function insertArticleIntoDB() { // Create DB connection require_once __ROOT__ . '/admin/include/DBclass.php'; $sqlConn = new DBclass("nazmarket"); // Extract received informations. // Do checks for SQL injection, data times and other limitations. $articlename = $sqlConn->realEscapeString(filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'articlename', FILTER_DEFAULT)); $idcategory = $sqlConn->realEscapeString(filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'idcategory', FILTER_DEFAULT)); $idcompany = $sqlConn->realEscapeString(filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'idcompany', FILTER_DEFAULT)); $idunit = $sqlConn->realEscapeString(filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'idunit', FILTER_DEFAULT)); $articlecomment = $sqlConn->realEscapeString(filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'articlecomment', FILTER_DEFAULT)); $price = $sqlConn->realEscapeString(filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'price', FILTER_DEFAULT)); $available = $sqlConn->realEscapeString(filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'available', FILTER_DEFAULT)); // Corresponds to the name in HTML. $articleimage = uploadFile("articleimage"); if ($articleimage == -1) { $articleimage = ""; } // $articleName = //[articlename] => [idcategory] => 1 [idcompany] => 1 [articlecomment] => e.g. 500 [idunit] => 1 [price] // Insert: $query = "INSERT INTO article (articlename, idcategory, idcompany, idunit,\r\n price, articlecomment, articleimage, available) \r\n VALUES ('" . $articlename . "','" . $idcategory . "','" . $idcompany . "'," . $idunit . "," . $price . ",'" . $articlecomment . "','" . $articleimage . "'," . $available . ")"; echo "<br/>" . $query . "<br/>"; $sqlConn->exeQuery($query); // Remove DB connection unset($sqlConn); }
function uploadFile($copy_src_filename, $originalfilename, $testnewfilename) { global $i; $dir_upload = '../upload/'; if (!is_writable($dir_upload)) { @chmod($dir_upload, 0755); } if (file_exists($dir_upload . $testnewfilename)) { $fileinfo = pathinfo($originalfilename); $filename_noext = basename($originalfilename, '.' . $fileinfo['extension']); $i++; $suffix = str_pad($i, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); $newfilename = $filename_noext . ' - ' . $suffix . '.' . $fileinfo['extension']; uploadFile($copy_src_filename, $originalfilename, $newfilename); } else { $_SESSION['uploaded_files'][] = $testnewfilename; copy($copy_src_filename, $dir_upload . $testnewfilename); // image file name needed to append the image with its new name in uploadSuccess (handlers.js) ?> {"filename":"<?php echo $testnewfilename; ?> "} <?php } }
/** * @param string The class name for the installer * @param string The URL option * @param string The element name */ function uploadPackage($installerClass, $option, $element, $client) { global $mainframe, $adminLanguage; $installer = new $installerClass(); // Check if file uploads are enabled if (!(bool) ini_get('file_uploads')) { HTML_installer::showInstallMessage($adminLanguage->A_INSTALL_ENABLE_MSG, $adminLanguage->A_INSTALL_ERROR_MSG_TITLE, $installer->returnTo($option, $element, $client)); exit; } // Check that the zlib is available if (!extension_loaded('zlib')) { HTML_installer::showInstallMessage($adminLanguage->A_INSTALL_ZLIB_MSG, $adminLanguage->A_INSTALL_ERROR_MSG_TITLE, $installer->returnTo($option, $element, $client)); exit; } $userfile = mosGetParam($_FILES, 'userfile', null); if (!$userfile) { HTML_installer::showInstallMessage($adminLanguage->A_INSTALL_NOFILE_MSG, $adminLanguage->A_INSTALL_NEWMODULE_ERROR_MSG_TITLE, $installer->returnTo($option, $element, $client)); exit; } $userfile_name = $userfile['name']; $msg = ''; $resultdir = uploadFile($userfile['tmp_name'], $userfile['name'], $msg); if ($resultdir !