function __construct() { $this->protocol_name = txt('home_local_folder'); $this->errorHandler = array(); $this->prefix = 'home'; global $my_user; $dir_hash = $my_user->get_home_dir_hash(); $home_dir = PHPOS_HOME_DIR . $dir_hash; if (is_dir($home_dir)) { $this->root_directory_id = $home_dir; } /* if($my_user->get_user_type() == 3) { $this->root_directory_id = PHPOS_WEBROOT_DIR.'home'; } */ if (empty($this->directory_id)) { if (is_dir($this->root_directory_id)) { $this->directory_id = $this->root_directory_id; } } if (empty($this->directory_id) || empty($this->root_directory_id)) { $this->errorHandler = 1; } }
<?php /* ********************************** PHPOS Web Operating system MIT License (c) 2013 Marcin Szczyglinski GitHUB: File version: 1.0.0, 2013.10.08 ********************************** */ if (!defined('PHPOS')) { die; } if (form_submit('share_folder')) { $shared = new phpos_shared(); if (globalconfig('demo_mode') != 1 || is_root()) { $shared->share_folder($_POST['new_folder_name'], $_POST['new_folder_desc'], 'local_files', $shared_id, $_POST['new_folder_readonly']); } msg::ok(txt('shared')); }
<?php /* ********************************** PHPOS Web Operating system MIT License (c) 2013 Marcin Szczyglinski GitHUB: File version: 1.0.0, 2013.10.08 ********************************** */ if (!defined('PHPOS')) { die; } echo $layout->title(txt('cp_system_info_php_title'), 'icon.png'); echo $layout->txtdesc(txt('cp_system_info_php_desc')); ob_start(); phpinfo(); $phpinfo = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); echo $phpinfo;
function plaintext() { header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8'); return txt("Hello, World!"); }
<?php /* ********************************** PHPOS Web Operating system MIT License (c) 2013 Marcin Szczyglinski GitHUB: File version: 1.0.0, 2013.10.08 ********************************** */ if (!defined('PHPOS')) { die; } $app_menu = array('title:' . txt('plugins') . ',action:actionNewFolder,icon:icon-application', array('title:Lightbox,action:actionNewFolder'), 'title:' . txt('new_folder') . ',action:actionNewFolder,icon:icon-folder_files'); function actionNewFolder($menu_item) { $j = 'newfolder();'; return $j; }
PHPOS Web Operating system MIT License (c) 2013 Marcin Szczyglinski GitHUB: File version: 1.0.0, 2013.10.08 ********************************** */ if (!defined('PHPOS')) { die; } echo $layout->title(txt('cp_system_info_server_title'), 'icon.png'); echo $layout->txtdesc(txt('cp_system_info_server_desc')); $form = new phpos_forms(); echo $form->form_start('sysinfo', helper_ajax(''), array('app_params' => '')); echo $layout->column('50%'); $form->title(txt('cp_system_info_server_form_basic_title'), null, ICONS . 'system_info/server_icon.png'); $form->label(txt('cp_system_info_server_form_ip_title'), $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'], ''); $form->label(txt('cp_system_info_server_form_os_title'), PHP_OS, ''); $form->label(txt('cp_system_info_server_form_name_title'), $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], ''); $form->label(txt('cp_system_info_server_form_soft_title'), $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], ''); $form->label(txt('cp_system_info_server_form_protocol_title'), $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'], ''); echo $form->render(); echo $layout->end('column'); echo $layout->column('50%'); echo $form->render(); echo $layout->end('column'); echo $layout->clr(); echo $form->form_end();
if ($month_number != $my_app->get_param('month_id')) { $month_closed = ',state:\'closed\''; } $month_translated = txt('month_' . intval($month_number)); echo '<li data-options="iconCls:\'icon-folder\'' . $month_closed . '"> <span><a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="' . helper_reload(array('year_id' => $year_number, 'month_id' => $month_number, 'day_id' => null, 'log_id' => null)) . '"><span style="color:black">' . $month_translated . '</span></a></span>'; $dir_days = glob($logs_dir . $year_number . '/' . $month_number . '/*.