/** * 1) take all item_names from pasted wiki-code * 2) take all item_names from the data table UMC_DATA * 3) take all item names from the data table $UMC_DATA_ID2NAME * 4) check if they match * 5) check if any of the tables have unknown data * */ function umc_item_name_integrity_check() { global $UMC_DATA, $UMC_DATA_ID2NAME, $UMC_DATA_SPIGOT2ITEM; $out = ''; $text = ''; $tables = array('request', 'deposit', 'stock'); if (isset($_POST['wiki_text'])) { $results = false; $text = strip_tags($_POST['wiki_text']); $pattern = '/minecraft:(.*)\\r/'; preg_match_all($pattern, $text, $results); // process results $sub_results = $results[1]; foreach ($sub_results as $wiki_string) { if (!isset($UMC_DATA[$wiki_string])) { $out .= "{$wiki_string} ! UMC_DATA ERROR<br>"; } else { // now check for umc_items $id = $UMC_DATA[$wiki_string]['id']; if ($UMC_DATA_ID2NAME[$id] != $wiki_string) { $wrong_name = $UMC_DATA_ID2NAME[$id]; $out .= "{$wiki_string} ! UMC_ITEMS ERROR (ID: {$id}, {$wrong_name})<br>"; } } } foreach ($UMC_DATA_SPIGOT2ITEM as $wrong_data => $right_data) { if (!isset($UMC_DATA[$right_data])) { $out .= "{$right_data} should not be in table ({$wrong_data})!"; } } $out .= "<pre>"; foreach ($tables as $table) { $sql = "SELECT item_name FROM minecraft_iconomy.{$table} group by item_name;"; $rst = umc_mysql_query($sql); while ($D = umc_mysql_fetch_array($rst)) { $table_item = $D['item_name']; if (!in_array($table_item, $sub_results)) { $out .= "UPDATE minecraft_iconomy.{$table} SET item_name='{$table_item}' WHERE item_name='{$table_item}';<br>"; } } } $out .= "</pre>"; } $out .= '<form style="text-align:center" method="post"><input type="submit">' . '<p><textarea name="wiki_text" rows="20" style="width=100%;">' . $text . '</textarea></p>' . '<input type="submit"></form>'; return $out; }
/** * move all items from the shop to deposit for a specific user * Normally only used when users are banned or inactive, on lot reset * * @param type $uuid */ function umc_shop_cleanout_olduser($uuid) { XMPP_ERROR_trace(__FUNCTION__, func_get_args()); // delete all requests $requests_sql = "DELETE FROM minecraft_iconomy.request WHERE uuid='{$uuid}';"; umc_mysql_query($requests_sql, true); // move all items from stock to deposit $sql = "SELECT * FROM minecraft_iconomy.stock WHERE uuid='{$uuid}';"; $rst = umc_mysql_query($sql); while ($row = umc_mysql_fetch_array($rst)) { umc_checkout_goods($row['id'], 'max', 'stock', true, true, $uuid); } umc_log('user_manager', 'shop-cleanout', "{$uuid} had his items moved from stock & request to deposit"); }
/** * Creates a list of the given item on stock. * * @global type $UMC_DATA * @param type $table * @param type $item * @param type $type * @param type $uuid * @return type */ function umc_shopmgr_stocklist($table, $item = false, $type = 0, $uuid = false) { global $UMC_DATA; $where = "WHERE damage={$type}"; // do not show item column if there is only one type $what = 'concat(item_name,' | ',damage, ' | ', meta) AS item_name, '; if ($item && isset($UMC_DATA[$item])) { $where .= " AND item_name='{$item}'"; $what = ''; } if ($uuid && umc_check_user($uuid)) { $where .= " AND uuid='{$uuid}'"; } $sql = "SELECT id AS shop_id, {$what} uuid, amount AS quantity, price FROM minecraft_iconomy.{$table} {$where}"; $data_rst = umc_mysql_query($sql); $sort_column = '0, "desc"'; $non_numeric = array('item_name', 'uuid'); $check = umc_web_table('shop' . $table, $sort_column, $data_rst, '', array(), $non_numeric); if (!$check) { XMPP_ERROR_trigger("Error creating web_table with SQL {$sql}"); return "Error creating data table. Admin was notified, please wait until it is fixed"; } else { return $check; } }
/** * Settler test * * @global type $UMC_USER * @global type $UMC_SETTING * @global type $UMC_DOMAIN * @return string */ function umc_settler_new() { global $UMC_USER, $UMC_SETTING, $UMC_DOMAIN; $out = ''; if (!$UMC_USER) { return "You have to be <a href=\"{$UMC_DOMAIN}/wp-login.php\">logged in</a> to use this!"; } $steps = array(1 => array('begging' => true, 'griefing' => true, 'pixel_art' => true, 'minimaps' => false, 'xray_and_cheats' => true, 'not_reading_the_website' => true, 'swearing' => true, 'walls_around_your_lot' => true, 'shaders' => false)); $player = strtolower($UMC_USER['username']); $uuid = $UMC_USER['uuid']; $userlevel = $UMC_USER['userlevel']; $email = $UMC_USER['email']; if ($userlevel != 'Guest') { $out .= "You are not a Guest and can use the <a href=\"http://uncovery.me/server-access/lot-manager/\">Lot manager</a> to get a lot!"; } if (umc_user_is_banned($uuid)) { return "Sorry, you are banned from the server!"; } $icon_url = umc_user_get_icon_url($player); $user_icon = "<img src=\"{$icon_url}\">"; // get user location $s_post = filter_input_array(INPUT_POST, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $step = 0; if (isset($s_post['step'])) { $step = $s_post['step']; } $loc = umc_read_markers_file('array'); $lot = false; if (isset($s_post['lot'])) { $lot = $s_post['lot']; } $world = false; if (isset($s_post['world'])) { $world = $s_post['world']; } if (isset($loc[$player])) { $player_world = $loc[$player]['world']; $player_lot = umc_lot_get_from_coords($loc[$player]['x'], $loc[$player]['z'], $loc[$player]['world']); $x = $loc[$player]['x']; $z = $loc[$player]['z']; } else { $player_lot = false; $player_world = false; $x = false; $z = false; } $error = ''; // answer check switch ($step) { case 2: if (!isset($s_post['stepone'])) { $step = 1; umc_log('settler_test', 'step_1_fail', "{$player} did not answer any questions!"); $error = "You need to answer the questions on the previous page!"; } else { $problem = false; $answers = array(); foreach ($steps[1] as $choice => $value) { if ($value == true && !in_array($choice, $s_post['stepone'])) { // Bad stuff $problem = true; $answers[] = $choice; } else { if ($value == false && in_array($choice, $s_post['stepone'])) { // but is $problem = true; $answers[] = $choice; } } } if ($problem) { umc_log('settler_test', 'step_1_fail', "{$player} failed step 1 with wrong answers " . implode("|", $answers)); $error = "<h1>Error</h1>One or more answers in the previous page were wrong.<br>Please go back and check before proceeding.<br>" . "If you need help, please read the <a href=\"{$UMC_DOMAIN}/about-this-server/rules/\">rest of the rules</a>"; $step = 1; } } break; case 3: if (!isset($s_post['world'])) { $step = 2; umc_log('settler_test', 'step_2_fail', "{$player} failed step 2"); $error = 'You need to choose a playing mode to continue!'; } break; case 4: if (!isset($s_post['lot'])) { $step = 3; umc_log('settler_test', 'step_3_fail', "{$player} failed step 3"); $error = 'You need to choose lot to continue!'; } break; case 5: if (!$player_world) { $step = 4; umc_log('settler_test', 'step_4_fail', "{$player} failed step 4 (not in game)"); $error = 'You need to be in the game to continue!'; // var_dump($loc); } else { if ($player_world != 'city' || $x > 953 || $x < 938 || $z < -814 || $z > -793) { $step = 4; umc_log('settler_test', 'step_4_fail', "{$player} failed step 4 (not in spawn house)"); $error = 'You need to type /warp spawn and then continue!'; } } break; case 6: if ($player_world != $s_post['world']) { $step = 5; umc_log('settler_test', 'step_5_fail', "{$player} failed step 5"); $error = "You need to go through the {$s_post['world']} portal! Type <strong>/warp spawn</strong> and try again!"; } break; case 8: if (strtolower($player_lot) != strtolower($s_post['check_lot'])) { $step = 7; umc_log('settler_test', 'step_7_fail', "{$player} failed step 7 by entering " . $s_post['check_lot'] . "instead of {$player_lot}"); $error = 'You need to enter the lot you see on-screen into the form to continue!'; } break; case 9: if (!$player_lot) { $step = 8; umc_log('settler_test', 'step_8_fail', "{$player} failed step 8"); $error = "We could not find you on the map. Please make sure you are on the server!"; } else { if ($player_lot != $s_post['lot']) { $step = 8; umc_log('settler_test', 'step_8_fail', "{$player} failed step 8"); $error = "You need to get lot {$s_post['lot']} before you can continue. Please either walk there or use /jump {$s_post['lot']}. You are now in lot {$player_lot}!"; } } break; } // questions $out .= "<strong>{$error}</strong><br>"; switch ($step) { case 0: umc_log('settler_test', 'start', "{$player} started the settler test"); $out .= "<form action=\"{$UMC_DOMAIN}/server-access/buildingrights/\" method=\"post\">\n" . "<h1>Step 1: Welcome!</h1>\n" . "<h2>Once you finish this test, you will be settler!</h2>\n" . "<h2>Before Applying</h2>\n" . "<ul>\n" . " <li>You must have some experience playing Minecraft.</li>\n" . " <li>Read the <a href=\"{$UMC_DOMAIN}/faq/\">FAQ</a></li>\n" . " <li>Read the <a href=\"{$UMC_DOMAIN}/rules/\">Rules</a></li>\n" . " <li>Read the <a href=\"{$UMC_DOMAIN}/user-levels/\">User Levels and Commands</a> page.</li>\n" . "</ul>\n" . "This process will guide you through the process of getting building rights on the server and at the same time give you a lot and make sure you get there. " . "You will need to login to the server with your minecraft client during the process and keep this website open.<br>" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"step\" value=\"1\">\n" . "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"Next\" value=\"Next\">\n"; break; case 1: $warning = ''; $failcount = umc_settler_get_fails($player); if ($failcount > 10) { $warning = "<div style=\"color:red;font-weight:bold;font-size:120%;\">You have failed the test more than 10 times. If you fail too often, you will be banned from the server!</div>"; } else { if ($failcount > 20) { umc_user_ban($player, "Settler test failed"); return $warning = "<div style=\"color:red;font-weight:bold;font-size:120%;\">You have failed the test too often. You are now banned from the server!</div>"; } } umc_log('settler_test', 'step_1', "{$player} is at step 1"); $out .= "<form action=\"{$UMC_DOMAIN}/server-access/buildingrights/\" method=\"post\">\n" . "<h1>Step 2: Rules & regulations</h1>\n" . $warning . "Here are some basic rules you should know:" . "<ul>\n<li><strong>Do not beg for anything</strong> - Including upgrades, handouts or help with this process.</li>\n" . "<li><strong>No pixel-art</strong>. This is not 'paint by numbers'. We build stuff.</li>\n" . "<li><strong>Be considerate of others</strong>. No griefing, no stealing, no killing. We log everything, we will find out.</li>\n" . "<li><strong>Don't cheat!</strong> No Xray, no mods, no bug abuse.</li>\n" . "<li><strong>Learn yourself!</strong> Look on the <a href=\"{$UMC_DOMAIN}/about-this-server/\">website</a> for answers first, then ask other users.