== false) { if (!$installer->upload($userfile['name'])) { HTML_installer::showInstallMessage($installer->getError(), $adminLanguage->A_INSTALL_UPLOAD_PRE . $element . $adminLanguage->A_INSTALL_UPLOAD_POST, $installer->returnTo($option, $element, $client)); } $ret = $installer->install(); HTML_installer::showInstallMessage($installer->getError(), $adminLanguage->A_INSTALL_UPLOAD_PRE . $element . ' - ' . ($ret ? $adminLanguage->A_INSTALL_SUCCESS : $adminLanguage->A_INSTALL_FAILED), $installer->returnTo($option, $element, $client)); cleanupInstall($userfile['name'], $installer->unpackDir()); } else { HTML_installer::showInstallMessage($msg, $adminLanguage->A_INSTALL_UPLOAD_PRE . $element . $adminLanguage->A_INSTALL_UPLOAD_POST2, $installer->returnTo($option, $element, $client)); } }
function updateCategory() { global $CONFIG; $id = _p('category_id'); $parent = _p('parent'); $name = _p('name'); $description = _p('description'); $meta_description = _p('meta_description'); $meta_keywords = _p('meta_keywords'); $top = _p('top'); $column = _p('column'); $sort_order = _p('sort_order'); $status = _p('status'); $pathUpload = ""; $date_modified = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); if ($_FILES['gambar']['name'] == "") { $query = "UPDATE ck_category SET parent_id={$parent}, top={$top}, `column`={$column}, sort_order={$sort_order}, status={$status}, date_modified = '{$date_modified}' WHERE category_id = {$id}"; } else { $image = uploadFile('gambar', $pathUpload, 'image'); $query = "UPDATE ck_category SET image='{$image}', parent_id={$parent}, top={$top}, `column`={$column}, sort_order={$sort_order}, status={$status}, date_modified='{$date_modified}' WHERE category_id = {$id}"; } $query_desc = "UPDATE ck_category_description SET name = '{$name}', description = '{$description}', meta_description = '{$meta_description}', meta_keyword = '{$meta_keywords}' WHERE category_id = {$id}"; $result_query = $this->query($query); $result_desc = $this->query($query_desc); // pr ($_FILES['gambar']); // echo ("<br/>"); // pr ($image); // echo ("<br/>"); // echo "<br />".$query; // exit(); return $result_desc && $result_query; }
function addProduct() { $category = _p('category'); $name = _p('name'); $description = _p('description'); $meta_desc = _p('meta_descriptoion'); $meta_key = _p('meta_keywords'); $model = _p('model'); $sku = _p('sku'); $upc = _p('upc'); $ean = _p('ean'); $jan = _p('jan'); $isbn = _p('isbn'); $mpn = _p('mpn'); $weight = _p('weight'); $weight_class = _p('weight_class'); $length = _p('length'); $width = _p('width'); $height = _p('height'); $length_class = _p('length_class'); $location = _p('location'); $price = _p('price'); $quantity = _p('quantity'); $minimum = _p('minimum'); $substract = _p('substract'); $shipping = _p('shipping'); $status = _p('status'); $date_added = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $pathUpload = ""; $image = uploadFile('gambar', $pathUpload, 'image'); $query_product = "INSERT INTO ck_product (`model`, `sku`, `upc`, `ean`, `jan`, `isbn`, `mpn`, `location`, `quantity`, `image`, `shipping`, `price`, `weight`, `weight_class_id`, `length`, `width`, `height`, `length_class_id`, `subtract`, `minimum`, `sort_order`, `status`, `date_added`) VALUES ('{$model}', '{$sku}', '{$upc}', '{$ean}', '{$jan}', '{$isbn}', '{$mpn}', '{$location}', {$quantity}, '{$image}', '{$shipping}', {$price}, {$weight}, '{$weight_class}', {$length}, {$width}, {$height}, '{$length_class}', '{$substract}', {$minimum}, '', {$status}, '{$date_added}' )"; echo "<br />" . $query_product; echo "<br />"; pr($image); }
