Exemplo n.º 1
function generate_last_trackbacks($temptrack)
    global $entry, $Cfg;
    // if it exists, load it
    $lasttrack = load_serialize("db/ser_lasttrack.php", true, true);
    $lasttrack[] = array('title' => $temptrack['title'], 'excerpt' => trimtext($temptrack['excerpt'], 250), 'name' => $temptrack['name'], 'url' => $temptrack['url'], 'date' => $temptrack['date'], 'code' => $entry['code'], 'category' => $entry['category'], 'ip' => $temptrack['ip']);
    if (count($lasttrack) > $Cfg['lastcomm_amount_max']) {
    save_serialize("db/ser_lasttrack.php", $lasttrack);
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Creates the file that holds the queue for comment moderation.
 * @param array $tempcomm
function generate_moderation_queue($tempcomm)
    global $my_weblog, $db;
    // if it exists, load it
    if (file_exists("db/ser_modqueue.php")) {
        $lastcomm = load_serialize("db/ser_modqueue.php", true, true);
    } else {
        $lastcomm = array();
    $lastcomm[] = array('name' => $tempcomm['name'], 'email' => $tempcomm['email'], 'url' => $tempcomm['url'], 'date' => $tempcomm['date'], 'comment' => $tempcomm['comment'], 'code' => $db->entry['code'], 'title' => trimtext($db->entry['title'], 50), 'category' => $db->entry['category'], 'ip' => $tempcomm['ip']);
    save_serialize("db/ser_modqueue.php", $lastcomm);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function getSeriesData($url)
     $data = array();
     $contentUrl = getFileContent($url);
     if (!$contentUrl) {
         return false;
     $htmlAll = str_get_html($contentUrl);
     if ($htmlAll) {
         $metaArr = getMetaFromHtml($contentUrl);
         $seriesThumb = $metaArr['og:image'];
         $seriesTitle = trimtext($htmlAll->find('div.title-detail-film', 0)->plaintext);
         $seriesDesc = trimtext(str_replace("Description", '', $htmlAll->find('div.desc-detail-film', 0)->plaintext));
         $seriesCountry = trimtext(str_replace("Country:", '', $htmlAll->find('div.country-detail-film', 0)->plaintext));
         $seriesStatus = trimtext(str_replace("Status:", '', $htmlAll->find('div.status-detail-film', 0)->plaintext));
         $seriesRelease = trimtext(str_replace("Released:", '', $htmlAll->find('div.released-detail-film', 0)->plaintext));
         $seriesGenre = trimtext(str_replace("Genre:", '', $htmlAll->find('div.genre-detail-film', 0)->plaintext));
         $genre = array();
         $genreDb = $this->Genre_model->getAll();
         foreach ($genreDb as $gId => $gName) {
             if (strpos($seriesGenre, $gName) !== FALSE) {
                 $genre[$gId] = $gName;
         $data['title'] = $seriesTitle;
         $data['description'] = $seriesDesc;
         $data['country'] = isset($this->_config['flip_countries'][$seriesCountry]) ? $this->_config['flip_countries'][$seriesCountry] : 0;
         $data['release_date'] = $seriesRelease;
         $data['is_complete'] = $seriesStatus == 'Completed' ? 1 : 0;
         $data['genre'] = $genre;
         $data['thumbnail'] = str_replace(' ', '%20', $seriesThumb);
         $data['original_url'] = $url;
         $episodeArr = array();
         $episodeBlocks = $htmlAll->find('div.view-detail', 0)->find('div.row-9dr');
         if ($episodeBlocks) {
             foreach ($episodeBlocks as $epBlock) {
                 $videoData = array();
                 $tmpTitle = trimtext($epBlock->find('div.title_s_az', 0)->plaintext);
                 $time = trimtext($epBlock->find('span.timeago', 0)->plaintext);
                 $tmpTitle = trimtext(str_replace($time, '', $tmpTitle));
                 $subStatus = strtolower(trimtext($epBlock->find('div.country_s_az', 0)->plaintext));
                 $subStatus = $subStatus == 'sub' ? 1 : 0;
                 $itemLink = $epBlock->find('a', 0)->href;
                 $publishDate = format2DateTime($time);
                 $videoData['publish_date'] = $publishDate;
