 #TODO deactivate proxy, logs and prices for all owned wms
 #print $wms_list;
 //$admin->unsetWmsProxy($wms_list);#TODO not delete owsproxy urls but update each entry! -> this would not delete log or usage of proxy!!!
 #serialize ownwms - to list and do sql
 #for the definitions in the form set the params
 #sequentialy read out the post variables
 foreach ($_POST as $var => $value) {
     #select those which are relevant (hidden fields for proxy and log)
     #identify them
     $parts = explode("_", $var);
     #echo "All vars: <br>";
     #echo $var." = ".$value."<br>";
     $value = validateint($value);
     if ($parts[0] != 'status' && $parts[2] == 'price') {
         #for the pricing in the textfield
         $admin->setWmsPrice(intval($value), intval($parts[1]));
     #check the hidden fields if some log should be set
     if ($parts[2] == 'log' && $parts[0] == 'status') {
         #set the log value to 1 or 0
         $admin->setWmsLogTag(intval($parts[1]), $value);
         #if value is 0 then set the price to 0 to. there would be is no sense to have a price set - maybe change this behavior
         if ($value == 0) {
             $admin->setWmsPrice(intval($value), intval($parts[1]));
         #echo "log: $var = $value<br>";
     #check proxy fields
Exemplo n.º 2
function SF_Account_Upsert166($entry, $form)
    //upload information to salesforce from the final form.
    global $wpdb;
    ini_set("soap.wsdl_cache_enabled", "0");
    $USERNAME = "******";
    //- variable that contains your Salesforce.com username (must be in the form of an email)
    $PASSWORD = "******";
    //- variable that contains your Salesforce.com password
    $TOKEN = "qhO7UhNTUrYp8XU5eF1SRomDp";
    //- variable that contains your Salesforce.com password
    require_once ABSPATH . '/soapclient/SforceEnterpriseClient.php';
    require_once ABSPATH . '/soapclient/SforceHeaderOptions.php';
    // Salesforce Login information
    $wsdl = ABSPATH . '/soapclient/eSNenterprise.wsdl.xml';
    $mySforceConnectionu = new SforceEnterpriseClient();
    $mySoapClient = $mySforceConnectionu->createConnection($wsdl);
    $mylogin = $mySforceConnectionu->login($USERNAME, $PASSWORD . $TOKEN);
    $loginname = $entry[30];
    $thenewuser = get_user_by('login', $loginname);
    if ($thenewuser) {
        $user_id = $thenewuser->ID;
    } else {
        $thenewuser = get_user_by('login', $loginname);
        $user_id = $thenewuser->ID;
    $newperson = array();
    $newperson['WP_Unique_ID__c'] = $user_id;
    $newperson['WP_ID__c'] = $user_id;
    $newperson['Source__c'] = $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"];
    $newperson['Site_Registered_On__c'] = $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"];
    $wp_subreq_id = '21' . $entry[4];
    //21 = digital ecn [4] is email
    $newSubReq = array();
    // array for subscription
    $newSubReq['Source__c'] = "Web";
    //$newSubReq['WP_ID__c'] = $user_id;
    $newSubReq['WP_ID__c'] = substr($wp_subreq_id, 0, 20);
    //need to limit length to 20 characters
    $newSubReq["Sub_Status__c"] = 'Pending';
    $newSubReq['Personal_Question__c'] = $entry[59];
    $newSubReq['Promo_Code__c'] = "Registration";
    $newSubReq['Renewal_Link__c'] = substr(${$entry}[18], 0, 254);
    $newSubReq['Request_Date__c'] = date("Y-m-d");
    $newSubReq['Request_URL__c'] = $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"];
    $newSubReq["Name"] = 'eCampus News Digital Subscription';
    if (!empty($entry[30])) {
        $newperson['WP_Login__c'] = strtolower($entry[30]);
    if (!empty($entry[4])) {
        $newperson['PersonEmail'] = $entry[4];
        $newSubReq['Email__c'] = $entry[4];
        $newperson['Email_as_ExternalID__c'] = $entry[4];
    if (!empty($entry[1])) {
        $newperson['FirstName'] = $entry[1];
        $newSubReq['First_Name__c'] = $entry[1];
    if (!empty($entry[2])) {
