Exemplo n.º 1
function uddeIM_com_install() {
	$ver = new JVersion();

	if ( defined( 'JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR' ) ) {
	} else {
		global $mainframe;


	$mosConfig_locale = uddeIMgetLocale();
	$mosConfig_sitename = uddeIMgetSitename();
	$mosConfig_lang = uddeIMgetLang();
	$database = uddeIMgetDatabase();
	$version = uddeIMgetVersion();
	$pathtoadmin = uddeIMgetPath('admin');
	$pathtouser  = uddeIMgetPath('user');
	$config = new uddeimconfigclass();

	// set initial values
	$config->cryptkey = 'uddeIMcryptkey';
	$config->version = '2.4';
	$config->datumsformat = 'j M, H:i';
	$config->ldatumsformat = 'j F Y, H:i';
	$config->emn_sendermail = 'webmaster';
	$config->emn_sendername = 'Messaging';
	$config->sysm_username = '******';
	$config->charset = 'ISO-8859-1';
	$config->mailcharset = 'ISO-8859-1';
	$config->emn_body_nomessage = '';
	$config->emn_body_withmessage = '';
	$config->emn_forgetmenot = '';
	$config->export_format = '';
	$config->showtitle = '';
	$config->templatedir = 'default';
	$config->quotedivider= '__________';
	$config->blockgroups = '';
	$config->pubblockgroups = '';
	$config->hideusers = '62';
	$config->pubhideusers = '62';
	$config->attachmentgroups = '';
	$config->recaptchaprv = '';
	$config->recaptchapub = '';
	$config->allowedextensions = '';
	$config->badwords = '';
	$config->gravatard = '';
	$config->gravatarr = '';

	$config->ReadMessagesLifespan = 36524;
	$config->UnreadMessagesLifespan = 36524;
	$config->SentMessagesLifespan = 36524;
	$config->TrashLifespan = 2;
	$config->ReadMessagesLifespanNote = 0;
	$config->UnreadMessagesLifespanNote = 0;
	$config->SentMessagesLifespanNote = 0;
	$config->TrashLifespanNote = 1;
	$config->adminignitiononly = 1;
	$config->pmsimportdone = 0;
	$config->blockalert = 0;
	$config->blocksystem = 0;
	$config->allowemailnotify = 0;
	$config->notifydefault = 0;
	$config->popupdefault = 0;
	$config->allowsysgm = 0;
	$config->emailwithmessage = 0;
	$config->firstwordsinbox = 40;
	$config->longwaitingdays = 75;
	$config->longwaitingemail = 0;
	$config->maxlength = 2500;
	$config->showcblink = 1;
	$config->showcbpic = 1;
	$config->showonline = 1;
	$config->allowarchive = 0;
	$config->maxarchive = 100;
	$config->allowcopytome = 1;
	$config->trashoriginal = 1;
	$config->perpage = 8;
	$config->enabledownload = 0;
	$config->inboxlimit = 0;
	$config->showinboxlimit = 0;
	$config->allowpopup = 0;
	$config->allowbb = 1;
	$config->allowsmile = 1;
	$config->animated = 0;
	$config->animatedex = 0;
	$config->showmenuicons = 1;
	$config->bottomlineicons = 1;
	$config->actionicons = 1;
	$config->showconnex = 0;
	$config->showsettingslink = 2;
	$config->connex_listbox = 1;
	$config->forgetmenotstart = 0;
	$config->showabout = 0;
	$config->emailtrafficenabled = 0;
	$config->getpiclink = 0;
	$config->realnames = 0;
	$config->cryptmode = 0;
	$config->modeshowallusers = 1;
	$config->useautocomplete = 0;
	$config->allowmultipleuser = 1;
	$config->connexallowmultipleuser = 1;
	$config->allowmultiplerecipients = 1;
	$config->showtextcounter = 1;
	$config->allowforwards = 1;
	$config->showgroups = 0;
	$config->mailsystem = 0;
	$config->searchinstring = 1;
	$config->maxrecipients = 0;
	$config->languagecharset = 0;
	$config->usecaptcha = 0;
	$config->captchalen = 4;
	$config->pubfrontend = 0;
	$config->pubfrontenddefault = 0;
	$config->pubmodeshowallusers = 1;
	$config->hideallusers = 0;
	$config->pubhideallusers = 0;
	$config->unblockCBconnections = 1;
	$config->CBgallery = 0;
	$config->enablelists = 0;
	$config->maxonlists = 100;
	$config->timedelay = 0;
	$config->pubrealnames = 0;
	$config->pubreplies = 0;
	$config->pubemail = 0;
	$config->csrfprotection = 0;
	$config->trashrestriction = 0;
	$config->replytruncate = 0;
	$config->allowflagged = 0;
	$config->overwriteitemid = 0;
	$config->useitemid = 0;
	$config->timezone = 0;
	$config->pubsearchinstring = 1;
	$config->pubuseautocomplete = 0;
	$config->mootools = 1;
	$config->autoresponder = 0;
	$config->autoforward = 0;
	$config->rows = 10;
	$config->cols = 60;
	$config->width = 0;
	$config->enablefilter = 0;
	$config->enablereply = 0;
	$config->enablerss = 0;
	$config->showigoogle = 1;
	$config->showhelp = 0;
	$config->separator = 0;
	$config->rsslimit = 20;
	$config->restrictallusers = 0;
	$config->trashoriginalsent = 0;
	$config->checkbanned = 0;
	$config->enableattachment = 0;
	$config->maxsizeattachment = 16384;
	$config->maxattachments = 1;
	$config->fileadminignitiononly = 1;
	$config->showlistattachment = 1;
	$config->showmenucount = 0;
	$config->encodeheader = 0;
	$config->enablesort = 0;
	$config->captchatype = 0;
	$config->unprotectdownloads = 0;
	$config->waitdays = 0;
	$config->avatarw = 0;
	$config->avatarh = 0;
	$config->gravatar = 0;
	$config->addccline = 0;
	$config->modnewusers = 0;
	$config->modpubusers = 0;
	$config->restrictcon = 0;
	$config->restrictrem = 0;
	$config->stime = 0;
	$config->dontsefmsglink = 0;
	$config->enablepostbox = 0;
	$config->postboxfull = 0;
	$config->postboxavatars = 0;
	$config->replytext = 1;
	// temporary variables
	$config->flags = 0;
	$config->userid = 0;
	$config->usergid = 0;
	$config->cbitemid = 0;

