Exemplo n.º 1
function get_data_wpsc_38($post, $offset, $limit, $is_export = false)
    global $wpdb, $post_status, $parent_sort_id, $order_by;
    $_POST = $post;
    // Fix: PHP 5.4
    $regions_ids = get_regions_ids();
    $country_results = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT isocode, country FROM " . WPSC_TABLE_CURRENCY_LIST, 'ARRAY_A');
    $country_data = array();
    foreach ($country_results as $country_result) {
        $country_data[$country_result['isocode']] = $country_result['country'];
    //Code to handle the show variations query
    function variation_query_params()
        global $wpdb, $post_status, $parent_sort_id, $order_by;
        $post_status = "('publish', 'pending', 'draft', 'inherit') AND {$wpdb->prefix}posts.ID NOT IN \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t( SELECT product.ID FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts AS product \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}posts AS product_variation \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tON product_variation.ID = product.post_parent \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE product_variation.post_status = 'trash' ) ";
        $parent_sort_id = " ,if({$wpdb->prefix}posts.post_parent = 0,{$wpdb->prefix}posts.id,{$wpdb->prefix}posts.post_parent - 1 + ({$wpdb->prefix}posts.id)/pow(10,char_length(cast({$wpdb->prefix}posts.id as char)))\t) as parent_sort_id";
        $order_by = " ORDER BY parent_sort_id desc";
    // getting the active module
    // $active_module = $_POST ['active_module'];
    $active_module = isset($_POST['active_module']) ? $_POST['active_module'] : 'Products';
    if ($is_export === true) {
        $limit_string = "";
        $image_size = "full";
    } else {
        $limit_string = "LIMIT {$offset},{$limit}";
        $image_size = "thumbnail";
    $wpdb->query("SET SESSION group_concat_max_len=999999");
    // To increase the max length of the Group Concat Functionality
    $view_columns = !empty($_POST['viewCols']) ? json_decode(stripslashes($_POST['viewCols'])) : '';
    if ($active_module == 'Products') {
        // <-products
        $wpsc_default_image = WP_PLUGIN_URL . '/wp-e-commerce/wpsc-theme/wpsc-images/noimage.png';
        if (isset($_POST['incVariation']) && $_POST['incVariation'] == 'true') {
            $show_variation = true;
        } else {
            // query params for non-variation products
            $show_variation = false;
            $post_status = "('publish', 'pending', 'draft')";
            $parent_sort_id = '';
            $order_by = " ORDER BY {$wpdb->prefix}posts.id desc";
        $query_ids = "SELECT `ID` FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts \r\n                            WHERE `post_type` = 'wpsc-product' \r\n                                AND `post_status` = 'publish' \r\n                                AND `post_parent`=0 \r\n                                AND `ID` NOT IN ( SELECT distinct `post_parent` \r\n                                                  FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts WHERE `post_parent`>0)";
        $result_ids = $wpdb->get_col($query_ids);
        $num_ids = $wpdb->num_rows;
        if ($num_ids > 0) {
            for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($result_ids); $i++) {
                $simple_ids[$result_ids[$i]] = 0;
        // if max-join-size issue occurs
        $query = "SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1;";
        $results_trash = array();
        //Code to get the ids of all the products whose post_status is thrash
        $query_trash = "SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts \r\n                        WHERE post_status = 'trash'\r\n                            AND post_type IN ('product')";
        $results_trash = $wpdb->get_col($query_trash);
        $rows_trash = $wpdb->num_rows;
        $query_deleted = "SELECT distinct products.post_parent \r\n                            FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts as products \r\n                            WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts WHERE ID = products.post_parent) \r\n                              AND products.post_parent > 0 \r\n                              AND products.post_type = 'product_variation'";
        $results_deleted = $wpdb->get_col($query_deleted);
        $rows_deleted = $wpdb->num_rows;
        for ($i = sizeof($results_trash), $j = 0; $j < sizeof($results_deleted); $i++, $j++) {
            $results_trash[$i] = $results_deleted[$j];
        if ($rows_trash > 0 || $rows_deleted > 0) {
            $trash_id = " AND {$wpdb->prefix}posts.post_parent NOT IN (" . implode(",", $results_trash) . ")";
        } else {
            $trash_id = "";
        //Query to get the Category Ids
        $query_categories = "SELECT {$wpdb->prefix}posts.id as id,\r\n                                GROUP_CONCAT(distinct {$wpdb->prefix}term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id order by {$wpdb->prefix}term_relationships.object_id SEPARATOR '###') AS term_taxonomy_id\r\n                            FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts\r\n                                    JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}term_relationships ON ({$wpdb->prefix}posts.id = {$wpdb->prefix}term_relationships.object_id)\r\n                            WHERE {$wpdb->prefix}posts.post_status IN {$post_status}\r\n                                    AND {$wpdb->prefix}posts.post_type LIKE 'wpsc-product'\r\n                                    {$trash_id}\r\n                            GROUP BY id";
        $records_categories = $wpdb->get_results($query_categories, 'ARRAY_A');
        $category_ids_all = array();
        foreach ($records_categories as $records_category) {
            $category_ids_all[$records_category['id']] = $records_category['term_taxonomy_id'];
        //Query to get the term_taxonomy_id for all the product categories
        $query_terms = "SELECT terms.name, wt.term_taxonomy_id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}term_taxonomy AS wt\r\n                        JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}terms AS terms ON (wt.term_id = terms.term_id)\r\n                        WHERE wt.taxonomy LIKE 'wpsc_product_category'";
        $results = $wpdb->get_results($query_terms, 'ARRAY_A');
        $rows_terms = $wpdb->num_rows;
        if ($rows_terms > 0) {
            foreach ($results as $result) {
                $term_taxonomy[$result['term_taxonomy_id']] = $result['name'];
        // CAST(GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id order by term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id SEPARATOR ',') AS CHAR(1000)) AS term_taxonomy_id
        $post_meta_select = !empty($_POST['func_nm']) && $_POST['func_nm'] == 'exportCsvWpsc' ? ", GROUP_CONCAT(prod_othermeta.meta_key order by prod_othermeta.meta_id SEPARATOR '###') AS prod_othermeta_key,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tGROUP_CONCAT(prod_othermeta.meta_value order by prod_othermeta.meta_id SEPARATOR '###') AS prod_othermeta_value" : "";
        $select = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS {$wpdb->prefix}posts.id,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t{$wpdb->prefix}posts.post_title,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t{$wpdb->prefix}posts.post_title as post_title_search,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t{$wpdb->prefix}posts.post_content,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t{$wpdb->prefix}posts.post_excerpt,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t{$wpdb->prefix}posts.post_status,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t{$wpdb->prefix}posts.post_parent\r\n\t\t\t\t\t{$post_meta_select}\r\n\t\t\t\t\t{$parent_sort_id}";
        //Used as an alternative to the SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS function of MYSQL Database
        $select_count = "SELECT COUNT(*) as count";
        // To get the count of the number of rows generated from the above select query
        $search = "";
        $search_condn = "";
        //Code to clear the advanced search temp table
        if (empty($_POST['search_query']) || empty($_POST['search_query'][0]) || !empty($_POST['searchText'])) {
            $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM {$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp");
        $sm_advanced_search_results_persistent = 0;
        //flag to handle persistent search results
        //Advanced Search Code
        if (!empty($_POST['search_query']) && !empty($_POST['search_query'][0]) || !empty($_POST['searchText'])) {
            if (empty($_POST['searchText'])) {
                $search_query_diff = get_option('sm_advanced_search_query') != '' ? array_diff($_POST['search_query'], get_option('sm_advanced_search_query')) : $_POST['search_query'];
            } else {
                $search_query_diff = '';
            if (!empty($search_query_diff)) {
                $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM {$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp");
                // query to reset advanced search temp table
                $advanced_search_query = array();
                $i = 0;
                update_option('sm_advanced_search_query', $_POST['search_query']);
                foreach ($_POST['search_query'] as $search_string_array) {
                    $search_string_array = json_decode(stripslashes($search_string_array), true);
                    if (is_array($search_string_array)) {
                        $advanced_search_query[$i] = array();
                        $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_posts'] = '';
                        $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta'] = '';
                        $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_terms'] = '';
                        $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta_col_name'] = '';
                        $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta_col_value'] = '';
                        $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta_operator'] = '';
                        $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_terms_col_name'] = '';
                        $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_terms_col_value'] = '';
                        $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_terms_operator'] = '';
                        $search_value_is_array = 0;
                        //flag for array of search_values
                        foreach ($search_string_array as $search_string) {
                            $search_col = !empty($search_string['col_name']) ? $search_string['col_name'] : '';
                            $search_operator = !empty($search_string['operator']) ? $search_string['operator'] : '';
                            $search_data_type = !empty($search_string['type']) ? $search_string['type'] : 'string';
                            $search_value = !empty($search_string['value']) ? $search_string['value'] : ($search_data_type == "number" ? '0' : '');
                            if (!empty($search_string['table_name']) && $search_string['table_name'] == $wpdb->prefix . 'posts') {
                                if ($search_data_type == "number") {
                                    $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_posts'] .= $search_string['table_name'] . "." . $search_col . " " . $search_operator . " " . $search_value;
                                } else {
                                    if ($search_operator == 'is') {
                                        $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_posts'] .= $search_string['table_name'] . "." . $search_col . " LIKE '" . $search_value . "'";
                                    } else {
                                        if ($search_operator == 'is not') {
                                            $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_posts'] .= $search_string['table_name'] . "." . $search_col . " NOT LIKE '" . $search_value . "'";
                                        } else {
                                            $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_posts'] .= $search_string['table_name'] . "." . $search_col . " " . $search_operator . "'%" . $search_value . "%'";
                                $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_posts'] .= " AND ";
                            } else {
                                if (!empty($search_string['table_name']) && $search_string['table_name'] == $wpdb->prefix . 'postmeta') {
                                    if ($search_value == 'inches') {
                                        $search_value = 'in';
                                    } else {
                                        if ($search_value == 'pounds') {
                                            $search_value = 'pound';
                                        } else {
                                            if ($search_value == 'ounces') {
                                                $search_value = 'ounce';
                                            } else {
                                                if ($search_value == 'grams') {
                                                    $search_value = 'gram';
                                                } else {
                                                    if ($search_value == 'kilograms') {
                                                        $search_value = 'kilogram';
                                    $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta_col_name'] .= $search_col;
                                    $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta_col_value'] .= $search_value;
                                    if ($search_col != '_wpsc_price' && $search_col != '_wpsc_special_price' && $search_col != '_wpsc_sku' && $search_col != '_wpsc_stock') {
                                        $search_col_temp = $search_col;
                                        $search_value_temp = $search_value;
                                        $search_col = '_wpsc_product_metadata';
                                        if ($search_operator == 'is' || $search_operator == 'is not') {
                                            $search_value = '%' . $search_col_temp . '";s:' . strlen($search_value_temp) . ':%"' . $search_value_temp . '";%';
                                        } else {
                                            $search_value = '%' . $search_col_temp . '%' . $search_value_temp . '%';
                                    if ($search_data_type == "number") {
                                        if ($search_col != '_wpsc_price' && $search_col != '_wpsc_special_price' && $search_col != '_wpsc_sku' && $search_col != '_wpsc_stock') {
                                            $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta'] .= " ( " . $search_string['table_name'] . ".meta_key LIKE '" . $search_col . "' AND " . $search_string['table_name'] . ".meta_value " . $search_operator . " " . $search_value . " )";
                                        } else {
                                            $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta'] .= " ( " . $search_string['table_name'] . ".meta_key LIKE '" . $search_col . "' AND " . $search_string['table_name'] . ".meta_value " . $search_operator . " " . $search_value . " )";
                                        $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta_operator'] .= $search_operator;
                                    } else {
                                        if ($search_operator == 'is') {
                                            $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta_operator'] .= 'LIKE';
                                            $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta'] .= " ( " . $search_string['table_name'] . ".meta_key LIKE '" . $search_col . "' AND " . $search_string['table_name'] . ".meta_value LIKE '" . $search_value . "'" . " )";
                                        } else {
                                            if ($search_operator == 'is not') {
                                                $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta_operator'] .= 'NOT LIKE';
                                                $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta'] .= " ( " . $search_string['table_name'] . ".meta_key LIKE '" . $search_col . "' AND " . $search_string['table_name'] . ".meta_value NOT LIKE '" . $search_value . "'" . " )";
                                            } else {
                                                $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta_operator'] .= $search_operator;
                                                if ($search_col != '_wpsc_price' && $search_col != '_wpsc_special_price' && $search_col != '_wpsc_sku' && $search_col != '_wpsc_stock') {
                                                    $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta'] .= " ( " . $search_string['table_name'] . ".meta_key LIKE '" . $search_col . "' AND " . $search_string['table_name'] . ".meta_value " . $search_operator . "'" . $search_value . "'" . " )";
                                                } else {
                                                    $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta'] .= " ( " . $search_string['table_name'] . ".meta_key LIKE '" . $search_col . "' AND " . $search_string['table_name'] . ".meta_value " . $search_operator . "'%" . $search_value . "%'" . " )";
                                    $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta'] .= " AND ";
                                    $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta_col_name'] .= " AND ";
                                    $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta_col_value'] .= " AND ";
                                    $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta_operator'] .= " AND ";
                                } else {
                                    if (!empty($search_string['table_name']) && $search_string['table_name'] == $wpdb->prefix . 'term_relationships') {
                                        $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_terms_col_name'] .= $search_col;
                                        $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_terms_col_value'] .= $search_value;
                                        if ($search_operator == 'is') {
                                            $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_terms'] .= " ( " . $wpdb->prefix . "term_taxonomy.taxonomy LIKE '" . $search_col . "' AND " . $wpdb->prefix . "terms.slug LIKE '" . $search_value . "'" . " )";
                                            $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_terms_operator'] .= 'LIKE';
                                        } else {
                                            if ($search_operator == 'is not') {
                                                $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_terms'] .= " ( " . $wpdb->prefix . "term_taxonomy.taxonomy LIKE '" . $search_col . "' AND " . $wpdb->prefix . "terms.slug NOT LIKE '" . $search_value . "'" . " )";
                                                $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_terms_operator'] .= 'NOT LIKE';
                                            } else {
                                                $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_terms'] .= " ( " . $wpdb->prefix . "term_taxonomy.taxonomy LIKE '" . $search_col . "' AND " . $wpdb->prefix . "terms.slug " . $search_operator . "'%" . $search_value . "%'" . " )";
                                                $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_terms_operator'] .= $search_operator;
                                        $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_terms'] .= " AND ";
                                        $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_terms_col_name'] .= " AND ";
                                        $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_terms_col_value'] .= " AND ";
                                        $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_terms_operator'] .= " AND ";
                        $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_posts'] = !empty($advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_posts']) ? substr($advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_posts'], 0, -4) : '';
                        $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta'] = !empty($advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta']) ? substr($advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta'], 0, -4) : '';
                        $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_terms'] = !empty($advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_terms']) ? substr($advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_terms'], 0, -4) : '';
                        $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta_col_name'] = !empty($advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta_col_name']) ? substr($advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta_col_name'], 0, -4) : '';
                        $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta_col_value'] = !empty($advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta_col_value']) ? substr($advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta_col_value'], 0, -4) : '';
                        $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta_operator'] = !empty($advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta_operator']) ? substr($advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta_operator'], 0, -4) : '';
                        $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_terms_col_name'] = !empty($advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_terms_col_name']) ? substr($advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_terms_col_name'], 0, -4) : '';
                        $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_terms_col_value'] = !empty($advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_terms_col_value']) ? substr($advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_terms_col_value'], 0, -4) : '';
                        $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_terms_operator'] = !empty($advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_terms_operator']) ? substr($advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_terms_operator'], 0, -4) : '';
            } else {
                if (!empty($_POST['searchText'])) {
                    $advanced_search_query[0]['cond_posts'] = $wpdb->prefix . 'posts' . ".id LIKE '" . $_POST['searchText'] . "'";
                    $advanced_search_query[1]['cond_posts'] = $wpdb->prefix . 'posts' . ".post_title LIKE '%" . $_POST['searchText'] . "%'";
                    $advanced_search_query[2]['cond_posts'] = $wpdb->prefix . 'posts' . ".post_status LIKE '%" . $_POST['searchText'] . "%'";
                    $advanced_search_query[3]['cond_posts'] = $wpdb->prefix . 'posts' . ".post_content LIKE '%" . $_POST['searchText'] . "%'";
                    $advanced_search_query[4]['cond_posts'] = $wpdb->prefix . 'posts' . ".post_excerpt LIKE '%" . $_POST['searchText'] . "%'";
                    $advanced_search_query[5]['cond_postmeta'] = $wpdb->prefix . 'postmeta' . ".meta_value LIKE '%" . $_POST['searchText'] . "%'";
                    $advanced_search_query[6]['cond_terms'] = $wpdb->prefix . "term_taxonomy.taxonomy LIKE '%" . $_POST['searchText'] . "%'";
                    $advanced_search_query[7]['cond_terms'] = $wpdb->prefix . "terms.slug LIKE '%" . $_POST['searchText'] . "%'";
                    $advanced_search_query[8]['cond_terms'] = $wpdb->prefix . "terms.name LIKE '%" . $_POST['searchText'] . "%'";
                } else {
                    $sm_advanced_search_results_persistent = 1;
        /*    if (isset ( $_POST ['searchText'] ) && $_POST ['searchText'] != '') {
        			$search_on = trim ( $_POST ['searchText'] );
        			$count_all_double_quote = substr_count( $search_on, '"' );
        			if ( $count_all_double_quote > 0 ) {
        				$search_ons = array_filter( array_map( 'trim', explode( $wpdb->_real_escape( '"' ), $search_on ) ) );
        			} else {
        				$search_on = $wpdb->_real_escape( $search_on );
                        $search_ons = explode( ' ', $search_on );
                                //Code for searching using modified post title
                                $query_title = "SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts
                                                WHERE post_title LIKE '%$search_on%'
                                                    AND post_type = 'wpsc-product'";
                                $records_title = $wpdb->get_col ( $query_title );
                                $rows_title = $wpdb->num_rows;
                                if ($rows_title > 0) {
                                    $search_title = "OR products.post_parent IN (
                                                            SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts
                                                            WHERE post_title LIKE '%$search_on%'
                                                                AND post_type = 'wpsc-product')";
                                else {
                                    $search_title = " ";
        			if ( is_array( $search_ons ) && ! empty( $search_ons ) ) {
        				$term_taxonomy_ids = get_term_taxonomy_ids( '"' . implode( '","', $search_ons ) . '"' );
                                        $search_condn = " HAVING ";
        				foreach ( $search_ons as $search_on ) {
        					$search_condn .= " concat(' ',REPLACE(REPLACE(post_title_search,'(',''),')','')) LIKE '%$search_on%'
        						               OR post_content LIKE '%$search_on%'
        						               OR post_excerpt LIKE '%$search_on%'
        						               OR if(post_status = 'publish','Published',post_status) LIKE '$search_on%'
        									   OR prod_othermeta_value LIKE '%$search_on%'
                                        if ( is_array( $term_taxonomy_ids ) && !empty( $term_taxonomy_ids ) ) {
                                            foreach ( $term_taxonomy_ids as $term_taxonomy_id ) {
                                                $search_condn .= " term_taxonomy_id LIKE '%$term_taxonomy_id%' OR";
                                        $search_condn = substr( $search_condn, 0, -2 );
        			} else {
        				$term_taxonomy_ids = get_term_taxonomy_ids( '"' . $search_on . '"' );
                                        $search_condn = " HAVING concat(' ',REPLACE(REPLACE(post_title_search,'(',''),')','')) LIKE '%$search_on%'
        						               OR post_content LIKE '%$search_on%'
        						               OR post_excerpt LIKE '%$search_on%'
        						               OR if(post_status = 'publish','Published',post_status) LIKE '$search_on%'
        									   OR prod_othermeta_value LIKE '%$search_on%'
                                        if ( is_array( $term_taxonomy_ids ) && !empty( $term_taxonomy_ids ) ) {
                                            foreach ( $term_taxonomy_ids as $term_taxonomy_id ) {
                                                $search_condn .= " OR term_taxonomy_id LIKE '%$term_taxonomy_id%'";
        		} else {
        			$search_condn = '';
        //code for the advanced Search condition handling
        //Code for term_relationships
        if (!empty($advanced_search_query)) {
            $advanced_search_post_ids = array();
            $index_search_string = 1;
            foreach ($advanced_search_query as &$advanced_search_query_string) {
                if (!empty($advanced_search_query_string['cond_terms'])) {
                    $cond_terms_array = explode(" AND  ", $advanced_search_query_string['cond_terms']);
                    $cond_terms_col_name = !empty($advanced_search_query_string['cond_terms_col_name']) ? explode(" AND ", $advanced_search_query_string['cond_terms_col_name']) : '';
                    $cond_terms_col_value = !empty($advanced_search_query_string['cond_terms_col_value']) ? explode(" AND ", $advanced_search_query_string['cond_terms_col_value']) : '';
                    $cond_terms_operator = !empty($advanced_search_query_string['cond_terms_operator']) ? explode(" AND ", $advanced_search_query_string['cond_terms_operator']) : '';
                    $cond_terms_post_ids = '';
                    $cond_cat_post_ids = array();
                    // array for storing the cat post ids
                    $result_terms_search = '';
                    $index = 0;
                    foreach ($cond_terms_array as $cond_terms) {
                        $query_advanced_search_taxonomy_id = "SELECT {$wpdb->prefix}term_taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id\r\n                                                              FROM {$wpdb->prefix}term_taxonomy\r\n                                                                JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}terms\r\n                                                                    ON ( {$wpdb->prefix}terms.term_id = {$wpdb->prefix}term_taxonomy.term_id)\r\n                                                              WHERE " . $cond_terms;
                        $result_advanced_search_taxonomy_id = $wpdb->get_col($query_advanced_search_taxonomy_id);
                        if (!empty($result_advanced_search_taxonomy_id)) {
                            $terms_search_result_flag = $index == sizeof($cond_terms_array) - 1 ? ', ' . $index_search_string : ', 0';
                            $terms_advanced_search_select = "SELECT DISTINCT {$wpdb->prefix}posts.id " . $terms_search_result_flag;
                            $terms_advanced_search_select .= " ,1";
                            $terms_advanced_search_from = "FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts\r\n                                                        JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}term_relationships\r\n                                                            ON ({$wpdb->prefix}term_relationships.object_id = {$wpdb->prefix}posts.id)";
                            $terms_advanced_search_where = "WHERE {$wpdb->prefix}term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id IN (" . implode(",", $result_advanced_search_taxonomy_id) . ")";
                            //Query to find if there are any previous conditions
                            $count_temp_previous_cond = $wpdb->query("UPDATE {$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp \r\n                                                                        SET flag = 0\r\n                                                                        WHERE flag = " . $index_search_string);
                            //Code to handle condition if the ids of previous cond are present in temp table
                            if ($index == 0 && $count_temp_previous_cond > 0 || !empty($result_terms_search)) {
                                $terms_advanced_search_from .= " JOIN {$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp\r\n                                                                    ON ({$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp.product_id = {$wpdb->prefix}posts.id)";
                                $terms_advanced_search_where .= "AND {$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp.flag = 0";
                            $query_terms_search = "REPLACE INTO {$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp\r\n                                                            (" . $terms_advanced_search_select . " " . $terms_advanced_search_from . " " . $terms_advanced_search_where . " " . ")";
                            $result_terms_search = $wpdb->query($query_terms_search);
                            //query when no attr cond has been applied
                            $query_terms_search_cat_child = "REPLACE INTO {$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp\r\n                                                                ( SELECT {$wpdb->prefix}posts.id " . $terms_search_result_flag . " ,1\r\n                                                                    FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts \r\n                                                                    JOIN {$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp\r\n                                                                        ON ({$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp.product_id = {$wpdb->prefix}posts.post_parent)\r\n                                                                    WHERE {$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp.cat_flag = 1 )";
                            $result_terms_search_cat_child = $wpdb->query($query_terms_search_cat_child);
                    //Query to reset the cat_flag
                    $wpdb->query("UPDATE {$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp SET cat_flag = 0");
                    //Code to delete the unwanted post_ids
                    $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM {$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp WHERE flag = 0");
                //Condn for postmeta
                if (!empty($advanced_search_query_string['cond_postmeta'])) {
                    $cond_postmeta_array = explode(" AND  ", $advanced_search_query_string['cond_postmeta']);
                    $cond_postmeta_col_name = !empty($advanced_search_query_string['cond_postmeta_col_name']) ? explode(" AND ", $advanced_search_query_string['cond_postmeta_col_name']) : '';
                    $cond_postmeta_col_value = !empty($advanced_search_query_string['cond_postmeta_col_value']) ? explode(" AND ", $advanced_search_query_string['cond_postmeta_col_value']) : '';
                    $cond_postmeta_operator = !empty($advanced_search_query_string['cond_postmeta_operator']) ? explode(" AND ", $advanced_search_query_string['cond_postmeta_operator']) : '';
                    $index = 0;
                    $cond_postmeta_post_ids = '';
                    $result_postmeta_search = '';
                    $postmeta_advanced_search_from = '';
                    $postmeta_advanced_search_where = '';
                    foreach ($cond_postmeta_array as $cond_postmeta) {
                        $cond_postmeta_col_name1 = !empty($cond_postmeta_col_name[$index]) ? trim($cond_postmeta_col_name[$index]) : '';
                        $cond_postmeta_col_value1 = !empty($cond_postmeta_col_value[$index]) ? trim($cond_postmeta_col_value[$index]) : '';
                        $cond_postmeta_operator1 = !empty($cond_postmeta_operator[$index]) ? trim($cond_postmeta_operator[$index]) : '';
                        $postmeta_search_result_flag = $index == sizeof($cond_postmeta_array) - 1 ? ', ' . $index_search_string : ', 0';
                        //Query to find if there are any previous conditions
                        $count_temp_previous_cond = $wpdb->query("UPDATE {$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp \r\n                                                                    SET flag = 0\r\n                                                                    WHERE flag = " . $index_search_string);
                        //Code to handle condition if the ids of previous cond are present in temp table
                        if ($index == 0 && $count_temp_previous_cond > 0 || !empty($result_postmeta_search)) {
                            $postmeta_advanced_search_from = " JOIN {$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp\r\n                                                                ON ({$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp.product_id = {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta.post_id)";
                            $postmeta_advanced_search_where = " AND {$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp.flag = 0";
                        if ($cond_postmeta_col_name1 == 'weight' || $cond_postmeta_col_name1 == 'height' || $cond_postmeta_col_name1 == 'width' || $cond_postmeta_col_name1 == 'length' || $cond_postmeta_col_name1 == 'local' || $cond_postmeta_col_name1 == 'international') {
                            $postmeta_advanced_search_query = "SELECT DISTINCT temp.post_id " . $postmeta_search_result_flag . " ,0\r\n                                                                        FROM (SELECT {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta.post_id, SUBSTRING_INDEX( SUBSTRING( {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta.meta_value, (\r\n                                                                                        INSTR( {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta.meta_value,  '" . $cond_postmeta_col_name1 . "' ) + LENGTH('" . $cond_postmeta_col_name1 . "') ) +4 ) ,';', 1) \r\n                                                                                        AS " . $cond_postmeta_col_name1 . "\r\n                                                                                    FROM  {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta " . $postmeta_advanced_search_from . "\r\n                                                                                    WHERE meta_key LIKE '_wpsc_product_metadata'\r\n                                                                                        {$postmeta_advanced_search_where}\r\n                                                                                    GROUP BY post_id\r\n                                                                                        HAVING " . $cond_postmeta_col_name1 . " " . $cond_postmeta_operator1 . " " . $cond_postmeta_col_value1 . ") AS temp";
                        } else {
                            $postmeta_advanced_search_query = "SELECT DISTINCT {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta.post_id " . $postmeta_search_result_flag . " ,0\r\n                                                                                FROM {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta " . $postmeta_advanced_search_from . "\r\n                                                                                WHERE " . $cond_postmeta . " " . $postmeta_advanced_search_where;
                        $query_postmeta_search = "REPLACE INTO {$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp\r\n                                                        (" . $postmeta_advanced_search_query . ")";
                        $result_postmeta_search = $wpdb->query($query_postmeta_search);
                    //Query to delete the unwanted post_ids
                    $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM {$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp WHERE flag = 0");
                //Cond for posts
                if (!empty($advanced_search_query_string['cond_posts'])) {
                    $cond_posts_array = explode(" AND ", $advanced_search_query_string['cond_posts']);
                    $index = 0;
                    $cond_posts_post_ids = '';
                    $result_posts_search = '';
                    foreach ($cond_posts_array as $cond_posts) {
                        $posts_advanced_search_from = '';
                        $posts_advanced_search_where = '';
                        $posts_search_result_flag = $index == sizeof($cond_posts_array) - 1 ? ', ' . $index_search_string : ', 0';
                        //Query to find if there are any previous conditions
                        $count_temp_previous_cond = $wpdb->query("UPDATE {$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp \r\n                                                                    SET flag = 0\r\n                                                                    WHERE flag = " . $index_search_string);
                        //Code to handle condition if the ids of previous cond are present in temp table
                        if ($index == 0 && $count_temp_previous_cond > 0 || !empty($result_posts_search)) {
                            $posts_advanced_search_from = " JOIN {$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp\r\n                                                                ON ({$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp.product_id = {$wpdb->prefix}posts.id)";
                            $posts_advanced_search_where = " AND {$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp.flag = 0";
                        $query_posts_search = "REPLACE INTO {$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp\r\n                                                        (SELECT DISTINCT {$wpdb->prefix}posts.id " . $posts_search_result_flag . " ,0\r\n                                                        FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts " . $posts_advanced_search_from . "\r\n                                                        WHERE " . $cond_posts . "AND {$wpdb->prefix}posts.post_type = 'wpsc-product'" . $posts_advanced_search_where . ")";
                        $result_posts_search = $wpdb->query($query_posts_search);
                    //Query to delete the unwanted post_ids
                    $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM {$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp WHERE flag = 0");
        //for combined
        $advanced_search_from = '';
        $advanced_search_where = '';
        if (!empty($advanced_search_query) || $sm_advanced_search_results_persistent == 1) {
            $advanced_search_from = " JOIN {$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp\r\n                                        ON ({$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp.product_id = {$wpdb->prefix}posts.id)";
            $advanced_search_where = " AND {$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp.flag > 0";
        $from = "FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts";
