* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ require_once '../libs/common.php'; require_once '../libs/operator.php'; require_once '../libs/chat.php'; $operator = check_login(); $page = array(); setlocale(LC_TIME, getstring("time.locale")); function notification_info($id) { global $mysqlprefix; $link = connect(); $notification = select_one_row(db_build_select("id, locale, vckind, vcto, unix_timestamp(dtmcreated) as created, vcsubject, tmessage, refoperator", "{$mysqlprefix}chatnotification", array("id = {$id}"), ""), $link); mysql_close($link); return $notification; } $notificationid = verifyparam("id", "/^(\\d{1,9})\$/"); $page['notification'] = notification_info($notificationid); prepare_menu($operator, false); start_html_output(); require '../view/notification.php';
function verifyparam_groupid($paramid) { global $settings, $errors; $groupid = ""; if ($settings['enablegroups'] == '1') { $groupid = verifyparam($paramid, "/^\\d{0,10}\$/", ""); if ($groupid) { $group = group_by_id($groupid); if (!$group) { $errors[] = getlocal("page.group.no_such"); $groupid = ""; } } } return $groupid; }
function prepare_pagination($items_count, $default_items_per_page = 15) { global $page; if ($items_count) { $items_per_page = verifyparam("items", "/^\\d{1,3}\$/", $default_items_per_page); if ($items_per_page < 2) { $items_per_page = 2; } $total_pages = div($items_count + $items_per_page - 1, $items_per_page); $curr_page = verifyparam("page", "/^\\d{1,6}\$/", 1); if ($curr_page < 1) { $curr_page = 1; } if ($curr_page > $total_pages) { $curr_page = $total_pages; } $start_index = ($curr_page - 1) * $items_per_page; $end_index = min($start_index + $items_per_page, $items_count); $page['pagination'] = array("page" => $curr_page, "items" => $items_per_page, "total" => $total_pages, "count" => $items_count, "start" => $start_index, "end" => $end_index, "limit" => "LIMIT {$start_index}," . ($end_index - $start_index)); } else { $page['pagination'] = true; } }
global $mibew_encoding; echo "<operators>"; $operators = operator_get_all(); foreach ($operators as $operator) { if (!operator_is_online($operator)) { continue; } $name = myiconv($mibew_encoding, "utf-8", safe_htmlspecialchars(safe_htmlspecialchars($operator['vclocalename']))); $away = operator_is_away($operator) ? " away=\"1\"" : ""; echo "<operator name=\"{$name}\"{$away}/>"; } echo "</operators>"; } $since = verifyparam("since", "/^\\d{1,10}\$/", 0); $status = verifyparam("status", "/^\\d{1,2}\$/", 0); $showonline = verifyparam("showonline", "/^1\$/", 0); $link = connect(); loadsettings_($link); if (!isset($_SESSION["{$mysqlprefix}operatorgroups"])) { $_SESSION["{$mysqlprefix}operatorgroups"] = get_operator_groupslist($operator['operatorid'], $link); } close_old_threads($link); mysql_close($link); $groupids = $_SESSION["{$mysqlprefix}operatorgroups"]; start_xml_output(); echo '<update>'; if ($showonline) { print_operators(); } print_pending_threads($groupids, $since); echo '</update>';
} header("Location: {$webimroot}/operator/operator.php?op={$opId}&stored"); exit; } } else { $page['formlogin'] = topage($login); $page['formname'] = topage($localname); $page['formemail'] = topage($email); $page['formjabber'] = topage($jabber); $page['formjabbernotify'] = $jabbernotify; $page['formcommonname'] = topage($commonname); $page['opid'] = topage($opId); } } else { if (isset($_GET['op'])) { $opId = verifyparam('op', "/^\\d{1,9}\$/"); $op = operator_by_id($opId); if (!$op) { $errors[] = getlocal("no_such_operator"); $page['opid'] = topage($opId); } else { $page['formlogin'] = topage($op['vclogin']); $page['formname'] = topage($op['vclocalename']); $page['formemail'] = topage($op['vcemail']); $page['formjabber'] = topage($op['vcjabbername']); $page['formjabbernotify'] = $op['inotify'] != 0; $page['formcommonname'] = topage($op['vccommonname']); $page['opid'] = topage($op['operatorid']); } } }