public function __construct() { $title = getInput("title"); $description = getInput("description"); // Create filestore object to store file information $file = new File(); $file->title = $title; $file->description = $description; $file->owner_guid = getLoggedInUserGuid(); $file->access_id = "public"; $file->container_guid = getInput("container_guid"); $guid = $file->save(); uploadFile("file", $guid, getLoggedInUserGuid()); $file = getEntity($guid); Image::createThumbnail($file->guid, TINY); Image::createThumbnail($file->guid, SMALL); Image::createThumbnail($file->guid, MEDIUM); Image::createThumbnail($file->guid, LARGE); Image::createThumbnail($file->guid, EXTRALARGE); Image::createThumbnail($file->guid, HUGE); new Activity(getLoggedInUserGuid(), "action:upload:file", $guid); runHook("upload_file:redirect"); new SystemMessage("Your file has been uploaded."); forward(); }
/** * @param string The class name for the installer * @param string The URL option * @param string The element name */ function uploadPackage($installerClass, $option, $element, $client) { josSpoofCheck(); $installer = new $installerClass(); // Check if file uploads are enabled if (!(bool) ini_get('file_uploads')) { HTML_installer::showInstallMessage("O instalador não pode continuar antes que o envio dos arquivos esteja concluido. Por favor, use a instalação a partir do diretório.", 'Installer - Error', $installer->returnTo($option, $element, $client)); exit; } // Check that the zlib is available if (!extension_loaded('zlib')) { HTML_installer::showInstallMessage("O instalador não pode continuar antes que o zlib esteja habilitado", 'Installer - Error', $installer->returnTo($option, $element, $client)); exit; } $userfile = mosGetParam($_FILES, 'userfile', null); if (!$userfile) { HTML_installer::showInstallMessage('Nenhum arquivo selecionado', 'envio novo módulo - erro', $installer->returnTo($option, $element, $client)); exit; } $userfile_name = $userfile['name']; $msg = ''; $resultdir = uploadFile($userfile['tmp_name'], $userfile['name'], $msg); if ($resultdir !== false) { if (!$installer->upload($userfile['name'])) { HTML_installer::showInstallMessage($installer->getError(), 'Envio ' . $element . ' - Envio Falhou', $installer->returnTo($option, $element, $client)); } $ret = $installer->install(); HTML_installer::showInstallMessage($installer->getError(), 'Envio ' . $element . ' - ' . ($ret ? 'Sucesso' : 'Falhou'), $installer->returnTo($option, $element, $client)); cleanupInstall($userfile['name'], $installer->unpackDir()); } else { HTML_installer::showInstallMessage($msg, 'Envio ' . $element . ' - Envio Falhou', $installer->returnTo($option, $element, $client)); } }
/** * @param string The class name for the installer * @param string The URL option * @param string The element name */ function uploadPackage($installerClass, $option, $element, $client) { josSpoofCheck(); $installer = new $installerClass(); // Check if file uploads are enabled if (!(bool) ini_get('file_uploads')) { HTML_installer::showInstallMessage("The installer can't continue before file uploads are enabled. Please use the install from directory method.", 'Installer - Error', $installer->returnTo($option, $element, $client)); exit; } // Check that the zlib is available if (!extension_loaded('zlib')) { HTML_installer::showInstallMessage("The installer can't continue before zlib is installed", 'Installer - Error', $installer->returnTo($option, $element, $client)); exit; } $userfile = mosGetParam($_FILES, 'userfile', null); if (!$userfile) { HTML_installer::showInstallMessage('No file selected', 'Upload new module - error', $installer->returnTo($option, $element, $client)); exit; } $userfile_name = $userfile['name']; $msg = ''; $resultdir = uploadFile($userfile['tmp_name'], $userfile['name'], $msg); if ($resultdir !