        $from_export = "FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts\r\n        \t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta as prod_othermeta ON (prod_othermeta.post_id = {$wpdb->prefix}posts.id and\r\n        \t\t\t\t\t\t  prod_othermeta.meta_key IN ('_wpsc_price', '_wpsc_special_price', '_wpsc_sku', '_wpsc_stock', '_thumbnail_id','_wpsc_product_metadata') )\r\n                                LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}term_relationships AS term_relationships ON ( {$wpdb->prefix}posts.id = term_relationships.object_id )";
        $where = "WHERE {$wpdb->prefix}posts.post_status IN  {$post_status}\r\n\t\t\t\t\tAND {$wpdb->prefix}posts.post_type = 'wpsc-product'\r\n                    {$trash_id}";
        $group_by = " GROUP BY {$wpdb->prefix}posts.id ";
        $query = !empty($_POST['func_nm']) && $_POST['func_nm'] == 'exportCsvWpsc' ? "{$select} {$from_export} {$advanced_search_from} {$where} {$advanced_search_where} {$group_by} {$search_condn} {$order_by} {$limit_string};" : "{$select} {$from} {$advanced_search_from} {$where} {$advanced_search_where} {$group_by} {$search_condn} {$order_by} {$limit_string};";
        // $query = "$select $from_where $advanced_search_string $group_by $search_condn $order_by $limit_string;";
        $records = $wpdb->get_results($query);
        $num_rows = $wpdb->num_rows;
        //To get the total count
        $recordcount_query = $wpdb->get_results('SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as count;', 'ARRAY_A');
        $num_records = $recordcount_query[0]['count'];
        if (!empty($advanced_search_query) && !empty($advanced_search_post_ids)) {
            $advanced_search_post_ids = array_unique($advanced_search_post_ids);
            $num_records = sizeof($advanced_search_post_ids);
        if ($num_rows <= 0) {
            $encoded['totalCount'] = '';
            $encoded['items'] = '';
            $encoded['msg'] = __('No Records Found', $sm_text_domain);
        } else {
            if (empty($_POST['func_nm'])) {
                $post_ids = array();
                foreach ($records as $record) {
                    $post_ids[] = $record->id;
                $query_postmeta = "SELECT prod_othermeta.post_id as post_id,\r\n                                        GROUP_CONCAT(prod_othermeta.meta_key order by prod_othermeta.meta_id SEPARATOR '###') AS prod_othermeta_key,\r\n                                        GROUP_CONCAT(prod_othermeta.meta_value order by prod_othermeta.meta_id SEPARATOR '###') AS prod_othermeta_value\r\n                                    FROM {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta as prod_othermeta \r\n                                    WHERE post_id IN (" . implode(",", $post_ids) . ") AND\r\n                                        prod_othermeta.meta_key IN ('_wpsc_price', '_wpsc_special_price', '_wpsc_sku', '_wpsc_stock', '_thumbnail_id','_wpsc_product_metadata')\r\n                                    GROUP BY post_id";
                $records_postmeta = $wpdb->get_results($query_postmeta, 'ARRAY_A');
                $products_meta_data = array();
                foreach ($records_postmeta as $record_postmeta) {
                    $products_meta_data[$record_postmeta['post_id']] = array();
                    $products_meta_data[$record_postmeta['post_id']]['prod_othermeta_key'] = $record_postmeta['prod_othermeta_key'];
                    $products_meta_data[$record_postmeta['post_id']]['prod_othermeta_value'] = $record_postmeta['prod_othermeta_value'];
                foreach ($records as &$record) {
                    $record->prod_othermeta_key = !empty($products_meta_data[$record->id]['prod_othermeta_key']) ? $products_meta_data[$record->id]['prod_othermeta_key'] : '';
                    $record->prod_othermeta_value = !empty($products_meta_data[$record->id]['prod_othermeta_value']) ? $products_meta_data[$record->id]['prod_othermeta_value'] : '';
            foreach ($records as &$record) {
                $record->post_content = str_replace('"', '\'', $record->post_content);
                $record->post_excerpt = str_replace('"', '\'', $record->post_excerpt);
                // if ( intval($record->post_parent) == 0 ) {
                //                 $category_terms = wp_get_object_terms($record->id, 'wpsc_product_category', array( 'fields' => 'names', 'orderby' => 'name', 'order' => 'ASC' ));
                //                 $record->category = implode( ', ', $category_terms );			// To hide category name from Product's variations
                //             }
                $product_type = wp_get_object_terms($record->id, 'product_type', array('fields' => 'slugs'));
                // Code to get the Category Name from the term_taxonomy_id
                if (isset($category_ids_all[$record->id])) {
                    $category_names = "";
                    $category_id = explode('###', $category_ids_all[$record->id]);
                    for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($category_id); $j++) {
                        if (isset($term_taxonomy[$category_id[$j]])) {
                            $category_names .= $term_taxonomy[$category_id[$j]] . ', ';
                    if ($category_names != "") {
                        $category_names = substr($category_names, 0, -2);
                        $record->category = $category_names;
                } else {
                    $record->category = "";
                $product_type = !is_wp_error($product_type) ? !empty($product_type[0]) ? $product_type[0] : '' : '';
                // Code for WP_Error and empty check
                $record->category = $record->post_parent > 0 && $product_type == 'simple' || $record->post_parent == 0 ? !empty($record->category) ? $record->category : '' : '';
                // To hide category name from Product's variations
                $prod_meta_values = explode('###', $record->prod_othermeta_value);
                $prod_meta_key = explode('###', $record->prod_othermeta_key);
                if (count($prod_meta_key) != count($prod_meta_values)) {
                $prod_meta_key_values = array_combine($prod_meta_key, $prod_meta_values);
                if (intval($record->post_parent) > 0) {
                    $title = get_post_field('post_title', $record->post_parent, 'raw');
                    $variation_terms = wp_get_object_terms($record->id, 'wpsc-variation', array('fields' => 'names', 'orderby' => 'name', 'order' => 'ASC'));
                    $record->post_title = $title . ' - (' . implode(', ', $variation_terms) . ')';
                //				$thumbnail = isset( $prod_meta_key_values['_thumbnail_id'] ) ? wp_get_attachment_image_src( $prod_meta_key_values['_thumbnail_id'], $image_size ) : '';
                //				$record->thumbnail    = ( $thumbnail[0] != '' ) ? $thumbnail[0] : false;
                $thumbnail = wpsc_the_product_thumbnail('', '', $record->id, '');
                $record->thumbnail = $thumbnail != '' ? $thumbnail : false;
                foreach ($prod_meta_key_values as $key => $value) {
                    if (is_serialized($value)) {
                        $unsez_data = unserialize($value);
                        $unsez_data['weight'] = wpsc_convert_weight($unsez_data['weight'], "pound", $unsez_data['weight_unit']);
                        // get the weight by converting it to repsective unit
                        foreach ((array) $unsez_data as $meta_key => $meta_value) {
                            if (is_array($meta_value)) {
                                foreach ($meta_value as $sub_metakey => $sub_metavalue) {
                                    in_array($sub_metakey, $view_columns) ? $record->{$sub_metakey} = $sub_metavalue : '';
                            } else {
                                in_array($meta_key, $view_columns) ? $record->{$meta_key} = $meta_value : '';
                            if ($record->post_parent == 0 && wpsc_product_has_children($record->id)) {
                                if ($show_variation == true) {
                                    $record->_wpsc_price = $record->_wpsc_special_price = ' ';
                                } elseif ($show_variation == false) {
                                    $parent_price = version_compare(WPSC_VERSION, '3.8.10', '>=') == 1 ? wpsc_product_variation_price_from($record->id) : wpsc_product_variation_price_available($record->id);
                                    $record->_wpsc_price = substr($parent_price, 1, strlen($parent_price));
                                    $record->_wpsc_special_price = substr($parent_price, 1, strlen($parent_price));
                    } else {
                        in_array($key, $view_columns) ? $record->{$key} = $value : '';
    } elseif ($active_module == 'Orders') {
        if (SMPRO == true && function_exists('get_packing_slip') && (!empty($_POST['label']) && $_POST['label'] == 'getPurchaseLogs')) {
            $log_ids_arr = json_decode(stripslashes($_POST['log_ids']));
            if (is_array($log_ids_arr)) {
                $log_ids = implode(', ', $log_ids_arr);
            get_packing_slip($log_ids, $log_ids_arr);
        } else {
            if (isset($_POST['searchText']) && $_POST['searchText'] != '') {
                $search_on = $wpdb->_real_escape(trim($_POST['searchText']));
            if (isset($_POST['fromDate'])) {
                $from_date = strtotime($_POST['fromDate']);
                $to_date = strtotime($_POST['toDate']);
                if ($to_date == 0) {
                    $to_date = strtotime('today');
                // move it forward till the end of day
                $to_date += 86399;
                // Swap the two dates if to_date is less than from_date
                if ($to_date < $from_date) {
                    $temp = $to_date;
                    $to_date = $from_date;
                    $from_date = $temp;
                $where = " WHERE wtpl.date BETWEEN '{$from_date}' AND '{$to_date}'";
            //Code to get the variation names
            $term_taxonomy_id_query = "SELECT term_relationships.object_id AS object_id,\r\n                                        GROUP_CONCAT( DISTINCT terms.name ORDER BY terms.term_id SEPARATOR ',' ) AS variations\r\n                                        FROM {$wpdb->prefix}term_relationships AS term_relationships\r\n                                            LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}term_taxonomy AS term_taxonomy ON ( term_taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id = term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id )\r\n                                            LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}terms AS terms ON ( terms.term_id = term_taxonomy.term_id )\r\n                                        WHERE term_taxonomy.taxonomy = 'wpsc-variation'\r\n                                        GROUP BY object_id";
            $term_taxonomy_id_results = $wpdb->get_results($term_taxonomy_id_query, 'ARRAY_A');
            $term_taxonomy_id_rows = $wpdb->num_rows;
            $term_names = array();
            if ($term_taxonomy_id_rows > 0) {
                foreach ($term_taxonomy_id_results as $term_taxonomy_id_result) {
                    $term_names[$term_taxonomy_id_result['object_id']] = $term_taxonomy_id_result['variations'];
            // LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}term_relationships AS term_relationships ON ( term_relationships.object_id = wtcc.prodid )
            //         LEFT JOIN
            //         (
            //         ) AS terms ON ( terms.object_id = wtcc.prodid )
            // CAST( CONCAT( if( products.post_parent > 0, SUBSTRING_INDEX( products.post_title, '(', 1 ), products.post_title ), if( products.post_parent > 0, CONCAT( if( terms.variations IS NULL, '', '(' ),
            //                                 terms.variations,
            //                                 if( terms.variations IS NULL, '', ')' ) ), '' ),
            //                                 if( postmeta.meta_value != '',' [', ' '),
            //                                 postmeta.meta_value,
            //                                 if( postmeta.meta_value != '',']', ' ' ) )
            //                              AS CHAR(1000000) ) AS product_details,
            $product_details = "SELECT wtcc.prodid AS product_id,\r\n                                            postmeta.meta_value as sku,\r\n                                            products.post_title as title,\r\n                                            products.post_parent as post_parent,\r\n                                            wtcc.name AS additional_product_name\r\n                                            FROM " . WPSC_TABLE_CART_CONTENTS . " AS wtcc\r\n                                                LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}posts AS products ON ( products.ID = wtcc.prodid )\r\n                                                LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta AS postmeta ON ( postmeta.post_id = wtcc.prodid AND postmeta.meta_key = '_wpsc_sku' )\r\n                                            GROUP BY product_id";
            $results = $wpdb->get_results($product_details, 'ARRAY_A');
            $product_details_results = array();
            foreach ($results as $result) {
                $product_details = '';
                if ($result['post_parent'] > 0) {
                    $product_details = substr($result['title'], 0, strpos($result['title'], '('));
                    if (!empty($term_names[$result['product_id']])) {
                        $product_details .= '(' . $term_names[$result['product_id']] . ')';
                } else {
                    $product_details = $result['title'];
                if (!empty($result['sku'])) {
                    $product_details .= ' [' . $result['sku'] . ']';
                $product_details_results[$result['product_id']] = !empty($result['product_details']) ? $result['product_details'] : $result['additional_product_name'];
            if (!empty($search_on)) {
                //Query for searching for Shipping_Country
                $search_condn_country_query = "SELECT DISTINCT wtcl.isocode\r\n                                                                FROM " . WPSC_TABLE_CURRENCY_LIST . " AS wtcl\r\n                                                                WHERE wtcl.country LIKE '%{$search_on}%'\r\n                                                                    OR wtcl.continent LIKE '%{$search_on}%'\r\n                                                        ";
                $country_search_ons = $wpdb->get_col($search_condn_country_query);
                //Query for searching for Shipping_Region
                $search_condn_region_query = "SELECT DISTINCT wtrt.id\r\n                                                                FROM " . WPSC_TABLE_REGION_TAX . " AS wtrt\r\n                                                                WHERE wtrt.name LIKE '%{$search_on}%'\r\n                                                        ";
                $region_search_ons = $wpdb->get_col($search_condn_region_query);
                //Code for handling the search using user email id
                $email_query = "SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->users} \r\n                                        WHERE user_email LIKE '%{$search_on}%'";
                $email_result = $wpdb->get_col($email_query);
                $email_rows = $wpdb->num_rows;
                if ($email_rows > 0) {
                    $email_query1 = "SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->prefix}wpsc_purchase_logs \r\n                                        WHERE user_ID IN (" . implode(",", $email_result) . ")";
                    $email_result1 = $wpdb->get_col($email_query1);
                    $email_search = !empty($email_result1) ? " OR wtsfd.log_id IN ( " . implode(',', $email_result1) . " )" : '';
                //Code for handling search using shipping_county OR shipping_Region
                if (!empty($country_search_ons) || !empty($region_search_ons)) {
                    $search_on_region_country .= " (";
                    foreach ($country_search_ons as $country_search_on) {
                        $search_on_region_country .= "meta_values LIKE '%###{$country_search_on}###%' OR ";
                    for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($region_search_ons); $j++) {
                        $search_on_region_country .= "meta_values LIKE '%###{$region_search_ons[$j]}###%' OR ";
                    $search_on_region_country = trim($search_on_region_country, ' OR ');
                    $search_on_region_country .= " )";
                } else {
                    $search_condn_checkout_form_details_query = " meta_values LIKE '%{$search_on}%' \r\n                                                                      {$email_search}";
                    $search_on_region_country = '';
            } else {
                $search_on_region_country = '';
                $search_condn_checkout_form_details_query = '';
            $having = !empty($search_condn_checkout_form_details_query) || !empty($search_on_region_country) ? " HAVING " . $search_condn_checkout_form_details_query . $search_on_region_country : '';
            $checkout_form_details_select_query = "SELECT wtsfd.log_id AS purchase_log_id,\r\n                                                        GROUP_CONCAT( wtcf.unique_name ORDER BY wtcf.id SEPARATOR '###' ) AS meta_keys,\r\n                                                        GROUP_CONCAT( wtsfd.value ORDER BY wtsfd.form_id SEPARATOR '###' ) AS meta_values";
            $checkout_form_details_from_query = " FROM " . WPSC_TABLE_SUBMITED_FORM_DATA . " AS wtsfd\r\n                                                            LEFT JOIN " . WPSC_TABLE_CHECKOUT_FORMS . " as wtcf   \r\n                                                            ON (wtsfd.form_id = wtcf.id)\r\n                                                            WHERE wtcf.active = 1 \r\n                                                                AND wtcf.unique_name IN ('billingfirstname', 'billinglastname', 'billingemail',\r\n                                                                                         'shippingfirstname', 'shippinglastname', 'shippingaddress',\r\n                                                                                         'shippingcity', 'shippingstate', 'shippingcountry', 'shippingpostcode','billingphone')\r\n                                                ";
            $results = $wpdb->get_results($checkout_form_details_select_query . $checkout_form_details_from_query . " GROUP BY purchase_log_id" . $having, 'ARRAY_A');
            $result_shipping = $results;
            $matched_checkout_form_details = false;
            if (empty($results)) {
                $results = $wpdb->get_results($checkout_form_details_select_query . $checkout_form_details_from_query . " GROUP BY purchase_log_id", 'ARRAY_A');
            } else {
                $matched_checkout_form_details = true;
            $checkout_form_details = array();
            foreach ($results as $result) {
                $checkout_form_details[$result['purchase_log_id']] = array();
                $checkout_form_details[$result['purchase_log_id']]['meta_keys'] = $result['meta_keys'];
                $checkout_form_details[$result['purchase_log_id']]['meta_values'] = $result['meta_values'];
            $purchase_logs_select_query = "SELECT wtpl.id, \r\n                                                wtpl.totalprice AS amount, \r\n                                                wtpl.processed AS order_status, \r\n                                                wtpl.user_ID AS customer_id, \r\n                                                wtpl.date AS unixdate,\r\n                                                wtpl.notes,\r\n                                                wtpl.track_id,\r\n                                                GROUP_CONCAT( CAST(wtcc.prodid AS CHAR) ORDER BY wtcc.id SEPARATOR ',' ) AS product_ids,\r\n                                                CONCAT( CAST(SUM(wtcc.quantity) AS CHAR(100)), ' items') AS details";
            $purchase_logs_from_query = " FROM " . WPSC_TABLE_PURCHASE_LOGS . " AS wtpl\r\n                                                    LEFT JOIN " . WPSC_TABLE_CART_CONTENTS . " AS wtcc ON ( wtcc.purchaseid = wtpl.id )\r\n                                        ";
            if (!empty($search_on)) {
                $search_condn_purchase_log_ids = get_all_matched_purchase_log_ids($search_on, $checkout_form_details_from_query);
                $variation_search_query = "SELECT DISTINCT tr.object_id\r\n                                                    FROM {$wpdb->prefix}term_relationships AS tr\r\n                                                        LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}term_taxonomy AS tt ON ( tt.term_taxonomy_id = tr.term_taxonomy_id )\r\n                                                        LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}terms AS t ON ( t.term_id = tt.term_id )\r\n                                                    WHERE tt.taxonomy = 'wpsc-variation'\r\n                                                        AND t.name LIKE '%{$search_on}%'\r\n\r\n                                                ";
                $object_ids = $wpdb->get_col($variation_search_query);
                $variation_search_ids = !empty($object_ids) ? " OR wtcc.prodid IN ( " . implode(',', $object_ids) . " )" : '';
                $email_query = "SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->users} \r\n                                        WHERE user_email LIKE '%{$search_on}%'";
                $email_result = $wpdb->get_col($email_query);
                $email_search = !empty($email_result) ? " OR wtpl.user_ID IN ( " . implode(',', $email_result) . " )" : '';
                $search_condn_purchase_logs = " AND ( wtpl.id LIKE '%{$search_on}%'\r\n                                                          OR totalprice LIKE '%{$search_on}%'\r\n                                                          OR notes LIKE '%{$search_on}%'\r\n                                                          OR date LIKE '%{$search_on}%'\r\n                                                          OR wtpl.track_id LIKE '%{$search_on}%'\r\n                                                          OR CASE wtpl.processed\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  WHEN 1 THEN 'Incomplete Sale'\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  WHEN 2 THEN 'Order Received'\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  WHEN 3 THEN 'Accepted Payment'\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  WHEN 4 THEN 'Job Dispatched'\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  WHEN 5 THEN 'Closed Order'\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  ELSE 'Payment Declined'\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t     END like '%{$search_on}%'\r\n                                                          OR wtcc.name LIKE '%{$search_on}%'\r\n                                                          {$variation_search_ids}\r\n                                                          {$email_search}\r\n                                                         )\r\n                                                    {$search_condn_purchase_log_ids}\r\n                                                    ";
            } else {
                $search_condn_purchase_logs = '';
            $query = $purchase_logs_select_query . $purchase_logs_from_query . $where . $search_condn_purchase_logs . " GROUP BY wtpl.id ORDER BY wtpl.id DESC {$limit_string}";
            $results = $wpdb->get_results($query, 'ARRAY_A');
            if (empty($results)) {
                $log_id = array();
                for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($result_shipping); $i++) {
                    $log_id[$i] = $result_shipping[$i]['purchase_log_id'];
                if (!empty($log_id)) {
                    $where .= "AND wtpl.id IN(" . implode(",", $log_id) . ")";
                    $query = $purchase_logs_select_query . $purchase_logs_from_query . $where . " GROUP BY wtpl.id ORDER BY wtpl.id DESC {$limit_string}";
                    $results = $wpdb->get_results($query, 'ARRAY_A');
            if (!$is_export) {
                $orders_count_result = $wpdb->get_results(substr($query, 0, strpos($query, 'LIMIT')), 'ARRAY_A');
                $num_records = count($orders_count_result);
            } else {
                $num_records = count($results);
            $query = "SELECT ID,user_email FROM {$wpdb->users}";
            $reg_user = $wpdb->get_results($query, 'ARRAY_A');
            for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($reg_user); $i++) {
                $user_email[$reg_user[$i]['ID']] = $reg_user[$i]['user_email'];
            //To get the total count
            if ($num_records == 0) {
                $encoded['totalCount'] = '';
                $encoded['items'] = '';
                $encoded['msg'] = __('No Records Found', $sm_text_domain);
            } else {
                foreach ($results as $data) {
                    if ($matched_checkout_form_details && !isset($checkout_form_details[$data['id']])) {
                    $checkout_form_details_keys = explode('###', $checkout_form_details[$data['id']]['meta_keys']);
                    $checkout_form_details_values = explode('###', $checkout_form_details[$data['id']]['meta_values']);
                    if (count($checkout_form_details_keys) == count($checkout_form_details_values)) {
                        $checkout_form_data = array_combine($checkout_form_details_keys, $checkout_form_details_values);
                        $name_emailid[0] = "<font class=blue>" . $checkout_form_data['billingfirstname'] . "</font>";
                        $name_emailid[1] = "<font class=blue>" . $checkout_form_data['billinglastname'] . "</font>";
                        $name_emailid[2] = "(" . $checkout_form_data['billingemail'] . ")";
                        //email comes at 7th position.
                        $data['name'] = implode(' ', $name_emailid);
                        //in front end,splitting is done with this space.
                        $data['date'] = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $data['unixdate']);
                        //Code to display the order date in GMT format
                        if ($data['customer_id'] > 0) {
                            $data['reg_email'] = $user_email[$data['customer_id']];
                        } else {
                            $data['reg_email'] = "";
                        $prod_ids = explode(',', $data['product_ids']);
                        $products_name = '';
                        foreach ($prod_ids as $prod_id) {
                            $products_name .= $product_details_results[$prod_id] . ', ';
                        $data['products_name'] = trim($products_name, ', ');
                        if (!empty($checkout_form_data['shippingstate'])) {
                            $ship_state = $checkout_form_data['shippingstate'];
                            $checkout_form_data['shippingstate'] = $regions_ids[$ship_state] != '' ? $regions_ids[$ship_state] : $ship_state;
                        if (!empty($checkout_form_data['shippingcountry'])) {
                            $ship_country = $checkout_form_data['shippingcountry'];
                            $checkout_form_data['shippingcountry'] = $country_data[$ship_country] != '' ? $country_data[$ship_country] : $ship_country;
                        $records[] = !empty($checkout_form_data) ? array_merge($checkout_form_data, $data) : $data;
    } else {
        //BOF Customer's module
        if (isset($_POST['searchText']) && $_POST['searchText'] != '') {
            $search_on = $wpdb->_real_escape(trim($_POST['searchText']));
        } else {
            $search_on = "";
        $email_form_id = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT id FROM " . WPSC_TABLE_CHECKOUT_FORMS . " WHERE unique_name = 'billingemail'");
        $query_max_users_ids = "SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(wtpl.id ORDER BY wtpl.date DESC SEPARATOR ',' ) AS last_order_id,\r\n                                        GROUP_CONCAT(wtpl.totalprice ORDER BY wtpl.date DESC SEPARATOR ',' ) AS _order_total,\r\n                                        DATE_FORMAT( MAX(FROM_UNIXTIME( wtpl.date )),'%b %e %Y' ) AS Last_Order,\r\n                                        COUNT(wtpl.id) AS count_orders,\r\n                                        SUM(wtpl.totalprice) AS total_orders\r\n                    \r\n                                        FROM " . WPSC_TABLE_PURCHASE_LOGS . " AS wtpl\r\n                                                 LEFT JOIN " . WPSC_TABLE_SUBMITED_FORM_DATA . " AS customer_email ON ( customer_email.log_id = wtpl.id AND customer_email.form_id = {$email_form_id} )\r\n                                        WHERE wtpl.user_ID > 0\r\n                                        Group by wtpl.user_ID";
        $result_max_users_ids = $wpdb->get_results($query_max_users_ids, 'ARRAY_A');
        $query_max_guest_ids = "SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(wtpl.id ORDER BY wtpl.date DESC SEPARATOR ',' ) AS last_order_id,\r\n                                        GROUP_CONCAT(wtpl.totalprice ORDER BY wtpl.date DESC SEPARATOR ',' ) AS _order_total,\r\n                                        DATE_FORMAT( MAX(FROM_UNIXTIME( wtpl.date )),'%b %e %Y' ) AS Last_Order,\r\n                                        COUNT(wtpl.id) AS count_orders,\r\n                                        SUM(wtpl.totalprice) AS total_orders\r\n                                        \r\n                                        FROM " . WPSC_TABLE_PURCHASE_LOGS . " AS wtpl\r\n                                                 LEFT JOIN " . WPSC_TABLE_SUBMITED_FORM_DATA . " AS customer_email ON ( customer_email.log_id = wtpl.id AND customer_email.form_id = {$email_form_id} )\r\n                                        WHERE wtpl.user_ID = 0\r\n                                        GROUP BY customer_email.value\r\n                                        ORDER BY Last_Order DESC";
        $result_max_guest_ids = $wpdb->get_results($query_max_guest_ids, 'ARRAY_A');
        for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($result_max_guest_ids); $i++) {
            $temp_id = !empty($result_max_guest_ids[$i]['last_order_id']) ? explode(",", $result_max_guest_ids[$i]['last_order_id']) : '';
            $max_id[$i] = !empty($temp_id[0]) ? $temp_id[0] : 0;
            $count_orders[$max_id[$i]] = !empty($result_max_guest_ids[$i]['count_orders']) ? $result_max_guest_ids[$i]['count_orders'] : '';
            $total_orders[$max_id[$i]] = !empty($result_max_guest_ids[$i]['total_orders']) ? $result_max_guest_ids[$i]['total_orders'] : '';
            $order_date[$max_id[$i]] = !empty($result_max_guest_ids[$i]['Last_Order']) ? $result_max_guest_ids[$i]['Last_Order'] : '';
            $temp_tot = !empty($result_max_guest_ids[$i]['_order_total']) ? explode(",", $result_max_guest_ids[$i]['_order_total']) : '';
            $last_order_total[$max_id[$i]] = !empty($temp_tot[0]) ? $temp_tot[0] : '';
        $j = !empty($max_id) ? sizeof($max_id) : 0;
        for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($result_max_users_ids); $i++, $j++) {
            $temp_id = !empty($result_max_users_ids[$i]['last_order_id']) ? explode(",", $result_max_users_ids[$i]['last_order_id']) : '';
            $max_id[$j] = !empty($temp_id) ? $temp_id[0] : 0;
            $count_orders[$max_id[$j]] = !empty($result_max_users_ids[$i]['count_orders']) ? $result_max_users_ids[$i]['count_orders'] : '';
            $total_orders[$max_id[$j]] = !empty($result_max_users_ids[$i]['total_orders']) ? $result_max_users_ids[$i]['total_orders'] : '';
            $order_date[$max_id[$j]] = !empty($result_max_users_ids[$i]['Last_Order']) ? $result_max_users_ids[$i]['Last_Order'] : '';
            $temp_tot = !empty($result_max_users_ids[$i]['_order_total']) ? explode(",", $result_max_users_ids[$i]['_order_total']) : '';
            $last_order_total[$max_id[$j]] = !empty($temp_id) ? $temp_tot[0] : '';
        $total_search = "";
        if (!empty($search_on)) {
            $searched_region = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT code FROM " . WPSC_TABLE_REGION_TAX . " WHERE name LIKE '%{$search_on}%'");
            $searched_country = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT isocode FROM " . WPSC_TABLE_CURRENCY_LIST . " WHERE country LIKE '%{$search_on}%' OR continent LIKE '%{$search_on}%'");
            $found_country_region = array_merge($searched_region, $searched_country);
            $found_country_region_having = '';
            foreach ($found_country_region as $country_region) {
                $found_country_region_having .= " OR meta_values LIKE '%{$country_region}%'";
            $email_query = "SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->users} \r\n                                        WHERE user_email LIKE '%{$search_on}%'";
            $email_result = $wpdb->get_col($email_query);
            $email_rows = $wpdb->num_rows;
            //Query to get the user ids of the rows whose content matches the search text
            $user_detail_query = "SELECT DISTINCT user_id FROM {$wpdb->usermeta} \r\n                                            WHERE meta_key IN ('first_name','last_name','wpshpcrt_usr_profile') \r\n                                                AND meta_value LIKE '%{$search_on}%'";
            $user_detail_result = $wpdb->get_col($user_detail_query);
            $user_detail_rows = $wpdb->num_rows;
            //Code to merge all the user ids into a single array
            if ($user_detail_rows > 0) {
                for ($i = 0, $j = sizeof($email_result); $i < sizeof($user_detail_result); $i++, $j++) {
                    $email_result[$j] = $user_detail_result[$i];
            if ($email_rows > 0 || $user_detail_rows > 0) {
                $email_query1 = "SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->prefix}wpsc_purchase_logs \r\n                                        WHERE user_ID IN (" . implode(",", $email_result) . ")";
                $email_result1 = $wpdb->get_col($email_query1);
                $email_search = !empty($email_result1) ? " OR wtsfd.log_id IN ( " . implode(',', $email_result1) . " )" : '';
        $where_log_id = !empty($max_id) ? 'WHERE log_id IN (' . implode(",", $max_id) . ')' : '';
        $max_id_imploded = !empty($max_id) ? implode(",", $max_id) : '';
        $orderby_log_id = !empty($max_id) ? "ORDER BY FIND_IN_SET(log_id,'{$max_id_imploded}')" : 'ORDER BY log_id';
        $customer_details_query_select = "SELECT wtsfd.log_id AS log_id,\r\n                                                            GROUP_CONCAT( wtcf.unique_name ORDER BY wtcf.id SEPARATOR '###' ) AS meta_keys,\r\n                                                            GROUP_CONCAT( wtsfd.value ORDER BY wtsfd.form_id SEPARATOR '###' ) AS meta_values\r\n\r\n                                                        FROM " . WPSC_TABLE_SUBMITED_FORM_DATA . " AS wtsfd\r\n                                                                 JOIN " . WPSC_TABLE_CHECKOUT_FORMS . " AS wtcf ON ( wtcf.id = wtsfd.form_id AND wtcf.active = 1 AND wtcf.unique_name IN ('billingfirstname','billinglastname','billingaddress',\r\n                                                                                                    'billingcity','billingstate','billingcountry','billingpostcode',\r\n                                                                                                    'billingemail','billingphone') )\r\n                                                            {$where_log_id}\r\n                                                        GROUP BY log_id";
        if (!empty($search_on)) {
            $customer_details_query_having = " HAVING meta_values LIKE '%{$search_on}%'\r\n                                                              {$found_country_region_having}\r\n                                                              {$email_search}\r\n                                                                  {$total_search}    \r\n                                                     ";
        } else {
            $customer_details_query_having = '';
        $order_by = " {$orderby_log_id} {$limit_string}";
        $full_customer_details_query = $customer_details_query_select . $customer_details_query_having . $order_by;
        $customer_details_results = $wpdb->get_results($full_customer_details_query, 'ARRAY_A');
        if (is_null($customer_details_results)) {
            $full_customer_details_query = $customer_details_query_select . $order_by;
            $customer_details_results = $wpdb->get_results($full_customer_details_query, 'ARRAY_A');
        if (!$is_export) {
            $customers_count_result = $wpdb->get_results(substr($full_customer_details_query, 0, strpos($full_customer_details_query, 'LIMIT')), 'ARRAY_A');
            $num_records = count($customers_count_result);
        } else {
            $num_records = count($customer_details_results);
        //Code to get all the users along with their id and email in an array
        $query = "SELECT users.ID,users.user_email, GROUP_CONCAT(usermeta.meta_value \r\n                                         ORDER BY usermeta.umeta_id SEPARATOR '###' ) AS name\r\n                            FROM {$wpdb->users} AS users\r\n                                JOIN {$wpdb->usermeta}  AS usermeta ON usermeta.user_id = users.id\r\n                            WHERE usermeta.meta_key IN ('first_name','last_name','wpshpcrt_usr_profile')\r\n                            GROUP BY users.id DESC";
        $reg_user = $wpdb->get_results($query, 'ARRAY_A');
        for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($reg_user); $i++) {
            $user_email[$reg_user[$i]['ID']] = $reg_user[$i]['user_email'];
            $name = explode("###", $reg_user[$i]['name']);
            $user_fname[$reg_user[$i]['ID']] = $name[0];
            $user_lname[$reg_user[$i]['ID']] = $name[1];
            if (!empty($name[2])) {
                $unserialized_detail = unserialize($name[2]);
                $user_add[$reg_user[$i]['ID']] = $unserialized_detail[4];
                $user_city[$reg_user[$i]['ID']] = $unserialized_detail[5];
                $user_region[$reg_user[$i]['ID']] = !empty($unserialized_detail[6]) ? $unserialized_detail[6] : '';
                $user_country[$reg_user[$i]['ID']] = $unserialized_detail[7][0];
                $user_pcode[$reg_user[$i]['ID']] = $unserialized_detail[8];
                $user_phone[$reg_user[$i]['ID']] = $unserialized_detail[18];
        $country_result = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT isocode,country FROM " . WPSC_TABLE_CURRENCY_LIST, 'ARRAY_A');
        $country_rows = $wpdb->num_rows;
        if ($country_rows > 0) {
            for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($country_result); $i++) {
                $country[$country_result[$i]['isocode']] = $country_result[$i]['country'];
        if ($num_records == 0) {
            $encoded['totalCount'] = '';
            $encoded['items'] = '';
            $encoded['msg'] = __('No Records Found', $sm_text_domain);
        } else {
            foreach ($customer_details_results as $result) {
                $meta_keys = explode('###', $result['meta_keys']);
                $meta_values = explode('###', $result['meta_values']);
                if (count($meta_keys) == count($meta_values)) {
                    $customer_detail_data[$result['log_id']] = array_combine($meta_keys, $meta_values);
                $result['last_order_id'] = $result['log_id'];
                $result['Last_Order'] = $order_date[$result['log_id']];
                $result['_order_total'] = $last_order_total[$result['log_id']];
                $result['count_orders'] = $count_orders[$result['log_id']];
                $result['total_orders'] = $total_orders[$result['log_id']];
                if (empty($customer_detail_data[$result['last_order_id']])) {
                $billing_user_details = $customer_detail_data[$result['last_order_id']];
                $billing_user_details['billingstate'] = !empty($regions_ids[$billing_user_details['billingstate']]) ? $regions_ids[$billing_user_details['billingstate']] : $billing_user_details['billingstate'];
                $billing_user_details['billingcountry'] = !empty($country_data[$billing_user_details['billingcountry']]) ? $country_data[$billing_user_details['billingcountry']] : $billing_user_details['billingcountry'];
                if (SMPRO == false) {
                    $result['Last_Order'] = 'Pro only';
                    $result['_order_total'] = 'Pro only';
                    $result['count_orders'] = 'Pro only';
                    $result['total_orders'] = 'Pro only';
                //Code to get the email for reg users from wp_users table
                if (!empty($result['id']) && $result['id'] > 0) {
                    $result['email'] = $user_email[$result['id']];
                    $billing_user_details['billingemail'] = $user_email[$result['id']];
                    if (!empty($user_fname[$result['id']])) {
                        $billing_user_details['billingfirstname'] = $user_fname[$result['id']];
                    if (!empty($user_lname[$result['id']])) {
                        $billing_user_details['billinglastname'] = $user_lname[$result['id']];
                    $billing_user_details['billingaddress'] = $user_add[$result['id']];
                    $billing_user_details['billingcity'] = $user_city[$result['id']];
                    $billing_user_details['billingstate'] = !empty($regions_ids[$user_region[$result['id']]]) ? $regions_ids[$user_region[$result['id']]] : $user_region[$result['id']];
                    $billing_user_details['billingcountry'] = $country[$user_country[$result['id']]];
                    $billing_user_details['billingpostcode'] = $user_pcode[$result['id']];
                    $billing_user_details['billingphone'] = $user_phone[$result['id']];
                //NOTE: storing old email id in an extra column in record so useful to indentify record with emailid during updates.