*'); echo '<ul>'; foreach ($dir_days as $day) { if (!is_dir($day) && basename($day) != 'index.php') { $days[] = basename($day); $log_ext = '.log'; $day_id = str_replace(array('-', $year_number, $month_number, $log_ext), '', basename($day)); $today = ''; if ($logs->is_today_date($year_number, $month_number, $day_id)) { $today = ' <span style="font-weight:bold; color: #1d791e">(' . txt('today') . ')</span>'; } if ($my_app->get_param('log_id') == $day) { $day_id = '<b>' . $day_id . '</b>'; } echo '<li data-options="iconCls:\'icon-file\'"> <span><a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="' . helper_reload(array('year_id' => $year_number, 'month_id' => $month_number, 'day_id' => $day_id, 'log_id' => $day)) . '"><span style="color:black">' . $day_id . $today . '</span></a></span></li>'; } } echo '</ul>'; echo '</li>'; } echo '</ul>'; } echo '</li>'; }
$k = count($users_in_group); if ($k != 0) { foreach ($users_in_group as $grp_user) { $usr_data = new phpos_users(); $usr_data->set_id_user($grp_user['id_user']); $usr_data->get_user_by_id(); $right_item['name'] = $usr_data->get_user_login(); $right_item['onclick'] = link_action('shared', 'workgroup_id:' . $workgroup_id . ',workgroup_user_id:' . $grp_user['id_user'] . ',fs:local_files'); $right_item['icon'] = 'user.png'; $right_item['marked'] = false; if ($shared_id_user == $grp_user['id_user']) { $right_item['marked'] = true; } $explorer_right_items[] = $right_item; } } /* ================================================== */ } else { $html['icons'] = $layout->area_start(txt('shared_error')) . $layout->txtdesc(txt('st_shared')) . txt('shared_not_exists') . $layout->area_end(); } /* ================================================== */ } else { $tmp_html = ''; include PHPOS_DIR . 'plugins/server.explorer_shared.php'; $html['icons'] .= $layout->area_start($server_item_title) . $layout->txtdesc(txt('st_shared')) . $tmp_html . $layout->area_end(); $tmp_html = ''; } } if (defined('SHARED') || $my_app->get_param('in_shared')) { $address_icon = ICONS . 'server/shared1.png'; }
?> <?php function txt($filename) { $txt = file_get_contents("data/{$filename}.txt"); echo $txt; } ?> <?php txt('textbeispiel'); ?> <?php txt('about'); ?> <?php echo $data['site_name']; ?> <h3>Menu</h3> <?php foreach ($data['mainmenu'] as $menu) { echo "<li>" . "<a href='" . $menu['url'] . "'>" . $menu['item'] . "</a></li>"; } ?>
$link_id = $my_app->get_param('link_id'); if (!empty($link_id)) { $wincfg['back'] = null; $shortcut = new phpos_shortcuts(); $db_shortcut = $shortcut->get_shortcut($link_id); $db_params = $shortcut->get_params_from_db($link_id); $url = base64_decode($db_params['url']); $start_link_title = $db_shortcut['file_title']; $button = txt('shortcuts_window_btn_update_url'); $wincfg['title'] = txt('shortcuts_window_title_update_url'); } $form->status(); $form->condition('not_null', true, txt('name_empty')); $form->input('text', 'new_link_name', txt('shortcuts_form_icon_name'), txt('shortcuts_form_icon_name_desc'), $start_link_title); $form->condition('not_null', true, txt('url_empty')); $form->input('text', 'new_link_url', txt('shortcuts_url_form_url'), txt('shortcuts_url_form_url_desc'), $url); $icons = new phpos_icons(); $c = $icons->count_icons(); $items = array('null' => '---'); if ($c != 0) { $icons_list = $icons->get_icon_list(); foreach ($icons_list as $icon_name) { $items[$icon_name] = $icon_name; } } $form->title(txt('shortcuts_icon_for_title'), '', MY_RESOURCES . 'icon.png'); $form->select('new_link_icon', txt('shortcuts_icon_for_name'), txt('shortcuts_icon_for_desc'), $items, $db_shortcut['icon']); $html .= $form->render(); $form->submit_btn($button); $next_button = $form->render(); $html .= $form->form_end();
function update_time_left() { global $api; $item_id = params('item_id'); $state = $_POST['state']; $data = array(array('value' => $state)); $api->item->updateFieldValue($item_id, ITEM_STATE_ID, $data); // Set time_left to '0' when moving to one of the 'done' states if (in_array($state, array(STATE_DEV_DONE, STATE_QA_DONE, STATE_PO_DONE))) { $api->item->updateFieldValue($item_id, ITEM_TIMELEFT_ID, array(array('value' => 0)), 1); } elseif ($state == STATE_NOT_STARTED) { $item = $api->item->getBasic($item_id); $item = new ScrumioItem($item); $api->item->updateFieldValue($item_id, ITEM_TIMELEFT_ID, array(array('value' => $item->estimate * 60 * 60)), 1); } return txt('ok'); }
