Exemplo n.º 1
 * Callback pour les <math></math>
 * Gestion du TeX
 * @param string $t
 * @return string
function replace_math($t)
    if (!function_exists('traiter_math')) {
    $t = traiter_math($t, '');
    return $t;
Exemplo n.º 2
function echappe_html($letexte, $source, $no_transform = false)
    global $flag_pcre;
    $les_echap = array();
    if ($flag_pcre) {
        // beaucoup plus rapide si on a pcre
        $regexp_echap_html = "<html>((.*?))<\\/html>";
        $regexp_echap_code = "<code>((.*?))<\\/code>";
        $regexp_echap_cadre = "[\n\r]*<(cadre|frame)>((.*?))<\\/(cadre|frame)>[\n\r]*";
        $regexp_echap_poesie = "[\n\r]*<(poesie|poetry)>((.*?))<\\/(poesie|poetry)>[\n\r]*";
        $regexp_echap = "/({$regexp_echap_html})|({$regexp_echap_code})|({$regexp_echap_cadre})|({$regexp_echap_poesie})/si";
    } else {
        //echo creer_echappe_sans_pcre("cadre");
        $regexp_echap_html = "<html>(([^<]|<[^/]|</[^h]|</h[^t]|</ht[^m]|</htm[^l]|<\\/html[^>])*)<\\/html>";
        $regexp_echap_code = "<code>(([^<]|<[^/]|</[^c]|</c[^o]|</co[^d]|</cod[^e]|<\\/code[^>])*)<\\/code>";
        $regexp_echap_cadre = "(<[cf][ar][da][rm]e>(([^<]|<[^/]|</[^cf]|</[cf][^ar]|</[cf][ar][^da]|</[cf][ar][da][^rm]|</[cf][ar][da][rm][^e]|<\\/[cf][ar][da][rm]e[^>])*)<\\/[cf][ar][da][rm]e>)()";
        // parentheses finales pour obtenir meme nombre de regs que pcre
        $regexp_echap_poesie = "(<poe[st][ir][ey]>(([^<]|<[^/]|</[^p]|</p[^o]|</po[^e]|</poe[^st]|</poe[st][^ir]|</poe[st][ir][^[ey]]|<\\/poe[st][ir][ey][^>])*)<\\/poe[st][ir][ey]>)()";
        $regexp_echap = "({$regexp_echap_html})|({$regexp_echap_code})|({$regexp_echap_cadre})|({$regexp_echap_poesie})";
    while ($flag_pcre && preg_match($regexp_echap, $letexte, $regs) || !$flag_pcre && preg_match($regexp_echap, $letexte, $regs)) {
        if ($no_transform) {
            // echappements bruts
            $les_echap[$num_echap] = $regs[0];
        } else {
            if ($regs[1]) {
                // Echapper les <html>...</ html>
                $les_echap[$num_echap] = $regs[2];
            } else {
                if ($regs[4]) {
                    // Echapper les <code>...</ code>
                    $lecode = entites_html($regs[5]);
                    // supprimer les sauts de ligne debut/fin (mais pas les espaces => ascii art).
