Exemplo n.º 1
// Update basket information
if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'update_basket_info') {
    // $new_basket_info['reason'] = 'admin-basket-updated'; // pass this through to the transactions
    $new_basket_info['transaction_group_id'] = 'admin-basket-updated';
    // pass this through to the transactions
    $new_basket_info['quantity'] = $_REQUEST['quantity'];
    $new_basket_info['weight'] = $_REQUEST['weight'];
    $new_basket_info['out_of_stock'] = $_REQUEST['out_of_stock'];
    $new_basket_info['product_id'] = $_REQUEST['product_id'];
    $new_basket_info['product_version'] = $_REQUEST['product_version'];
    $new_basket_info['delivery_id'] = $_REQUEST['delivery_id'];
    $new_basket_info['member_id'] = $_REQUEST['member_id'];
    // Set the customer message to producer
    $new_basket_info['messages'] = array('customer notes to producer' => $_REQUEST['message']);
    $new_basket_info['action'] = 'set_everything';
    $response .= update_basket_item($new_basket_info);
    //     // Set the weight
    //     $new_basket_info['action'] = 'set_weight';
    //     $response .= update_basket_item ($new_basket_info);
    //     // Set the basket quantity
    //     $new_basket_info['action'] = 'set_quantity';
    //     $response .= update_basket_item ($new_basket_info);
    //     // Set the basket outs
    //     $new_basket_info['action'] = 'set_outs';
    //     $response .= update_basket_item ($new_basket_info);
    echo $response;
//                                                                                //
// This part of the program will handle updates to ledger entries.                //
Exemplo n.º 2
function update_basket(array $data)
    //    debug_print ('INFO: Update Basket', $data);
    global $connection;
    //    $member_id_you = $_SESSION['member_id'];
    $producer_id_you = $_SESSION['producer_id_you'];
    // Allow admins to override certain checks if the requested action is not for themselves
    $admin_override = true;
    if ($member_id_you == $data['member_id'] || !CurrentMember::auth_type('cashier')) {
        $admin_override = false;
    // Set this value manually when converting from transactions to ledger accounting
    $admin_override = true;
    // Set flags for needed validations and operations
    switch ($data['action']) {
        // checkout will checkout all the items in the basket
        case 'checkout':
            $test_for_membership_privilege = true;
            $test_customer_ordering_window = true;
            $initiate_set_checkout = true;
            $initiate_checkout_items = true;
            // same as "checkout" but only synchs items that were already checked out
        // same as "checkout" but only synchs items that were already checked out
        case 'synch_ledger_items':
            $test_for_membership_privilege = true;
            $test_customer_ordering_window = true;
            $initiate_set_checkout = true;
            $synch_ledger_items = true;
            // set_uncheckout is currently disabled
        // set_uncheckout is currently disabled
        case 'set_checkout':
            $test_for_membership_privilege = true;
            $test_customer_ordering_window = true;
            $initiate_set_checkout = true;
            // un_checkout is currently disabled
        // un_checkout is currently disabled
        case 'un_checkout':
            $test_customer_ordering_window = true;
            $initiate_un_checkout = true;
            // update the site (Pickup|Home|Work)
        // update the site (Pickup|Home|Work)
        case 'set_site':
            $update_site = true;
            die(debug_print('ERROR: 679217 ', 'unexpected request', basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__));
    // Get  information about the basket for this member
    // Prefer to access basket by basket_id
    if ($data['basket_id'] != 0) {
        $basket_info = get_basket($data['basket_id']);
    } elseif ($data['member_id'] != 0 && $data['delivery_id'] != 0) {
        $basket_info = get_basket($data['member_id'], $data['delivery_id']);
    } else {
        die(debug_print('ERROR: 970893 ', 'incomplete information to locate basket', basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__));
    // Check that we actually got some basket information
    if (!is_array($basket_info)) {
        die(debug_print('ERROR: 701854 ', 'basket does not exist', basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__));
    // Check that the member is not pending or discontinued
    if ($test_for_membership_privilege && !$admin_override) {
        if ($member_info['pending'] == 1 || $member_info['membership_discontinued'] == 1) {
            die(debug_print('ERROR: 974383 ', 'incorrect privilege to order', basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__));
    // Check if shopping is closed for this order
    if ($test_customer_ordering_window && !$admin_override) {
        if (ActiveCycle::ordering_window() == 'closed') {
            die(debug_print('ERROR: 823186 ', 'customer ordering period is not in effect', basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__));
    // Update the basket with a new site and information related to the new site
    if ($update_site) {
        debug_print("ERROR: 892573 ", "UPDATE DELCODE", basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__);
        if ($data['delivery_type'] == 'H' || $data['delivery_type'] == 'W') {
            $query_delivery_type = 'D';
        } else {
            $query_delivery_type = $data['delivery_type'];
        // P[ickup]
        // Could check for changes and abort otherwise, but this will force updating
        // delivery_postal_code just in case it might have changed.