loadsettings(); $stringid = verifyparam("key", "/^\\d{0,10}\$/", ""); $errors = array(); $page = array(); if ($stringid) { $message = load_message($stringid); if (!$message) { $errors[] = getlocal("cannededit.no_such"); $stringid = ""; } } else { $message = ""; $page['locale'] = verifyparam("lang", "/^[\\w-]{2,5}\$/", ""); $page['groupid'] = ""; if ($settings['enablegroups'] == '1') { $page['groupid'] = verifyparam("group", "/^\\d{0,10}\$/"); } } if (isset($_POST['message'])) { $message = getparam('message'); if (!$message) { $errors[] = no_field("form.field.message"); } if (count($errors) == 0) { if ($stringid) { save_message($stringid, $message); } else { add_message($page['locale'], $page['groupid'], $message); } $page['saved'] = true; prepare_menu($operator, false);
* the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of those above. If you wish * to allow use of your version of this file only under the terms of the GPL, and * not to allow others to use your version of this file under the terms of the * EPL, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them * with the notice and other provisions required by the GPL. * * Contributors: * Evgeny Gryaznov - initial API and implementation */ require_once '../libs/common.php'; require_once '../libs/operator.php'; require_once '../libs/settings.php'; $errors = array(); $page = array('version' => $version, 'showform' => true); $opId = verifyparam("id", "/^\\d{1,9}\$/"); $token = verifyparam("token", "/^[\\dabcdef]+\$/"); $operator = operator_by_id($opId); if (!$operator) { $errors[] = "No such operator"; $page['showform'] = false; } else { if ($token != $operator['vcrestoretoken']) { $errors[] = "Wrong token"; $page['showform'] = false; } } if (count($errors) == 0 && isset($_POST['password'])) { $password = getparam('password'); $passwordConfirm = getparam('passwordConfirm'); if (!$password) { $errors[] = no_field("form.field.password");
* * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ require_once '../libs/common.php'; require_once '../libs/operator.php'; require_once 'dbinfo.php'; function runsql($query, $link) { $res = mysql_query($query, $link) or show_install_err(' Query failed: ' . mysql_error($link)); return $res; } $act = verifyparam("act", "/^(silentcreateall|createdb|ct|dt|addcolumns)\$/"); $link = @mysql_connect($mysqlhost, $mysqllogin, $mysqlpass) or show_install_err('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); if ($act == "silentcreateall") { mysql_query("CREATE DATABASE {$mysqldb}", $link) or show_install_err(' Query failed: ' . mysql_error($link)); foreach ($dbtables as $id) { create_table($id, $link); } } else { if ($act == "createdb") { mysql_query("CREATE DATABASE {$mysqldb}", $link) or show_install_err(' Query failed: ' . mysql_error($link)); } else { mysql_select_db($mysqldb, $link) or show_install_err('Could not select database'); if ($force_charset_in_connection) { mysql_query("SET character set {$dbencoding}", $link); } if ($act == "ct") {
* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ require_once '../libs/common.php'; require_once '../libs/operator.php'; require_once '../libs/chat.php'; require_once '../libs/userinfo.php'; require_once '../libs/pagination.php'; $operator = check_login(); loadsettings(); $page = array(); setlocale(LC_TIME, getstring("time.locale")); $userid = ""; if (isset($_GET['userid'])) { $userid = verifyparam("userid", "/^.{0,63}\$/", ""); } function threads_by_userid($userid) { global $mysqlprefix; if ($userid == "") { return null; } $link = connect(); $query = sprintf("select unix_timestamp(dtmcreated) as created, unix_timestamp(dtmmodified) as modified, " . " threadid, remote, agentName, userName " . "from {$mysqlprefix}chatthread " . "where userid=\"{$userid}\" order by created DESC", $userid); $result = mysql_query($query, $link) or die(' Query failed: ' . mysql_error($link)); $foundThreads = array(); while ($thread = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $foundThreads[] = $thread; } mysql_free_result($result);
