Exemplo n.º 1
 * Saves the admins current preferences to the database.
 * @package Admin
function updateAdminPreferences()
    global $options, $context, $settings, $user_info;
    // This must exist!
    if (!isset($context['admin_preferences'])) {
        return false;
    // This is what we'll be saving.
    $options['admin_preferences'] = serialize($context['admin_preferences']);
    require_once SUBSDIR . '/Themes.subs.php';
    // Just check we haven't ended up with something theme exclusive somehow.
    removeThemeOptions('custom', 'all', 'admin_preferences');
    updateThemeOptions(array(1, $user_info['id'], 'admin_preferences', $options['admin_preferences']));
    // Make sure we invalidate any cache.
    cache_put_data('theme_settings-' . $settings['theme_id'] . ':' . $user_info['id'], null, 0);
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Make any theme changes that are sent with the profile.
 * @param int $memID
 * @param int $id_theme
function makeThemeChanges($memID, $id_theme)
    global $modSettings, $context, $user_info;
    $db = database();
    $reservedVars = array('actual_theme_url', 'actual_images_url', 'base_theme_dir', 'base_theme_url', 'default_images_url', 'default_theme_dir', 'default_theme_url', 'default_template', 'images_url', 'number_recent_posts', 'smiley_sets_default', 'theme_dir', 'theme_id', 'theme_layers', 'theme_templates', 'theme_url');
    // Can't change reserved vars.
    if (isset($_POST['options']) && count(array_intersect(array_keys($_POST['options']), $reservedVars)) != 0 || isset($_POST['default_options']) && count(array_intersect(array_keys($_POST['default_options']), $reservedVars)) != 0) {
        fatal_lang_error('no_access', false);
    // Don't allow any overriding of custom fields with default or non-default options.
    $request = $db->query('', '
		SELECT col_name
		FROM {db_prefix}custom_fields
		WHERE active = {int:is_active}', array('is_active' => 1));
    $custom_fields = array();
    while ($row = $db->fetch_assoc($request)) {
        $custom_fields[] = $row['col_name'];
    // These are the theme changes...
    $themeSetArray = array();
    if (isset($_POST['options']) && is_array($_POST['options'])) {
        foreach ($_POST['options'] as $opt => $val) {
            if (in_array($opt, $custom_fields)) {
            // These need to be controlled.
            if ($opt == 'topics_per_page' || $opt == 'messages_per_page') {
                $val = max(0, min($val, 50));
            } elseif ($opt == 'allow_no_censored') {
            $themeSetArray[] = array($id_theme, $memID, $opt, is_array($val) ? implode(',', $val) : $val);
    $erase_options = array();
    if (isset($_POST['default_options']) && is_array($_POST['default_options'])) {
        foreach ($_POST['default_options'] as $opt => $val) {
            if (in_array($opt, $custom_fields)) {
            // These need to be controlled.
            if ($opt == 'topics_per_page' || $opt == 'messages_per_page') {
                $val = max(0, min($val, 50));
            } elseif ($opt == 'allow_no_censored' && !$user_info['is_admin'] && !$context['user']['is_owner']) {
            $themeSetArray[] = array(1, $memID, $opt, is_array($val) ? implode(',', $val) : $val);
            $erase_options[] = $opt;
    // If themeSetArray isn't still empty, send it to the database.