                $result['Old_Email_Id'] = $billing_user_details['billingemail'];
                $records[] = !empty($billing_user_details) ? array_merge($billing_user_details, $result) : $result;
    if (!isset($_POST['label']) || !empty($_POST['label']) && $_POST['label'] != 'getPurchaseLogs') {
        $encoded['items'] = !empty($records) ? $records : '';
        $encoded['totalCount'] = $num_records;
        return $encoded;
Exemplo n.º 2
function get_data_wpsc_38($post, $offset, $limit, $is_export = false)
    global $wpdb, $post_status, $parent_sort_id, $order_by;
    $_POST = $post;
    // Fix: PHP 5.4
    $regions_ids = get_regions_ids();
    $country_results = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT isocode, country FROM " . WPSC_TABLE_CURRENCY_LIST, 'ARRAY_A');
    $country_data = array();
    foreach ($country_results as $country_result) {
        $country_data[$country_result['isocode']] = $country_result['country'];
    //Code to handle the show variations query
    function variation_query_params()
        global $wpdb, $post_status, $parent_sort_id, $order_by;
        $post_status = "('publish', 'draft','inherit') AND products.ID NOT IN \r\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t( SELECT product.ID FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts AS product \r\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}posts AS product_variation \r\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tON product_variation.ID = product.post_parent \r\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE product_variation.post_status = 'trash' ) ";
        $parent_sort_id = " ,if(products.post_parent = 0,products.id,products.post_parent - 1 + (products.id)/pow(10,char_length(cast(products.id as char)))\t) as parent_sort_id";
        $order_by = " ORDER BY parent_sort_id desc";
    // getting the active module
    // $active_module = $_POST ['active_module'];
    $active_module = isset($_POST['active_module']) ? $_POST['active_module'] : 'Products';
    if ($is_export === true) {
        $limit_string = "";
        $image_size = "full";
    } else {
        $limit_string = "LIMIT {$offset},{$limit}";
        $image_size = "thumbnail";
    $wpdb->query("SET SESSION group_concat_max_len=999999");
    // To increase the max length of the Group Concat Functionality
    $view_columns = json_decode(stripslashes($_POST['viewCols']));
    if ($active_module == 'Products') {
        // <-products
        $wpsc_default_image = WP_PLUGIN_URL . '/wp-e-commerce/wpsc-theme/wpsc-images/noimage.png';
        if (isset($_POST['incVariation']) && $_POST['incVariation'] == 'true') {
            $show_variation = true;
        } else {
            // query params for non-variation products
            $show_variation = false;
            $post_status = "('publish', 'draft')";
            $parent_sort_id = '';
            $order_by = " ORDER BY products.id desc";
        $query_ids = "SELECT `ID` FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts \r\r\n                            WHERE `post_type` = 'wpsc-product' \r\r\n                                AND `post_status` = 'publish' \r\r\n                                AND `post_parent`=0 \r\r\n                                AND `ID` NOT IN ( SELECT distinct `post_parent` \r\r\n                                                  FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts WHERE `post_parent`>0)";
        $result_ids = $wpdb->get_col($query_ids);
        $num_ids = $wpdb->num_rows;
        if ($num_ids > 0) {
            for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($result_ids); $i++) {
                $simple_ids[$result_ids[$i]] = 0;
        // if max-join-size issue occurs
        $query = "SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1;";
        $select = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS products.id,\r\r\n\t\t\t\t\tproducts.post_title,\r\r\n\t\t\t\t\tproducts.post_title as post_title_search,\r\r\n\t\t\t\t\tproducts.post_content,\r\r\n\t\t\t\t\tproducts.post_excerpt,\r\r\n\t\t\t\t\tproducts.post_status,\r\r\n\t\t\t\t\tproducts.post_parent,\r\r\n                                        CAST(GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id order by term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id SEPARATOR ',') AS CHAR(1000)) AS term_taxonomy_id,\r\r\n\t\t\t\t\tGROUP_CONCAT(prod_othermeta.meta_key order by prod_othermeta.meta_id SEPARATOR '###') AS prod_othermeta_key,\r\r\n\t\t\t\t\tGROUP_CONCAT(prod_othermeta.meta_value order by prod_othermeta.meta_id SEPARATOR '###') AS prod_othermeta_value\r\r\n\t\t\t\t\t{$parent_sort_id}";
        //Used as an alternative to the SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS function of MYSQL Database
        $select_count = "SELECT COUNT(*) as count";
        // To get the count of the number of rows generated from the above select query
        if (isset($_POST['searchText']) && $_POST['searchText'] != '') {
            $search_on = trim($_POST['searchText']);
            $count_all_double_quote = substr_count($search_on, '"');
            if ($count_all_double_quote > 0) {
                $search_ons = array_filter(array_map('trim', explode($wpdb->_real_escape('"'), $search_on)));
            } else {
                $search_on = $wpdb->_real_escape($search_on);
                $search_ons = explode(' ', $search_on);
            //Code for searching using modified post title
            $query_title = "SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts\r\r\n                                        WHERE post_title LIKE '%{$search_on}%'\r\r\n                                            AND post_type = 'wpsc-product'";
            $records_title = $wpdb->get_col($query_title);
            $rows_title = $wpdb->num_rows;
            if ($rows_title > 0) {
                $search_title = "OR products.post_parent IN (\r\r\n                                                    SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts\r\r\n                                                    WHERE post_title LIKE '%{$search_on}%'\r\r\n                                                        AND post_type = 'wpsc-product')";
            } else {
                $search_title = " ";
            if (is_array($search_ons) && !empty($search_ons)) {
                $term_taxonomy_ids = get_term_taxonomy_ids('"' . implode('","', $search_ons) . '"');
                $search_condn = " HAVING ";
                foreach ($search_ons as $search_on) {
                    $search_condn .= " concat(' ',REPLACE(REPLACE(post_title_search,'(',''),')','')) LIKE '%{$search_on}%'\r\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t               OR post_content LIKE '%{$search_on}%'\r\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t               OR post_excerpt LIKE '%{$search_on}%'\r\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t               OR if(post_status = 'publish','Published',post_status) LIKE '{$search_on}%'\r\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t   OR prod_othermeta_value LIKE '%{$search_on}%'\r\r\n                                                                            {$search_title}\r\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t   OR";
                if (is_array($term_taxonomy_ids) && !empty($term_taxonomy_ids)) {
                    foreach ($term_taxonomy_ids as $term_taxonomy_id) {
                        $search_condn .= " term_taxonomy_id LIKE '%{$term_taxonomy_id}%' OR";
                $search_condn = substr($search_condn, 0, -2);
            } else {
                $term_taxonomy_ids = get_term_taxonomy_ids('"' . $search_on . '"');
                $search_condn = " HAVING concat(' ',REPLACE(REPLACE(post_title_search,'(',''),')','')) LIKE '%{$search_on}%'\r\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t               OR post_content LIKE '%{$search_on}%'\r\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t               OR post_excerpt LIKE '%{$search_on}%'\r\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t               OR if(post_status = 'publish','Published',post_status) LIKE '{$search_on}%'\r\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t   OR prod_othermeta_value LIKE '%{$search_on}%'\r\r\n                                                                               {$search_title}\r\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t   ";
                if (is_array($term_taxonomy_ids) && !empty($term_taxonomy_ids)) {
                    foreach ($term_taxonomy_ids as $term_taxonomy_id) {
                        $search_condn .= " OR term_taxonomy_id LIKE '%{$term_taxonomy_id}%'";
        } else {
            $search_condn = '';
        $from_where = "FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts as products\r\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta as prod_othermeta ON (prod_othermeta.post_id = products.id and\r\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tprod_othermeta.meta_key IN ('_wpsc_price', '_wpsc_special_price', '_wpsc_sku', '_wpsc_stock', '_thumbnail_id','_wpsc_product_metadata') )\r\r\n                                                \r\r\n                                                LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}term_relationships AS term_relationships ON ( products.id = term_relationships.object_id )\r\r\n\r\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE products.post_status IN  {$post_status}\r\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND products.post_type    = 'wpsc-product'";
        $group_by = " GROUP BY products.id ";
        $query = "{$select} {$from_where} {$group_by} {$search_condn} {$order_by} {$limit_string};";
        $records = $wpdb->get_results($query);
        $num_rows = $wpdb->num_rows;
        //To get the total count
        $recordcount_query = $wpdb->get_results('SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as count;', 'ARRAY_A');
        $num_records = $recordcount_query[0]['count'];
        if ($num_rows <= 0) {
            $encoded['totalCount'] = '';
            $encoded['items'] = '';
            $encoded['msg'] = __('No Records Found', 'smart-manager');
        } else {
            foreach ($records as &$record) {
                $record->post_content = str_replace('"', '\'', $record->post_content);
                $record->post_excerpt = str_replace('"', '\'', $record->post_excerpt);
                if (intval($record->post_parent) == 0) {
                    $category_terms = wp_get_object_terms($record->id, 'wpsc_product_category', array('fields' => 'names', 'orderby' => 'name', 'order' => 'ASC'));
                    $record->category = implode(', ', $category_terms);
                    // To hide category name from Product's variations
                $prod_meta_values = explode('###', $record->prod_othermeta_value);
                $prod_meta_key = explode('###', $record->prod_othermeta_key);
                if (count($prod_meta_key) != count($prod_meta_values)) {
                $prod_meta_key_values = array_combine($prod_meta_key, $prod_meta_values);
                if (intval($record->post_parent) > 0) {
                    $title = get_post_field('post_title', $record->post_parent, 'raw');
                    $variation_terms = wp_get_object_terms($record->id, 'wpsc-variation', array('fields' => 'names', 'orderby' => 'name', 'order' => 'ASC'));
                    $record->post_title = $title . ' - (' . implode(', ', $variation_terms) . ')';
                //				$thumbnail = isset( $prod_meta_key_values['_thumbnail_id'] ) ? wp_get_attachment_image_src( $prod_meta_key_values['_thumbnail_id'], $image_size ) : '';
                //				$record->thumbnail    = ( $thumbnail[0] != '' ) ? $thumbnail[0] : false;
                $thumbnail = wpsc_the_product_thumbnail('', '', $record->id, '');
                $record->thumbnail = $thumbnail != '' ? $thumbnail : false;
                foreach ($prod_meta_key_values as $key => $value) {
                    if (is_serialized($value)) {
                        $unsez_data = unserialize($value);
                        $unsez_data['weight'] = wpsc_convert_weight($unsez_data['weight'], "pound", $unsez_data['weight_unit']);
                        // get the weight by converting it to repsective unit
                        foreach ((array) $unsez_data as $meta_key => $meta_value) {
                            if (is_array($meta_value)) {
                                foreach ($meta_value as $sub_metakey => $sub_metavalue) {
                                    in_array($sub_metakey, $view_columns) ? $record->{$sub_metakey} = $sub_metavalue : '';
                            } else {
                                in_array($meta_key, $view_columns) ? $record->{$meta_key} = $meta_value : '';
                            if ($record->post_parent == 0 && wpsc_product_has_children($record->id)) {
                                if ($show_variation == true) {
                                    $record->_wpsc_price = $record->_wpsc_special_price = ' ';
                                } elseif ($show_variation == false) {
                                    $parent_price = wpsc_product_variation_price_available($record->id);
                                    $record->_wpsc_price = substr($parent_price, 1, strlen($parent_price));
                                    $record->_wpsc_special_price = substr($parent_price, 1, strlen($parent_price));
                    } else {
                        in_array($key, $view_columns) ? $record->{$key} = $value : '';
    } elseif ($active_module == 'Orders') {
        if (SMPRO == true && function_exists('get_packing_slip') && $_POST['label'] == 'getPurchaseLogs') {
            $log_ids_arr = json_decode(stripslashes($_POST['log_ids']));
            if (is_array($log_ids_arr)) {
                $log_ids = implode(', ', $log_ids_arr);
            get_packing_slip($log_ids, $log_ids_arr);
        } else {
            if (isset($_POST['searchText']) && $_POST['searchText'] != '') {
                $search_on = $wpdb->_real_escape(trim($_POST['searchText']));
            if (isset($_POST['fromDate'])) {
                $from_date = strtotime($_POST['fromDate']);
                $to_date = strtotime($_POST['toDate']);
                if ($to_date == 0) {
                    $to_date = strtotime('today');
                // move it forward till the end of day
                $to_date += 86399;
                // Swap the two dates if to_date is less than from_date
                if ($to_date < $from_date) {
                    $temp = $to_date;
                    $to_date = $from_date;
                    $from_date = $temp;
                $where = " WHERE wtpl.date BETWEEN '{$from_date}' AND '{$to_date}'";
            $product_details = "SELECT wtcc.prodid AS product_id,\r\r\n                                            CAST( CONCAT( if( products.post_parent > 0, SUBSTRING_INDEX( products.post_title, '(', 1 ), products.post_title ), if( products.post_parent > 0, CONCAT( if( terms.variations IS NULL, '', '(' ), \r\r\n                                                terms.variations, \r\r\n                                                if( terms.variations IS NULL, '', ')' ) ), '' ),\r\r\n                                                if( postmeta.meta_value != '',' [', ' '),\r\r\n                                                postmeta.meta_value,\r\r\n                                                if( postmeta.meta_value != '',']', ' ' ) )\r\r\n                                             AS CHAR(1000000) ) AS product_details,\r\r\n                                            wtcc.name AS additional_product_name\r\r\n                                            FROM " . WPSC_TABLE_CART_CONTENTS . " AS wtcc\r\r\n                                                LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}posts AS products ON ( products.ID = wtcc.prodid )\r\r\n                                                LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta AS postmeta ON ( postmeta.post_id = wtcc.prodid AND postmeta.meta_key = '_wpsc_sku' )\r\r\n                                                LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}term_relationships AS term_relationships ON ( term_relationships.object_id = wtcc.prodid )\r\r\n                                                LEFT JOIN \r\r\n                                                (SELECT term_relationships.object_id AS object_id,\r\r\n                                                    GROUP_CONCAT( DISTINCT terms.name ORDER BY terms.term_id SEPARATOR ',' ) AS variations\r\r\n                                                    FROM {$wpdb->prefix}term_relationships AS term_relationships\r\r\n                                                        LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}term_taxonomy AS term_taxonomy ON ( term_taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id = term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id )\r\r\n                                                        LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}terms AS terms ON ( terms.term_id = term_taxonomy.term_id )\r\r\n                                                    WHERE term_taxonomy.taxonomy = 'wpsc-variation'\r\r\n                                                    GROUP BY object_id\r\r\n                                                ) AS terms ON ( terms.object_id = wtcc.prodid )\r\r\n\r\r\n                                            GROUP BY product_id\r\r\n                                    ";
            $results = $wpdb->get_results($product_details, 'ARRAY_A');
            $product_details_results = array();
            foreach ($results as $result) {
                $product_details_results[$result['product_id']] = !empty($result['product_details']) ? $result['product_details'] : $result['additional_product_name'];
            if (!empty($search_on)) {
                //Query for searching for Shipping_Country
                $search_condn_country_query = "SELECT DISTINCT wtcl.isocode\r\r\n                                                                FROM " . WPSC_TABLE_CURRENCY_LIST . " AS wtcl\r\r\n                                                                WHERE wtcl.country LIKE '%{$search_on}%'\r\r\n                                                                    OR wtcl.continent LIKE '%{$search_on}%'\r\r\n                                                        ";
                $country_search_ons = $wpdb->get_col($search_condn_country_query);
                //Query for searching for Shipping_Region
                $search_condn_region_query = "SELECT DISTINCT wtrt.id\r\r\n                                                                FROM " . WPSC_TABLE_REGION_TAX . " AS wtrt\r\r\n                                                                WHERE wtrt.name LIKE '%{$search_on}%'\r\r\n                                                        ";
                $region_search_ons = $wpdb->get_col($search_condn_region_query);
                //Code for handling the search using user email id
                $email_query = "SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->users} \r\r\n                                        WHERE user_email LIKE '%{$search_on}%'";
                $email_result = $wpdb->get_col($email_query);
                $email_rows = $wpdb->num_rows;
                if ($email_rows > 0) {
                    $email_query1 = "SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->prefix}wpsc_purchase_logs \r\r\n                                        WHERE user_ID IN (" . implode(",", $email_result) . ")";
                    $email_result1 = $wpdb->get_col($email_query1);
                    $email_search = !empty($email_result1) ? " OR wtsfd.log_id IN ( " . implode(',', $email_result1) . " )" : '';
                //Code for handling search using shipping_county OR shipping_Region
                if (!empty($country_search_ons) || !empty($region_search_ons)) {
                    $search_on_region_country .= " (";
                    foreach ($country_search_ons as $country_search_on) {
                        $search_on_region_country .= "meta_values LIKE '%###{$country_search_on}###%' OR ";
                    for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($region_search_ons); $j++) {
                        $search_on_region_country .= "meta_values LIKE '%###{$region_search_ons[$j]}###%' OR ";
                    $search_on_region_country = trim($search_on_region_country, ' OR ');
                    $search_on_region_country .= " )";
                } else {
                    $search_condn_checkout_form_details_query = " meta_values LIKE '%{$search_on}%' \r\r\n                                                                      {$email_search}";
                    $search_on_region_country = '';
            } else {
                $search_on_region_country = '';
                $search_condn_checkout_form_details_query = '';
            $having = !empty($search_condn_checkout_form_details_query) || !empty($search_on_region_country) ? " HAVING " . $search_condn_checkout_form_details_query . $search_on_region_country : '';
            $checkout_form_details_select_query = "SELECT wtsfd.log_id AS purchase_log_id,\r\r\n                                                        GROUP_CONCAT( wtcf.unique_name ORDER BY wtcf.id SEPARATOR '###' ) AS meta_keys,\r\r\n                                                        GROUP_CONCAT( wtsfd.value ORDER BY wtsfd.form_id SEPARATOR '###' ) AS meta_values";
            $checkout_form_details_from_query = " FROM " . WPSC_TABLE_SUBMITED_FORM_DATA . " AS wtsfd\r\r\n                                                            LEFT JOIN " . WPSC_TABLE_CHECKOUT_FORMS . " as wtcf   \r\r\n                                                            ON (wtsfd.form_id = wtcf.id)\r\r\n                                                            WHERE wtcf.active = 1 \r\r\n                                                                AND wtcf.unique_name IN ('billingfirstname', 'billinglastname', 'billingemail',\r\r\n                                                                                         'shippingfirstname', 'shippinglastname', 'shippingaddress',\r\r\n                                                                                         'shippingcity', 'shippingstate', 'shippingcountry', 'shippingpostcode','billingphone')\r\r\n                                                ";
            $results = $wpdb->get_results($checkout_form_details_select_query . $checkout_form_details_from_query . " GROUP BY purchase_log_id" . $having, 'ARRAY_A');
            $result_shipping = $results;
            $matched_checkout_form_details = false;
            if (empty($results)) {
                $results = $wpdb->get_results($checkout_form_details_select_query . $checkout_form_details_from_query . " GROUP BY purchase_log_id", 'ARRAY_A');
            } else {
                $matched_checkout_form_details = true;
            $checkout_form_details = array();
            foreach ($results as $result) {
                $checkout_form_details[$result['purchase_log_id']] = array();
                $checkout_form_details[$result['purchase_log_id']]['meta_keys'] = $result['meta_keys'];
                $checkout_form_details[$result['purchase_log_id']]['meta_values'] = $result['meta_values'];
            $purchase_logs_select_query = "SELECT wtpl.id, \r\r\n                                                wtpl.totalprice AS amount, \r\r\n                                                wtpl.processed AS order_status, \r\r\n                                                wtpl.user_ID AS customer_id, \r\r\n                                                wtpl.date AS unixdate,\r\r\n                                                wtpl.notes,\r\r\n                                                wtpl.track_id,\r\r\n                                                GROUP_CONCAT( CAST(wtcc.prodid AS CHAR) ORDER BY wtcc.id SEPARATOR ',' ) AS product_ids,\r\r\n                                                CONCAT( CAST(SUM(wtcc.quantity) AS CHAR(100)), ' items') AS details";
            $purchase_logs_from_query = " FROM " . WPSC_TABLE_PURCHASE_LOGS . " AS wtpl\r\r\n                                                    LEFT JOIN " . WPSC_TABLE_CART_CONTENTS . " AS wtcc ON ( wtcc.purchaseid = wtpl.id )\r\r\n                                        ";
            if (!empty($search_on)) {
                $search_condn_purchase_log_ids = get_all_matched_purchase_log_ids($search_on, $checkout_form_details_from_query);
                $variation_search_query = "SELECT DISTINCT tr.object_id\r\r\n                                                    FROM {$wpdb->prefix}term_relationships AS tr\r\r\n                                                        LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}term_taxonomy AS tt ON ( tt.term_taxonomy_id = tr.term_taxonomy_id )\r\r\n                                                        LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}terms AS t ON ( t.term_id = tt.term_id )\r\r\n                                                    WHERE tt.taxonomy = 'wpsc-variation'\r\r\n                                                        AND t.name LIKE '%{$search_on}%'\r\r\n\r\r\n                                                ";
                $object_ids = $wpdb->get_col($variation_search_query);
                $variation_search_ids = !empty($object_ids) ? " OR wtcc.prodid IN ( " . implode(',', $object_ids) . " )" : '';
                $email_query = "SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->users} \r\r\n                                        WHERE user_email LIKE '%{$search_on}%'";
                $email_result = $wpdb->get_col($email_query);
                $email_search = !empty($email_result) ? " OR wtpl.user_ID IN ( " . implode(',', $email_result) . " )" : '';
                $search_condn_purchase_logs = " AND ( wtpl.id LIKE '%{$search_on}%'\r\r\n                                                          OR totalprice LIKE '%{$search_on}%'\r\r\n                                                          OR notes LIKE '%{$search_on}%'\r\r\n                                                          OR date LIKE '%{$search_on}%'\r\r\n                                                          OR wtpl.track_id LIKE '%{$search_on}%'\r\r\n                                                          OR CASE wtpl.processed\r\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  WHEN 1 THEN 'Incomplete Sale'\r\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  WHEN 2 THEN 'Order Received'\r\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  WHEN 3 THEN 'Accepted Payment'\r\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  WHEN 4 THEN 'Job Dispatched'\r\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  WHEN 5 THEN 'Closed Order'\r\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  ELSE 'Payment Declined'\r\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t     END like '%{$search_on}%'\r\r\n                                                          OR wtcc.name LIKE '%{$search_on}%'\r\r\n                                                          {$variation_search_ids}\r\r\n                                                          {$email_search}\r\r\n                                                         )\r\r\n                                                    {$search_condn_purchase_log_ids}\r\r\n                                                    ";
            } else {
                $search_condn_purchase_logs = '';
            $query = $purchase_logs_select_query . $purchase_logs_from_query . $where . $search_condn_purchase_logs . " GROUP BY wtpl.id ORDER BY wtpl.id DESC {$limit_string}";
            $results = $wpdb->get_results($query, 'ARRAY_A');
            if (empty($results)) {
                for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($result_shipping); $i++) {
                    $log_id[$i] = $result_shipping[$i]['purchase_log_id'];
                if (!is_null($log_id)) {
                    $where .= "AND wtpl.id IN(" . implode(",", $log_id) . ")";
                    $query = $purchase_logs_select_query . $purchase_logs_from_query . $where . " GROUP BY wtpl.id ORDER BY wtpl.id DESC {$limit_string}";
                    $results = $wpdb->get_results($query, 'ARRAY_A');
            if (!$is_export) {
                $orders_count_result = $wpdb->get_results(substr($query, 0, strpos($query, 'LIMIT')), 'ARRAY_A');
                $num_records = count($orders_count_result);
            } else {
                $num_records = count($results);
            $query = "SELECT ID,user_email FROM {$wpdb->users}";
            $reg_user = $wpdb->get_results($query, 'ARRAY_A');
            for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($reg_user); $i++) {
                $user_email[$reg_user[$i]['ID']] = $reg_user[$i]['user_email'];
            //To get the total count
            if ($num_records == 0) {
                $encoded['totalCount'] = '';
                $encoded['items'] = '';
                $encoded['msg'] = __('No Records Found', 'smart-manager');
            } else {
                foreach ($results as $data) {
                    if ($matched_checkout_form_details && !isset($checkout_form_details[$data['id']])) {
                    $checkout_form_details_keys = explode('###', $checkout_form_details[$data['id']]['meta_keys']);
                    $checkout_form_details_values = explode('###', $checkout_form_details[$data['id']]['meta_values']);
                    if (count($checkout_form_details_keys) == count($checkout_form_details_values)) {
                        $checkout_form_data = array_combine($checkout_form_details_keys, $checkout_form_details_values);
                        $name_emailid[0] = "<font class=blue>" . $checkout_form_data['billingfirstname'] . "</font>";
                        $name_emailid[1] = "<font class=blue>" . $checkout_form_data['billinglastname'] . "</font>";
                        $name_emailid[2] = "(" . $checkout_form_data['billingemail'] . ")";
                        //email comes at 7th position.
                        $data['name'] = implode(' ', $name_emailid);
                        //in front end,splitting is done with this space.
                        $data['date'] = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $data['unixdate']);
                        //Code to display the order date in GMT format
                        if ($data['customer_id'] > 0) {
                            $data['reg_email'] = $user_email[$data['customer_id']];
                        } else {
                            $data['reg_email'] = "";
                        $prod_ids = explode(',', $data['product_ids']);
                        $products_name = '';
                        foreach ($prod_ids as $prod_id) {
                            $products_name .= $product_details_results[$prod_id] . ', ';
                        $data['products_name'] = trim($products_name, ', ');
                        if (!empty($checkout_form_data['shippingstate'])) {
                            $ship_state = $checkout_form_data['shippingstate'];
                            $checkout_form_data['shippingstate'] = $regions_ids[$ship_state] != '' ? $regions_ids[$ship_state] : $ship_state;
                        if (!empty($checkout_form_data['shippingcountry'])) {
                            $ship_country = $checkout_form_data['shippingcountry'];
                            $checkout_form_data['shippingcountry'] = $country_data[$ship_country] != '' ? $country_data[$ship_country] : $ship_country;
                        $records[] = !empty($checkout_form_data) ? array_merge($checkout_form_data, $data) : $data;
    } else {
        //BOF Customer's module
        if (isset($_POST['searchText']) && $_POST['searchText'] != '') {
            $search_on = $wpdb->_real_escape(trim($_POST['searchText']));
        } else {
            $search_on = "";
        $email_form_id = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT id FROM " . WPSC_TABLE_CHECKOUT_FORMS . " WHERE unique_name = 'billingemail'");
        $query_max_users_ids = "SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(wtpl.id ORDER BY wtpl.date DESC SEPARATOR ',' ) AS last_order_id,\r\r\n                                        GROUP_CONCAT(wtpl.totalprice ORDER BY wtpl.date DESC SEPARATOR ',' ) AS _order_total,\r\r\n                                        DATE_FORMAT( MAX(FROM_UNIXTIME( wtpl.date )),'%b %e %Y' ) AS Last_Order,\r\r\n                                        COUNT(wtpl.id) AS count_orders,\r\r\n                                        SUM(wtpl.totalprice) AS total_orders\r\r\n                    \r\r\n                                        FROM " . WPSC_TABLE_PURCHASE_LOGS . " AS wtpl\r\r\n                                                 LEFT JOIN " . WPSC_TABLE_SUBMITED_FORM_DATA . " AS customer_email ON ( customer_email.log_id = wtpl.id AND customer_email.form_id = {$email_form_id} )\r\r\n                                        WHERE wtpl.user_ID > 0\r\r\n                                        Group by wtpl.user_ID";
        $result_max_users_ids = $wpdb->get_results($query_max_users_ids, 'ARRAY_A');
        $query_max_guest_ids = "SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(wtpl.id ORDER BY wtpl.date DESC SEPARATOR ',' ) AS last_order_id,\r\r\n                                        GROUP_CONCAT(wtpl.totalprice ORDER BY wtpl.date DESC SEPARATOR ',' ) AS _order_total,\r\r\n                                        DATE_FORMAT( MAX(FROM_UNIXTIME( wtpl.date )),'%b %e %Y' ) AS Last_Order,\r\r\n                                        COUNT(wtpl.id) AS count_orders,\r\r\n                                        SUM(wtpl.totalprice) AS total_orders\r\r\n                                        \r\r\n                                        FROM " . WPSC_TABLE_PURCHASE_LOGS . " AS wtpl\r\r\n                                                 LEFT JOIN " . WPSC_TABLE_SUBMITED_FORM_DATA . " AS customer_email ON ( customer_email.log_id = wtpl.id AND customer_email.form_id = {$email_form_id} )\r\r\n                                        WHERE wtpl.user_ID = 0\r\r\n                                        GROUP BY customer_email.value\r\r\n                                        ORDER BY Last_Order DESC";
        $result_max_guest_ids = $wpdb->get_results($query_max_guest_ids, 'ARRAY_A');
        for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($result_max_guest_ids); $i++) {
            $temp_id = explode(",", $result_max_guest_ids[$i]['last_order_id']);
            $max_id[$i] = $temp_id[0];
            $count_orders[$max_id[$i]] = $result_max_guest_ids[$i]['count_orders'];
            $total_orders[$max_id[$i]] = $result_max_guest_ids[$i]['total_orders'];
            $order_date[$max_id[$i]] = $result_max_guest_ids[$i]['Last_Order'];
            $temp_tot = explode(",", $result_max_guest_ids[$i]['_order_total']);
            $last_order_total[$max_id[$i]] = $temp_tot[0];
        $j = sizeof($max_id);
        for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($result_max_users_ids); $i++, $j++) {
            $temp_id = explode(",", $result_max_users_ids[$i]['last_order_id']);
            $max_id[$j] = $temp_id[0];
            $count_orders[$max_id[$j]] = $result_max_users_ids[$i]['count_orders'];
            $total_orders[$max_id[$j]] = $result_max_users_ids[$i]['total_orders'];
            $order_date[$max_id[$j]] = $result_max_users_ids[$i]['Last_Order'];
            $temp_tot = explode(",", $result_max_users_ids[$i]['_order_total']);
            $last_order_total[$max_id[$j]] = $temp_tot[0];
        $total_search = "";
        if (!empty($search_on)) {
            $searched_region = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT code FROM " . WPSC_TABLE_REGION_TAX . " WHERE name LIKE '%{$search_on}%'");
            $searched_country = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT isocode FROM " . WPSC_TABLE_CURRENCY_LIST . " WHERE country LIKE '%{$search_on}%' OR continent LIKE '%{$search_on}%'");
            $found_country_region = array_merge($searched_region, $searched_country);
            $found_country_region_having = '';
            foreach ($found_country_region as $country_region) {
                $found_country_region_having .= " OR meta_values LIKE '%{$country_region}%'";
            $email_query = "SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->users} \r\r\n                                        WHERE user_email LIKE '%{$search_on}%'";
            $email_result = $wpdb->get_col($email_query);
            $email_rows = $wpdb->num_rows;
            //Query to get the user ids of the rows whose content matches the search text
            $user_detail_query = "SELECT DISTINCT user_id FROM {$wpdb->usermeta} \r\r\n                                            WHERE meta_key IN ('first_name','last_name','wpshpcrt_usr_profile') \r\r\n                                                AND meta_value LIKE '%{$search_on}%'";
            $user_detail_result = $wpdb->get_col($user_detail_query);
            $user_detail_rows = $wpdb->num_rows;
            //Code to merge all the user ids into a single array
            if ($user_detail_rows > 0) {
                for ($i = 0, $j = sizeof($email_result); $i < sizeof($user_detail_result); $i++, $j++) {
                    $email_result[$j] = $user_detail_result[$i];
            if ($email_rows > 0 || $user_detail_rows > 0) {
                $email_query1 = "SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->prefix}wpsc_purchase_logs \r\r\n                                        WHERE user_ID IN (" . implode(",", $email_result) . ")";
                $email_result1 = $wpdb->get_col($email_query1);
                $email_search = !empty($email_result1) ? " OR wtsfd.log_id IN ( " . implode(',', $email_result1) . " )" : '';
        $customer_details_query_select = "SELECT wtsfd.log_id AS log_id,\r\r\n                                                            GROUP_CONCAT( wtcf.unique_name ORDER BY wtcf.id SEPARATOR '###' ) AS meta_keys,\r\r\n                                                            GROUP_CONCAT( wtsfd.value ORDER BY wtsfd.form_id SEPARATOR '###' ) AS meta_values\r\r\n\r\r\n                                                        FROM " . WPSC_TABLE_SUBMITED_FORM_DATA . " AS wtsfd\r\r\n                                                                 JOIN " . WPSC_TABLE_CHECKOUT_FORMS . " AS wtcf ON ( wtcf.id = wtsfd.form_id AND wtcf.active = 1 AND wtcf.unique_name IN ('billingfirstname','billinglastname','billingaddress',\r\r\n                                                                                                    'billingcity','billingstate','billingcountry','billingpostcode',\r\r\n                                                                                                    'billingemail','billingphone') )\r\r\n                                                            WHERE log_id IN (" . implode(",", $max_id) . ")\r\r\n                                                        GROUP BY log_id";
        if (!empty($search_on)) {
            $customer_details_query_having = " HAVING meta_values LIKE '%{$search_on}%'\r\r\n                                                              {$found_country_region_having}\r\r\n                                                              {$email_search}\r\r\n                                                                  {$total_search}    \r\r\n                                                     ";
        } else {
            $customer_details_query_having = '';
        $order_by = " ORDER BY FIND_IN_SET(log_id,'" . implode(",", $max_id) . "') {$limit_string}";
        $full_customer_details_query = $customer_details_query_select . $customer_details_query_having . $order_by;
        $customer_details_results = $wpdb->get_results($full_customer_details_query, 'ARRAY_A');
        if (is_null($customer_details_results)) {
            $full_customer_details_query = $customer_details_query_select . $order_by;
            $customer_details_results = $wpdb->get_results($full_customer_details_query, 'ARRAY_A');
        if (!$is_export) {
            $customers_count_result = $wpdb->get_results(substr($full_customer_details_query, 0, strpos($full_customer_details_query, 'LIMIT')), 'ARRAY_A');
            $num_records = count($customers_count_result);
        } else {
            $num_records = count($customer_details_results);
        //Code to get all the users along with their id and email in an array
        $query = "SELECT users.ID,users.user_email, GROUP_CONCAT(usermeta.meta_value \r\r\n                                         ORDER BY usermeta.umeta_id SEPARATOR '###' ) AS name\r\r\n                            FROM {$wpdb->users} AS users\r\r\n                                JOIN {$wpdb->usermeta}  AS usermeta ON usermeta.user_id = users.id\r\r\n                            WHERE usermeta.meta_key IN ('first_name','last_name','wpshpcrt_usr_profile')\r\r\n                            GROUP BY users.id DESC";
        $reg_user = $wpdb->get_results($query, 'ARRAY_A');
        for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($reg_user); $i++) {
            $user_email[$reg_user[$i]['ID']] = $reg_user[$i]['user_email'];
            $name = explode("###", $reg_user[$i]['name']);
            $user_fname[$reg_user[$i]['ID']] = $name[0];
            $user_lname[$reg_user[$i]['ID']] = $name[1];
            if (!is_null($name[2])) {
                $unserialized_detail = unserialize($name[2]);
                $user_add[$reg_user[$i]['ID']] = $unserialized_detail[4];
                $user_city[$reg_user[$i]['ID']] = $unserialized_detail[5];
                $user_region[$reg_user[$i]['ID']] = $unserialized_detail[6];
                $user_country[$reg_user[$i]['ID']] = $unserialized_detail[7][0];
                $user_pcode[$reg_user[$i]['ID']] = $unserialized_detail[8];
                $user_phone[$reg_user[$i]['ID']] = $unserialized_detail[18];
        $country_result = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT isocode,country FROM " . WPSC_TABLE_CURRENCY_LIST, 'ARRAY_A');
        $country_rows = $wpdb->num_rows;
        if ($country_rows > 0) {
            for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($country_result); $i++) {
                $country[$country_result[$i]['isocode']] = $country_result[$i]['country'];
        if ($num_records == 0) {
            $encoded['totalCount'] = '';
            $encoded['items'] = '';
            $encoded['msg'] = __('No Records Found', 'smart-manager');
        } else {
            foreach ($customer_details_results as $result) {
                $meta_keys = explode('###', $result['meta_keys']);
                $meta_values = explode('###', $result['meta_values']);
                if (count($meta_keys) == count($meta_values)) {
                    $customer_detail_data[$result['log_id']] = array_combine($meta_keys, $meta_values);
                $result['last_order_id'] = $result['log_id'];
                $result['Last_Order'] = $order_date[$result['log_id']];
                $result['_order_total'] = $last_order_total[$result['log_id']];
                $result['count_orders'] = $count_orders[$result['log_id']];
                $result['total_orders'] = $total_orders[$result['log_id']];
                if (empty($customer_detail_data[$result['last_order_id']])) {
                $billing_user_details = $customer_detail_data[$result['last_order_id']];
                $billing_user_details['billingstate'] = !empty($regions_ids[$billing_user_details['billingstate']]) ? $regions_ids[$billing_user_details['billingstate']] : $billing_user_details['billingstate'];
                $billing_user_details['billingcountry'] = !empty($country_data[$billing_user_details['billingcountry']]) ? $country_data[$billing_user_details['billingcountry']] : $billing_user_details['billingcountry'];
                if (SMPRO == false) {
                    $result['Last_Order'] = 'Pro only';
                    $result['_order_total'] = 'Pro only';
                    $result['count_orders'] = 'Pro only';
                    $result['total_orders'] = 'Pro only';
                //Code to get the email for reg users from wp_users table
                if ($result['id'] > 0) {
                    $result['email'] = $user_email[$result['id']];
                    $billing_user_details['billingemail'] = $user_email[$result['id']];
                    if (!empty($user_fname[$result['id']])) {
                        $billing_user_details['billingfirstname'] = $user_fname[$result['id']];
                    if (!empty($user_lname[$result['id']])) {
                        $billing_user_details['billinglastname'] = $user_lname[$result['id']];
                    $billing_user_details['billingaddress'] = $user_add[$result['id']];
                    $billing_user_details['billingcity'] = $user_city[$result['id']];
                    $billing_user_details['billingstate'] = !empty($regions_ids[$user_region[$result['id']]]) ? $regions_ids[$user_region[$result['id']]] : $user_region[$result['id']];
                    $billing_user_details['billingcountry'] = $country[$user_country[$result['id']]];
                    $billing_user_details['billingpostcode'] = $user_pcode[$result['id']];
                    $billing_user_details['billingphone'] = $user_phone[$result['id']];
                //NOTE: storing old email id in an extra column in record so useful to indentify record with emailid during updates.
