Exemplo n.º 1
    $actual_price = $unit_price * $registrants;
$paid = hasUserPaid($user["user_id"], $event["event_id"]);
    if (isset($_POST["stripeToken"])) {
        $token = $_POST['stripeToken'];
    $stripe_charge_id = getStripeChargeId($event["event_id"], $user["user_id"]);
    if ($_POST["action"] == "cancel") {
        // if the event has been paid for, refund the original charge
        if ($paid) {
            $refund = \Stripe\Refund::create(array("charge" => $stripe_charge_id));
            $_SESSION["refund"] = $refund["amount"] / 100;
        // delete the user's event registration
        $unregister = unregisterUser($event["event_id"], $user['user_id']);
        $_SESSION["cancel"] = true;
    if ($_POST["action"] == "cc-on-file" || $_POST["action"] == "new-card" || $_POST["action"] == "modify") {
        // determine the new price of the event
        $price_in_cents = intval($actual_price * 100);
        // if this is a new card, either create a new customer or update existing customer
        if ($_POST["action"] == "new-card") {
            if (empty($user["stripe_cust_id"])) {
                // create a new customer
                $stripe_cust_id = createStripeCustomer($token, $user);
                $user["stripe_cust_id"] = $stripe_cust_id;
            } else {
                // update a customer's source
                $cu = \Stripe\Customer::retrieve($user["stripe_cust_id"]);
                $cu->source = $token;
Exemplo n.º 2
function submitRegistrationForm($moduleCompId, $userId, $silent = false, $disableCaptcha = false)
    ///-------------------------Get anonymous unique negative user id---------------
    if ($userId == 0) {
        $useridQuery = "SELECT MIN(`user_id`) - 1 AS MIN FROM `form_regdata` WHERE 1";
        $useridResult = mysql_query($useridQuery);
        if (mysql_num_rows($useridResult) > 0) {
            $useridRow = mysql_fetch_assoc($useridResult);
            $userId = $useridRow['MIN'];
        } else {
            $userId = -1;
    ///-----------------------------Anonymous user id ends-------------------------------
    ///---------------------------- CAPTCHA Validation ----------------------------------
    if (!$disableCaptcha) {
        $captchaQuery = 'SELECT `form_usecaptcha` FROM `form_desc` WHERE `page_modulecomponentid` = \'' . $moduleCompId . "'";
        $captchaResult = mysql_query($captchaQuery);
        $captchaRow = mysql_fetch_row($captchaResult);
        if ($captchaRow[0] == 1) {
            if (!submitCaptcha()) {
                return false;
    ///------------------------ CAPTCHA Validation Ends Here ----------------------------
    $query = "SELECT `form_elementid`,`form_elementtype` FROM `form_elementdesc` WHERE `page_modulecomponentid`='{$moduleCompId}'";
    $result = mysql_query($query);
    $allFieldsUpdated = true;
    while ($elementRow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        $type = $elementRow['form_elementtype'];
        $elementId = $elementRow['form_elementid'];
        $postVarName = "form_" . $moduleCompId . "_element_" . $elementRow['form_elementid'];
        $functionName = "submitRegistrationForm" . ucfirst(strtolower($type));
        $elementDescQuery = "SELECT `form_elementname`,`form_elementsize`,`form_elementtypeoptions`,`form_elementmorethan`," . "`form_elementlessthan`,`form_elementcheckint`,`form_elementisrequired` FROM `form_elementdesc` " . "WHERE `page_modulecomponentid`='{$moduleCompId}' AND `form_elementid` ='{$elementId}'";
        $elementDescResult = mysql_query($elementDescQuery);
        if (!$elementDescResult) {
            displayerror('E69 : Invalid query: ' . mysql_error());
            return false;
        $elementDescRow = mysql_fetch_assoc($elementDescResult);
        $elementName = $elementDescRow['form_elementname'];
        $elementSize = $elementDescRow['form_elementsize'];
        $elementTypeOptions = $elementDescRow['form_elementtypeoptions'];
        $elementMoreThan = $elementDescRow['form_elementmorethan'];
        $elementLessThan = $elementDescRow['form_elementlessthan'];
        $elementCheckInt = $elementDescRow['form_elementcheckint'] == 1 ? true : false;
        $elementIsRequired = $elementDescRow['form_elementisrequired'] == 1 ? true : false;
        if ($functionName($moduleCompId, $elementId, $userId, $postVarName, $elementName, $elementSize, $elementTypeOptions, $elementMoreThan, $elementLessThan, $elementCheckInt, $elementIsRequired) == false) {
            //	displayerror("Error in inputting data in function $functionName.");
