_Order::$recurring_only_price_strings = false;
     if ($end_of_prepaid_term = wc_next_scheduled_action('scheduled_subscription_end_of_prepaid_term', array('user_id' => (int) $order->user_id, 'subscription_key' => $this->subscription_key))) {
         $end_of_prepaid_term = date_i18n(woocommerce_date_format(), $end_of_prepaid_term + get_option('gmt_offset') * 3600);
     woocommerce_get_template($this->template_plain, array('subscription_key' => $this->subscription_key, 'subscription' => $this->object, 'order' => $order, 'email_heading' => $this->get_heading(), 'item_name' => $item_name, 'recurring_total' => $recurring_total, 'last_payment' => date_i18n(woocommerce_date_format(), WC_Subscriptions_Manager::get_last_payment_date($this->subscription_key, '', 'timestamp')), 'end_of_prepaid_term' => $end_of_prepaid_term), '', $this->template_base);
     return ob_get_clean();