                $result['Old_Email_Id'] = $billing_user_details['billingemail'];
                $records[] = !empty($billing_user_details) ? array_merge($billing_user_details, $result) : $result;
    if (!isset($_POST['label']) && $_POST['label'] != 'getPurchaseLogs') {
        $encoded['items'] = $records;
        $encoded['totalCount'] = $num_records;
        return $encoded;
Exemplo n.º 3
function get_data_woo($post, $offset, $limit, $is_export = false)
    global $wpdb, $woocommerce, $post_status, $parent_sort_id, $order_by, $post_type, $variation_name, $from_variation, $parent_name, $attributes;
    $_POST = $post;
    // Fix: PHP 5.4
    $products = array();
    // getting the active module
    $active_module = isset($_POST['active_module']) ? $_POST['active_module'] : 'Products';
    //        $active_module = $_POST ['active_module'];
    // Restricting LIMIT for export CSV
    if ($is_export === true) {
        $limit_string = "";
        $image_size = "full";
    } else {
        $limit_string = "LIMIT {$offset},{$limit}";
        $image_size = "thumbnail";
    $wpdb->query("SET SESSION group_concat_max_len=999999");
    // To increase the max length of the Group Concat Functionality
    $view_columns = json_decode(stripslashes($_POST['viewCols']));
    if ($active_module == 'Products') {
        // <-products
        $tax_status = array('taxable' => __('Taxable', 'smart-manager'), 'shipping' => __('Shipping only', 'smart-manager'), 'none' => __('None', 'smart-manager'));
        if (isset($_POST['incVariation']) && $_POST['incVariation'] === 'true') {
            $show_variation = true;
        } else {
            $parent_name = '';
            $post_status = "('publish', 'draft')";
            $post_type = "('product')";
            $parent_sort_id = '';
            $order_by = " ORDER BY products.id desc";
            $show_variation = false;
        // if max-join-size issue occurs
        $query = "SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1;";
        //Query for getting all the distinct attribute meta key names
        $query_variation = "SELECT DISTINCT meta_key as variation\n                            FROM {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta\n                            WHERE meta_key like 'attribute_%'";
        $variation = $wpdb->get_col($query_variation);
        //Query to get all the distinct term names along with their slug names
        $query = "SELECT terms.slug as slug, terms.name as term_name FROM {$wpdb->prefix}terms AS terms\n\t\t\t\t\tJOIN {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta AS postmeta ON ( postmeta.meta_value = terms.slug AND postmeta.meta_key LIKE 'attribute_%' ) GROUP BY terms.slug";
        $attributes_terms = $wpdb->get_results($query, 'ARRAY_A');
        $attributes = array();
        foreach ($attributes_terms as $attributes_term) {
            $attributes[$attributes_term['slug']] = $attributes_term['term_name'];
        //Query to get the term_taxonomy_id for all the product categories
        $query_terms = "SELECT terms.name, wt.term_taxonomy_id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}term_taxonomy AS wt\n                        JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}terms AS terms ON (wt.term_id = terms.term_id)\n                        WHERE wt.taxonomy like 'product_cat'";
        $results = $wpdb->get_results($query_terms, 'ARRAY_A');
        $rows_terms = $wpdb->num_rows;
        if (!empty($results)) {
            for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($results); $i++) {
                $term_taxonomy_id[$i] = $results[$i]['term_taxonomy_id'];
                $term_taxonomy[$results[$i]['term_taxonomy_id']] = $results[$i]['name'];
            //Imploding the term_taxonomy_id to be used in the main query of the products module
            $term_taxonomy_id_query = "AND wtr.term_taxonomy_id IN (" . implode(",", $term_taxonomy_id) . ")";
        } else {
            $term_taxonomy_id_query = '';
        $results_trash = array();
        //Code to get the ids of all the products whose post_status is thrash
        $query_trash = "SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts \n                        WHERE post_status = 'trash'\n                            AND post_type IN ('product')";
        $results_trash = $wpdb->get_col($query_trash);
        $rows_trash = $wpdb->num_rows;
        $query_deleted = "SELECT distinct products.post_parent \n                            FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts as products \n                            WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts WHERE ID = products.post_parent) \n                              AND products.post_parent > 0 \n                              AND products.post_type = 'product_variation'";
        $results_deleted = $wpdb->get_col($query_deleted);
        $rows_deleted = $wpdb->num_rows;
        for ($i = sizeof($results_trash), $j = 0; $j < sizeof($results_deleted); $i++, $j++) {
            $results_trash[$i] = $results_deleted[$j];
        if ($rows_trash > 0 || $rows_deleted > 0) {
            $trash_id = " AND products.post_parent NOT IN (" . implode(",", $results_trash) . ")";
        } else {
            $trash_id = "";
        // Query to delete the unwanted '_regular_price' meta_key from variations
        if ($_POST['SM_IS_WOO16'] == "true") {
            $query_delete_variations = "DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta \n                                        WHERE meta_key = '_regular_price'\n                                            AND post_id IN (SELECT id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts\n                                                                WHERE post_parent > 0\n                                                                 AND post_type IN ('product_variation')\n                                                                 AND post_status IN ('publish', 'draft'))";
        //Code to get the attribute terms for all attributes
        $query_attribute_names = "SELECT terms.name AS attribute_terms,\n                                        taxonomy.taxonomy as attribute_name,\n                                        taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id as term_taxonomy_id\n                                    FROM {$wpdb->prefix}terms as terms\n                                        JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}term_taxonomy as taxonomy ON (taxonomy.term_id = terms.term_id)\n                                    WHERE taxonomy.taxonomy LIKE 'pa_%'\n                                    GROUP BY taxonomy.taxonomy, taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id";
        $results_attribute_names = $wpdb->get_results($query_attribute_names, 'ARRAY_A');
        $product_attributes = array();
        $temp_attribute_nm = "";
        foreach ($results_attribute_names as $results_attribute_name) {
            if ($results_attribute_name['attribute_name'] != $temp_attribute_nm) {
                $product_attributes[$results_attribute_name['attribute_name']] = array();
            $product_attributes[$results_attribute_name['attribute_name']][$results_attribute_name['term_taxonomy_id']] = $results_attribute_name['attribute_terms'];
            $temp_attribute_nm = $results_attribute_name['attribute_name'];
        $query_attribute_label = "SELECT attribute_name, attribute_label\n                                FROM {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies";
        $results_attribute_label = $wpdb->get_results($query_attribute_label, 'ARRAY_A');
        $attributes_label = array();
        foreach ($results_attribute_label as $results_attribute_label1) {
            $attributes_label['pa_' . $results_attribute_label1['attribute_name']] = $results_attribute_label1['attribute_label'];
        //Query to get the Category Ids
        $query_categories = "SELECT products.id as id,\n                                GROUP_CONCAT(distinct wtr.term_taxonomy_id order by wtr.object_id SEPARATOR '###') AS term_taxonomy_id\n                            FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts as products\n                                    JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}term_relationships as wtr ON (products.id = wtr.object_id)\n                            WHERE products.post_status IN {$post_status}\n                                    AND products.post_type IN {$post_type}\n                                    {$trash_id}\n                            GROUP BY id";
        $records_categories = $wpdb->get_results($query_categories, 'ARRAY_A');
        $category_ids_all = array();
        foreach ($records_categories as $records_category) {
            $category_ids_all[$records_category['id']] = $records_category['term_taxonomy_id'];
        // GROUP_CONCAT(distinct wtr.term_taxonomy_id order by wtr.object_id SEPARATOR '###') AS term_taxonomy_id,
        $select = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS products.id,\n\t\t\t\t\tproducts.post_title,\n                    products.post_title as post_title_search,\n\t\t\t\t\tproducts.post_content,\n\t\t\t\t\tproducts.post_excerpt,\n\t\t\t\t\tproducts.post_status,\n\t\t\t\t\tproducts.post_parent,\n\t\t\t\t\tGROUP_CONCAT(prod_othermeta.meta_key order by prod_othermeta.meta_id SEPARATOR '###') AS prod_othermeta_key,\n\t\t\t\t\tGROUP_CONCAT(prod_othermeta.meta_value order by prod_othermeta.meta_id SEPARATOR '###') AS prod_othermeta_value\n\t\t\t\t\t{$parent_sort_id}";
        //Used as an alternative to the SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS function of MYSQL Database
        $select_count = "SELECT COUNT(*) as count";
        // To get the count of the number of rows generated from the above select query
        $search = "";
        $search_condn = "";
        if (isset($_POST['searchText']) && $_POST['searchText'] != '') {
            $search_on = trim($_POST['searchText']);
            $search = "";
            $product_type = wp_get_object_terms($records[$i]['id'], 'product_type', array('fields' => 'slugs'));
            $count_all_double_quote = substr_count($search_on, '"');
            if ($count_all_double_quote > 0) {
                $search_ons = array_filter(array_map('trim', explode($wpdb->_real_escape('"'), $search_on)));
                $search_on = implode(",", $search_ons);
            } else {
                $search_on = $wpdb->_real_escape($search_on);
                $search_ons = explode(' ', $search_on);
            //Function to prepare the conditions for the query
            function prepare_cond($search_ons, $column_nm)
                $cond = "";
                foreach ($search_ons as $search_on) {
                    $cond .= $column_nm . " LIKE '%" . $search_on . "%'";
                    $cond .= " OR ";
                return substr($cond, 0, -3);
            //Query for getting the slug name for the term name typed in the search box of the products module
            $query_terms = "SELECT slug FROM {$wpdb->prefix}terms WHERE (" . prepare_cond($search_ons, "name") . ") AND name IN ('" . implode("','", $attributes) . "');";
            $records_slug = $wpdb->get_col($query_terms);
            $rows = $wpdb->num_rows;
            $search_text = $search_ons;
            //            if($rows > 0){
            if ($rows > 0 && !empty($records_slug)) {
                $search_text = $records_slug;
            //Query to get the term_taxonomy_id for the category name typed in the search text box of the products module
            $query_category = "SELECT tr.object_id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}term_relationships AS tr\n                    JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}term_taxonomy AS wt ON (wt.term_taxonomy_id = tr.term_taxonomy_id)\n                    JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}terms AS terms ON (wt.term_id = terms.term_id)\n                    WHERE wt.taxonomy like 'product_cat'\n                    AND (" . prepare_cond($search_ons, "terms.name") . ")";
            $results_category = $wpdb->get_col($query_category);
            $rows_category = $wpdb->num_rows;
            if ($rows_category > 0) {
                $search_category = " OR products.ID IN (" . implode(",", $results_category) . ") OR products.post_parent IN (" . implode(",", $results_category) . ")";
            } else {
                $search_category = "";
            //Query to get the post id if title or status or content or excerpt matches
            $query_title = "SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts \n                        WHERE post_type IN ('product')\n                            AND (" . prepare_cond($search_ons, "post_title") . "OR " . prepare_cond($search_ons, "post_status") . "OR " . prepare_cond($search_ons, "post_content") . "OR " . prepare_cond($search_ons, "post_excerpt") . ")";
            $results_title = $wpdb->get_col($query_title);
            $rows_title = $wpdb->num_rows;
            if ($rows_title > 0) {
                $search_title = " OR products.ID IN (" . implode(",", $results_title) . ") OR products.post_parent IN (" . implode(",", $results_title) . ")";
            } else {
                $search_title = "";
            $visible = stristr("Catalog & Search", $search_on);
            if ($visible === FALSE) {
                $query_tax_visible = "SELECT post_id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta \n                        WHERE meta_key IN ('_tax_status','_visibility')\n                            AND meta_value LIKE '%{$search_on}%'";
            } else {
                if (count($search_ons) > 1) {
                    $query_tax_visible = "SELECT post_id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta \n                            WHERE meta_key IN ('_visibility')\n                                AND (meta_value LIKE '%visible%')";
                } else {
                    $query_tax_visible = "SELECT post_id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta \n                            WHERE meta_key IN ('_visibility')\n                                AND (meta_value LIKE '%visible%'\n                                    OR meta_value LIKE '%{$search_on}%')";
            $results_tax_visible = $wpdb->get_col($query_tax_visible);
            $rows_tax_visible = $wpdb->num_rows;
            if ($rows_tax_visible > 0) {
                $search_tax_visible = " OR products.ID IN (" . implode(",", $results_tax_visible) . ") OR products.post_parent IN (" . implode(",", $results_tax_visible) . ")";
            } else {
                $search_tax_visible = "";
            if (is_array($search_ons) && count($search_ons) >= 1) {
                $search_condn = " HAVING ";
                foreach ($search_ons as $search_on) {
                    $search_condn .= " (concat(' ',REPLACE(REPLACE(post_title_search,'(',''),')','')) LIKE '%{$search_on}%'\n                                                           OR post_content LIKE '%{$search_on}%'\n                                                           OR post_excerpt LIKE '%{$search_on}%'\n\n                                                               OR prod_othermeta_value LIKE '%{$search_on}%')\n\n                                                               ";
                    $search_condn .= " OR";
                if ($rows == 1) {
                    $query_ids1 = "SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(post_id ORDER BY post_id SEPARATOR ',') as id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta WHERE meta_value IN ('" . implode("','", $search_text) . "') AND meta_key like 'attribute_%'";
                    $records_id1 = implode(",", $wpdb->get_col($query_ids1));
                    $search_condn .= " products.id IN ({$records_id1})";
                    $search_condn .= " OR";
                $search_condn_count = " AND(" . substr($search_condn_count, 0, -2) . ")";
                $search_condn = substr($search_condn, 0, -2);
                $search_condn .= $search_title . $search_category . $search_tax_visible;
            } else {
                $search_condn = " HAVING concat(' ',REPLACE(REPLACE(post_title_search,'(',''),')','')) LIKE '%{$search_on}%'\n                                                   OR post_content LIKE '%{$search_on}%'\n                                                   OR post_excerpt LIKE '%{$search_on}%'\n\n                                                               OR prod_othermeta_value LIKE '%{$search_on}%'\n\n                                                        {$search_title}\n                                                        {$search_category}\n                                                        {$search_tax_visible}\n                                                       ";
                if ($rows == 1) {
                    $query_ids1 = "SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(post_id ORDER BY post_id SEPARATOR ',') as id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta WHERE meta_value IN ('" . implode("','", $search_text) . "') AND meta_key like 'attribute_%';";
                    $records_id1 = implode(",", $wpdb->get_col($query_ids1));
                    if (!empty($records_id1)) {
                        $search_condn .= " OR products.id IN ({$records_id1})";
        // LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}term_relationships as wtr ON (products.id = wtr.object_id
        //                                                     )";  // Removed $term_taxonomy_id_query as it was conflicting with Attributes Column
        $from = "FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts as products\n\t\t\t\t\t\tJOIN {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta as prod_othermeta ON (prod_othermeta.post_id = products.id and\n\t\t\t\t\t\tprod_othermeta.meta_key IN ('_regular_price','_sale_price','_sale_price_dates_from','_sale_price_dates_to','_sku','_stock','_weight','_height','_length','_width','_price','_thumbnail_id','_tax_status','_min_variation_regular_price','_min_variation_sale_price','_visibility','_product_attributes','" . implode("','", $variation) . "') )";
        $where = " WHERE products.post_status IN {$post_status}\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND products.post_type IN {$post_type}\n                                                {$trash_id}\n                                                {$search}";
        $group_by = " GROUP BY products.id ";
        //Query for getting the actual data loaded into the smartManager
        $query = "{$select} {$from} {$where} {$group_by} {$search_condn} {$order_by} {$limit_string};";
        $records = $wpdb->get_results($query, 'ARRAY_A');
        $num_rows = $wpdb->num_rows;
        //Query for getting the count of the number of products loaded into the smartManager
        $recordcount_result = $wpdb->get_results('SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as count;', 'ARRAY_A');
        $num_records = $recordcount_result[0]['count'];
        if ($num_rows <= 0) {
            $encoded['totalCount'] = '';
            $encoded['items'] = '';
            $encoded['msg'] = __('No Records Found', 'smart-manager');
        } else {
            for ($i = 0; $i < $num_rows; $i++) {
                $records[$i]['post_content'] = str_replace('"', '\'', $records[$i]['post_content']);
                $records[$i]['post_excerpt'] = str_replace('"', '\'', $records[$i]['post_excerpt']);
                $prod_meta_values = explode('###', $records[$i]['prod_othermeta_value']);
                $prod_meta_key = explode('###', $records[$i]['prod_othermeta_key']);
                if (count($prod_meta_values) != count($prod_meta_key)) {
                $prod_meta_key_values = array_combine($prod_meta_key, $prod_meta_values);
                $product_type = wp_get_object_terms($records[$i]['id'], 'product_type', array('fields' => 'slugs'));
                // Code to get the Category Name from the term_taxonomy_id
                if (isset($category_ids_all[$records[$i]['id']])) {
                    //$category_id = explode('###', $records[$i]['term_taxonomy_id']);
                    $category_names = "";
                    //                unset($records[$i]['term_taxonomy_id']);
                    $category_id = explode('###', $category_ids_all[$records[$i]['id']]);
                    for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($category_id); $j++) {
                        if (isset($term_taxonomy[$category_id[$j]])) {
                            $category_names .= $term_taxonomy[$category_id[$j]] . ', ';
                    if ($category_names != "") {
                        $category_names = substr($category_names, 0, -2);
                        $records[$i]['category'] = $category_names;
                } else {
                    $records[$i]['category'] = "";
                $records[$i]['category'] = $records[$i]['post_parent'] > 0 && $product_type[0] == 'simple' || $records[$i]['post_parent'] == 0 ? $records[$i]['category'] : '';
                // To hide category name from Product's variations
                //Attributes Column
                if (isset($prod_meta_key_values['_product_attributes']) && $prod_meta_key_values['_product_attributes'] != "") {
                    $prod_attr = unserialize($prod_meta_key_values['_product_attributes']);
                    $attributes_list = "";
                    foreach ($prod_attr as $prod_attr1) {
                        $attribute_terms = "";
                        if (isset($attributes_label[$prod_attr1['name']]) && isset($product_attributes[$prod_attr1['name']])) {
                            foreach ($category_id as $category_id1) {
                                if (isset($product_attributes[$prod_attr1['name']][$category_id1])) {
                                    $attribute_terms .= $product_attributes[$prod_attr1['name']][$category_id1] . ', ';
                            if ($attribute_terms != "") {
                                $attribute_terms = substr($attribute_terms, 0, -2);
                            $attributes_list .= $attributes_label[$prod_attr1['name']] . ": [" . $attribute_terms . "]";
                        } else {
                            $attributes_list .= $prod_attr1['name'] . ": [" . str_replace(" |", ",", $prod_attr1['value']) . "]";
                        if ($attributes_list != "") {
                            $attributes_list .= "<br>";
                    // $records[$i]['product_attributes'] = substr( $attributes_list, 0, -3);
                    $records[$i]['product_attributes'] = $attributes_list;
                } else {
                    $records[$i]['product_attributes'] = "";
                if (isset($prod_meta_key_values['_sale_price_dates_from']) && !empty($prod_meta_key_values['_sale_price_dates_from'])) {
                    $prod_meta_key_values['_sale_price_dates_from'] = date('Y-m-d', (int) $prod_meta_key_values['_sale_price_dates_from']);
                if (isset($prod_meta_key_values['_sale_price_dates_to']) && !empty($prod_meta_key_values['_sale_price_dates_to'])) {
                    $prod_meta_key_values['_sale_price_dates_to'] = date('Y-m-d', (int) $prod_meta_key_values['_sale_price_dates_to']);
                $records[$i] = array_merge((array) $records[$i], $prod_meta_key_values);
                $thumbnail = isset($records[$i]['_thumbnail_id']) ? wp_get_attachment_image_src($records[$i]['_thumbnail_id'], $image_size) : '';
                $records[$i]['thumbnail'] = $thumbnail[0] != '' ? $thumbnail[0] : false;
                $records[$i]['_tax_status'] = !empty($prod_meta_key_values['_tax_status']) ? $prod_meta_key_values['_tax_status'] : '';
                // Setting product type for grouped products
                if ($records[$i]['post_parent'] != 0) {
                    $product_type_parent = wp_get_object_terms($records[$i]['post_parent'], 'product_type', array('fields' => 'slugs'));
                    if ($product_type_parent[0] == "grouped") {
                        $records[$i]['product_type'] = $product_type_parent[0];
                } else {
                    $records[$i]['product_type'] = $product_type[0];
                if ($show_variation === true) {
                    if ($records[$i]['post_parent'] != 0 && $product_type_parent[0] != "grouped") {
                        $records[$i]['post_status'] = get_post_status($records[$i]['post_parent']);
                        if ($_POST['SM_IS_WOO16'] == "true") {
                            $records[$i]['_regular_price'] = $records[$i]['_price'];
                        $variation_names = '';
                        foreach ($variation as $slug) {
                            $variation_names .= isset($attributes[$prod_meta_key_values[$slug]]) && !empty($attributes[$prod_meta_key_values[$slug]]) ? $attributes[$prod_meta_key_values[$slug]] . ', ' : ucfirst($prod_meta_key_values[$slug]) . ', ';
                        $records[$i]['post_title'] = get_the_title($records[$i]['post_parent']) . " - " . trim($variation_names, ", ");
                    } else {
                        if ($records[$i]['post_parent'] == 0 && $product_type[0] == 'variable') {
                            $records[$i]['_regular_price'] = "";
                            $records[$i]['_sale_price'] = "";
                        } else {
                            $records[$i]['_regular_price'] = trim($records[$i]['_regular_price']);
                            if (empty($records[$i]['_regular_price'])) {
                                $records[$i]['_regular_price'] = $records[$i]['_price'];
                    $products[$records[$i]['id']]['post_title'] = $records[$i]['post_title'];
                    $products[$records[$i]['id']]['variation'] = $variation_names;
                } elseif ($show_variation === false && SMPRO) {
                    if ($product_type[0] == 'variable') {
                        $records[$i]['_regular_price'] = $records[$i]['_min_variation_regular_price'];
                        $records[$i]['_sale_price'] = $records[$i]['_min_variation_sale_price'];
                    } else {
                        $records[$i]['_regular_price'] = trim($records[$i]['_regular_price']);
                        // if ( empty( $records[$i]['_regular_price'] ) ) {
                        //     $records[$i]['_regular_price'] = $records[$i]['_price'];
                        // }
                        $records[$i]['_sale_price'] = trim($records[$i]['_sale_price']);
                } else {
                    $records[$i]['_regular_price'] = $records[$i]['_regular_price'];
                    $records[$i]['_sale_price'] = $records[$i]['_sale_price'];
    } elseif ($active_module == 'Customers') {
        //BOF Customer's module
        $search_condn = customers_query($_POST['searchText']);
        $query_terms = "SELECT id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts AS posts\n                            JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}term_relationships AS term_relationships \n                                                        ON term_relationships.object_id = posts.ID \n                                        JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}term_taxonomy AS term_taxonomy \n                                                        ON term_taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id = term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id \n                                        JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}terms AS terms \n                                                        ON term_taxonomy.term_id = terms.term_id\n                        WHERE terms.name IN ('completed','processing','on-hold','pending')\n                            AND posts.post_status IN ('publish')";
        $terms_post = implode(",", $wpdb->get_col($query_terms));
        //Query for getting the max of post id for all the Guest Customers
        $query_post_guest = "SELECT post_ID FROM {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta\n                                WHERE meta_key ='_customer_user' AND meta_value=0\n                                    AND post_id IN ({$terms_post})";
        $post_id_guest = $wpdb->get_col($query_post_guest);
        $num_guest = $wpdb->num_rows;
        if ($num_guest > 0) {
            $query_max_id = "SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(distinct postmeta1.post_ID \n                                        ORDER BY posts.post_date DESC SEPARATOR ',' ) AS all_id,\n                               GROUP_CONCAT(postmeta2.meta_value \n                                             ORDER BY posts.post_date DESC SEPARATOR ',' ) AS order_total,     \n                                        date_format(max(posts.post_date),'%b %e %Y, %r') AS date,\n                               count(postmeta1.post_id) as count,\n                               sum(postmeta2.meta_value) as total\n                            \n                               FROM {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta AS postmeta1\n                                            JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}posts AS posts ON (posts.ID = postmeta1.post_id)\n                                   INNER JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta AS postmeta2\n                                       ON (postmeta2.post_ID = postmeta1.post_ID AND postmeta2.meta_key IN ('_order_total'))\n\n                               WHERE postmeta1.meta_key IN ('_billing_email')\n                                        AND postmeta1.post_ID IN (" . implode(",", $post_id_guest) . ")                           \n                               GROUP BY postmeta1.meta_value\n                                   ORDER BY date desc";
            $result_max_id = $wpdb->get_results($query_max_id, 'ARRAY_A');
        //Query for getting the max of post id for all the Registered Customers
        $query_post_user = "******";
        $post_id_user = $wpdb->get_col($query_post_user);
        $num_user = $wpdb->num_rows;
        if ($num_user > 0) {
            $query_max_user = "******" . implode(",", $post_id_user) . ")                           \n                           GROUP BY postmeta1.meta_value\n                                ORDER BY date";
            $result_max_user = $wpdb->get_results($query_max_user, 'ARRAY_A');
        //Code for generating the total orders, count of orders , max ids and last order total arrays
        for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($result_max_id); $i++) {
            $temp = explode(",", $result_max_id[$i]['all_id']);
            $max_ids[$i] = $temp[0];
            $order_count[$max_ids[$i]] = $result_max_id[$i]['count'];
            $order_total[$max_ids[$i]] = $result_max_id[$i]['total'];
            //Code for getting the last Order Total
            $temp = explode(",", $result_max_id[$i]['order_total']);
            $last_order_total[$max_ids[$i]] = $temp[0];
        if (!empty($result_max_id)) {
            $j = sizeof($max_ids);
            $k = sizeof($order_count);
            $l = sizeof($order_total);
            $m = sizeof($last_order_total);
        for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($result_max_user); $i++, $j++, $k++, $l++, $m++) {
            $temp = explode(",", $result_max_user[$i]['all_id']);
            $max_ids[$j] = $temp[0];
            $order_count[$max_ids[$j]] = $result_max_user[$i]['count'];
            $order_total[$max_ids[$j]] = $result_max_user[$i]['total'];
            $temp = explode(",", $result_max_user[$i]['order_total']);
            $last_order_total[$max_ids[$j]] = $temp[0];
        $max_id = implode(",", $max_ids);
        $customers_query = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS\n                                     DISTINCT(GROUP_CONCAT( postmeta.meta_value\n                                     ORDER BY postmeta.meta_id SEPARATOR '###' ) )AS meta_value,\n                                     GROUP_CONCAT(distinct postmeta.meta_key\n                                     ORDER BY postmeta.meta_id SEPARATOR '###' ) AS meta_key,\n                                     date_format(max(posts.post_date),'%b %e %Y, %r') AS date,\n                                     posts.ID AS id\n\n                                    FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts AS posts\n                                            RIGHT JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta AS postmeta\n                                                    ON (posts.ID = postmeta.post_id AND postmeta.meta_key IN\n                                                                                        ('_billing_first_name' , '_billing_last_name' , '_billing_email',\n                                                                                        '_billing_address_1', '_billing_address_2', '_billing_city', '_billing_state',\n                                                                                        '_billing_country','_billing_postcode', '_billing_phone','_customer_user'))";
        $where = " WHERE posts.post_type LIKE 'shop_order' \n\t\t\t\t\t   AND posts.post_status IN ('publish')\n\t\t\t\t\t   AND posts.ID IN ({$max_id})";
        $group_by = " GROUP BY posts.ID";
        $limit_query = " ORDER BY FIND_IN_SET(posts.ID,'{$max_id}') {$limit_string}";
        $query = "{$customers_query} {$where} {$group_by} {$search_condn} {$limit_query};";
        $result = $wpdb->get_results($query, 'ARRAY_A');
        $num_rows = $wpdb->num_rows;
        //To get Total count
        $customers_count_result = $wpdb->get_results('SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as count;', 'ARRAY_A');
        $num_records = $customers_count_result[0]['count'];
        if ($num_records == 0) {
            $encoded['totalCount'] = '';
            $encoded['items'] = '';
            $encoded['msg'] = __('No Records Found', 'smart-manager');
        } else {
            $postmeta = array();
            $j = 0;
            $k = 0;
            for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($result); $i++) {
                $meta_value = explode('###', $result[$i]['meta_value']);
                $meta_key = explode('###', $result[$i]['meta_key']);
                //note: while merging the array, $data as to be the second arg
                if (count($meta_key) == count($meta_value)) {
                    $temp[$i] = array_combine($meta_key, $meta_value);
                if ($temp[$i]['_customer_user'] == 0) {
                    $postmeta[$j] = $temp[$i];
                } elseif ($temp[$i]['_customer_user'] > 0) {
                    $user[$k] = $temp[$i]['_customer_user'];
            //Query for getting th Registered Users data from wp_usermeta and wp_users table
            if (!is_null($user)) {
                $user_ids = implode(",", $user);
                $query_users = "SELECT users.ID,users.user_email,\n                                              GROUP_CONCAT( usermeta.meta_value ORDER BY usermeta.umeta_id SEPARATOR '###' ) AS meta_value,\n                                             GROUP_CONCAT(distinct usermeta.meta_key\n                                             ORDER BY usermeta.umeta_id SEPARATOR '###_' ) AS meta_key\n                                             FROM {$wpdb->users} AS users\n                                                   JOIN {$wpdb->usermeta} AS usermeta\n                                                            ON (users.ID = usermeta.user_id AND usermeta.meta_key IN\n                                                            ('billing_first_name' , 'billing_last_name' , 'billing_email',\n                                                            'billing_address_1', 'billing_address_2', 'billing_city', 'billing_state',\n                                                            'billing_country','billing_postcode', 'billing_phone'))\n                                             WHERE users.ID IN ({$user_ids})\n                                             GROUP BY users.ID\n                                             ORDER BY FIND_IN_SET(users.ID,'{$user_ids}');";
                $result_users = $wpdb->get_results($query_users, 'ARRAY_A');
                $num_rows_users = $wpdb->num_rows;
                for ($i = 0, $j = sizeof($postmeta); $i < sizeof($result_users); $i++, $j++) {
                    $meta_value = explode('###', $result_users[$i]['meta_value']);
                    $result_users[$i]['meta_key'] = "_" . $result_users[$i]['meta_key'];
                    $meta_key = explode('###', $result_users[$i]['meta_key']);
                    //note: while merging the array, $data as to be the second arg
                    if (count($meta_key) == count($meta_value)) {
                        $postmeta[$j] = array_combine($meta_key, $meta_value);
                        $postmeta[$j]['_customer_user'] = $result_users[$i]['ID'];
                        $postmeta[$j]['_billing_email'] = $result_users[$i]['user_email'];
            $user_id = array();
            for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($postmeta); $i++) {
                if ($postmeta[$i]['_customer_user'] == 0) {
                    $user_email[$i] = "'" . $postmeta[$i]['_billing_email'] . "'";
                } elseif ($postmeta[$i]['_customer_user'] > 0) {
                    $user_id[$i] = $postmeta[$i]['_customer_user'];
            for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($postmeta); $i++) {
                $postmeta[$i]['id'] = $max_ids[$i];
                if (SMPRO == true) {
                    $result[$i]['_order_total'] = $last_order_total[$result[$i]['id']];
                    $postmeta[$i]['count_orders'] = $order_count[$result[$i]['id']];
                    $postmeta[$i]['total_orders'] = $order_total[$result[$i]['id']];
                    $result[$i]['last_order'] = $result[$i]['date'];
                } else {
                    $postmeta[$i]['count_orders'] = 'Pro only';
                    $postmeta[$i]['total_orders'] = 'Pro only';
                    $result[$i]['_order_total'] = 'Pro only';
                    $result[$i]['last_order'] = 'Pro only';
                $result[$i]['_billing_address'] = isset($postmeta[$i]['_billing_address_1']) ? $postmeta[$i]['_billing_address_1'] . ', ' . $postmeta[$i]['_billing_address_2'] : $postmeta[$i]['_billing_address_2'];
                $postmeta[$i]['_billing_state'] = isset($woocommerce->countries->states[$postmeta[$i]['_billing_country']][$postmeta[$i]['_billing_state']]) ? $woocommerce->countries->states[$postmeta[$i]['_billing_country']][$postmeta[$i]['_billing_state']] : $postmeta[$i]['_billing_state'];
                $postmeta[$i]['_billing_country'] = isset($woocommerce->countries->countries[$postmeta[$i]['_billing_country']]) ? $woocommerce->countries->countries[$postmeta[$i]['_billing_country']] : $postmeta[$i]['_billing_country'];
                //NOTE: storing old email id in an extra column in record so useful to indentify record with emailid during updates.