                    $lecode = preg_replace("/^\n+|\n+\$/", "", $lecode);
                    // ne pas mettre le <div...> s'il n'y a qu'une ligne
                    if (is_int(strpos($lecode, "\n"))) {
                        $lecode = nl2br("<div align='left' class='spip_code' dir='ltr'>" . $lecode . "</div>");
                    } else {
                        $lecode = "<span class='spip_code' dir='ltr'>" . $lecode . "</span>";
                    $lecode = preg_replace("/\t/", "&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; ", $lecode);
                    $lecode = preg_replace("/  /", " &nbsp;", $lecode);
                    $les_echap[$num_echap] = "<tt>" . $lecode . "</tt>";
                } else {
                    if ($regs[7]) {
                        // Echapper les <cadre>...</cadre>
                        $lecode = trim(entites_html($regs[9]));
                        $total_lignes = count(explode("\n", $lecode));
                        $les_echap[$num_echap] = "</p><form action=\"/\" method=\"get\"><textarea readonly='readonly' cols='40' rows='{$total_lignes}' class='spip_cadre' dir='ltr'>" . $lecode . "</textarea></form><p class=\"spip\">";
                    } else {
                        if ($regs[12]) {
                            $lecode = $regs[14];
                            $lecode = preg_replace("/\n[[:space:]]*\n/", "\n&nbsp;\n", $lecode);
                            $lecode = preg_replace("/\r/", "\n", $lecode);
                            $lecode = "<div class=\"spip_poesie\"><div>" . preg_replace("/\n+/", "</div>\n<div>", $lecode) . "</div></div>";
                            $les_echap[$num_echap] = propre($lecode);
        $pos = strpos($letexte, $regs[0]);
        $letexte = substr($letexte, 0, $pos) . "@@SPIP_{$source}{$num_echap}@@" . substr($letexte, $pos + strlen($regs[0]));
    // Gestion du TeX
    // [ML] likely to be removed
    if (!(strpos($letexte, "<math>") === false)) {
        $letexte = traiter_math($letexte, $les_echap, $num_echap, $source);
    // Insertion d'images et de documents utilisateur
    while (preg_match("/<(IMG|DOC|EMB)([0-9]+)(\\|([^\\>]*))?/i" . ">", $letexte, $match)) {
        $letout = quotemeta($match[0]);
        $letout = preg_replace("/\\|/", "\\|", $letout);
        $id_document = $match[2];
        $align = $match[4];
        if (preg_match("/emb/i", $match[1])) {
            $rempl = embed_document($id_document, $align);
        } else {
            $rempl = integre_image($id_document, $align, $match[1]);
        $letexte = preg_replace($letout, "@@SPIP_{$source}{$num_echap}@@", $letexte);
        $les_echap[$num_echap] = $rempl;
    // Echapper les tags html contenant des caracteres sensibles a la typo
    $regexp_echap = "<[a-zA-Z!][^<>!':;\\?]*[!':;\\?][^<>]*>";
    if ($flag_pcre) {
        if (preg_match_all("/{$regexp_echap}/", $letexte, $regs, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
            while (list(, $reg) = each($regs)) {
                $les_echap[$num_echap] = $reg[0];
                //echo htmlspecialchars($reg[0])."<p>";
                $pos = strpos($letexte, $les_echap[$num_echap]);
                $letexte = substr($letexte, 0, $pos) . "@@SPIP_{$source}{$num_echap}@@" . substr($letexte, $pos + strlen($les_echap[$num_echap]));
    } else {
        while (preg_match($regexp_echap, $letexte, $reg)) {
            $les_echap[$num_echap] = $reg[0];
            $pos = strpos($letexte, $les_echap[$num_echap]);
            $letexte = substr($letexte, 0, $pos) . "@@SPIP_{$source}{$num_echap}@@" . substr($letexte, $pos + strlen($les_echap[$num_echap]));
    return array($letexte, $les_echap);
Exemplo n.º 3
function echappe_html($letexte, $source = '', $no_transform = false, $preg = '')
    if (!is_string($letexte) or !strlen($letexte)) {
        return $letexte;
    // si le texte recu est long PCRE risque d'exploser, on
    // fait donc un mic-mac pour augmenter pcre.backtrack_limit
    if (($len = strlen($letexte)) > 100000) {
        if (!($old = @ini_get('pcre.backtrack_limit'))) {
            $old = 100000;
        if ($len > $old) {
            $a = @ini_set('pcre.backtrack_limit', $len);
            spip_log("ini_set pcre.backtrack_limit={$len} ({$old})");
    if (($preg or strpos($letexte, "<") !== false) and preg_match_all($preg ? $preg : _PROTEGE_BLOCS, $letexte, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
        foreach ($matches as $regs) {
            // echappements tels quels ?
