Exemplo n.º 1
require_once DIR_FS_INC . 'vam_date_short.inc.php';
require_once DIR_FS_INC . 'vam_get_path.inc.php';
require_once DIR_FS_INC . 'vam_get_product_path.inc.php';
require_once DIR_FS_INC . 'vam_get_products_name.inc.php';
require_once DIR_FS_INC . 'vam_get_products_image.inc.php';
$breadcrumb->add(NAVBAR_TITLE_ACCOUNT, vam_href_link(FILENAME_ACCOUNT, '', 'SSL'));
require DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'header.php';
if ($messageStack->size('account') > 0) {
    $vamTemplate->assign('error_message', $messageStack->output('account'));
$i = 0;
$max = count($_SESSION['tracking']['products_history']);
while ($i < $max) {
    $product_history_query = vamDBquery("select * from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " p, " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION . " pd where p.products_id=pd.products_id and pd.language_id='" . (int) $_SESSION['languages_id'] . "' and p.products_status = '1' and p.products_id = '" . $_SESSION['tracking']['products_history'][$i] . "'");
    $history_product = vam_db_fetch_array($product_history_query, true);
    $cpath = vam_get_product_path($_SESSION['tracking']['products_history'][$i]);
    if ($history_product['products_status'] != 0) {
        $history_product = array_merge($history_product, array('cat_url' => vam_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, 'cat=' . $cpath)));
        $products_history[] = $product->buildDataArray($history_product);
$order_content = '';
if (vam_count_customer_orders() > 0) {
    $orders_query = vam_db_query("select\n\t                                  o.orders_id,\n\t                                  o.date_purchased,\n\t                                  o.delivery_name,\n\t                                  o.delivery_country,\n\t                                  o.billing_name,\n\t                                  o.billing_country,\n\t                                  ot.text as order_total,\n\t                                  s.orders_status_name\n\t                                  from " . TABLE_ORDERS . " o, " . TABLE_ORDERS_TOTAL . "\n\t                                  ot, " . TABLE_ORDERS_STATUS . " s\n\t                                  where o.customers_id = '" . (int) $_SESSION['customer_id'] . "'\n\t                                  and o.orders_id = ot.orders_id\n\t                                  and ot.class = 'ot_total'\n\t                                  and o.orders_status = s.orders_status_id\n\t                                  and s.language_id = '" . (int) $_SESSION['languages_id'] . "'\n\t                                  order by orders_id desc limit 3");
    while ($orders = vam_db_fetch_array($orders_query)) {
        if (vam_not_null($orders['delivery_name'])) {
            $order_name = $orders['delivery_name'];
            $order_country = $orders['delivery_country'];
        } else {
            $order_name = $orders['billing_name'];
Exemplo n.º 2
 function calculate_tax_deduction($amount, $od_amount, $method)
     global $order;
     $coupon_query = vam_db_query("select coupon_code from " . TABLE_COUPONS . " where coupon_id = '" . $_SESSION['cc_id'] . "'");
     if (vam_db_num_rows($coupon_query) != 0) {
         $coupon_result = vam_db_fetch_array($coupon_query);
         $coupon_get = vam_db_query("select coupon_amount, coupon_minimum_order, restrict_to_products, restrict_to_categories, coupon_type from " . TABLE_COUPONS . " where coupon_code = '" . $coupon_result['coupon_code'] . "'");
         $get_result = vam_db_fetch_array($coupon_get);
         if ($get_result['coupon_type'] != 'S') {
             if ($get_result['restrict_to_products'] || $get_result['restrict_to_categories']) {
                 // What to do here.
                 // Loop through all products and build a list of all product_ids, price, tax class
                 // at the same time create total net amount.
                 // then
                 // for percentage discounts. simply reduce tax group per product by discount percentage
                 // or
                 // for fixed payment amount
                 // calculate ratio based on total net
                 // for each product reduce tax group per product by ratio amount.