} else { if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $banId = verifyparam('id', "/^\\d{1,10}\$/"); $link = connect(); $ban = select_one_row("select banid,(unix_timestamp(dtmtill)-unix_timestamp(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)) as days,address,comment from {$mysqlprefix}chatban where banid = " . intval($banId), $link); mysql_close($link); if ($ban) { $page['banId'] = topage($ban['banid']); $page['formaddress'] = topage($ban['address']); $page['formdays'] = topage(round($ban['days'] / 86400)); $page['formcomment'] = topage($ban['comment']); } else { $errors[] = "Wrong id"; } } else { if (isset($_GET['thread'])) { $threadid = verifyparam('thread', "/^\\d{1,10}\$/"); $thread = thread_by_id($threadid); if ($thread) { $page['thread'] = topage($thread['userName']); $page['threadid'] = $threadid; $page['formaddress'] = topage($thread['remote']); $page['formdays'] = 15; } } } } prepare_menu($operator, false); start_html_output(); require '../view/ban.php'; exit;
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ require_once '../libs/common.php'; require_once '../libs/operator.php'; require_once '../libs/chat.php'; require_once '../libs/userinfo.php'; $operator = check_login(); $page = array(); loadsettings(); setlocale(LC_TIME, getstring("time.locale")); function thread_info($id) { global $mysqlprefix; $link = connect(); $thread = select_one_row("select userName,agentName,remote,userAgent," . "unix_timestamp(dtmmodified) as modified, unix_timestamp(dtmcreated) as created," . "vclocalname as groupName " . "from {$mysqlprefix}chatthread left join {$mysqlprefix}chatgroup on {$mysqlprefix}chatthread.groupid = {$mysqlprefix}chatgroup.groupid " . "where threadid = " . intval($id), $link); mysql_close($link); return $thread; } if (isset($_GET['threadid'])) { $threadid = verifyparam("threadid", "/^(\\d{1,10})?\$/", ""); $lastid = -1; $page['threadMessages'] = get_messages($threadid, "html", false, $lastid); $page['thread'] = thread_info($threadid); } prepare_menu($operator, false); start_html_output(); require '../view/thread_log.php';
$page = array('agentId' => ''); $errors = array(); $options = array('enableban', 'usercanchangename', 'enablegroups', 'enablestatistics', 'enablejabber', 'enablessl', 'forcessl', 'enablepresurvey', 'surveyaskmail', 'surveyaskgroup', 'surveyaskmessage', 'surveyaskcaptcha', 'enablepopupnotification', 'showonlineoperators', 'enablecaptcha'); loadsettings(); if ($settings['featuresversion'] != $featuresversion) { $settings['featuresversion'] = $featuresversion; update_settings(); } $params = array(); foreach ($options as $opt) { $params[$opt] = $settings[$opt]; } if (isset($_POST['sent'])) { if (is_capable($can_administrate, $operator)) { foreach ($options as $opt) { $settings[$opt] = verifyparam($opt, "/^on\$/", "") == "on" ? "1" : "0"; } update_settings(); header("Location: {$mibewroot}/operator/features.php?stored"); exit; } else { $errors[] = "Not an administrator"; } } $page['canmodify'] = is_capable($can_administrate, $operator); $page['stored'] = isset($_GET['stored']); foreach ($options as $opt) { $page["form{$opt}"] = $params[$opt] == "1"; } prepare_menu($operator); setup_settings_tabs(1);