</li>\n" . "<li><strong>We ban forever - no appeals!</strong> You better read the <a href=\"{$UMC_DOMAIN}/about-this-server/rules/\">rest of the rules</a>.</li>\n" . "</ul>\n" . "<strong>Pick the items that are not allowed (and will therefore get you banned) (Note: Asking others about the answers will get you banned, too!): </strong><br>\n" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"step\" value=\"2\">\n"; foreach ($steps[1] as $image => $check) { $image_text = umc_pretty_name($image); $out .= "<span style=\"float:left; text-align:center;\"><img height=\"180\" src=\"{$UMC_DOMAIN}/websend/{$image}.png\"><br>" . "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"stepone[]\" value=\"{$image}\">{$image_text}</span>\n"; } $out .= '<br style="clear:both;">' . "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"Next\" value=\"Next\">\n"; break; case 2: umc_log('settler_test', 'step_2', "{$player} is at step 2"); $out .= "<form action=\"{$UMC_DOMAIN}/server-access/buildingrights/\" method=\"post\">\n" . '<h1>Step 3: Creative or Survival?</h1>' . 'You can either build in a flat, creative world or a wild, survival world!<br>Choose one:<br>' . "<span style=\"float:left; text-align:center;\"><img width=\"400\" src=\"{$UMC_DOMAIN}/websend/empire.png\"><br><input type=\"radio\" name=\"world\" value=\"empire\">Survival mode in the Empire world</span>" . "<span style=\"float:left; text-align:center;\"><img width=\"400\" src=\"{$UMC_DOMAIN}/websend/flatlands.png\"><br><input type=\"radio\" name=\"world\" value=\"flatlands\">Creative mode in the Flatlands world</span><br style=\"clear:both;\">" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"step\" value=\"3\">\n" . "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"Next\" value=\"Next\">\n"; break; case 3: umc_log('settler_test', 'step_3', "{$player} is at step 3"); $spawn_lot = $UMC_SETTING['world_data'][$world]['spawn']; $tile = umc_user_get_lot_tile(strtolower($spawn_lot)); $out .= "<form action=\"{$UMC_DOMAIN}/admin/index.php?function=create_map&world={$world}&freeonly=true\" method=\"post\">\n" . "<h1>Step 4: Find a lot!</h1>\n" . "<img style=\"float:right;\" width=\"300\" src=\"{$UMC_DOMAIN}/websend/{$world}.png\">Great! You chose to build in the <strong>{$world}</strong> world!<br>" . "You are now ready to pick a lot!<br>" . "If you made a mistake and want to play a different mode, please go back now and chose another mode. There will be no going back later.<br><br>" . "<strong>Now you need to find a lot that you like.</strong><br>" . "When you click 'Next', a map of the {$world} world will open.<br>" . "Click on the \"Find Spawn\" button in the top-left corner. It looks like this:<br>" . "<img src=\"/websend/find_spawn.png\"><br>" . "You will now see a flashing lot, which is the entrance to the {$world} world.<br>" . "It's convenient to find a lot close to it. <br>" . "The spawn lot looks like this:<br>{$tile}" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"settler_test\" value=\"settler_test\">\n" . "<br><br><input type=\"submit\" name=\"Next\" value=\"Next\">\n"; break; case 4: umc_log('settler_test', 'step_4', "{$player} is at step 4"); $tile = umc_user_get_lot_tile(strtolower($lot)); $out .= "<form action=\"{$UMC_DOMAIN}/server-access/buildingrights/\" method=\"post\">\n" . '<h1>Step 5: You chose a lot!</h1>' . "<span style=\"float:left;\">{$tile}</span>The lot you have chosen is <strong>{$lot} in the {$world}</strong> world. You can see a satellite image of it on the left.<br>You should now go there, to make sure it's what you want!<br>"; if ($player_world) { $out .= "<br>To go there, you need to go to the portal house. From there you can get into the {$world} world.<br>" . "Please type <strong>/warp spawn</strong> in game to get there, it should look like this inside:<br><img src=\"/websend/portals.png\">" . "Once you see this, please come back here and press " . "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"Next\" value=\"Next\">\n" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"lot\" value=\"{$lot}\">\n" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"world\" value=\"{$world}\">\n" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"step\" value=\"5\">\n"; } else { $out .= "Please <strong>login to the server</strong> now with your minecraft client at <strong>uncovery.me</strong> and then press " . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"world\" value=\"{$world}\">\n" . "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"action\" value=\"Continue\">\n" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"lot\" value=\"{$lot}\">\n" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"step\" value=\"5\">\n"; } break; case 5: umc_log('settler_test', 'step_5', "{$player} is at step 5"); $out .= "<form action=\"{$UMC_DOMAIN}/server-access/buildingrights/\" method=\"post\">\n" . "<h1>Step 6: Get to the {$world} world</h1>"; // check if the player is actually in the portal house // player is not in portal house if ($player_world != 'city' || $x > 953 || $x < 938 || $z < -814 || $z > -793) { $out .= "You need to be in the portal house to continue. Please type <strong>/warp spawn</strong> again to get there. " . "It should look like this inside:<br><img src=\"/websend/portals.png\"> Once you see this, press\n" . "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"Next\" value=\"Next\">\n" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"lot\" value=\"{$lot}\">\n" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"world\" value=\"{$world}\">\n" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"step\" value=\"5\">\n"; } else { $out .= "Since you chose a lot in the {$world} world, you need to go through the {$world} portal. " . "It looks like this: Notice the name of the world is written on the sign." . "<img src=\"/websend/{$world}_portal.png\">" . "Please step through and press " . "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"Next\" value=\"Next\">\n" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"lot\" value=\"{$lot}\">\n" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"world\" value=\"{$world}\">\n" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"step\" value=\"6\">\n"; } break; case 6: umc_log('settler_test', 'step_6', "{$player} is at step 6"); $spawn_lot = strtoupper($UMC_SETTING['world_data'][$world]['spawn']); $lower_lot = strtolower($lot); $lot_sql = "SELECT region_cuboid.region_id AS lot, sqrt(pow(max_x,2)+pow(max_z,2)) AS distance, max_x, max_z\r\n FROM minecraft_worldguard.world\r\n LEFT JOIN minecraft_worldguard.region_cuboid ON world.id=region_cuboid.world_id\r\n WHERE region_cuboid.region_id='{$lower_lot}';"; $D = umc_mysql_fetch_all($lot_sql); $lot_data = $D[0]; // north/south difference if ($lot_data['max_x'] < 0) { $direction1 = "north"; } else { if ($lot_data['max_x'] >= 0) { $direction1 = "south"; } } // north/south difference if ($lot_data['max_z'] < 0) { $direction2 = "west"; } else { if ($lot_data['max_z'] >= 0) { $direction2 = "east"; } } $out .= "<form action=\"{$UMC_DOMAIN}/admin/index.php?function=create_map&world={$world}&freeonly=true\" method=\"post\">\n" . "<h1>Step 7: Getting to lot {$lot} in the {$world} world</h1>" . "Getting to your world is easy! You are now at the center of the {$world} world." . "Your lot is <strong>{$direction1}/{$direction2}</strong> from spawn! <br>" . "You can find out which direction you are looking with the <strong>/compass</strong> command.<br>" . "As a Guest level player, you cannot be killed by mobs until you finished this here.<br>" . "So you have to leave the spawn lot either through the {$direction1} or the {$direction2} exit.<br>" . "To know where you are, you can follow your icon {$user_icon} on the map while you get around.<br>" . "Please click NEXT to open the map, there you find your icon click the button next to it!<br><br>" . "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"next\" value=\"Next\">\n" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"track_player\" value=\"{$player}\">\n" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"world\" value=\"{$world}\">\n" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"lot\" value=\"{$lot}\">\n"; $x = $loc[$player]['x']; $z = $loc[$player]['z']; break; case 7: umc_log('settler_test', 'step_7', "{$player} is at step 7"); // whereami $out .= "<h1>Step 8: Find out where you are in-game</h1>" . "<form action=\"{$UMC_DOMAIN}/server-access/buildingrights/\" method=\"post\">\n" . "Now that you know how to find yourself on the map, you need to find out where you are when in-game.<br>" . "The command to find your location in-game is called <strong>/whereami</strong>.<br>" . "Please go into the game and type <strong>/whereami</strong><br>" . "You will see something like this:<br>" . "<img src=\"/websend/whereami.png\"><br>" . "In this example, you can see the Lot (in the first line) is <img src=\"/websend/whereami_detail.png\"> So you would enter 'emp_z7'.<br>" . "Please go now into the game, type <strong>/whereami</strong>, and enter the information here:<br>" . "I am now in lot <input type=\"text\" name=\"check_lot\" value=\"\" size=\"7\"> and then press " . "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"next\" value=\"Next\">\n" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"step\" value=\"8\">\n" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"world\" value=\"{$world}\">\n" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"lot\" value=\"{$lot}\">\n"; // enter which lot you are in right now break; case 8: // walk to your lot umc_log('settler_test', 'step_8', "{$player} is at step 8"); $lower_lot = strtolower($lot); $out .= "<form action=\"{$UMC_DOMAIN}/admin/index.php\" method=\"post\">\n" . "<h1>Step 9: Walk to your lot {$lot}!</h1>" . "Now you have everything you need to get to your lot!<br>You should follow your steps on the 2D map.<br>" . "You can either walk there, or use the command <pre>/lot warp {$lot}</pre> to get there. Please note that this command is only available while you are Guest.<br>" . "Press 'Next' to open the 2D map and follow your icon to lot {$lot}!<br>" . "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"next\" value=\"Next\">\n" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"guide_lot\" value=\"{$player}\">\n" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"world\" value=\"{$world}\">\n" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"freeonly\" value=\"true\">\n" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"function\" value=\"create_map\">\n" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"step\" value=\"9\">\n" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"world\" value=\"{$world}\">\n" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"lot\" value=\"{$lower_lot}\">\n"; break; case 9: umc_log('settler_test', 'step_9', "{$player} is at step 9"); // do you like it? claim it $out .