function Evaluation($id, $value, $input, $exercise_id, $operatorData, $answer) { $m = new EvalMath(); $xml = simplexml_load_file($exercise_id) or die("Error: Cannot create object"); // $ops = array("==", "!=", "GE", "LE", "GT", "LT"); $count_options = $xml->input[$id]->count(); for ($i = 0; $i < $count_options; $i++) { $operator = $xml->input[$id]->option[$i]->operator; $equation = trim($xml->input[$id]->option[$i]->equation); $data = explode(" ", $equation); $operatorDT = ""; if ($operator == 'IF') { if (strstr($equation, "and")) { $content = explode("and", $equation); $data1 = explode(" ", $content[0]); $data2 = explode(" ", $content[1]); if (evalStatement($data1, $input, $answer) and evalStatement($data2, $input, $answer)) { return $xml->input[$id]->option[$i]->result; } } elseif (strstr($equation, "or")) { $content = explode("or", $equation); $data1 = explode(" ", $content[0]); $data2 = explode(" ", $content[1]); if (evalStatement($data1, $input, $answer) or evalStatement($data2, $input, $answer)) { return $xml->input[$id]->option[$i]->result; } } else { if (evalStatement($data, $input, $answer)) { return $xml->input[$id]->option[$i]->result; } } } else { $equation = ""; foreach ($data as $element) { if (is_numeric($element)) { $equation .= $element; } else { if ($element[0] == 'o') { $operatorDT = ltrim($element, "o"); } elseif ($element[0] == 'v') { $trimmed = intval(ltrim($element, "v")); $equation .= $input[$trimmed]; } elseif ($element[0] == 'a') { $trimmed = intval(ltrim($element, "a")); $equation .= $answer[$trimmed - 1]; } else { $equation .= $element; } } } if (strstr($equation, "mcm")) { $valor = explode(",", substr($equation, 3)); $equation_result = mcm(intval($valor[0]), intval($valor[1])); } elseif (strstr($equation, "smn")) { $valor = explode(",", substr($equation, 3)); $equation_result = smn(intval($valor[0]), intval($valor[1])); } elseif (strstr($equation, "smd")) { $valor = explode(",", substr($equation, 3)); $equation_result = smd(intval($valor[0]), intval($valor[1])); } elseif (strstr($equation, "cod")) { $valor = explode(",", substr($equation, 3)); $equation_result = cod(intval($valor[0]), intval($valor[1])); } elseif (strstr($equation, "red")) { $valor = explode(",", substr($equation, 3)); $equation_result = red(intval($valor[0]), intval($valor[1])); } elseif (strstr($equation, "txt")) { $valor = explode(",", substr($equation, 3)); $equation_result = txt($valor[0], $valor[1]); } else { $equation_result = $m->evaluate($equation); } if ($operatorDT == "") { $operatorData = ""; } // return strval($equation_result); switch ($operator) { case "==": if ($equation_result == $value && $operatorDT == $operatorData) { return $xml->input[$id]->option[$i]->result; $i = $count_options; } break; case "!=": if ($equation_result != $value && $operatorDT == $operatorData) { return $xml->input[$id]->option[$i]->result; $i = $count_options; } break; case "GT": if ($equation_result > $value && $operatorDT == $operatorData) { return $xml->input[$id]->option[$i]->result; $i = $count_options; } break; case "GE": if ($equation_result >= $value && $operatorDT == $operatorData) { return $xml->input[$id]->option[$i]->result; $i = $count_options; } break; case "LT": if ($equation_result < $value && $operatorDT == $operatorData) { return $xml->input[$id]->option[$i]->result; $i = $count_options; } break; case "LE": if ($equation_result <= $value && $operatorDT == $operatorData) { return $xml->input[$id]->option[$i]->result; $i = $count_options; } break; } // SWITCH } // else IF } // option's LOOP }