        $newperson['LastName'] = $entry[2];
        $newSubReq['Last_Name__c'] = $entry[2];
    if (!empty($entry[61])) {
        $newperson['Unique_Title__c'] = $entry[61];
        $newSubReq['Unique_Title__c'] = $entry[61];
    if (!empty($entry[3])) {
        $newperson['Organization__c'] = $entry[3];
        $newSubReq['Organization__c'] = $entry[3];
    if (!empty($entry[5])) {
        $newperson['PersonTitle'] = $entry[5];
        $newSubReq['Title__c'] = $entry[5];
    if (!empty($entry[6])) {
        $newperson['Company_Type__c'] = $entry[6];
        $newSubReq['Organization_Type__c'] = $entry[6];
    if (!empty($entry[7])) {
        $newperson['PersonMailingStreet'] = $entry[7];
        $newSubReq['Address1__c'] = $entry[7];
    if (!empty($entry[8])) {
        $newperson['Mailing_Address_2__c'] = $entry[8];
        $newSubReq['Address2__c'] = $entry[8];
    if (!empty($entry[9])) {
        $newperson['PersonMailingCity'] = $entry[9];
        $newSubReq['city__c'] = $entry[9];
    if (!empty($entry[10])) {
        $newperson['PersonMailingState'] = $entry[10];
        $newSubReq['State__c'] = $entry[10];
    if (!empty($entry[12])) {
        $newperson['PersonMailingPostalCode'] = $entry[12];
        $newSubReq['Zip__c'] = $entry[12];
    if (!empty($entry[13])) {
        $newperson['PersonMailingCountry'] = $entry[13];
        $newSubReq['Country__c'] = $entry[13];
    if (!empty($entry[22])) {
        $newperson['Phone'] = $entry[22];
        $newSubReq['Phone__c'] = $entry[22];
    if (!empty($entry[31])) {
        $newperson['Fax'] = $entry[31];
        $newSubReq['Fax__c'] = $entry[31];
    if (!empty($entry[32])) {
        $newperson['Grade_Level__c'] = $entry[32];
    } else {
        $newperson['Grade_Level__c'] = "";
    if (!empty($entry[33])) {
        $newperson['Subject_Taught__c'] = $entry[33];
    } else {
        $newperson['Subject_Taught__c'] = "";
    if (!empty($entry[14])) {
        $newSubReq['Personal_Answer__c'] = $entry[14];
    $OptedOutflag = 0;
    if (!empty($entry['57.1'])) {
        $newperson['ecn_today__c'] = $entry['57.1'];
        if ($entry['57.1'] == 'Subscribed') {
            $OptedOutflag = 1;
    } else {
        $newperson['ecn_today__c'] = "Not Subscribed";
    if (!empty($entry['57.2'])) {
        $newperson['eCN_This_Week__c'] = $entry['57.2'];
        if ($entry['57.2'] == 'Subscribed') {
            $OptedOutflag = 1;
    } else {
        $newperson['eCN_This_Week__c'] = "Not Subscribed";
    //	<span style="cursor:Pointer;" title="Weekly on Wednesday"> eCampus IT Leadership<img src="/wp-content/themes/advanced-newspaper/images/info14.gif" /></span>|Subscribed
    if (!empty($entry['57.3'])) {
        $newperson['eCN_IT_School_Leadership__c'] = $entry['57.3'];
        if ($entry['57.3'] == 'Subscribed') {
            $OptedOutflag = 1;
    } else {
        $newperson['eCN_IT_School_Leadership__c'] = "Not Subscribed";
    if (!empty($entry['57.4'])) {
        $newperson['eCN_Offers__c'] = $entry['57.4'];
        if ($entry['57.4'] == 'Subscribed') {
            $OptedOutflag = 1;
    } else {
        $newperson['eCN_Offers__c'] = "Not Subscribed";
    if (!empty($entry['57.5'])) {
        $newperson['eCN_Partners__c'] = $entry['57.5'];
        if ($entry['57.5'] == 'Subscribed') {
            $OptedOutflag = 1;
    } else {
        $newperson['eCN_Partners__c'] = "Not Subscribed";
    $newperson['eSN_Today__c'] = "Not Subscribed";
    $newperson['eSN_Tools_For_Schools__c'] = "Not Subscribed";
    $newperson['Ed_Resource_Alert__c'] = "Not Subscribed";
    $newperson['eClassroom_News__c'] = "Not Subscribed";
    $newperson['eSN_This_Week__c'] = "Not Subscribed";
    $newperson['eSN_Offers__c'] = "Not Subscribed";
    $newperson['Partner_Offers__c'] = "Not Subscribed";
    //special update unsub flag if they subscribe to anything...  else do not change it.