= "<h1>Step 10: Do you like the lot {$s_post['lot']}?</h1>" . "<form action=\"{$UMC_DOMAIN}/server-access/buildingrights/\" method=\"post\">\n" . '<input type="radio" name="step" value="10" checked>Yes! I take it! I will type <strong>/homes buy ' . $world . '</strong> now so I can warp back here!<br>' . '<input type="radio" name="step" value="1">No,I would like to start over!<br>' . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"lot\" value=\"{$lot}\">\n" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"world\" value=\"{$world}\">\n" . "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"next\" value=\"Finish!\">\n"; break; case 10: umc_log('settler_test', 'step_10', "{$player} is at step 10"); // final confirmation $out .= "<h1>Step 11: Congratulations!</h1>" . "You have been promoted to Settler!<br>"; if ($userlevel == 'Guest') { $cmd = "pex promote {$UMC_USER['uuid']}"; umc_exec_command($cmd); // update UUID database $sql = "UPDATE minecraft_srvr.UUID SET userlevel='Settler' WHERE UUID='{$UMC_USER['uuid']}';"; umc_mysql_query($sql); umc_exec_command('pex reload'); umc_exec_command("ch qm u Congrats {$player} for becoming Settler!"); XMPP_ERROR_send_msg("{$userlevel} {$player} got promoted with command " . $cmd); umc_log('settler_test', 'promotion', "{$player} ({$UMC_USER['uuid']})was promoted to settler (new test)"); $headers = "From: minecraft@uncovery.me\r\n" . "Reply-To: minecraft@uncovery.me\r\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion(); $subject = "[Uncovery Minecraft] Settler applicaton"; $mailtext = "The user: {$player} (email: {$email}) was promoted to Settler and got lot {$lot}.\n\n"; $check = mail('*****@*****.**', $subject, $mailtext, $headers); if (!$check) { XMPP_ERROR_trigger("The settler promotion email could not be sent!"); } // check userlevel to make sure $new_level = umc_get_userlevel($player); if ($new_level != 'Settler') { XMPP_ERROR_trigger("{$userlevel} {$player} did NOT got promoted with command " . $cmd . " he's still {$new_level}"); } } else { $out .= "Thanks for taking this test! Since you are {$userlevel} already, we will not promote you to Settler.<br>"; } // try to assign the lot $check = umc_lot_manager_check_before_assign($uuid, $lot); $out .= "Trying to assign this lot to you: <strong>{$check['text']}</strong><br>"; if ($check['result'] == false) { XMPP_ERROR_send_msg("Settler Test lot assignment failed!"); $out .= "There was an error giving the lot you reserved to you. You can get any other through your <a hreaf=\"{$UMC_DOMAIN}/server-access/lot-manager/\">lot manager</a>!<br>"; } else { umc_lot_add_player($uuid, $lot, 1, $check['cost']); $out .= $check['text']; } break; default: $out .= "This option was not recognized, please reload the page!"; } $out .= "</form>\n"; return $out; }
public function ban($reason) { XMPP_ERROR_trace(__CLASS__ . " // " . __FUNCTION__, func_get_args()); global $UMC_USERS; $cmd = "ban {$this->username} {$reason}"; if ($this->context == 'websend') { umc_ws_cmd($cmd, 'asConsole', false, false); $admin = $UMC_USERS['current_user']->username; } else { umc_exec_command($cmd, 'asConsole', false); $admin = 'wordpress'; } $sql = "INSERT INTO minecraft_srvr.`banned_users`(`username`, `reason`, `admin`, `uuid`) VALUES ('{$this->username}','{$reason}', '{$admin}', '{$this->uuid}');"; umc_mysql_query($sql, true); // remove shop inventory umc_shop_cleanout_olduser($this->uuid); // remove from teamspeak umc_ts_clear_rights($this->uuid); $text = "{$admin} banned \${$this->username} ({$this->uuid}) because of {$reason}"; umc_log('mod', 'ban', $text); XMPP_ERROR_send_msg($text); // iterate plugins to check for plugin relared post ban processes }
/** * this checks if the user exists, and creats it if not. returns the amount in the account. * @global type $UMC_ENV * @param type $user * @return int */ function umc_money_check($user) { XMPP_ERROR_trace(__FUNCTION__, func_get_args()); if ($user == '') { XMPP_ERROR_trigger("Failed to get account status for empty user!"); } // check if the user has an acoount if (strlen($user) <= 17) { $uuid = umc_user2uuid($user); } else { $uuid = $user; $user = umc_user2uuid($uuid); if ($user == '') { XMPP_ERROR_trigger("Failed to get username for {$uuid}!"); die; } } $sql = "SELECT balance FROM `minecraft_iconomy`.`mineconomy_accounts` WHERE uuid='{$uuid}';"; $data = umc_mysql_fetch_all($sql); // has account to receive, return value if (count($data) > 0) { // get amount return $data[0]['balance']; } else { if (count($data) == 0) { // create account // check if there is a user entry but no UUID $sql2 = "SELECT balance FROM `minecraft_iconomy`.`mineconomy_accounts` WHERE account='{$user}';"; $data2 = umc_mysql_fetch_all($sql2); if (count($data2) == 1) { // yes, add the UUID $fix_sql = "UPDATE `minecraft_iconomy`.`mineconomy_accounts`\r\n\t\t SET uuid='{$uuid}'\r\n WHERE account='{$user}';"; umc_mysql_query($fix_sql, true); // try again return umc_money_check($user); } else { // insert row $sql3 = "INSERT INTO `minecraft_iconomy`.`mineconomy_accounts` (`uuid`, `account`, `balance`)\r\n VALUES ('{$uuid}', '{$user}', '100');"; umc_mysql_query($sql3, true); return 0; } } } }
function umc_lot_addrem() { global $UMC_USER; $player = $UMC_USER['username']; $args = $UMC_USER['args']; /// /lotmember lot world add target if (count($args) <= 3) { umc_echo("{red}Not enough arguments given"); umc_show_help($args); return; } $addrem = $args[1]; $lot = strtolower($args[2]); $action = $args[3]; $worlds = array('emp' => 'empire', 'fla' => 'flatlands', 'dar' => 'darklands', 'aet' => 'aether', 'kin' => 'kingdom', 'dra' => 'draftlands', 'blo' => 'skyblock', 'con' => 'aether'); $world_abr = substr($lot, 0, 3); if (!isset($worlds[$world_abr])) { umc_error("Your used an invalid lot name!"); } $world = $worlds[$world_abr]; if ($player == '@Console') { $player = 'uncovery'; } $user_id = umc_get_worldguard_id('user', strtolower($player)); if (!$user_id) { umc_error("Your user id cannot be found!"); } $player_group = umc_get_userlevel($player); $world_id = umc_get_worldguard_id('world', $world); if (!$world_id) { umc_show_help($args); umc_error("The lot '{$lot}' cannot be found in any world!"); } if (!umc_check_lot_exists($world_id, $lot)) { umc_show_help($args); umc_error("There is no lot {$lot} in world {$world}!"); } if ($action == 'snow' || $action == 'ice') { // check if the user has DonatorPlus status. if ($player_group !== 'Owner') { if (!stristr($player_group, 'DonatorPlus')) { umc_error("You need to be DonatorPlus level to use the snow/ice features!;"); } $owner_switch = 0; // check if player is Owner of lot $sql = "SELECT * FROM minecraft_worldguard.region_players WHERE region_id='{$lot}' AND world_id={$world_id} AND user_id={$user_id} and Owner=1;"; $D = umc_mysql_fetch_all($sql); $num = count($D); if ($num != 1) { umc_error("It appears you {$player} ({$user_id}) are not Owner of lot {$lot} in world {$world}!"); } } // get the current status of the flags if ($addrem == 'add') { $flag = 'allow'; umc_echo("Allowing {$action} forming on lot {$lot}... "); } else { if ($addrem == 'rem') { $flag = 'deny'; umc_echo("Preventing {$action} forming on lot {$lot}... "); } else { umc_show_help($args); } } if ($action == 'snow') { $flagname = 'snow-fall'; } else { if ($action == 'ice') { $flagname = 'ice-form'; } } // does flag exist? $check_sql = "SELECT * FROM minecraft_worldguard.region_flag WHERE region_id='{$lot}' AND world_id={$world_id} AND flag='{$flagname}';"; $D2 = umc_mysql_fetch_all($check_sql); $count = count($D2); if ($count == 0) { // insert $ins_sql = "INSERT INTO minecraft_worldguard.region_flag (region_id, world_id, flag, value) VALUES ('{$lot}', {$world_id}, '{$flagname}', '{$flag}');"; umc_mysql_query($ins_sql, true); } else { // update $upd_sql = "UPDATE minecraft_worldguard.region_flag SET value='{$flag}' WHERE region_id='{$lot}' AND world_id={$world_id} AND flag='{$flagname}';"; umc_mysql_query($upd_sql, true); } umc_echo("done!"); umc_log('lot', 'addrem', "{$player} changed {$action} property of {$lot}"); } else { if ($action == 'owner' || $action == 'give') { if ($player != 'uncovery' && $player != '@Console') { umc_error("Nice try, {$player}. Think I am stupid? Want to get banned?"); } $owner_switch = 1; } else { if ($action == 'member') { $user_id = umc_get_worldguard_id('user', strtolower($player)); if (!$user_id && $player !== 'uncovery') { umc_error("Your user id cannot be found!"); } $owner_switch = 0; // check if player is Owner of lot if ($player_group !== 'Owner') { $sql = "SELECT * FROM minecraft_worldguard.region_players WHERE region_id='{$lot}' AND world_id={$world_id} AND user_id={$user_id} and Owner=1;"; $D3 = umc_mysql_fetch_all($sql); $count = count($D3); if ($count != 1) { umc_error("It appears you ({$player} {$user_id}) are not Owner of lot {$lot} in world {$world}!"); } } } else { umc_echo("Action {$action} not recognized!"); umc_show_help($args); return; } } // get list of active users $active_users = umc_get_active_members(); for ($i = 4; $i < count($args); $i++) { $target = strtolower($args[$i]); // check if target player exists $target_id = umc_get_worldguard_id('user', strtolower($target)); if (!$target_id) { umc_error("The user {$target} does not exist in the database. Please check spelling of username"); } if ($player != 'uncovery') { $targ_group = umc_get_userlevel($target); if ($targ_group == 'Guest') { umc_error("You cannnot add Guests to your lot!;"); } else { if (!in_array($target, $active_users)) { XMPP_ERROR_trigger("{$player} tried to add {$target} to his lot {$lot}, but {$target} is not an active member!"); umc_error("{$target} is not an active user! You can only add people who have their own lot! See FAQ entry #32 please."); } } } // add / remove target player from lot if ($addrem == 'add') { // make sure target is not already there $sql = "SELECT * FROM minecraft_worldguard.region_players WHERE region_id='{$lot}' AND world_id={$world_id} AND user_id={$target_id};"; $D3 = umc_mysql_fetch_all($sql); $num = count($D3); if ($num == 1) { umc_error("It appears {$target} is already member of lot {$lot} in world {$world}!"); } // add to the lot umc_lot_add_player($target, $lot, 0); umc_echo("Added {$target} to {$lot} in the {$world}!"); } else { if ($addrem == 'rem') { // check if target is there at all $sql = "SELECT * FROM minecraft_worldguard.region_players WHERE region_id='{$lot}' AND world_id={$world_id} AND user_id={$target_id} AND Owner={$owner_switch} LIMIT 1;"; $D3 = umc_mysql_fetch_all($sql); $num = count($D3); if ($num !== 1) { umc_error("It appears user {$target} is not a member of lot {$lot} in world {$world}!"); } umc_lot_rem_player($target, $lot, 0); umc_echo("Removed {$target} from {$lot} in the {$world}!"); } else { if ($addrem == 'give') { // remove all members and owners umc_lot_remove_all($lot); umc_lot_add_player($target, $lot, 1); umc_echo("Gave {$lot} to {$target} in the {$world}! All other user removed!"); // logfile entry umc_log('lot', 'addrem', "{$player} gave lot to {$target}"); } else { umc_show_help($args); } } } } } umc_ws_cmd("region load -w {$world}", 'asConsole'); }