                 $videoData['has_sub'] = $subStatus;
                 $videoData['original_url'] = $itemLink;
                 $videoData['title'] = $tmpTitle;
                 $videoData['status'] = STATUS_WAIT_FOR_APPROVE;
                 $videoData['episode'] = $this->_getLastNumberInString($tmpTitle);
                 $episodeArr[] = $videoData;
         $data['videos'] = $episodeArr;
     return $data;
Exemplo n.º 4
$thumbArray = array_slice($thumbArray, $Pivot_Vars['slice'], $show);
foreach ($fileArray as $file) {
    $ext = getextension($file['name']);
    if (strtolower($ext) == "jpg" || strtolower($ext) == "gif" || strtolower($ext) == "png") {
        $fullentry = urlencode($Paths['upload_url'] . $file['name']);
        //debug("full: $fullentry");
        // get the image's witdh and height
        list($x, $y) = getimagesize(urldecode($Paths['upload_path'] . $file['name']));
        $filesize = $file['size'];
        $disp_entry = trimtext(strtolower(urldecode($file['name'])), 30, TRUE);
        echo "<tr><td><a href=\"javascript:select('" . $file['name'] . "', {$x}, {$y});\">{$disp_entry}</a></td><td>( {$x} x {$y} px, {$filesize} kb. )\n";
        echo "</td><td><a href=\"javascript:popup('{$fullentry}', {$x}, {$y});\">preview</a></td></tr>\n";
    } else {
        if ($file['name'] != "." && $file['name'] != "..") {
            $fullentry = urlencode($Paths['upload_url'] . $file['name']);
            $filesize = $file['size'];
            $disp_entry = trimtext(strtolower(urldecode($file['name'])), 30, TRUE);
            echo "<tr><td><a href=\"javascript:select('" . $file['name'] . "', 0, 0);\">{$disp_entry}</a></td><td> ( {$filesize} kb. )</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>\n";
    <script type="text/javascript">
Exemplo n.º 5
                $value = trim($value);
            } else {
                $value = trimtext(trim($value), $trimlen);
            $itemformat = str_replace("%{$key}%", $value, $itemformat);
        } else {
            if (is_array($value)) {
                foreach ($value as $arrkey => $arrvalue) {
                    if (is_string($arrvalue)) {
                        $arrvalue = trimtext(trim($arrvalue), $trimlen);
                        $itemformat = str_replace("%{$key}" . '->' . "{$arrkey}%", $arrvalue, $itemformat);
                    } else {
                        if (is_array($arrvalue)) {
                            foreach ($arrvalue as $subarrkey => $subarrvalue) {
                                if (is_string($subarrvalue)) {
                                    $subarrvalue = trimtext(trim($subarrvalue), $trimlen);
                                    $itemformat = str_replace("%{$key}" . '->' . "{$arrkey}" . '->' . "{$subarrkey}%", $subarrvalue, $itemformat);
    echo $itemformat;
    if ($count++ >= $rssmax) {
Exemplo n.º 6
function make_archive_list($ye, $mo, $da, $title)
    global $Weblogs, $Current_weblog, $db, $entry, $maxlength, $filtercat;
    $db = new db();
    $current_cats = find_cats_in_weblog($Current_weblog);
    if ($da > 0 && $da < 32 && $mo > 0 && $mo < 13) {
        // get a list of the entries for the current day
        list($start_date, $stop_date) = getdaterange(sprintf("%02d-%02d-%02d-00-00", $ye, $mo, $da), 'day');
    } else {
        if ($mo > 0 && $mo < 13) {
            // get a list of the entries for the current month
            list($start_date, $stop_date) = getdaterange(sprintf("%02d-%02d-01-00-00", $ye, $mo), 'month');
        } else {
            // get a list of the entries for the current year
            list($start_date, $stop_date) = getdaterange(sprintf("%02d-%02d-01-00-00", $ye, $mo), 'year');
    $list_entries = $db->getlist_range($start_date, $stop_date, "", "", FALSE);
    if ($title != "") {
        // Normalizing requested title and title of possible entries (once).