                if ($postmeta[$i]['_billing_email'] != '' || $postmeta[$i]['_billing_email'] != null) {
                    $records[] = array_merge($postmeta[$i], $result[$i]);
    } elseif ($active_module == 'Orders') {
        if (SMPRO == true && function_exists('sm_woo_get_packing_slip') && $_POST['label'] == 'getPurchaseLogs') {
            $log_ids_arr = json_decode(stripslashes($_POST['log_ids']));
            if (is_array($log_ids_arr)) {
                $log_ids = implode(', ', $log_ids_arr);
            sm_woo_get_packing_slip($log_ids, $log_ids_arr);
        //Code to get all the term_names along with the term_taxonomy_id in an array
        $query_terms = "SELECT terms.name,term_taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id \n                                FROM {$wpdb->prefix}term_taxonomy AS term_taxonomy\n                                    JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}terms AS terms ON terms.term_id = term_taxonomy.term_id\n                                WHERE taxonomy LIKE 'shop_order_status'";
        $terms = $wpdb->get_results($query_terms, 'ARRAY_A');
        for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($terms); $i++) {
            $terms_name[$terms[$i]['term_taxonomy_id']] = $terms[$i]['name'];
            $terms_id[$i] = $terms[$i]['term_taxonomy_id'];
        $terms_post = implode(",", $terms_id);
        //Code for Sequential Orders compatibility
        if (is_plugin_active('woocommerce-sequential-order-numbers-pro/woocommerce-sequential-order-numbers.php')) {
            $order_formatted = ", '_order_number_formatted'";
        } else {
            $order_formatted = "";
        $select_query = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS posts.ID as id,\n                                posts.post_excerpt as order_note,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdate_format(posts.post_date,'%b %e %Y, %r') AS date,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tGROUP_CONCAT( postmeta.meta_value \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY postmeta.meta_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSEPARATOR '###' ) AS meta_value,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tGROUP_CONCAT(distinct postmeta.meta_key\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY postmeta.meta_id \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSEPARATOR '###' ) AS meta_key,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tterm_relationships.term_taxonomy_id AS term_taxonomy_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts AS posts \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tJOIN {$wpdb->prefix}term_relationships AS term_relationships \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tON term_relationships.object_id = posts.ID \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tRIGHT JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta AS postmeta \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tON (posts.ID = postmeta.post_id AND postmeta.meta_key IN \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t('_billing_first_name' , '_billing_last_name' , '_billing_email',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'_shipping_first_name', '_shipping_last_name', '_shipping_address_1', '_shipping_address_2',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'_shipping_city', '_shipping_state', '_shipping_country','_shipping_postcode',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'_shipping_method', '_payment_method', '_order_items', '_order_total',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'_shipping_method_title', '_payment_method_title','_customer_user','_billing_phone',\n                                                                                                                                                                '_order_shipping', '_order_discount', '_cart_discount', '_order_tax', '_order_shipping_tax', '_order_currency', 'coupons'" . $order_formatted . "))";
        $group_by = " GROUP BY posts.ID";
        $limit_query = " ORDER BY posts.ID DESC {$limit_string} ;";
        $where = " WHERE posts.post_type LIKE 'shop_order' \n\t\t\t\t\tAND posts.post_status IN ('publish','draft','auto-draft')\n                                        AND term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id IN ({$terms_post})";
        if (isset($_POST['fromDate'])) {
            $from_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', (int) strtotime($_POST['fromDate']));
            $date_start = date('Y-m-d', (int) strtotime($_POST['fromDate']));
            $date = date('Y-m-d', (int) strtotime($_POST['toDate']));
            if ($date_start == $date && $date == date('Y-m-d')) {
                $curr_time_gmt = date('H:i:s', time() - date("Z"));
                $new_date = $date . " " . $curr_time_gmt;
                $to_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', (int) strtotime($new_date) + get_option('gmt_offset') * HOUR_IN_SECONDS);
            } else {
                $to_date = $date . " 23:59:59";
            if (SMPRO == true) {
                $where .= " AND posts.post_date BETWEEN '{$from_date}' AND '{$to_date}'";
        if (isset($_POST['searchText']) && $_POST['searchText'] != '') {
            $multiple_search_terms = explode('\\"', trim($_POST['searchText']));
            $search_on = $wpdb->_real_escape(trim($_POST['searchText']));
            //Query for getting the user_id based on the email enetered in the Search Box
            $query_user_email = "SELECT id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}users \n                                                    WHERE user_email like '%{$search_on}%'";
            $result_user_email = $wpdb->get_col($query_user_email);
            $num_rows_email = $wpdb->num_rows;
            if ($num_rows_email == 0) {
                $query_user_email = "SELECT DISTINCT p2.meta_value \n                                                             FROM {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta AS p1, {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta AS p2  \n                                                             WHERE p1.post_id = p2.post_id \n                                                                AND p1.meta_key = '_billing_email'\n                                                                AND p2.meta_key = '_customer_user'\n                                                                AND p2.meta_value > 0\n                                                                AND p1.meta_value like '%{$search_on}%'";
                $result_user_email = $wpdb->get_col($query_user_email);
                $num_rows_email1 = $wpdb->num_rows;
            //Query for getting the user_id based on the Customer phone number enetered in the Search Box
            $query_user_phone = "SELECT user_id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}usermeta \n                                                         WHERE meta_key='billing_phone' \n                                                            AND meta_value like '%{$search_on}%'";
            $result_user_phone = $wpdb->get_col($query_user_phone);
            $num_rows_phone = $wpdb->num_rows;
            if ($num_rows_phone == 0) {
                $query_user_phone = "SELECT DISTINCT p2.meta_value \n                                                             FROM {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta AS p1, {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta AS p2  \n                                                             WHERE p1.post_id = p2.post_id \n                                                                AND p1.meta_key = '_billing_phone'\n                                                                AND p2.meta_key = '_customer_user'\n                                                                AND p2.meta_value > 0\n                                                                AND p1.meta_value like '%{$search_on}%'";
                $result_user_phone = $wpdb->get_col($query_user_phone);
                $num_rows_phone1 = $wpdb->num_rows;
            $query_terms = "SELECT term_taxonomy_id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}term_taxonomy\n                                                WHERE term_id IN (SELECT term_id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}terms";
            // name like '%$search_on%')
            // $multiple_search_terms = explode( '\"', $search_on );
            if (!empty($multiple_search_terms)) {
                $query_terms .= " WHERE";
                foreach ($multiple_search_terms as $search_status) {
                    $search_status = trim($search_status);
                    if (!empty($search_status)) {
                        $query_terms .= " name like '%{$search_status}%' OR";
                $query_terms = trim($query_terms, ' OR');
            $query_terms .= ")";
            $result_terms = implode(",", $wpdb->get_col($query_terms));
            $num_terms = $wpdb->num_rows;
            // Start: Query for searching product names in order
            if ($_POST['SM_IS_WOO16'] == "false") {
                $query_product_names = "SELECT order_id\n                                                            FROM {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_order_items";
                if (!empty($multiple_search_terms)) {
                    $query_product_names .= " WHERE";
                    foreach ($multiple_search_terms as $product_name) {
                        $product_name = trim($product_name);
                        if (!empty($product_name)) {
                            $query_product_names .= " order_item_name LIKE '%{$product_name}%' OR";
                    $query_product_names = trim($query_product_names, ' OR');
            } else {
                $query_product_names = "SELECT post_id\n                                                            FROM {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta\n                                                            WHERE meta_key LIKE '%_order_items%'";
                if (!empty($multiple_search_terms)) {
                    $query_product_names .= " AND (";
                    foreach ($multiple_search_terms as $product_name) {
                        $product_name = trim($product_name);
                        if (!empty($product_name)) {
                            $query_product_names .= " meta_value LIKE '%{$product_name}%' OR";
                    $query_product_names = trim($query_product_names, ' OR');
                    $query_product_names .= ")";
            $result_product_ids = $wpdb->get_col($query_product_names);
            $num_product_ids = $wpdb->num_rows;
            // End: Query for searching product names in order
            //Query to get the post_id of the products whose sku code matches with the one type in the search text box of the Orders Module
            $query_sku = "SELECT post_id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta\n                                              WHERE meta_key = '_sku'\n                                                 AND meta_value like '%{$search_on}%'";
            $result_sku = $wpdb->get_col($query_sku);
            $rows_sku = $wpdb->num_rows;
            //Code for handling the Search functionality of the Orders Module using the SKU code of the product
            if ($rows_sku > 0) {
                if ($_POST['SM_IS_WOO16'] == "false") {
                    $query_order_by_sku = "SELECT order_id\n                                                                    FROM {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_order_items AS woocommerce_order_items\n                                                                    LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_order_itemmeta AS woocommerce_order_itemmeta USING ( order_item_id )\n                                                                    WHERE woocommerce_order_itemmeta.meta_key IN ( '_product_id', '_variation_id' )\n                                                                    AND woocommerce_order_itemmeta.meta_value IN ( " . implode(',', $result_sku) . " )";
                    $results_order_by_sku = $wpdb->get_col($query_order_by_sku);
                    $num_order_by_sku = $wpdb->num_rows;
                    if ($num_order_by_sku > 0) {
                        $search_condn = " HAVING id IN ( " . implode(',', $results_order_by_sku) . " )";
                } else {
                    //Query for getting all the distinct attribute meta key names
                    $query_variation = "SELECT DISTINCT meta_key as variation\n                                                            FROM {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta\n                                                            WHERE meta_key like 'attribute_%'";
                    $variation = $wpdb->get_col($query_variation);
                    //Query to get all the product title's as displayed in the products module along wih the post_id and SKU code in an array
                    $query_product = "SELECT posts.id, posts.post_title, posts.post_parent, \n                                                                    GROUP_CONCAT( postmeta.meta_value \n                                                                        ORDER BY postmeta.meta_id\n                                                                        SEPARATOR ',' ) AS meta_value\n                                                          FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts AS posts\n                                                                JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta AS postmeta\n                                                                    ON (posts.ID = postmeta.post_id\n                                                                            AND postmeta.meta_key IN ('_sku','" . implode("','", $variation) . "'))\n                                                          GROUP BY posts.id";
                    $result_product = $wpdb->get_results($query_product, 'ARRAY_A');
                    //Code to store all the products title in an array with the post_id as the array index
                    for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($result_product); $i++) {
                        $product_title[$result_product[$i]['id']]['post_title'] = $result_product[$i]['post_title'];
                        $product_title[$result_product[$i]['id']]['variation_title'] = $result_product[$i]['meta_value'];
                        $product_title[$result_product[$i]['id']]['post_parent'] = $result_product[$i]['post_parent'];
                    $post_title = array();
                    $variation_title = array();
                    $search_condn = "HAVING";
                    for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($result_sku); $i++) {
                        $product_type = wp_get_object_terms($result_sku[$i], 'product_type', array('fields' => 'slugs'));
                        // Getting the type of the product
                        //Code to prepare the search condition for the search using SKU Code
                        if ($product_title[$result_sku[$i]]['post_parent'] == 0) {
                            $post_title[$i] = $product_title[$result_sku[$i]]['post_title'];
                            $search_condn .= " meta_value like '%s:4:\"name\"%\"{$post_title[$i]}\"%' ";
                            $search_condn .= "OR";
                        } elseif ($product_title[$result_sku[$i]]['post_parent'] > 0) {
                            $temp = explode(",", $product_title[$result_sku[$i]]['variation_title']);
                            $post_title[$i] = $product_title[$product_title[$result_sku[$i]]['post_parent']]['post_title'];
                            $search_condn .= " meta_value like '%s:4:\"name\"%\"{$post_title[$i]}\"%' ";
                            $search_condn .= "AND (";
                            for ($j = 1; $j < sizeof($temp); $j++) {
                                $search_condn .= " meta_value like '%s:10:\"meta_value\"%\"{$temp[$j]}\"%' ";
                                $search_condn .= "OR";
                            $search_condn = substr($search_condn, 0, -2) . ")";
                            $search_condn .= "OR";
                    $variation_title = array_unique($variation_title);
                    $search_condn = substr($search_condn, 0, -2);
            } elseif ($num_product_ids > 0) {
                $search_condn = " HAVING id IN ( " . implode(',', $result_product_ids) . " )";
            } elseif ($num_rows_email > 0) {
                // Query to bring the matching email of the Guest uers
                $query = "SELECT DISTINCT p1.meta_value \n                                                             FROM {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta AS p1, {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta AS p2  \n                                                             WHERE p1.post_id = p2.post_id \n                                                                AND p1.meta_key = '_billing_email'\n                                                                AND p2.meta_key = '_customer_user'\n                                                                AND p2.meta_value = 0\n                                                                AND p1.meta_value like '%{$search_on}%'";
                $result_email_guest = $wpdb->get_col($query);
                $rows_email_guest = $wpdb->num_rows;
                $query_email = "SELECT DISTINCT(p1.meta_value)\n                                                    FROM {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta AS p1, {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta AS p2 \n                                                    WHERE p1.post_id = p2.post_id \n                                                                AND p1.meta_key = '_billing_email'\n                                                                AND p2.meta_key = '_customer_user'\n                                                                AND p2.meta_value IN (" . implode(",", $result_user_email) . ")";
                $result_email = $wpdb->get_col($query_email);
                if ($rows_email_guest > 0) {
                    for ($i = 0, $j = sizeof($result_email); $i < sizeof($result_email_guest); $i++, $j++) {
                        $result_email[$j] = $result_email_guest[$i];
                $search_condn = "HAVING";
                for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($result_email); $i++) {
                    $search_condn .= " meta_value like '%{$result_email[$i]}%' ";
                    $search_condn .= "OR";
                $search_condn = substr($search_condn, 0, -2);
            } elseif ($num_rows_phone > 0) {
                // Query to bring the matching Phone No. of the Guest uers
                $query = "SELECT DISTINCT p1.meta_value \n                                                             FROM {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta AS p1, {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta AS p2  \n                                                             WHERE p1.post_id = p2.post_id \n                                                                AND p1.meta_key = '_billing_phone'\n                                                                AND p2.meta_key = '_customer_user'\n                                                                AND p2.meta_value = 0\n                                                                AND p1.meta_value like '%{$search_on}%'";
                $result_phone_guest = $wpdb->get_col($query);
                $rows_phone_guest = $wpdb->num_rows;
                $query_phone = "SELECT DISTINCT(p1.meta_value)\n                                                    FROM {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta AS p1, {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta AS p2 \n                                                    WHERE p1.post_id = p2.post_id \n                                                                AND p1.meta_key = '_billing_email'\n                                                                AND p2.meta_key = '_customer_user'\n                                                                AND p2.meta_value IN (" . implode(",", $result_user_phone) . ")";
                $result_phone = $wpdb->get_col($query_phone);
                if ($rows_phone_guest > 0) {
                    for ($i = 0, $j = sizeof($result_phone); $i < sizeof($result_phone_guest); $i++, $j++) {
                        $result_phone[$j] = $result_phone_guest[$i];
                $search_condn = "HAVING";
                for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($result_phone); $i++) {
                    $search_condn .= " meta_value like '%{$result_phone[$i]}%' ";
                    $search_condn .= "OR";
                $search_condn = substr($search_condn, 0, -2);
            } elseif ($num_rows_email1 > 0 || $num_rows_phone1 > 0) {
                $search_condn = " HAVING id = 0";
            } elseif ($num_terms > 0) {
                $search_condn = " HAVING term_taxonomy_id IN ({$result_terms})";
            } else {
                $search_condn = " HAVING id like '{$search_on}%'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  OR date like '%{$search_on}%'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t OR meta_value like '%{$search_on}%'";
        //get the state id if the shipping state is numeric or blank
        $query = "{$select_query} {$where} {$group_by} {$search_condn} {$limit_query}";
        $results = $wpdb->get_results($query, 'ARRAY_A');
        //To get the total count
        $orders_count_result = $wpdb->get_results('SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as count;', 'ARRAY_A');
        $num_records = $orders_count_result[0]['count'];
        //Query to get the email id from the wp_users table for the Registered Customers
        $query_users = "SELECT users.ID,users.user_email,usermeta.meta_value\n                                         FROM {$wpdb->prefix}users AS users, {$wpdb->prefix}usermeta AS usermeta\n                                         WHERE usermeta.user_id = users.id \n                                            AND usermeta.meta_key = 'billing_phone'\n                                         GROUP BY users.ID";
        $result_users = $wpdb->get_results($query_users, 'ARRAY_A');
        if ($num_records == 0) {
            $encoded['totalCount'] = '';
            $encoded['items'] = '';
            $encoded['msg'] = __('No Records Found', 'smart-manager');
        } else {
            foreach ($results as $data) {
                $order_ids[] = $data['id'];
            if ($_POST['SM_IS_WOO16'] == "false") {
                $order_id = implode(",", $order_ids);
                $query_order_items = "SELECT order_items.order_item_id,\n                                                            order_items.order_id    ,\n                                                            order_items.order_item_name AS order_prod,\n                                                            GROUP_CONCAT(order_itemmeta.meta_key\n                                                                                ORDER BY order_itemmeta.meta_id \n                                                                                SEPARATOR '###' ) AS meta_key,\n                                                            GROUP_CONCAT(order_itemmeta.meta_value\n                                                                                ORDER BY order_itemmeta.meta_id \n                                                                                SEPARATOR '###' ) AS meta_value\n                                                        FROM {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_order_items AS order_items \n                                                            LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_order_itemmeta AS order_itemmeta \n                                                                ON (order_items.order_item_id = order_itemmeta.order_item_id)\n                                                        WHERE order_items.order_id IN ({$order_id})\n                                                            AND order_items.order_item_type LIKE 'line_item'\n                                                        GROUP BY order_items.order_item_id\n                                                        ORDER BY FIND_IN_SET(order_items.order_id,'{$order_id}')";
                $results_order_items = $wpdb->get_results($query_order_items, 'ARRAY_A');
                $num_rows_order_items = $wpdb->num_rows;
                //code for formatting order items array
                if ($num_rows_order_items > 0) {
                    $order_items = array();
                    foreach ($results_order_items as $results_order_item) {
                        if (!isset($order_items[$results_order_item['order_id']])) {
                            $order_items[$results_order_item['order_id']] = array();
                        $order_items[$results_order_item['order_id']][] = $results_order_item;
                $query_order_coupons = "SELECT order_id,\n                                                                GROUP_CONCAT(order_item_name\n                                                                                    ORDER BY order_item_id \n                                                                                    SEPARATOR ', ' ) AS coupon_used\n                                                            FROM {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_order_items\n                                                            WHERE order_id IN ({$order_id})\n                                                                  AND order_item_type LIKE 'coupon'\n                                                            GROUP BY order_id\n                                                            ORDER BY FIND_IN_SET(order_id,'{$order_id}')";
                $results_order_coupons = $wpdb->get_results($query_order_coupons, 'ARRAY_A');
                $num_rows_coupons = $wpdb->num_rows;
                if ($num_rows_coupons > 0) {
                    $order_coupons = array();
                    foreach ($results_order_coupons as $results_order_coupon) {
                        $order_coupons[$results_order_coupon['order_id']] = $results_order_coupon['coupon_used'];
                $query_variation_ids = "SELECT order_itemmeta.meta_value \n                                                            FROM {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_order_items AS order_items \n                                                               LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_order_itemmeta AS order_itemmeta \n                                                                   ON (order_items.order_item_id = order_itemmeta.order_item_id)\n                                                            WHERE order_itemmeta.meta_key LIKE '_variation_id'\n                                                                   AND order_itemmeta.meta_value > 0\n                                                                   AND order_items.order_id IN ({$order_id})";
                $result_variation_ids = $wpdb->get_col($query_variation_ids);
                if (count($result_variation_ids) > 0) {
                    $query_variation_att = "SELECT postmeta.post_id AS post_id,\n                                                                        GROUP_CONCAT(postmeta.meta_value\n                                                                            ORDER BY postmeta.meta_id \n                                                                            SEPARATOR ',' ) AS meta_value\n                                                                FROM {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta AS postmeta\n                                                                WHERE postmeta.meta_key LIKE 'attribute_%'\n                                                                    AND postmeta.post_id IN (" . implode(",", $result_variation_ids) . ")\n                                                                GROUP BY postmeta.post_id";
                    $results_variation_att = $wpdb->get_results($query_variation_att, 'ARRAY_A');
                $query_terms = "SELECT terms.slug as slug, terms.name as term_name\n                                              FROM {$wpdb->prefix}terms AS terms\n                                                JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta AS postmeta \n                                                    ON ( postmeta.meta_value = terms.slug \n                                                            AND postmeta.meta_key LIKE 'attribute_%' ) \n                                              GROUP BY terms.slug";
                $attributes_terms = $wpdb->get_results($query_terms, 'ARRAY_A');
                $attributes = array();
                foreach ($attributes_terms as $attributes_term) {
                    $attributes[$attributes_term['slug']] = $attributes_term['term_name'];
                $variation_att_all = array();
                if (is_array($results_variation_att) && count($results_variation_att) > 0) {
                    for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($results_variation_att); $i++) {
                        $variation_attributes = explode(", ", $results_variation_att[$i]['meta_value']);
                        $attributes_final = array();
                        foreach ($variation_attributes as $variation_attribute) {
                            $attributes_final[] = isset($attributes[$variation_attribute]) ? $attributes[$variation_attribute] : ucfirst($variation_attribute);
                        $results_variation_att[$i]['meta_value'] = implode(", ", $attributes_final);
                        $variation_att_all[$results_variation_att[$i]['post_id']] = $results_variation_att[$i]['meta_value'];
            foreach ($results as $data) {
                $meta_key = explode('###', $data['meta_key']);
                $meta_value = explode('###', $data['meta_value']);
                if (count($meta_key) == count($meta_value)) {
                    $postmeta = array_combine($meta_key, $meta_value);
                    //Code to replace the email of the Registered Customers with the one from the wp_users
                    if ($postmeta['_customer_user'] > 0) {
                        for ($index = 0; $index < sizeof($result_users); $index++) {
                            if ($postmeta['_customer_user'] == $result_users[$index]['ID']) {
                                $postmeta['_billing_email'] = $result_users[$index]['user_email'];
                                $postmeta['_billing_phone'] = $result_users[$index]['meta_value'];
                    if ($_POST['SM_IS_WOO16'] == "true") {
                        if (is_serialized($postmeta['_order_items'])) {
                            $order_items = unserialize(trim($postmeta['_order_items']));
                            foreach ((array) $order_items as $order_item) {
                                if (isset($order_item['item_meta']) && count($order_item['item_meta']) > 0) {
                                    $variation_data = array();
                                    foreach ($order_item['item_meta'] as $meta) {
                                        $variation_data['attribute_' . $meta['meta_name']] = $meta['meta_value'];
                                    $variation_details = woocommerce_get_formatted_variation($variation_data, true);
                                $data['details'] += $order_item['qty'];
                                $data['order_total_ex_tax'] += $order_item['line_total'];
                                $product_id = $order_item['variation_id'] > 0 ? $order_item['variation_id'] : $order_item['id'];
                                $sm_sku = get_post_meta($product_id, '_sku', true);
                                if (!empty($sm_sku)) {
                                    $sku_detail = '[SKU: ' . $sm_sku . ']';
                                } else {
                                    $sku_detail = '';
                                $product_full_name = !empty($variation_details) ? $order_item['name'] . ' (' . $variation_details . ')' : $order_item['name'];
                                $data['products_name'] .= $product_full_name . ' ' . $sku_detail . '[' . __('Qty', 'smart-manager') . ': ' . $order_item['qty'] . '][' . __('Price', 'smart-manager') . ': ' . $order_item['line_total'] / $order_item['qty'] . '], ';
                            isset($data['details']) ? $data['details'] .= ' items' : ($data['details'] = '');
                            $data['products_name'] = substr($data['products_name'], 0, -2);
                            //To remove extra comma ', ' from returned string
                        } else {
                            $data['details'] = 'Details';
                    } else {
                        if (!empty($order_items[$data['id']])) {
                            foreach ($order_items[$data['id']] as $order_item) {
                                $prod_meta_values = explode('###', $order_item['meta_value']);
                                $prod_meta_key = explode('###', $order_item['meta_key']);
                                if (count($prod_meta_values) != count($prod_meta_key)) {
                                update_post_meta($index, $sku_detail, $meta_value);
                                $prod_meta_key_values = array_combine($prod_meta_key, $prod_meta_values);
                                // if ($data['id'] == $order_item['order_id']) {
                                $data['details'] += $prod_meta_key_values['_qty'];
                                $data['order_total_ex_tax'] += $prod_meta_key_values['_line_total'];
                                $product_id = $prod_meta_key_values['_variation_id'] > 0 ? $prod_meta_key_values['_variation_id'] : $prod_meta_key_values['_product_id'];
                                $sm_sku = get_post_meta($product_id, '_sku', true);
                                if (!empty($sm_sku)) {
                                    $sku_detail = '[SKU: ' . $sm_sku . ']';
                                } else {
                                    $sku_detail = '';
                                $variation_att = isset($variation_att_all[$prod_meta_key_values['_variation_id']]) && !empty($variation_att_all[$prod_meta_key_values['_variation_id']]) ? $variation_att_all[$prod_meta_key_values['_variation_id']] : '';
                                $product_full_name = !empty($variation_att) ? $order_item['order_prod'] . ' (' . $variation_att . ')' : $order_item['order_prod'];
                                $data['products_name'] .= $product_full_name . ' ' . $sku_detail . '[' . __('Qty', 'smart-manager') . ': ' . $prod_meta_key_values['_qty'] . '][' . __('Price', 'smart-manager') . ': ' . $prod_meta_key_values['_line_total'] / $prod_meta_key_values['_qty'] . '], ';
                                $data['coupons'] = isset($order_coupons[$order_item['order_id']]) ? $order_coupons[$order_item['order_id']] : "";
                                // }
                            isset($data['details']) ? $data['details'] .= ' items' : ($data['details'] = '');
                            $data['products_name'] = substr($data['products_name'], 0, -2);
                            //To remove extra comma ', ' from returned string
                    //Code to get the Order_Status using the $terms_name array
                    $data['order_status'] = $terms_name[$data['term_taxonomy_id']];
                    $name_emailid[0] = "<font class=blue>" . $postmeta['_billing_first_name'] . "</font>";
                    $name_emailid[1] = "<font class=blue>" . $postmeta['_billing_last_name'] . "</font>";
                    $name_emailid[2] = "(" . $postmeta['_billing_email'] . ")";
                    //email comes at 7th position.
                    $data['name'] = implode(' ', $name_emailid);
                    //in front end,splitting is done with this space.