            $allFieldsUpdated = false;
    if (!$allFieldsUpdated) {
        if ($userId < 0) {
            unregisterUser($moduleCompId, $userId);
        } else {
            if (!verifyUserRegistered($moduleCompId, $userId)) {
                $deleteelementdata_query = "DELETE FROM `form_elementdata` WHERE `user_id` = '{$userId}' AND `page_modulecomponentid` ='{$moduleCompId}' ";
                $deleteelementdata_result = mysql_query($deleteelementdata_query);
            return false;
    } else {
        if (!verifyUserRegistered($moduleCompId, $userId)) {
            registerUser($moduleCompId, $userId);
        } else {
            updateUser($moduleCompId, $userId);
        if (!$silent) {
            $footerQuery = "SELECT `form_footertext`, `form_sendconfirmation` FROM `form_desc` WHERE `page_modulecomponentid` = '{$moduleCompId}'";
            $footerResult = mysql_query($footerQuery);
            $footerRow = mysql_fetch_row($footerResult);
            $footerText = $footerRow[0];
            $footerTextLength = strlen($footerText);
            if ($footerTextLength > 7) {
                if (substr($footerText, 0, 4) == '<!--' && substr($footerText, $footerTextLength - 3) == '-->') {
                    $footerText = substr($footerText, 4, $footerTextLength - 7);
                } else {
                    $footerText = '';
            } else {
                $footerText = '';
            displayinfo($footerText == '' ? "User successfully registered!" : $footerText);
            // send mail code starts here - see common.lib.php for more
            if ($footerRow[1]) {
                $from = '';
                // Default CMS email will be added automatically if this is left blank
                $to = getUserEmail($userId);
                $pageId = getPageIdFromModuleComponentId('form', $moduleCompId);
                $parentPage = getParentPage($pageId);
                $formname = getPageTitle($parentPage);
                $keyid = $finalName = str_pad($userId, 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
                $key = '';
                $mailtype = "form_registration_mail";
                $messenger = new messenger(false);
                global $onlineSiteUrl;
                $messenger->assign_vars(array('FORMNAME' => "{$formname}", 'KEY' => "{$key}", 'WEBSITE' => CMS_TITLE, 'DOMAIN' => $onlineSiteUrl, 'NAME' => getUserFullName($userId)));
                if ($messenger->mailer($to, $mailtype, $key, $from)) {
                    displayinfo("You have been succesfully registered to {$formname} and a registration confirmation mail has been sent. Kindly check your e-mail.");
                } else {
                    displayerror("Registration confirmation mail sending failure. Kindly contact webadmin@pragyan.org");
            // send mail code ends here
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function actionEditregistrants()
      * After view registrants completes, generateFormDataRow() will be used here also
      * then manually prepend the "delete" button and "edit" button columns
      * After  generateFormDataTable() completes, move the code to generate the top header row (with the sort
      * 			by this column images) to a new function and call it here also and manually prepened two <th>s of
      * 			delete and edit
      * The delete button should point to a subaction through get vars
      * Clicking edit button, should do something like edit in 2nd form in "editform" does with a twist :
      *	to generate the edit form simply call generateRegistrationForm($moduleCompId,$userId,$action=)
      *  with action ./+editregistrants&subaction=editregistrant&useremail=<useremail>
      * and when submitted call submitRegistrationForm()
     global $sourceFolder, $moduleFolder;
     if (isset($_GET['subaction']) && isset($_GET['useremail'])) {
         if ($_GET['subaction'] == 'edit') {
             if (isset($_POST['submitreg_form_' . $this->moduleComponentId])) {
                 submitRegistrationForm($this->moduleComponentId, getUserIdFromEmail(escape($_GET['useremail'])), true, true);
             return '<a href="./+editregistrants">&laquo; Back</a><br />' . generateRegistrationForm($this->moduleComponentId, $this->userId, './+editregistrants&subaction=edit&useremail=' . escape($_GET['useremail']), true) . '<br /><a href="./+editregistrants">&laquo; Back</a><br />';
         } elseif ($_GET['subaction'] == 'delete') {
