Exemplo n.º 1
 function __construct()
     global $_W, $_GPC;
     $this->_weid = $_W['uniacid'];
     $this->_fromuser = $_W['fans']['from_user'];
     if ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == '' || $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == 'localhost:8888' || $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == '') {
         $this->_fromuser = '******';
     $this->_auth2_openid = 'auth2_openid_' . $_W['uniacid'];
     $this->_auth2_nickname = 'auth2_nickname_' . $_W['uniacid'];
     $this->_auth2_headimgurl = 'auth2_headimgurl_' . $_W['uniacid'];
     $this->_appid = '';
     $this->_appsecret = '';
     $this->_accountlevel = $_W['account']['level'];
     if (!empty($_SESSION['oauth_openid'])) {
         $this->_fromuser = $_SESSION['oauth_openid'];
     if ($this->_accountlevel < 4) {
         $setting = uni_setting($this->_weid);
         $oauth = $setting['oauth'];
         if (!empty($oauth) && !empty($oauth['account'])) {
             $this->_account = account_fetch($oauth['account']);
             $this->_appid = $this->_account['key'];
             $this->_appsecret = $this->_account['secret'];
     } else {
         $this->_appid = $_W['account']['key'];
         $this->_appsecret = $_W['account']['secret'];
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function payResult($params)
     $status = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT status FROM " . tablename('mc_credits_recharge') . " WHERE tid = :tid", array(':tid' => $params['tid']));
     if (empty($status)) {
         $credit1_lv = $this->module['config']['credit1_lv'] ? $this->module['config']['credit1_lv'] : 1;
         $fee = $params['fee'] / $credit1_lv;
         $data = array('status' => $params['result'] == 'success' ? 1 : -1);
         if ($params['type'] == 'wechat') {
             $data['transid'] = $params['tag']['transaction_id'];
             $params['user'] = mc_openid2uid($params['user']);
         pdo_update('mc_credits_recharge', $data, array('tid' => $params['tid']));
         if ($params['result'] == 'success' && $params['from'] == 'notify') {
             $setting = uni_setting($_W['uniacid'], array('creditbehaviors'));
             $credit = $setting['creditbehaviors']['activity'];
             if (empty($credit)) {
                 message('站点积分行为参数配置错误,请联系服务商', '', 'error');
             } else {
                 $paydata = array('wechat' => '微信', 'alipay' => '支付宝');
                 $record[] = $params['user'];
                 $record[] = '用户通过' . $paydata[$params['type']] . '充值' . $fee . '积分';
                 mc_credit_update($params['user'], $credit, $fee, $record);
     if ($params['from'] == 'return') {
         if ($params['result'] == 'success') {
             message('支付成功!', '../../app/' . url('mc/home'), 'success');
         } else {
             message('支付失败!', '../../app/' . url('mc/home'), 'error');
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function fieldsFormDisplay($rid = 0)
     global $_W, $_GPC;
     //要嵌入规则编辑页的自定义内容,这里 $rid 为对应的规则编号,新增时为 0
     $creditnames = uni_setting($_W['uniacid'], array('creditnames'));
     if ($creditnames) {
         foreach ($creditnames['creditnames'] as $index => $creditname) {
             if ($creditname['enabled'] == 0) {
         $scredit = implode(', ', array_keys($creditnames['creditnames']));
     } else {
         $scredit = '';
     $groups = mc_groups($_W['uniacid']);
     $couponlists = pdo_fetchall('SELECT couponid,title,type,credittype,credit,endtime,amount,dosage FROM ' . tablename('activity_coupon') . ' WHERE uniacid = :uniacid AND type = :type AND endtime > :endtime ORDER BY endtime ASC ', array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], ':type' => 1, ':endtime' => TIMESTAMP));
     $tokenlists = pdo_fetchall('SELECT couponid,title,type,credittype,credit,endtime,amount,dosage FROM ' . tablename('activity_coupon') . ' WHERE uniacid = :uniacid AND type = :type AND endtime > :endtime ORDER BY endtime ASC ', array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], ':type' => 2, ':endtime' => TIMESTAMP));
     $goodslists = pdo_fetchall('SELECT id,title,type,credittype,endtime,total,num,credit FROM ' . tablename('activity_exchange') . ' WHERE uniacid = :uniacid AND type = :type AND endtime > :endtime ORDER BY endtime ASC', array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], ':type' => 3, ':endtime' => TIMESTAMP));
     if ($rid == 0) {
         $reply = array('title' => '幸运大抽奖活动开始了!', 'description' => '幸运大抽奖活动开始啦!', 'tips' => '每次抽奖需要花费50积分,一等奖为39元的现金抵扣券,二等奖为100积分,三等奖为50积分,四等奖为30积分。每人每天限抽2次。', 'remark' => '中奖积分请到会员主页查看', 'starttime' => time(), 'endtime' => time() + 10 * 84400, 'reg' => '0', 'status' => '1', 'awardnum' => '1', 'playnum' => '5', 'dayplaynum' => '1', 'zfcs' => '1', 'zjcs' => '1', 'rate' => '10', 'need_type' => 'credit1', 'need_num' => '0', 'give_type' => 'credit1', 'give_num' => '0', 'onlynone' => '1', 'share_title' => '欢迎参加幸运大抽奖活动', 'share_content' => '亲,欢迎参加幸运大抽奖活动,祝您好运哦!! 亲,需要绑定账号才可以参加哦');
         $prizes = array('p1_type' => 'credit1');
     } else {
         $reply = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename($this->table_reply) . " WHERE rid = :rid ORDER BY `id` DESC", array(':rid' => $rid));
         $prizes = iunserializer($reply['prizes']);
     include $this->template('form');
Exemplo n.º 4
 public function fieldsFormDisplay($rid = 0)
     global $_W;
     $uniacid = $_W['uniacid'];
     $creditnames = array();
     $unisettings = uni_setting($uniacid, array('creditnames'));
     foreach ($unisettings['creditnames'] as $key => $credit) {
         if (!empty($credit['enabled'])) {
             $creditnames[$key] = $credit['title'];
     if (!empty($rid)) {
         $reply = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('stonefish_planting_reply') . " WHERE rid = :rid ORDER BY `id` DESC", array(':rid' => $rid));
         $share = pdo_fetchall("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('stonefish_planting_share') . " WHERE rid = :rid ORDER BY `id` DESC", array(':rid' => $rid));
         $prize = pdo_fetchall("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('stonefish_planting_prize') . " WHERE rid = :rid ORDER BY `id` asc", array(':rid' => $rid));
         foreach ($prize as $mid => $prizes) {
             $prize[$mid]['fans'] = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . tablename('stonefish_planting_award') . " WHERE prizetype = :prizeid", array(':prizeid' => $prizes['id']));
             $prize[$mid]['delete_url'] = $this->createWebUrl('deleteprize', array('rid' => $rid, 'id' => $prizes['id']));
     $seed = pdo_fetchall("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('stonefish_planting_seed') . " WHERE uniacid = :uniacid Or uniacid = 0 ORDER BY `id` asc", array(':uniacid' => $uniacid));
     if (!$reply) {
         $now = time();