                    $data['_shipping_address'] = $postmeta['_shipping_address_1'] . ', ' . $postmeta['_shipping_address_2'];
                    $postmeta['_shipping_method'] = isset($postmeta['_shipping_method_title']) ? $postmeta['_shipping_method_title'] : $postmeta['_shipping_method'];
                    $postmeta['_payment_method'] = isset($postmeta['_payment_method_title']) ? $postmeta['_payment_method_title'] : $postmeta['_payment_method'];
                    $postmeta['_shipping_state'] = isset($woocommerce->countries->states[$postmeta['_shipping_country']][$postmeta['_shipping_state']]) ? $woocommerce->countries->states[$postmeta['_shipping_country']][$postmeta['_shipping_state']] : $postmeta['_shipping_state'];
                    $postmeta['_shipping_country'] = isset($woocommerce->countries->countries[$postmeta['_shipping_country']]) ? $woocommerce->countries->countries[$postmeta['_shipping_country']] : $postmeta['_shipping_country'];
                    $data['display_id'] = $data['id'];
                    //Code for Sequential Orders compatibility
                    if ($order_formatted != "" && isset($postmeta['_order_number_formatted'])) {
                        $data['display_id'] = $postmeta['_order_number_formatted'];
                    $records[] = array_merge($postmeta, $data);
    if (!isset($_POST['label']) && $_POST['label'] != 'getPurchaseLogs') {
        $encoded['items'] = $records;
        $encoded['totalCount'] = $num_records;
        return $encoded;
Exemplo n.º 4
function get_data_woo($post, $offset, $limit, $is_export = false)
    global $wpdb, $woocommerce, $post_status, $parent_sort_id, $order_by, $post_type, $variation_name, $from_variation, $parent_name, $attributes;
    $_POST = $post;
    // Fix: PHP 5.4
    $products = array();
    // getting the active module
    $active_module = isset($_POST['active_module']) ? $_POST['active_module'] : 'Products';
    //        $active_module = $_POST ['active_module'];
    // Restricting LIMIT for export CSV
    if ($is_export === true) {
        $limit_string = "";
        $image_size = "full";
    } else {
        $limit_string = "LIMIT {$offset},{$limit}";
        $image_size = "thumbnail";
    $wpdb->query("SET SESSION group_concat_max_len=999999");
    // To increase the max length of the Group Concat Functionality
    $view_columns = !empty($_POST['viewCols']) ? json_decode(stripslashes($_POST['viewCols'])) : '';
    if ($active_module == 'Products') {
        // <-products
        $tax_status = array('taxable' => __('Taxable', $sm_text_domain), 'shipping' => __('Shipping only', $sm_text_domain), 'none' => __('None', $sm_text_domain));
        if (isset($_POST['incVariation']) && $_POST['incVariation'] === 'true') {
            $show_variation = true;
        } else {
            $parent_name = '';
            $post_status = "('publish', 'pending', 'draft')";
            $post_type = "('product')";
            $parent_sort_id = '';
            $order_by = " ORDER BY {$wpdb->prefix}posts.id desc";
            $show_variation = false;
        // if max-join-size issue occurs
        $query = "SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1;";
        //Query for getting all the distinct attribute meta key names
        $query_variation = "SELECT DISTINCT meta_key as variation\n                            FROM {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta\n                            WHERE meta_key like 'attribute_%'";
        $variation = $wpdb->get_col($query_variation);
        //Query to get all the distinct term names along with their slug names
        $query = "SELECT terms.slug as slug, terms.name as term_name FROM {$wpdb->prefix}terms AS terms\n                    JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta AS postmeta ON ( postmeta.meta_value = terms.slug AND postmeta.meta_key LIKE 'attribute_%' ) GROUP BY terms.slug";
        $attributes_terms = $wpdb->get_results($query, 'ARRAY_A');
        $attributes = array();
        foreach ($attributes_terms as $attributes_term) {
            $attributes[$attributes_term['slug']] = $attributes_term['term_name'];
        //Query to get the term_taxonomy_id for all the product categories
        $query_terms = "SELECT terms.name, wt.term_taxonomy_id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}term_taxonomy AS wt\n                        JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}terms AS terms ON (wt.term_id = terms.term_id)\n                        WHERE wt.taxonomy like 'product_cat'";
        $results = $wpdb->get_results($query_terms, 'ARRAY_A');
        $rows_terms = $wpdb->num_rows;
        if (!empty($results)) {
            for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($results); $i++) {
                $term_taxonomy_id[$i] = $results[$i]['term_taxonomy_id'];
                $term_taxonomy[$results[$i]['term_taxonomy_id']] = $results[$i]['name'];
            //Imploding the term_taxonomy_id to be used in the main query of the products module
            $term_taxonomy_id_query = "AND wtr.term_taxonomy_id IN (" . implode(",", $term_taxonomy_id) . ")";
        } else {
            $term_taxonomy_id_query = '';
        $results_trash = array();
        //Code to get the ids of all the products whose post_status is thrash
        $query_trash = "SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts \n                        WHERE post_status = 'trash'\n                            AND post_type IN ('product')";
        $results_trash = $wpdb->get_col($query_trash);
        $rows_trash = $wpdb->num_rows;
        //Code to get the taxonomy id for 'simple' product_type
        $query_taxonomy_id = "SELECT taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id as term_taxonomy_id\n                                    FROM {$wpdb->prefix}terms as terms\n                                        JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}term_taxonomy as taxonomy ON (taxonomy.term_id = terms.term_id)\n                                    WHERE taxonomy.taxonomy = 'product_type'\n                                        AND terms.slug = 'variable'";
        $variable_taxonomy_id = $wpdb->get_var($query_taxonomy_id);
        if (!empty($variable_taxonomy_id)) {
            $query_post_parent_not_variable = "SELECT distinct products.post_parent \n                                        FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts as products \n                                        WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * \n                                                            FROM {$wpdb->prefix}term_relationships \n                                                            WHERE object_id = products.post_parent\n                                                                AND term_taxonomy_id = " . $variable_taxonomy_id . ") \n                                          AND products.post_parent > 0 \n                                          AND products.post_type = 'product_variation'";
            $results_post_parent_not_variable = $wpdb->get_col($query_post_parent_not_variable);
            $rows_post_parent_not_variable = $wpdb->num_rows;
            for ($i = sizeof($results_trash), $j = 0; $j < sizeof($results_post_parent_not_variable); $i++, $j++) {
                $results_trash[$i] = $results_post_parent_not_variable[$j];
        if ($rows_trash > 0 || $rows_post_parent_not_variable > 0) {
            $trash_id = " AND {$wpdb->prefix}posts.post_parent NOT IN (" . implode(",", $results_trash) . ")";
        } else {
            $trash_id = "";
        // Query to delete the unwanted '_regular_price' meta_key from variations
        if ($_POST['SM_IS_WOO16'] == "true") {
            $query_delete_variations = "DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta \n                                        WHERE meta_key = '_regular_price'\n                                            AND post_id IN (SELECT id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts\n                                                                WHERE post_parent > 0\n                                                                 AND post_type IN ('product_variation')\n                                                                 AND post_status IN ('publish', 'pending', 'draft'))";
        //Code to get the attribute terms for all attributes
        $query_attribute_names = "SELECT terms.name AS attribute_terms,\n                                        taxonomy.taxonomy as attribute_name,\n                                        taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id as term_taxonomy_id\n                                    FROM {$wpdb->prefix}terms as terms\n                                        JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}term_taxonomy as taxonomy ON (taxonomy.term_id = terms.term_id)\n                                    WHERE taxonomy.taxonomy LIKE 'pa_%'\n                                    GROUP BY taxonomy.taxonomy, taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id";
        $results_attribute_names = $wpdb->get_results($query_attribute_names, 'ARRAY_A');
        $product_attributes = array();
        $temp_attribute_nm = "";
        foreach ($results_attribute_names as $results_attribute_name) {
            if ($results_attribute_name['attribute_name'] != $temp_attribute_nm) {
                $product_attributes[$results_attribute_name['attribute_name']] = array();
            $product_attributes[$results_attribute_name['attribute_name']][$results_attribute_name['term_taxonomy_id']] = $results_attribute_name['attribute_terms'];
            $temp_attribute_nm = $results_attribute_name['attribute_name'];
        $query_attribute_label = "SELECT attribute_name, attribute_label\n                                FROM {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies";
        $results_attribute_label = $wpdb->get_results($query_attribute_label, 'ARRAY_A');
        $attributes_label = array();
        foreach ($results_attribute_label as $results_attribute_label1) {
            $attributes_label['pa_' . $results_attribute_label1['attribute_name']] = $results_attribute_label1['attribute_label'];
        //Query to get the Category Ids
        $query_categories = "SELECT {$wpdb->prefix}posts.id as id,\n                                GROUP_CONCAT(distinct {$wpdb->prefix}term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id order by {$wpdb->prefix}term_relationships.object_id SEPARATOR ' #sm# ') AS term_taxonomy_id\n                            FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts\n                                    JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}term_relationships ON ({$wpdb->prefix}posts.id = {$wpdb->prefix}term_relationships.object_id)\n                            WHERE {$wpdb->prefix}posts.post_status IN {$post_status}\n                                    AND {$wpdb->prefix}posts.post_type IN {$post_type}\n                                    {$trash_id}\n                            GROUP BY id";
        $records_categories = $wpdb->get_results($query_categories, 'ARRAY_A');
        $category_ids_all = array();
        foreach ($records_categories as $records_category) {
            $category_ids_all[$records_category['id']] = $records_category['term_taxonomy_id'];
        if (!empty($_POST['SM_IS_WOO21']) && $_POST['SM_IS_WOO21'] == "true" || !empty($_POST['SM_IS_WOO22']) && $_POST['SM_IS_WOO22'] == "true") {
            $query_taxonomy_id_variable = "SELECT term_taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id\n                                            FROM {$wpdb->prefix}term_taxonomy AS term_taxonomy \n                                                    JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}terms AS terms ON (term_taxonomy.term_id = terms.term_id)\n                                            WHERE terms.name LIKE 'variable'";
            $results_taxonomy_id_variable = $wpdb->get_col($query_taxonomy_id_variable);
            if (!empty($results_taxonomy_id_variable)) {
                $cond_taxonomy_id_variable = "AND term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id IN (" . implode(",", $results_taxonomy_id_variable) . ")";
            } else {
                $cond_taxonomy_id_variable = "";
            $query_variation_reg_price = "SELECT postmeta.post_id as variation_parent_id,\n                                            postmeta.meta_value as variation_id\n                                        FROM {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta as postmeta\n                                            JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}term_relationships AS term_relationships \n                                                    ON (term_relationships.object_id = postmeta.post_id)\n                                        WHERE postmeta.meta_key IN ('_min_price_variation_id')\n                                            {$cond_taxonomy_id_variable}\n                                        GROUP BY postmeta.post_id";
            $results_variation_reg_price = $wpdb->get_results($query_variation_reg_price, 'ARRAY_A');
            $rows_variation_reg_price = $wpdb->num_rows;
            $variation_reg_price = array();
            if ($rows_variation_reg_price > 0) {
                foreach ($results_variation_reg_price as $results_variation_reg_price1) {
                    $variation_reg_price[$results_variation_reg_price1['variation_parent_id']] = $results_variation_reg_price1['variation_id'];
        // GROUP_CONCAT(distinct wtr.term_taxonomy_id order by wtr.object_id SEPARATOR ' #sm# ') AS term_taxonomy_id,
        $post_meta_select = !empty($_POST['func_nm']) && $_POST['func_nm'] == 'exportCsvWoo' ? ", GROUP_CONCAT({$wpdb->prefix}postmeta.meta_key order by {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta.meta_id SEPARATOR ' #sm# ') AS prod_othermeta_key\n                     , GROUP_CONCAT({$wpdb->prefix}postmeta.meta_value order by {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta.meta_id SEPARATOR ' #sm# ') AS prod_othermeta_value" : "";
        $select = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS {$wpdb->prefix}posts.id,\n                    {$wpdb->prefix}posts.post_title,\n                    {$wpdb->prefix}posts.post_title as post_title_search,\n                    {$wpdb->prefix}posts.post_content,\n                    {$wpdb->prefix}posts.post_excerpt,\n                    {$wpdb->prefix}posts.post_status,\n                    {$wpdb->prefix}posts.post_parent\n                    {$post_meta_select}\n                    {$parent_sort_id}";
        //Used as an alternative to the SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS function of MYSQL Database
        $select_count = "SELECT COUNT(*) as count";
        // To get the count of the number of rows generated from the above select query
        $search = "";
        $search_condn = "";
        //Code to clear the advanced search temp table
        if (empty($_POST['search_query']) || empty($_POST['search_query'][0]) || !empty($_POST['searchText'])) {
            $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM {$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp");
        $sm_advanced_search_results_persistent = 0;
        //flag to handle persistent search results
        //Code fo handling advanced search functionality
        if (!empty($_POST['search_query']) && !empty($_POST['search_query'][0]) || !empty($_POST['searchText'])) {
            if (empty($_POST['searchText'])) {
                $search_query_diff = get_option('sm_advanced_search_query') != '' ? array_diff($_POST['search_query'], get_option('sm_advanced_search_query')) : $_POST['search_query'];
            } else {
                $search_query_diff = '';
            if (!empty($search_query_diff)) {
                $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM {$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp");
                // query to reset advanced search temp table
                $advanced_search_query = array();
                $i = 0;
                update_option('sm_advanced_search_query', $_POST['search_query']);
                foreach ($_POST['search_query'] as $search_string_array) {
                    $search_string_array = json_decode(stripslashes($search_string_array), true);
                    if (is_array($search_string_array)) {
                        $advanced_search_query[$i] = array();
                        $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_posts'] = '';
                        $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta'] = '';
                        $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_terms'] = '';
                        $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta_col_name'] = '';
                        $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta_col_value'] = '';
                        $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta_operator'] = '';
                        $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_terms_col_name'] = '';
                        $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_terms_col_value'] = '';
                        $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_terms_operator'] = '';
                        $search_value_is_array = 0;
                        //flag for array of search_values
                        foreach ($search_string_array as $search_string) {
                            $search_col = !empty($search_string['col_name']) ? $search_string['col_name'] : '';
                            $search_operator = !empty($search_string['operator']) ? $search_string['operator'] : '';
                            $search_data_type = !empty($search_string['type']) ? $search_string['type'] : 'string';
                            $search_value = !empty($search_string['value']) ? $search_string['value'] : ($search_data_type == "number" ? '0' : '');
                            if (!empty($search_string['table_name']) && $search_string['table_name'] == $wpdb->prefix . 'posts') {
                                if ($search_data_type == "number") {
                                    $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_posts'] .= $search_string['table_name'] . "." . $search_col . " " . $search_operator . " " . $search_value;
                                } else {
                                    if ($search_operator == 'is') {
                                        $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_posts'] .= $search_string['table_name'] . "." . $search_col . " LIKE '" . $search_value . "'";
                                    } else {
                                        if ($search_operator == 'is not') {
                                            $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_posts'] .= $search_string['table_name'] . "." . $search_col . " NOT LIKE '" . $search_value . "'";
                                        } else {
                                            $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_posts'] .= $search_string['table_name'] . "." . $search_col . " " . $search_operator . "'%" . $search_value . "%'";
                                $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_posts'] .= " AND ";
                            } else {
                                if (!empty($search_string['table_name']) && $search_string['table_name'] == $wpdb->prefix . 'postmeta') {
                                    if ($search_col == '_tax_status' && $search_value == 'Shipping only') {
                                        $search_value = 'shipping';
                                    } else {
                                        if ($search_col == '_visibility' && $search_value == 'Catalog & Search') {
                                            $search_value = 'visible';
                                    $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta_col_name'] .= $search_col;
                                    $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta_col_value'] .= $search_value;
                                    if ($search_data_type == "number") {
                                        $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta'] .= " ( " . $search_string['table_name'] . ".meta_key LIKE '" . $search_col . "' AND " . $search_string['table_name'] . ".meta_value " . $search_operator . " " . $search_value . " )";
                                        $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta_operator'] .= $search_operator;
                                    } else {
                                        if ($search_operator == 'is') {
                                            $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta_operator'] .= 'LIKE';
                                            if ($search_col == '_product_attributes') {
                                                $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta'] .= " ( " . $search_string['table_name'] . ".meta_key LIKE '" . $search_col . "' AND " . $search_string['table_name'] . ".meta_value LIKE '%" . $search_value . "%'" . " )";
                                            } else {
                                                $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta'] .= " ( " . $search_string['table_name'] . ".meta_key LIKE '" . $search_col . "' AND " . $search_string['table_name'] . ".meta_value LIKE '" . $search_value . "'" . " )";
                                        } else {
                                            if ($search_operator == 'is not') {
                                                $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta_operator'] .= 'NOT LIKE';
                                                if ($search_col == '_product_attributes') {
                                                    $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta'] .= " ( " . $search_string['table_name'] . ".meta_key LIKE '" . $search_col . "' AND " . $search_string['table_name'] . ".meta_value NOT LIKE '%" . $search_value . "%'" . " )";
                                                } else {
                                                    $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta'] .= " ( " . $search_string['table_name'] . ".meta_key LIKE '" . $search_col . "' AND " . $search_string['table_name'] . ".meta_value NOT LIKE '" . $search_value . "'" . " )";
                                            } else {
                                                $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta_operator'] .= $search_operator;
                                                $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta'] .= " ( " . $search_string['table_name'] . ".meta_key LIKE '" . $search_col . "' AND " . $search_string['table_name'] . ".meta_value " . $search_operator . "'%" . $search_value . "%'" . " )";
                                    $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta'] .= " AND ";
                                    $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta_col_name'] .= " AND ";
                                    $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta_col_value'] .= " AND ";
                                    $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta_operator'] .= " AND ";
                                } else {
                                    if (!empty($search_string['table_name']) && $search_string['table_name'] == $wpdb->prefix . 'term_relationships') {
                                        $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_terms_col_name'] .= $search_col;
                                        $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_terms_col_value'] .= $search_value;
                                        if ($search_operator == 'is') {
                                            $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_terms'] .= " ( " . $wpdb->prefix . "term_taxonomy.taxonomy LIKE '" . $search_col . "' AND " . $wpdb->prefix . "terms.slug LIKE '" . $search_value . "'" . " )";
                                            $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_terms_operator'] .= 'LIKE';
                                        } else {
                                            if ($search_operator == 'is not') {
                                                $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_terms'] .= " ( " . $wpdb->prefix . "term_taxonomy.taxonomy LIKE '" . $search_col . "' AND " . $wpdb->prefix . "terms.slug NOT LIKE '" . $search_value . "'" . " )";
                                                $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_terms_operator'] .= 'NOT LIKE';
                                            } else {
                                                $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_terms'] .= " ( " . $wpdb->prefix . "term_taxonomy.taxonomy LIKE '" . $search_col . "' AND " . $wpdb->prefix . "terms.slug " . $search_operator . "'%" . $search_value . "%'" . " )";
                                                $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_terms_operator'] .= $search_operator;
                                        $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_terms'] .= " AND ";
                                        $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_terms_col_name'] .= " AND ";
                                        $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_terms_col_value'] .= " AND ";
                                        $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_terms_operator'] .= " AND ";
                        $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_posts'] = !empty($advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_posts']) ? substr($advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_posts'], 0, -4) : '';
                        $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta'] = !empty($advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta']) ? substr($advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta'], 0, -4) : '';
                        $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_terms'] = !empty($advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_terms']) ? substr($advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_terms'], 0, -4) : '';
                        $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta_col_name'] = !empty($advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta_col_name']) ? substr($advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta_col_name'], 0, -4) : '';
                        $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta_col_value'] = !empty($advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta_col_value']) ? substr($advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta_col_value'], 0, -4) : '';
                        $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta_operator'] = !empty($advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta_operator']) ? substr($advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_postmeta_operator'], 0, -4) : '';
                        $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_terms_col_name'] = !empty($advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_terms_col_name']) ? substr($advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_terms_col_name'], 0, -4) : '';
                        $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_terms_col_value'] = !empty($advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_terms_col_value']) ? substr($advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_terms_col_value'], 0, -4) : '';
                        $advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_terms_operator'] = !empty($advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_terms_operator']) ? substr($advanced_search_query[$i]['cond_terms_operator'], 0, -4) : '';
            } else {
                if (!empty($_POST['searchText'])) {
                    if (substr($_POST['searchText'], 0, 2) == '\\"' && substr($_POST['searchText'], -2) == '\\"') {
                        $search_string = substr($_POST['searchText'], 2, strlen($_POST['searchText']) - 4);
                        $advanced_search_query[0]['cond_posts'] = $wpdb->prefix . 'posts' . ".id = '" . $search_string . "'";
                        $advanced_search_query[1]['cond_posts'] = $wpdb->prefix . 'posts' . ".post_title = '" . $search_string . "'";
                        $advanced_search_query[2]['cond_posts'] = $wpdb->prefix . 'posts' . ".post_status = '" . $search_string . "'";
                        $advanced_search_query[3]['cond_posts'] = $wpdb->prefix . 'posts' . ".post_content = '" . $search_string . "'";
                        $advanced_search_query[4]['cond_posts'] = $wpdb->prefix . 'posts' . ".post_excerpt = '" . $search_string . "'";
                        $advanced_search_query[5]['cond_postmeta'] = $wpdb->prefix . 'postmeta' . ".meta_value = '" . $search_string . "'";
                        $advanced_search_query[6]['cond_terms'] = $wpdb->prefix . "term_taxonomy.taxonomy = '" . $search_string . "'";
                        $advanced_search_query[7]['cond_terms'] = $wpdb->prefix . "terms.slug = '" . $search_string . "'";
                        $advanced_search_query[8]['cond_terms'] = $wpdb->prefix . "terms.name = '" . $search_string . "'";
                    } else {
                        $advanced_search_query[0]['cond_posts'] = $wpdb->prefix . 'posts' . ".id LIKE '" . $_POST['searchText'] . "'";
                        $advanced_search_query[1]['cond_posts'] = $wpdb->prefix . 'posts' . ".post_title LIKE '%" . $_POST['searchText'] . "%'";
                        $advanced_search_query[2]['cond_posts'] = $wpdb->prefix . 'posts' . ".post_status LIKE '%" . $_POST['searchText'] . "%'";
                        $advanced_search_query[3]['cond_posts'] = $wpdb->prefix . 'posts' . ".post_content LIKE '%" . $_POST['searchText'] . "%'";
                        $advanced_search_query[4]['cond_posts'] = $wpdb->prefix . 'posts' . ".post_excerpt LIKE '%" . $_POST['searchText'] . "%'";
                        $advanced_search_query[5]['cond_postmeta'] = $wpdb->prefix . 'postmeta' . ".meta_value LIKE '%" . $_POST['searchText'] . "%'";
                        $advanced_search_query[6]['cond_terms'] = $wpdb->prefix . "term_taxonomy.taxonomy LIKE '%" . $_POST['searchText'] . "%'";
                        $advanced_search_query[7]['cond_terms'] = $wpdb->prefix . "terms.slug LIKE '%" . $_POST['searchText'] . "%'";
                        $advanced_search_query[8]['cond_terms'] = $wpdb->prefix . "terms.name LIKE '%" . $_POST['searchText'] . "%'";
                } else {
                    $sm_advanced_search_results_persistent = 1;
        //         if (isset ( $_POST ['searchText'] ) && $_POST ['searchText'] != '') {
        //             $search_on = trim ( $_POST ['searchText'] );
        //             $search = "";
        //             $product_type = wp_get_object_terms($records[$i]['id'], 'product_type', array('fields' => 'slugs'));
        //             $count_all_double_quote = substr_count( $search_on, '"' );
        //             if ( $count_all_double_quote > 0 ) {
        //                 $search_ons = array_filter( array_map( 'trim', explode( $wpdb->_real_escape( '"' ), $search_on ) ) );
        //                 $search_on  = implode(",", $search_ons);
        //             } else {
        //                 $search_on = $wpdb->_real_escape( $search_on );
        //                 $search_ons = explode( ' ', $search_on );
        //             }
        //             //Function to prepare the conditions for the query
        //             function prepare_cond($search_ons,$column_nm) {
        //                 $cond = "";
        //                 foreach ($search_ons as $search_on) {
        //                     $cond .= $column_nm . " LIKE '%" . $search_on . "%'";
        //                     $cond .= " OR ";
        //                 }
        //                 return substr( $cond, 0, -3 );
        //             };
        //             //Query for getting the slug name for the term name typed in the search box of the products module
        //             $query_terms = "SELECT slug FROM {$wpdb->prefix}terms WHERE (". prepare_cond($search_ons,"name") .") AND name IN ('" .implode("','",$attributes) . "');";
        //             $records_slug = $wpdb->get_col ( $query_terms );
        //             $rows = $wpdb->num_rows;
        //             $search_text = $search_ons;
        // //            if($rows > 0){
        //             if($rows > 0 && (!empty($records_slug))){
        //                     $search_text = $records_slug;
        //             }
        //             //Query to get the term_taxonomy_id for the category name typed in the search text box of the products module
        //             $query_category = "SELECT tr.object_id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}term_relationships AS tr
        //                     JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}term_taxonomy AS wt ON (wt.term_taxonomy_id = tr.term_taxonomy_id)
        //                     JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}terms AS terms ON (wt.term_id = terms.term_id)
        //                     WHERE wt.taxonomy like 'product_cat'
        //                     AND (". prepare_cond($search_ons,"terms.name") . ")";
        //             $results_category = $wpdb->get_col( $query_category );
        //             $rows_category = $wpdb->num_rows;
        //             if ($rows_category > 0) {
        //                 $search_category = " OR products.ID IN (" .implode(",",$results_category). ") OR products.post_parent IN (" .implode(",",$results_category). ")";
        //             }
        //             else {
        //                 $search_category = "";
        //             }
        //             //Query to get the post id if title or status or content or excerpt matches
        //             $query_title = "SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts
        //                         WHERE post_type IN ('product')
        //                             AND (". prepare_cond($search_ons,"post_title").
        //                                     "OR ". prepare_cond($search_ons,"post_status").
        //                                     "OR ". prepare_cond($search_ons,"post_content").
