<?php include 'core/init.inc.php'; if (isset($_POST['studID'], $_POST['password'])) { $errors = array(); if (empty($_POST['studID'])) { $errors[] = "Username ID can not be empty."; } if (empty($_POST['password'])) { $errors[] = "Password can not be empty."; } if (empty($errors)) { if (valid_credentials($_POST['studID'], $_POST['password']) === false) { $errors[] = "UserID and/or Password did not match."; } else { $_SESSION['studID'] = $_POST['studID']; $_SESSION['userName'] = get_userName($_POST['studID']); $_SESSION['studDept'] = get_userDept($_POST['studID']); $_SESSION['userGroup'] = get_userGroup($_POST['studID']); if ($_SESSION['userGroup'] === 'admin') { header('Location: adminpanel.php'); } if ($_SESSION['userGroup'] === 'user') { header('Location: home.php'); } if ($_SESSION['userGroup'] === 'encoder') { header('Location: reguser.php'); } } } }
<?php include 'core/init.inc.php'; if (isset($_SESSION['userGroup'])) { if ($_SESSION['userGroup'] !== 'admin') { header('Location: home.php'); } } if (isset($_POST['currentPassword'], $_POST['newPassword'], $_POST['newPasswordVerify'])) { $errPass = ""; $confPass = ""; if (empty($_POST['currentPassword']) || empty($_POST['newPassword']) || empty($_POST['newPasswordVerify'])) { $errPass = "******"; } else { $currPass = valid_credentials($_SESSION['studID'], $_POST['currentPassword']); if ($currPass === false) { $errPass = "******"; } if ($_POST['newPassword'] !== $_POST['newPasswordVerify']) { $errPass = "******"; } if (empty($errPass)) { $changed = admin_passChange($_SESSION['studID'], $_POST['newPassword']); if ($changed) { $errPass = "******"; } } } } ?> <!DOCTYPE html>