    if (empty($context['password_auth_failed'])) {
        require_once SUBSDIR . '/Themes.subs.php';
        if (!empty($themeSetArray)) {
        if (!empty($erase_options)) {
            removeThemeOptions('custom', $memID, $erase_options);
        $themes = explode(',', $modSettings['knownThemes']);
        foreach ($themes as $t) {
            cache_put_data('theme_settings-' . $t . ':' . $memID, null, 60);
  * Reorders the front page blocks in response to a D&D ajax request
 public function action_userblockorder()
     global $context, $txt, $user_info, $settings, $modSettings;
     // Should not happen, but no guest processing
     if ($user_info['is_guest'] || $user_info['id'] == 0) {
     // Start off with nothing
     $context['xml_data'] = array();
     $errors = array();
     $order = array();
     // Chances are
     // You have to be allowed to do this
     $validation_session = checkSession();
     if (empty($validation_session)) {
         $block_tree = array();
         // No questions that we are rearranging the blocks
         if (isset($_POST['order'], $_POST['received'], $_POST['moved'])) {
             $column_numbers = array('sp_left_div' => 1, 'sp_top_div' => 2, 'sp_bottom_div' => 3, 'sp_right_div' => 4, 'sp_header' => 5, 'sp_footer' => 6);
             // What block was drag and dropped? e.g. block_2,4
             list($block_moved, ) = explode(',', $_POST['moved']);
             $block_moved = (int) str_replace('block_', '', $block_moved);
             // Where is it going
             $target_column = $column_numbers[$_POST['received']];
             // The block ids arrive in 1-n view order ... block,column
             foreach ($_POST['block'] as $id) {
                 list($block, $column) = explode(',', $id);
                 // Update the moved blocks column
                 if ($block == $block_moved) {
                     $column = $target_column;
                 $block_tree[$column][] = $block;
         // Update the option so its remembered
         require_once SUBSDIR . '/Themes.subs.php';
         updateThemeOptions(array($settings['theme_id'], $user_info['id'], 'sp_block_layout', serialize($block_tree)));
         if (!empty($modSettings['cache_enable']) && $modSettings['cache_enable'] >= 2) {
             cache_put_data('theme_settings-' . $settings['theme_id'] . ':' . $user_info['id'], null, 60);
         $order[] = array('value' => $txt['sp-blocks_success_arrange']);
     } else {
         $errors[] = array('value' => $txt['sp-blocks_fail_arrange']);
     // Return the response
     $context['sub_template'] = 'generic_xml';
     $context['xml_data'] = array('orders' => array('identifier' => 'order', 'children' => $order), 'errors' => array('identifier' => 'error', 'children' => $errors));
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Set a theme option via javascript.
  * What it does:
  * - sets a theme option without outputting anything.
  * - can be used with javascript, via a dummy image... (which doesn't require
  *   the page to reload.)
  * - requires someone who is logged in.
  * - accessed via ?action=jsoption;var=variable;val=value;session_var=sess_id.
  * - optionally contains &th=theme id
  * - does not log access to the Who's Online log. (in index.php..)
 public function action_jsoption()
     global $settings, $user_info, $options, $modSettings;
     // Check the session id.
     // This good-for-nothing pixel is being used to keep the session alive.
     if (empty($_GET['var']) || !isset($_GET['val'])) {
         redirectexit($settings['images_url'] . '/blank.png');
     // Sorry, guests can't go any further than this..
     if ($user_info['is_guest'] || $user_info['id'] == 0) {
     $reservedVars = array('actual_theme_url', 'actual_images_url', 'base_theme_dir', 'base_theme_url', 'default_images_url', 'default_theme_dir', 'default_theme_url', 'default_template', 'images_url', 'number_recent_posts', 'smiley_sets_default', 'theme_dir', 'theme_id', 'theme_layers', 'theme_templates', 'theme_url', 'name');
     // Can't change reserved vars.
     if (in_array(strtolower($_GET['var']), $reservedVars)) {
         redirectexit($settings['images_url'] . '/blank.png');
     // Use a specific theme?
     if (isset($_GET['th']) || isset($_GET['id'])) {
         // Invalidate the current themes cache too.
         if (!empty($modSettings['cache_enable']) && $modSettings['cache_enable'] >= 2) {
             cache_put_data('theme_settings-' . $settings['theme_id'] . ':' . $user_info['id'], null, 60);
         $settings['theme_id'] = isset($_GET['th']) ? (int) $_GET['th'] : (int) $_GET['id'];
     // If this is the admin preferences the passed value will just be an element of it.