        //                                     "OR ". prepare_cond($search_ons,"post_excerpt") .")";
        //             $results_title = $wpdb->get_col( $query_title );
        //             $rows_title = $wpdb->num_rows;
        //             if ($rows_title > 0) {
        //                 $search_title = " OR products.ID IN (" .implode(",",$results_title). ") OR products.post_parent IN (" .implode(",",$results_title). ")";
        //             }
        //             else {
        //                 $search_title = "";
        //             }
        //             $visible = stristr("Catalog & Search", $search_on);
        //             if ($visible === FALSE) {
        //                 $query_tax_visible = "SELECT post_id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta
        //                         WHERE meta_key IN ('_tax_status','_visibility')
        //                             AND meta_value LIKE '%$search_on%'";
        //             }
        //             else {
        //                 if(count( $search_ons ) > 1) {
        //                     $query_tax_visible = "SELECT post_id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta
        //                             WHERE meta_key IN ('_visibility')
        //                                 AND (meta_value LIKE '%visible%')";
        //                 }
        //                 else {
        //                     $query_tax_visible = "SELECT post_id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta
        //                             WHERE meta_key IN ('_visibility')
        //                                 AND (meta_value LIKE '%visible%'
        //                                     OR meta_value LIKE '%$search_on%')";
        //                 }
        //             }
        //             $results_tax_visible = $wpdb->get_col( $query_tax_visible );
        //             $rows_tax_visible = $wpdb->num_rows;
        //             if ($rows_tax_visible > 0) {
        //                 $search_tax_visible = " OR products.ID IN (" .implode(",",$results_tax_visible). ") OR products.post_parent IN (" .implode(",",$results_tax_visible). ")";
        //             }
        //             else {
        //                 $search_tax_visible = "";
        //             }
        //             if ( is_array( $search_ons ) && count( $search_ons ) >= 1 ) {
        //                      $search_condn = " HAVING ";
        //              foreach ( $search_ons as $search_on ) {
        //                                     $search_condn .= " (concat(' ',REPLACE(REPLACE(post_title_search,'(',''),')','')) LIKE '%$search_on%'
        //                                                            OR post_content LIKE '%$search_on%'
        //                                                            OR post_excerpt LIKE '%$search_on%'
        //                                                                OR prod_othermeta_value LIKE '%$search_on%')
        //                                                                ";
        //                                     $search_condn .= " OR";
        //              }
        //                                 if( $rows == 1 ) {
        //                                     $query_ids1 = "SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(post_id ORDER BY post_id SEPARATOR ',') as id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta WHERE meta_value IN ('". implode("','",$search_text) ."') AND meta_key like 'attribute_%'";
        //                                     $records_id1 = implode(",",$wpdb->get_col ( $query_ids1 ));
        //                                     $search_condn .= " products.id IN ($records_id1)";
        //                                     $search_condn .= " OR";
        //                                 }
        //                                 $search_condn_count = " AND(" . substr( $search_condn_count, 0, -2 ) . ")";
        //                              $search_condn = substr( $search_condn, 0, -2 );
        //                              $search_condn .= $search_title . $search_category .$search_tax_visible;
        //          }
        //                         else {
        //                             $search_condn = " HAVING concat(' ',REPLACE(REPLACE(post_title_search,'(',''),')','')) LIKE '%$search_on%'
        //                                                    OR post_content LIKE '%$search_on%'
        //                                                    OR post_excerpt LIKE '%$search_on%'
        //                                                                OR prod_othermeta_value LIKE '%$search_on%'
        //                                                         $search_title
        //                                                         $search_category
        //                                                         $search_tax_visible
        //                                                        ";
        //                             if( $rows == 1 ) {
        //                                 $query_ids1 = "SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(post_id ORDER BY post_id SEPARATOR ',') as id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta WHERE meta_value IN ('". implode("','",$search_text) ."') AND meta_key like 'attribute_%';";
        //                                 $records_id1 = implode(",",$wpdb->get_col ( $query_ids1 ));
        //                                 if ( !empty( $records_id1 ) )
        //                                     $search_condn .= " OR products.id IN ($records_id1)";
        //                             }
        //                         }
        //      }
        //Code for handling advanced search conditions
        if (!empty($advanced_search_query)) {
            $index_search_string = 1;
            // index to keep a track of flags in the advanced search temp
            foreach ($advanced_search_query as &$advanced_search_query_string) {
                //Condn for terms
                if (!empty($advanced_search_query_string['cond_terms'])) {
                    $cond_terms_array = explode(" AND  ", $advanced_search_query_string['cond_terms']);
                    $cond_terms_col_name = !empty($advanced_search_query_string['cond_terms_col_name']) ? explode(" AND ", $advanced_search_query_string['cond_terms_col_name']) : '';
                    $cond_terms_col_value = !empty($advanced_search_query_string['cond_terms_col_value']) ? explode(" AND ", $advanced_search_query_string['cond_terms_col_value']) : '';
                    $cond_terms_operator = !empty($advanced_search_query_string['cond_terms_operator']) ? explode(" AND ", $advanced_search_query_string['cond_terms_operator']) : '';
                    $cond_terms_post_ids = '';
                    $cond_cat_post_ids = array();
                    // array for storing the cat post ids
                    $index = 0;
                    $terms_cat_search_taxonomy_ids = array();
                    $terms_att_search_flag = 0;
                    $query_terms_search_count_array = array();
                    $terms_advanced_search_from = '';
                    $terms_advanced_search_where = '';
                    $result_terms_search = '';
                    foreach ($cond_terms_array as $cond_terms) {
                        $query_advanced_search_taxonomy_id = "SELECT {$wpdb->prefix}term_taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id\n                                                              FROM {$wpdb->prefix}term_taxonomy\n                                                                JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}terms\n                                                                    ON ( {$wpdb->prefix}terms.term_id = {$wpdb->prefix}term_taxonomy.term_id)\n                                                              WHERE " . $cond_terms;
                        $result_advanced_search_taxonomy_id = $wpdb->get_col($query_advanced_search_taxonomy_id);
                        if (!empty($result_advanced_search_taxonomy_id)) {
                            $terms_search_result_flag = $index == sizeof($cond_terms_array) - 1 ? ', ' . $index_search_string : ', 0';
                            $terms_advanced_search_select = "SELECT DISTINCT {$wpdb->prefix}posts.id " . $terms_search_result_flag;
                            //code for getting the post ids for attributes
                            if (!empty($cond_terms_col_name[$index]) && trim($cond_terms_col_name[$index]) != 'product_cat') {
                                $terms_advanced_search_select .= " ,0";
                                $terms_advanced_search_from = " FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts\n                                                                LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}term_relationships\n                                                                    ON ({$wpdb->prefix}term_relationships.object_id = {$wpdb->prefix}posts.id)\n                                                                JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta\n                                                                    ON ( {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta.post_id = {$wpdb->prefix}posts.id)";
                                $terms_advanced_search_where = "WHERE (({$wpdb->prefix}term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id IN (" . implode(",", $result_advanced_search_taxonomy_id) . ")\n                                                                        AND {$wpdb->prefix}posts.id NOT IN (SELECT post_parent FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts \n                                                                                                            WHERE post_parent > 0 ) )\n                                                                OR ({$wpdb->prefix}postmeta.meta_key LIKE 'attribute_" . trim($cond_terms_col_name[$index]) . "' AND {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta.meta_value " . $cond_terms_operator[$index] . " '" . trim($cond_terms_col_value[$index]) . "'))";
                                //Flag to handle the child ids for cat advanced search
                                $terms_att_search_flag = 1;
                            } else {
                                if (!empty($cond_terms_col_name[$index]) && trim($cond_terms_col_name[$index]) == 'product_cat') {
                                    $terms_advanced_search_select .= " ,1";
                                    $terms_advanced_search_from = "FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts\n                                                            JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}term_relationships\n                                                                ON ({$wpdb->prefix}term_relationships.object_id = {$wpdb->prefix}posts.id)";
                                    $terms_advanced_search_where = "WHERE {$wpdb->prefix}term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id IN (" . implode(",", $result_advanced_search_taxonomy_id) . ")";
                            //Query to find if there are any previous conditions
                            $count_temp_previous_cond = $wpdb->query("UPDATE {$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp \n                                                                        SET flag = 0\n                                                                        WHERE flag = " . $index_search_string);
                            //Code to handle condition if the ids of previous cond are present in temp table
                            if ($index == 0 && $count_temp_previous_cond > 0 || !empty($result_terms_search)) {
                                $terms_advanced_search_from .= " JOIN {$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp\n                                                                    ON ({$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp.product_id = {$wpdb->prefix}posts.id)";
                                $terms_advanced_search_where .= "AND {$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp.flag = 0";
                            $result_terms_search = array();
                            if (!empty($terms_advanced_search_select) && !empty($terms_advanced_search_from) && !empty($terms_advanced_search_where)) {
                                $query_terms_search = "REPLACE INTO {$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp\n                                                            (" . $terms_advanced_search_select . " " . $terms_advanced_search_from . " " . $terms_advanced_search_where . " " . ")";
                                $result_terms_search = $wpdb->query($query_terms_search);
                            //Code to handle child ids in case of category search
                            if (!empty($result_terms_search) && trim($cond_terms_col_name[$index]) == 'product_cat') {
                                //query when attr cond has been applied
                                if ($terms_att_search_flag == 1) {
                                    $query_terms_search_cat_child = "REPLACE INTO {$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp\n                                                                    ( SELECT {$wpdb->prefix}posts.id " . $terms_search_result_flag . " ,1\n                                                                        FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts\n                                                                        JOIN {$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp AS temp1\n                                                                            ON (temp1.product_id = {$wpdb->prefix}posts.id)\n                                                                        JOIN {$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp AS temp2\n                                                                            ON (temp2.product_id = {$wpdb->prefix}posts.post_parent)\n                                                                        WHERE temp2.cat_flag = 1 )";
                                } else {
                                    //query when no attr cond has been applied
                                    $query_terms_search_cat_child = "REPLACE INTO {$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp\n                                                                        ( SELECT {$wpdb->prefix}posts.id " . $terms_search_result_flag . " ,1\n                                                                            FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts \n                                                                            JOIN {$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp\n                                                                                ON ({$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp.product_id = {$wpdb->prefix}posts.post_parent)\n                                                                            WHERE {$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp.cat_flag = 1 )";
                                $result_terms_search_cat_child = $wpdb->query($query_terms_search_cat_child);
                    //Query to reset the cat_flag
                    $wpdb->query("UPDATE {$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp SET cat_flag = 0");
                    //Code to delete the unwanted post_ids
                    $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM {$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp WHERE flag = 0");
                //Cond for postmeta
                if (!empty($advanced_search_query_string['cond_postmeta'])) {
                    $cond_postmeta_array = explode(" AND  ", $advanced_search_query_string['cond_postmeta']);
                    $cond_postmeta_col_name = !empty($advanced_search_query_string['cond_postmeta_col_name']) ? explode(" AND ", $advanced_search_query_string['cond_postmeta_col_name']) : '';
                    $cond_postmeta_col_value = !empty($advanced_search_query_string['cond_postmeta_col_value']) ? explode(" AND ", $advanced_search_query_string['cond_postmeta_col_value']) : '';
                    $cond_postmeta_operator = !empty($advanced_search_query_string['cond_postmeta_operator']) ? explode(" AND ", $advanced_search_query_string['cond_postmeta_operator']) : '';
                    $index = 0;
                    $cond_postmeta_post_ids = '';
                    $result_postmeta_search = '';
                    foreach ($cond_postmeta_array as $cond_postmeta) {
                        $postmeta_advanced_search_from = '';
                        $postmeta_advanced_search_where = '';
                        $cond_postmeta_col_name1 = !empty($cond_postmeta_col_name[$index]) ? trim($cond_postmeta_col_name[$index]) : '';
                        $cond_postmeta_col_value1 = !empty($cond_postmeta_col_value[$index]) ? trim($cond_postmeta_col_value[$index]) : '';
                        $cond_postmeta_operator1 = !empty($cond_postmeta_operator[$index]) ? trim($cond_postmeta_operator[$index]) : '';
                        $cond_postmeta_custom_att = $cond_postmeta_col_name1 == '_product_attributes' ? " OR (wp_postmeta.meta_key LIKE 'attribute%' AND wp_postmeta.meta_value " . $cond_postmeta_operator1 . " '%" . $cond_postmeta_col_value1 . "%')" : '';
                        $postmeta_search_result_flag = $index == sizeof($cond_postmeta_array) - 1 ? ', ' . $index_search_string : ', 0';
                        //Query to find if there are any previous conditions
                        $count_temp_previous_cond = $wpdb->query("UPDATE {$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp \n                                                                    SET flag = 0\n                                                                    WHERE flag = " . $index_search_string);
                        //Code to handle condition if the ids of previous cond are present in temp table
                        if ($index == 0 && $count_temp_previous_cond > 0 || !empty($result_postmeta_search)) {
                            $postmeta_advanced_search_from = " JOIN {$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp\n                                                                ON ({$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp.product_id = {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta.post_id)";
                            $postmeta_advanced_search_where = " AND {$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp.flag = 0";
                        $query_postmeta_search = "REPLACE INTO {$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp\n                                                        (SELECT DISTINCT {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta.post_id " . $postmeta_search_result_flag . " ,0\n                                                        FROM {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta " . $postmeta_advanced_search_from . "\n                                                        WHERE " . $cond_postmeta . " " . $cond_postmeta_custom_att . " " . $postmeta_advanced_search_where . ")";
                        $result_postmeta_search = $wpdb->query($query_postmeta_search);
                    //Query to delete the unwanted post_ids
                    $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM {$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp WHERE flag = 0");
                //Cond for posts
                if (!empty($advanced_search_query_string['cond_posts'])) {
                    $cond_posts_array = explode(" AND ", $advanced_search_query_string['cond_posts']);
                    $index = 0;
                    $cond_posts_post_ids = '';
                    $result_posts_search = '';
                    foreach ($cond_posts_array as $cond_posts) {
                        $posts_advanced_search_from = '';
                        $posts_advanced_search_where = '';
                        $posts_search_result_flag = $index == sizeof($cond_posts_array) - 1 ? ', ' . $index_search_string : ', 0';
                        $posts_search_result_cat_flag = $index == sizeof($cond_posts_array) - 1 ? ", 999" : ', 0';
                        //Query to find if there are any previous conditions
                        $count_temp_previous_cond = $wpdb->query("UPDATE {$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp \n                                                                    SET flag = 0\n                                                                    WHERE flag = " . $index_search_string);
                        //Code to handle condition if the ids of previous cond are present in temp table
                        if ($index == 0 && $count_temp_previous_cond > 0 || !empty($result_posts_search)) {
                            $posts_advanced_search_from = " JOIN {$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp\n                                                                ON ({$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp.product_id = {$wpdb->prefix}posts.id)";
                            $posts_advanced_search_where = " AND {$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp.flag = 0";
                        $query_posts_search = "REPLACE INTO {$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp\n                                                        (SELECT DISTINCT {$wpdb->prefix}posts.id " . $posts_search_result_flag . " " . $posts_search_result_cat_flag . "\n                                                        FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts " . $posts_advanced_search_from . "\n                                                        WHERE " . $cond_posts . " " . $posts_advanced_search_where . ")";
                        $result_posts_search = $wpdb->query($query_posts_search);
                    //Query to get the variations of the parent product in result set
                    $query_posts_search = "REPLACE INTO {$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp\n                                                    (SELECT DISTINCT {$wpdb->prefix}posts.id ," . $index_search_string . ", 0\n                                                    FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts \n                                                        JOIN {$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp \n                                                            ON ({$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp.product_id = {$wpdb->prefix}posts.post_parent)\n                                                    WHERE {$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp.cat_flag = 999\n                                                        AND {$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp.flag = " . $index_search_string . ")";
                    $result_posts_search = $wpdb->query($query_posts_search);
                    //Query to delete the unwanted post_ids
                    $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM {$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp WHERE flag = 0");
        //for combined
        $advanced_search_from = '';
        $advanced_search_where = '';
        if (!empty($advanced_search_query) || $sm_advanced_search_results_persistent == 1) {
            $advanced_search_from = " JOIN {$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp\n                                        ON ({$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp.product_id = {$wpdb->prefix}posts.id)";
            $advanced_search_where = " AND {$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp.flag > 0";
        $from = "FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts";
        // and
        //             {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta.meta_key IN ('_regular_price','_sale_price','_sale_price_dates_from','_sale_price_dates_to','_sku','_stock','_weight','_height','_length','_width','_price','_thumbnail_id','_tax_status','_min_variation_regular_price','_min_variation_sale_price','_min_variation_price','_visibility','_product_attributes','" . implode( "','", $variation ) . "')
        $from_export = "FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts\n                        JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta ON ({$wpdb->prefix}postmeta.post_id = {$wpdb->prefix}posts.id)";
        $where = " WHERE {$wpdb->prefix}posts.post_status IN {$post_status}\n                        AND {$wpdb->prefix}posts.post_type IN {$post_type}\n                                                {$trash_id}\n                                                {$search}";
        $group_by = " GROUP BY {$wpdb->prefix}posts.id ";
        //Query for getting the actual data loaded into the smartManager
        $query = !empty($_POST['func_nm']) && $_POST['func_nm'] == 'exportCsvWoo' ? "{$select} {$from_export} {$advanced_search_from} {$where} {$advanced_search_where} {$group_by} {$search_condn} {$order_by} {$limit_string};" : "{$select} {$from} {$advanced_search_from} {$where} {$advanced_search_where} {$group_by} {$search_condn} {$order_by} {$limit_string};";
        // $query  = "$select $from_export $where $group_by $search_condn $order_by";
        $records = $wpdb->get_results($query, 'ARRAY_A');
        $num_rows = $wpdb->num_rows;
        //Query for getting the count of the number of products loaded into the smartManager
        $recordcount_result = $wpdb->get_results('SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as count;', 'ARRAY_A');
        $num_records = $recordcount_result[0]['count'];
        if ($num_rows <= 0) {
            $encoded['totalCount'] = '';
            $encoded['items'] = '';
            $encoded['msg'] = __('No Records Found', $sm_text_domain);
        } else {
            if (empty($_POST['func_nm'])) {
                $post_ids = array();
                foreach ($records as $record) {
                    $post_ids[] = $record['id'];
                // and
                //                     prod_othermeta.meta_key IN ('_regular_price','_sale_price','_sale_price_dates_from','_sale_price_dates_to','_sku','_stock','_weight','_height','_length','_width','_price','_thumbnail_id','_tax_status','_min_variation_regular_price','_min_variation_sale_price','_min_variation_price','_visibility','_product_attributes','" . implode( "','", $variation ) . "')
                $query_postmeta = "SELECT prod_othermeta.post_id as post_id,\n\n                                GROUP_CONCAT(prod_othermeta.meta_key order by prod_othermeta.meta_id SEPARATOR ' #sm# ') AS prod_othermeta_key,\n                                GROUP_CONCAT(prod_othermeta.meta_value order by prod_othermeta.meta_id SEPARATOR ' #sm# ') AS prod_othermeta_value\n                    FROM {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta as prod_othermeta \n                    WHERE post_id IN (" . implode(",", $post_ids) . ") \n                    GROUP BY post_id";
                $records_postmeta = $wpdb->get_results($query_postmeta, 'ARRAY_A');
                $products_meta_data = array();
                foreach ($records_postmeta as $record_postmeta) {
                    $products_meta_data[$record_postmeta['post_id']] = array();
                    $products_meta_data[$record_postmeta['post_id']]['prod_othermeta_key'] = $record_postmeta['prod_othermeta_key'];
                    $products_meta_data[$record_postmeta['post_id']]['prod_othermeta_value'] = $record_postmeta['prod_othermeta_value'];
                foreach ($records as &$record) {
                    $record['prod_othermeta_key'] = $products_meta_data[$record['id']]['prod_othermeta_key'];
                    $record['prod_othermeta_value'] = $products_meta_data[$record['id']]['prod_othermeta_value'];
            $export_column_header = array();
            for ($i = 0; $i < $num_rows; $i++) {
                // $records[$i]['post_content'] = str_replace('"','\'',$records[$i]['post_content']);
                // $records[$i]['post_excerpt'] = str_replace('"','\'',$records[$i]['post_excerpt']);
                // $records[$i]['post_excerpt'] = json_encode(addslashes($records[$i]['post_excerpt']));
                //$records[$i]['post_content'] = json_encode(addslashes($records[$i]['post_content']));
                //$records[$i]['post_excerpt'] = htmlspecialchars($records[$i]['post_excerpt']);
                //$records[$i]['post_content'] = htmlspecialchars($records[$i]['post_content']);
                $records[$i]['post_excerpt'] = '';
                $records[$i]['post_content'] = '';
                $prod_meta_values = explode(' #sm# ', $records[$i]['prod_othermeta_value']);
                $prod_meta_key = explode(' #sm# ', $records[$i]['prod_othermeta_key']);
                if (count($prod_meta_values) != count($prod_meta_key)) {
                if (!empty($_POST['func_nm']) && $_POST['func_nm'] == 'exportCsvWoo' && empty($export_column_header)) {
                    $export_column_header = $prod_meta_key;
                $temp = array_combine($prod_meta_key, $prod_meta_values);
                $product_type = wp_get_object_terms($records[$i]['id'], 'product_type', array('fields' => 'slugs'));
                //for formatting meta keys of custom keys
                $prod_meta_key_values = array();
                if (empty($_POST['func_nm'])) {
                    foreach ($temp as $key => $val) {
                        $key = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9\\-_]/', '', $key);
                        $prod_meta_key_values[$key] = $val;
                        // Removes special chars.
                } else {
                    $prod_meta_key_values = $temp;
                // Code to get the Category Name from the term_taxonomy_id
                if (isset($category_ids_all[$records[$i]['id']])) {
                    //$category_id = explode('###', $records[$i]['term_taxonomy_id']);
                    $category_names = "";
                    //                unset($records[$i]['term_taxonomy_id']);
                    $category_id = explode(' #sm# ', $category_ids_all[$records[$i]['id']]);
                    for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($category_id); $j++) {
                        if (isset($term_taxonomy[$category_id[$j]])) {
                            $category_names .= $term_taxonomy[$category_id[$j]] . ', ';
                    if ($category_names != "") {
                        $category_names = substr($category_names, 0, -2);
                        $records[$i]['category'] = $category_names;
                } else {
                    $records[$i]['category'] = "";
                $product_type = !empty($product_type[0]) ? $product_type[0] : '';
                $records[$i]['category'] = $records[$i]['post_parent'] > 0 && $product_type == 'simple' || $records[$i]['post_parent'] == 0 ? !empty($records[$i]['category']) ? $records[$i]['category'] : '' : '';
                // To hide category name from Product's variations
                //Attributes Column
                if (isset($prod_meta_key_values['_product_attributes']) && $prod_meta_key_values['_product_attributes'] != "") {
                    $prod_attr = unserialize($prod_meta_key_values['_product_attributes']);
                    $attributes_list = "";
                    //cond added for handling blank data
                    if (is_array($prod_attr) && !empty($prod_attr)) {
                        foreach ($prod_attr as $prod_attr1) {
                            $attribute_terms = "";
                            if (isset($attributes_label[$prod_attr1['name']]) && isset($product_attributes[$prod_attr1['name']])) {
                                if (!empty($category_id)) {
                                    foreach ($category_id as $category_id1) {
                                        if (isset($product_attributes[$prod_attr1['name']][$category_id1])) {
                                            $attribute_terms .= $product_attributes[$prod_attr1['name']][$category_id1] . ', ';
                                if ($attribute_terms != "") {
                                    $attribute_terms = substr($attribute_terms, 0, -2);
                                    $attributes_list .= $attributes_label[$prod_attr1['name']] . ": [" . $attribute_terms . "]";
                                    $attributes_list .= "<br>";
                            } elseif ($prod_attr1['is_taxonomy'] == 0) {
                                $attributes_list .= $prod_attr1['name'] . ": [" . str_replace(" |", ",", $prod_attr1['value']) . "]";
                                $attributes_list .= "<br>";
                    // $records[$i]['product_attributes'] = substr( $attributes_list, 0, -3);
                    $records[$i]['product_attributes'] = $attributes_list;
                } else {
                    $records[$i]['product_attributes'] = "";
                if (isset($prod_meta_key_values['_sale_price_dates_from']) && !empty($prod_meta_key_values['_sale_price_dates_from'])) {
                    $prod_meta_key_values['_sale_price_dates_from'] = date('Y-m-d', (int) $prod_meta_key_values['_sale_price_dates_from']);
                if (isset($prod_meta_key_values['_sale_price_dates_to']) && !empty($prod_meta_key_values['_sale_price_dates_to'])) {
                    $prod_meta_key_values['_sale_price_dates_to'] = date('Y-m-d', (int) $prod_meta_key_values['_sale_price_dates_to']);
                $records[$i] = array_merge((array) $records[$i], $prod_meta_key_values);
                $thumbnail = isset($records[$i]['_thumbnail_id']) ? wp_get_attachment_image_src($records[$i]['_thumbnail_id'], $image_size) : '';
                $records[$i]['thumbnail'] = !empty($thumbnail[0]) ? $thumbnail[0] : false;
                $records[$i]['_tax_status'] = !empty($prod_meta_key_values['_tax_status']) ? $prod_meta_key_values['_tax_status'] : '';
                // Setting product type for grouped products
                if ($records[$i]['post_parent'] != 0) {
                    $product_type_parent = wp_get_object_terms($records[$i]['post_parent'], 'product_type', array('fields' => 'slugs'));
                    if ($product_type_parent[0] == "grouped") {
                        $records[$i]['product_type'] = $product_type_parent[0];
                } else {
                    // $records[$i]['product_type'] = $product_type[0];
                    $records[$i]['product_type'] = $product_type;
                $records[$i]['total_sales'] = !empty($records[$i]['total_sales']) ? $records[$i]['total_sales'] : '0';
                //added in woo23
                if ($show_variation === true) {
                    if ($records[$i]['post_parent'] != 0 && $product_type_parent[0] != "grouped") {
                        $records[$i]['post_status'] = get_post_status($records[$i]['post_parent']);
                        // Code for assigning the parent sku if sku is blank
                        if (empty($records[$i]['_sku'])) {
                            $records[$i]['_sku'] = get_post_meta($records[$i]['post_parent'], '_sku');
                        if ($_POST['SM_IS_WOO16'] == "true") {
                            $records[$i]['_regular_price'] = $records[$i]['_price'];
                        $variation_names = '';
                        foreach ($variation as $slug) {
                            $prod_meta_key_values_slug = !empty($prod_meta_key_values[$slug]) ? $prod_meta_key_values[$slug] : '';
                            $variation_names .= isset($attributes[$prod_meta_key_values_slug]) && !empty($attributes[$prod_meta_key_values_slug]) ? $attributes[$prod_meta_key_values_slug] . ', ' : ucfirst($prod_meta_key_values_slug) . ', ';
                        $records[$i]['post_title'] = get_the_title($records[$i]['post_parent']) . " - " . trim($variation_names, ", ");
                        $records[$i]['product_attributes'] = '';
                        //for clearing the attributes field for variations if exists
                        $records[$i]['total_sales'] = '';
                        //added in woo23
                        // } else if ($records[$i]['post_parent'] == 0 && $product_type[0] == 'variable') {
                    } else {
                        if ($records[$i]['post_parent'] == 0 && $product_type == 'variable') {
                            $records[$i]['_regular_price'] = "";
                            $records[$i]['_sale_price'] = "";
                        } else {
                            $records[$i]['_regular_price'] = trim($records[$i]['_regular_price']);
                            if (empty($records[$i]['_regular_price'])) {
                                $records[$i]['_regular_price'] = $records[$i]['_price'];
                    $products[$records[$i]['id']]['post_title'] = $records[$i]['post_title'];
                    $products[$records[$i]['id']]['variation'] = !empty($variation_names) ? $variation_names : '';
                } elseif ($show_variation === false && SMPRO) {
                    // if ($product_type[0] == 'variable') {
                    if ($product_type == 'variable') {
                        // WOO 2.1 compatibility
                        if ($_POST['SM_IS_WOO21'] == "true" || $_POST['SM_IS_WOO22'] == "true") {
                            $records[$i]['_regular_price'] = isset($variation_reg_price[$records[$i]['id']]) ? get_post_meta($variation_reg_price[$records[$i]['id']], '_regular_price', true) : 0;
                            $records[$i]['_sale_price'] = !empty($records[$i]['_min_variation_price']) && !empty($variation_reg_price[$records[$i]['id']]) && get_post_meta($variation_reg_price[$records[$i]['id']], '_sale_price', true) ? $records[$i]['_min_variation_price'] : '';
                        } else {
                            $records[$i]['_regular_price'] = $records[$i]['_min_variation_regular_price'];
                            $records[$i]['_sale_price'] = $records[$i]['_min_variation_sale_price'];
                    } else {
                        $records[$i]['_regular_price'] = trim($records[$i]['_regular_price']);
                        // if ( empty( $records[$i]['_regular_price'] ) ) {
                        //     $records[$i]['_regular_price'] = $records[$i]['_price'];
                        // }
                        $records[$i]['_sale_price'] = trim($records[$i]['_sale_price']);
                } else {
                    $records[$i]['_regular_price'] = $records[$i]['_regular_price'];
                    $records[$i]['_sale_price'] = $records[$i]['_sale_price'];
    } elseif ($active_module == 'Customers') {
        //BOF Customer's module
        $search_condn = customers_query($_POST['searchText']);
        $terms_post_cond = '';
        $terms_post_cond_join = '';
        // WOO 2.2 compatibility
        if ($_POST['SM_IS_WOO22'] == "true") {
            $terms_post_cond_join = 'JOIN ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'posts AS posts ON (posts.ID = postmeta.post_id)';
            $terms_post_cond = "AND posts.post_status IN ('wc-completed','wc-processing','wc-on-hold','wc-pending')";
        } else {
            $query_terms = "SELECT id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts AS posts\n                            JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}term_relationships AS term_relationships \n                                                        ON term_relationships.object_id = posts.ID \n                                        JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}term_taxonomy AS term_taxonomy \n                                                        ON term_taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id = term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id \n                                        JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}terms AS terms \n                                                        ON term_taxonomy.term_id = terms.term_id\n                        WHERE terms.name IN ('completed','processing','on-hold','pending')\n                            AND posts.post_status IN ('publish')";
            $terms_post = implode(",", $wpdb->get_col($query_terms));
            $terms_post_cond = "AND postmeta.post_id IN ({$terms_post})";
        //Query for getting the max of post id for all the Guest Customers
        $query_post_guest = "SELECT postmeta.post_ID FROM {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta AS postmeta\n                                {$terms_post_cond_join}\n                                WHERE postmeta.meta_key ='_customer_user' AND postmeta.meta_value=0\n                                    {$terms_post_cond}";
        $post_id_guest = $wpdb->get_col($query_post_guest);
        $num_guest = $wpdb->num_rows;
        $result_max_id = '';
        if ($num_guest > 0) {
            $query_max_id = "SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(distinct postmeta1.post_ID \n                                        ORDER BY posts.post_date DESC SEPARATOR ',' ) AS all_id,\n                               GROUP_CONCAT(postmeta2.meta_value \n                                             ORDER BY posts.post_date DESC SEPARATOR ',' ) AS order_total,     \n                                        date_format(max(posts.post_date),'%b %e %Y, %r') AS date,\n                               count(postmeta1.post_id) as count,\n                               sum(postmeta2.meta_value) as total\n                            \n                               FROM {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta AS postmeta1\n                                            JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}posts AS posts ON (posts.ID = postmeta1.post_id)\n                                   INNER JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta AS postmeta2\n                                       ON (postmeta2.post_ID = postmeta1.post_ID AND postmeta2.meta_key IN ('_order_total'))\n\n                               WHERE postmeta1.meta_key IN ('_billing_email')\n                                        AND postmeta1.post_ID IN (" . implode(",", $post_id_guest) . ")                           \n                               GROUP BY postmeta1.meta_value\n                                   ORDER BY date desc";
            $result_max_id = $wpdb->get_results($query_max_id, 'ARRAY_A');
        //Query for getting the max of post id for all the Registered Customers
        $query_post_user = "******";
        $post_id_user = $wpdb->get_col($query_post_user);
        $num_user = $wpdb->num_rows;
        if ($num_user > 0) {
            $query_max_user = "******" . implode(",", $post_id_user) . ")                           \n                           GROUP BY postmeta1.meta_value\n                                ORDER BY date";
            $result_max_user = $wpdb->get_results($query_max_user, 'ARRAY_A');
        //Code for generating the total orders, count of orders , max ids and last order total arrays
        for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($result_max_id); $i++) {
            $temp = !empty($result_max_id[$i]['all_id']) ? explode(",", $result_max_id[$i]['all_id']) : array();
            $max_ids[$i] = !empty($temp) ? $temp[0] : 0;
            $order_count[$max_ids[$i]] = !empty($result_max_id[$i]['count']) ? $result_max_id[$i]['count'] : '';
            $order_total[$max_ids[$i]] = !empty($result_max_id[$i]['total']) ? $result_max_id[$i]['total'] : '';
            //Code for getting the last Order Total
            $temp = !empty($result_max_id[$i]['order_total']) ? explode(",", $result_max_id[$i]['order_total']) : '';
            $last_order_total[$max_ids[$i]] = !empty($temp) ? $temp[0] : '';
        $j = $k = $l = $m = 0;
        //initiliazing variables
        if (!empty($result_max_id)) {
            $j = sizeof($max_ids);
            $k = sizeof($order_count);
            $l = sizeof($order_total);
            $m = sizeof($last_order_total);
        for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($result_max_user); $i++, $j++, $k++, $l++, $m++) {
            $temp = !empty($result_max_user[$i]['all_id']) ? explode(",", $result_max_user[$i]['all_id']) : '';
            $max_ids[$j] = !empty($temp[0]) ? $temp[0] : 0;
            $order_count[$max_ids[$j]] = !empty($result_max_user[$i]['count']) ? $result_max_user[$i]['count'] : '';
            $order_total[$max_ids[$j]] = !empty($result_max_user[$i]['total']) ? $result_max_user[$i]['total'] : '';
            $temp = !empty($result_max_user[$i]['order_total']) ? explode(",", $result_max_user[$i]['order_total']) : '';
            $last_order_total[$max_ids[$j]] = !empty($temp[0]) ? $temp[0] : '';
        $max_id = !empty($max_ids) ? implode(",", $max_ids) : '';
        $max_id_join = '';
        $orderby_cond = '';
        if (!empty($max_ids)) {
            $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM {$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp");
            $max_ids_inserted = !empty($max_ids) ? '(' . implode("),(", $max_ids) . ')' : '';
            $wpdb->query("REPLACE INTO {$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp (product_id) VALUES " . $max_ids_inserted);
            $max_id_join = " JOIN {$wpdb->base_prefix}sm_advanced_search_temp as temp ON (temp.product_id = posts.id)";
            //$orderby_cond = "ORDER BY temp.product_id";
            $orderby_cond = "ORDER BY posts.ID";
        // $postid_cond = (!empty($max_ids)) ? "AND posts.ID IN ($max_id)" : '';
        // $orderby_cond = (!empty($max_ids)) ? "ORDER BY FIND_IN_SET(posts.ID,'$max_id')" : "ORDER BY posts.ID";
        $customers_query = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS\n                                     DISTINCT(GROUP_CONCAT( postmeta.meta_value\n                                     ORDER BY postmeta.meta_id SEPARATOR '###' ) )AS meta_value,\n                                     GROUP_CONCAT(distinct postmeta.meta_key\n                                     ORDER BY postmeta.meta_id SEPARATOR '###' ) AS meta_key,\n                                     date_format(max(posts.post_date),'%b %e %Y, %r') AS date,\n                                     posts.ID AS id\n\n                                    FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts AS posts\n                                            RIGHT JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta AS postmeta\n                                                    ON (posts.ID = postmeta.post_id AND postmeta.meta_key IN\n                                                                                        ('_billing_first_name' , '_billing_last_name' , '_billing_email',\n                                                                                        '_billing_address_1', '_billing_address_2', '_billing_city', '_billing_state',\n                                                                                        '_billing_country','_billing_postcode', '_billing_phone','_customer_user'))";
        // WOO 2.2 compatibility
        $post_status_cond = "AND posts.post_status IN ('publish')";
        if ($_POST['SM_IS_WOO22'] == "true") {
            $post_status_cond = "AND posts.post_status NOT IN ('trash')";
        $where = " WHERE posts.post_type LIKE 'shop_order' \n                       {$post_status_cond}\n                       {$postid_cond}";
        $group_by = " GROUP BY posts.ID";
        $limit_query = " {$orderby_cond} {$limit_string}";
        $query = "{$customers_query} {$max_id_join} {$where} {$group_by} {$search_condn} {$limit_query};";
        $result = $wpdb->get_results($query, 'ARRAY_A');
        $num_rows = $wpdb->num_rows;
        //To get Total count
        $customers_count_result = $wpdb->get_results('SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as count;', 'ARRAY_A');
        $num_records = $customers_count_result[0]['count'];
        if ($num_records == 0) {
            $encoded['totalCount'] = '';
            $encoded['items'] = '';
            $encoded['msg'] = __('No Records Found', $sm_text_domain);
        } else {
            $postmeta = array();
            $user = array();
            $user_order_ids = array();
            $j = 0;
            $k = 0;
            for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($result); $i++) {
                $meta_value = explode('###', $result[$i]['meta_value']);
                $meta_key = explode('###', $result[$i]['meta_key']);
                //note: while merging the array, $data as to be the second arg
                if (count($meta_key) == count($meta_value)) {
                    $temp[$i] = array_combine($meta_key, $meta_value);
                if ($temp[$i]['_customer_user'] == 0) {
                    $postmeta[$j] = $temp[$i];
                    $postmeta[$j]['order_id'] = $result[$i]['id'];
                } elseif ($temp[$i]['_customer_user'] > 0) {
                    $user[$k] = $temp[$i]['_customer_user'];
                    $user_order_ids[$temp[$i]['_customer_user']] = $result[$i]['id'];
            //Query for getting the Registered Users data from wp_usermeta and wp_users table
            if (!empty($user)) {
                $user_ids = implode(",", $user);
                $query_users = "SELECT users.ID,users.user_email,\n                                              GROUP_CONCAT( usermeta.meta_value ORDER BY usermeta.umeta_id SEPARATOR '###' ) AS meta_value,\n                                             GROUP_CONCAT(distinct usermeta.meta_key\n                                             ORDER BY usermeta.umeta_id SEPARATOR '###_' ) AS meta_key\n                                             FROM {$wpdb->users} AS users\n                                                   JOIN {$wpdb->usermeta} AS usermeta\n                                                            ON (users.ID = usermeta.user_id AND usermeta.meta_key IN\n                                                            ('billing_first_name' , 'billing_last_name' , 'billing_email',\n                                                            'billing_address_1', 'billing_address_2', 'billing_city', 'billing_state',\n                                                            'billing_country','billing_postcode', 'billing_phone'))\n                                             WHERE users.ID IN ({$user_ids})\n                                             GROUP BY users.ID\n                                             ORDER BY FIND_IN_SET(users.ID,'{$user_ids}');";
                $result_users = $wpdb->get_results($query_users, 'ARRAY_A');
                $num_rows_users = $wpdb->num_rows;
                for ($i = 0, $k = sizeof($postmeta); $i < sizeof($result_users); $i++, $k++) {
                    $meta_value = explode('###', $result_users[$i]['meta_value']);
                    $result_users[$i]['meta_key'] = "_" . $result_users[$i]['meta_key'];
                    $meta_key = explode('###', $result_users[$i]['meta_key']);
                    //note: while merging the array, $data as to be the second arg
                    if (count($meta_key) == count($meta_value)) {
                        $postmeta[$k] = array_combine($meta_key, $meta_value);
                        $postmeta[$k]['_customer_user'] = $result_users[$i]['ID'];
                        $postmeta[$k]['order_id'] = $user_order_ids[$result_users[$i]['ID']];
                        $postmeta[$k]['_billing_email'] = $result_users[$i]['user_email'];
            $user_id = array();
            for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($postmeta); $i++) {
                if ($postmeta[$i]['_customer_user'] == 0) {
                    $user_email[$i] = "'" . $postmeta[$i]['_billing_email'] . "'";
                } elseif ($postmeta[$i]['_customer_user'] > 0) {
                    $user_id[$i] = $postmeta[$i]['_customer_user'];
            for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($postmeta); $i++) {
                $postmeta[$i]['id'] = $max_ids[$i];
                if (SMPRO == true) {
                    $result[$i]['_order_total'] = $last_order_total[$postmeta[$i]['order_id']];
                    $postmeta[$i]['count_orders'] = $order_count[$postmeta[$i]['order_id']];
                    $postmeta[$i]['total_orders'] = $order_total[$postmeta[$i]['order_id']];
                    $result[$i]['last_order'] = $result[$i]['date'];
                } else {
                    $postmeta[$i]['count_orders'] = 'Pro only';
                    $postmeta[$i]['total_orders'] = 'Pro only';
                    $result[$i]['_order_total'] = 'Pro only';
                    $result[$i]['last_order'] = 'Pro only';
                $billing_address_2 = !empty($postmeta[$i]['_billing_address_2']) ? $postmeta[$i]['_billing_address_2'] : '';
                $result[$i]['_billing_address'] = isset($postmeta[$i]['_billing_address_1']) ? $postmeta[$i]['_billing_address_1'] . ', ' . $billing_address_2 : $billing_address_2;
                $postmeta[$i]['_billing_state'] = isset($woocommerce->countries->states[$postmeta[$i]['_billing_country']][$postmeta[$i]['_billing_state']]) ? $woocommerce->countries->states[$postmeta[$i]['_billing_country']][$postmeta[$i]['_billing_state']] : $postmeta[$i]['_billing_state'];
                $postmeta[$i]['_billing_country'] = isset($woocommerce->countries->countries[$postmeta[$i]['_billing_country']]) ? $woocommerce->countries->countries[$postmeta[$i]['_billing_country']] : $postmeta[$i]['_billing_country'];
                //NOTE: storing old email id in an extra column in record so useful to indentify record with emailid during updates.
