function getBannersClicked($banid, $userid = null) { $rarray = array(); $update_qry = "UPDATE banners set number_of_click = number_of_click+1 where id={$banid}"; if (updateByQuery($update_qry)) { if (!empty($userid)) { $add_details = findByIdArray($banid, 'banners'); $already_exists_query = "SELECT * from point_details where type='B' and parent_id=" . $add_details['id'] . " and user_id=" . $userid; $if_exist = findByQuery($already_exists_query); echo '<pre>'; //var_dump($add_details); var_dump($if_exist); //var_dump($add_details); if (!empty($add_details) && $add_details['target_click'] >= $add_details['number_of_click'] && empty($if_exist)) { $given_point_details = findByConditionArray(array('id' => $add_details['mpoint_name']), 'point_master'); $given_point_exipre_date = $given_point_details[0]['expire_date']; $temp = array(); $temp['user_id'] = $userid; $temp['points'] = $add_details['mpoint_get_per_click']; $temp['point_id'] = $add_details['mpoint_name']; $temp['merchant_id'] = $add_details['merchant_id']; $temp['source'] = "earn from banner click"; $temp['type'] = 'B'; $temp['parent_id'] = $add_details['id']; $temp['date'] = $add_details['start_date']; $temp['expire_date'] = $given_point_exipre_date; $temp['redeemed_points'] = 0; $temp['redeemed_points'] = 0; $temp['remaining_points'] = $add_details['mpoint_get_per_click']; $t = add(json_encode(array('save_data' => $temp)), 'points'); $temp = array(); $temp['user_id'] = $userid; $temp['points'] = $add_details['mpoint_get_per_click']; $temp['point_id'] = $add_details['mpoint_name']; $temp['merchant_id'] = $add_details['merchant_id']; $temp['source'] = "earn from banner click"; $temp['type'] = 'B'; $temp['parent_id'] = $add_details['id']; $temp['date'] = $add_details['start_date']; $temp['expire_date'] = $given_point_exipre_date; $temp['redeemed_points'] = 0; $temp['remaining_points'] = $add_details['mpoint_get_per_click']; $temp['transaction_type'] = 0; $t = add(json_encode(array('save_data' => $temp)), 'point_details'); $rarray = array('type' => 'success', 'message' => 'Congratulation. You have got ' . $add_details['mpoint_get_per_click'] . ' m-points.'); } else { //echo 'helllo'; //$rarray = array('type' => 'error', 'message' => 'Banners not found.'); } } else { $rarray = array('type' => 'success', 'message' => 'Banners clicked successfully.'); } } else { $rarray = array('type' => 'error', 'message' => 'Internal error. Please try again later.'); } echo json_encode($rarray); }
function cornForCartValidity() { $cur_time = time(); //echo $cur_time; $cartsql = "select * from cart where validity <= '" . $cur_time . "'"; $cartres = findByQuery($cartsql); if (!empty($cartres)) { foreach ($cartres as $cartres_key => $cartres_val) { $offer_id = $cartres_val['offer_id']; $offer_qty = $cartres_val['quantity']; $cart_id = $cartres_val['id']; //$offer_details = findByConditionArray(array('id' => $offer_id),'offers'); //print_r $up_query = "UPDATE offers SET buy_count=buy_count -" . $offer_qty . " where id=" . $offer_id; updateByQuery($up_query); delete('cart', $cart_id); } } }
function updateCheckType() { $request = Slim::getInstance()->request(); $body = json_decode($request->getBody()); //print_r($body); //exit; $rarray = array(); if (!empty($body->item)) { foreach ($body->item as $bodykey => $bodyval) { if ($bodyval->payments == 1) { $payment = 1; } else { $payment = 0; } if ($bodyval->paymentscash == 1) { $paymentcash = 1; } else { $paymentcash = 0; } //$item = $body->item; $offer_id = $bodyval->offer_id; $query = "UPDATE cart set price=" . $paymentcash . ", point=" . $payment . " where user_id=" . $body->user_id . " and offer_id=" . $bodyval->offer_id; updateByQuery($query); } //foreach() } $rarray = array('type' => 'success', 'data' => 'ok'); echo json_encode($rarray); }