$languages = new phpos_languages(); $langs_array = $languages->get_lang_list(); $lang_items = array(); foreach ($langs_array as $lang_id) { $lang_data = $languages->get_lang_info($lang_id); $lang_name = $lang_data['eng_name'] . ' (' . $lang_data['local_name'] . ')'; $lang_items[$lang_id] = $lang_name; } $new_cfg = new phpos_config('no_get'); $new_cfg->set_id_user($user_id); $lang = $new_cfg->get_user('lang'); $form->select('user_new_lang', txt('language'), txt('dsc_users_account_lang'), $lang_items, $lang); $form->status(); $delete_action = "\n\t\t\t\$.messager.confirm('" . txt('delete') . "', '" . txt('delete_confirm') . "?', function(r){\n\t\t\tif (r){\n\t\t\t\tphpos.windowRefresh('" . WIN_ID . "', 'section:list,action:delete,delete_id:" . $user_id . "');\t\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t});\t"; $form->button(txt('delete'), $delete_action, 'cancel'); $form->submit('', txt('update'), 'edit_add'); //$form->button('', 'button', 'edit_add'); echo $form->render(); echo $layout->end('column'); echo $layout->clr(); echo $form->form_end(); // user info echo $layout->area_start(); include MY_APP_DIR . 'views/inc.account_info.php'; echo $layout->area_end(); } else { echo txt('access_denied'); } } else { winreload(WIN_ID, array('section' => 'list')); }
$users_in_group = $group->get_users_in_group(); $groups = new phpos_groups(); $groups_records = $groups->get_my_groups(); $k = count($users_in_group); if ($k != 0) { foreach ($groups_records as $group_row) { $right_item['name'] = $group_row['title']; $right_item['onclick'] = link_action('workgroup', 'shared_id:0,workgroup_id:' . $group_row['id'] . ',fs:ftp'); $right_item['icon'] = 'workgroup.png'; $right_item['marked'] = false; if ($shared_id_user == $grp_user['id_user']) { $right_item['marked'] = true; } $explorer_right_items[] = $right_item; } } /* ================================================== */ } else { $html['icons'] = $layout->area_start(txt('group_error')) . txt('group_not_exists') . $layout->area_end(); } /* ================================================== */ } else { $tmp_html = ''; include PHPOS_DIR . 'plugins/server.explorer_workgroups.php'; $html['icons'] .= $layout->area_start($server_item_title) . $layout->txtdesc(txt('groups_serv_desc')) . $tmp_html . $layout->area_end(); $tmp_html = ''; $html['right_items_title'] = txt('explorer_right_groups'); $html['right_items_desc'] = txt('explorer_right_groups_desc'); $html['right_items_img'] = 'workgroup.png'; } }
function actionGoInfo($menu_item) { $j = winopen(txt('sys_info'), 'cp', 'app_id:system_info@index'); return $j; }
break; } $upd_type = '<span style="' . $type_style . '">' . $type . '</span>'; echo $layout->tbl_start(); echo $layout->row(array('<b>' . txt('cp_updater_update_type') . '</b>', $upd_type)); echo $layout->row(array('<b>' . txt('cp_updater_update_info') . '</b>', $updater->get_msg())); echo $layout->tbl_end(); } echo $layout->subtitle(txt('cp_updater_download_last'), ICONS . 'download.png'); echo $layout->txtdesc(txt('cp_updater_desc_download')); echo $layout->button(txt('cp_updater_download_btn_www'), '\'' . PHPOS_ONLINE . '?v=download\', \'_blank\')', 'download1'); echo $layout->button(txt('cp_updater_download_btn_git'), '\'' . PHPOS_GITHUB . '\', \'_blank\')', 'download1'); echo $layout->tbl_start(); echo $layout->head(array('' => '50%', 'Link' => '50%')); echo $layout->row(array(txt('updater_tray_visit_www'), '<a href="' . PHPOS_ONLINE . '" target="_blank">' . PHPOS_ONLINE . '</a>')); echo $layout->row(array(txt('cp_updater_download_zip'), '<a href="' . $download_url . '" target="_blank">http://' . $updater->get_zip() . '</a>')); echo $layout->row(array('GitHUB:', '<a href="' . PHPOS_GITHUB . '" target="_blank">' . PHPOS_GITHUB . '</a>')); echo $layout->tbl_end(); echo $layout->end('column'); echo $layout->clr(); ?> <?php echo $layout->end('main'); ?> <?php echo $layout->end('layout');