                 $products = $_SESSION['cart']->get_products();
                 $valid_product = false;
                 for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($products); $i++) {
                     $valid_product = false;
                     $t_prid = vam_get_prid($products[$i]['id']);
                     $cc_query = vam_db_query("select products_tax_class_id from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " where products_id = '" . $t_prid . "'");
                     $cc_result = vam_db_fetch_array($cc_query);
                     if ($get_result['restrict_to_products']) {
                         $pr_ids = preg_split("/[,]/", $get_result['restrict_to_products']);
                         for ($p = 0; $p < sizeof($pr_ids); $p++) {
                             if ($pr_ids[$p] == $t_prid) {
                                 $valid_product = true;
                     if ($get_result['restrict_to_categories']) {
                         // v5.13a Tanaka 2005-4-30:  New code, this correctly identifies valid products in subcategories
                         $cat_ids = preg_split("/[,]/", $get_result['restrict_to_categories']);
                         $my_path = vam_get_product_path($t_prid);
                         $sub_cat_ids = preg_split("/[_]/", $my_path);
                         for ($iii = 0; $iii < count($sub_cat_ids); $iii++) {
                             for ($ii = 0; $ii < count($cat_ids); $ii++) {
                                 if ($sub_cat_ids[$iii] == $cat_ids[$ii]) {
                                     $valid_product = true;
                                     continue 2;
                     if ($valid_product) {
                         $price_excl_vat = $products[$i]['final_price'] * $products[$i]['quantity'];
                         $price_incl_vat = $this->product_price($t_prid);
                         $valid_array[] = array('product_id' => $t_prid, 'products_price' => $price_excl_vat, 'products_tax_class' => $cc_result['products_tax_class_id']);
                         $total_price += $price_excl_vat;
                 if (sizeof($valid_array) > 0) {
                     // if ($valid_product) {
                     if ($get_result['coupon_type'] == 'P') {
                         $ratio = $get_result['coupon_amount'] / 100;
                     } else {
                         $ratio = $od_amount / $total_price;
                     if ($get_result['coupon_type'] == 'S') {
                         $ratio = 1;
                     if ($method == 'Credit Note') {
                         $tax_rate = vam_get_tax_rate($this->tax_class, $order->delivery['country']['id'], $order->delivery['zone_id']);
                         $tax_desc = vam_get_tax_description($this->tax_class, $order->delivery['country']['id'], $order->delivery['zone_id']);
                         if ($get_result['coupon_type'] == 'P') {
                             $tod_amount = $od_amount / (100 + $tax_rate) * $tax_rate;
                         } else {
                             $tod_amount = $order->info['tax_groups'][$tax_desc] * $od_amount / 100;
                         $order->info['tax_groups'][$tax_desc] -= $tod_amount;
                         $order->info['total'] -= $tod_amount;
                         $order->info['tax'] -= $tod_amount;
                     } else {
                         for ($p = 0; $p < sizeof($valid_array); $p++) {
                             $tax_rate = vam_get_tax_rate($valid_array[$p]['products_tax_class'], $order->delivery['country']['id'], $order->delivery['zone_id']);
                             $tax_desc = vam_get_tax_description($valid_array[$p]['products_tax_class'], $order->delivery['country']['id'], $order->delivery['zone_id']);
                             if ($tax_rate > 0) {
                                 $tod_amount = $valid_array[$p]['products_price'] * $tax_rate / 100 * $ratio;
                                 $order->info['tax_groups'][$tax_desc] -= $valid_array[$p]['products_price'] * $tax_rate / 100 * $ratio;
                                 $order->info['total'] -= $valid_array[$p]['products_price'] * $tax_rate / 100 * $ratio;
                                 $order->info['tax'] -= $valid_array[$p]['products_price'] * $tax_rate / 100 * $ratio;
                 //NO RESTRICTION--------------------------------
             } else {
                 if ($get_result['coupon_type'] == 'F') {
                     $tod_amount = 0;
                     if ($method == 'Credit Note') {
                         $tax_rate = vam_get_tax_rate($this->tax_class, $order->delivery['country']['id'], $order->delivery['zone_id']);
                         $tax_desc = vam_get_tax_description($this->tax_class, $order->delivery['country']['id'], $order->delivery['zone_id']);
                         $tod_amount = $od_amount / (100 + $tax_rate) * $tax_rate;
                         $order->info['tax_groups'][TAX_ADD_TAX . $tax_desc] -= $tod_amount;