== false) { if (!$installer->upload($userfile['name'])) { HTML_installer::showInstallMessage($installer->getError(), 'Upload ' . $element . ' - Upload Failed', $installer->returnTo($option, $element, $client)); } $ret = $installer->install(); HTML_installer::showInstallMessage($installer->getError(), 'Upload ' . $element . ' - ' . ($ret ? 'Success' : 'Failed'), $installer->returnTo($option, $element, $client)); cleanupInstall($userfile['name'], $installer->unpackDir()); } else { HTML_installer::showInstallMessage($msg, 'Upload ' . $element . ' - Upload Error', $installer->returnTo($option, $element, $client)); } }
/** *编辑商品 * @param int $id * @return string */ function editUser($id) { $arr = $_POST; $path = "../uploads"; $uploadFiles = uploadFile($path); $where = "id={$id}"; $totalCap = getCityCapById(getcIdById($id)) - getCapById($id) + $arr['capacity']; //减去旧的,加上新的 $sql = "update biogas_city set totalCap=" . $totalCap . " where id=" . getcIdById($id); mysql_query($sql); //更新城市的总池容 $res = update("biogas_user", $arr, $where); $uid = $id; if ($res && $uid) { if ($uploadFiles && is_array($uploadFiles)) { foreach ($uploadFiles as $uploadFile) { $arr1['uid'] = $uid; $arr1['albumPath'] = $uploadFile['name']; addAlbum($arr1); } } $mes = "<p>编辑成功!</p><a href='listUser.php' target='mainFrame'>查看用户列表</a>"; } else { $mes = "<p>编辑失败!</p><a href='listUser.php' target='mainFrame'>重新编辑</a>"; } return $mes; }
function __construct() { adminGateKeeper(); $guid = getInput("guid"); $title = getInput("title"); $description = getInput('description'); $price = getInput("price"); $hidden = getInput("hidden") == 0 ? false : true; $product = getEntity($guid); $product->title = $title; $product->description = $description; $product->price = $price; $product->hidden = $hidden; $product->save(); $product->createAvatar(); if (isset($_FILES["download"]) && $_FILES["download"]["name"]) { $file = new File(); $file->access_id = "product"; $file->container_guid = $product->guid; $guid = $file->save(); uploadFile("download", $guid, array("zip")); $product->download = $guid; } new SystemMessage("Your product has been updated."); forward("store"); }
/** * @noAuth * @url POST /?submissions * @url PUT /?submissions/$id */ function insertSubmission($id = null, $data) { if ($data == null) { $data = $_POST; } else { $data = get_object_vars($data); } //var_dump($data); //check if file submitted $file = false; if (isset($_FILES['file']) && !empty($_FILES['file']['name']) && $_FILES['file']['size'] > 0) { $file = $_FILES['file']; $data['image_result'] = $file['name']; } //validate $validationRules = array(); if (isset($data['text_question']) && !empty($data['text_question'])) { $validationRules['text_result'] = VALIDATE_RULE_NON_EMPTY_STRING | VALIDATE_RULE_REQUIRED; } if (isset($data['image_question']) && !empty($data['image_question'])) { $validationRules['image_result'] = VALIDATE_RULE_NON_EMPTY_STRING | VALIDATE_RULE_REQUIRED; } $validator = new Validator($data); $errors = $validator->validate($validationRules); if (!empty($errors)) { throw new RestException(400, implode(" ", $errors)); } //add new entry if ($id == null) { //insert into database $db = new SubmissionDatabase(); $db->insertSubmission($data); $id = $db->lastInsertRowid(); //upload file if ($file) { $upload_dir = DIR_SUBMISSION_FILES . '/' . $id; try { checkFileType($file['name'], array("jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "png")); uploadFile($file['tmp_name'], $upload_dir, $file['name']); } catch (Exception $e) { // delete entry if upload failed $db->deleteSubmission($id); throw new RestException(400, $e->getMessage()); } } return $db->getSubmission($id); // modify entry } else { //insert Model and return it $db = new SubmissionDatabase(); $db->insertSubmission($data); return $db->getSubmission($id); } }