GitHUB: File version: 1.0.0, 2013.10.09 ********************************** */ if (!defined('PHPOS')) { die; } if (!defined('PHPOS_EXPLORER_PLUGIN')) { die; } $items = null; $shared = new phpos_shared(); $records = $shared->get_my_shared(); if (count($records) != 0) { foreach ($records as $row) { $items .= '<li data-options="iconCls:\'icon-sharedfolder\'"><span><a title="' . $row['title'] . ' ' . $row['desc'] . '" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="' . link_action('index', 'workgroup_id:0,reset_shared:0,in_shared:1,shared_id:' . $row['id'] . ',user_id:' . $root_id . ',fs:local_files') . '"><span style="color: black">' . $row['title'] . '</span></a></span> </li>'; } } else { $items .= '<li data-options="iconCls:\'icon-blank\'"><span>' . txt('shared_no_folders') . '</span></li>'; } $html['left_tree'] .= '<br/><br/> <ul id="tt3" class="easyui-tree"> <li data-options="iconCls:\'icon-sharedfolder\'"> <span><a title="' . txt('shared_folders') . '" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="' . link_action('shared', 'shared_id:0,tmp_shared_id:0,in_shared:1,reset_shared:0,workgroup_id:0,fs:local_files') . '"><span style="color: black;"><b>' . txt('shared_folders') . '</b></span></a></span> <ul> ' . $items . ' </ul> </li> </ul>'; $items = null;
MIT License (c) 2013 Marcin Szczyglinski GitHUB: File version: 1.0.0, 2013.10.08 ********************************** */ if (!defined('PHPOS')) { die; } $app_id = 'logs'; $plugin = 'app'; $access_level = 3; //$cp_access_level = 1; $hidden = 0; $default_action = 'index'; $multilanguage = 1; $multiple_windows = true; $version = '1.0'; $build = '28.09.20'; $author = 'PHPOS / Marcin Szczyglinski'; $website = ''; $email = '*****@*****.**'; $title = txt('logs_app_title'); $desc = txt('logs_app_title_desc'); $icon = 'logs_icon.png'; $section['logs'] = array('access_level' => 3); $section['sessions'] = array('access_level' => 3); $actions['index'] = array('name' => txt('logs_app_title'), 'access_level' => 3);
public function jquery_next_button($step) { $this->jquery_next = array(); $this->jquery_next[0] = null; $this->jquery_next[1] = null; // license $this->jquery_next[1] = "\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tif(!\$('#license_checkbox').is(':checked'))\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\$('#error_message').html('<img src=\"" . PHPOS_WEBROOT_URL . "_phpos/installer/status_error.png\" /><p>" . txt('installer_er1') . "</p>');\n\t\t\t\t\$('#error_message').css('display', 'block');\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t"; $this->jquery_next[2] = null; // root pwd $this->jquery_next[3] = "\n\t\t\n\t\t\tvar pwd1=\$('input[name=\"root_password\"]').val();\n\t\t\tvar pwd2=\$('input[name=\"root_password_confirm\"]').val();\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tif(pwd1=='' || pwd1==' ' || pwd2=='' || pwd2==' ')\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tif(pwd1=='' || pwd1==' ')\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\t\$('input[name=\"root_password\"]').addClass('input_error');\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tif(pwd2=='' || pwd2==' ')\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\t\$('input[name=\"root_password_confirm\"]').addClass('input_error');\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\$('#error_message').html('<img src=\"" . PHPOS_WEBROOT_URL . "_phpos/installer/status_error.png\" /><p>" . txt('installer_er2') . "</p>');\n\t\t\t\t\$('#error_message').css('display', 'block');\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\treturn false;\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t// not empty\n\t\t\t\tif(pwd1 != pwd2)\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\t\$('#error_message').html('<img src=\"" . PHPOS_WEBROOT_URL . "_phpos/installer/status_error.png\" /><p>" . txt('installer_er3') . "</p>');\n\t\t\t\t\t\$('#error_message').css('display', 'block');\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\$('input[name=\"root_password\"]').addClass('input_error');\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\$('input[name=\"root_password_confirm\"]').addClass('input_error');\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\treturn false;\t\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tif(pwd1.length < 6 || pwd2.length < 6 || pwd2.length > 30 || pwd2.length > 30)\n\t\t\t\t\t{\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\$('input[name=\"root_password\"]').addClass('input_error');\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\$('input[name=\"root_password_confirm\"]').addClass('input_error');\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\$('#error_message').html('<img