public function billpic() { $picpath = BILLPIC; uploadpic($picpath); }
$extrabit = "Your photos first need to be reviewed by an administrator before they will be visible on the website."; } } } if ($extrabit) { confirmMail("photo", $album); } if ($number_added > 0) { $data->update_query("users", "numphotos = numphotos + {$number_added}", "id='{$check['id']}'"); } show_message("{$number_added} photos added. {$extrabit}", "index.php?page=mythings&cat=album&action=edit&id={$id}&menuid={$menuid}"); } elseif ($_POST['Submit'] == "Update Photo") { $photoid = safesql($_POST['photoid'], "int"); if ($_FILES['editfilename']['name'] != '') { if ($_FILES['editfilename']['type'] == 'image/gif' || $_FILES['editfilename']['type'] == 'image/jpeg' || $_FILES['editfilename']['type'] == 'image/png' || $_FILES['editfilename']['type'] == 'image/pjpeg') { $filestuff = uploadpic($_FILES['editfilename'], $config['photox'], $config['photoy'], true); $filename = safesql($filestuff['filename'], "text"); $desc = safesql($_POST['editcaption'], "text"); if (confirm('photo') && $album['allowed'] == 1) { $data->update_query("photos", "filename={$filename}, date='{$timestamp}', caption = {$desc}, allowed = 0", "ID={$photoid}"); } else { $data->update_query("photos", "filename={$filename}, date='{$timestamp}', caption = {$desc}", "ID={$photoid}"); } if (confirm('photo') == 1 && $album['allowed'] == 1) { $extrabit = "It first needs to be reviewed before it will be visible on the website."; confirmMail("photo", $album); } } else { show_message("Sorry, we only accept .gif, .jpg, .jpeg or .png images.", "index.php?page=mythings&cat=album&action=edit&id={$id}&menuid={$menuid}"); } } else {
public function headpic() { $picpath = HEADPIC; uploadpic($picpath); }
public function billpic() { set_time_limit(0); $picpath = BILLPIC; uploadpic($picpath); }
if ($action == "") { /********************************************Build page*****************************************/ $currentPage = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; $id = safesql($check["id"], "int"); $editFormAction = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) { $editFormAction .= "?" . htmlentities($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); } $location = "User Control Panel >> Profile"; if ($_POST["submit"] == "Submit") { if ($_FILES['avy']['name'] != '') { $avyfilename = ""; $temp = $data->select_fetch_one_row("users", "WHERE id={$id}"); unlink($config['avatarpath'] . "/" . $temp['avyfile']); if ($_FILES['avy']['type'] == 'image/gif' || $_FILES['avy']['type'] == 'image/jpeg' || $_FILES['avy']['type'] == 'image/png' || $_FILES['avy']['type'] == 'image/pjpeg') { $filestuff = uploadpic($_FILES['avy'], $config['avyx'], $config['avyy'], false, $config['avatarpath']); $avyfilename = safesql($filestuff['filename'], "text"); } else { show_message("Sorry, we only accept .gif, .jpg, .jpeg or .png images.", "index.php?page=profile"); } } $errors .= "<span id=\"error\">"; if ($_POST['newpassword'] != $_POST['repassword'] && $_POST['newpassword'] != '') { $errors .= "Passwords do not match<br />"; } elseif (strlen($_POST['newpassword']) < 6 && $_POST['newpassword'] != '') { $errors .= "Minimum password length is 6 characters<br />"; } $sig = strip_tags($_POST['sig']); if (strlen($sig) > $config['sigsize']) { $errors .= "Your signature is to long, it can't be longer than {$config['sigsize']} characters"; }