         $reply = array("title" => "种值活动开始了!", "start_picurl" => "../addons/stonefish_planting/template/images/start.jpg", "description" => "欢迎参加种值活动", "repeat_lottery_reply" => "亲,继续努力哦~~", "ticket_information" => "请用力摇晃你的手机抽奖", "starttime" => $now, "endtime" => strtotime(date("Y-m-d H:i", $now + 7 * 24 * 3600)), "end_theme" => "种值活动已经结束了", "end_instruction" => "亲,活动已经结束,请继续关注我们的后续活动哦~", "end_picurl" => "../addons/stonefish_planting/template/images/end.jpg", "homepic" => "../addons/stonefish_planting/template/images/home.jpg", "adpic" => "../addons/stonefish_planting/template/images/banner.png", "award_times" => 1, "credit_times" => 5, "show_num" => 2, "awardnum" => 50, "xuninum" => 500, "xuninumtime" => 86400, "xuninuminitial" => 10, "xuninumending" => 100, "ticketinfo" => "请输入详细资料,兑换奖品", "isrealname" => 1, "ismobile" => 1, "isfans" => 1, "isfansname" => "真实姓名,手机号码,QQ号,邮箱,地址,性别,固定电话,证件号码,公司名称,职业,职位", "homepictime" => 0);
     } else {
         $reply['notawardtext'] = implode("\n", (array) iunserializer($reply['notawardtext']));
     //print_r(uni_modules($enabledOnly = true));
     $modules = uni_modules($enabledOnly = true);
     $modules_arr = array();
     $modules_arr = array_reduce($modules, create_function('$v,$w', '$v[$w["mid"]]=$w["name"];return $v;'));
     if (in_array('stonefish_branch', $modules_arr)) {
         $stonefish_branch = true;
     $acid_arr = uni_accounts();
     $ids = array();
     $ids = array_map('array_shift', $acid_arr);
     $ids_num = count($ids);
     $one = current($ids);
     if (!$share) {
         $share = array();
         foreach ($ids as $acid => $idlists) {
             $share[$acid] = array("acid" => $acid, "share_url" => $acid_arr[$acid]['subscribeurl'], "share_title" => "已有#参与人数#人参与本活动了,你的朋友#参与人# 还中了大奖:#奖品#,请您也来试试吧!", "share_desc" => "亲,欢迎参加种值活动,祝您好运哦!! 亲,需要绑定账号才可以参加哦", "share_picurl" => "../addons/stonefish_planting/template/images/share.png", "share_pic" => "../addons/stonefish_planting/template/images/img_share.png", "sharenumtype" => 0, "sharenum" => 0, "sharetype" => 1);
     include $this->template('form');
Exemplo n.º 5
 private function getSysInfo()
     global $_W;
     $sysInfo = array();
     $setting = uni_setting($_W['uniacid'], array('creditnames', 'creditbehaviors', 'uc'));
     $sysInfo['behavior'] = $setting['creditbehaviors'];
     $sysInfo['creditnames'] = $setting['creditnames'];
     return $sysInfo;
Exemplo n.º 6
 public function fieldsFormDisplay($rid = 0)
     global $_W;
     $creditnames = array();
     $unisettings = uni_setting($uniacid, array('creditnames'));
     foreach ($unisettings['creditnames'] as $key => $credit) {
         if (!empty($credit['enabled'])) {
             $creditnames[$key] = $credit['title'];
     if (!empty($rid)) {
         $reply = pdo_fetch("select * from " . tablename('stonefish_bigwheel_reply') . " where rid = :rid order by `id` desc", array(':rid' => $rid));
         $share = pdo_fetchall("select * from " . tablename('stonefish_bigwheel_share') . " where rid = :rid order by `id` desc", array(':rid' => $rid));
         $prize = pdo_fetchall("select * from " . tablename('stonefish_bigwheel_prize') . " where rid = :rid order by `id` asc", array(':rid' => $rid));
     if (!$reply) {
         $now = time();
         $reply = array("title" => "幸运大转盘活动开始了!", "start_picurl" => "../addons/stonefish_bigwheel/template/images/activity-lottery-start.jpg", "description" => "欢迎参加幸运大转盘活动", "repeat_lottery_reply" => "亲,继续努力哦~~", "ticket_information" => "兑奖请联系我们,电话: 13888888888", "starttime" => $now, "endtime" => strtotime(date("Y-m-d H:i", $now + 7 * 24 * 3600)), "end_theme" => "幸运大转盘活动已经结束了", "end_instruction" => "亲,活动已经结束,请继续关注我们的后续活动哦~", "end_picurl" => "../addons/stonefish_bigwheel/template/images/activity-lottery-end.jpg", "most_num_times" => 0, "number_times" => 0, "probability" => 0, "turntable" => 1, "turntablenum" => 6, "award_times" => 1, "credit_times" => 5, "credit1" => 0, "credit2" => 0, "sn_code" => 1, "sn_rename" => "SN码", "show_num" => 2, "awardnum" => 50, "xuninum" => 500, "xuninumtime" => 86400, "xuninuminitial" => 10, "xuninumending" => 100, "ticketinfo" => "请输入详细资料,兑换奖品", "isrealname" => 1, "ismobile" => 1, "isfans" => 1, "isfansname" => "真实姓名,手机号码,QQ号,邮箱,地址,性别,固定电话,证件号码,公司名称,职业,职位", "bigwheelpic" => "../addons/stonefish_bigwheel/template/images/activity-lottery-6.png", "bigwheelimg" => "../addons/stonefish_bigwheel/template/images/activity-inner.png", "bigwheelimgan" => "../addons/stonefish_bigwheel/template/images/activity.png", "bigwheelimgbg" => "../addons/stonefish_bigwheel/template/images/activity_bg.png", "prizeDeg" => '1, 60, 120, 180, 240, 300', "lostDeg" => '30, 90, 150, 210, 270, 330', "homepictime" => 0);
     if (!$prize) {
         $prize = array("0" => array("credit_type" => 'physical', "prizetype" => '一等奖'), "1" => array("credit_type" => 'physical', "prizetype" => '二等奖'), "2" => array("credit_type" => 'physical', "prizetype" => '三等奖'), "3" => array("credit_type" => 'physical', "prizetype" => '四等奖'), "4" => array("credit_type" => 'physical', "prizetype" => '五等奖'), "5" => array("credit_type" => 'physical', "prizetype" => '六等奖'), "6" => array("credit_type" => 'physical', "prizetype" => '七等奖'), "7" => array("credit_type" => 'physical', "prizetype" => '八等奖'), "8" => array("credit_type" => 'physical', "prizetype" => '九等奖'), "9" => array("credit_type" => 'physical', "prizetype" => '十等奖'), "10" => array("credit_type" => 'physical', "prizetype" => '参与奖'), "11" => array("credit_type" => 'physical', "prizetype" => '幸运奖'));
     $jiangxiang = array('0' => array("turntablenum" => '3', "prizeDeg" => '1,120,240', "lostDeg" => '60,180,300', "prizeid" => "\$('#prizeid3').hide();\$('#prizeid4').hide();\$('#prizeid5').hide();\$('#prizeid6').hide();\$('#prizeid7').hide();\$('#prizeid8').hide();\$('#prizeid9').hide();\$('#prizeid10').hide();\$('#prizeid11').hide();"), '1' => array("turntablenum" => '4', "prizeDeg" => '1,90,180,270', "lostDeg" => '45,135,225,315', "prizeid" => "\$('#prizeid3').show();\$('#prizeid4').hide();\$('#prizeid5').hide();\$('#prizeid6').hide();\$('#prizeid7').hide();\$('#prizeid8').hide();\$('#prizeid9').hide();\$('#prizeid10').hide();\$('#prizeid11').hide();"), '2' => array("turntablenum" => '5', "prizeDeg" => '1,72,144,216,288', "lostDeg" => '36,108,180,252,324', "prizeid" => "\$('#prizeid3').show();\$('#prizeid4').show();\$('#prizeid5').hide();\$('#prizeid6').hide();\$('#prizeid7').hide();\$('#prizeid8').hide();\$('#prizeid9').hide();\$('#prizeid10').hide();\$('#prizeid11').hide();"), '3' => array("turntablenum" => '6', "prizeDeg" => '1,60,120,180,240,300', "lostDeg" => '30, 90, 150, 210, 270, 330', "prizeid" => "\$('#prizeid3').show();\$('#prizeid4').show();\$('#prizeid5').show();\$('#prizeid6').hide();\$('#prizeid7').hide();\$('#prizeid8').hide();\$('#prizeid9').hide();\$('#prizeid10').hide();\$('#prizeid11').hide();"), '4' => array("turntablenum" => '8', "prizeDeg" => '1,45,90,135,180,225,270,315', "lostDeg" => '22.5,67.5,112.5,157.5,202.5,247.5,292.5,337.5', "prizeid" => "\$('#prizeid3').show();\$('#prizeid4').show();\$('#prizeid5').show();\$('#prizeid6').show();\$('#prizeid7').show();\$('#prizeid8').hide();\$('#prizeid9').hide();\$('#prizeid10').hide();\$('#prizeid11').hide();"), '5' => array("turntablenum" => '10', "prizeDeg" => '1,36,72,108,144,180,216,252,288,324', "lostDeg" => '', "prizeid" => "\$('#prizeid3').show();\$('#prizeid4').show();\$('#prizeid5').show();\$('#prizeid6').show();\$('#prizeid7').show();\$('#prizeid8').show();\$('#prizeid9').show();\$('#prizeid10').hide();\$('#prizeid11').hide();"), '6' => array("turntablenum" => '12', "prizeDeg" => '1,30,60,90,120,150,180,210,240,270,300,330', "lostDeg" => '', "prizeid" => "\$('#prizeid3').show();\$('#prizeid4').show();\$('#prizeid5').show();\$('#prizeid6').show();\$('#prizeid7').show();\$('#prizeid8').show();\$('#prizeid9').show();\$('#prizeid10').show();\$('#prizeid11').show();"));