        $query_site = '
          FROM ' . NEW_TABLE_SITES . '
            site_id = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($data['site_id']) . '"
            AND delivery_type = "' . $query_delivery_type . '"
            AND inactive = "0"
            AND site_type = "customer"';
        $result_site = mysql_query($query_site, $connection) or die(debug_print("ERROR: 892573 ", array($query_site, mysql_error()), basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__));
        // Got we some information, then post the new information
        if ($row_site = mysql_fetch_array($result_site)) {
            $query_update_basket = '
              UPDATE ' . NEW_TABLE_BASKETS . '
                delivery_cost = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($row_site['delivery_charge']) . '",
                delivery_postal_code = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($row['delivery_postal_code']) . '",
                site_id = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($data['site_id']) . '",
                delivery_type = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($data['delivery_type']) . '"
              WHERE basket_id = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($basket_info['basket_id']) . '"';
            $result_update_basket = mysql_query($query_update_basket, $connection) or die(debug_print("ERROR: 892764 ", array($query_update_basket, mysql_error()), basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__));
            debug_print("INFO: 892573 ", $query_update_basket, basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__);
            // Update the $basket_info with changes
            $basket_info['delivery_cost'] = $row_site['delivery_charge'];
            $initiate_delivery_charge = true;
        } else {
            die(debug_print('ERROR: 898952 ', 'requested site does not exist or is not available', basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__));
    // Change the checked_out setting on the basket
    // Do this early so the update_basket_item will process the ledger items (only if they are in a checked-out state)
    if ($initiate_set_checkout) {
        // Get the number of items in the basket that are checked out
        $query = '
            ' . NEW_TABLE_PRODUCTS . '.tangible,
            COUNT(' . NEW_TABLE_BASKET_ITEMS . '.bpid) AS count
            ' . NEW_TABLE_BASKET_ITEMS . '
          LEFT JOIN
            ' . NEW_TABLE_PRODUCTS . ' USING(product_id,product_version)
            ' . NEW_TABLE_BASKET_ITEMS . '.basket_id = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($basket_info['basket_id']) . '"
          GROUP BY
            ' . NEW_TABLE_PRODUCTS . '.tangible';
        $result = mysql_query($query, $connection) or die(debug_print("ERROR: 758023 ", array($query, mysql_error()), basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__));
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
            if ($row['tangible'] == '0') {
                $intangible_count = $row['count'];
            if ($row['tangible'] == '1') {
                $tangible_count = $row['count'];
        // Preference is to set basket count to the number of *tangible* items in the basket
        if ($tangible_count > 0) {
            $checked_out = $tangible_count;
        } elseif ($intangible_count > 0) {
            $checked_out = 0 - $intangible_count;
        } else {
            $checked_out = 0;
        $query = '
          UPDATE ' . NEW_TABLE_BASKETS . '
          SET checked_out = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($checked_out) . '"
          WHERE basket_id = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($basket_info['basket_id']) . '"';
        $result = mysql_query($query, $connection) or die(debug_print("ERROR: 892764 ", array($query, mysql_error()), basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__));
        // Sync the variable we just changed
        $basket_info['checked_out'] = $checked_out;
        // If there is an order cost (fixed), then post it (or clear it if wrongly set).