function add($data) { unset($data['section']); $data['createdby'] = USER_ID; // upload image logo $image = uploadFile("image", BASEPATH . "../public/images/upload/"); if (!empty($image['file_name'])) { $data['image'] = $image['file_name']; } return $this->db->insert($this->_table, $data); }
function add($data) { unset($data['section']); unset($data['old_image']); $data['createdby'] = USER_ID; // upload image logo $image = uploadFile("product_image", BASEPATH . "../public/images/products/"); if (!empty($image['file_name'])) { $data['product_image'] = $image['file_name']; } return $this->db->insert("products", $data); }
function add($data) { $array = array(); $array['brand_en'] = $data['brand_en']; $array['brand_vi'] = $data['brand_vi']; // upload image logo $image_logo = uploadFile("logo", BASEPATH . "../public/images/customers/"); if (!empty($image_logo['file_name'])) { $array['logo'] = $image_logo['file_name']; } $array['createdby'] = USER_ID; return $this->db->insert("customers", $array); }
function edit($data, $code) { $array = array(); $array['content_en'] = $data['content_en']; $array['content_vi'] = $data['content_vi']; // upload image logo $image_logo = uploadFile("image", BASEPATH . "../public/images/statics/"); if (!empty($image_logo['file_name'])) { $array['image'] = $image_logo['file_name']; removeFile(BASEPATH . "../public/images/statics/" . $_POST['old_image']); } return $this->db->update('static_contents', $array, array('code' => $code)); }
/** *�༭��Ʒ * @param int $id * @return string */ function editHouse($id) { $arr = $_POST; $arr['update_time'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $sql = "select house_id from tg_host_house where id={$id}"; $row = fetchOne($sql); //��house_id������album_id $album_id = $row['house_id']; $path = "../uploads/House_Album/user_id_" . $album_id; //����û�жϾ��ϴ�ͼƬ���ļ��У�ͼƬ��ݲ�һ���ɹ�������ݿ� $uploadFiles = uploadFile($path); if (is_array($uploadFiles) && $uploadFiles) { foreach ($uploadFiles as $key => $uploadFile) { thumb($path . "/" . $uploadFile['name'], "../image_50/user_id_" . $album_id . "/" . $uploadFile['name'], 50, 50); } } //����host_house����� $where = "house_id={$id}"; $res = update("tg_host_house", $arr, $where); //ע�⣺����ֻ�ܸ�����ݱ������е��ֶΣ����post�����ݸ�table����ֶβ�ƥ�䣬����ʧ�ܣ����� $house_id = $row['house_id']; //����ȡ�� house_id ����Ӧ album_id $sql_img = "select i.album_id from tg_house_img as i left join tg_host_house h on h.house_id=i.album_id where i.album_id={$house_id}"; $row_img = fetchOne($sql_img); //��img_path ��ӵ� tg_house_img�� if ($res && $house_id) { if ($uploadFiles && is_array($uploadFiles)) { foreach ($uploadFiles as $uploadFile) { $arr1['album_id'] = $house_id; $arr1['img_path'] = $uploadFile['name']; //print_r($arr1['img_path']);exit; addAlbum($arr1); } } $mes = "<p>Edit success!</p><a href='listHouse.php' target='mainFrame'>View house list</a>"; } else { if (is_array($uploadFiles) && $uploadFiles) { foreach ($uploadFiles as $uploadFile) { if (file_exists("../image_50/user_id_" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "/" . $uploadFile['name'])) { unlink("../image_50/user_id_" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "/" . $uploadFile['name']); } if (file_exists("../uploads/House_Album/user_id_" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "/" . $uploadFile['name'])) { unlink("../uploads/House_Album/user_id_" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "/" . $uploadFile['name']); } } } $mes = "<p>Failed!</p><a href='listHouse.php' target='mainFrame'>Edit again</a>"; } return $mes; }
