/** * 创建新组件 参数传入文件信息 */ public function set_model($mid, $file_sing = null) { $this->load->helper('date'); $this->load->helper('oracledb'); $data = array('ID' => $mid, 'MTID' => $this->input->post('mtype'), 'Level' => $this->input->post('level'), 'Name' => $this->input->post('name'), 'Exename' => $file_sing[0]['file_name'], 'Exepath' => $file_sing[0]['file_path'], 'FileSize' => $file_sing[0]['file_size'], 'FileExt' => $file_sing[0]['file_ext'], 'Runsys' => $this->input->post('runsys'), 'Exeremark' => trim($this->input->post('exeinfo')), 'DeBugFlag' => $this->input->post('debugflag'), 'Info' => trim($this->input->post('modeldesc')), 'ICON' => $this->input->post('iconc'), 'ISVIEW' => 1); $this->db->insert('T_PPC_Module', $data); $date = updateTime($mid, 'T_PPC_Module', 'CreateTime'); return $mid; }
/** * 程序信息入库 */ public function set_programs($file_sing = null) { $this->load->helper('url'); $this->load->helper('oracledb'); $id = getCurSequeens("SEQ_PPC_PROGRAM"); $data = array('ID' => $id, 'ISVIEW' => 1, 'Exename' => $file_sing[0]['file_name'], 'Exepath' => $file_sing[0]['file_path'], 'Runsys' => $this->input->post('runsys'), 'Exeremark' => $this->input->post('exeinfo'), 'Exetype' => $this->input->post('exetype'), 'Version' => $this->input->post('version')); $this->db->insert('T_PPC_Program', $data); updateTime($id, 'T_PPC_Program', 'CreateTime'); return $id; }
/** * 新建生产线 */ public function set_productline($showxml) { $this->load->helper('url'); $this->load->helper('oracledb'); $id = getCurSequeens("SEQ_PPC_PRODUCTLINE"); $codes = $this->input->post('selectcodes'); $staid = $this->input->post('staid'); $devcode = $this->input->post('devcode'); $isload = $this->input->post('isload'); $linetype = $this->input->post('linetype'); $caption = "pl_" . $id . "_" . $staid; $alias = $this->input->post('alias'); $data = array('ID' => $id, 'Code' => $codes, 'SatCode' => $staid, 'Caption' => $caption, 'Alias' => $alias, 'DevCode' => $devcode, 'LINETYPE' => $linetype, 'ISLOAD' => $isload, 'Version' => 'a0', 'RawVer' => '-1', 'Status' => "run", 'Author' => "", 'ISVIEW' => 1); //以下是直接使用oci做clob的插入 $sid = $this->config->item('dbusrsid'); $password = $this->config->item('dbusrpassword'); $dburl = $this->config->item('dbusrurl'); $conn = oci_connect($sid, $password, $dburl, "AL32UTF8"); $sql = "INSERT INTO\n \"T_PPC_ProductLine\"\n (\n ID, \"Code\",\"SatCode\",\"Caption\",\"Alias\",\"RawVer\",\"Status\",\"DevCode\",LINETYPE,\"Author\",\"Version\",ISVIEW,ISLOAD,\n PLXML,\"ShowXml\"\n )\n VALUES\n ( " . $id . ",'" . $codes . "','" . $staid . "','" . $caption . "','" . $alias . "',-1,'run','" . $devcode . "','" . $linetype . "','','a0',1," . $isload . ",EMPTY_CLOB(), EMPTY_CLOB()\n )\n RETURNING\n PLXML,\"ShowXml\" INTO :pllob,:showlob"; // echo $sql; $stmt = oci_parse($conn, $sql); $PlLOB = oci_new_descriptor($conn, OCI_D_LOB); $showLOB = oci_new_descriptor($conn, OCI_D_LOB); oci_bind_by_name($stmt, ":pllob", $PlLOB, -1, OCI_B_CLOB); oci_bind_by_name($stmt, ":showlob", $showLOB, -1, OCI_B_CLOB); oci_execute($stmt, OCI_DEFAULT) or die("Unable to execute query\n"); if (!$PlLOB->save('') || !$showLOB->save('')) { oci_rollback($conn); } else { oci_commit($conn); } // Free resources oci_free_statement($stmt); $PlLOB->free(); $showLOB->free(); // $showxml = $this->input->post('formxml'); updateShowCLOB($id, $showxml); $cdate = updateTime($id, 'T_PPC_ProductLine', 'CreateTime'); $data['CreateTime'] = $cdate; return $data; }
session_start(); require 'db.php'; date_default_timezone_set('Asia/Manila'); $conn = connect($config); $data = []; if (isset($_POST['login'])) { $id = (int) $_POST['id']; $loginTime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); if (empty($id)) { $data['validation'] = 'Please fill out all fields.'; } else { $query = query("SELECT * FROM faculties WHERE id = :id", ['id' => $id], $conn); $results = $query->fetchAll(); foreach ($results as $result) { if (!empty($result)) { updateTime($result['id'], $loginTime, "log_in_time", $conn); $_SESSION['time'] = $loginTime; $_SESSION['id'] = $result['id']; $_SESSION['start'] = time(); //$_SESSION['expire'] = $_SESSION['start'] + (1 * 60);//8hours = 480minutes; TODO: change 1 to 480 minutes to be exactly 8hours. header("location: profile.php?id=" . $result['id']); } else { $data['validation'] = 'No user found'; } } $data['validation'] = 'Fill empty fields'; } } ?>