    if ($OptedOutflag == 1) {
        $newperson['PersonHasOptedOutOfEmail'] = false;
    $upsertResponse = $mySforceConnectionu->upsert('Email_as_ExternalID__c', array($newperson), 'Account');
    if ($upsertResponse->success == 1) {
        update_user_meta($user_id, "sfid", $upsertResponse->id);
        update_user_meta($user_id, "PersonContactId", $upsertResponse->id);
        $newSubReq['Person_Account__c'] = $upsertResponse->id;
        //now that we have a new user account put in the my eschool news data if it is set
        $esm_change = '6|1|';
        $seperator = ',';
        if (isset($_POST[input_54_1]) and $_POST[input_54_1] == 213) {
            $esm_change .= '213,';
        if (isset($_POST[input_54_2]) and $_POST[input_54_2] == 27) {
            $esm_change .= '27,';
        if (isset($_POST[input_54_3]) and $_POST[input_54_3] == 4) {
            $esm_change .= '4,';
        if (isset($_POST[input_54_4]) and $_POST[input_54_4] == 5351) {
            $esm_change .= '5351,';
        if (isset($_POST[input_54_5]) and $_POST[input_54_5] == 2303) {
            $esm_change .= '2303,';
        if (isset($_POST[input_54_6]) and $_POST[input_54_6] == 43) {
            $esm_change .= '43,';
        if (isset($_POST[input_54_7]) and $_POST[input_54_7] == 215) {
            $esm_change .= '215,';
        if (isset($_POST[input_54_8]) and $_POST[input_54_8] == 4217) {
            $esm_change .= '4217,';
        if (isset($_POST[input_54_9]) and $_POST[input_54_9] == 28) {
            $esm_change .= '28,';
        if (isset($_POST[input_54_11]) and $_POST[input_54_11] == 9) {
            $esm_change .= '9,';
        if (isset($_POST[input_54_12]) and $_POST[input_54_12] == 26) {
            $esm_change .= '26,';
        if (isset($_POST[input_54_13]) and $_POST[input_54_13] == 872) {
            $esm_change .= '872,';
        if (isset($_POST[input_54_14]) and $_POST[input_54_14] == 3) {
            $esm_change .= '3,';
        if (isset($_POST[input_54_15]) and $_POST[input_54_15] == 11) {
            $esm_change .= '11,';
        $esm_change = trim($esm_change, $seperator);
        $key = '_myesm_esn';
        $single = true;
        update_user_meta($user_id, $key, $esm_change);
        //we did it so keep little data on the server...
    } else {
        //try again in one second...