     //print_r(uni_modules($enabledOnly = true));
     $modules = uni_modules($enabledOnly = true);
     $modules_arr = array();
     $modules_arr = array_reduce($modules, create_function('$v,$w', '$v[$w["mid"]]=$w["name"];return $v;'));
     if (in_array('stonefish_branch', $modules_arr)) {
         $stonefish_branch = true;
     $acid_arr = uni_accounts();
     $ids = array();
     $ids = array_map('array_shift', $acid_arr);
     $ids_num = count($ids);
     $one = current($ids);
     if (!$share) {
         $share = array();
         foreach ($ids as $acid => $idlists) {
             $share[$acid] = array("acid" => $acid, "share_url" => $acid_arr[$acid]['subscribeurl'], "share_title" => "已有#参与人数#人参与本活动了,你的朋友#参与人# 还中了大奖:#奖品#,请您也来试试吧!", "share_desc" => "亲,欢迎参加大转盘抽奖活动,祝您好运哦!! 亲,需要绑定账号才可以参加哦", "share_picurl" => "../addons/stonefish_bigwheel/template/images/share.png", "share_pic" => "../addons/stonefish_bigwheel/template/images/img_share.png", "sharenumtype" => 0, "sharenum" => 0, "sharetype" => 1);
     include $this->template('form');
Exemplo n.º 7
function uni_group_check()
    global $_W;
    $uniacid = $_W['uniacid'];
    $settings = uni_setting($uniacid, array('groupdata'));
    $groupdata = $settings['groupdata'] ? $settings['groupdata'] : array();
    if ($_W['account']['groupid'] != 0 && $groupdata['isexpire'] == 1 && $groupdata['endtime'] < TIMESTAMP) {
        pdo_update('uni_account', array('groupid' => 0), array('uniacid' => $uniacid));
        pdo_update('uni_settings', array('groupdata' => iserializer(array('isexpire' => 1, 'endtime' => $groupdata['endtime'], 'oldgroupid' => $_W['account']['groupid']))), array('uniacid' => $uniacid));
        $_W['account']['groupid'] = 0;
        return true;
    return false;
Exemplo n.º 8
 public function settingsDisplay($settings)
     global $_GPC, $_W;
     $credits = uni_setting($_W['uniacid'], 'creditnames');
     $cls = new Prize();
     list($code, $groups) = $cls->groups();
     if (checksubmit()) {
         $cfg = array('times' => $_GPC['times'], 'start_time' => $_GPC['start_time'], 'end_time' => $_GPC['end_time'], 'prize_group' => $_GPC['prize_group'], 'credit_type' => $_GPC['credit_type'], 'credit' => intval($_GPC['credit']), 'rank' => intval($_GPC['rank']));
         $start_time = $cfg['start_time'];
         $start_time = strtotime($start_time);
         $end_time = $cfg['end_time'];
         $end_time = strtotime($end_time);
         if ($start_time >= $end_time) {
             message('开始时间不得晚于结束时间', 'refresh', 'error');
         } elseif ($this->saveSettings($cfg)) {
             message('保存成功', 'refresh');
     if (!isset($settings) || empty($settings)) {
         $UnIaCid = $_W['uniacid'];
         $par = array(':module' => $this->modulename, ':uniacid' => $UnIaCid);
         $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . tablename("uni_account_modules") . " WHERE module=:module AND uniacid=:uniacid";
         $row = pdo_fetchcolumn($sql, $par);
         if (empty($row) || intval($row) <= 0) {
             $cfg = array('module' => $this->modulename, 'uniacid' => $UnIaCid, 'enabled' => 1);
             pdo_insert("uni_account_modules", $cfg);
     if (!isset($settings['times'])) {
         $settings['times'] = '1';
     if (!isset($settings['start_time'])) {
         $settings['start_time'] = '08:30';
     if (!isset($settings['end_time'])) {
         $settings['end_time'] = '22:00';
     if (!isset($settings['credit'])) {
         $settings['credit'] = '1';
     if (!isset($settings['rank'])) {
         $settings['rank'] = '10';
     include $this->template('setting');
Exemplo n.º 9
 public function doWebFinancialCenter()
     global $_W, $_GPC;
     //这个操作被定义用来呈现 管理中心导航菜单
     if ($_W['ispost'] && $_W['isajax']) {
         $setting = uni_setting($_W['uniacid'], array('groupdata'));
         $setting["groupdata"]["is_auto"] = $_GPC["is_auto"];
         pdo_update("uni_settings", array("groupdata" => iserializer($setting["groupdata"])), array("uniacid" => $_W['uniacid']));
         die(json_encode(array("code" => 1, "message" => "操作成功.")));
     $settings = get_settings();
     $service = explode("|", $settings["service_qqs"]);
     $qqs = array();
     foreach ($service as $ser) {
         list($name, $qq) = explode("-", $ser);
         $qqs[] = array("name" => $name, "qq" => $qq);
     include $this->template('financial_center');
Exemplo n.º 10
 public function respond()
     global $_W, $engine;
     if ($this->message['type'] == 'trace') {
         return $this->respText('');
     $setting = uni_setting($_W['uniacid'], array('default'));
     if (!empty($setting['default'])) {
         $flag = array('image' => 'url', 'link' => 'url', 'text' => 'content');
         $message = $this->message;
         $message['type'] = 'text';
         $message['content'] = $setting['default'];
         $message['redirection'] = true;
         $message['source'] = 'default';
         $message['original'] = $this->message[$flag[$this->message['type']]];
         $pars = $engine->analyzeText($message);
         if (is_array($pars)) {
             return array('params' => $pars);
Exemplo n.º 11
 protected function pay($params = array())
     global $_W;
     $params['module'] = $this->module['name'];
     $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . tablename('core_paylog') . ' WHERE `uniacid`=:uniacid AND `module`=:module AND `tid`=:tid';
     $pars = array();
     $pars[':uniacid'] = $_W['uniacid'];
     $pars[':module'] = $params['module'];
     $pars[':tid'] = $params['tid'];
     $log = pdo_fetch($sql, $pars);
     if (!empty($log) && $log['status'] == '1') {
         message('这个订单已经支付成功, 不需要重复支付.');
     $setting = uni_setting($_W['uniacid'], array('payment', 'creditbehaviors'));
     if (!is_array($setting['payment'])) {
         message('没有有效的支付方式, 请联系网站管理员.');
     $pay = $setting['payment'];
     $pay['credit']['switch'] = false;
     $pay['delivery']['switch'] = false;
     include $this->template('common/paycenter');