        $title = str_replace("http://", "", $title);
        $title = str_replace("http", "", $title);
        $title = safe_string(strtolower($title), TRUE);
        foreach ($list_entries as $key => $value) {
            $entrytitle = $list_entries[$key]['title'];
            $entrytitle = str_replace("http://", "", $entrytitle);
            $entrytitle = str_replace("http", "", $entrytitle);
            $entrytitle = safe_string(strtolower($entrytitle), TRUE);
            $list_entries[$key]['title'] = $entrytitle;
        // we try to see if we can match a given name to a title..
        foreach ($list_entries as $entry) {
            if ($title == $entry['title']) {
                $_POST['id'] = $entry['code'];
                include 'entry.php';
        // next, we see if the start is the same..
        foreach ($list_entries as $entry) {
            if (substr($title, 0, 19) == substr($entry['title'], 0, 19)) {
                $_POST['id'] = $entry['code'];
                include 'entry.php';
        // next, we see if the start is the same..
        foreach ($list_entries as $entry) {
            if (substr($title, 0, 7) == substr($entry['title'], 0, 7)) {
                $_POST['id'] = $entry['code'];
                include 'entry.php';
    // We continue with the selected entries, and display the bunch
    $arc_list = "";
    foreach ($list_entries as $list_entry) {
        // added by sam
        $valid_entry_cats = array_intersect($list_entry['category'], $current_cats);
        if ($valid_entry_cats && (!isset($filtercat) || @in_array($filtercat, $list_entry['category']))) {
            // if we don't filter, or we filter on the entry's category..
            if ($list_entry['status'] == 'publish') {
                //if the entry is published
                $diffdate = format_date($list_entry['date'], $Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['diffdate_format']);
                $date = format_date($list_entry['date'], $Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['entrydate_format']);
                $link = make_filelink($list_entry['code'], "", "");
                if ($diffdate != $lastdiffdate) {
                    $arc_list .= "<br />" . $diffdate . "<br />\n";
                    $lastdiffdate = $diffdate;
                $arc_list .= sprintf("%s <a href='%s' title=\"(%s, %s comments)\">%s</a><br />\n", $date, $link, implode(", ", $valid_entry_cats), $list_entry['commcount'], trimtext($list_entry['title'], $maxlength));
    // the search template for the current weblog
    if (isset($Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['extra_template']) && $Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['extra_template'] != "") {
        $template_html = load_template($Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['extra_template']);
    } else {
        $template_html = load_template($Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['archive_template']);
    $template_html = replace_subweblogs_templates($template_html, $arc_list);
    $filename = $Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['archive_path'] . make_archive_name();
    if (!$template_html) {
        ErrorOut("Could not load template file: <i>{$template}</i> [does not exist]");
    } else {
        $output = $template_html;
        $output = parse_step4($output);
    echo $output;
Exemplo n.º 7
 * Store an edited comment, and then show the edit_comment screen
 * @see edit_comment()
function submit_comment()
    global $Cfg, $Pivot_Vars;
    // If magic_quotes_gpc is set, we need to strip slashes..
    if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
        $Pivot_Vars['name'] = stripslashes($Pivot_Vars['name']);
        $Pivot_Vars['comment'] = stripslashes($Pivot_Vars['comment']);
    $mycomm = array('name' => entify($Pivot_Vars['name']), 'orig_name' => entify($Pivot_Vars['orig_name']), 'email' => $Pivot_Vars['email'], 'url' => $Pivot_Vars['url'], 'ip' => $Pivot_Vars['ip'], 'registered' => $Pivot_Vars['registered'], 'notify' => $Pivot_Vars['notify'], 'date' => $Pivot_Vars['date'], 'comment' => $Pivot_Vars['comment'], 'moderate' => 1 - $Pivot_Vars['moderate']);
    // Creating a copy for use in the last_comments update
    $mycomm_last = $mycomm;
    $mycomm_last['comment'] = trimtext($Pivot_Vars['comment'], 250);
    $mycomm_last['code'] = $Pivot_Vars['id'];
    //update last_comments if it's in there..