} else { update_group($groupid, $name, $description, $commonname, $commondescription, $email); header("Location: {$webimroot}/operator/group.php?gid={$groupid}&stored"); exit; } } else { $page['formname'] = topage($name); $page['formdescription'] = topage($description); $page['formcommonname'] = topage($commonname); $page['formcommondescription'] = topage($commondescription); $page['formemail'] = topage($email); $page['grid'] = topage($groupid); } } else { if (isset($_GET['gid'])) { $groupid = verifyparam('gid', "/^\\d{1,9}\$/"); $group = group_by_id($groupid); if (!$group) { $errors[] = getlocal("page.group.no_such"); $page['grid'] = topage($groupid); } else { $page['formname'] = topage($group['vclocalname']); $page['formdescription'] = topage($group['vclocaldescription']); $page['formcommonname'] = topage($group['vccommonname']); $page['formcommondescription'] = topage($group['vccommondescription']); $page['formemail'] = topage($group['vcemail']); $page['grid'] = topage($group['groupid']); } } } $page['stored'] = isset($_GET['stored']);
} if ($email) { post_message_($thread['threadid'], $kind_for_agent, getstring2('chat.visitor.email', array($email), true), $link); } if ($info) { post_message_($thread['threadid'], $kind_for_agent, getstring2('chat.visitor.info', array($info), true), $link); } post_message_($thread['threadid'], $kind_user, $message, $link, $name); mysql_close($link); } $groupid = ""; $groupname = ""; $group = NULL; loadsettings(); if ($settings['enablegroups'] == '1') { $groupid = verifyparam("group", "/^\\d{1,10}\$/", ""); if ($groupid) { $group = group_by_id($groupid); if (!$group) { $groupid = ""; } else { $groupname = get_group_name($group); } } } $email = getparam('email'); $visitor_name = getparam('name'); $message = getparam('message'); $info = getparam('info'); $referrer = urldecode(getparam("referrer")); if (!$email) {
start_xml_output(); echo "<error><descr>{$message}</descr></error>"; exit; } ping_thread($thread, $isuser, $istyping); if (!$isuser && $act != "rename") { $operator = check_login(); check_for_reassign($thread, $operator); } if ($act == "refresh") { $lastid = verifyparam("lastid", "/^\\d{1,10}\$/", -1); print_thread_messages($thread, $token, $lastid, $isuser, $outformat, $isuser ? null : $operator['operatorid']); exit; } else { if ($act == "post") { $lastid = verifyparam("lastid", "/^\\d{1,10}\$/", -1); $message = getrawparam('message'); $kind = $isuser ? $kind_user : $kind_agent; $from = $isuser ? $thread['userName'] : $thread['agentName']; if (!$isuser && $operator['operatorid'] != $thread['agentId']) { show_error("cannot send"); } $link = connect(); $postedid = post_message_($threadid, $kind, $message, $link, $from, null, $isuser ? null : $operator['operatorid']); if ($isuser && $postedid && $thread["shownmessageid"] == 0) { commit_thread($thread['threadid'], array('shownmessageid' => intval($postedid)), $link); } mysql_close($link); print_thread_messages($thread, $token, $lastid, $isuser, $outformat, $isuser ? null : $operator['operatorid']); exit; } else {
mysql_close($link); } $opId = verifyparam("op", "/^\\d{1,9}\$/"); $page = array('opid' => $opId, 'canmodify' => is_capable($can_administrate, $operator) ? "1" : ""); $errors = array(); $op = operator_by_id($opId); if (!$op) { $errors[] = getlocal("no_such_operator"); } else { if (isset($_POST['op'])) { if (!is_capable($can_administrate, $operator)) { $errors[] = getlocal('page_agent.cannot_modify'); } $new_permissions = isset($op['iperm']) ? $op['iperm'] : 0; foreach ($permission_ids as $perm => $id) { if (verifyparam("permissions{$id}", "/^on\$/", "") == "on") { $new_permissions |= 1 << $perm; } else { $new_permissions &= ~(1 << $perm); } } if (count($errors) == 0) { update_operator_permissions($op['operatorid'], $new_permissions); if ($opId && $_SESSION["{$mysqlprefix}operator"] && $operator['operatorid'] == $opId) { $_SESSION["{$mysqlprefix}operator"]['iperm'] = $new_permissions; } header("Location: {$webimroot}/operator/permissions.php?op={$opId}&stored"); exit; } } }
