$closing_hours = $_POST['clhours']; $room = $_POST['roomnum']; $max_cap = $_POST['maxcap']; $rid = $_POST['room']; $cid = $_POST['company']; $bid = $_POST['branch']; // start session which may be needed later // start it now because it must go before headers session_start(); // connect to database $db = db_connect(); try { // check forms filled in if (!filled_out($_POST)) { throw new Exception('You have not filled the form out correctly. Please go back and try again.'); } // update database functions updateCompany($db, $company, $date, $cid); updateBranch($db, $branch, $type, $opening_hours, $closing_hours, $longitude, $latitude, $bid); updateRoom($db, $room, $max_cap, $rid); // success head to success page $url = 'index.php?page=addsuccess'; ob_end_clean(); header("Location: {$url}"); exit; } catch (Exception $e) { // print error echo $e->getMessage(); // exit exit; }
} if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "GET" && !empty($_GET['method'])) { $request_parts = explode('/', $_GET['method']); $method = $request_parts[1]; switch ($method) { case "addCompany": $jsondata = addCompany(); break; case "getCompany": $jsondata = getCompany(); break; case "editCompany": $jsondata = editCompany(); break; case "updateCompany": $jsondata = updateCompany(); break; case "deleteCompany": $jsondata = deleteCompany(); break; } publishOutput($jsondata); } else { $jsonoutput = array("status" => 0, "msg" => "Unauthorised Access!"); publishOutput($jsonoutput); } ///// All Calls //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function addCompany() { echo "hi"; exit;