/** * Reset TS user rights to "Guest" for a specific user * This can be done even if the user is not online * * @param string $uuid * @param boolean $echo * @return boolean */ function umc_ts_clear_rights($uuid, $echo = false) { XMPP_ERROR_trace(__FUNCTION__, func_get_args()); umc_echo("Trying to remove old permissions:"); require_once '/home/includes/teamspeak_php/libraries/TeamSpeak3/TeamSpeak3.php'; global $UMC_TEAMSPEAK; // find out the TS id the user has been using from the database $check_sql = "SELECT ts_uuid FROM minecraft_srvr.UUID WHERE UUID='{$uuid}';"; $D = umc_mysql_fetch_all($check_sql); if ($D[0]['ts_uuid'] == '') { if ($echo) { umc_echo("Old Client: No previous TS account detected."); } return false; } else { umc_echo("Found old permissions."); $ts_uuid = $D[0]['ts_uuid']; } umc_echo("Connecting to TS server."); if (!$UMC_TEAMSPEAK['server']) { $UMC_TEAMSPEAK['server'] = TeamSpeak3::factory("serverquery://*****:*****@"); } // find the TS user by that TS UUID umc_echo("Searching for you on the TS server."); $ts_Clients_match = $UMC_TEAMSPEAK['server']->clientFindDb($ts_uuid, true); if (count($ts_Clients_match) > 0) { umc_echo("Found user entries on TS server"); $client_dbid = $ts_Clients_match[0]; // enumerate all the groups the user is part of $servergroups = array_keys($UMC_TEAMSPEAK['server']->clientGetServerGroupsByDbid($client_dbid)); // remove all servergroups except 8 (Guest) umc_echo("Removing all old usergroups:"); foreach ($servergroups as $sgid) { if ($sgid != 8) { $UMC_TEAMSPEAK['server']->serverGroupClientDel($sgid, $client_dbid); if ($echo) { umc_echo("Old Client: Removing Group " . $UMC_TEAMSPEAK['ts_groups'][$sgid]); } } } // also remove TS UUID from DB $ins_sql = "UPDATE minecraft_srvr.UUID SET ts_uuid='' WHERE ts_uuid='{$ts_uuid}';"; umc_mysql_query($ins_sql, true); return true; } else { if ($echo) { umc_echo("Old Client: Previous TS UUID was invalid, nothing to do"); } return false; } }
function umc_skyblock_challenge_cancel() { $sql = "UPDATE `minecraft_quiz`.`block_games` SET status='cancelled' WHERE status IN ('selected','started') AND username='******';"; umc_mysql_query($sql); umc_echo("Your unfinished challenges have been cancelled"); }
function umc_lottery() { // umc_error_notify("User $user, $chance (umc_lottery)"); global $UMC_USER, $lottery, $ENCH_ITEMS; $user_input = $UMC_USER['args'][2]; $user = umc_check_user($user_input); if (!$user) { umc_log("lottery", "voting", "user {$user} does not exist"); return false; } $uuid = umc_user2uuid($user); $chance = false; if ($user == 'uncovery' && isset($UMC_USER['args'][3])) { $chance = $UMC_USER['args'][3]; } $roll = umc_lottery_roll_dice($chance); // umc_echo(umc_ws_vardump($roll)); $item = $roll['item']; $luck = $roll['luck']; $prize = $lottery[$item]; //echo "type = {$prize['type']}<br>;"; //echo "complete chance: $chance<br>;"; //var_dump($prize); if (isset($prize['detail'])) { $detail = $prize['detail']; } $type = $prize['type']; // always give 100 uncs umc_money(false, $user, 100); $given_block_data = 0; $given_block_type = 0; //var_dump($prize); switch ($type) { case 'item': umc_deposit_give_item($uuid, $detail['type'], $detail['data'], $detail['ench'], 1, 'lottery'); $item_txt = $prize['txt']; break; case 'random_unc': $luck2 = mt_rand(1, 500); umc_money(false, $user, $luck2); $item_txt = "{$luck2} Uncs"; break; case 'random_potion': $luck2 = mt_rand(0, 63); umc_deposit_give_item($uuid, 373, $luck2, '', 1, 'lottery'); $item_txt = $prize['txt']; break; case 'random_ench': // pick which enchantment $rand_ench = array_rand($ENCH_ITEMS); $ench_arr = $ENCH_ITEMS[$rand_ench]; //pick which item to enchant $rand_item = array_rand($ench_arr['items']); $rand_item_id = $ench_arr['items'][$rand_item]; // pick level of enchantment $lvl_luck = mt_rand(1, $ench_arr['max']); //echo "$item $ench_txt $lvl_luck"; $item_ench_arr = array($rand_ench => $lvl_luck); $item = umc_goods_get_text($rand_item_id, 0, $item_ench_arr); $item_name = $item['item_name']; $full = $item['full']; umc_deposit_give_item($uuid, $item_name, 0, $item_ench_arr, 1, 'lottery'); $item_txt = "a " . $full; break; case 'random_pet': // same as blocks below but only 1 always umc_echo($type); $block = $prize['blocks']; $luck2 = mt_rand(0, count($prize['blocks']) - 1); $given_block = explode(":", $block[$luck2]); $given_block_type = $given_block[0]; $given_block_data = $given_block[1]; umc_deposit_give_item($uuid, $given_block_type, $given_block_data, '', 1, 'lottery'); $item = umc_goods_get_text($given_block_type, $given_block_data); $item_txt = "a " . $item['full']; break; case 'random_common': case 'random_ore': case 'random_manuf': $block = $prize['blocks']; $luck2 = mt_rand(0, count($prize['blocks']) - 1); $luck3 = mt_rand(1, 64); $given_block = explode(":", $block[$luck2]); $given_block_type = $given_block[0]; $given_block_data = $given_block[1]; umc_deposit_give_item($uuid, $given_block_type, $given_block_data, '', $luck3, 'lottery'); $item = umc_goods_get_text($given_block_type, $given_block_data); $item_txt = "{$luck3} " . $item['full']; break; } if ($user != 'uncovery') { // testing only $item_nocolor = umc_ws_color_remove($item_txt); umc_ws_cmd("ch qm N {$user} voted, rolled a {$luck} and got {$item_nocolor}!", 'asConsole'); umc_log('votelottery', 'vote', "{$user} rolled {$luck} and got {$item_nocolor} ({$given_block_type}:{$given_block_data})"); $userlevel = umc_get_userlevel($user); if (in_array($userlevel, array('Settler', 'Guest'))) { $msg = "You received {$item_txt} from the lottery! Use {green}/withdraw @lottery{white} to get it!"; umc_msg_user($user, $msg); } } else { umc_echo("{$user} voted, rolled a {$luck} and got {$item_txt}!"); } // add vote to the database $service = umc_mysql_real_escape_string($UMC_USER['args'][3]); $ip = umc_mysql_real_escape_string($UMC_USER['args'][4]); $sql = "INSERT INTO minecraft_log.votes_log (`username`, `datetime`, `website`, `ip_address`)\r\n VALUES ('{$uuid}', NOW(), {$service}, {$ip});"; umc_mysql_query($sql, true); // echo "$user voted for the server and got $item_txt!;"; }
function umc_mail_send_backend($recipient_uuid, $sender_uuid, $message_raw, $subject_raw, $action, $msg_id = false) { $recipient = umc_mysql_real_escape_string($recipient_uuid); $sender = umc_mysql_real_escape_string($sender_uuid); $message = umc_mysql_real_escape_string($message_raw); $subject = umc_mysql_real_escape_string($subject_raw); $status = 'draft'; if ($action == 'Send') { $status = 'sent'; } if (isset($msg_id)) { $sql = "UPDATE minecraft_srvr.user_mail\r\n SET `sender_uuid`={$sender}, `recipient_uuid`={$recipient}, `title`={$subject}, `message`={$message}, `status`='{$status}', `date_time`=NOW()\r\n WHERE msg_id={$msg_id};"; } else { $sql = "INSERT INTO minecraft_srvr.user_mail (`sender_uuid`, `recipient_uuid`, `title`, `message`, `status`, `date_time`)\r\n VALUES ({$sender},{$recipient},{$subject},{$message},'{$status}', NOW());"; } umc_mysql_query($sql, true); if ($action == 'Send') { $mail_id = umc_mysql_insert_id(); umc_mail_send_alert($mail_id); } }
/** * Records a transaction in the database. * * @param type $from * @param type $to * @param type $amount * @param type $value * @param type $item * @param type $type * @param type $meta */ function umc_shop_transaction_record($from, $to, $amount, $value, $item, $type = 0, $meta = '') { global $UMC_DATA_ID2NAME; XMPP_ERROR_trace(__FUNCTION__, func_get_args()); // make sure we have UUIDs $from_uuid = umc_uuid_getone($from, 'uuid'); $to_uuid = umc_uuid_getone($to, 'uuid'); // make sure we have item names if (is_numeric($item)) { $item_name = $UMC_DATA_ID2NAME[$item]; } else { $item_name = $item; } $ins_sql = "INSERT INTO minecraft_iconomy.`transactions` (`damage`, `buyer_uuid`, `seller_uuid`, `item_name`, `cost`, `amount`, `meta`)\r\n VALUES ('{$type}', '{$to_uuid}', '{$from_uuid}', '{$item_name}', '{$value}', '{$amount}', '{$meta}');"; umc_mysql_query($ins_sql, true); }
function umc_vote_web() { XMPP_ERROR_trace(__FUNCTION__, func_get_args()); global $vote_ranks, $UMC_DOMAIN, $UMC_USER; $lvl_percent = array('a' => 0.3, 'd' => 0.4, 'm' => 0.7, 'e' => 1); $out = umc_vote_stats(); // return "<h1>Sorry, due to technical issues, voting is temporarily suspended</h1>"; if (!$UMC_USER) { $out = "Please <a href=\"{$UMC_DOMAIN}/wp-login.php\">login</a> to vote!"; return $out; } else { $out .= "<h2>Proposals & Votes</h2>"; $username = $UMC_USER['username']; $uuid = $UMC_USER['uuid']; $user_lvl = $UMC_USER['userlevel']; } $user_lvl_id = $vote_ranks[$user_lvl]['lvl']; if ($user_lvl_id < 3) { // start voting only for designers return "Sorry, you need to be Designer or above to vote!"; } // get user numbers for levels $lvl_str_arr = array('a' => "'Architect', 'ArchitectDonator', 'ArchitectDonatorPlus'", 'd' => "'Designer', 'DesignerDonator', 'DesignerDonatorPlus'", 'm' => "'Master', 'MasterDonator', 'MasterDonatorPlus'", 'e' => "'Elder', 'ElderDonator', 'ElderDonatorPlus'"); $lvl_amounts = array('a' => 0, 'd' => 0, 'm' => 0, 'e' => 0); $lvl_min_req = array('a' => 0, 'd' => 0, 'm' => 0, 'e' => 0); foreach ($lvl_str_arr as $lvl_code => $lvl_str) { // This takes all lots where the owners are in one of the user 4 levels that can vote $sql = "SELECT user_id, UUID.UUID as uuid, username FROM `minecraft_worldguard`.`region_players`\r\n LEFT JOIN minecraft_worldguard.user ON region_players.user_id=user.id\r\n LEFT JOIN minecraft_srvr.UUID ON minecraft_worldguard.user.uuid=minecraft_srvr.UUID.UUID\r\n LEFT JOIN minecraft_srvr.permissions_inheritance ON minecraft_srvr.UUID.UUID=minecraft_srvr.permissions_inheritance.child\r\n WHERE parent IN ({$lvl_str}) AND type=1 AND owner=1 GROUP BY user_id;"; $C = umc_mysql_fetch_all($sql); // count all the people in the userlevel to know how many votes are needed $lvl_amounts[$lvl_code] = count($C); } // calc needed votes $full_vote = $lvl_amounts['e'] * $vote_ranks['Elder']['vote']; foreach ($lvl_amounts as $lvl => $lvl_amount) { $lvl_min_req[$lvl] = round($full_vote * $lvl_percent[$lvl]); } // TODO insert here a cleanup process that deletes old votes of non-promoted users $proposed = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'proposal', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); if (isset($proposed) && strlen($proposed) > 1) { $proposed = umc_check_user($proposed); if (!