require_once '../libs/common.php'; require_once '../libs/chat.php'; require_once '../libs/operator.php'; $operator = check_login(); setlocale(LC_TIME, getstring("time.locale")); $page = array(); $page['operator'] = topage(get_operator_name($operator)); $page['availableDays'] = range(1, 31); $page['availableMonth'] = get_month_selection(time() - 400 * 24 * 60 * 60, time() + 50 * 24 * 60 * 60); $page['showresults'] = false; $errors = array(); if (isset($_GET['startday'])) { $startday = verifyparam("startday", "/^\\d+\$/"); $startmonth = verifyparam("startmonth", "/^\\d{2}.\\d{2}\$/"); $endday = verifyparam("endday", "/^\\d+\$/"); $endmonth = verifyparam("endmonth", "/^\\d{2}.\\d{2}\$/"); $start = get_form_date($startday, $startmonth); $end = get_form_date($endday, $endmonth) + 24 * 60 * 60; } else { $curr = getdate(time()); if ($curr['mday'] < 7) { // previous month if ($curr['mon'] == 1) { $month = 12; $year = $curr['year'] - 1; } else { $month = $curr['mon'] - 1; $year = $curr['year']; } $start = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year); $end = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, date("t", $start), $year) + 24 * 60 * 60;
$page['groups'] = get_all_groups($link); mysql_close($link); $errors = array(); $canmodify = $opId == $operator['operatorid'] && is_capable($can_modifyprofile, $operator) || is_capable($can_administrate, $operator); $op = operator_by_id($opId); if (!$op) { $errors[] = getlocal("no_such_operator"); } else { if (isset($_POST['op'])) { if (!$canmodify) { $errors[] = getlocal('page_agent.cannot_modify'); } if (count($errors) == 0) { $new_groups = array(); foreach ($page['groups'] as $group) { if (verifyparam("group" . $group['groupid'], "/^on\$/", "") == "on") { $new_groups[] = $group['groupid']; } } update_operator_groups($op['operatorid'], $new_groups); header("Location: {$webimroot}/operator/opgroups.php?op={$opId}&stored"); exit; } } } $page['formgroup'] = array(); $page['currentop'] = $op ? topage(get_operator_name($op)) . " (" . $op['vclogin'] . ")" : "-not found-"; $page['canmodify'] = $canmodify ? "1" : ""; if ($op) { foreach (get_operator_groupids($opId) as $rel) { $page['formgroup'][] = $rel['groupid'];
$nextGroup = group_by_id($nextid); if ($nextGroup) { $page['message'] = getlocal2("chat.redirected.group.content", array(safe_htmlspecialchars(topage(get_group_name($nextGroup))))); if ($thread['istate'] == $state_chatting) { $link = connect(); commit_thread($threadid, array("istate" => intval($state_waiting), "nextagent" => 0, "groupid" => intval($nextid), "agentId" => 0, "agentName" => "''"), $link); post_message_($thread['threadid'], $kind_events, getstring2_("chat.status.operator.redirect", array(get_operator_name($operator)), $thread['locale'], true), $link); mysql_close($link); } else { $errors[] = getlocal("chat.redirect.cannot"); } } else { $errors[] = getlocal("chat.redirect.unknown_group"); } } else { $nextid = verifyparam("nextAgent", "/^\\d{1,10}\$/"); $nextOperator = operator_by_id($nextid); if ($nextOperator) { $page['message'] = getlocal2("chat.redirected.content", array(safe_htmlspecialchars(topage(get_operator_name($nextOperator))))); if ($thread['istate'] == $state_chatting) { $link = connect(); $threadupdate = array("istate" => intval($state_waiting), "nextagent" => intval($nextid), "agentId" => 0); if ($thread['groupid'] != 0) { if (FALSE === select_one_row("select groupid from {$mysqlprefix}chatgroupoperator where operatorid = " . intval($nextid) . " and groupid = " . intval($thread['groupid']), $link)) { $threadupdate['groupid'] = 0; } } commit_thread($threadid, $threadupdate, $link); post_message_($thread['threadid'], $kind_events, getstring2_("chat.status.operator.redirect", array(get_operator_name($operator)), $thread['locale'], true), $link); mysql_close($link); } else {
