<?php include "../../include.php"; if ($posting) { langTranslatePost('title'); $id = db_save('organizations'); url_drop('id'); } elseif (url_action('delete') && url_id('delete_id')) { db_delete('organizations', $_GET['delete_id']); url_drop('delete_id,action'); } echo drawTop(); if (url_id()) { //form $f = new form('organizations', @$_GET['id']); $f->set_field(array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'title' . langExt(), 'label' => getString('title'))); langUnsetFields($f, 'title'); langTranslateCheckbox($f); echo $f->draw(); } else { //modules list $t = new table('organizations', drawHeader()); $t->set_column('draggy', 'd', ' '); $t->set_column('title', 'l', getString('title')); $t->set_column('delete', 'd', ' '); $result = db_table('SELECT id, title' . langExt() . ' title FROM organizations WHERE is_active = 1 ORDER BY precedence'); foreach ($result as &$r) { $r['draggy'] = draw_img('/images/icons/move.png'); $r['title'] = draw_link('organizations.php?id=' . $r['id'], $r['title']); $r['delete'] = drawColumnDelete($r['id']); }
<?php include "../../include.php"; if ($posting) { langTranslatePost('title'); $id = db_save('modules'); url_drop('id'); } echo drawTop(); if (url_id()) { //form $f = new form('modules', @$_GET['id']); $f->set_field(array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'title' . langExt(), 'label' => getString('title'))); langUnsetFields($f, 'title'); langTranslateCheckbox($f); echo $f->draw(); } else { //modules list $t = new table('modules', drawHeader()); $t->set_column('is_selected', 'd', ' '); $t->set_column('draggy', 'd', ' '); $t->set_column('title', 'l', getString('title')); $t->set_column('pages', 'r'); $result = db_table('SELECT m.id, m.title' . langExt() . ' title, m.is_active, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pages p WHERE p.module_id = m.id AND p.modulette_id IS NULL) pages FROM modules m ORDER BY m.precedence'); $t->set_draggable('draggy'); foreach ($result as &$r) { $r['is_selected'] = draw_form_checkbox('foo', $r['is_active'], false, 'ajax_set(\'modules\', \'is_active\', ' . $r['id'] . ', ' . abs($r['is_active'] - 1) . ');'); $r['draggy'] = draw_img('/images/icons/move.png'); $r['title'] = draw_link('./?id=' . $r['id'], $r['title']); $r['pages'] = draw_link('pages.php?module_id=' . $r['id'], format_quantitize($r['pages'], 'page')); }
url_change('/staff/add_edit.php?id=' . $_SESSION['user_id']); } } //handle side menu pref updates error_debug('handle side menu pref updates', __FILE__, __LINE__); if (isset($_GET['module'])) { //todo ajax if (db_grab('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users_to_modules_closed WHERE module_id = ' . $_GET['module'] . ' AND user_id = ' . $_SESSION['user_id'])) { db_query('DELETE FROM users_to_modules_closed WHERE module_id = ' . $_GET['module'] . ' AND user_id = ' . $_SESSION['user_id']); } else { db_query('INSERT INTO users_to_modules_closed ( module_id, user_id ) VALUES ( ' . $_GET['module'] . ', ' . $_SESSION['user_id'] . ' )'); } url_query_drop('module'); } elseif (isset($_GET['channel_id'])) { $_SESSION['channel_id'] = empty($_GET['channel_id']) ? false : $_GET['channel_id']; url_drop('channel_id'); } } //obsolete functions error_debug('include obsolete.php', __FILE__, __LINE__); include DIRECTORY_ROOT . '/obsolete.php'; //done! error_debug('done processing include!', __FILE__, __LINE__); //draw functions function drawColumnDelete($id) { return draw_img('/images/icons/delete.png', 'javascript:confirmDelete(' . $id . ');'); } function drawEmail($message) { //parse out a regular screen and make it look good in email