src=\"" . PHPOS_WEBROOT_URL . "_phpos/installer/status_error.png\" /><p>" . txt('installer_er4') . "</p>');\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\$('#error_message').css('display', 'block');\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\treturn false;\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t}\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t}\t\n\t\t"; // db config $this->jquery_next[4] = "\n\t\t\n\t\t\tvar db_host = \$('input[name=\"db_host\"]').val();\n\t\t\tvar db_name = \$('input[name=\"db_name\"]').val();\t\n\t\t\tvar db_user = \$('input[name=\"db_user\"]').val();\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tif(db_host=='' || db_host==' ')\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\$('input[name=\"db_host\"]').addClass('input_error');\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tif(db_name=='' || db_name==' ')\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\$('input[name=\"db_name\"]').addClass('input_error');\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tif(db_user=='' || db_user==' ')\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\$('input[name=\"db_user\"]').addClass('input_error');\n\t\t\t}\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tif(db_host=='' || db_host==' ' || db_name=='' || db_name==' ' || db_user=='' || db_user==' ')\n\t\t\t{\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\$('#error_message').html('<img src=\"" . PHPOS_WEBROOT_URL . "_phpos/installer/status_error.png\" /><p>" . txt('installer_er5') . "</p>');\n\t\t\t\t\$('#error_message').css('display', 'block');\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\n\t\t"; $this->jquery_next[5] = null; $this->jquery_next[6] = null; $this->jquery_next[7] = null; $this->jquery_next[8] = null; $this->jquery_next[9] = null; $this->jquery_next[10] = null; return $this->jquery_next[$step]; }
public function get_action_dblclick($file) { if ($this->is_directory($file)) { if (!defined('DESKTOP')) { return helper_reload(array('reset_shared' => 0, 'dir_id' => $file['id'])); } else { return winopen($file['basename'], 'app', 'app_id:explorer@index', 'fs:db_mysql,dir_id:' . $file['id']); } } else { $filedata = $this->get_file_info($file); $action = "phpos.windowCreate('" . $filedata['basename'] . "','" . $filedata['app_id'] . "', '" . $filedata['win_params'] . "', '" . $filedata['app_params'] . "');"; $app_action = 'app_id:' . $filedata['app_id'] . '@' . $filedata['app_action']; $action = winopen(txt($filedata['basename']), $filedata['plugin_id'], $app_action, $filedata['app_params']); /* { $str = "phpos.windowCreate('".$title."','".$app."', '".$params."', '".$app_params."')"; //this.controllerWindows('action=create&title=' + title_encode + '&wintype=' + type_encode + '¶ms=' + json_params_encode + app_params_url); */ return $action; //return "alert('plik');"; } }
} } } if (!$stop_upload) { $phposFS->ftp_view($my_app->get_param('action_param')); $my_app->set_param('action_param', null); cache_param('action_param'); } break; case 'paste': $clipboard = new phpos_clipboard(); $mode = $clipboard->get_mode(); if ($mode == 'copy') { if ($phposFS->copy($my_app->get_param('action_param'))) { msg::ok(txt('file_pasted')); } } elseif ($mode == 'cut') { $source_win = $clipboard->get_source_win(); if ($phposFS->cut($my_app->get_param('action_param'))) { echo '<script>phpos.windowRefresh("' . $source_win . '", "");</script>'; msg::ok(txt('file_pasted')); } } break; } $my_app->set_param('action_id', null); cache_param('action_id'); } } $my_app->set_param('action_id', null); cache_param('action_id');