Exemplo n.º 12
 public function settingsDisplay($settings)
     global $_W, $_GPC;
     $creditnames = uni_setting($_W['uniacid'], array('creditnames'));
     if ($creditnames) {
         foreach ($creditnames['creditnames'] as $index => $creditname) {
             if ($creditname['enabled'] == 0) {
         $scredit = implode(', ', array_keys($creditnames['creditnames']));
     } else {
         $scredit = '';
     if (checksubmit()) {
         $cfg = array('status' => $_GPC['status'], 'credit_type' => $_GPC['credit_type'], 'credit_subscribe' => intval($_GPC['credit_subscribe']), 'credit_lever_1' => intval($_GPC['credit_lever_1']), 'credit_lever_2' => intval($_GPC['credit_lever_2']), 'out_limit' => intval($_GPC['out_limit']), 'start_num' => intval($_GPC['start_num']));
         if ($this->saveSettings($cfg)) {
             message('保存成功', 'refresh');
     if (empty($settings['credit_type'])) {
         $settings['credit_type'] = 'credit1';
     if (empty($settings['credit_subscribe'])) {
         $settings['credit_subscribe'] = '5';
     if (empty($settings['credit_lever_1'])) {
         $settings['credit_lever_1'] = '2';
     if (empty($settings['credit_lever_2'])) {
         $settings['credit_lever_2'] = '1';
     if (empty($settings['out_limit'])) {
         $settings['out_limit'] = '100';
     include $this->template('setting');
Exemplo n.º 13
 public function receive()
     global $_W;
     //这里定义此模块进行消息订阅时的, 消息到达以后的具体处理过程, 请查看微赞文档来编写你的代码
     $stat_setting = uni_setting($_W['uniacid'], 'stat');
     $stat_setting = $stat_setting['stat'];
     if (!is_array($stat_setting) || empty($stat_setting)) {
         $stat_setting = array();
         $stat_setting['msg_maxday'] = 0;
         $stat_setting['msg_history'] = 1;
         $stat_setting['use_ratio'] = 1;
     if (!empty($stat_setting['msg_maxday']) && $stat_setting['msg_maxday'] > 0) {
         pdo_delete('stat_msg_history', " createtime < " . TIMESTAMP . ' - ' . $stat_setting['msg_maxday'] * 86400);
     if ($stat_setting['msg_history']) {
         switch ($this->message['type']) {
             case 'text':
                 $content = iserializer(array('content' => $this->message['content'], 'redirection' => $this->message['redirection'], 'source' => $this->message['source']));
                 $content = $this->message['content'];
         pdo_insert('stat_msg_history', array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'module' => $this->params['module'], 'from_user' => $this->message['from'], 'rid' => intval($this->params['rule']), 'kid' => $this->keyword['id'], 'message' => $content, 'type' => $this->message['type'], 'createtime' => $this->message['time']));
     if (!empty($stat_setting['use_ratio'])) {
         $updateid = pdo_query("UPDATE " . tablename('stat_rule') . " SET hit = hit + 1, lastupdate = '" . TIMESTAMP . "' WHERE rid = :rid AND createtime = :createtime", array(':rid' => $this->params['rule'], ':createtime' => strtotime(date('Y-m-d'))));
         if (empty($updateid)) {
             pdo_insert('stat_rule', array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'rid' => $this->params['rule'], 'createtime' => strtotime(date('Y-m-d')), 'hit' => 1, 'lastupdate' => $this->message['time']));
         if (!empty($this->keyword['id'])) {
             $updateid = pdo_query("UPDATE " . tablename('stat_keyword') . " SET hit = hit + 1, lastupdate = '" . TIMESTAMP . "' WHERE kid = :kid AND createtime = :createtime", array(':kid' => $this->keyword['id'], ':createtime' => strtotime(date('Y-m-d'))));
             if (empty($updateid)) {
                 pdo_insert('stat_keyword', array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'rid' => $this->params['rule'], 'kid' => $this->keyword['id'], 'createtime' => strtotime(date('Y-m-d')), 'hit' => 1, 'lastupdate' => $this->message['time']));
Exemplo n.º 14
 public function settingsDisplay($settings)
     global $_W, $_GPC;
     $creditnames = uni_setting($_W['uniacid'], array('creditnames'));
     if ($creditnames) {
         foreach ($creditnames['creditnames'] as $index => $creditname) {
             if ($creditname['enabled'] == 0) {
         $scredit = implode(', ', array_keys($creditnames['creditnames']));
     } else {
         $scredit = '';
     if (checksubmit()) {
         $cfg = array('sub_type' => $_GPC['sub_type'], 'sub_num' => $_GPC['sub_num'], 'unsub_type' => $_GPC['unsub_type'], 'unsub_num' => $_GPC['unsub_num']);
         if ($this->saveSettings($cfg)) {
             message('保存成功', 'refresh');
     include $this->template('setting');
Exemplo n.º 15
function app_navs($type = 'home', $multiid = 0, $section = 0)
    global $_W;
    $pos = array();
    $pos['home'] = 1;
    $pos['profile'] = 2;
    $pos['shortcut'] = 3;
    if (empty($multiid) && $type != 'profile') {
        $setting = uni_setting($_W['uniacid'], array('default_site'));
        $multiid = $setting['default_site'];
    $sql = "SELECT id,name, description, url, icon, css, position, module FROM " . tablename('site_nav') . " WHERE position = '{$pos[$type]}' AND status = 1 AND uniacid = '{$_W['uniacid']}' AND multiid = '{$multiid}' ORDER BY displayorder DESC, id DESC";
    $navs = pdo_fetchall($sql);
    if (!empty($navs)) {
        foreach ($navs as &$row) {
            if (!strexists($row['url'], 'tel:') && !strexists($row['url'], '://') && !strexists($row['url'], 'www') && !strexists($row['url'], 'i=')) {
                $row['url'] .= strexists($row['url'], '?') ? "&i={$_W['uniacid']}" : "?i={$_W['uniacid']}";
            if (is_serialized($row['css'])) {
                $row['css'] = unserialize($row['css']);
            if (empty($row['css']['icon']['icon'])) {
                $row['css']['icon']['icon'] = 'fa fa-external-link';
            if ($row['position'] == '3') {
                if (!empty($row['css'])) {
            $row['css']['icon']['style'] = "color:{$row['css']['icon']['color']};font-size:{$row['css']['icon']['font-size']}px;";
            $row['css']['name'] = "color:{$row['css']['name']['color']};";
    return $navs;
Exemplo n.º 16
 public function doMobilePay()
     global $_W, $_GPC;
     $params['tid'] = date('YmdH');
     $params['user'] = $_W['member']['uid'];
     $params['fee'] = floatval($_GPC['price']);
     $params['title'] = '测试支付公众号名称';
     $params['ordersn'] = random(5, 1);
     $params['virtual'] = false;
     if (checksubmit('submit')) {
         if ($_GPC['type'] == 'credit') {
             $setting = uni_setting($_W['uniacid'], array('creditbehaviors'));
             $credtis = mc_credit_fetch($_W['member']['uid']);
             if ($credtis[$setting['creditbehaviors']['currency']] < $params['fee']) {
                 message('抱歉,您帐户的余额不够支付该订单,请充值!', '', 'error');
     } else {
Exemplo n.º 17

 * [WEIZAN System] Copyright (c) 2015 012WZ.COM
 * WeiZan is NOT a free software, it under the license terms, visited http://www.012wz.com/ for more details.