        if ($basket_info['order_cost'] != 0 && $basket_info['order_cost_type'] == 'fixed' && $basket_info['checked_out'] != 0) {
            // Add the order cost to the ledger for this basket
            $ledger_status = basket_item_to_ledger(array('transaction_group_id' => $data['transaction_group_id'], 'source_type' => 'member', 'source_key' => $data['member_id'], 'target_type' => 'internal', 'target_key' => 'order_cost', 'amount' => $basket_info['order_cost'], 'text_key' => 'order cost', 'posted_by' => $_SESSION['member_id'], 'basket_id' => $basket_info['basket_id'], 'site_id' => $basket_info['site_id'], 'delivery_id' => $basket_info['delivery_id'], 'match_keys' => array('source_type', 'source_key', 'target_type', 'target_key', 'text_key', 'basket_id')));
        } elseif ($basket_info['order_cost'] != 0 && $basket_info['order_cost_type'] == 'percent' && $basket_info['checked_out'] != 0) {
            // First need to know the basket total to calculate the percent cost
            $query = '
                SUM(amount) AS order_total
                ' . NEW_TABLE_LEDGER . '
                basket_id = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($basket_info['basket_id']) . '"
                AND (text_key = "quantity cost"
                  OR text_key = "weight cost")';
            $result = mysql_query($query, $connection) or die(debug_print("ERROR: 678304 ", array($query, mysql_error()), basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__));
            if ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
                $order_total = $row['order_total'];
                $order_cost_total = round($row['order_total'] * $basket_info['order_cost'] / 100, 2);
            // Add the order cost to the ledger for this basket
            $ledger_status = basket_item_to_ledger(array('transaction_group_id' => $data['transaction_group_id'], 'source_type' => 'member', 'source_key' => $data['member_id'], 'target_type' => 'internal', 'target_key' => 'order_cost', 'amount' => $basket_info['order_cost'], 'text_key' => 'order cost', 'posted_by' => $_SESSION['member_id'], 'basket_id' => $basket_info['basket_id'], 'site_id' => $basket_info['site_id'], 'delivery_id' => $basket_info['delivery_id'], 'match_keys' => array('source_type', 'source_key', 'target_type', 'target_key', 'text_key', 'basket_id')));
    // For checkout, synchronize ledger entries to all basket_items
    if ($initiate_checkout_items || $synch_ledger_items) {
        // $initiate_checkout_items: check out all items and synch ledger
        // $synch_ledger_items:      repost existing checked_out items to the ledger
        if ($synch_ledger_items) {
            // Restrict to just the checked_out items
            $query_where = '
              AND checked_out != "0"';
        // Get the items currently in the basket
        $query_basket_items = '
          WHERE basket_id = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($basket_info['basket_id']) . '"' . $query_where;
        $result_basket_items = mysql_query($query_basket_items, $connection) or die(debug_print("ERROR: 892785 ", array($query_basket_items, mysql_error()), basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__));
        // Go through all the basket items (or all the checked_out items)
        while ($row_basket_items = mysql_fetch_array($result_basket_items)) {
            $basket_item_info = update_basket_item(array('action' => 'synch_ledger', 'delivery_id' => $data['delivery_id'], 'member_id' => $data['member_id'], 'product_id' => $row_basket_items['product_id'], 'product_version' => $row_basket_items['product_version']));
            if (!is_array($basket_item_info)) {
                die(debug_print("ERROR: 902784 ", 'update_basket_item() did not return array.', basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__));
    // This is done for any/all changes, so not conditional except for baskets that are not checked-out.