	$config->languagecharset = 1;					// use UTF-8 on Joomla != 1.0

	// try to determine the best settings for uddeIM on this installation 
	// is uddeIM already installed and are messages in the archive?
	$sql="SELECT count(id) FROM #__uddeim WHERE archived=1";
	$config->allowarchive = 0;
	$config->enabledownload = 0;
	if ($archivedmessages) {
		$config->allowarchive = 1;
		$config->enabledownload = 1;	

	switch ($mosConfig_lang) {
		case "germani":
		case "germanf":
		case "german":
			$config->datumsformat = 'j M, H:i';
			$config->ldatumsformat = 'j. F Y, H:i';
			$config->datumsformat = 'j M, H:i';
			$config->ldatumsformat = 'j F Y, H:i';

	// is CB installed? CB only, NOT CBE!
	$config->showcblink = 0;
	$config->showcbpic = 0;
	$config->showconnex = 0;
	$config->checkbanned = 0;
	$config->realnames = 0;
	if (uddeIMfileExists("/components/com_comprofiler/comprofiler.php")) {
		$config->showcblink = 1;
		$config->showcbpic = 1;
		$config->showconnex = 1;
		$config->checkbanned = 1;
		// now look for the CB config file
		// if realnames are used in CB, use realnames in uddeIM as well
		if (uddeIMfileExists("/administrator/components/com_comprofiler/ue_config.php")) {
			global $ueConfig;
			if (isset($ueConfig['name_format'])) {
				if ($ueConfig['name_format']=='1') {
	if (uddeIMfileExists("/components/com_cbe/cbe.php")) {
		$config->showcblink = 4;
		$config->showcbpic = 4;
		$config->showconnex = 1;
		$config->checkbanned = 1;
		// now look for the CBE config file
		// if realnames are used in CBE, use realnames in uddeIM as well
		if (uddeIMfileExists("/administrator/components/com_cbe/ue_config.php")) {
			global $ueConfig;
			if (isset($ueConfig['name_format'])) {
				if ($ueConfig['name_format']=='1') {
	if (uddeIMfileExists("/administrator/components/com_comprofiler/ue_config.php")) {
		global $ueConfig;
		if (isset($ueConfig['thumbWidth'])) {
			if ($ueConfig['thumbWidth'])
				$config->avatarw = (int)$ueConfig['thumbWidth'];
		if (isset($ueConfig['thumbHeight'])) {
			if ($ueConfig['thumbHeight'])
				$config->avatarh = (int)$ueConfig['thumbHeight'];
	} elseif (uddeIMfileExists("/administrator/components/com_cbe/ue_config.php")) {
		global $ueConfig;
		if (isset($ueConfig['thumbWidth'])) {
			if ($ueConfig['thumbWidth'])
				$config->avatarw = (int)$ueConfig['thumbWidth'];
		if (isset($ueConfig['thumbHeight'])) {
			if ($ueConfig['thumbHeight'])
				$config->avatarh = (int)$ueConfig['thumbHeight'];