defined('IN_IA') or exit('Access Denied');
$dos = array('display');
$do = in_array($do, $dos) ? $do : 'display';
if ($do == 'display') {
    $data = uni_setting($_W['uniacid'], array('site_info', 'styleid'));
    $styleid = $data['styleid'];
    $site_info = empty($data['site_info']) ? array('site_info' => array()) : $data['site_info'];
    $styles = pdo_fetchall('SELECT * FROM ' . tablename('site_styles') . ' WHERE uniacid = :uniacid', array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid']));
    if (checksubmit('submit')) {
        $pdata['site_info'] = iserializer(array('sitename' => $_GPC['sitename'], 'keywords' => $_GPC['keywords'], 'description' => $_GPC['description'], 'footer' => htmlspecialchars_decode($_GPC['footer'])));
        $pdata['styleid'] = intval($_GPC['styleid']);
        pdo_update('uni_settings', $pdata, array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid']));
        message('信息设置成功!', url('site/info/display'), 'success');
Exemplo n.º 18

 * @FreeGo Team 智慧游
 * @url http://www.cninone.com/
defined('IN_IA') or exit('Access Denied');
if ($action != 'cash') {
$filter = array();
$coupons = activity_coupon_owned($_W['member']['uid'], $filter);
$tokens = activity_token_owned($_W['member']['uid'], $filter);
$setting = uni_setting($_W['uniacid'], array('creditnames', 'creditbehaviors', 'uc', 'payment', 'passport'));
$behavior = $setting['creditbehaviors'];
$creditnames = $setting['creditnames'];
$credits = mc_credit_fetch($_W['member']['uid'], '*');
$sql = 'SELECT `status` FROM ' . tablename('mc_card') . " WHERE `uniacid` = :uniacid";
$cardstatus = pdo_fetch($sql, array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid']));
Exemplo n.º 19
 if ($useweixin) {
     $set = m('common')->getSysset();
     if (!is_weixin()) {
         show_json(0, '非微信环境!');
     if (empty($set['pay']['weixin'])) {
         show_json(0, '未开启微信支付!');
     $wechat = array('success' => false);
     $params = array();
     $params['tid'] = $log['logno'];
     $params['user'] = $openid;
     $params['fee'] = $goods['money'];
     $params['title'] = $set['shop']['name'] . (empty($goods['type']) ? "积分兑换" : '积分抽奖') . ' 单号:' . $log['logno'];
     $setting = uni_setting($_W['uniacid'], array('payment'));
     if (is_array($setting['payment'])) {
         $options = $setting['payment']['wechat'];
         $options['appid'] = $_W['account']['key'];
         $options['secret'] = $_W['account']['secret'];
         $wechat = m('common')->wechat_build($params, $options, 2);
         $wechat['success'] = false;
         if (!is_error($wechat)) {
             $wechat['success'] = true;
         } else {
             show_json(0, $wechat['message']);
     if (!$wechat['success']) {
         show_json(0, '微信支付参数错误!');
Exemplo n.º 20
        if ($_W['isfounder']) {
            $notify['sms']['balance'] = intval($_GPC['balance']);
            $notify['sms']['signature'] = trim($_GPC['signature']);
            $notify = iserializer($notify);
            $updatedata['notify'] = $notify;
        pdo_update('uni_settings', $updatedata, array('uniacid' => $id));
        pdo_update('uni_account', $uniaccount, array('uniacid' => $id));
        message('更新公众号成功!', referer(), 'success');
    $account = array();
    if (!empty($id)) {
        $account = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('uni_account') . " WHERE uniacid = :id", array(':id' => $id));
        $settings = uni_setting($id, array('notify', 'groupdata'));
        $groupdata = $settings['groupdata'] ? $settings['groupdata'] : array('isexpire' => 0, 'oldgroupid' => '', 'endtime' => TIMESTAMP);
        $notify = $settings['notify'] ? $settings['notify'] : array();
    } else {
        $groupdata = array('isexpire' => 0, 'oldgroupid' => '', 'endtime' => TIMESTAMP);
    $group = array();
    if (empty($_W['isfounder'])) {
        $group = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('users_group') . " WHERE id = '{$_W['user']['groupid']}'");
        $group['package'] = uni_groups((array) iunserializer($group['package']));
    } else {
        $group['package'] = uni_groups();
if ($do == 'list') {
Exemplo n.º 21

 * [Weizan System] Copyright (c) 2014 wdlcms.com
 * Weizan is NOT a free software, it under the license terms, visited http://www.wdlcms.com/ for more details.