    if (file_exists("db/ser_lastcomm.php")) {
        $last_comms = load_serialize("db/ser_lastcomm.php", true, true);
    } else {
        $last_comms = array();
    if ($last_comms !== false && count($last_comms) > 0) {
        foreach ($last_comms as $key => $last_comm) {
            if ($last_comm['code'] == $mycomm_last['code'] && $last_comm['name'] == $mycomm_last['orig_name'] && $last_comm['date'] == $mycomm_last['date']) {
                // Keeping old (entry) title and category
                $mycomm_last['title'] = $last_comm['title'];
                $mycomm_last['category'] = $last_comm['category'];
                // Updating the comment
                // $last_comms[$key] = "";
                $last_comms[$key] = $mycomm_last;
                save_serialize("db/ser_lastcomm.php", $last_comms);
    // Update the entry
    $db = new db();
    $entry = $db->read_entry($Pivot_Vars['id']);
    $entry['comments'][$Pivot_Vars['count']] = $mycomm;
    // remove it from cache, to make sure the laters one is used.
    $msg = lang('notice', 'comment_saved');
Exemplo n.º 8
function snippet_last_comments()
    global $Cfg, $db, $Weblogs, $Current_weblog, $Paths;
    if (isset($Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['lastcomm_format']) && strlen($Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['lastcomm_format']) > 2) {
        $last_comments_format = $Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['lastcomm_format'];
    } else {
        $last_comments_format = "<a href='%url%' title='%date%' %popup%><b>%name%</b></a> (%title%): %comm%<br />";
    if (isset($Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['lastcomm_length']) && $Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['lastcomm_length'] > 0) {
        $last_comments_length = $Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['lastcomm_length'];
    } else {
        $last_comments_length = 100;
    if (isset($Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['lastcomm_trim']) && $Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['lastcomm_trim'] > 0) {
        $last_comments_trim = $Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['lastcomm_trim'];
    } else {
        $last_comments_trim = 16;
    if (isset($Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['lastcomm_amount']) && $Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['lastcomm_amount'] > 0) {
        $last_comments_count = $Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['lastcomm_amount'];
    } else {
        $last_comments_count = 10;
    if (file_exists($Paths['pivot_path'] . "db/ser_lastcomm.php")) {
        $file = array_reverse(load_serialize($Paths['pivot_path'] . "db/ser_lastcomm.php", true, true));
    } else {
        $file = array();
    $cats = find_cats_in_weblog($Current_weblog);
    $output = "";
    $count = 0;
    if (count($file) > 0) {
        foreach ($file as $comment) {
            // if it's in a category that published n the frontpage, and the user is not blocked, we display it.
            if (count(array_intersect($comment['category'], $cats)) > 0 && !ip_check_block(trim($comment['ip'])) && $db->entry_exists($comment['code'])) {
                $id = safe_string($comment["name"], TRUE) . "-" . format_date($comment["date"], "%ye%%month%%day%%hour24%%minute%");
                $url = make_filelink($comment['code'], "", $id);
                $comment['name'] = trimtext(stripslashes($comment['name']), $last_comments_trim);
                $comment['title'] = trimtext(stripslashes($comment['title']), $last_comments_trim);
                // Commenting out mywordwrap since it currently breaks textile commands (and maybe more).
                // $comment['comment'] = mywordwrap($comment['comment'], 18, " ", 1);
                $comment['comment'] = comment_format($comment["comment"]);
                // Remove the [name:1] part in the 'last comments..