             if ($_GET['useremail'] == "Anonymous") {
                 $userIdTemp = escape($_GET['registrantid']);
             } else {
                 $userIdTemp = getUserIdFromEmail(escape($_GET['useremail']));
             if (!unregisterUser($this->moduleComponentId, $userIdTemp)) {
                 displayerror('Error! User with the given e-mail ' . escape($_GET['useremail']) . ' was not found.');
     } elseif (isset($_GET['subaction']) && $_GET['subaction'] == 'getsuggestions' && isset($_GET['forwhat'])) {
         echo $this->getUnregisteredUsersFromPattern(escape($_GET['forwhat']));
     } elseif (isset($_POST['btnAddUserToForm']) && isset($_POST['useremail'])) {
         $hyphenPos = strpos($_POST['useremail'], '-');
         if ($hyphenPos >= 0) {
             $userEmail = escape(trim(substr($_POST['useremail'], 0, $hyphenPos - 1)));
         } else {
             $userEmail = escape($_POST['useremail']);
         $targetUserId = getUserIdFromEmail($userEmail);
         if ($targetUserId > 0) {
             if (verifyUserRegistered($this->moduleComponentId, $targetUserId)) {
                 displayerror('The given user is already registered to this form.');
             } else {
                 registerUser($this->moduleComponentId, $targetUserId);
         } else {
             displayerror('A user registered with the e-mail ID you entered was not found.');
     } elseif (isset($_POST['btnEmptyRegistrants'])) {
         $registeredUsers = form::getRegisteredUserArray($this->moduleComponentId);
         $registeredUserCount = count($registeredUsers);
         for ($i = 0; $i < $registeredUserCount; $i++) {
             unregisterUser($this->moduleComponentId, $registeredUsers[$i], true);
         displayinfo('All registrations to this form have been deleted.');
     $sortField = 'registrationdate';
     /// Default Values
     $sortOrder = 'asc';
     if (isset($_GET['sortfield'])) {
         $sortField = escape($_GET['sortfield']);
     if (isset($_GET['sortorder']) && ($_GET['sortorder'] == 'asc' || $_GET['sortorder'] == 'desc')) {
         $sortOrder = escape($_GET['sortorder']);
     global $ICONS;
     $html = generateFormDataTable($this->moduleComponentId, $sortField, $sortOrder, 'editregistrants');
     return "<fieldset><legend>{$ICONS['Form Registrants']['small']}Edit Form Registrants</legend>{$html}</fieldset>";
Exemplo n.º 4
    $max = "";
} else {
    $max = $event["max_attendees"];
    // process the event change
    if (password_verify($_POST["admin-password"], $admin["password"])) {
        if ($_POST["action"] == "delete") {
            $registrations = deleteEvent($event["event_id"]);
            foreach ($registrations as $registration) {
                // refund the charge
                if (!empty($registration["stripe_charge_id"])) {
                    $refund = \Stripe\Refund::create(array("charge" => $registration["stripe_charge_id"]));
                // unregister the user
                unregisterUser($registration["event_id"], $registration["user_id"]);
            deleteEvent($event["event_id"], true);
            $_SESSION["deleted"] = $event["name"];
        } elseif ($_POST["action"] == "edit") {
            $edit = editEvent($event["event_id"], $_POST["name"], str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n"), "<br>", $_POST["description"]), $_POST["date"], $_POST["start-time"], $_POST["end-time"], $_POST["member-price"], $_POST["nonmember-price"], $_POST["max"]);
            $_SESSION["event-edited"] = true;
            header("Location:/admin/events/edit/" . $event["event_id"] . "/");
    } else {
        $_SESSION["incorrect-password"] = true;
        header("Location:/admin/events/edit/" . $event["event_id"] . "/");
} else {
function submitRegistrationForm($moduleCompId, $userId, $silent = false, $disableCaptcha = false)
    ///-------------------------Get anonymous unique negative user id---------------
    if ($userId == 0) {
        $useridQuery = "SELECT MIN(`user_id`) - 1 AS MIN FROM `form_regdata` WHERE 1";
        $useridResult = mysql_query($useridQuery);
        if (mysql_num_rows($useridResult) > 0) {
            $useridRow = mysql_fetch_assoc($useridResult);
            $userId = $useridRow['MIN'];
        } else {
            $userId = -1;
    ///-----------------------------Anonymous user id ends-------------------------------
    ///---------------------------- CAPTCHA Validation ----------------------------------
    if (!$disableCaptcha) {