defined('IN_IA') or exit('Access Denied');
$dos = array('display', 'post', 'del', 'default', 'copy', 'quickmenu');
$do = in_array($do, $dos) ? $do : 'display';
$setting = uni_setting($_W['uniacid'], 'default_site');
$default_site = intval($setting['default_site']);
if ($do == 'quickmenu') {
    $id = intval($_GPC['mtid']);
    $multi = pdo_fetch('SELECT id,quickmenu FROM ' . tablename('site_multi') . ' WHERE uniacid = :uniacid AND id = :id', array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], ':id' => $id));
    if (empty($multi)) {
        message('微站不存在或已删除', referer(), 'error');
    $modules = uni_modules();
    $quickmenu = iunserializer($multi['quickmenu']);
    if (!is_array($quickmenu)) {
        $quickmenu = array();
    if (checksubmit('submit')) {
        $module = array();
        if (!empty($_GPC['module'])) {
            foreach ($_GPC['module'] as $row) {
                if (isset($modules[$row])) {
                    $module[] = $row;
Exemplo n.º 22
        $acid = intval($qr['acid']);
        if (intval($accounts[$acid]['level']) < 4) {
        if (intval($qr['model']) == 1) {
            $accounts[$acid]['qr1num'] = $qr['num'];
            $tyqr['qr1num'] += $qr['num'];
        } else {
            $accounts[$acid]['qr2num'] = $qr['num'];
            $tyqr['qr2num'] += $qr['num'];
if ($do == 'site') {
    $title = '微站功能概况';
    $setting = uni_setting($_W['uniacid'], array('default_site'));
    $default_site = intval($setting['default_site']);
    $setting = pdo_fetch('SELECT styleid,id,quickmenu FROM ' . tablename('site_multi') . ' WHERE uniacid =:uniacid AND id = :id ', array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], ':id' => $setting['default_site']));
    $templates_id = pdo_fetchcolumn('SELECT templateid FROM ' . tablename('site_styles') . ' WHERE id = :id', array(':id' => $setting['styleid']));
    $template = pdo_fetch('SELECT * FROM ' . tablename('site_templates') . ' WHERE id = :id ', array(':id' => $templates_id));
    $sql = "SELECT rid FROM " . tablename('cover_reply') . ' WHERE `module` = :module AND uniacid = :uniacid AND multiid = :multiid';
    $pars = array();
    $pars[':module'] = 'site';
    $pars[':uniacid'] = $_W['uniacid'];
    $pars[':multiid'] = $setting['id'];
    $cover = pdo_fetch($sql, $pars);
    if (!empty($cover['rid'])) {
        $keywords = pdo_fetchall("SELECT content FROM " . tablename('rule_keyword') . " WHERE rid = :rid", array(':rid' => $cover['rid']));
    $home_navs = app_navs('home', $setting['id']);
Exemplo n.º 23
 protected function getcreditname($key)
     $creditnames = uni_setting($_W['uniacid'], array('creditnames'));
     if ($creditnames) {
         foreach ($creditnames['creditnames'] as $index => $creditname) {
             if ($creditname['enabled'] == 0) {
         $select_credit = implode(', ', array_keys($creditnames['creditnames']));
     } else {
         $select_credit = '';
     return $creditnames['creditnames'][$key]['title'];
Exemplo n.º 24
 if ($update['type'] == 1) {
     pdo_update('account_wechats', $update, array('acid' => $acid, 'uniacid' => $uniacid));
 } else {
     if ($update['type'] == 2) {
         pdo_update('account_yixin', $update, array('acid' => $acid, 'uniacid' => $uniacid));
     } else {
         if ($update['type'] == 3) {
             pdo_update('account_alipay', $update, array('acid' => $acid, 'uniacid' => $uniacid));
 $oauth = uni_setting($uniacid, array('oauth'));
 if ($acid && !empty($update['key']) && !empty($update['secret']) && empty($oauth['oauth']['account'])) {
     pdo_update('uni_settings', array('oauth' => iserializer(array('status' => 1, 'account' => $acid))), array('uniacid' => $uniacid));
 if (!empty($_FILES['qrcode']['tmp_name'])) {
     $_W['uploadsetting'] = array();
     $_W['uploadsetting']['image']['folder'] = '';
     $_W['uploadsetting']['image']['extentions'] = array('jpg');
     $_W['uploadsetting']['image']['limit'] = $_W['config']['upload']['image']['limit'];
     $upload = file_upload($_FILES['qrcode'], 'image', "qrcode_{$acid}");
 if (!empty($_FILES['headimg']['tmp_name'])) {
     $_W['uploadsetting'] = array();
     $_W['uploadsetting']['image']['folder'] = '';
     $_W['uploadsetting']['image']['extentions'] = array('jpg');
     $_W['uploadsetting']['image']['limit'] = $_W['config']['upload']['image']['limit'];
Exemplo n.º 25
function mc_notice_init()
    global $_W;
    if (empty($_W['account'])) {
        $_W['account'] = uni_fetch($_W['uniacid']);
    if (empty($_W['account'])) {
        return error(-1, '创建公众号操作类失败');
    if ($_W['account']['level'] < 3) {
        return error(-1, '公众号没有经过认证,不能使用模板消息和客服消息');
    $acc = WeAccount::create();
    if (is_null($acc)) {
        return error(-1, '创建公众号操作对象失败');
    $setting = uni_setting();
    $noticetpl = $setting['tplnotice'];
    $acc->noticetpl = $noticetpl;
    if (!is_array($acc->noticetpl)) {
        return error(-1, '微信通知参数错误');
    return $acc;
Exemplo n.º 26
         $ms[] = $m['name'];
     foreach ($s as $k => $v) {
         if ($v != '' && !in_array($v, $ms)) {
             message($mtypes[$k] . "选择的处理模块无效. ");
     $row = array();
     $row['default_message'] = iserializer($s);
     if (pdo_update('uni_settings', $row, array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'])) !== FALSE) {
         message('保存特殊类型消息处理成功.', 'refresh');
     } else {
         message('保存失败, 请稍后重试. ');
 $setting = uni_setting($_W['uniacid'], array('default_message'));
 $ds = array();
 foreach ($mtypes as $k => $v) {
     $row = array();
     $row['type'] = $k;
     $row['title'] = $v;
     $row['handles'] = array();
     foreach ($_W['account']['modules'] as $m) {
         if (is_array($_W['account']['modules'][$m['name']]['handles']) && in_array($k, $_W['account']['modules'][$m['name']]['handles'])) {
             $row['handles'][] = array('name' => $m['name'], 'title' => $_W['account']['modules'][$m['name']]['title']);
     $row['empty'] = empty($row['handles']);
     $row['current'] = is_array($setting['default_message']) ? $setting['default_message'][$k] : '';
     $ds[] = $row;
Exemplo n.º 27
 public function doMobileOrder()
     global $_GPC, $_W;
     $paysetting = uni_setting($_W['uniacid'], array('payment', 'creditbehaviors'));
     $_W['account'] = array_merge($_W['account'], $paysetting);
     $isauto = $this->_user_info['isauto'];
     $hid = intval($_GPC['hid']);
     $id = intval($_GPC['id']);
     $weid = $this->_weid;
     $price = $_GPC['price'];
     if (empty($hid) || empty($id)) {
     $search_array = $this->getSearchArray();
     if (!$search_array || empty($search_array['btime']) || empty($search_array['day'])) {
         $url = $this->createMobileUrl('index');
         header("Location: {$url}");
     $is_submit = checksubmit();
     $sql = 'SELECT `title`, `mail`, `phone`, `thumb`, `description` FROM ' . tablename('hotel2') . ' WHERE `id` = :id';
     $reply = pdo_fetch($sql, array(':id' => $hid));
     if (empty($reply)) {
         if ($is_submit) {
             die(json_encode(array("result" => 0, "error" => "酒店未找到!")));
         } else {
             message('酒店未找到, 请联系管理员!');
     // 设置分享信息
     $shareTitle = $reply['title'];
     $shareDesc = $reply['description'];
     $shareThumb = tomedia($reply['thumb']);
     if ($this->_set_info['is_unify'] == 1) {
         $tel = $this->_set_info['tel'];
     } else {
         $tel = $reply['phone'];
     $pricefield = $this->_user_info['isauto'] == 1 ? 'cprice' : 'mprice';
     $sql = "SELECT *, {$pricefield} AS roomprice FROM " . tablename('hotel2_room') . " WHERE `id` = :id AND `hotelid` = :hotelid ";
     $room = pdo_fetch($sql, array(':id' => $id, ':hotelid' => $hid));
     if (empty($room)) {
         if ($is_submit) {
             die(json_encode(array("result" => 0, "error" => "房型未找到!")));
         } else {
             message("房型未找到, 请联系管理员!");
     // 入住
     $btime = $search_array['btime'];
     $bdate = $search_array['bdate'];
     // 住几天
     $days = intval($search_array['day']);
     // 离店
     $etime = $search_array['etime'];