        $upsertResponse = $mySforceConnectionu->upsert('Email_as_ExternalID__c', array($newperson), 'Account');
        if ($upsertResponse->success == 1) {
            update_user_meta($user_id, "sfid", $upsertResponse->id);
            update_user_meta($user_id, "PersonContactId", $upsertResponse->id);
            $newSubReq['Person_Account__c'] = $upsertResponse->id;
            //now that we have a new user account put in the my eschool news data if it is set
            $esm_change = '6|1|';
            $seperator = ',';
            if (isset($_POST[input_54_1]) and $_POST[input_54_1] == 213) {
                $esm_change .= '213,';
            if (isset($_POST[input_54_2]) and $_POST[input_54_2] == 27) {
                $esm_change .= '27,';
            if (isset($_POST[input_54_3]) and $_POST[input_54_3] == 4) {
                $esm_change .= '4,';
            if (isset($_POST[input_54_4]) and $_POST[input_54_4] == 5351) {
                $esm_change .= '5351,';
            if (isset($_POST[input_54_5]) and $_POST[input_54_5] == 2303) {
                $esm_change .= '2303,';
            if (isset($_POST[input_54_6]) and $_POST[input_54_6] == 43) {
                $esm_change .= '43,';
            if (isset($_POST[input_54_7]) and $_POST[input_54_7] == 215) {
                $esm_change .= '215,';
            if (isset($_POST[input_54_8]) and $_POST[input_54_8] == 4217) {
                $esm_change .= '4217,';
            if (isset($_POST[input_54_9]) and $_POST[input_54_9] == 28) {
                $esm_change .= '28,';
            if (isset($_POST[input_54_11]) and $_POST[input_54_11] == 9) {
                $esm_change .= '9,';
            if (isset($_POST[input_54_12]) and $_POST[input_54_12] == 26) {
                $esm_change .= '26,';
            if (isset($_POST[input_54_13]) and $_POST[input_54_13] == 872) {
                $esm_change .= '872,';
            if (isset($_POST[input_54_14]) and $_POST[input_54_14] == 3) {
                $esm_change .= '3,';
            if (isset($_POST[input_54_15]) and $_POST[input_54_15] == 11) {
                $esm_change .= '11,';
            $esm_change = trim($esm_change, $seperator);
            $key = '_myesm_esn';
            $single = true;
            update_user_meta($user_id, $key, $esm_change);
        } else {
            //mail('*****@*****.**','SF User UPloaded FAILED 2nd try',print_r($sfaccountresponse));
    if (!empty($entry[48])) {
        //check if they want the pub, if so upload it, in a custom object so we cannot just add it if it is eSchool News.
        if ($entry[48] == 'Yes') {
            // add subscription
            $upsertResponse2 = $mySforceConnectionu->upsert('WP_ID__c', array($newSubReq), 'Subscription_Request__c');
            if ($upsertResponse2->success == 1) {
            } else {
                //try again
                $upsertResponse2 = $mySforceConnectionu->upsert('WP_ID__c', array($newSubReq), 'Subscription_Request__c');
    $user_login = $entry[30];
    //use the input if of the username
    $user_pass = $entry[47];
    //use the input if of the password
    //pass the above to the wp_signon function
    $user = wp_signon(array('user_login' => $user_login, 'user_password' => $user_pass, 'remember' => true));
    //check if we need to give a message.
    if (!empty($entry[48]) and $entry[48] == 'No') {
        if ($upsertResponse->success == 1) {
            if ($_GET['redirect_to']) {
                $redirectto = $_GET['redirect_to'];
                $reditchk = strpos($redirectto, "eschoolnews");
                if ($reditchk > 1) {
                    //we are ok no need to do anything...
                } else {
                    $redirectto = 'http://www.eschoolnews.com/';
    } else {
        if (!empty($entry[48])) {
            if ($upsertResponse2->success == 1) {
                if ($_GET['redirect_to']) {
                    $redirectto = $_GET['redirect_to'];
                    $reditchk = strpos($redirectto, "eschoolnews");
                    if ($reditchk > 1) {
                        //we are ok no need to do anything...