$proposed) { $out .= "Sorry {$username}, but you need to input an existing user to propose!"; } else { $proposed_data = umc_uuid_getboth($proposed, 'username'); $proposed_username = $proposed_data['username']; $proposed_uuid = $proposed_data['uuid']; // what user level is it? $prop_lvl = umc_get_uuid_level($proposed_uuid); $prop_lvl_id = $vote_ranks[$prop_lvl]['lvl']; // check if the user was recently promoted $sql = "SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`date`) as mysql_ts FROM minecraft_srvr.proposals WHERE `uuid` LIKE '{$proposed_uuid}' ORDER BY `date` DESC;"; $D = umc_mysql_fetch_all($sql); $row = array(); if (count($D) > 0) { $row = $D[0]; // get the first (latest) entry } else { $row['mysql_ts'] = 0; } if (time() - $row['mysql_ts'] < 5270400) { $out .= "<strong>Sorry {$username}, but {$proposed_username} was last proposed for promotion less than 2 months ago!</strong>"; } else { if ($user_lvl_id < 6 && $user_lvl_id < $prop_lvl_id + 1) { $out .= "<strong>Sorry {$username}, but you need to be at a higher level to propose {$proposed_username} for a higher rank!</strong>"; } else { if ($prop_lvl_id > 5) { $out .= "<strong>Sorry {$username}, but {$proposed_username} has reached max level already!</strong>"; } else { if (umc_user_countlots($proposed) < 1) { // is this an active user? $out .= "<strong>Sorry {$username}, but you can only propose users who have a lot!</strong>"; } else { if ($prop_lvl_id < 2) { $out .= "<strong>Sorry {$username}, but you can only propose users who are at least Citizen level!</strong>"; } else { if ($username == $proposed) { $out .= "<strong>Sorry {$username}, but you cannot propose yourself!</strong>"; } else { // ok to be promoted $ins_proposal_sql = "INSERT INTO `minecraft_srvr`.`proposals` (`pr_id`, `uuid`, `proposer_uuid`, `date`, `status`)\r\n VALUES (NULL, '{$proposed_uuid}', '{$uuid}', NOW(), 'voting');"; umc_mysql_query($ins_proposal_sql); $pr_id = umc_mysql_insert_id(); $sql = "INSERT INTO minecraft_srvr.`proposals_votes` (`pr_id`, `voter_uuid`, `date`, `vote`) VALUES ({$pr_id}, '{$uuid}', NOW(), 1);"; umc_mysql_query($sql, true); $out .= "Thanks {$username}, {$proposed_username} as been submitted for voting, and your vote has been set, too!"; if ($prop_lvl_id == 5) { // we propose a Master for promotion, inform all elders $sql = "SELECT user_email, UUID, username FROM minecraft_srvr.`UUID`\r\n LEFT JOIN minecraft.wp_usermeta ON UUID.UUID=meta_value\r\n LEFT JOIN minecraft.wp_users ON user_id=ID\r\n WHERE `userlevel` LIKE 'Elder%' AND lot_count > 0"; $D = umc_mysql_fetch_all($sql); $subject = "{$proposed} proposed for Elder, please vote!"; $content = "Dear Elder, \r\n\r\nthe user {$proposed} has been proposed to be promoted to Elder. Please go to\r\n\r\n{$UMC_DOMAIN}/vote-for-users/\r\n\r\n" . "and vote on this proposal. Please either SUPPORT or VETO the proposal.\r\n" . "Please note that the vote will be closed as 'failed' unless all Elders cast a vote within the coming 2 months.\r\n" . "Thanks a lot for supporting Uncovery Minecraft!\r\n\r\nBest regards,\r\nUncovery"; $headers = 'From:minecraft@uncovery.me' . "\r\nReply-To:minecraft@uncovery.me\r\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion(); mail('*****@*****.**', $subject, $content, $headers); foreach ($D as $row) { mail($row['user_email'], '[Uncovery Minecraft] ' . $subject, $content, $headers); umc_mail_send_backend($row['UUID'], 'ab3bc877-4434-45a9-93bd-bab6df41eabf', $content, $subject, 'send'); // send from uncovery's UUID } } } } } } } } } } // propose new person if ($user_lvl_id > 3) { $out .= "<form action=\"\" method=\"post\">\n" . "<span>Propose a person to be upgraded: <input type=\"text\" name=\"proposal\"> " . "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"proposebutton\" value=\"Propose user!\">" . "</span></form>"; } else { $out .= "(Since your level is too low, you cannot propose users yet.)"; } // close old proposals $upd_sql = "UPDATE minecraft_srvr.proposals SET `status`='failed' WHERE status = 'voting' AND date < NOW() - INTERVAL 2 month"; umc_mysql_query($upd_sql, true); // list proposed people $sql = "SELECT UUID.username, status, pr_id, date, proposals.uuid FROM minecraft_srvr.proposals\r\n LEFT JOIN minecraft_srvr.UUID ON proposals.uuid=UUID.UUID\r\n WHERE status IN ('voting','closed') ORDER BY `date` ASC;"; $D = umc_mysql_fetch_all($sql); $header = ''; if ($username == 'uncovery') { $header = '<th>Score</th>'; } $out .= "<br><form action=\"\" method=\"post\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"uuid\" value=\"{$uuid}\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"voting\" value=\"true\">\n<table>\n" . "<tr><th>Proposal</th><th>Date</th><th>Current Level</th><th>Your Vote</th><th>Vote date</th>{$header}</tr>\n"; $proposals = 0; $upgraded_users = array(); foreach ($D as $row) { $prop_lvl = umc_get_userlevel($row['username']); $prop_status = $row['status']; $prop_lvl_id = $vote_ranks[$prop_lvl]['lvl']; $proposed = $row['uuid']; $proposed_name = $row['username']; // check if user is allowed to vote for this person if ($user_lvl_id <= $prop_lvl_id) { continue; } $proposals++; $sel_support = $sel_veto = ''; $sel_none = " selected=\"selected\""; $vote_date = "n/a"; $pr_id = $row['pr_id']; // check if vote has been cast right now if (isset($_POST['voting']) && $_POST['uuid'] == $uuid) { if ($prop_status == 'closed' && $username == 'uncovery' && isset($_POST['CL_' . $pr_id]) && $_POST['CL_' . $pr_id] != 'closed') { $new_vote = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'CL_' . $pr_id, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); // var_dump($_POST); $sql = "UPDATE minecraft_srvr.`proposals` SET `status` = '{$new_vote}' WHERE `proposals`.`pr_id`={$pr_id} LIMIT 1;"; umc_mysql_query($sql); // echo $sql; if ($new_vote == 'success') { $cmd = "pex promote {$proposed}"; umc_exec_command($cmd, 'asConsole', false); umc_exec_command($cmd, 'asConsole', false); umc_exec_command($cmd, 'asConsole', false); $upgraded_users[$proposed_name] = $prop_lvl; umc_log('voting', "promotion", "{$proposed_name} ({$proposed}) was promoted from {$prop_lvl} through votes"); } continue; } else { if ($prop_status != 'closed') { $new_vote = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'PR_' . $pr_id, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $sel_support = $sel_veto = $sel_none = ''; // find existing votes $sql = "SELECT * FROM minecraft_srvr.`proposals_votes` WHERE pr_id={$pr_id} and voter_uuid='{$uuid}';"; $C = umc_mysql_fetch_all($sql); if (count($C) > 0) { $row_check = $C[0]; $vote_id = $row_check['vote_id']; if ($new_vote == 0) { $sql = "DELETE FROM minecraft_srvr.`proposals_votes` WHERE pr_id={$pr_id} and voter_uuid='{$uuid}';"; umc_mysql_query($sql, true); } else { if ($row_check['vote'] != $new_vote) { $sql = "REPLACE INTO minecraft_srvr.`proposals_votes` (`vote_id`, `pr_id`, `voter_uuid`, `date`, `vote`)\r\n\t\t\t VALUES ({$vote_id}, {$pr_id}, '{$uuid}', NOW(), {$new_vote});"; umc_mysql_query($sql, true); } } } else { if ($new_vote != 0) { $sql = "INSERT INTO minecraft_srvr.`proposals_votes` (`pr_id`, `voter_uuid`, `date`, `vote`)\r\n VALUES ({$pr_id}, '{$uuid}', NOW(), {$new_vote});"; umc_mysql_query($sql, true); } } } else { if ($prop_status == 'closed') { // a user tried to vote on a closed vote... what to do? } } } } // load existing votes $total_score = 0; $sql = "SELECT date, voter_uuid, UUID.username, vote, date FROM minecraft_srvr.proposals_votes\r\n LEFT JOIN minecraft_srvr.UUID ON voter_uuid=UUID.UUID\r\n WHERE pr_id={$pr_id} AND vote <> 0 ORDER BY date DESC;"; $R = umc_mysql_fetch_all($sql); $email_close = "{$UMC_DOMAIN}/vote-for-users/\n"; foreach ($R as $row_calc) { $vote_date = $row_calc['date']; $voter_lvl = umc_get_uuid_level($row_calc['voter_uuid']); $voter_weight = $vote_ranks[$voter_lvl]['vote']; $voter_score = $voter_weight * $row_calc['vote']; $total_score = $total_score + $voter_score; if ($username == 'uncovery') { $out .= "<tr><td>Vote:</td><td>{$row_calc['username']}</td><td>{$voter_lvl}</td><td>{$row_calc['vote']}</td><td>{$row_calc['date']}</td><td>{$voter_score}</td></tr>\n"; // prepare email to send if this will be closed } $email_close .= "Vote: {$row_calc['username']} ({$voter_lvl}) on {$row_calc['date']} gave points: {$voter_score}\n"; } // close votes that have enough points $lvl_code = $vote_ranks[$prop_lvl]['code']; $min_req = $lvl_min_req[$lvl_code]; if (abs($total_score) >= $min_req && $prop_status == 'voting') { // close vote $sql = "UPDATE minecraft_srvr.`proposals` SET `status` = 'closed' WHERE `proposals`.`pr_id`={$pr_id} LIMIT 1 "; umc_mysql_query($sql, true); // send email with status report $email_text = $email_close . "Total Score: {$total_score}\n\rRequired: " . abs($lvl_min_req[$lvl_code]); $headers = 'From:minecraft@uncovery.me' . "\r\nReply-To:minecraft@uncovery.me\r\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion(); mail('*****@*****.**', "Voting closed for " . $row['username'], $email_text, $headers); $prop_status = 'closed'; } else { if ($prop_status == 'closed' && $total_score < abs($lvl_min_req[$lvl_code])) { //$sql = "UPDATE minecraft_srvr.`proposals` SET `status` = 'voting' WHERE `proposals`.`pr_id`=$pr_id LIMIT 1 "; //mysql_query($sql); } } // show total score if ($username == 'uncovery') { $header = "<td><strong>{$total_score}</strong> (of {$min_req})</td>"; } // load your own score $sql = "SELECT * FROM minecraft_srvr.proposals_votes WHERE voter_uuid = '{$uuid}' AND pr_id={$pr_id}"; $D = umc_mysql_fetch_all($sql); $vote_date = "n/a"; if (count($D) > 0) { $row_votes = $D[0]; $vote_id = $row_votes['vote_id']; $your_vote = $row_votes['vote']; $vote_date = $row_votes['date']; // check if an alternative vote has been cast right now if ($your_vote == 1) { $sel_support = " selected=\"selected\""; } else { if ($your_vote == -1) { $sel_veto = " selected=\"selected\""; } } } // show voting buttons $vote_close = ''; $min_req = $lvl_min_req[$lvl_code]; if ($prop_status == 'closed') { $vote = "Voting closed!<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"PR_{$pr_id}\" value=\"done\">"; if ($username == 'uncovery') { $vote_date = "<select name=\"CL_{$pr_id}\"><option value=\"closed\">Voting closed</option><option value=\"success\">Upgrade</option><option value=\"failed\">Fail</option></select>"; } } else { $vote = "<select name=\"PR_{$pr_id}\"><option value=\"0\" {$sel_none}>Abstain</option><option value=\"1\"{$sel_support}>Supported</option><option value=\"-1\"{$sel_veto}>Vetoed</option></select>"; } $vote_lvl = umc_get_userlevel($row['username']); $out .= "<tr><td><strong><a href=\"{$UMC_DOMAIN}/users-2/?u={$row['username']}\">{$row['username']}</a></strong></td><td>{$row['date']}</td><td>{$prop_lvl}</td><td>{$vote}</td><td>{$vote_date}</td>{$header}</tr>\n"; } if ($proposals == 0) { $out .= "<tr><td colspan=6>There are no proposals that you can vote for at the moment!</td><tr>\n"; } $out .= "</table>\n<input type=\"submit\" name=\"votebutton\" value=\"Submit votes!\">\n</form><br>\n"; // process successful votes, create post to blog if (count($upgraded_users) > 0) { $text = "Please see the latest upgrades from the voting system:<ul>"; $userlist_arr = array(); foreach ($upgraded_users as $upgraded_user => $userlvl) { $nextrank = $vote_ranks[$userlvl]['next']; $text .= "<li>{$upgraded_user} (from {$userlvl} to {$nextrank})</li>"; $userlist_arr[] = $upgraded_user; } $userlist = implode(", ", $userlist_arr); $text .= "</ul>Congratz and thanks to all voters!"; $post = array('comment_status' => 'open', 'ping_status' => 'closed', 'post_author' => 1, 'post_content' => $text, 'post_status' => 'publish', 'post_title' => "Today's upgrades: {$userlist}", 'post_type' => 'post'); wp_insert_post($post); } return $out; }