                     } else {
                         while (list($key, $value) = each($order->info['tax_groups'])) {
                             $ratio1 = $od_amount / ($amount - $order->info['tax_groups'][$key]);
                             $tax_rate = vam_get_tax_rate_from_desc(str_replace(TAX_ADD_TAX, "", $key));
                             $net = $tax_rate * $order->info['tax_groups'][$key];
                             if ($net > 0) {
                                 $god_amount = $od_amount * $tax_rate / (100 + $tax_rate);
                                 $tod_amount += $god_amount;
                                 $order->info['tax_groups'][$key] -= $god_amount;
                     $order->info['total'] -= $tod_amount;
                     $order->info['tax'] -= $tod_amount;
                 if ($get_result['coupon_type'] == 'P') {
                     $tod_amount = 0;
                     if ($method == 'Credit Note') {
                         $tax_desc = vam_get_tax_description($this->tax_class, $order->delivery['country']['id'], $order->delivery['zone_id']);
                         $tod_amount = $order->info['tax_groups'][$tax_desc] * $od_amount / 100;
                         $order->info['tax_groups'][TAX_ADD_TAX . $tax_desc] -= $tod_amount;
                     } else {
                         while (list($key, $value) = each($order->info['tax_groups'])) {
                             $god_amout = 0;
                             $tax_rate = vam_get_tax_rate_from_desc(str_replace(TAX_ADD_TAX, "", $key));
                             $net = $tax_rate * $order->info['tax_groups'][$key];
                             if ($net > 0) {
                                 $god_amount = $order->info['tax_groups'][$key] * $get_result['coupon_amount'] / 100;
                                 $tod_amount += $god_amount;
                                 $order->info['tax_groups'][$key] = $order->info['tax_groups'][$key] - $god_amount;
                     $order->info['tax'] -= $tod_amount;
     return $tod_amount;
Exemplo n.º 3
    $cID = str_replace('c', '', $cID);
    $_GET['cPath'] = vam_get_category_path($cID);
// new m URLS
if (isset($_GET['manu'])) {
    $site = explode('_', $_GET['manu']);
    $mID = $site[0];
    $mID = (int) str_replace('m', '', $mID);
    $_GET['manufacturers_id'] = $mID;
// calculate category path
if (isset($_GET['cPath'])) {
    $cPath = vam_input_validation($_GET['cPath'], 'cPath', '');
} elseif (is_object($product) && !isset($_GET['manufacturers_id'])) {
    if ($product->isProduct()) {
        $cPath = vam_get_product_path($actual_products_id);
    } else {
        $cPath = '';
} else {
    $cPath = '';
if (vam_not_null($cPath)) {
    $cPath_array = vam_parse_category_path($cPath);
    $cPath = implode('_', $cPath_array);
    $current_category_id = $cPath_array[sizeof($cPath_array) - 1];
} else {
    $current_category_id = 0;
// include the breadcrumb class and start the breadcrumb trail
require DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'breadcrumb.php';
function vam_fill_existing_fields($products_id, $languages_id)
    global $currencies, $cPath, $PHP_SELF;
    $columns_query_raw = "\n              select\n                p.products_id,\n                pd.products_name,\n                pd.products_description,\n                p.products_quantity,\n                p.products_model,\n                p.products_image,\n                p.products_price,\n                p.products_weight,\n                p.products_tax_class_id,\n                m.manufacturers_name,\n                IF(s.status, s.specials_new_products_price, NULL) as specials_new_products_price,\n                IF(s.status, s.specials_new_products_price, p.products_price) as final_price\n              from\n                " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " p\n                join " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION . " pd\n                  on (pd.products_id = p.products_id)\n                left join " . TABLE_SPECIALS . " s\n                  on (p.products_id = s.products_id)\n                left join " . TABLE_MANUFACTURERS . " m\n                  on (p.manufacturers_id = m.manufacturers_id)\n              where\n                p.products_id = '" . (int) $products_id . "'\n                and pd.language_id = '" . (int) $languages_id . "'\n            ";
    // print $columns_query_raw . "<br>\n";
    $columns_query = vam_db_query($columns_query_raw);
    $columns_array = vam_db_fetch_array($columns_query);
    $field_array = array();
    // Quantities may be used in columns or combination column
    $field_array['products_quantity'] = $columns_array['products_quantity'] == '' ? TEXT_NOT_AVAILABLE : $columns_array['products_quantity'];
    $field_array['products_model'] = $columns_array['products_model'] == '' ? TEXT_NOT_AVAILABLE : $columns_array['products_model'];