                $comment['comment'] = preg_replace("/\\[(.*):([0-9]+)\\]/iU", '', $comment['comment']);
                $comment['comment'] = trimtext(stripslashes($comment['comment']), $last_comments_length);
                // $comment['comment'] = unentify($comment['comment']);
                if ($Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['comment_pop'] == 1) {
                    $popup = sprintf("onclick=\"window.open('%s', 'popuplink', 'width=%s,height=%s,directories=no,location=no,scrollbars=yes,menubar=no,status=yes,toolbar=no,resizable=yes'); return false\"", $url, $Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['comment_width'], $Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['comment_height']);
                } else {
                    $popup = "";
                $thisline = $last_comments_format;
                $thisline = str_replace("%name%", $comment['name'], $thisline);
                $thisline = str_replace("%date%", $comment['date'], $thisline);
                $thisline = str_replace("%title%", $comment['title'], $thisline);
                $thisline = str_replace("%url%", $url, $thisline);
                $thisline = str_replace("%popup%", $popup, $thisline);
                $thisline = str_replace("%comm%", $comment['comment'], $thisline);
                $thisline = format_date($comment["date"], $thisline);
                $output .= "\n" . $thisline;
                if ($count >= $last_comments_count) {
                    return $output;
    return $output;
Exemplo n.º 9
 * Display all comment users
function see_comm_users()
    global $Pivot_Vars, $Users, $Paths;
    PageHeader(lang('adminbar', 'seecommusers_title'), 1);
    PageAnkeiler(lang('userbar', 'admin') . ' &raquo; ' . lang('adminbar', 'seecommusers_title'));
    StartTable('', 7);
    GenSetting('', lang('userinfo', 'commusers'), '', 8, '', 7);
    // In the comment user info table below, the keys pass, notify_entries,
    // notify_default and show_address are ignored. Activate the commented
    // out HTML code (in $table_body and $table_row) to display everything.
    $table_body = '
<tr class="tabular_header">
	<td class="tabular">' . lang('userinfo', 'username') . ':&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
	<td class="tabular">' . lang('userinfo', 'email') . ':&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
	<td class="tabular">' . lang('userinfo', 'url') . ':&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
	<td class="tabular">' . lang('userinfo', 'lastlogin') . ':&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
	<!-- td class="tabular">' . lang('userinfo', 'show_address') . ':&nbsp;&nbsp;</td -->
	<!-- td class="tabular">' . lang('userinfo', 'notify_entries') . ':&nbsp;&nbsp;</td -->
	<!-- td class="tabular">' . lang('userinfo', 'notify_default') . ':&nbsp;&nbsp;</td -->
	<td class="tabular">' . lang('userinfo', 'verified') . ':&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
	<td class="tabular">' . lang('userinfo', 'disabled') . ':&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    $table_row = '
	<td class="tabular">%name%</td>
	<td class="tabular">%email%</td>
	<td class="tabular">%url%</td>
	<td class="tabular">%last_login%</td>
	<!-- td class="tabular">%show_address%</td -->
	<!-- td class="tabular">%notify_entries%</td -->
	<!-- td class="tabular">%notify_default%</td -->
	<td class="tabular">%verified%</td>
	<td class="tabular">%disabled%</td>
	<td nowrap="nowrap">%editlink%</td>
    $comment_users = get_registered_visitors();
    foreach ($comment_users as $name_md5 => $commuserdata) {
        $thisrow = $table_row;
        $commuserdata['verified'] = $commuserdata['verified'] == 1 ? "%Yes%" : "%No%";
        if (!isset($commuserdata['disabled']) || $commuserdata['disabled'] == 0) {
            $commuserdata['disabled'] = "%No%";
        } else {
            $commuserdata['disabled'] = "%Yes%";
        if (!isset($commuserdata['last_login'])) {
            $commuserdata['last_login'] = "";
        foreach ($commuserdata as $key => $value) {
            if (empty($value)) {
                $value = "-";
            $thisrow = str_replace("%{$key}%", trimtext($value, 30), $thisrow);
        if ($Users[$Pivot_Vars['user']]['userlevel'] >= 3) {
            $thisrow = str_replace("%editlink%", MakeLink(array('func' => 'admin', 'do' => 'editcommuser', 'edituser' => $name_md5)) . lang('userinfo', 'editcommuser') . '</a>', $thisrow);
        } else {
            $thisrow = str_replace("%editlink%", "", $thisrow);
        $table_body .= $thisrow;
    $table_body = str_replace("%Yes%", lang('general', 'yes'), $table_body);
    $table_body = str_replace("%No%", lang('general', 'no'), $table_body);
    echo $table_body . '</table><br />';
Exemplo n.º 10
 * Prints the last comments in the overview screen.