/** * Reset TS user rights to "Guest" for a specific user * This can be done even if the user is not online * * @param string $uuid * @param boolean $echo * @return boolean */ function umc_ts_clear_rights($uuid, $echo = false) { XMPP_ERROR_trace(__FUNCTION__, func_get_args()); umc_echo("Trying to remove old permissions:"); global $UMC_TEAMSPEAK; // find out the TS id the user has been using from the database $check_sql = "SELECT ts_uuid FROM minecraft_srvr.UUID WHERE UUID='{$uuid}';"; $D = umc_mysql_fetch_all($check_sql); if ($D[0]['ts_uuid'] == '') { if ($echo) { umc_echo("Old Client: No previous TS account detected."); } return false; } else { umc_echo("Found old permissions."); $ts_uuid = $D[0]['ts_uuid']; } XMPP_ERROR_trace("ts_uuid", $ts_uuid); umc_echo("Connecting to TS server."); umc_ts_connect(true); // find the TS user by that TS UUID umc_echo("Searching for you on the TS server."); try { $ts_Clients_match = $UMC_TEAMSPEAK['server']->clientFindDb($ts_uuid, true); } catch (TeamSpeak3_Exception $e) { XMPP_ERROR_trace("Error ", $e->getCode() . ": " . $e->getMessage()); $ts_Clients_match = 0; } if (count($ts_Clients_match) > 0) { XMPP_ERROR_trace("ts_Clients_match", $ts_Clients_match); umc_echo("Found user entries on TS server"); $client_dbid = $ts_Clients_match[0]; // enumerate all the groups the user is part of $servergroups = array_keys($UMC_TEAMSPEAK['server']->clientGetServerGroupsByDbid($client_dbid)); XMPP_ERROR_trace("servergroups", $servergroups); // remove all servergroups except 8 (Guest) umc_echo("Removing all old usergroups:"); foreach ($servergroups as $sgid) { if ($sgid != 8) { XMPP_ERROR_trace("Deleting group", $sgid); $UMC_TEAMSPEAK['server']->serverGroupClientDel($sgid, $client_dbid); if ($echo) { umc_echo("Old Client: Removing Group " . $UMC_TEAMSPEAK['ts_groups'][$sgid]); } } } // also remove TS UUID from DB $ins_sql = "UPDATE minecraft_srvr.UUID SET ts_uuid='' WHERE ts_uuid='{$ts_uuid}';"; XMPP_ERROR_trace("removing uuid from DB", $ts_uuid); umc_mysql_query($ins_sql, true); return true; } else { XMPP_ERROR_trace("Prev UUID not found"); if ($echo) { umc_echo("Old Client: Previous TS UUID was invalid, nothing to do"); } return false; } }
function umc_timer_get($user, $type) { // check if a timer is set $sql = "SELECT time_out FROM minecraft_srvr.timers WHERE username='******' AND type='{$type}';"; $D = umc_mysql_fetch_all($sql); if (count($D) > 0) { // no, check if timed out $date_now = umc_datetime(); // substract the current day $date_row = umc_datetime($D[0]['time_out']); // difference in seconds ofr check $diff = $date_row->getTimestamp() - $date_now->getTimestamp(); if ($diff > 0) { return $date_row; } else { $sql_del = "DELETE FROM minecraft_srvr.timers WHERE username='******' AND type='{$type}';"; umc_log('timer', 'removed', "{$type} timer for {$user}"); umc_mysql_query($sql_del, true); return false; } } else { return false; // no such timer set } }
function umc_trivia_close_quiz($quiz_arr = false) { global $UMC_USER; $player = $UMC_USER['username']; if (!$quiz_arr) { $quiz_arr = umc_trivia_get_current_quiz(); } $quiz_id = $quiz_arr['id']; // get best user and points $sql = "SELECT username, count(result) as points FROM minecraft_quiz.quiz_answers WHERE quiz_id={$quiz_id} AND result='right' GROUP BY username ORDER BY count(result) DESC;"; $D = umc_mysql_fetch_all($sql); $data = array(); $prev_points = 0; foreach ($D as $row) { $username = $row['username']; $points = $row['points']; if ($points < $prev_points) { break; } $data[] = $username; // array of the winner(s) $prev_points = $points; } $winner_count = count($data); if ($winner_count > 0) { $winner_str = implode(", ", $data); // how many answers have been given? $answer_sql = "SELECT count(answer_id) as counter FROM minecraft_quiz.quiz_answers WHERE quiz_id={$quiz_id};"; $A = umc_mysql_fetch_all($answer_sql); $answer_row = $A[0]; $answer_count = $answer_row['counter']; $prize = $answer_count * $quiz_arr['price'] / $winner_count; umc_ws_cmd("ch qm o &3[Trivia]&f We have {$winner_count} winner(s) who each get {$prize}!"); umc_ws_cmd("ch qm o &3[Trivia]&f Winner(s): {$winner_str}"); umc_money(false, $row['username'], $prize); $sql = "UPDATE minecraft_quiz.quizzes SET end=NOW(), winner='{$winner_str}', points={$prev_points} WHERE quiz_id={$quiz_id};"; } else { $sql = "UPDATE minecraft_quiz.quizzes SET end=NOW(), winner='', points=0 WHERE quiz_id={$quiz_id};"; } umc_mysql_query($sql, true); umc_ws_cmd("ch qm o &3[Trivia]&f Thanks for participating. Create your own quiz with /trivia new!"); umc_log('trivia', 'close', "{$player} closed trivia {$quiz_id} and gave {$prize} to {$winner_str} each"); }
function umc_ban_to_database() { XMPP_ERROR_trace(__FUNCTION__, func_get_args()); die; global $UMC_SETTING; $ban_file = json_decode(file($UMC_SETTING['banned_players_file'])); $banned_db = umc_banned_users(); foreach ($ban_file as $D) { $uuid = $D['uuid']; $name = strtolower($D['name']); $date = $D['created']; $source = $D['source']; $reason = $D['reason']; $admin = $D['admin']; if (!in_array($uuid, $banned_db)) { $sql = "INSERT INTO minecraft_srvr.`banned_users`(`username`, `reason`, `admin`, `date`, `uuid`, `source`)\r\n VALUES ('{$name}','{$reason}', '{$admin}', '{$date}', '{$uuid}', '{$source}');"; umc_mysql_query($sql, true); } } /* format: * { "uuid": "18d29691-51f1-4166-b2cb-46cab2b9fba0", "name": "iLoveMCPigs", "created": "2013-12-20 11:00:54 +0800", "source": "(Unknown)", "expires": "forever", "reason": "Banned by an operator." }, */ }
function umc_log_chat_import() { global $UMC_PATH_MC; $pattern_path = "{$UMC_PATH_MC}/server/bukkit/plugins/Herochat/logs/*"; $files = umc_glob_recursive($pattern_path); $pattern_line = '/([0-9.]{10} [0-9:]{8})( \\[[A-Z]\\])? ?\\*? ?(\\[Trivia\\]|[_0-9a-zA-Z]*)( -> ([_0-9a-zA-Z]*|)?)?(.*: )?(.*)/'; $target_path = '/disk2/backup/log/minecraft'; // erase the file foreach ($files as $file) { $text_arr = file($file); // get the first text $sql = "INSERT INTO `minecraft_log`.`chat_log` (`timestamp`, `source`, `target`, `text`, `raw`) VALUES \n"; if (count($text_arr) == 0) { continue; } foreach ($text_arr as $line) { $match = array(); $raw = umc_mysql_real_escape_string(trim($line)); preg_match($pattern_line, $line, $match); // $raw = bzcompress($match[0]); $time = $match[1]; $source = trim($match[3]); $target = trim($match[4]); if (strlen($match[2]) > 0) { $target = trim($match[2]); } else { if (strlen($match[5]) > 0) { $target = trim($match[5]); } } $text = trim($match[7]); $text_sql = umc_mysql_real_escape_string($text); if (strlen($time) > 0) { $sql .= "('{$time}', '{$source}', '{$target}', {$text_sql}, {$raw}),"; } } $ins = substr($sql, 0, -1) . ";"; $date_today = umc_datetime(); $today = $date_today->format('Y|m|d|H|i'); $date_parts = explode("|", $today); $year = $date_parts[0]; $month = $date_parts[1]; $day = $date_parts[2]; $hour = $date_parts[3]; $min = $date_parts[3]; umc_mysql_query($ins, true); $file = "{$year}-{$month}-{$day}_{$hour}_{$min}_chat_log.tar.bz2"; rename($file, "{$target_path}/{$year}/{$month}/{$file}"); } }
function umc_donation_calc_average() { $sql_count = "SELECT count(UUID) AS count FROM minecraft_srvr.donations;"; $rst_count = umc_mysql_query($sql_count); $row_count = umc_mysql_fetch_array($rst_count); umc_mysql_free_result($rst_count); $donator_count = $row_count['count']; $sql_sum = "SELECT sum(amount) as sum from minecraft_srvr.donations;"; $row_sum = umc_mysql_fetch_all($sql_sum); $donation_sum = $row_sum[0]['sum']; $donation_avg = round($donation_sum / $donator_count, 2); return $donation_avg; }
function umc_story_show() { global $UMC_USER, $UMC_COLORS; $username = $UMC_USER['username']; $uuid = $UMC_USER['uuid']; $args = $UMC_USER['args']; $mode = $UMC_USER['mode']; $world = $UMC_USER['world']; if (!isset($args[2])) { umc_error("You have to enter a story code!"); } else { $code = $args[2]; } if (strpos($code, '?')) { umc_error('Your code is incomplete! Please replace the ? with the code that you received at the last station!'); } if (strlen($code) != 5) { umc_error('Your code needs to have 5 letters!'); } $sql = "SELECT * FROM minecraft_iconomy.story WHERE code='{$code}';"; $D = umc_mysql_fetch_all($sql); $disallowed_items = array(0, 8, 9, 10, 11, 34, 36, 43, 51, 52, 55, 26, 59, 60, 63, 64, 68, 71, 75, 78, 83, 90, 92, 93, 94, 95, 97, 99, 100, 104, 105, 115, 117, 118, 119, 120, 122); $out = ''; if (count($D) > 0) { $row = $D[0]; $story = stripslashes($row['story']); $title = stripslashes($row['storyline']); $warp = stripslashes($row['warp']); if ($row['forcesurvival'] == -1 && $mode == 'CREATIVE') { umc_ws_cmd("gamemode survival {$username};", 'asConsole'); } if ($row['clear_inv'] == -1 && ($world == 'city' || $world == 'flatlands')) { umc_ws_cmd("ci {$username};", 'asConsole'); } $items = stripslashes($row['items']); if (strlen($items) > 0 && ($world == 'city' || $world == 'flatlands')) { $items = explode(";", $items); if (count($items) > 0) { foreach ($items as $item) { $data = explode(':', $item); if (count($data) == 3 && !in_array($data[0], $disallowed_items)) { if (is_numeric($data[0]) && is_numeric($data[1]) && is_numeric($data[2])) { umc_ws_cmd("give {$username} {$data[0]}:{$data[1]} {$data[2]};", 'asConsole'); } } } } } if (strlen($warp) > 0 && $world == 'city') { $warp = "story_" . $warp; umc_ws_cmd("warp {$warp} {$username};", 'asConsole'); } $uuid = $row['uuid']; $creator_name = umc_user2uuid($uuid); // check for duplicate entries $sql = "SELECT * FROM minecraft_iconomy.story_users WHERE `uuid`='{$uuid}' and `story_id`='{$row['id']}';"; $D3 = umc_mysql_fetch_all($sql); $count = count($D3); if ($count == 0) { $sql = "INSERT INTO minecraft_iconomy.story_users (`uuid`, `story_id`) VALUES ('{$uuid}', '{$row['id']}');"; umc_mysql_query($sql, true); } $pages = explode("[BR]", $story); $pagecount = count($pages); if (isset($args[2]) && is_numeric($args[2]) && isset($pages[$args[2] - 1])) { $page = $args[2]; } else { $page = 1; } $arr_page = $page - 1; $this_page_raw = $pages[$arr_page]; $search = array('[player]', "\n"); $replace = array($username, ';'); foreach ($UMC_COLORS as $colorcode => $data) { foreach ($data['names'] as $color_name) { $search[] = "[" . $color_name . "]"; $replace[] = "&" . $colorcode; } } $this_page = str_replace($search, $replace, $this_page_raw); $out = "{white}----------------- {green}Story Page ({$page}/{$pagecount}): {white}-----------------;" . "{yellow}{$title} {white}by {$creator_name};" . $this_page; if (count($pages) > $page) { $nextpage = $page + 1; $out .