include '../../include.php'; if ($posting) { if ($_GET['doc_id'] == 'new') { $_GET['doc_id'] = false; } if ($uploading) { $_POST['extension'] = file_type($_FILES['content']['name']); $_POST['content'] = file_get_uploaded('content'); } $id = db_save('dl_docs', @$_GET['doc_id']); db_checkboxes('categories', 'dl_docs_to_categories', 'doc_id', 'category_id', $id); url_drop('id'); } elseif (url_action('delete')) { db_delete('dl_docs'); url_drop('id,action'); } echo drawTop(); if (!empty($_GET['doc_id'])) { if ($_GET['doc_id'] == 'new') { $_GET['doc_id'] = false; } $f = new form('dl_docs', @$_GET['doc_id'], ($_GET['doc_id'] ? 'Edit' : 'Add') . ' Document'); $f->set_title_prefix($page['breadcrumbs']); $f->set_field(array('name' => 'title', 'label' => getString('title'), 'type' => 'text')); $f->unset_fields('extension'); $f->set_field(array('name' => 'content', 'label' => getString('file'), 'type' => 'file', 'additional' => getString('upload_max') . file_get_max())); $f->set_field(array('name' => 'categories', 'label' => getString('categories'), 'type' => 'checkboxes', 'options_table' => 'dl_categories', 'option_title' => 'title', 'linking_table' => 'dl_docs_to_categories', 'object_id' => 'doc_id', 'option_id' => 'category_id')); echo $f->draw(); } else { $result = db_table('SELECT
<?php include "include.php"; if (url_action('delete')) { db_delete('bb_topics_types'); url_drop('action,id'); } echo drawTop(); $t = new table('bb_topics_types', drawHeader($page['is_admin'] ? array('category_edit.php' => getString('category_new')) : false)); $t->set_column('category', 'l', getString('category')); $t->set_column('topics', 'r', getString('topics')); if ($page['is_admin']) { $t->set_column('delete', 'd', ' '); } $result = db_table('SELECT y.id, y.title' . langExt() . ' category, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bb_topics t WHERE t.type_id = y.id AND t.is_active = 1) topics FROM bb_topics_types y WHERE y.is_active = 1 ORDER BY y.title'); foreach ($result as &$r) { $r['category'] = draw_link('category.php?id=' . $r['id'], $r['category']); if ($page['is_admin']) { $r['delete'] = draw_img('/images/icons/delete.png', url_query_add(array('action' => 'delete', 'id' => $r['id']), false)); } } echo $t->draw($result, 'No categories added yet'); echo drawBottom();
<?php include "../../include.php"; if (url_id() && url_action('delete')) { db_delete('web_news_blurbs', $_GET['delete_id']); url_drop('action,delete_id'); } echo drawTop(); $blurbs = db_table("SELECT b.id, b.title, b.publish_date FROM web_news_blurbs b WHERE b.is_active = 1 ORDER BY b.publish_date DESC"); $t = new table("web_news_blurbs"); $t->set_column("title"); $t->set_column("publish_date", "r"); $t->set_column('delete', 'c', ' '); $t->set_title(drawHeader(array("add new" => "edit/"))); foreach ($blurbs as &$b) { $b["title"] = draw_link("edit/?id=" . $b["id"], $b["title"]); $b["publish_date"] = format_date($b["publish_date"]); $b['delete'] = draw_img('/images/icons/delete.gif', url_query_add(array('action' => 'delete', 'id' => $b['id']), false)); } echo $t->draw($blurbs); echo drawBottom();
<?php include "../include.php"; if (url_action("delete")) { db_query("UPDATE intranet_jobs SET \n\t\t\t\tdeletedOn = GETDATE(),\n\t\t\t\tdeletedBy = {$user["id"]},\n\t\t\t\tisActive = 0\n\t\t\tWHERE id = " . $_GET["id"]); url_drop(); } if ($posting) { $userID = $isAdmin ? $_POST["createdBy"] : $user["id"]; format_post_html("description"); db_query("INSERT INTO intranet_jobs (\n \ttitle,\n \tdescription,\n\t\tcorporationID,\n\t\tofficeID,\n\t\tcreatedBy,\n\t\tcreatedOn,\n\t\tisActive\n\t) VALUES (\n\t\t'" . $_POST["title"] . "',\n\t\t" . $_POST["description"] . ",\n\t\t" . $_POST["corporationID"] . ",\n\t\t" . $_POST["officeID"] . ",\n\t\t" . $userID . ",\n\t\tGETDATE(),\n\t\t1\n );"); url_change(); } drawTop(); ?> <table class="left" cellspacing="1"> <?php if ($isAdmin) { $colspan = 4; echo drawHeaderRow("Open Positions", $colspan, "new", "#bottom"); } else { $colspan = 3; echo drawHeaderRow("Open Positions", $colspan); } ?> <tr> <th align="left" width="50%">Title</th> <th align="left" width="30%">Location</th> <th align="right" width="20%"><nobr>Last Update</nobr></th> <?php if ($isAdmin) {