                    } else {
                        $redirectto = 'http://www.eschoolnews.com/';
    $formsuccess = validateint($_GET['success']);
Exemplo n.º 3

Template Name: MCH Sub Form
global $theme_options, $newspaper, $user_ID, $wpdb, $showPromo, $source, $sfid;
$URLUID = validateint($_GET['u']);
$subtype = validateint($_GET['st']);
$URLEmail = $_GET['em'];
$sfid = $_GET['sfid'];
$source = $_GET['pub'];
$showPromo = $_GET['promo'];
$promoCode = $_GET['promocode'];
if ($source == 'ecampusnews') {
    $thepuboffer = 'ecn';
} elseif (strpos($_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"], "ecampusnews") !== false) {
    $thepuboffer = 'ecn';
} else {
    $thepuboffer = 'other';
add_action("gform_post_submission_46", "SF_Account_Upsert", 10, 2);
add_filter('gform_pre_render', 'remove_PromoCode');
function SF_Account_Upsert($entry, $form)
    global $wpdb;
    $user_email = $entry[4];
    ini_set("soap.wsdl_cache_enabled", "0");
    $USERNAME = "******";
    //- variable that contains your Salesforce.com username (must be in the form of an email)
    $PASSWORD = "******";
Exemplo n.º 4
                        $unsub_eCN_IT_School_Leadership = 1;
                    if (isset($_POST['eSN_IT_School_Leadership'])) {
                        $message = $message . ' eSN IT School Leadership, ';
                        $unsub_eSN_IT_School_Leadership = 1;
                    mail('vcarlson@eschoolnews.com,ndavid@eschoolnews.com,jfesta@eschoolnews.com', 'FAILED UNSUBSCRIBE REQUEST EMAIL NOT FOUND IN WP SYSTEM', $message);
                    $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("INSERT INTO emailsuppression (txtemail, dtdateadd, txtipaddress) VALUES (%s, %s, %s )", $unsubemailb, $dtDate, $message));
        } else {
            $emailtounsubcheck = 0;
} else {
    $unsublist = validateint($_GET['list']);
    $unsubemail = $_GET['em'];
    if ($unsublist > -1) {
        // The input is a valid positive integer, so we can now use it
        if ($unsublist == 100) {
            $eschool_news_this_week = 1;
            $hidesec2 = 1;
        } else {
            if ($unsublist == 101) {
                $eschool_news_today = 1;
                $hidesec2 = 1;
            } else {
                if ($unsublist == 102) {
                    $eschool_news_tools_for_schools = 1;
                    $hidesec2 = 1;
                } else {
Exemplo n.º 5
function SF_Account_Upsert226($entry, $form)
    global $wpdb;
    ini_set("soap.wsdl_cache_enabled", "0");
    $USERNAME = "******";
    //- variable that contains your Salesforce.com username (must be in the form of an email)
    $PASSWORD = "******";
    //- variable that contains your Salesforce.com password
    $TOKEN = "qhO7UhNTUrYp8XU5eF1SRomDp";
    //- variable that contains your Salesforce.com password
    require_once ABSPATH . '/soapclient/SforceEnterpriseClient.php';
    require_once ABSPATH . '/soapclient/SforceHeaderOptions.php';
    // Salesforce Login information
    $wsdl = ABSPATH . '/soapclient/eSNenterprise.wsdl.xml';
    $mySforceConnectionu = new SforceEnterpriseClient();
    $mySoapClient = $mySforceConnectionu->createConnection($wsdl);
    $mylogin = $mySforceConnectionu->login($USERNAME, $PASSWORD . $TOKEN);
    $loginname = $entry[30];
    $thenewuser = get_user_by('login', $loginname);
    if ($thenewuser) {
        $user_id = $thenewuser->ID;
    } else {
        $thenewuser = get_user_by('login', $loginname);
        $user_id = $thenewuser->ID;
    $newperson = array();
    $newperson['WP_Unique_ID__c'] = $user_id;
    $newperson['WP_ID__c'] = $user_id;
    $newperson['Source__c'] = $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"];