public function ins_project() { global $basedomain; $_POST['description'] = htmlentities(htmlspecialchars($_POST['description'], ENT_QUOTES)); $_POST['n_status'] = 1; $_POST['idRequired'] = implode(",", $_POST['idRequired']); if ($_FILES['gambar']['error'] == 0) { $files = uploadFile('gambar'); $_POST['image'] = $files['full_name']; } $this->mproject->insertData($_POST, 'hr_project'); echo "<script>alert('Data successfully inserted');window.location.href='" . $basedomain . "project'</script>"; exit; }
/** * Function to upload images into WYSIWYG * * @return array Asynchronous result */ public function __async_upload() { /** @var array $result Asynchronous result array */ $result = array('status' => false); /** @var \samsonphp\upload\Upload $upload Pointer to uploader object */ $upload = null; // If file was uploaded if (uploadFile($upload)) { $result['status'] = true; $result['tag'] = '<img src="' . $upload->fullPath() . '">'; } // Return result return $result; }
function testModel() { $upload = uploadFile('gambar', false); $upload = uploadFile('dokumen', false, 'doc'); $upload = uploadFile('video', false, 'video'); $namaFile = $upload['full_name']; $sql = "SELECT * FROM user"; $res = $this->fetch($sql); //ngeluarin data // $res = $this->query($sql); //ngeluarin data if ($res) { return $res; } return false; }
function add($data) { if (isset($_POST['is_active'])) { $data['is_active'] = 1; } else { $data['is_active'] = 0; } // upload image logo $name = md5(date('d/m/Y H:i:s')); $image = uploadFile("image", BASEPATH . "../public/images/upload/", $name); if (!empty($image['file_name'])) { $data['image'] = $image['file_name']; } return $this->db->insert($this->_table, $data); }
function checkValueProject($projects, $fileProjects) { $dataProject = []; $i = 0; foreach ($projects as $key => $project) { if ($project['name']) { $dataProject[$i] = $project; if ($_FILES['projects']['name'][$key]) { $dataProject[$i]['file'] = uploadFile($key); } $i++; } } return $dataProject; }
function uploadPath($sc, $dbg, $rootDir, $relativePath) { handleResponse("mkdir {$relativePath}", $dbg, $sc->call("createDirectory", array('relativePath' => $relativePath), "POST")); $fullDir = $rootDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $relativePath; foreach (glob($fullDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "*") as $fileName) { echo $fileName . "\n"; if (is_file($fileName)) { $r = handleResponse("utoken {$fileName}", $dbg, $sc->call("getUploadToken", array('relativePath' => $relativePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . basename($fileName), 'fileSize' => filesize($fileName)), "POST")); handleResponse("ufile {$fileName}", $dbg, uploadFile($r->data->uploadLocation, $fileName, 1024 * 1024)); } else { if (is_dir($fileName)) { uploadPath($sc, $dbg, $rootDir, $relativePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . basename($fileName)); } } } }
/** *编辑商品 * @param int $id * @return string */ function editPro($id) { $arr = $_POST; $path = "./uploads"; $uploadFiles = uploadFile($path); if (is_array($uploadFiles) && $uploadFiles) { foreach ($uploadFiles as $key => $uploadFile) { thumb($path . "/" . $uploadFile['name'], "../image_50/" . $uploadFile['name'], 50, 50); thumb($path . "/" . $uploadFile['name'], "../image_220/" . $uploadFile['name'], 220, 220); thumb($path . "/" . $uploadFile['name'], "../image_350/" . $uploadFile['name'], 350, 350); thumb($path . "/" . $uploadFile['name'], "../image_800/" . $uploadFile['name'], 800, 800); } } $where = "id={$id}"; $res = update("imooc_pro", $arr, $where); $pid = $id; if ($res && $pid) { //判断是否有图片上传 if ($uploadFiles && is_array($uploadFiles)) { foreach ($uploadFiles as $uploadFile) { $arr1['pid'] = $pid; $arr1['albumPath'] = $uploadFile['name']; addAlbum($arr1); } } $mes = "<p>编辑成功!