= "{white}------- {green}Please type /ws story {$code} {$nextpage} to read on! {white}--------;"; } else { $out .= ";-----------------------------------------------------;"; } } else { $out .= "The story code could not be found!"; } $lines = explode(";", $out); foreach ($lines as $line) { umc_echo($line, true); } }
/** * Update the browser fingerprint. * Called by javascript from js in umc_wp_fingerprint_call() * * @global type $UMC_USER */ function umc_web_set_fingerprint() { $id = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'id', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $uuid = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'uuid', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $sql = "UPDATE minecraft_srvr.UUID SET browser_id='{$id}' WHERE UUID='{$uuid}';"; umc_mysql_query($sql); }
function umc_home_import() { XMPP_ERROR_trace(__FUNCTION__, func_get_args()); // global $UMC_USER; // we automatically import old homes for all players on login, but only once // include spyc to parse YAML https://github.com/mustangostang/spyc require_once '/home/includes/spyc/Spyc.php'; $users = umc_get_active_members(); foreach ($users as $uuid => $username) { $path = '/home/minecraft/server/bukkit/plugins/Essentials/userdata/' . $uuid . ".yml"; $A = Spyc::YAMLLoad($path); $existing_count = umc_home_count(false, $uuid); if ($existing_count > 0) { continue; } if (!isset($A['homes'])) { continue; } $count = count($A['homes']); if ($count == 0) { continue; } $H = $A['homes']; // iterate homes and import them foreach ($H as $home_name => $h) { $name = umc_mysql_real_escape_string($home_name); // XMPP_ERROR_trigger($h); $sql = "INSERT INTO minecraft_srvr.`homes`(`name`, `uuid`, `world`, `x`, `y`, `z`, `yaw`) VALUES " . "({$name},'{$uuid}','{$h['world']}','{$h['x']}','{$h['y']}','{$h['z']}','{$h['yaw']}');"; umc_mysql_query($sql, true); } umc_log('home', 'import', "{$uuid}/{$username} {$count} homes have been imported!"); } }
function umc_mod_record_lag() { global $UMC_PATH_MC; $file = "{$UMC_PATH_MC}/server/bin/data/markers.json"; // $UMC_SETTING['markers_file']; $text = file_get_contents($file); $m = json_decode($text); foreach ($m as $data) { $sql = "INSERT INTO `minecraft_srvr`.`lag_location` (`location_id`, `x_coord`, `y_coord`, `z_coord`, `date`, `world`)\r\n VALUES (NULL, '{$data->x}', '{$data->y}', '{$data->z}', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, '{$data->world}');"; umc_mysql_query($sql); } }
function umc_hardcore_commit() { global $UMC_USER; $uuid = $UMC_USER['uuid']; $rates = array('diamond_block' => 100); // always the current item $all_inv = $UMC_USER['inv']; $item_slot = $UMC_USER['current_item']; if (!isset($all_inv[$item_slot])) { umc_error("{red}You need to hold the item you want to commit! (current slot: {$item_slot});"); } // current held item $curr_item = $all_inv[$item_slot]; if (isset($rates[$curr_item['item_name']])) { $inv = umc_check_inventory($curr_item['item_name'], $curr_item['data'], $curr_item['meta']); $amount = $inv; $block_value = $rates[$curr_item['item_name']]; $item_txt = umc_goods_get_text($curr_item['item_name'], 0); umc_echo("{yellow}[!]{gray} You have {yellow}{$inv} {$item_txt['full_clean']}{gray} in your inventory, committing {yellow}{$amount}{gray} for {yellow}{$block_value}{gray} points each"); umc_clear_inv($curr_item['item_name'], 0, $inv); $points = $inv * $block_value; umc_echo("{yellow}[!]{gray} You received {$points} points for this commit!"); // get current period $P = umc_hardcore_get_period(); $score_sql = "UPDATE minecraft_srvr.hardcore\r\n SET `score`=score+'{$points}'\r\n WHERE `uuid`='{$uuid}' AND entry_date >= '{$P['start_date']}' AND entry_date < '{$P['end_date']}'\r\n LIMIT 1;"; umc_mysql_query($score_sql, true); } else { $itemlist = ''; foreach ($rates as $item_name => $value) { $item_txt = umc_goods_get_text($item_name, 0); $itemlist .= $item_txt['full_clean'] . "({$value} points) "; } umc_error("You cannot commit this item. The list of acceptable items are:" . $itemlist); } }
/** * This allows users in-game to set karma for another user * * @global type $UMC_USER */ function umc_setkarma() { XMPP_ERROR_trace(__FUNCTION__, func_get_args()); global $UMC_USER; $sender_uuid = $UMC_USER['uuid']; $sender = $UMC_USER['username']; $sender_lvl = $UMC_USER['userlevel']; $args = $UMC_USER['args']; if ($sender_lvl == 'guest') { umc_error('Guests cannot give karma to others'); } // get user age $age_sql = "SELECT DATEDIFF(NOW(),firstlogin) as online_days FROM minecraft_srvr.UUID\r\n WHERE uuid='{$sender_uuid}'"; $age_data = umc_mysql_fetch_all($age_sql); $online_time = $age_data[0]['online_days']; if ($online_time < 10) { umc_error("You cannot give karma yet, you are too new on the server!"); } $karma_arr = array('+' => 1, '-' => -1, '0' => 0); if (isset($args[1]) && array_key_exists($args[1], $karma_arr)) { $new_karma = $karma_arr[$args[1]]; } else { umc_error('You need to indicate the karma value with +,- or 0;'); } if (!isset($args[2])) { umc_error('You need to enter the user to give karma to!;'); } else { if (strtolower($args[2]) == strtolower($sender)) { umc_error('You cannot give karma to yourself!;'); } } $receiver = umc_sanitize_input($args[2], 'player'); if ($receiver == 'uncovery') { umc_error("Thou shalt not judge the maker of all things!"); } // get receiver UUID $receiver_uuid = umc_user2uuid($receiver); // get user age $rec_age_sql = "SELECT DATEDIFF(NOW(),firstlogin) as online_days FROM minecraft_srvr.UUID\r\n WHERE uuid='{$receiver_uuid}'"; $rec_age_data = umc_mysql_fetch_all($rec_age_sql); $rec_online_time = $rec_age_data[0]['online_days']; // receiver user level $receiver_lvl = umc_get_uuid_level($receiver_uuid); if ($rec_online_time < 10 || $receiver_lvl == 'Guest') { umc_error("You cannot give karma to this user, he is too new!"); } // check if there is the same karma already, otherwise fix $sql = "SELECT karma FROM minecraft_srvr.karma\r\n WHERE sender_uuid='{$sender_uuid}' AND receiver_uuid='{$receiver_uuid}';"; $data_arr = umc_mysql_fetch_all($sql); if (count($data_arr) > 0) { $oldkarma = $data_arr[0]['karma']; if ($new_karma == $oldkarma) { umc_echo("You already gave {$receiver} {$oldkarma} karma!"); // show the karma of the recipient to the user umc_getkarma($receiver_uuid); exit; } else { umc_echo("Giving {$receiver} {$new_karma} karma instead of {$oldkarma} karma."); $update_sql = "UPDATE minecraft_srvr.karma set karma={$new_karma}\r\n WHERE sender_uuid='{$sender_uuid}' AND receiver_uuid='{$receiver_uuid}';"; umc_mysql_query($update_sql, true); } } else { umc_echo("Giving {$new_karma} karma to {$receiver}."); $update_sql = "INSERT INTO minecraft_srvr.karma (sender_uuid, receiver_uuid, karma)\r\n VALUES ('{$sender_uuid}', '{$receiver_uuid}', {$new_karma});"; umc_mysql_query($update_sql, true); } umc_log('karma', 'set', "{$sender} ({$sender_uuid}) set {$new_karma} for {$receiver} ({$receiver_uuid})"); umc_getkarma($receiver_uuid); }
function umc_lottery() { XMPP_ERROR_trace(__FUNCTION__, func_get_args()); global $UMC_USER, $lottery, $ENCH_ITEMS; $user_input = $UMC_USER['args'][2]; // check if there is a valid user on the server before applying the vote. $user = umc_check_user($user_input); if (!$user) { umc_log("lottery", "voting", "user {$user} does not exist"); return false; } // get the voting players uuid $uuid = umc_user2uuid($user); // give reinforcing feedback - set subtitle (not displayed) $subtitle = 'title ' . $user . ' subtitle {text:"Thanks for your vote!",color:gold}'; umc_ws_cmd($subtitle, 'asConsole'); // display the feedback - displays subtitle AND title $title = 'title ' . $user . ' title {text:"+100 Uncs",color:gold}'; umc_ws_cmd($title, 'asConsole'); // allow uncovery to test chance rolls for debugging purposes $chance = false; if ($user == 'uncovery' && isset($UMC_USER['args'][5])) { $chance = $UMC_USER['args'][5]; } // get the roll array based on chance $roll = umc_lottery_roll_dice($chance); // umc_echo(umc_ws_vardump($roll)); // define the rewards and item more legibly $item = $roll['item']; $luck = $roll['luck']; $prize = $lottery[$item]; //echo "type = {$prize['type']}<br>;"; //echo "complete chance: $chance<br>;"; //var_dump($prize); // get the metadata if required for the item if (isset($prize['detail'])) { $detail = $prize['detail']; } $type = $prize['type']; // always give 100 uncs irrespective of roll. umc_money(false, $user, 100); // instantiate block variables $given_block_data = 0; $given_block_type = 0; //var_dump($prize); // based on item type, give reward to the player switch ($type) { case 'item': umc_deposit_give_item($uuid, $detail['type'], $detail['data'], $detail['ench'], 1, 'lottery'); $item_txt = $prize['txt']; break; case 'additional_home': $newname = 'lottery' . "_" . umc_random_code_gen(4); umc_home_add($uuid, $newname, true); $item_txt = "an addtional home!!"; break; case 'random_unc': $luck2 = mt_rand(1, 500); umc_money(false, $user, $luck2); $item_txt = "{$luck2} Uncs"; break; case 'random_potion': $luck2 = mt_rand(0, 63); umc_deposit_give_item($uuid, 373, $luck2, '', 1, 'lottery'); $item_txt = $prize['txt']; break; case 'random_ench': // pick which enchantment $rand_ench = array_rand($ENCH_ITEMS); $ench_arr = $ENCH_ITEMS[$rand_ench]; //pick which item to enchant $rand_item = array_rand($ench_arr['items']); $rand_item_id = $ench_arr['items'][$rand_item]; // pick level of