public function onCompleted(ProxyEvent $event) { $response = $event['response']; if (preg_match('@flv_url=([^&]+)@', $response->getContent(), $matches)) { $flv_url = rawurldecode($matches[1]); $output = preg_replace('@<div id="player.*?<\\/div>@s', '<div id="player">' . vid_player($flv_url, 588, 476) . '</div>', $response->getContent(), 1); $response->setContent($output); } }
public function onCompleted(ProxyEvent $event) { $output = $event['response']->getContent(); if (preg_match('@video_url=([^&]+)@', $output, $matches)) { $vid_url = rawurldecode($matches[1]); $player = vid_player($vid_url, 650, 365); $output = preg_replace('@<div id="redtube_flv_player"(.*?)>.*?<noscript>.*?<\\/noscript>.*?<\\/div>@s', '<div id="redtube_flv_player"$1>' . $player . '</div>', $output); $event['response']->setContent($output); } }
public function onCompleted(ProxyEvent $event) { $response = $event['response']; $content = $response->getContent(); $vid = $this->find_video($content); // we must be on a video page? if ($vid) { $content = preg_replace("@<div id='playerSwf'>.*?loader.*?<\\/div>.*?<\\/div>.*?<\\/div>@s", "<div id='playerSwf'>" . vid_player($vid, 638, 505) . "</div>", $content); $response->setContent($content); } }
public function onCompleted(ProxyEvent $event) { $response = $event['response']; $html = $response->getContent(); if (preg_match('@flv_url=([^&]+)@', $html, $matches)) { $flv_url = rawurldecode($matches[1]); $player = vid_player($flv_url, 938, 476); // insert our own video player $html = Html::replace_inner("#video-player-bg", $player, $html); $response->setContent($html); } }
public function onCompleted(ProxyEvent $event) { $response = $event['response']; $content = $response->getContent(); // remove ts_popunder stuff $content = preg_replace('/<script[^>]*no-popunder[^>]*><\\/script>/m', '', $content); $content = preg_replace_callback('/<img[^>]*sprite=\'(.*?)\'/im', array($this, 'img_sprite'), $content); // are we on a video page? $file = $this->find_video($content); if ($file) { $player = vid_player($file, 638, 504); $content = Html::replace_inner("#playerSwf", $player, $content); } $response->setContent($content); }
public function onCompleted(ProxyEvent $event) { $response = $event['response']; $output = $response->getContent(); if (preg_match('/video\\/([^_]+)/', $event['request']->getUri(), $matches)) { $id = $matches[1]; // this better be available $str = file_get_contents("{$id}?fields=stream_h264_sd_url,stream_h264_hq_url,stream_h264_url,stream_h264_hd_url"); $json = json_decode($str, true); if ($json) { $url = $json['stream_h264_sd_url']; $output = preg_replace('#\\<div\\sclass\\=\\"dmpi_video_playerv4(.*?)>.*?\\<\\/div\\>#s', '<div class="dmpi_video_playerv4${1}>' . vid_player($url, 620, 348) . '</div>', $output, 1); $response->setContent($output); } } }
public function onCompleted(ProxyEvent $event) { $output = $event['response']->getContent(); // preload images $output = preg_replace_callback('/<img[^>]+data-src="([^"]+)"[^>]*>/', array($this, 'data_src'), $output); // remove ads $output = preg_replace('/<script data-cfasync.*?<\\/script>/sm', '', $output); // extract all videos preg_match_all('/"([0-9]+)":"([^"]*mp4[^"]*)"/im', $output, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); // by default, HD videos go first - we don't want that $matches = array_reverse($matches); if ($matches) { $video = rawurldecode(stripslashes($matches[0][2])); // generate player $player = vid_player($video, 973, 547, 'mp4'); // replace it with our own player $output = Html::replace_inner("#redtube_flv_player", $player, $output); } $event['response']->setContent($output); }
public function onCompleted(ProxyEvent $event) { $response = $event['response']; $output = $response->getContent(); // do this on all youtube pages $output = preg_replace('@masthead-positioner">@', 'masthead-positioner" style="position:static;">', $output, 1); // replace future thumbnails with src= $output = preg_replace('#<img[^>]*data-thumb=#s', '<img alt="Thumbnail" src=', $output); $links = $this->get_youtube_links($output); // we must be on a video page if ($links) { // the only ones supported by flowplayer $flv_itags = array(5, 34, 35); // supported by html5 player $mp4_itags = array(18, 22, 37, 38, 82, 84); // not supported by any player at the moment $webm_itags = array(43, 44, 46, 100, 102); // find first available mp4 video $mp4_url = $this->find_first_available($links, $mp4_itags); //$mp4_itags); $player = vid_player($mp4_url, 640, 390, 'mp4'); // this div blocks our player controls $output = str_replace('<div id="theater-background" class="player-height"></div>', '', $output); // replace youtube player div block with our own $output = preg_replace('#<div id="player-api"([^>]*)>.*?<div id="watch-queue-mole"#s', '<div id="player-api"$1>' . $player . '</div><div id="watch-queue-mole"', $output, 1); } $response->setContent($output); }
public function onCompleted(ProxyEvent $event) { $this->youtube_url = $event['request']->getUrl(); $response = $event['response']; $output = $response->getContent(); // remove top banner that's full of ads $output = Html::remove("#header", $output); // do this on all youtube pages $output = preg_replace('@masthead-positioner">@', 'masthead-positioner" style="position:static;">', $output, 1); // replace future thumbnails with src= $output = preg_replace('#<img[^>]*data-thumb=#s', '<img alt="Thumbnail" src=', $output); $links = $this->get_youtube_links($output); // we must be on a video page if ($links) { // the only ones supported by flowplayer $flv_itags = array(5, 34, 35); // supported by html5 player $mp4_itags = array(18, 22, 37, 38, 82, 84); // not supported by any player at the moment $webm_itags = array(43, 44, 46, 100, 102); // find first available mp4 video $mp4_url = $this->find_first_available($links, $mp4_itags); //$mp4_itags); $player = vid_player($mp4_url, 640, 390, 'mp4'); // this div blocks our player controls $output = Html::remove("#theater-background", $output); // replace youtube player div block with our own $output = Html::replace_inner("#player-api", $player, $output); } // causes too many problems... $output = Html::remove_scripts($output); $response->setContent($output); }