helper_result('my_update_user', 'error', txt('pass_old_need')); } } $new_usr->set_user_email($tmp_email); //if($tmp_home != 1) $new_usr->set_nohome(); if ($error != 1) { if ($new_usr->update()) { /* $new_cfg = new phpos_config('no_get'); $new_cfg->set_id_user($user_id); $new_cfg->update_user('lang', $tmp_lang); //$new_cfg->update_user('wallpaper', globalconfig('wallpaper')); */ helper_result('my_update_user', 'ok', txt('updated')); helper_result('my_update_user_result', 'result', 'success'); helper_result('my_update_user_result', 'result', 'error'); } else { helper_result('my_update_user_result', 'result', 'error'); helper_result('my_update_user', 'error', txt('error')); } } } } $_POST['action'] = null; } } } $my_app->set_param('selected_wallpaper_id', myconfig('wallpaper')); cache_param('selected_wallpaper_id'); $my_app->set_param('selected_wallpaper_type', myconfig('wallpaper_type')); cache_param('selected_wallpaper_type');
(c) 2013 Marcin Szczyglinski GitHUB: File version: 1.0.0, 2013.10.08 ********************************** */ if (!defined('PHPOS')) { die; } $app_id = 'ftp'; $plugin = 'app'; $access_level = 1; $cp_access_level = 1; $hidden = 1; $default_action = 'index'; $default_section = 'new_account'; $multiple_windows = true; $version = '1.0'; $build = '13.09.20'; $author = 'PHPOS / Marcin Szczyglinski'; $website = ''; $email = '*****@*****.**'; $title = txt('ftp_folders'); $desc = txt('ftp_folders_desc'); $icon = 'ftp.png'; $control_panels = array(array('index', txt('ftp_folders'), 'icon.png', txt('ftp_folders_desc'), 1)); $section['new_account'] = array('access_level' => 1); $section['edit_account'] = array('access_level' => 1); $section['list'] = array('access_level' => 1); $actions['index'] = array('access_level' => 3);
$monit_success = "\n\t\tjSuccess(\n\t\t\t'" . $succ_msg . "',\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tautoHide : true, \n\t\t\t\tclickOverlay : false,\n\t\t\t\tMinWidth : 200,\n\t\t\t\tTimeShown : 5000,\n\t\t\t\tShowTimeEffect : 1000,\n\t\t\t\tHideTimeEffect : 600,\n\t\t\t\tLongTrip :20,\n\t\t\t\tHorizontalPosition : 'right',\n\t\t\t\tVerticalPosition : 'bottom',\n\t\t\t\tShowOverlay : false\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t);"; $success_code = winclose(WIN_ID) . $monit_success; /* ************************** */ $app = new phpos_app(); $app->set_app_id($link_param); $app->load_config(); $after_reload = $my_app->get_param('after_reload'); $form = new phpos_forms(); $form->onsuccess($success_code); if (empty($old_name)) { $html .= $layout->subtitle(txt('shortcuts_newdir_title'), MY_RESOURCES_URL . 'folder.png'); $html .= $layout->txtdesc(txt('shortcuts_newdir_desc')); } else { $html .= $layout->subtitle(txt('shortcuts_rename_title'), MY_RESOURCES_URL . 'rename.png'); $html .= $layout->txtdesc(txt('shortcuts_rename_desc')); } $html .= $form->form_start($form_id, helper_post_outside('null', '', $after_reload), array('app_params' => '')); $form->reload_after_submit(array($after_reload)); if (!empty($edit_id)) { $form->input('hidden', 'edit_id', '', '', strip_tags(base64_decode($edit_id))); } $form->status(); $form->condition('not_null', true, txt('name_empty')); $form->input('text', 'new_folder_name', $input_title, $input_tip, $default_value); $html .= $form->render(); $form->submit_btn($button); $next_button = $form->render(); //$html.= $form->render(); $html .= $form->form_end();
$items = array('0' => txt('no'), '1' => txt('yes')); $form->radio('ftp_new_public', txt('ftp_form_public'), txt('ftp_form_public_desc'), $items, $ftp->get_is_public()); } else { $form->input('hidden', 'ftp_new_public', '', '', '0'); } echo $form->render(); echo $layout->end('column'); echo $layout->column('50%'); $form->title(txt('ftp_authentication'), '', ICONS . 'system_info/key_icon.png'); $form->condition('not_null', true, txt('form_empty_field') . 'Host'); $form->input('text', 'ftp_new_host', 'Host/IP', txt('dsc_ftp_host'), $ftp->get_host()); $form->condition('not_null', true, txt('form_empty_field') . 'Login'); $form->input('text', 'ftp_new_login', 'Login', txt('dsc_ftp_login'), $ftp->get_login()); $form->condition('not_null', true, txt('form_empty_field') . txt('password')); $form->input('password', 'ftp_new_pass', txt('password'), txt('dsc_ftp_pass'), $ftp->get_password()); $form->input('text', 'ftp_new_port', 'Port', txt('dsc_ftp_port'), $ftp->get_port()); $form->status(); $delete_action = "\n\t\t\t\$.messager.confirm('" . txt('delete') . "', '" . txt('delete_confirm') . "?', function(r){\n\t\t\tif (r){\n\t\t\t\tphpos.windowRefresh('" . WIN_ID . "', 'section:list,action:delete,delete_id:" . $ftp->get_id() . "');\t\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t});\t"; $form->button(txt('delete'), $delete_action, 'cancel'); $form->submit('', txt('btn_update'), 'edit_add'); //$form->button('', 'button', 'edit_add'); echo $form->render(); echo $layout->end('column'); echo $layout->clr(); echo $form->form_end(); } else { echo $layout->access_denied(); } } else { winreload(WIN_ID, array('section' => 'list')); }