        $captchaQuery = 'SELECT `form_usecaptcha` FROM `form_desc` WHERE `page_modulecomponentid` = ' . $moduleCompId;
        $captchaResult = mysql_query($captchaQuery);
        $captchaRow = mysql_fetch_row($captchaResult);
        if ($captchaRow[0] == 1) {
            if (!submitCaptcha()) {
                return false;
    ///------------------------ CAPTCHA Validation Ends Here ----------------------------
    $query = "SELECT `form_elementid`,`form_elementtype` FROM `form_elementdesc` WHERE `page_modulecomponentid`={$moduleCompId}";
    $result = mysql_query($query);
    $allFieldsUpdated = true;
    while ($elementRow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        $type = $elementRow['form_elementtype'];
        $elementId = $elementRow['form_elementid'];
        $postVarName = "form_" . $moduleCompId . "_element_" . $elementRow['form_elementid'];
        $functionName = "submitRegistrationForm" . ucfirst(strtolower($type));
        $elementDescQuery = "SELECT `form_elementname`,`form_elementsize`,`form_elementtypeoptions`,`form_elementmorethan`," . "`form_elementlessthan`,`form_elementcheckint`,`form_elementisrequired` FROM `form_elementdesc` " . "WHERE `page_modulecomponentid`={$moduleCompId} AND `form_elementid` ={$elementId}";
        $elementDescResult = mysql_query($elementDescQuery);
        if (!$elementDescResult) {
            displayerror('E69 : Invalid query: ' . mysql_error());
            return false;
        $elementDescRow = mysql_fetch_assoc($elementDescResult);
        $elementName = $elementDescRow['form_elementname'];
        $elementSize = $elementDescRow['form_elementsize'];
        $elementTypeOptions = $elementDescRow['form_elementtypeoptions'];
        $elementMoreThan = $elementDescRow['form_elementmorethan'];
        $elementLessThan = $elementDescRow['form_elementlessthan'];
        $elementCheckInt = $elementDescRow['form_elementcheckint'] == 1 ? true : false;
        $elementIsRequired = $elementDescRow['form_elementisrequired'] == 1 ? true : false;
        if ($functionName($moduleCompId, $elementId, $userId, $postVarName, $elementName, $elementSize, $elementTypeOptions, $elementMoreThan, $elementLessThan, $elementCheckInt, $elementIsRequired) == false) {
            //	displayerror("Error in inputting data in function $functionName.");
            $allFieldsUpdated = false;
    if (!$allFieldsUpdated) {
        if ($userId < 0) {
            unregisterUser($moduleCompId, $userId);
        } else {
            if (!verifyUserRegistered($moduleCompId, $userId)) {
                $deleteelementdata_query = "DELETE FROM `form_elementdata` WHERE `user_id` = {$userId} AND `page_modulecomponentid` = {$moduleCompId} ";
                $deleteelementdata_result = mysql_query($deleteelementdata_query);
            return false;
    } else {
        if (!verifyUserRegistered($moduleCompId, $userId)) {
            registerUser($moduleCompId, $userId);
        } else {
            updateUser($moduleCompId, $userId);
        if (!$silent) {
            displayinfo("User successfully registered!");
            // send mail code starts here - see common.lib.php for more
            				$from = CMS_EMAIL;
            				$to = getUserEmail($userId);
            				$pageId = getPageIdFromModuleComponentId('form',$moduleCompId);
            				$parentPage = getParentPage($pageId);
            				$event = getPageTitle($parentPage);
            				$keyid = $finalName = str_pad($userId, 5,'0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
            				$key = '';
            $mailtype = "hospitality_mail";
            $key = 'P09'.$keyid;
            $mailtype = "crossfire_mail";
            $mailtype = "suggestions_mail";
            				else {
            $mailtype = "registration_mail";
            				$messenger = new messenger(false);
            				if($event=='Akriti') {
            Your Akriti registration no. is P09AR$keyid.
            Please ensure that your drawing sheets and/or reports only bear the registration number. 
            Name of the institute, participants name are strictly prohibited from appearing in any form.
            				if($event == 'onlinefinals')
            				if ($messenger->mailer($to,$mailtype,$key,$from))
            displayinfo("You have been  succesfully registered to $event and a registration confirmation mail has been sent. Kindly check your e-mail.");
            displayerror("Registration confirmation mail sending failure. Kindly contact webadmin@pragyan.org");
            // send mail code ends here
    return true;