$level = get_remote_level($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); $chatstyle = verifyparam("style", "/^\\w+\$/", ""); header("Location: {$mibewroot}/client.php?thread={$threadid}&token={$token}&level={$level}" . ($chatstyle ? "&style={$chatstyle}" : "")); exit; } $token = verifyparam("token", "/^\\d{1,10}\$/"); $threadid = verifyparam("thread", "/^\\d{1,10}\$/"); $level = verifyparam("level", "/^(ajaxed|simple|old)\$/"); // We have to check that the thread is owned by the user. $is_own_thread = isset($_SESSION['own_threads']) && in_array($threadid, $_SESSION['own_threads']); $thread = thread_by_id($threadid); if (!$thread || !isset($thread['ltoken']) || $token != $thread['ltoken'] || !$is_own_thread) { die("wrong thread"); } setup_chatview_for_user($thread, $level); $pparam = verifyparam("act", "/^(mailthread)\$/", "default"); if ($pparam == "mailthread") { expand("styles", getchatstyle(), "mail.tpl"); } else { if ($level == "ajaxed") { expand("styles", getchatstyle(), "chat.tpl"); } else { if ($level == "simple") { expand("styles", getchatstyle(), "chatsimple.tpl"); } else { if ($level == "old") { expand("styles", getchatstyle(), "nochat.tpl"); } } } }
} # locales $all_locales = get_available_locales(); $locales_with_label = array(); foreach ($all_locales as $id) { $locales_with_label[] = array('id' => $id, 'name' => getlocal_($id, "names")); } $page['locales'] = $locales_with_label; $lang = verifyparam("lang", "/^[\\w-]{2,5}\$/", ""); if (!$lang || !in_array($lang, $all_locales)) { $lang = in_array($current_locale, $all_locales) ? $current_locale : $all_locales[0]; } # groups $groupid = ""; if ($settings['enablegroups'] == '1') { $groupid = verifyparam("group", "/^\\d{0,8}\$/", ""); if ($groupid) { $group = group_by_id($groupid); if (!$group) { $errors[] = getlocal("page.group.no_such"); $groupid = ""; } } $link = connect(); $allgroups = get_all_groups($link); mysql_close($link); $page['groups'] = array(); $page['groups'][] = array('groupid' => '', 'vclocalname' => getlocal("page.gen_button.default_group")); foreach ($allgroups as $g) { $page['groups'][] = $g; }
$result = select_multi_assoc($query, $link); mysql_close($link); return $result; } $groupid = verifyparam("gid", "/^\\d{1,9}\$/"); $page = array('groupid' => $groupid); $page['operators'] = get_operators(); $errors = array(); $group = group_by_id($groupid); if (!$group) { $errors[] = getlocal("page.group.no_such"); } else { if (isset($_POST['gid'])) { $new_members = array(); foreach ($page['operators'] as $op) { if (verifyparam("op" . $op['operatorid'], "/^on\$/", "") == "on") { $new_members[] = $op['operatorid']; } } update_group_members($groupid, $new_members); header("Location: {$webimroot}/operator/groupmembers.php?gid={$groupid}&stored"); exit; } } $page['formop'] = array(); $page['currentgroup'] = $group ? topage(htmlspecialchars($group['vclocalname'])) : ""; foreach (get_group_members($groupid) as $rel) { $page['formop'][] = $rel['operatorid']; } $page['stored'] = isset($_GET['stored']); prepare_menu($operator);
function getchatstyle() { global $settings; $chatstyle = verifyparam("style", "/^\\w+\$/", ""); if ($chatstyle) { return $chatstyle; } loadsettings(); return $settings['chatstyle']; }
$allkeys = array_diff($allkeys, load_idlist('level1'), load_idlist('level2')); } } } foreach ($allkeys as $key) { if ($key != 'output_charset') { $tsource = htmlspecialchars($lang1[$key]); if (isset($lang2[$key])) { $value = htmlspecialchars($lang2[$key]); if (get_auxiliary($lang2[$key]) != get_auxiliary($lang1[$key])) { $value = "<font color=\"#6030c1\"><b>{$value}</b></font> <strong>(wrong formatting)</strong>"; } } else { $value = "<font color=\"#c13030\"><b>absent</b></font>"; } $result[] = array('id' => $key, 'l1' => $tsource, 'l2' => $value); } } $order = verifyparam("sort", "/^(id|l1)\$/", "id"); usort($result, "compare_localization_by_{$order}"); setup_pagination($result, 100); $page['formtarget'] = $target; $page['formsource'] = $source; $page['availableLocales'] = $localesList; $page['availableOrders'] = array(array("id" => "id", "name" => getlocal("translate.sort.key")), array("id" => "l1", "name" => getlocal("translate.sort.lang"))); $page['formsort'] = $order; $page['showOptions'] = array(array("id" => "all", "name" => getlocal("translate.show.all")), array("id" => "s1", "name" => getlocal("translate.show.forvisitor")), array("id" => "s2", "name" => getlocal("translate.show.foroperator")), array("id" => "s3", "name" => getlocal("translate.show.foradmin"))); $page['formshow'] = $show; prepare_menu($operator); start_html_output(); require '../view/translatelist.php';
