<?php /** * This page should handle all of the print requests. * * @package Business-Card-Generator */ global $http, $html, $app; if (!defined('ROOT')) { define('ROOT', dirname(__FILE__)); } require_once ROOT . '/m.inc.php'; tryDef('CURRENT_PAGE_NAME', false); if (!isset($html)) { $html = new html(); } tryReq('app.inc.php'); if (!isset($app)) { $app = new App(); } // print requests can now be handled. $html->code('<!doctype html><html><head><meta charset="uft-8"><META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT="NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW">' . "<link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=" . GOOGLE_FONTS . "' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>" . '<style type="text/css">'); $html->code('#front,#back{width: 200mm;height: 257mm;page-break-before:always}#front div,#back div{margin:2mm;height:51mm;width:89mm;-moz-border-radius:5px;-o-border-radius:5px;-webkit-border-radius:5px;border-radius:5px}#front div p,#back p{font-family:\'Lato\', sans-serif;font-size:15px;margin:0;padding:0;line-height:100%;letter-spacing:0'); $html->code('</style></head><body><div id="front">'); $app->card($_GET, 1, 10, true); $html->code('</div><div id="back">'); $app->card($_GET, 2, 10, true); $html->code('</div><script type="text/javascript">javascript:window.print()</script></body></html>'); $html->dump();
* @since 0.1 * @uses ROOT as the default prefix * * @param string $file * @param bool|string $prefix Optional. Either false for ROOT or a string ending with a slash (/) * @return bool False means that the file could not be read. True means that the file could be read and was retrieved. */ function tryReq($file, $prefix = false) { if (is_readable(($prefix ? $prefix : ROOT . '/') . $file)) { require_once ($prefix ? $prefix : ROOT . '/') . $file; } else { return false; } // File isn't readable, so return FALSE. return true; // We can read the file, and we already have by the time we get here, so we should return TRUE. } } if (!defined('HAS_M_INC_PHP')) { tryDef('HAS_M_INC_PHP', true); if (!defined('NO_PRELOAD')) { tryReq('callbacks.inc.php'); tryReq('config.inc.php'); tryReq('talk.inc.php'); tryReq('basic-security.inc.php'); tryReq('http.inc.php'); tryReq('html.inc.php'); hook('ready'); } }
if ((isset($_FILES['json']) ? !($_FILES['json']['error'] > 0) : false) && $_FILES['json']['size'] < MAX_IMPORT_SIZE) { // Someone has uploaded their json business card, and they want us to import it. $fname = $http->where('imports', true) . '/' . $_FILES['json']['name'] . '-' . mt_rand(1, 9999); move_uploaded_file($_FILES['json']['tmp_name'], $fname); // First let's read this file. $jsonh = fopen($fname, 'r'); $config = json_decode(preg_replace('/,\\s*([\\]}])/m', '$1', utf8_encode(fread($jsonh, filesize($fname)))), true); // Now we've read the file. fclose($jsonh); $jsonh = null; $jsonh = fopen($fname, 'w'); fwrite($jsonh, null); fclose($jsonh); $jsonh = null; unlink($fname); // We have just deleted the json file, because we already have read it. $url = $http->where('create') . '?'; while (count($config) >= 1) { $url .= key($config) . '=' . urlencode(current($config)) . '&'; array_shift($config); } $http->header('Location', $url . 'import'); exit; } if (!isset($html)) { $html = new html(); } tryReq('top.inc.php'); $html->row(array('width' => '12', 'title' => 31, 'p' => false, 'vanilla' => '<form action="' . $http->where('import') . '" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post"><label for="json">' . __(32) . '</label><input type="file" id="json" name="json" /><div><input type="submit" class="btn-primary btn-large" value="Submit" /></div></form>')); tryReq('bottom.inc.php');
<?php /** * The actual application * * @package Business-Card-Generator */ global $http, $html, $cardnames; if (!defined('ROOT')) { define('ROOT', dirname(__FILE__)); } require_once ROOT . '/m.inc.php'; tryReq('cards.inc.php'); if (!class_exists('App')) { /** * The actual application's class * * @since 0.11 * @package Business-Card-Generator */ class App { /** * Current Version * @var string */ public static $version = '1'; /** * Default Settings * @var array */