</p><a href='listPro.php' target='mainFrame'>查看商品列表</a>"; } else { if (is_array($uploadFiles) && $uploadFiles) { foreach ($uploadFiles as $uploadFile) { if (file_exists("../image_800/" . $uploadFile['name'])) { unlink("../image_800/" . $uploadFile['name']); } if (file_exists("../image_50/" . $uploadFile['name'])) { unlink("../image_50/" . $uploadFile['name']); } if (file_exists("../image_220/" . $uploadFile['name'])) { unlink("../image_220/" . $uploadFile['name']); } if (file_exists("../image_350/" . $uploadFile['name'])) { unlink("../image_350/" . $uploadFile['name']); } } } $mes = "<p>编辑失败!</p><a href='listPro.php' target='mainFrame'>重新编辑</a>"; } return $mes; }
function zip_install_preview_admin() { global $main_smarty, $the_template, $db, $my_pligg_base; force_authentication(); $amIgod = 0; $amIgod = $amIgod + checklevel('admin'); if ($amIgod == 1) { $navwhere['text1'] = $main_smarty->get_config_vars('PLIGG_Visual_Header_AdminPanel'); $navwhere['link1'] = getmyurl('admin', ''); $main_smarty->display(zip_install_tpl_path . '/blank.tpl'); $navwhere['text2'] = 'ZIP Install'; $navwhere['link2'] = my_pligg_base . '/module.php?module=zip_install'; $navwhere['text3'] = ''; $navwhere['link3'] = ''; $navwhere['text4'] = ''; $navwhere['link4'] = ''; $main_smarty = do_sidebar($main_smarty); $main_smarty->assign('navbar_where', $navwhere); $main_smarty->assign('posttitle', " / " . $main_smarty->get_config_vars('PLIGG_Visual_Header_AdminPanel')); $action = $_REQUEST['action']; switch ($action) { case "modules": $main_smarty->assign('tpl_center', zip_install_tpl_path . 'zip_install_modules'); $main_smarty->display($template_dir . '/admin/admin.tpl'); break; case "templates": $main_smarty->assign('tpl_center', zip_install_tpl_path . 'zip_install_templates'); $main_smarty->display($template_dir . '/admin/admin.tpl'); break; case "filemod": if (uploadFile(zip_install_absolute_path, $_FILES, "modules")) { redirect(my_pligg_base . '/admin/admin_modules.php?status=uninstalled'); } break; case "filetem": if (uploadFile(zip_install_absolute_path, $_FILES, "templates")) { redirect(my_pligg_base . '/admin/admin_config.php?page=Template'); } break; default: $main_smarty->assign('tpl_center', zip_install_tpl_path . 'zip_install'); $main_smarty->display($template_dir . '/admin/admin.tpl'); break; } } }
public function proc() { if ($_FILES['file']['name'] != '') { $image = uploadFile('file', null, 'all'); if ($image['status']) { $dataArr['title'] = $_POST['judul']; $dataArr['filename'] = $image['full_name']; $dataArr['type'] = 50; $dataArr['n_status'] = 1; $dataArr['create_date'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $dataArr['publish_date'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $ref_nama_kegiatan = $this->model->ceck($dataArr); } } else { } exit; }
/** * 更新用户 * @param $id * @param $data * @return bool */ public static function updateUserInfo($id, $data) { if (!empty($id) && !empty($data)) { $user = self::find($id); $user->name = $data['name']; $user->email = $data['email']; if (!empty($data['password'])) { $user->password = bcrypt($data['password']); } $photo = uploadFile('img', 'photo', 'uploads'); if (!empty($photo)) { $user->photo = $photo; } $user->desc = $data['desc']; return $user->save(); } return false; }
/** * 实际上该函数仅作为上传文件/页面跳转/提交模式变化的功能。 * 用户基本信息已经由saveBaseInfo完成了。 */ public function submitForm() { $compItemID = I('post.comp_item_id'); $compId = I('post.comp_id'); $fileName = $_FILES['compApplyFile']['name']; $fileName = explode('.', $fileName)[0]; // 检测操作者是否是该报名的参与者。 $this->isParticipant($compItemID); $status = $this->getTemplateValue($compId, 'update', true); $status['comp_item_id'] = $compItemID; //将上传的文件放置在./Public/CompItemApply目录下的$compItemID目录下,如果fileName为空,不调用此函数。 if ($fileName != '') { //$fileName = iconv("UTF-8","gb2312",$fileName); uploadFile('./Public/CompItemApply', "/{$compItemID}/", "{$fileName}"); } $this->assign($status); $this->display("CompApply"); }