	$postfix = "";
	if ($config->languagecharset)
		$postfix = ".utf8";
	// is the correct lang file installed?
	if (file_exists($pathtoadmin.'/language'.$postfix.'/'.$mosConfig_lang.'.php')) {
	} elseif (file_exists($pathtoadmin.'/language'.$postfix.'/english.php')) {
		$langinfo="<p>There is no <b>".ucfirst($mosConfig_lang)." (UTF-8)</b> language file installed. uddeIM will use English (UTF-8).</p>";
	} elseif (file_exists($pathtoadmin.'/language/english.php')) {
		$langinfo="<p>There is no <b>".ucfirst($mosConfig_lang)."</b> language file installed. uddeIM will use English.</p>";

	// see http://www.iana.org/assignments/character-sets
	// http://www.w3.org/WAI/ER/IG/ert/iso639.htm
	// http://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/php/code_list.php
	// en, fr_FR, es_ES, it_IT, pt_PT
	// http://code.elxis.org/20080/nav.html?includes/Core/locale.php.source.html
	$tag = strtolower(substr($mosConfig_locale,0,2));
	switch ($tag) {
		case "bg":
		case "ru":	
			$config->charset = 'cp1251';
			$config->mailcharset = 'Windows-1251';
		case "sr":
		case "vi":
		case "ar":	// and others
		case "el":	// and others
		case "sr":
		case "zh":	// and others
		case "ja":
			$config->charset = 'UTF-8';
			$config->mailcharset = 'UTF-8';
			$config->charset = 'ISO-8859-1';
			$config->mailcharset = 'ISO-8859-1';
	if ($config->languagecharset==1) {
		$config->charset = 'UTF-8';
		$config->mailcharset = 'UTF-8';

	// Now save these settings
	uddeIMsaveConfig($pathtoadmin, $config);

	// Now write a welcome message to the Admin
	$userid = uddeIMgetUserID();
	if ($userid) {
		if ($config->languagecharset) {			// UTF-8 fix, not tested so far
			$sql = "SET NAMES utf8;";
			$isok = $database->query();

		$rightnow = uddetime($config->timezone);
		$welcome_time = $rightnow;
		$welcome_user = "******";
		$welcome_msg = _UDDEADM_WELCOMEMSG;
		// its not a reply, so replyid=0
		$sql="INSERT INTO #__uddeim (fromid, toid, toread, message, datum, systemflag, disablereply, systemmessage, totrashoutbox, totrashdateoutbox) VALUES (".$userid.", ".$userid.", 0, '".$welcome_msg."', ".$welcome_time.", 1, 1, '".$welcome_user."', 1, ".$welcome_time.")";
		if (!$database->query()) {
			die("SQL error when attempting to save a message" . $database->stderr(true));

	// create folder for attachments
	$folder = "/images/uddeimfiles";
	if (!uddeIMfolderExists($folder)) {
		if (!uddeIMmkdir($folder)) {
			echo "<b><span style='color: red;'>"._UDDEADM_FOLDERCREATE_ERROR.$folder."</span></b>";
		} else {
			// uddeIMchmod($folder, "766");		// BUGBUG: Joomla send CHMOD instead of SITE CHMOD
			$file = $folder."/index.html";
			if (!uddeIMfileExists($file)) {
				$cf  = "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">\n";
				$cf .= "<html><head></head><body></body></html>";
				uddeIMwriteFile($file, $cf);

			$file = $folder."/.htaccess";
			if (!uddeIMfileExists($file)) {
				$cf  = "# Having a .htaccess prevents users from directly\n";
				$cf .= "# accessing the files in your /images/uddeimfiles folder\n";
				$cf .= "#\n";
				$cf .= "deny from all\n";
				uddeIMwriteFile($file, $cf);
	echo "<div style='width: 600px; text-align: left;'>";
	echo "<p><b>"._UDDEADM_UDDEINSTCOMPLETE."</b></p>";
	echo $langinfo;
	echo "<p>"._UDDEADM_REVIEWSETTINGS."</p>";
	echo "<ul>";
	echo "<li>"._UDDEADM_REVIEWLANG."</li>";
	echo "<li>"._UDDEADM_REVIEWEMAILSTOP."</li>";
	echo "<li>"._UDDEADM_REVIEWUPDATE."</li>";
	$folder = "/uddeimfiles";
	if (uddeIMfolderExists($folder)) {
		echo "<li>"._UDDEADM_CHECKFILESFOLDER."</li>";
	echo "</ul>";

	// redirect to settings
	echo "<p><a href='".uddeIMredirectIndex()."?option=com_uddeim'>".ucfirst(_UDDEADM_CONTINUE)."</a></p>";
	echo "</div>";
Exemplo n.º 2
function uddeIMsaveConfig($pathtoadmin, $config) {
	$cf = uddeIMcreateCFGstring($config);

	$configdatei = "/administrator/components/com_uddeim/config.class.php";

	// uddeIMchmod($configdatei, "766");		// BUGBUG: Joomla send CHMOD instead of SITE CHMOD
	if (!uddeIMwriteFile($configdatei, $cf)) {
		echo "<b><span style='color: red;'>"._UDDEADM_CFGFILE_WRITEFAILED." $configdatei</span></b>";
		return 0;
	return 1;