<?php include '../include.php'; //need a type url_query_require('./'); if (url_action('delete')) { db_delete('external_orgs', $_GET['org_id']); url_drop('action,org_id'); } echo drawTop(); //main table echo drawTableStart(); if ($page['is_admin']) { echo drawHeaderRow($page['breadcrumbs'] . format_string(db_grab('SELECT title' . langExt() . ' title FROM external_orgs_types WHERE id = ' . $_GET['id'])), 1, getString('add_new'), '#bottom'); } else { echo drawHeaderRow($page['breadcrumbs'] . format_string(db_grab('SELECT title' . langExt() . ' title FROM external_orgs_types WHERE id = ' . $_GET['id']))); } $orgs = db_query('SELECT o.id, o.url, o.title' . langExt() . ' title, o.description' . langExt() . ' description FROM external_orgs o ' . getChannelsWhere('external_orgs', 'o', 'org_id') . ' AND (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM external_orgs_to_types t WHERE t.org_id = o.id AND t.type_id = ' . $_GET['id'] . ' > 0) ORDER BY o.title'); if (db_found($orgs)) { while ($o = db_fetch($orgs)) { ?> <tr> <td class='text'> <?php if ($page['is_admin']) { ?>
<?php include "../../include.php"; //download if (url_action("delete")) { db_query("UPDATE policy_docs SET is_active = 0, deleted_date = GETDATE(), deleted_user = {$_SESSION["user_id"]} WHERE id = " . $_GET["id"]); url_drop("id, action"); } elseif (url_id()) { $d = db_grab("SELECT d.name, t.extension, d.content FROM policy_docs d JOIN docs_types t ON d.type_id = t.id WHERE d.id = " . $_GET["id"]); //db_query("INSERT INTO docs_views ( documentID, user_id, viewedOn ) VALUES ( {$_GET["id"]}, {$_SESSION["user_id"]}, GETDATE() )"); file_download($d["content"], $d["name"], $d["extension"]); } //get nav options $options = array(); $categories = db_query("SELECT id, description FROM policy_categories ORDER BY description"); while ($c = db_fetch($categories)) { if (!isset($_GET["category"])) { url_query_add(array("category" => $c["id"])); } $options[str_replace(url_base(), "", url_query_add(array("category" => $c["id"]), false))] = $c["description"]; } echo drawTop(); echo drawNavigationRow($options, "areas", true); ?> <table class="left"> <?php if ($page['is_admin']) { echo drawheaderRow("", 4, "add", "edit/"); } else { echo drawheaderRow("", 3); }
<?php include "../../include.php"; echo drawTop(); if (url_action("delete")) { db_delete("news_stories"); url_drop("action,id"); } elseif (url_id()) { $r = db_grab("SELECT \n\t\tn.headline,\n\t\tn.outlet,\n\t\tn.content,\n\t\td2.extension docExt,\n\t\td2.icon,\n\t\td2.description docTypeDesc,\n\t\tn.image,\n\t\td.extension imageExt,\n\t\tn.pubDate,\n\t\tn.url,\n\t\tn.description,\n\t\tISNULL(n.updated_date, n.created_date) updated\n\t\tFROM news_stories n\n\t\tLEFT JOIN docs_types d ON n.imageTypeID = d.id\n\t\tLEFT JOIN docs_types d2 ON n.fileTypeID = d2.id\n\t\tWHERE n.id = " . $_GET["id"]); if ($r["image"]) { //should be has_image, but whatever $filename = DIRECTORY_WRITE . "/news/thumbnail-" . $_GET["id"] . "." . $r["imageExt"]; file_dynamic($filename, $r["updated"], "SELECT image FROM news_stories WHERE id = " . $_GET["id"]); } echo drawTableStart(); echo drawHeaderRow("News Item", 2, "edit", "edit.php?id=" . $_GET["id"]); ?> <tr> <td class="left">Organization(s)</td> <td><?php $organizations = db_query("SELECT \n\t\t\to.description \n\t\t\tFROM news_stories_to_organizations ns2o\n\t\t\tJOIN organizations o ON ns2o.organizationID = o.id\n\t\t\tWHERE ns2o.newsID = " . $_GET["id"]); while ($o = db_fetch($organizations)) { echo $o["description"] . "<br>"; } ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="left">Headline</td> <td class="big"><?php echo draw_img(DIRECTORY_WRITE . "/news/thumbnail-" . $_GET["id"] . "." . $r["imageExt"], false, "", "news-thumbnail");