    $field_array['products_index_description'] = $columns_array['products_index_description'] == '' ? TEXT_NOT_AVAILABLE : $columns_array['products_index_description'];
    $field_array['products_description'] = $columns_array['products_description'] == '' ? TEXT_NOT_AVAILABLE : $columns_array['products_description'];
    $cPath_new = vam_get_product_path($columns_array['products_id']);
    $product_link = vam_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO, 'cPath=' . $cPath_new . '&products_id=' . $columns_array['products_id']);
    $field_array['products_image'] = '<a href="' . $product_link . '">' . vam_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . trim($columns_array['products_image']), $columns_array['products_name']) . '</a>';
    $field_array['products_name'] = $columns_array['products_name'] == '' ? TEXT_NOT_AVAILABLE : '<a href="' . $product_link . '">' . $columns_array['products_name'] . '</a>';
    if (vam_not_null($columns_array['specials_new_products_price'])) {
        //$field_array['products_price'] = '<s>' . $currencies->display_price($columns_array['products_price'], vam_get_tax_rate($columns_array['products_tax_class_id'])) . '</s><br><span class="productSpecialPrice">' . $currencies->display_price($columns_array['specials_new_products_price'], vam_get_tax_rate($columns_array['products_tax_class_id'])) . '</span>';
        $field_array['products_price'] = '<s>' . $columns_array['products_price'] . '</s><br><span class="productSpecialPrice">' . $columns_array['specials_new_products_price'] . '</span>';
    } else {
        //$field_array['products_price'] = $currencies->display_price($columns_array['products_price'], vam_get_tax_rate($columns_array['products_tax_class_id']));
        $field_array['products_price'] = $columns_array['products_price'];
    //$field_array['final_price'] = $currencies->display_price($columns_array['final_price'], vam_get_tax_rate($columns_array['products_tax_class_id']));
    $field_array['final_price'] = $columns_array['final_price'];
    if ($columns_array['price_in_cart_only'] == '1') {
        $field_array['products_price'] = '                <span class="smalltext">';
        $field_array['products_price'] .= '<script language="javascript"><!--' . "\n";
        $field_array['products_price'] .= 'document.write(\'' . '<a href="javascript:popupWindow(\\\'' . vam_href_link(FILENAME_POPUP_PRICE_IN_CART) . '\\\')">' . TEXT_WHY_HIDE_PRICE . '</a>\');' . "\n";
        $field_array['products_price'] .= '//--></script>' . "\n";
        $field_array['products_price'] .= '<noscript>';
        $field_array['products_price'] .= '<a href="' . vam_href_link(FILENAME_POPUP_PRICE_IN_CART) . '" target="_new">' . TEXT_WHY_HIDE_PRICE . '</a>';
        $field_array['products_price'] .= '</noscript>';
        $field_array['products_price'] .= '                </span>';
        $field_array['final_price'] = $field_array['products_price'];
    $raw_weight = number_format($columns_array['products_weight'], 1);
    if ($raw_weight - floor($raw_weight) == 0) {
        $raw_weight = number_format($columns_array['products_weight'], 0);
    $field_array['products_weight'] = $raw_weight == 0.0 ? TEXT_NOT_AVAILABLE : $raw_weight;
    $field_array['manufacturers_name'] = $columns_array['manufacturers_name'] == '' ? TEXT_NOT_AVAILABLE : $columns_array['manufacturers_name'];
    $field_array['buy_now'] = '              <div class="buttonSet" style="margin-left:10px;">
                <span class="buttonAction">' . vam_draw_hidden_field('products_id', $columns_array['products_id']) . 'incart_button' . '</span>
    // Show Option/Attribute values if there are any
    $field_array['products_options'] = '&nbsp;';
    //$options_array = vam_get_products_attributes ($columns_array['products_id'], (int)$languages_id, $columns_array['products_tax_class_id']);
    if (is_array($options_array) && count($options_array) > 0) {
        $field_array['products_options'] = '';
        foreach ($options_array as $options) {
            $field_array['products_options'] .= vam_select_attributes($columns_array['products_id'], $options, $languages_id, $columns_array['products_tax_class_id']);
    $field_array['popup_image'] = TEXT_NOT_AVAILABLE;
    $popup_array['image'] = $columns_array['products_image'];
    if (vam_not_null($popup_array['image'])) {
        $field_array['popup_image'] = '<script language="javascript"><!--' . "\n";
        $field_array['popup_image'] .= 'document.write(\'<a href="javascript:popupWindow(\\\'' . vam_href_link(FILENAME_POPUP_IMAGE, 'pID=' . $columns_array['products_id']) . '\\\')">' . TEXT_POPUP . '</a>\');' . "\n";
        $field_array['popup_image'] .= '//--></script>' . "\n";
        $field_array['popup_image'] .= '<noscript>' . "\n";
        $field_array['popup_image'] .= '<a href="' . vam_href_link(DIR_WS_IMAGES . $columns_array['image']) . '" target="_blank">' . TEXT_POPUP . '</a>' . "\n";
        $field_array['popup_image'] .= '</noscript>' . "\n";
    return $field_array;