enchantment $lvl_luck = mt_rand(1, $ench_arr['max']); //echo "$item $ench_txt $lvl_luck"; $item_ench_arr = array($rand_ench => $lvl_luck); $item = umc_goods_get_text($rand_item_id, 0, $item_ench_arr); $item_name = $item['item_name']; $full = $item['full']; umc_deposit_give_item($uuid, $item_name, 0, $item_ench_arr, 1, 'lottery'); $item_txt = "a " . $full; break; case 'random_pet': // same as blocks below but only 1 always umc_echo($type); $block = $prize['blocks']; $luck2 = mt_rand(0, count($prize['blocks']) - 1); $given_block = explode(":", $block[$luck2]); $given_block_type = $given_block[0]; $given_block_data = $given_block[1]; umc_deposit_give_item($uuid, $given_block_type, $given_block_data, '', 1, 'lottery'); $item = umc_goods_get_text($given_block_type, $given_block_data); $item_txt = "a " . $item['full']; break; case 'random_common': case 'random_ore': case 'random_manuf': $block = $prize['blocks']; $luck2 = mt_rand(0, count($prize['blocks']) - 1); $luck3 = mt_rand(1, 64); $given_block = explode(":", $block[$luck2]); $given_block_type = $given_block[0]; $given_block_data = $given_block[1]; umc_deposit_give_item($uuid, $given_block_type, $given_block_data, '', $luck3, 'lottery'); $item = umc_goods_get_text($given_block_type, $given_block_data); $item_txt = "{$luck3} " . $item['full']; break; } if ($user != 'uncovery') { // testing only $item_nocolor = umc_ws_color_remove($item_txt); umc_ws_cmd("ch qm N {$user} voted, rolled a {$luck} and got {$item_nocolor}!", 'asConsole'); umc_log('votelottery', 'vote', "{$user} rolled {$luck} and got {$item_nocolor} ({$given_block_type}:{$given_block_data})"); $userlevel = umc_get_userlevel($user); if (in_array($userlevel, array('Settler', 'Guest'))) { $msg = "You received {$item_txt} from the lottery! Use {green}/withdraw @lottery{white} to get it!"; umc_msg_user($user, $msg); } } else { umc_echo("{$user} voted, rolled a {$luck} and got {$item_txt}!"); } // add vote to the database $service_raw = strtolower($UMC_USER['args'][3]); // fix service $search = array('http://www.', 'https://www.', 'http://', 'https://'); $service = umc_mysql_real_escape_string(str_replace($search, '', $service_raw)); // sql log $sql_reward = umc_mysql_real_escape_string($type); $ip = umc_mysql_real_escape_string($UMC_USER['args'][4]); $sql = "INSERT INTO minecraft_log.votes_log (`username`, `datetime`, `website`, `ip_address`, `roll_value`, `reward`)\r\n VALUES ('{$uuid}', NOW(), {$service}, {$ip}, {$luck}, {$sql_reward});"; umc_mysql_query($sql, true); }
function umc_hunger_check_winner() { global $HUNGER, $UMC_PLAYER; XMPP_ERROR_trace(__FUNCTION__, func_get_args()); umc_hunger_find_current_game(); $player_list = $HUNGER['current_game']['players']['alive']; $id = $HUNGER['current_game']['id']; // if there is only one player. it's the winner if (sizeof($player_list) == 1) { $winner_uuid = key($player_list); XMPP_ERROR_send_msg("Found winner! {$winner_uuid}"); $winner = current($player_list); if (!in_array($winner, $UMC_PLAYER['online_players']['alive'])) { $sql_game = "UPDATE minecraft_iconomy.`hunger_games`\r\n SET status='aborted', end=NOW() WHERE id = {$id};"; umc_mysql_query($sql_game, true); $sql_player = "UPDATE minecraft_iconomy.`hunger_players`\r\n SET status='left' WHERE uuid='{$winner_uuid}' and game_id = {$id};"; umc_mysql_query($sql_player, true); if ($HUNGER['announce']) { umc_announce("The Hunger Game has been {red}aborted{purple}, no active players online.", $HUNGER['channel']); } else { umc_echo("The Hunger Game has been {red}aborted{purple}, no active players online."); } } $sql_winner = "UPDATE minecraft_iconomy.`hunger_games`\r\n SET status='ended', winner='{$winner_uuid}', end=NOW() WHERE id = {$id};"; umc_mysql_query($sql_winner, true); $sql = "UPDATE minecraft_iconomy.`hunger_players` SET status='winner' WHERE uuid='{$winner_uuid}' and game_id = {$id};"; umc_mysql_query($sql, true); if ($HUNGER['announce']) { umc_announce("{yellow}The Hunger Game has ended! {gold}{$winner}{yellow} wins!;", $HUNGER['channel']); } else { umc_echo("{yellow}The Hunger Game has ended! {gold}{$winner}{yellow} wins!;"); } umc_hunger_remove_perms('all'); umc_hunger_kill_all_in_world(); return true; } else { return false; } }
function umc_do_deposit_internal($all = false) { global $UMC_USER, $UMC_SETTING, $UMC_DATA; $player = $UMC_USER['username']; $uuid = $UMC_USER['uuid']; $args = $UMC_USER['args']; // make sure user holds item $all_inv = $UMC_USER['inv']; if (!$all) { $item_slot = $UMC_USER['current_item']; if (!isset($all_inv[$item_slot])) { umc_error("{red}You need to hold the item you want to deposit! (current slot: {$item_slot});"); } $all_inv = array($item_slot => $all_inv[$item_slot]); } $sent_out_of_space_msg = 0; $seen = array(); foreach ($all_inv as $slot) { $item_id = $slot['item_name']; if (!isset($UMC_DATA[$item_id])) { XMPP_ERROR_trigger("Invalid item deposit cancelled!"); umc_error("Sorry, the item in your inventory is bugged, uncovery was notfied and this should be fixed soon. IF you want to speed it up, please send a ticket with as much detail as possible."); } $data = $slot['data']; if ($slot['meta']) { $meta = serialize($slot['meta']); } else { $meta = false; } // don't assign the same twice $item = umc_goods_get_text($slot['item_name'], $slot['data'], $slot['meta']); if (isset($seen[$item['full']])) { continue; } $inv = umc_check_inventory($slot['item_name'], $slot['data'], $slot['meta']); if ($inv == 0) { XMPP_ERROR_trigger("Item held could not be found in inventory: {$slot['item_name']}, {$slot['data']}, " . var_export($slot['meta'], true)); umc_error("There was a system error. The admin has been notified. Deposit aborted."); } if (isset($args[2]) && $args[2] != 'lot_reset') { $recipient = umc_sanitize_input($args[2], 'player'); $recipient_uuid = umc_user2uuid($recipient); } else { if (isset($args[2]) && $args[2] == 'lot_reset') { $recipient_uuid = 'reset000-lot0-0000-0000-000000000000'; $recipient = $args[2]; } else { $recipient = $player; $recipient_uuid = $uuid; if (!$all) { umc_echo("{yellow}[!]{gray} No recipient given. Depositing for {gold}{$player}"); } } } if (!$all && isset($args[3])) { $amount = umc_sanitize_input($args[3], 'amount'); $amount_str = $amount; if ($amount > $inv) { umc_echo("{yellow}[!]{gray} You do not have {yellow}{$amount} {green}{$item['full']}{gray}. Depositing {yellow}{$inv}{gray}."); $amount = $inv; $amount_str = $inv; } } else { $amount = $inv; $amount_str = $inv; } umc_echo("{yellow}[!]{gray} You have {yellow}{$inv}{gray} items in your inventory, depositing {yellow}{$amount}"); // check if recipient has space $userlevel = umc_get_uuid_level($recipient_uuid); $allowed = $UMC_SETTING['depositbox_limit'][$userlevel]; $remaining = umc_depositbox_checkspace($recipient_uuid, $userlevel); $count = $allowed - $remaining; // umc_echo("Group: $userlevel Allowed: $allowed Remaining $remaining"); $sql = "SELECT * FROM minecraft_iconomy.deposit\r\n WHERE item_name='{$item['item_name']}' AND recipient_uuid='{$recipient_uuid}'\r\n AND damage='{$data}' AND meta='{$meta}' AND sender_uuid='{$uuid}';"; $D = umc_mysql_fetch_all($sql); // create the seen entry so we do not do this again $seen[$item['full']] = 1; // check first if item already is being sold if (count($D) > 0) { $row = $D[0]; umc_echo("{green}[+]{gray} You already have {$item['full']}{gray} in the deposit for {gold}{$recipient}{gray}, adding {yellow}{$amount}{gray}."); $sql = "UPDATE minecraft_iconomy.`deposit` SET `amount`=amount+'{$amount}' WHERE `id`={$row['id']} LIMIT 1;"; } else { //check if recipient has space if ($count >= $allowed && $player != 'uncovery' && $recipient != 'lot_reset') { if (!$sent_out_of_space_msg) { umc_echo("{red}[!] {gold}{$recipient}{gray} does not have any more deposit spaces left " . "(Used {white}{$count} of {$allowed}{gray} available for group {white}{$userlevel}{gray})!"); $sent_out_of_space_msg = 1; } continue; } // check if recipient is an active user $target_active = umc_user_countlots($recipient); if ($target_active == 0 && $recipient != 'lot_reset') { umc_error("{red}[!] {gold}{$recipient}{gray} is not an active user, so you cannot deposit items for them!"); } // create a new deposit box if (strlen($item['item_name']) < 3) { XMPP_ERROR_trigger("Error depositing, item name too short!"); umc_error("There was an error with the deposit. Please send a ticket to the admin so this can be fixed."); } $text = "{green}[+]{gray} Depositing {yellow}{$amount_str} {$item['full']}{gray} for {gold}{$recipient}"; umc_echo($text); $sql = "INSERT INTO minecraft_iconomy.`deposit` (`damage` ,`sender_uuid` ,`item_name` ,`recipient_uuid` ,`amount` ,`meta`)\r\n VALUES ('{$data}', '{$uuid}', '{$item['item_name']}', '{$recipient_uuid}', '{$amount}', '{$meta}');"; $count++; umc_log("Deposit", "do_deposit", $text); } umc_mysql_query($sql, true); umc_clear_inv($item['item_name'], $data, $amount, $meta); } if ($recipient == 'lot_reset') { $allowed = 'unlimited'; } umc_echo("{green}[+]{gray} You have now used {white}{$count} of {$allowed}{gray} deposit boxes"); }
/** * maintenance function to give all empty lots of a world to the _abandoned_ user for reset */ function umc_lot_reset_all_empty() { XMPP_ERROR_trace(__FUNCTION__, func_get_args()); $sql = "SELECT region_cuboid.region_id as lot\n FROM minecraft_worldguard.region_cuboid LEFT JOIN minecraft_worldguard.region_players ON region_cuboid.region_id=region_players.region_id\n WHERE SUBSTR(region_cuboid.region_id, 1, 4) IN ('bloc') AND user_id IS NULL"; $rst = umc_mysql_query($sql); while ($row = umc_mysql_fetch_array($rst)) { $lot = $row['lot']; umc_lot_add_player('_abandoned_', $lot, 1); echo "Processed lot {$lot}!<br>"; } }
function umc_home_import() { global $UMC_USER; // we automatically import old homes for all players on login, but only once $existing_count = umc_home_count(); if ($existing_count > 0) { return; } // include spyc to parse YAML https://github.com/mustangostang/spyc require_once '/home/includes/spyc/Spyc.php'; $path = '/home/minecraft/server/bukkit/plugins/Essentials/userdata/' . $UMC_USER['uuid'] . ".yml"; $A = Spyc::YAMLLoad($path); if (!isset($A['homes']) || count($A['homes']) == 0) { return; } $H = $A['homes']; // iterate homes and import them foreach ($H as $home_name => $h) { $name = umc_mysql_real_escape_string($home_name); // XMPP_ERROR_trigger($h); $sql = "INSERT INTO minecraft_srvr.`homes`(`name`, `uuid`, `world`, `x`, `y`, `z`, `yaw`) VALUES " . "({$name},'{$UMC_USER['uuid']}','{$h['world']}','{$h['x']}','{$h['y']}','{$h['z']}','{$h['yaw']}');"; umc_mysql_query($sql, true); } umc_log('homes', 'import', "{$UMC_USER['uuid']}/{$UMC_USER['username']}homes have been imported!"); }