     if ($_GET['var'] == 'admin_preferences') {
         $options['admin_preferences'] = !empty($options['admin_preferences']) ? unserialize($options['admin_preferences']) : array();
         // New thingy...
         if (isset($_GET['admin_key']) && strlen($_GET['admin_key']) < 5) {
             $options['admin_preferences'][$_GET['admin_key']] = $_GET['val'];
         // Change the value to be something nice,
         $_GET['val'] = serialize($options['admin_preferences']);
     } elseif ($_GET['var'] == 'minmax_preferences') {
         $options['minmax_preferences'] = !empty($options['minmax_preferences']) ? unserialize($options['minmax_preferences']) : array();
         // New value for them
         if (isset($_GET['minmax_key']) && strlen($_GET['minmax_key']) < 10) {
             $options['minmax_preferences'][$_GET['minmax_key']] = $_GET['val'];
         // Change the value to be something nice,
         $_GET['val'] = serialize($options['minmax_preferences']);
     // Update the option.
     require_once SUBSDIR . '/Themes.subs.php';
     updateThemeOptions(array($settings['theme_id'], $user_info['id'], $_GET['var'], is_array($_GET['val']) ? implode(',', $_GET['val']) : $_GET['val']));
     if (!empty($modSettings['cache_enable']) && $modSettings['cache_enable'] >= 2) {
         cache_put_data('theme_settings-' . $settings['theme_id'] . ':' . $user_info['id'], null, 60);
     // Don't output anything...
     redirectexit($settings['images_url'] . '/blank.png');
Exemplo n.º 5
  * The credits section in admin panel.
  * What it does:
  * - Determines the current level of support functions from the server, such as
  * current level of caching engine or graphics librayrs installed.
  * - Accessed by ?action=admin;area=credits
 public function action_credits()
     global $forum_version, $txt, $scripturl, $context, $user_info, $modSettings;
     // We need a little help from our friends
     require_once SUBSDIR . '/Membergroups.subs.php';
     require_once SUBSDIR . '/Who.subs.php';
     require_once SUBSDIR . '/Admin.subs.php';
     // You have to be able to do at least one of the below to see this page.
     isAllowedTo(array('admin_forum', 'manage_permissions', 'moderate_forum', 'manage_membergroups', 'manage_bans', 'send_mail', 'edit_news', 'manage_boards', 'manage_smileys', 'manage_attachments'));
     // Find all of this forum's administrators...
     if (listMembergroupMembers_Href($context['administrators'], 1, 32) && allowedTo('manage_membergroups')) {
         // Add a 'more'-link if there are more than 32.
         $context['more_admins_link'] = '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=moderate;area=viewgroups;sa=members;group=1">' . $txt['more'] . '</a>';
     // Load credits.
     $context[$context['admin_menu_name']]['tab_data'] = array('title' => $txt['support_credits_title'], 'help' => '', 'description' => '');
     $context += prepareCreditsData();
     // This makes it easier to get the latest news with your time format.
     $context['time_format'] = urlencode($user_info['time_format']);
     $context['forum_version'] = $forum_version;
     // Get a list of current server versions.
     $checkFor = array('gd', 'imagick', 'db_server', 'mmcache', 'eaccelerator', 'zend', 'apc', 'memcache', 'xcache', 'opcache', 'php', 'server');
     $context['current_versions'] = getServerVersions($checkFor);
     $context['can_admin'] = allowedTo('admin_forum');
     $context['sub_template'] = 'credits';
     $context['page_title'] = $txt['support_credits_title'];
     // Load in the admin quick tasks
     $context['quick_admin_tasks'] = getQuickAdminTasks();
     $index = 'new_in_' . str_replace(array('ElkArte ', '.'), array('', '_'), FORUM_VERSION);
     if (isset($txt[$index])) {
         $context['latest_updates'] = replaceBasicActionUrl($txt[$index]);
         require_once SUBSDIR . '/Themes.subs.php';
         updateThemeOptions(array(1, $user_info['id'], 'dismissed_' . $index, 1));