    if ($basket_info['checked_out'] != 0) {
        // If there is a delivery charge, then post it (or clear it if wrongly set).
        if ($basket_info['delivery_cost'] != 0 || $initiate_delivery_charge) {
            // Add the delivery cost to the ledger for this basket
            $ledger_status = basket_item_to_ledger(array('transaction_group_id' => $data['transaction_group_id'], 'source_type' => 'member', 'source_key' => $data['member_id'], 'target_type' => 'internal', 'target_key' => 'delivery_cost', 'amount' => $basket_info['delivery_cost'], 'text_key' => 'delivery cost', 'posted_by' => $_SESSION['member_id'], 'basket_id' => $basket_info['basket_id'], 'site_id' => $basket_info['site_id'], 'delivery_id' => $basket_info['delivery_id'], 'match_keys' => array('source_type', 'source_key', 'target_type', 'target_key', 'text_key', 'basket_id')));
    //     // For un_checkout, clear all ledger entries related to the basket and basket_items
    //     // This will remove or clear the cost of ledger entries for all products in the basket
    //     if ($initiate_un_checkout)
    //       {
    //         // Get the items currently in the basket
    //         $query_basket_items = '
    //           SELECT
    //             bpid,
    //             product_id,
    //             product_version
    //           FROM '.NEW_TABLE_BASKET_ITEMS.'
    //           WHERE basket_id = "'.mysql_real_escape_string($basket_info['basket_id']).'"';
    //         $result_basket_items = mysql_query($query_basket_items, $connection) or die(debug_print ("ERROR: 892785 ", array ($query_basket_items,mysql_error()), basename(__FILE__).' LINE '.__LINE__));
    //         // Go through all the basket items
    //         while ($row_basket_items = mysql_fetch_array($result_basket_items))
    //           {
    //             // Problem: clear_item removes all quantity from the basket. We would like to leave the basket unchanged.
    //             // ... but if we define that as the desired behavior, then we have something, at least...
    //             $basket_item_info = update_basket_item (array(
    //               'action' => 'un_checkout',
    //               'delivery_id' => $data['delivery_id'],
    //               'member_id' => $data['member_id'],
    //               'product_id' => $row_basket_items['product_id'],
    //               'product_version' => $row_basket_items['product_version'],
    //               'post_even_if_zero' => 'YES'
    //               ));
    //             if ($basket_item_info != 'clear_item:'.$row_basket_items['bpid'])
    //               {
    //                 return('error 100: expected "clear_item:'.$row_basket_items['bpid'].'" but got "'.$basket_item_info.'"');
    //               }
    //           }
    //         // And un-checkout the basket as well
    //         // Remove the delivery cost from the ledger for this basket
    //         $ledger_status = basket_item_to_ledger(array (
    //           'source_type' => 'member',
    //           'source_key' => $data['member_id'],
    //           'target_type' => 'internal',
    //           'target_key' => 'delivery_cost',
    //           'amount' => 0,
    //           'text_key' => 'delivery cost',
    //           'posted_by' => $_SESSION['member_id'],
    //           'basket_id' => $basket_info['basket_id'],
    //           'site_id' => $basket_info['site_id'],
    //           'delivery_id' => $basket_info['delivery_id'],
    //           'match_keys' => array ('source_type','source_key','target_type','target_key','text_key','basket_id')
    //           ));
    //       }
    //     // Change the checked_out setting on the basket
    //     // Do this last so the update_basket_item will clear ledger items (only if they are in a checked-out state)
    //     if ($initiate_un_checkout)
    //       {
    //         $query = '
    //           UPDATE '.NEW_TABLE_BASKETS.'
    //           SET checked_out = "0"
    //           WHERE basket_id = "'.mysql_real_escape_string($basket_info['basket_id']).'"';
    //         $result = mysql_query($query, $connection) or die(debug_print ("ERROR: 892764 ", array ($query,mysql_error()), basename(__FILE__).' LINE '.__LINE__));
    //         $basket_info['checked_out'] = 0;
    //       }
    // At this point, all basket information has been updated, so we need to consider any changes to the ledger.