if (!isset($imageLocales[$image])) { $errors[] = "Unknown image: {$image}"; $avail = array_keys($imageLocales); $image = $avail[0]; } $image_locales = $imageLocales[$image]; $stylelist = get_style_list("../styles"); $style = verifyparam("style", "/^\\w*\$/", ""); if ($style && !in_array($style, $stylelist)) { $style = ""; } $groupid = verifyparam_groupid("group"); $showhost = verifyparam("hostname", "/^on\$/", "") == "on"; $forcesecure = verifyparam("secure", "/^on\$/", "") == "on"; $modsecurity = verifyparam("modsecurity", "/^on\$/", "") == "on"; $lang = verifyparam("lang", "/^[\\w-]{2,5}\$/", ""); if (!$lang || !in_array($lang, $image_locales)) { $lang = in_array($current_locale, $image_locales) ? $current_locale : $image_locales[0]; } $file = "../locales/{$lang}/button/{$image}_on.gif"; $size = get_gifimage_size($file); $imagehref = get_app_location($showhost, $forcesecure) . "/b.php?i={$image}&lang={$lang}"; if ($groupid) { $imagehref .= "&group={$groupid}"; } $message = get_image($imagehref, $size[0], $size[1]); $page = array(); $page['buttonCode'] = generate_button("", $lang, $style, $groupid, $message, $showhost, $forcesecure, $modsecurity); $page['availableImages'] = array_keys($imageLocales); $page['availableLocales'] = $image_locales; $page['availableStyles'] = $stylelist;
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* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ require_once 'libs/common.php'; require_once 'libs/chat.php'; require_once 'libs/expand.php'; require_once 'libs/notify.php'; $errors = array(); $page = array(); $token = verifyparam("token", "/^\\d{1,8}\$/"); $threadid = verifyparam("thread", "/^\\d{1,8}\$/"); $thread = thread_by_id($threadid); if (!$thread || !isset($thread['ltoken']) || $token != $thread['ltoken']) { die("wrong thread"); } $email = getparam('email'); $page['email'] = $email; if (!$email) { $errors[] = no_field("form.field.email"); } else { if (!is_valid_email($email)) { $errors[] = wrong_field("form.field.email"); } } if (count($errors) > 0) { $page['formemail'] = $email;
die("Permission denied."); } setlocale(LC_TIME, getstring("time.locale")); # locales $all_locales = get_available_locales(); $locales_with_label = array(array('id' => '', 'name' => getlocal("notifications.locale.all"))); foreach ($all_locales as $id) { $locales_with_label[] = array('id' => $id, 'name' => getlocal_($id, "names")); } $page['locales'] = $locales_with_label; $lang = verifyparam("lang", "/^([\\w-]{2,5})?\$/", ""); if ($lang && !in_array($lang, $all_locales)) { $lang = ""; } # kind $kind = verifyparam("kind", "/^(mail|xmpp)?\$/", ""); $page['allkinds'] = array('', 'mail', 'xmpp'); # fetch $conditions = array(); if ($kind) { $conditions[] = "vckind = '{$kind}'"; } if ($lang) { $conditions[] = "locale = '{$lang}'"; } $link = connect(); select_with_pagintation("id, locale, vckind, vcto, unix_timestamp(dtmcreated) as created, vcsubject, tmessage, refoperator", "{$mysqlprefix}chatnotification", $conditions, "order by created desc", "", $link); mysql_close($link); $page['formlang'] = $lang; $page['formkind'] = $kind; prepare_menu($operator);