    $newperson['Site_Registered_On__c'] = $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"];
    $wp_subreq_id = '21' . $entry[4];
    //21 = digital ecn [4] is email
    if (!empty($entry[4])) {
        $newperson['PersonEmail'] = $entry[4];
        $newSubReq['Email__c'] = $entry[4];
        $newperson['Email_as_ExternalID__c'] = $entry[4];
    if (!empty($entry[1])) {
        $newperson['FirstName'] = $entry[1];
        $newSubReq['First_Name__c'] = $entry[1];
    if (!empty($entry[2])) {
        $newperson['LastName'] = $entry[2];
        $newSubReq['Last_Name__c'] = $entry[2];
    if (!empty($entry[61])) {
        $newperson['Unique_Title__c'] = $entry[61];
        $newSubReq['Unique_Title__c'] = $entry[61];
    if (!empty($entry[5])) {
        $newperson['PersonTitle'] = $entry[5];
        $newSubReq['Title__c'] = $entry[5];
    $OptedOutflag = 0;
    if (!empty($entry['57.1'])) {
        $newperson['eSN_This_Week__c'] = $entry['57.1'];
        if ($entry['57.1'] == 'Subscribed') {
            $OptedOutflag = 1;
    } else {
        $newperson['eSN_This_Week__c'] = "Not Subscribed";
    if (!empty($entry['57.2'])) {
        $newperson['eSN_Today__c'] = $entry['57.2'];
        if ($entry['57.2'] == 'Subscribed') {
            $OptedOutflag = 1;
    } else {
        $newperson['eSN_Today__c'] = "Not Subscribed";
    if (!empty($entry['57.3'])) {
        $newperson['eSN_IT_School_Leadership__c'] = $entry['57.3'];
        if ($entry['57.3'] == 'Subscribed') {
            $OptedOutflag = 1;
    } else {
        $newperson['eSN_IT_School_Leadership__c'] = "Not Subscribed";
    if (!empty($entry['57.4'])) {
        /* Check on this field */
        $newperson['MyeCN_EdTech_Leadership__c'] = $entry['57.4'];
        if ($entry['57.4'] == 'Subscribed') {
            $OptedOutflag = 1;
    } else {
        $newperson['MyeCN_EdTech_Leadership__c'] = "Not Subscribed";
    if (!empty($entry['57.5'])) {
        $newperson['eCN_Today__c'] = $entry['57.5'];
        if ($entry['57.5'] == 'Subscribed') {
            $OptedOutflag = 1;
    } else {
        $newperson['eCN_Today__c'] = "Not Subscribed";
    if (!empty($entry['57.6'])) {
        $newperson['eCN_This_Week__c'] = $entry['57.6'];
        if ($entry['57.6'] == 'Subscribed') {
            $OptedOutflag = 1;
    } else {
        $newperson['eCN_This_Week__c'] = "Not Subscribed";
    if (!empty($entry['57.7'])) {
        $newperson['eCN_IT_School_Leadership__c'] = $entry['57.7'];
        if ($entry['57.7'] == 'Subscribed') {
            $OptedOutflag = 1;
    } else {
        $newperson['eCN_IT_School_Leadership__c'] = "Not Subscribed";
    if (!empty($entry['57.8'])) {
        $newperson['eClassroom_News__c'] = $entry['57.8'];
        if ($entry['57.8'] == 'Subscribed') {
            $OptedOutflag = 1;
    } else {
        $newperson['eClassroom_News__c'] = "Not Subscribed";
    $newperson['eSN_Offers__c'] = "Not Subscribed";
    $newperson['Partner_Offers__c'] = "Not Subscribed";
    $newperson['eCN_Offers__c'] = "Not Subscribed";
    $newperson['eCN_Partners__c'] = "Not Subscribed";
    //special update unsub flag if they subscribe to anything...  else do not change it.
    if ($OptedOutflag == 1) {
        $newperson['PersonHasOptedOutOfEmail'] = false;
    $upsertResponse = $mySforceConnectionu->upsert('Email_as_ExternalID__c', array($newperson), 'Account');
    if ($upsertResponse->success == 1) {
        //Saved for later use
        mail('*****@*****.**', '226 SF Subscription request success', 'line 138');
    } else {
        $upsertResponse = $mySforceConnectionu->upsert('Email_as_ExternalID__c', array($newperson), 'Account');
        mail('*****@*****.**', '226 SF Subscription request failed', 'line 142');
    $formsuccess = validateint($_GET['success']);