    // * messages                    link a message to this transaction
    // * post_even_if_zero              'YES' will delete the transaction is zero and a singleton
    // Return the new (possibly changed) basket_info array
    return $basket_info;
Exemplo n.º 3
if ($non_ajax_query == false) {
    $ship_quantity = $_POST['ship_quantity'];
    $weight = $_POST['weight'];
} else {
    $ship_quantity = $_POST['ship_quantity' . $bpid];
    $weight = $_POST['weight' . $bpid];
// Information about the actual basket item
$item_info = get_basket_item($bpid);
$basket_id = $item_info['basket_id'];
$basket_info = get_basket($basket_id);
$out_of_stock = $item_info['quantity'] - $ship_quantity;
// Update the basket
$result_item_info = update_basket_item(array('action' => 'set_all_producer', 'basket_id' => $item_info['basket_id'], 'member_id' => $basket_info['member_id'], 'delivery_id' => $basket_info['delivery_id'], 'product_id' => $item_info['product_id'], 'product_version' => $item_info['product_version'], 'out_of_stock' => $out_of_stock, 'weight' => $weight));
// Synch the ledger
$result_item_info = update_basket_item(array('action' => 'producer_synch_ledger', 'basket_id' => $item_info['basket_id'], 'member_id' => $basket_info['member_id'], 'delivery_id' => $basket_info['delivery_id'], 'product_id' => $item_info['product_id'], 'product_version' => $item_info['product_version']));
// Should be able to use $result_item_info from above but it is not working
$result_item_info = get_basket_item($bpid);
// Now set return values
if (is_array($result_item_info)) {
    // Set the various fees:
    $customer_product_adjust_fee = 0;
    $producer_product_adjust_fee = 0;
    if (PAYS_PRODUCT_FEE == 'customer') {
        $customer_product_adjust_fee = $result_item_info['product_fee_percent'] / 100;
    } elseif (PAYS_PRODUCT_FEE == 'producer') {
        $producer_product_adjust_fee = $result_item_info['product_fee_percent'] / 100;
    $customer_subcat_adjust_fee = 0;
    $producer_subcat_adjust_fee = 0;
    if (PAYS_SUBCATEGORY_FEE == 'customer') {
Exemplo n.º 4
    $result = @mysql_query($query, $connection) or die(debug_print("ERROR: 285097 ", array($query, mysql_error()), basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__));
    // Now post the message back, as needed
    if ($message != '' && $remove_basket_item != true) {
        // Update message
        $query = '
            message = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($message) . '",
            message_type_id = 
                SELECT message_type_id
                FROM ' . NEW_TABLE_MESSAGE_TYPES . '
                WHERE description = "customer notes to producer"
            referenced_key1 = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($bpid) . '"';
        $result = @mysql_query($query, $connection) or die(debug_print("ERROR: 925223 ", array($query, mysql_error()), basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__));
if ($action == 'checkout') {
    // Make sure there is a good basket for this order
    $basket_item_info = update_basket_item(array('action' => 'checkout', 'delivery_id' => $delivery_id, 'member_id' => $member_id, 'product_id' => $product_id, 'product_version' => $product_version, 'messages' => $message));
if ($action == 'checkout_basket') {
    // Check out the whole basket
    $basket_info = update_basket(array('basket_id' => $basket_id, 'delivery_id' => $delivery_id, 'member_id' => $member_id, 'action' => 'checkout'));
// The following is necessary because this is also called when javascript/ajax is turned off and
// we don't want to send extraneous data back to the output page.
if ($non_ajax_query == false) {
    echo number_format($basket_quantity, 0) . ':' . number_format($inventory_quantity, 0) . ':' . number_format($basket_item_info['checked_out'], 0) . ':' . $alert;