                if ($postmeta[$i]['_billing_email'] != '' || $postmeta[$i]['_billing_email'] != null) {
                    $records[] = array_merge($postmeta[$i], $result[$i]);
    } elseif ($active_module == 'Orders') {
        if (SMPRO == true && function_exists('sm_woo_get_packing_slip') && (!empty($_POST['label']) && $_POST['label'] == 'getPurchaseLogs')) {
            $log_ids_arr = json_decode(stripslashes($_POST['log_ids']));
            if (is_array($log_ids_arr)) {
                $log_ids = implode(', ', $log_ids_arr);
            sm_woo_get_packing_slip($log_ids, $log_ids_arr);
        if ($_POST['SM_IS_WOO22'] == "true") {
            $orders_select_col = ",posts.post_status as order_status";
            $orders_join_cond = "";
            $orders_where_cond = " AND posts.post_status NOT IN('trash')";
        } else {
            //Code to get all the term_names along with the term_taxonomy_id in an array
            $query_terms = "SELECT terms.name,term_taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id \n                                    FROM {$wpdb->prefix}term_taxonomy AS term_taxonomy\n                                        JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}terms AS terms ON terms.term_id = term_taxonomy.term_id\n                                    WHERE taxonomy LIKE 'shop_order_status'";
            $terms = $wpdb->get_results($query_terms, 'ARRAY_A');
            for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($terms); $i++) {
                $terms_name[$terms[$i]['term_taxonomy_id']] = $terms[$i]['name'];
                $terms_id[$i] = $terms[$i]['term_taxonomy_id'];
            $terms_post = implode(",", $terms_id);
            $orders_select_col = ",term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id AS term_taxonomy_id";
            $orders_join_cond = "JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}term_relationships AS term_relationships \n                                            ON (term_relationships.object_id = posts.ID )";
            $orders_where_cond = "AND posts.post_status IN ('publish','draft','auto-draft')\n                                            AND term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id IN ({$terms_post})";
        //Code for Sequential Orders compatibility
        if (is_plugin_active('woocommerce-sequential-order-numbers-pro/woocommerce-sequential-order-numbers.php')) {
            $order_formatted = ", '_order_number_formatted'";
        } else {
            $order_formatted = "";
        $select_query = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS posts.ID as id,\n                                posts.post_excerpt as order_note,\n                                date_format(posts.post_date,'%b %e %Y, %r') AS date,\n                                GROUP_CONCAT( postmeta.meta_value \n                                ORDER BY postmeta.meta_id\n                                SEPARATOR '###' ) AS meta_value,\n                                GROUP_CONCAT(distinct postmeta.meta_key\n                                ORDER BY postmeta.meta_id \n                                SEPARATOR '###' ) AS meta_key\n                                {$orders_select_col}\n                            \n                            FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts AS posts \n                                    {$orders_join_cond}\n                                    RIGHT JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta AS postmeta \n                                            ON (posts.ID = postmeta.post_id AND postmeta.meta_key IN \n                                                                                ('_billing_first_name' , '_billing_last_name' , '_billing_email',\n                                                                                '_shipping_first_name', '_shipping_last_name', '_shipping_address_1', '_shipping_address_2',\n                                                                                '_shipping_city', '_shipping_state', '_shipping_country','_shipping_postcode',\n                                                                                '_shipping_method', '_payment_method', '_order_items', '_order_total',\n                                                                                '_shipping_method_title', '_payment_method_title','_customer_user','_billing_phone',\n                                                                                                                                                                '_order_shipping', '_order_discount', '_cart_discount', '_order_tax', '_order_shipping_tax', '_order_currency', 'coupons'" . $order_formatted . "))";
        $group_by = " GROUP BY posts.ID";
        $limit_query = " ORDER BY posts.ID DESC {$limit_string} ;";
        $where = " WHERE posts.post_type LIKE 'shop_order' \n                        {$orders_where_cond}";
        if (isset($_POST['fromDate'])) {
            $from_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', (int) strtotime($_POST['fromDate']));
            $date_start = date('Y-m-d', (int) strtotime($_POST['fromDate']));
            $date = date('Y-m-d', (int) strtotime($_POST['toDate']));
            if ($date_start == $date && $date == date('Y-m-d')) {
                $curr_time_gmt = date('H:i:s', time() - date("Z"));
                $new_date = $date . " " . $curr_time_gmt;
                $to_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', (int) strtotime($new_date) + get_option('gmt_offset') * HOUR_IN_SECONDS);
            } else {
                $to_date = $date . " 23:59:59";
            if (SMPRO == true) {
                $where .= " AND posts.post_date BETWEEN '{$from_date}' AND '{$to_date}'";
        $search_condn = '';
        if (isset($_POST['searchText']) && $_POST['searchText'] != '') {
            $multiple_search_terms = explode('\\"', trim($_POST['searchText']));
            $search_on = $wpdb->_real_escape(trim($_POST['searchText']));
            //Query for getting the user_id based on the email enetered in the Search Box
            $query_user_email = "SELECT id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}users \n                                                    WHERE user_email like '%{$search_on}%'";
            $result_user_email = $wpdb->get_col($query_user_email);
            $num_rows_email = $wpdb->num_rows;
            if ($num_rows_email == 0) {
                $query_user_email = "SELECT DISTINCT p2.meta_value \n                                                             FROM {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta AS p1, {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta AS p2  \n                                                             WHERE p1.post_id = p2.post_id \n                                                                AND p1.meta_key = '_billing_email'\n                                                                AND p2.meta_key = '_customer_user'\n                                                                AND p2.meta_value > 0\n                                                                AND p1.meta_value like '%{$search_on}%'";
                $result_user_email = $wpdb->get_col($query_user_email);
                $num_rows_email1 = $wpdb->num_rows;
            //Query for getting the user_id based on the Customer phone number enetered in the Search Box
            $query_user_phone = "SELECT user_id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}usermeta \n                                                         WHERE meta_key='billing_phone' \n                                                            AND meta_value like '%{$search_on}%'";
            $result_user_phone = $wpdb->get_col($query_user_phone);
            $num_rows_phone = $wpdb->num_rows;
            if ($num_rows_phone == 0) {
                $query_user_phone = "SELECT DISTINCT p2.meta_value \n                                                             FROM {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta AS p1, {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta AS p2  \n                                                             WHERE p1.post_id = p2.post_id \n                                                                AND p1.meta_key = '_billing_phone'\n                                                                AND p2.meta_key = '_customer_user'\n                                                                AND p2.meta_value > 0\n                                                                AND p1.meta_value like '%{$search_on}%'";
                $result_user_phone = $wpdb->get_col($query_user_phone);
                $num_rows_phone1 = $wpdb->num_rows;
            $query_terms = "SELECT term_taxonomy_id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}term_taxonomy\n                                                WHERE term_id IN (SELECT term_id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}terms";
            // name like '%$search_on%')
            // $multiple_search_terms = explode( '\"', $search_on );
            if (!empty($multiple_search_terms)) {
                $query_terms .= " WHERE";
                foreach ($multiple_search_terms as $search_status) {
                    $search_status = trim($search_status);
                    if (!empty($search_status)) {
                        $query_terms .= " name like '%{$search_status}%' OR";
                $query_terms = trim($query_terms, ' OR');
            $query_terms .= ")";
            $result_terms = implode(",", $wpdb->get_col($query_terms));
            $num_terms = $wpdb->num_rows;
            // Start: Query for searching product names in order
            if ($_POST['SM_IS_WOO16'] == "false") {
                $query_product_names = "SELECT order_id\n                                                            FROM {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_order_items";
                if (!empty($multiple_search_terms)) {
                    $query_product_names .= " WHERE";
                    foreach ($multiple_search_terms as $product_name) {
                        $product_name = trim($product_name);
                        if (!empty($product_name)) {
                            $query_product_names .= " order_item_name LIKE '%{$product_name}%' OR";
                    $query_product_names = trim($query_product_names, ' OR');
            } else {
                $query_product_names = "SELECT post_id\n                                                            FROM {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta\n                                                            WHERE meta_key LIKE '%_order_items%'";
                if (!empty($multiple_search_terms)) {
                    $query_product_names .= " AND (";
                    foreach ($multiple_search_terms as $product_name) {
                        $product_name = trim($product_name);
                        if (!empty($product_name)) {
                            $query_product_names .= " meta_value LIKE '%{$product_name}%' OR";
                    $query_product_names = trim($query_product_names, ' OR');
                    $query_product_names .= ")";
            $result_product_ids = $wpdb->get_col($query_product_names);
            $num_product_ids = $wpdb->num_rows;
            // End: Query for searching product names in order
            //Query to get the post_id of the products whose sku code matches with the one type in the search text box of the Orders Module
            $query_sku = "SELECT post_id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta\n                                              WHERE meta_key = '_sku'\n                                                 AND meta_value like '%{$search_on}%'";
            $result_sku = $wpdb->get_col($query_sku);
            $rows_sku = $wpdb->num_rows;
            //Code for handling the Search functionality of the Orders Module using the SKU code of the product
            if ($rows_sku > 0) {
                if ($_POST['SM_IS_WOO16'] == "false") {
                    $query_order_by_sku = "SELECT order_id\n                                                                    FROM {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_order_items AS woocommerce_order_items\n                                                                    LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_order_itemmeta AS woocommerce_order_itemmeta USING ( order_item_id )\n                                                                    WHERE woocommerce_order_itemmeta.meta_key IN ( '_product_id', '_variation_id' )\n                                                                    AND woocommerce_order_itemmeta.meta_value IN ( " . implode(',', $result_sku) . " )";
                    $results_order_by_sku = $wpdb->get_col($query_order_by_sku);
                    $num_order_by_sku = $wpdb->num_rows;
                    if ($num_order_by_sku > 0) {
                        $search_condn = " HAVING id IN ( " . implode(',', $results_order_by_sku) . " )";
                } else {
                    //Query for getting all the distinct attribute meta key names
                    $query_variation = "SELECT DISTINCT meta_key as variation\n                                                            FROM {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta\n                                                            WHERE meta_key like 'attribute_%'";
                    $variation = $wpdb->get_col($query_variation);
                    //Query to get all the product title's as displayed in the products module along wih the post_id and SKU code in an array
                    $query_product = "SELECT posts.id, posts.post_title, posts.post_parent, \n                                                                    GROUP_CONCAT( postmeta.meta_value \n                                                                        ORDER BY postmeta.meta_id\n                                                                        SEPARATOR ',' ) AS meta_value\n                                                          FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts AS posts\n                                                                JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta AS postmeta\n                                                                    ON (posts.ID = postmeta.post_id\n                                                                            AND postmeta.meta_key IN ('_sku','" . implode("','", $variation) . "'))\n                                                          GROUP BY posts.id";
                    $result_product = $wpdb->get_results($query_product, 'ARRAY_A');
                    //Code to store all the products title in an array with the post_id as the array index
                    for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($result_product); $i++) {
                        $product_title[$result_product[$i]['id']]['post_title'] = $result_product[$i]['post_title'];
                        $product_title[$result_product[$i]['id']]['variation_title'] = $result_product[$i]['meta_value'];
                        $product_title[$result_product[$i]['id']]['post_parent'] = $result_product[$i]['post_parent'];
                    $post_title = array();
                    $variation_title = array();
                    $search_condn = "HAVING";
                    for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($result_sku); $i++) {
                        $product_type = wp_get_object_terms($result_sku[$i], 'product_type', array('fields' => 'slugs'));
                        // Getting the type of the product
                        //Code to prepare the search condition for the search using SKU Code
                        if ($product_title[$result_sku[$i]]['post_parent'] == 0) {
                            $post_title[$i] = $product_title[$result_sku[$i]]['post_title'];
                            $search_condn .= " meta_value like '%s:4:\"name\"%\"{$post_title[$i]}\"%' ";
                            $search_condn .= "OR";
                        } elseif ($product_title[$result_sku[$i]]['post_parent'] > 0) {
                            $temp = explode(",", $product_title[$result_sku[$i]]['variation_title']);
                            $post_title[$i] = $product_title[$product_title[$result_sku[$i]]['post_parent']]['post_title'];
                            $search_condn .= " meta_value like '%s:4:\"name\"%\"{$post_title[$i]}\"%' ";
                            $search_condn .= "AND (";
                            for ($j = 1; $j < sizeof($temp); $j++) {
                                $search_condn .= " meta_value like '%s:10:\"meta_value\"%\"{$temp[$j]}\"%' ";
                                $search_condn .= "OR";
                            $search_condn = substr($search_condn, 0, -2) . ")";
                            $search_condn .= "OR";
                    $variation_title = array_unique($variation_title);
                    $search_condn = substr($search_condn, 0, -2);
            } elseif ($num_product_ids > 0) {
                $search_condn = " HAVING id IN ( " . implode(',', $result_product_ids) . " )";
            } elseif ($num_rows_email > 0) {
                // Query to bring the matching email of the Guest uers
                $query = "SELECT DISTINCT p1.meta_value \n                                                             FROM {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta AS p1, {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta AS p2  \n                                                             WHERE p1.post_id = p2.post_id \n                                                                AND p1.meta_key = '_billing_email'\n                                                                AND p2.meta_key = '_customer_user'\n                                                                AND p2.meta_value = 0\n                                                                AND p1.meta_value like '%{$search_on}%'";
                $result_email_guest = $wpdb->get_col($query);
                $rows_email_guest = $wpdb->num_rows;
                $query_email = "SELECT DISTINCT(p1.meta_value)\n                                                    FROM {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta AS p1, {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta AS p2 \n                                                    WHERE p1.post_id = p2.post_id \n                                                                AND p1.meta_key = '_billing_email'\n                                                                AND p2.meta_key = '_customer_user'\n                                                                AND p2.meta_value IN (" . implode(",", $result_user_email) . ")";
                $result_email = $wpdb->get_col($query_email);
                if ($rows_email_guest > 0) {
                    for ($i = 0, $j = sizeof($result_email); $i < sizeof($result_email_guest); $i++, $j++) {
                        $result_email[$j] = $result_email_guest[$i];
                $search_condn = "HAVING";
                for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($result_email); $i++) {
                    $search_condn .= " meta_value like '%{$result_email[$i]}%' ";
                    $search_condn .= "OR";
                $search_condn = substr($search_condn, 0, -2);
            } elseif ($num_rows_phone > 0) {
                // Query to bring the matching Phone No. of the Guest uers
                $query = "SELECT DISTINCT p1.meta_value \n                                                             FROM {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta AS p1, {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta AS p2  \n                                                             WHERE p1.post_id = p2.post_id \n                                                                AND p1.meta_key = '_billing_phone'\n                                                                AND p2.meta_key = '_customer_user'\n                                                                AND p2.meta_value = 0\n                                                                AND p1.meta_value like '%{$search_on}%'";
                $result_phone_guest = $wpdb->get_col($query);
                $rows_phone_guest = $wpdb->num_rows;
                $query_phone = "SELECT DISTINCT(p1.meta_value)\n                                                    FROM {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta AS p1, {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta AS p2 \n                                                    WHERE p1.post_id = p2.post_id \n                                                                AND p1.meta_key = '_billing_email'\n                                                                AND p2.meta_key = '_customer_user'\n                                                                AND p2.meta_value IN (" . implode(",", $result_user_phone) . ")";
                $result_phone = $wpdb->get_col($query_phone);
                if ($rows_phone_guest > 0) {
                    for ($i = 0, $j = sizeof($result_phone); $i < sizeof($result_phone_guest); $i++, $j++) {
                        $result_phone[$j] = $result_phone_guest[$i];
                $search_condn = "HAVING";
                for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($result_phone); $i++) {
                    $search_condn .= " meta_value like '%{$result_phone[$i]}%' ";
                    $search_condn .= "OR";
                $search_condn = substr($search_condn, 0, -2);
            } elseif ($num_rows_email1 > 0 || $num_rows_phone1 > 0) {
                $search_condn = " HAVING id = 0";
            } elseif ($num_terms > 0) {
                $search_condn = " HAVING term_taxonomy_id IN ({$result_terms})";
            } else {
                $search_condn = " HAVING id like '{$search_on}%'\n                                  OR date like '%{$search_on}%'\n                                 OR meta_value like '%{$search_on}%'";
            if ($_POST['SM_IS_WOO22'] == "true") {
                $search_on = 'wc-' . str_replace(" ", "-", $search_on);
                if (!empty($search_condn)) {
                    $search_condn .= " OR order_status LIKE '%{$search_on}%'";
                } else {
                    $search_condn = " HAVING order_status LIKE '%{$search_on}%'";
        //get the state id if the shipping state is numeric or blank
        $query = "{$select_query} {$where} {$group_by} {$search_condn} {$limit_query}";
        $results = $wpdb->get_results($query, 'ARRAY_A');
        //To get the total count
        $orders_count_result = $wpdb->get_results('SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as count;', 'ARRAY_A');
        $num_records = $orders_count_result[0]['count'];
        if ($num_records == 0) {
            $encoded['totalCount'] = '';
            $encoded['items'] = '';
            $encoded['msg'] = __('No Records Found', $sm_text_domain);
        } else {
            foreach ($results as $data) {
                $order_ids[] = $data['id'];
            if ($_POST['SM_IS_WOO16'] == "false") {
                $order_id = implode(",", $order_ids);
                // Code for handling export functionality
                if (!empty($_POST['func_nm']) && $_POST['func_nm'] == 'exportCsvWoo') {
                    $order_id_cond = "";
                    $order_id_order_by = "";
                } else {
                    $order_id_cond = " AND order_items.order_id IN ({$order_id})";
                    $order_id_order_by = "ORDER BY FIND_IN_SET(order_items.order_id,'{$order_id}')";
                $query_order_items = "SELECT order_items.order_item_id,\n                                                            order_items.order_id    ,\n                                                            order_items.order_item_name AS order_prod,\n                                                            order_items.order_item_type,\n                                                            GROUP_CONCAT(order_itemmeta.meta_key\n                                                                                ORDER BY order_itemmeta.meta_id \n                                                                                SEPARATOR '###' ) AS meta_key,\n                                                            GROUP_CONCAT(order_itemmeta.meta_value\n                                                                                ORDER BY order_itemmeta.meta_id \n                                                                                SEPARATOR '###' ) AS meta_value\n                                                        FROM {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_order_items AS order_items \n                                                            LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_order_itemmeta AS order_itemmeta \n                                                                ON (order_items.order_item_id = order_itemmeta.order_item_id)\n                                                        -- WHERE order_items.order_item_type LIKE 'line_item'\n                                                        WHERE order_items.order_item_type IN ('line_item', 'shipping') \n                                                            {$order_id_cond}\n                                                        GROUP BY order_items.order_item_id\n                                                        {$order_id_order_by}";
                $results_order_items = $wpdb->get_results($query_order_items, 'ARRAY_A');
                $num_rows_order_items = $wpdb->num_rows;
                //code for formatting order items array
                if ($num_rows_order_items > 0) {
                    $order_items = array();
                    $order_shipping_method = array();
                    foreach ($results_order_items as $results_order_item) {
                        if (!isset($order_items[$results_order_item['order_id']])) {
                            $order_items[$results_order_item['order_id']] = array();
                        if ($results_order_item['order_item_type'] == 'shipping') {
                            $order_shipping_method[$results_order_item['order_id']] = $results_order_item['order_prod'];
                        } else {
                            $order_items[$results_order_item['order_id']][] = $results_order_item;
                //Code for export functionality
                if (!empty($_POST['func_nm']) && $_POST['func_nm'] == 'exportCsvWoo') {
                    $coupons_order_id_cond = "";
                    $coupons_order_id_order_by = "";
                } else {
                    $coupons_order_id_cond = " AND order_id IN ({$order_id})";
                    $coupons_order_id_order_by = "ORDER BY FIND_IN_SET(order_id,'{$order_id}')";
                $query_order_coupons = "SELECT order_id,\n                                                                GROUP_CONCAT(order_item_name\n                                                                                    ORDER BY order_item_id \n                                                                                    SEPARATOR ', ' ) AS coupon_used\n                                                            FROM {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_order_items\n                                                            WHERE order_item_type LIKE 'coupon'\n                                                                {$coupons_order_id_cond}\n                                                            GROUP BY order_id\n                                                            {$coupons_order_id_order_by}";
                $results_order_coupons = $wpdb->get_results($query_order_coupons, 'ARRAY_A');
                $num_rows_coupons = $wpdb->num_rows;
                if ($num_rows_coupons > 0) {
                    $order_coupons = array();
                    foreach ($results_order_coupons as $results_order_coupon) {
                        $order_coupons[$results_order_coupon['order_id']] = $results_order_coupon['coupon_used'];
                $query_variation_ids = "SELECT order_itemmeta.meta_value \n                                                            FROM {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_order_items AS order_items \n                                                               LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_order_itemmeta AS order_itemmeta \n                                                                   ON (order_items.order_item_id = order_itemmeta.order_item_id)\n                                                            WHERE order_itemmeta.meta_key LIKE '_variation_id'\n                                                                   AND order_itemmeta.meta_value > 0\n                                                                   AND order_items.order_id IN ({$order_id})";
                $result_variation_ids = $wpdb->get_col($query_variation_ids);
                if (count($result_variation_ids) > 0) {
                    $query_variation_att = "SELECT postmeta.post_id AS post_id,\n                                                                        GROUP_CONCAT(postmeta.meta_value\n                                                                            ORDER BY postmeta.meta_id \n                                                                            SEPARATOR ',' ) AS meta_value\n                                                                FROM {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta AS postmeta\n                                                                WHERE postmeta.meta_key LIKE 'attribute_%'\n                                                                    AND postmeta.post_id IN (" . implode(",", $result_variation_ids) . ")\n                                                                GROUP BY postmeta.post_id";
                    $results_variation_att = $wpdb->get_results($query_variation_att, 'ARRAY_A');
                $query_terms = "SELECT terms.slug as slug, terms.name as term_name\n                                              FROM {$wpdb->prefix}terms AS terms\n                                                JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta AS postmeta \n                                                    ON ( postmeta.meta_value = terms.slug \n                                                            AND postmeta.meta_key LIKE 'attribute_%' ) \n                                              GROUP BY terms.slug";
                $attributes_terms = $wpdb->get_results($query_terms, 'ARRAY_A');
                $attributes = array();
                foreach ($attributes_terms as $attributes_term) {
                    $attributes[$attributes_term['slug']] = $attributes_term['term_name'];
                $variation_att_all = array();
                if (!empty($results_variation_att) && is_array($results_variation_att) && count($results_variation_att) > 0) {
                    for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($results_variation_att); $i++) {
                        $variation_attributes = explode(", ", $results_variation_att[$i]['meta_value']);
                        $attributes_final = array();
                        foreach ($variation_attributes as $variation_attribute) {
                            $attributes_final[] = isset($attributes[$variation_attribute]) ? $attributes[$variation_attribute] : ucfirst($variation_attribute);
                        $results_variation_att[$i]['meta_value'] = implode(", ", $attributes_final);
                        $variation_att_all[$results_variation_att[$i]['post_id']] = $results_variation_att[$i]['meta_value'];
            $customer_user_ids = $reg_users = array();
            foreach ($results as $data) {
                $meta_key = explode('###', $data['meta_key']);
                $meta_value = explode('###', $data['meta_value']);
                if (count($meta_key) == count($meta_value)) {
                $postmeta = array_combine($meta_key, $meta_value);
                if ($postmeta['_customer_user'] == 0) {
                $customer_user_ids[] = $postmeta['_customer_user'];
            if (!empty($customer_user_ids)) {
                //Query to get the email id from the wp_users table for the Registered Customers
                $query_users = "SELECT users.ID,users.user_email,usermeta.meta_value\n                                     FROM {$wpdb->prefix}users AS users, {$wpdb->prefix}usermeta AS usermeta\n                                     WHERE usermeta.user_id = users.id\n                                        AND usermeta.meta_key = 'billing_phone'\n                                        AND users.ID IN (" . implode(',', $customer_user_ids) . ")\n                                     GROUP BY users.ID";
                $result_users = $wpdb->get_results($query_users, 'ARRAY_A');
                $result_users_count = $wpdb->num_rows;
                if ($result_users_count > 0) {
                    foreach ($result_users as $result_user) {
                        $reg_users[$result_user['ID']] = array('billing_email' => $result_user['user_email'], 'billing_phone' => $result_user['meta_value']);
            foreach ($results as $data) {
                $meta_key = explode('###', $data['meta_key']);
                $meta_value = explode('###', $data['meta_value']);
                if (count($meta_key) == count($meta_value)) {
                    $postmeta = array_combine($meta_key, $meta_value);
                    //Code to replace the email of the Registered Customers with the one from the wp_users
                    if ($postmeta['_customer_user'] > 0 && !empty($reg_users[$postmeta['_customer_user']])) {
                        $postmeta['_billing_email'] = $reg_users[$postmeta['_customer_user']]['billing_email'];
                        $postmeta['_billing_phone'] = $reg_users[$postmeta['_customer_user']]['billing_phone'];
                        // for ( $index=0;$index<sizeof($result_users);$index++ ) {
                        //     if ( $postmeta['_customer_user'] == $result_users[$index]['ID'] ){
                        //         $postmeta['_billing_email'] = $result_users[$index]['user_email'];
                        //         $postmeta['_billing_phone'] = $result_users[$index]['meta_value'];
                        //         break;
                        //     }
                        // }
                    if ($_POST['SM_IS_WOO16'] == "true") {
                        if (is_serialized($postmeta['_order_items'])) {
                            $order_items = unserialize(trim($postmeta['_order_items']));
                            foreach ((array) $order_items as $order_item) {
                                if (isset($order_item['item_meta']) && count($order_item['item_meta']) > 0) {
                                    $variation_data = array();
                                    foreach ($order_item['item_meta'] as $meta) {
                                        $variation_data['attribute_' . $meta['meta_name']] = $meta['meta_value'];
                                    $variation_details = woocommerce_get_formatted_variation($variation_data, true);
                                $data['details'] += $order_item['qty'];
                                $data['order_total_ex_tax'] += $order_item['line_total'];
                                $product_id = $order_item['variation_id'] > 0 ? $order_item['variation_id'] : $order_item['id'];
                                $sm_sku = get_post_meta($product_id, '_sku', true);
                                if (!empty($sm_sku)) {
                                    $sku_detail = '[SKU: ' . $sm_sku . ']';
                                } else {
                                    $sku_detail = '';
                                $product_full_name = !empty($variation_details) ? $order_item['name'] . ' (' . $variation_details . ')' : $order_item['name'];
                                $data['products_name'] .= $product_full_name . ' ' . $sku_detail . '[' . __('Qty', $sm_text_domain) . ': ' . $order_item['qty'] . '][' . __('Price', $sm_text_domain) . ': ' . $order_item['line_total'] / $order_item['qty'] . '], ';
                            isset($data['details']) ? $data['details'] .= ' items' : ($data['details'] = '');
                            $data['products_name'] = substr($data['products_name'], 0, -2);
                            //To remove extra comma ', ' from returned string
                        } else {
                            $data['details'] = 'Details';
                    } else {
                        if (!empty($order_items[$data['id']])) {
                            foreach ($order_items[$data['id']] as $order_item) {
                                $prod_meta_values = explode('###', $order_item['meta_value']);
                                $prod_meta_key = explode('###', $order_item['meta_key']);
                                if (count($prod_meta_values) != count($prod_meta_key)) {
                                $sku_detail = !empty($sku_detail) ? $sku_detail : '';
                                $index = !empty($index) ? $index : '';
                                update_post_meta($index, $sku_detail, $meta_value);
                                $prod_meta_key_values = array_combine($prod_meta_key, $prod_meta_values);
                                // if ($data['id'] == $order_item['order_id']) {
                                $data['details'] = !empty($data['details']) ? $data['details'] : '';
                                $data['order_total_ex_tax'] = !empty($data['order_total_ex_tax']) ? $data['order_total_ex_tax'] : '';
                                $data['details'] += $prod_meta_key_values['_qty'];
                                $data['order_total_ex_tax'] += $prod_meta_key_values['_line_total'];
                                $product_id = $prod_meta_key_values['_variation_id'] > 0 ? $prod_meta_key_values['_variation_id'] : $prod_meta_key_values['_product_id'];
                                $sm_sku = get_post_meta($product_id, '_sku', true);
                                if (!empty($sm_sku)) {
                                    $sku_detail = '[SKU: ' . $sm_sku . ']';
                                } else {
                                    $sku_detail = '';
                                $variation_att = isset($variation_att_all[$prod_meta_key_values['_variation_id']]) && !empty($variation_att_all[$prod_meta_key_values['_variation_id']]) ? $variation_att_all[$prod_meta_key_values['_variation_id']] : '';
                                $product_full_name = !empty($variation_att) ? $order_item['order_prod'] . ' (' . $variation_att . ')' : $order_item['order_prod'];
                                $data['products_name'] = !empty($data['products_name']) ? $data['products_name'] : '';
                                $data['products_name'] .= $product_full_name . ' ' . $sku_detail . '[' . __('Qty', $sm_text_domain) . ': ' . $prod_meta_key_values['_qty'] . '][' . __('Price', $sm_text_domain) . ': ' . $prod_meta_key_values['_line_total'] / $prod_meta_key_values['_qty'] . '], ';
                                $data['coupons'] = isset($order_coupons[$order_item['order_id']]) ? $order_coupons[$order_item['order_id']] : "";
                                // }
                            isset($data['details']) ? $data['details'] .= ' items' : ($data['details'] = '');
                            $data['products_name'] = substr($data['products_name'], 0, -2);
                            //To remove extra comma ', ' from returned string
                    //Code to get the Order_Status using the $terms_name array
                    if ($_POST['SM_IS_WOO22'] == "true") {
                        $data['order_status'] = 'wc-' === substr($data['order_status'], 0, 3) ? substr($data['order_status'], 3) : $data['order_status'];
                    } else {
                        $data['order_status'] = $terms_name[$data['term_taxonomy_id']];
                    $name_emailid[0] = "<font class=blue>" . $postmeta['_billing_first_name'] . "</font>";
                    $name_emailid[1] = "<font class=blue>" . $postmeta['_billing_last_name'] . "</font>";
                    $name_emailid[2] = "(" . $postmeta['_billing_email'] . ")";
                    //email comes at 7th position.
                    $data['name'] = implode(' ', $name_emailid);
                    //in front end,splitting is done with this space.
                    $data['_shipping_address'] = $postmeta['_shipping_address_1'] . ', ' . $postmeta['_shipping_address_2'];
                    $postmeta['_shipping_method'] = isset($postmeta['_shipping_method_title']) ? $postmeta['_shipping_method_title'] : (!empty($postmeta['_shipping_method']) ? $postmeta['_shipping_method'] : '');
                    $postmeta['_shipping_method'] = !empty($order_shipping_method[$data['id']]) ? $order_shipping_method[$data['id']] : $postmeta['_shipping_method'];
                    $payment_method = !empty($postmeta['_payment_method']) ? $postmeta['_payment_method'] : '';
                    $postmeta['_payment_method'] = isset($postmeta['_payment_method_title']) ? $postmeta['_payment_method_title'] : $payment_method;
                    $postmeta['_shipping_state'] = isset($woocommerce->countries->states[$postmeta['_shipping_country']][$postmeta['_shipping_state']]) ? $woocommerce->countries->states[$postmeta['_shipping_country']][$postmeta['_shipping_state']] : $postmeta['_shipping_state'];
                    $postmeta['_shipping_country'] = isset($woocommerce->countries->countries[$postmeta['_shipping_country']]) ? $woocommerce->countries->countries[$postmeta['_shipping_country']] : $postmeta['_shipping_country'];
                    $data['display_id'] = $data['id'];
                    //Code for Sequential Orders compatibility
                    if ($order_formatted != "" && isset($postmeta['_order_number_formatted'])) {
                        $data['display_id'] = $postmeta['_order_number_formatted'];
                    $records[] = array_merge($postmeta, $data);
    if (!isset($_POST['label']) || !empty($_POST['label']) && $_POST['label'] != 'getPurchaseLogs') {
        $encoded['items'] = $records;
        $encoded['totalCount'] = $num_records;
        // Code for passing the column headers for export for handling custom columns
        if (!empty($_POST['func_nm']) && $_POST['func_nm'] == 'exportCsvWoo' && $active_module == 'Products') {
            $encoded['column_header'] = $export_column_header;
        return $encoded;