 * @param int $num
function last_comments_overview($num)
    global $Pivot_Vars;
    // First check if there are any comments waiting to be moderated..
    if (file_exists("db/ser_modqueue.php")) {
        $modqueue = array_reverse(load_serialize("db/ser_modqueue.php", true, true));
    } else {
        $modqueue = array();
    if (count($modqueue) > 0) {
        printf("<table cellspacing='0' class='tabular_border' border='0' width='340'\r\n\t\t\t\tstyle='margin-top:6px;'>\n<tr class='tabular_nav'>\n<td colspan='2'>\n%s</td></tr>", lang("userbar", "moderate_comments"));
        $msg = lang("userbar", "moderate_comments_desc");
        $msg = str_replace("%1", count($modqueue), $msg);
        printf("\n<tr>\n<td colspan='2' style='white-space:normal;'>\n<p><a href='index.php?menu=moderate_comments&amp;session=%s'>", $Pivot_Vars['session']);
        printf("%s</a></p>\n</td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n<br>\n\n", $msg);
    // Then display the last comments..
    if (file_exists("db/ser_lastcomm.php")) {
        $lastcomments = array_reverse(load_serialize("db/ser_lastcomm.php", true, true));
    } else {
        $lastcomments = array();
    if (count($lastcomments) > 0) {
        printf("<table cellspacing='0' class='tabular_border' border='0' width='340'\r\n\t\t\t\tstyle='margin-top:6px;'>\n<tr class='tabular_nav'>\n<td colspan='2'>\n<span style='float:right'>( ");
        // Only print the (more) links we've not currently selected.
        if ($num != 5) {
            $morelink = sprintf("index.php?session=%s&amp;menu=main&amp;morecomments=5", $Pivot_Vars['session']);
            printf('<a href="%s">5</a> ', $morelink);
        if ($num != 20) {
            $morelink = sprintf("index.php?session=%s&amp;menu=main&amp;morecomments=20", $Pivot_Vars['session']);
            printf('<a href="%s">20</a> ', $morelink);
        if ($num != 60) {
            $morelink = sprintf("index.php?session=%s&amp;menu=main&amp;morecomments=60", $Pivot_Vars['session']);
            printf('<a href="%s">60</a> ', $morelink);
        printf(')</span>%s</td></tr>', lang("userbar", "recent_comments"));
        $linecount = 1;
        foreach ($lastcomments as $lastcomment) {
            if ($linecount % 2 == 0) {
                $bg_color = "tabular_line_even";
            } else {
                $bg_color = "tabular_line_odd";
            $name = trimtext($lastcomment['name'], 22, FALSE);
            $date = format_date($lastcomment['date'], "%day%-%monname%-%ye% %hour24%:%minute%");
            $comm = trimtext($lastcomment['comment'], 78, FALSE);
            $comm = mywordwrap($comm, 20, "  ", 1);
            $link = sprintf("index.php?session=%s&amp;menu=entries&amp;func=editcomments&amp;", $Pivot_Vars['session']);
            $editlink = sprintf("%sid=%s#a%s", $link, $lastcomment['code'], $lastcomment['date']);
            $dellink = sprintf("%sid=%s&amp;del=%s", $link, $lastcomment['code'], urlencode($lastcomment['name'] . "@" . $lastcomment['date']));
            $reportpopup = sprintf("openReportComment('%s', '%s','%s', '%s');", $Pivot_Vars['session'], $lastcomment['code'], urlencode($lastcomment['name'] . "@" . $lastcomment['date']), $dellink);
            printf("<tr class='%s'><td class='tabular-small'><a href='%s'>%s</a><br /><span class='date'>%s</span></td>", $bg_color, $editlink, $name, $date);
            printf("<td valign='top' class='tabular-small' style='white-space: normal;'>");
            printf("<span style='float:right'><a href='%s' title='%s'>[D]</a>", $dellink, lang('entries', 'delete_comment'));
            printf("<a href='#' onclick=\"%s\" title='%s'>[R]</a></span>%s</td></tr>", $reportpopup, lang('entries', 'report_comment'), $comm);
            if ($linecount++ >= $num) {
        echo '<tr class="tabular_nav"><td colspan="2"><form id="oneclickdelete" name="oneclickdelete">';
        printf('<input type="checkbox" value="1" %s /> %s',
        		($cfg['oneclickdelete']==1) ? 'checked="checked"' : '',
        		lang('comment', 'oneclickreport')
        echo '</form></td></tr>';
        echo '</table><br />';