     $edate = $search_array['edate'];
     $date_array = array();
     $date_array[0]['date'] = $bdate;
     $date_array[0]['day'] = date('j', $btime);
     $date_array[0]['time'] = $btime;
     $date_array[0]['month'] = date('m', $btime);
     if ($days > 1) {
         for ($i = 1; $i < $days; $i++) {
             $date_array[$i]['time'] = $date_array[$i - 1]['time'] + 86400;
             $date_array[$i]['date'] = date('Y-m-d', $date_array[$i]['time']);
             $date_array[$i]['day'] = date('j', $date_array[$i]['time']);
             $date_array[$i]['month'] = date('m', $date_array[$i]['time']);
     $sql = 'SELECT `id`, `roomdate`, `num`, `status` FROM ' . tablename('hotel2_room_price') . ' WHERE `roomid` = :roomid
             AND `roomdate` >= :btime AND `roomdate` < :etime AND `status` = :status';
     $params = array(':roomid' => $id, ':btime' => $btime, ':etime' => $etime, ':status' => '1');
     $room_date_list = pdo_fetchall($sql, $params);
     $flag = intval($room_date_list);
     $list = array();
     $max_room = 8;
     $is_order = 1;
     if ($flag == 1) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < $days; $i++) {
             $k = $date_array[$i]['time'];
             foreach ($room_date_list as $p_key => $p_value) {
                 // 判断价格表中是否有当天的数据
                 if ($p_value['roomdate'] == $k) {
                     $room_num = $p_value['num'];
                     if (empty($room_num)) {
                         $is_order = 0;
                         $max_room = 0;
                         $list['num'] = 0;
                         $list['date'] = $date_array[$i]['date'];
                     } else {
                         if ($room_num > 0 && $room_num < $max_room) {
                             $max_room = $room_num;
                             $list['num'] = $room_num;
                             $list['date'] = $date_array[$i]['date'];
     if ($max_room == 0) {
         $msg = $list['date'] . '当天没有空房间了,请选择其他房型。';
         $url = $this->createMobileUrl('error', array('msg' => $msg));
         header("Location: {$url}");
     $user_info = hotel_get_userinfo();
     $memberid = intval($user_info['id']);
     // 显示会员价还是普通价
     $pricefield = $isauto == 1 ? 'cprice' : 'mprice';
     $r_sql = 'SELECT `roomdate`, `num`, `status`, ' . $pricefield . ' AS `m_price` FROM ' . tablename('hotel2_room_price') . ' WHERE `roomid` = :roomid AND `weid` = :weid AND `hotelid` = :hotelid AND `roomdate` >= :btime AND ' . ' `roomdate` < :etime';
     $params = array(':roomid' => $id, ':weid' => $weid, ':hotelid' => $hid, ':btime' => $btime, ':etime' => $etime);
     $price_list = pdo_fetchall($r_sql, $params);
     $this_price = $old_price = $room['roomprice'];
     $totalprice = $old_price * $days;
     if ($price_list) {
         $check_date = array();
         foreach ($price_list as $k => $v) {
             $new_price = $v['m_price'];
             $roomdate = $v['roomdate'];
             if ($v['status'] == 0 || $v['num'] == 0) {
                 $has = 0;
             } else {
                 if ($new_price && $roomdate) {
                     if (!in_array($roomdate, $check_date)) {
                         $check_date[] = $roomdate;
                         if ($old_price != $new_price) {
                             $totalprice = $totalprice - $old_price + $new_price;
         $this_price = round($totalprice / $days);
     if ($is_submit) {
         $from_user = $this->_from_user;
         $name = $_GPC['uname'];
         $contact_name = $_GPC['contact_name'];
         $mobile = $_GPC['mobile'];
         if (empty($name)) {
             die(json_encode(array("result" => 0, "error" => "入住人不能为空!")));
         if (empty($contact_name)) {
             die(json_encode(array("result" => 0, "error" => "联系人不能为空!")));
         if (empty($mobile)) {
             die(json_encode(array("result" => 0, "error" => "手机号不能为空!")));
         if ($_GPC['nums'] > $max_room) {
             die(json_encode(array("result" => 0, "error" => "您的预定数量超过最大限制!")));
         $insert = array('weid' => $weid, 'ordersn' => date('md') . sprintf("%04d", $_W['fans']['id']) . random(4, 1), 'hotelid' => $hid, 'openid' => $from_user, 'roomid' => $id, 'memberid' => $memberid, 'name' => $name, 'contact_name' => $contact_name, 'mobile' => $mobile, 'btime' => $search_array['btime'], 'etime' => $search_array['etime'], 'day' => $search_array['day'], 'style' => $room['title'], 'nums' => intval($_GPC['nums']), 'oprice' => $room['oprice'], 'cprice' => $room['cprice'], 'mprice' => $room['mprice'], 'time' => TIMESTAMP, 'paytype' => $_GPC['paytype']);
         $insert[$pricefield] = $this_price;
         $insert['sum_price'] = $totalprice * $insert['nums'];
         pdo_insert('hotel2_order', $insert);
         $order_id = pdo_insertid();
         if (!empty($reply['mail'])) {
             $subject = "微信公共帐号 [" . $_W['account']['name'] . "] 微酒店订单提醒.";
             $body = "您后台有一个预定订单: <br/><br/>";
             $body .= "预定酒店: " . $reply['title'] . "<br/>";
             $body .= "预定房型: " . $room['title'] . "<br/>";
             $body .= "预定数量: " . $insert['nums'] . "<br/>";
             $body .= "预定价格: " . $insert['sum_price'] . "<br/>";
             $body .= "预定人: " . $insert['name'] . "<br/>";
             $body .= "预定电话: " . $insert['mobile'] . "<br/>";
             $body .= "到店时间: " . $bdate . "<br/>";
             $body .= "离店时间: " . $edate . "<br/><br/>";
             $body .= "请您到管理后台仔细查看. <a href='" . $_W['siteroot'] . create_url('member/login') . "' target='_blank'>立即登录后台</a>";
             $result = ihttp_email($reply['mail'], $subject, $body);
             if ($insert['paytype'] == '3') {
                 global $_GPC, $_W;
                 $weid = $this->_weid;
                 $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . tablename('hotel2_order') . ' WHERE id = :id AND weid = :weid';
                 $order = pdo_fetch($sql, array(':id' => $order_id, ':weid' => $weid));
                 $sql = 'SELECT email FROM ' . tablename('hotel2_set') . ' WHERE weid = :weid';
                 $setInfo = pdo_fetch($sql, array(':weid' => $_W['uniacid']));
                 if ($setInfo['email']) {
                     $body = "<h3>酒店订单</h3> <br />";
                     $body .= '订单编号:' . $order['ordersn'] . '<br />';
                     $body .= '姓名:' . $order['name'] . '<br />';
                     $body .= '手机:' . $order['mobile'] . '<br />';
                     $body .= '房型:' . $order['style'] . '<br />';
                     $body .= '订购数量' . $order['nums'] . '<br />';
                     $body .= '原价:' . $order['oprice'] . '<br />';
                     $body .= '会员价:' . $order['mprice'] . '<br />';
                     $body .= '入住日期:' . date('Y-m-d', $order['btime']) . '<br />';
                     $body .= '退房日期:' . date('Y-m-d', $order['etime']) . '<br />';
                     $body .= '总价:' . $order['sum_price'];
                     // 发送邮件提醒
                     if (!empty($setInfo['email'])) {
                         ihttp_email($setInfo['email'], '微酒店订单提醒', $body);
         $url = $this->createMobileUrl('orderdetail', array('id' => $order_id));
         die(json_encode(array("result" => 1, "url" => $url)));
     } else {
         $price = $totalprice;
         $member = array();
         $member['from_user'] = $this->_from_user;
         $record = hotel_member_single($member);
         if ($record) {
             $realname = $record['realname'];
             $mobile = $record['mobile'];
         } else {
             $fans = pdo_fetch("SELECT id, realname, mobile FROM " . tablename('fans') . " WHERE from_user = :from_user limit 1", array(':from_user' => $this->_from_user));
             if (!empty($fans)) {
                 $realname = $fans['realname'];
                 $mobile = $fans['mobile'];
         include $this->template('order');
Exemplo n.º 28

 * [Weizan System] Copyright (c) 2014 wdlcms.com
 * Weizan is NOT a free software, it under the license terms, visited http://www.wdlcms.com/ for more details.