<?php /* ********************************** PHPOS Web Operating system MIT License (c) 2013 Marcin Szczyglinski GitHUB: File version: 1.0.0, 2013.10.08 ********************************** */ if (!defined('PHPOS')) { die; } $schema = array('files' => array('id_key' => 'id_file', 'fields' => array(array('id_file', 'int'), array('file_title', 'text'), array('plugin_id', 'text'), array('location', 'text'), array('app_id', 'text'), array('app_action', 'text'), array('win_params', 'text'), array('app_params', 'text'), array('id_parent', 'int'), array('id_user', 'int'), array('created_at', 'int'), array('modified_at', 'int'), array('content', 'text'), array('chmod', 'int'), array('is_dir', 'bool'), array('no_delete', 'bool'), array('shared', 'int'), array('icon', 'text'), array('deleted', 'bool'), array('multilang', 'bool'))), 'ftp' => array('id_key' => 'id', 'fields' => array(array('id', 'int'), array('id_user', 'int'), array('title', 'text'), array('host', 'text'), array('port', 'int'), array('login', 'text'), array('password', 'text'), array('remote_dir', 'text'), array('description', 'text'), array('public', 'bool'))), 'messages' => array('id_key' => 'id', 'fields' => array(array('id', 'int'), array('id_user_from', 'int'), array('id_user_to', 'int'), array('sended_at', 'int'), array('readed_at', 'int'), array('is_readed', 'bool'), array('title', 'text'), array('msg', 'text'), array('receiver_deleted', 'bool'), array('sender_deleted', 'bool'))), 'clouds' => array('id_key' => 'id', 'fields' => array(array('id', 'int'), array('id_user', 'int'), array('title', 'text'), array('cloud', 'text'), array('login', 'text'), array('password', 'text'), array('url', 'text'), array('description', 'text'), array('public', 'bool'), array('param1', 'text'), array('param2', 'text'), array('param3', 'text'), array('param4', 'text'))), 'globalconfig' => array('id_key' => 'id_config', 'fields' => array(array('id_config', 'int'), array('config_name', 'text'), array('config_value', 'text'), array('config_param', 'text'))), 'groups' => array('id_key' => 'id', 'fields' => array(array('id', 'int'), array('id_owner', 'int'), array('title', 'text'), array('description', 'text'), array('msg', 'text'))), 'groups_records' => array('id_key' => 'id', 'fields' => array(array('id', 'int'), array('id_group', 'int'), array('id_user', 'int'))), 'startmenu' => array('id_key' => 'id', 'fields' => array(array('id', 'int'), array('id_user', 'int'), array('id_file', 'int'))), 'sessions' => array('id_key' => 'id_session', 'fields' => array(array('id_session', 'int'), array('id_user', 'int'), array('php_sessid', 'text'), array('start_time', 'int'), array('end_time', 'int'), array('user_ip', 'text'), array('user_browser', 'text'), array('user_param', 'text'))), 'shared' => array('id_key' => 'id', 'fields' => array(array('id', 'int'), array('id_user', 'int'), array('title', 'text'), array('description', 'text'), array('folder_type', 'text'), array('folder_id', 'text'), array('readonly', 'bool'))), 'userconfig' => array('id_key' => 'id_config', 'fields' => array(array('id_config', 'int'), array('id_user', 'int'), array('config_name', 'text'), array('config_value', 'text'), array('config_param', 'text'))), 'users' => array('id_key' => 'id_user', 'fields' => array(array('id_user', 'int'), array('user_login', 'text'), array('user_pass', 'text'), array('user_email', 'text'), array('user_type', 'int'), array('id_group', 'int'), array('is_active', 'bool'), array('created_at', 'int'), array('last_login', 'int'), array('last_activity', 'int'), array('note', 'text')))); 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