function __construct() { adminGateKeeper(); \Stripe\Stripe::setApiKey(EcommercePlugin::secretKey()); $container_guid = getInput("container_guid"); $title = getInput("title"); $description = getInput('description'); $interval = getInput("interval"); $price = getInput("price"); $product = new Product(); $product->title = $title; $product->description = $description; $product->price = $price; $product->container_guid = $container_guid; $product->interval = $interval; $product->access_id = "public"; $product->save(); $product->createAvatar(); if (isset($_FILES["download"]) && $_FILES["download"]["name"]) { $file = new File(); $file->access_id = "product"; $file->container_guid = $product->guid; $guid = $file->save(); uploadFile("download", $guid, array("zip")); $product->download = $guid; } if ($interval != "one_time") { $stripe_plan = \Stripe\Plan::create(array("amount" => $price * 100, "interval" => $interval, "name" => $title, "currency" => "usd", "id" => $product->guid)); $id = $stripe_plan->id; $product->stripe_id = $id; $product->save(); } else { // Create product and SKU in stripe $stripe_product = \Stripe\Product::create(array("name" => $product->title, "description" => $product->description, "shippable" => false)); $product->stripe_product_id = $stripe_product->id; // Create SKU $stripe_sku = \Stripe\SKU::create(array("product" => $stripe_product->id, "price" => $product->price * 100, "currency" => "usd", "inventory" => array("type" => "infinite"), "metadata" => array("guid" => $product->guid))); $product->stripe_sku = $stripe_sku->id; $product->save(); } new SystemMessage("Your product has been saved."); forward("store"); }
/** * 添加记录 * @return string */ function post() { if (getPostNumByUid($_SESSION['uid']) >= maxPost) { $msg = "你的记录总数达到上限 (" . maxPost . "条),已不能继续发布记录. <br>若有疑问请联系管理员"; return $msg; } $arr = $_POST; array_splice($arr, 1, 1); //删除数组中注册不需要用到的submit和verify元素 $arr['date'] = date("Y-m-j" . " " . "H:i:s"); //匹配数据库中的datetime时间格式 $arr['uid'] = $_SESSION['uid']; // 判断是否有记录图片都没有 if (empty($arr['post']) && empty($_FILES['postImage']['name'])) { $msg = "填写内容或添加图片后再添加!<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='1;url=user.php'/>"; return $msg; exit; } $res = insert("zhx_post", $arr); if ($res) { $pmsg = "记录发布成功!"; } $pid = getInsertId(); //获取记录pid用来插入图片 // return print_r($arr); //若有图片添加,则上传图片 if (!empty($_FILES['postImage']['name'])) { // print_r($uploadFile);exit; $uploadFile = uploadFile("images/uploads/postImage/"); if ($uploadFile && is_array($uploadFile)) { $album['image'] = $uploadFile[0]['name']; thumb("images/uploads/postImage/" . $album['image'], "images/uploads/postImage_500/" . $album['image'], 500); $album['pid'] = $pid; insert("zhx_album", $album); $imsg = "添加图片成功!"; } else { $imsg = "添加图片失败!"; } } $msg = $pmsg . " " . @$imsg . "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='1;url=user.php'/>"; return $msg; }
protected static function boot() { parent::boot(); static::addGlobalScope('content', function (Builder $builder) { $builder->where('types', 'advertise'); }); Advertise::creating(function ($advertise) { $advertise->image = uploadFile($advertise->image, 'advertise', 'images'); if (Auth::user()) { $advertise->user_id = Auth::user()->id; } $advertise->types = 'advertise'; }); Advertise::updating(function ($advertise) { $advertise->image = uploadFile($advertise->image, 'advertise', 'images'); if (Auth::user()) { $advertise->user_id = Auth::user()->id; } $advertise->types = 'advertise'; }); }