expand("../styles", "{$preview}", "{$show}.tpl"); exit; } if ($show == 'redirect' || $show == 'redirected' || $show == 'agentchat' || $show == 'agentrochat') { setup_chatview_for_operator(array('threadid' => 0, 'userName' => getstring("chat.default.username"), 'remote' => "", 'agentId' => 1, 'groupid' => 0, 'userid' => 'visitor1', 'locale' => $current_locale, 'ltoken' => $show == 'agentrochat' ? 124 : 123), array('operatorid' => $show == 'agentrochat' ? 2 : 1)); if ($show == 'redirect') { setup_redirect_links(0, $show == 'agentrochat' ? 124 : 123); } elseif ($show == 'redirected') { $page['message'] = getlocal2("chat.redirected.content", array("Administrator")); } $page['redirectLink'] = "{$webimroot}/operator/themes.php?preview={$preview}&show=redirect"; expand("../styles", "{$preview}", "{$show}.tpl"); exit; } $templateList = array(array('label' => getlocal("page.preview.userchat"), 'id' => 'chat', 'h' => 480, 'w' => 640), array('label' => getlocal("page.preview.chatsimple"), 'id' => 'chatsimple', 'h' => 480, 'w' => 640), array('label' => getlocal("page.preview.nochat"), 'id' => 'nochat', 'h' => 480, 'w' => 640), array('label' => getlocal("page.preview.survey"), 'id' => 'survey', 'h' => 480, 'w' => 640), array('label' => getlocal("page.preview.leavemessage"), 'id' => 'leavemessage', 'h' => 480, 'w' => 640), array('label' => getlocal("page.preview.leavemessagesent"), 'id' => 'leavemessagesent', 'h' => 480, 'w' => 640), array('label' => getlocal("page.preview.mail"), 'id' => 'mail', 'h' => 254, 'w' => 603), array('label' => getlocal("page.preview.mailsent"), 'id' => 'mailsent', 'h' => 254, 'w' => 603), array('label' => getlocal("page.preview.redirect"), 'id' => 'redirect', 'h' => 480, 'w' => 640), array('label' => getlocal("page.preview.redirected"), 'id' => 'redirected', 'h' => 480, 'w' => 640), array('label' => getlocal("page.preview.agentchat"), 'id' => 'agentchat', 'h' => 480, 'w' => 640), array('label' => getlocal("page.preview.agentrochat"), 'id' => 'agentrochat', 'h' => 480, 'w' => 640), array('label' => getlocal("page.preview.error"), 'id' => 'error', 'h' => 480, 'w' => 640)); $template = verifyparam("template", "/^\\w+\$/", "chat"); $page['formpreview'] = $preview; $page['formtemplate'] = $template; $page['canshowerrors'] = $template == 'leavemessage' || $template == 'mail' || $template == 'all'; $page['formshowerr'] = $showerrors; $page['availablePreviews'] = $stylelist; $page['availableTemplates'] = array("chat", "chatsimple", "nochat", "survey", "leavemessage", "leavemessagesent", "mail", "mailsent", "redirect", "redirected", "agentchat", "agentrochat", "error", "all"); $page['showlink'] = "{$webimroot}/operator/themes.php?preview={$preview}&" . ($showerrors ? "showerr=on&" : "") . "show="; $page['previewList'] = array(); foreach ($templateList as $tpl) { if ($tpl['id'] == $template || $template == 'all') { $page['previewList'][] = $tpl; } } prepare_menu($operator); start_html_output();
if (!is_capable($can_viewthreads, $operator)) { $errors = array("Cannot view threads"); start_html_output(); expand("../styles", getchatstyle(), "error.tpl"); exit; } } $token = $thread['ltoken']; header("Location: {$mibewroot}/operator/agent.php?thread=" . intval($threadid) . "&token=" . intval($token) . "&level=" . urlencode($remote_level)); exit; } $token = verifyparam("token", "/^\\d{1,10}\$/"); $thread = thread_by_id($threadid); if (!$thread || !isset($thread['ltoken']) || $token != $thread['ltoken']) { die("wrong thread"); } if ($thread['agentId'] != $operator['operatorid'] && !is_capable($can_viewthreads, $operator)) { $errors = array("Cannot view threads"); start_html_output(); expand("../styles", getchatstyle(), "error.tpl"); exit; } setup_chatview_for_operator($thread, $operator); start_html_output(); $pparam = verifyparam("act", "/^(redirect)\$/", "default"); if ($pparam == "redirect") { setup_redirect_links($threadid, $token); expand("../styles", getchatstyle(), "redirect.tpl"); } else { expand("../styles", getchatstyle(), "chat.tpl"); }