            if ($no_transform) {
                $echap = $regs[0];
            } else {
                if (function_exists($f = 'traiter_echap_' . strtolower($regs[1]))) {
                    $echap = $f($regs);
                } else {
                    if (function_exists($f = $f . '_dist')) {
                        $echap = $f($regs);
            $p = strpos($letexte, $regs[0]);
            $letexte = substr_replace($letexte, code_echappement($echap, $source, $no_transform), $p, strlen($regs[0]));
    if ($no_transform) {
        return $letexte;
    // Gestion du TeX
    if (strpos($letexte, "<math>") !== false) {
        $letexte = traiter_math($letexte, $source);
    // Echapper le php pour faire joli (ici, c'est pas pour la securite)
    if (strpos($letexte, "<" . "?") !== false and preg_match_all(',<[?].*($|[?]>),UisS', $letexte, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
        foreach ($matches as $regs) {
            $letexte = str_replace($regs[0], code_echappement(highlight_string($regs[0], true), $source), $letexte);
    return $letexte;
Exemplo n.º 4
function echappe_html($letexte, $source = '', $no_transform = false, $preg = '')
    if (!is_string($letexte) or !strlen($letexte)) {
        return $letexte;
    if (($preg or strpos($letexte, "<") !== false) and preg_match_all($preg ? $preg : _PROTEGE_BLOCS, $letexte, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
        foreach ($matches as $regs) {
            // echappements tels quels ?
            if ($no_transform) {
                $echap = $regs[0];
            } else {
                if (function_exists($f = 'traiter_echap_' . strtolower($regs[1]))) {
                    $echap = $f($regs);
                } else {
                    if (function_exists($f = $f . '_dist')) {
                        $echap = $f($regs);
            $letexte = str_replace($regs[0], code_echappement($echap, $source, $no_transform), $letexte);
    if ($no_transform) {
        return $letexte;
    // Gestion du TeX
    if (strpos($letexte, "<math>") !== false) {
        $letexte = traiter_math($letexte, $source);
    // Echapper le php pour faire joli (ici, c'est pas pour la securite)
    if (strpos($letexte, "<" . "?") !== false and preg_match_all(',<[?].*($|[?]>),UisS', $letexte, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
        foreach ($matches as $regs) {
            $letexte = str_replace($regs[0], code_echappement(highlight_string($regs[0], true), $source), $letexte);
    return $letexte;
Exemplo n.º 5
function echappe_html($letexte, $source = '', $no_transform = false, $preg = '')
    if (!is_string($letexte) or !strlen($letexte)) {
        return $letexte;
    // si le texte recu est long PCRE risque d'exploser, on
    // fait donc un mic-mac pour augmenter pcre.backtrack_limit
    if (($len = strlen($letexte)) > 100000) {
        if (!($old = @ini_get('pcre.backtrack_limit'))) {
            $old = 100000;
        if ($len > $old) {
            $a = @ini_set('pcre.backtrack_limit', $len);
            spip_log("ini_set pcre.backtrack_limit={$len} ({$old})");
    if (($preg or strpos($letexte, "<") !== false) and preg_match_all($preg ? $preg : _PROTEGE_BLOCS, $letexte, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
        foreach ($matches as $regs) {
            // echappements tels quels ?
            if ($no_transform) {
                $echap = $regs[0];
            } else {
                if (function_exists($f = 'traiter_echap_' . strtolower($regs[1]))) {
                    $echap = $f($regs);
                } else {
                    if (function_exists($f = $f . '_dist')) {
                        $echap = $f($regs);
            $p = strpos($letexte, $regs[0]);
            $letexte = substr_replace($letexte, code_echappement($echap, $source, $no_transform), $p, strlen($regs[0]));
    if ($no_transform) {
        return $letexte;
    // Gestion du TeX
    // code mort sauf si on a personalise _PROTEGE_BLOCS sans y mettre <math>
    // eviter la rupture de compat en branche 3.0
    // a supprimer en branche 3.1
    if (strpos($preg ? $preg : _PROTEGE_BLOCS, 'code') !== false) {
        if (strpos($letexte, "<math>") !== false) {
            $letexte = traiter_math($letexte, $source);
    // Echapper le php pour faire joli (ici, c'est pas pour la securite)
    // seulement si on a echappe les <script>
    // (derogatoire car on ne peut pas faire passer < ? ... ? >
    // dans une callback autonommee
    if (strpos($preg ? $preg : _PROTEGE_BLOCS, 'script') !== false) {
        if (strpos($letexte, "<" . "?") !== false and preg_match_all(',<[?].*($|[?]>),UisS', $letexte, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
            foreach ($matches as $regs) {
                $letexte = str_replace($regs[0], code_echappement(highlight_string($regs[0], true), $source), $letexte);
    return $letexte;