defined('IN_IA') or exit('Access Denied');
$dos = array('home', 'profile', 'uc');
$do = in_array($do, $dos) ? $do : 'home';
$foo = $_GPC['foo'] == 'bind' || $_GPC['foo'] == '' ? 'bind' : 'unbind';
$setting = uni_setting($_W['uniacid'], array('uc'));
if ($foo == 'bind') {
    if ($setting['uc']['status'] == '1') {
        $uc = $setting['uc'];
        $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . tablename('mc_mapping_ucenter') . ' WHERE `uniacid`=:uniacid AND `uid`=:uid';
        $pars = array();
        $pars[':uniacid'] = $_W['uniacid'];
        $pars[':uid'] = $_W['member']['uid'];
        $mapping = pdo_fetch($sql, $pars);
        if (empty($mapping)) {
            $op = trim($_GPC['op']);
            if ($op == 'yes') {
                if (checksubmit('submit')) {
                    $username = trim($_GPC['username']) ? trim($_GPC['username']) : message('请填写用户名!', '', 'error');
                    $password = trim($_GPC['password']) ? trim($_GPC['password']) : message('请填写密码!', '', 'error');
                    $data = uc_user_login($username, $password);
                    if ($data[0] < 0) {
                        if ($data[0] == -1) {
                            message('用户不存在,或者被删除!', '', 'error');
                        } elseif ($data[0] == -2) {
Exemplo n.º 29

 * [WeEngine System] Copyright (c) 2014 WE7.CC
 * WeEngine is NOT a free software, it under the license terms, visited http://www.we7.cc/ for more details.
defined('IN_IA') or exit('Access Denied');
$setting = uni_setting($_W['uniacid'], array('oauth', 'passport'));
$oauth = $setting['oauth'];
$scope = $_GPC['scope'];
if (!empty($oauth['account'])) {
    $account = account_fetch($oauth['account']);
    $code = $_GPC['code'];
    if (!empty($code)) {
        $url = "https://api.weixin.qq.com/sns/oauth2/access_token?appid={$account['key']}&secret={$account['secret']}&code={$code}&grant_type=authorization_code";
        $ret = ihttp_get($url);
        if (!is_error($ret)) {
            $auth = @json_decode($ret['content'], true);
            if (is_array($auth) && !empty($auth['openid'])) {
                $_SESSION['openid'] = $auth['openid'];
                $sql = 'SELECT `fanid`,`salt`,`uid` FROM ' . tablename('mc_mapping_fans') . ' WHERE `uniacid`=:uniacid AND `acid`=:acid AND `openid`=:openid';
                $pars = array();
                $pars[':uniacid'] = $_W['uniacid'];
                $pars[':acid'] = $_W['acid'] ? $_W['acid'] : $account['acid'];
                $pars[':openid'] = $auth['openid'];
                $fan = pdo_fetch($sql, $pars);
                if (empty($fan)) {
                    $uid = 0;
                    if (!isset($setting['passport']) || empty($setting['passport']['focusreg'])) {
                        $default_groupid = pdo_fetchcolumn('SELECT groupid FROM ' . tablename('mc_groups') . ' WHERE uniacid = :uniacid AND isdefault = 1', array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid']));
Exemplo n.º 30
function activity_module_card_grant($uid, $couponid, $module = '', $remark = '')
    global $_W;
    $uid = intval($uid);
    $user = mc_fetch($uid, array('groupid'));
    $groupid = $user['groupid'];
    $couponid = intval($couponid);
    $coupon = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('activity_coupon') . " WHERE `couponid` = :couponid LIMIT 1", array(':couponid' => $couponid));
    $pcount = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT count(*) FROM " . tablename('activity_coupon_record') . " WHERE `uid` = :uid AND `couponid` = :couponid", array(':couponid' => $couponid, ':uid' => $uid));
    $coupongroup = pdo_fetchall("SELECT groupid FROM " . tablename('activity_coupon_allocation') . " WHERE `couponid` = :couponid", array(':couponid' => $couponid), 'groupid');
    $group = array_keys($coupongroup);
    $couponmodules = pdo_fetchall("SELECT module FROM " . tablename('activity_coupon_modules') . " WHERE `couponid` = :couponid", array(':couponid' => $couponid), 'module');
    $modules = array_keys($couponmodules);
    if (empty($coupon)) {
        return error(-1, '未找到指定优惠券');
    } elseif (!in_array($module, $modules)) {
        return error(-1, '该优惠券只能在特定的模块中领取');
    } elseif (empty($coupongroup)) {
        return error(-1, '该优惠券未指定可使用的会员组');
    } elseif (!in_array($groupid, $group)) {
        return error(-1, '您所在的用户组没有领取该优惠券的权限');
    } elseif ($coupon['starttime'] > TIMESTAMP) {
        return error(-1, '优惠券活动尚未开始');
    } elseif ($coupon['endtime'] < TIMESTAMP) {
        return error(-1, '优惠券活动已经结束');
    } elseif ($coupon['dosage'] >= $coupon['amount']) {
        return error(-1, '优惠券已经发放完毕');
    } elseif ($pcount >= $coupon['limit']) {
        return error(-1, '用户领取优惠券数量已经超过限制');
    $creditnames = array();
    $unisettings = uni_setting($_W['uniacid'], array('creditnames'));
    if (!empty($unisettings) && !empty($unisettings['creditnames'])) {
        foreach ($unisettings['creditnames'] as $key => $credit) {
            $creditnames[$key] = $credit['title'];
    $credit = mc_credit_fetch($uid, array($coupon['credittype']));
    if ($credit[$coupon['credittype']] < $coupon['credit']) {
        return error(-1, '您的' . $creditnames[$coupon['credittype']] . '数量不够,无法兑换.');
    mc_credit_update($uid, $coupon['credittype'], -1 * $coupon['credit'], array($uid, '优惠券兑换:' . $coupon['title'] . ' 消耗 ' . $creditnames[$coupon['credittype']] . ':' . $coupon['credit']));
    $remark = "通过{$module}模块领取优惠券";
    $insert = array('couponid' => $couponid, 'uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'uid' => $uid, 'grantmodule' => $module, 'granttime' => TIMESTAMP, 'status' => 1, 'remark' => $remark);
    pdo_insert('activity_coupon_record', $insert);
    pdo_update('activity_coupon', array('dosage' => $coupon['dosage'] + 1), array('couponid' => $couponid));
    return $coupon;