} else {
        if ('auto' == $comment_moderation) {
            $approved = 0;
        } else {
            // none
            $approved = 1;
    if ($charset == "") {
        $charset = "auto";
    } else {
        $charset = strtoupper(trim($charset));
    if (function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) {
        if ($charset == "auto") {
            $charset = mb_detect_encoding($commnet . $author, $charset);
        $comment = mb_convert_encoding($comment, $blog_charset, $charset);
        $author = mb_convert_encoding($author, $blog_charset, $charset);
    $result = $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO {$tablecomments} \n\t(comment_post_ID, comment_author, comment_author_email, comment_author_url, comment_author_IP, comment_date, comment_content, comment_approved)\n\tVALUES \n\t('{$comment_post_ID}', '{$author}', '{$email}', '{$tb_url}', '{$user_ip}', '{$now}', '{$comment}', '{$approved}')\n\t");
    if (!$result) {
        die("There is an error with the database, it can't store your comment...<br />Please contact the <a href='mailto:{$admin_email}'>webmaster</a>.");
    } else {
        $comment_ID = $wpdb->get_var('SELECT last_insert_id()');
        if ($comments_notify) {
            wp_notify_postauthor($comment_ID, 'trackback');
Exemplo n.º 2
// Trigger event, which may add a message of category "error":
$Plugins->trigger_event('BeforeTrackbackInsert', array('Comment' => &$Comment));
// Display errors:
if ($errstring = $Messages->get_string('Cannot insert trackback, please correct these errors:', '')) {
    trackback_response(1, $errstring);
    // tblue> Note: the spec at <http://www.sixapart.com/pronet/docs/trackback_spec>
    //	only shows error code 1 in the example response
    //	and we also only check for code 1 in TB answers.
// Record trackback into DB:
if ($Comment->ID == 0) {
    // Exit silently! Wz don't want to give an easy tool to try and pass the filters.
    trackback_response(0, 'ok');
 * ----------------------------
 * New trackback notification:
 * ----------------------------
// TODO: dh> this should only send published feedback probably and should also use "outbound_notifications_mode"
// asimo> this handles moderators and general users as well and use "outbound_notifications_mode" in case of general users
// Moderators will get emails about every new trackback
// Subscribed user will only get emails about new published trackback
// Trigger event: a Plugin should cleanup any temporary data here..
// fp>> WARNING: won't be called if trackback gets deleted by antispam
$Plugins->trigger_event('AfterTrackbackInsert', array('Comment' => &$Comment));
// fp>TODO: warn about moderation
trackback_response(0, 'ok');
Exemplo n.º 3
if (empty($id) || empty($tb_title) || empty($tb_excerpt) || empty($tb_url) || empty($tb_blog_name)) {
    trackback_response(1, 'At least one of the required fields is missing.');
include 'inc/plugins.php';
$xfclass = new XFieldsData();
$disabled = $xfclass->fetch($id, 'tbs_disabled');
if ($disabled == "yes") {
    trackback_response(1, "Trackbacks have been disabled for this post");
$time = time();
$data = array('title' => $tb_title, 'excerpt' => $tb_excerpt, 'url' => $tb_url, 'blog_name' => $tb_blog_name, 'host' => $host);
$old_data = $xfclass->fetch($id, 'trackbacks');
$old_data[$time] = $data;
$xfclass->set($old_data, $id, 'trackbacks');
function trackback_response($error = 0, $error_message = '')
    if ($error) {
        echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?' . ">\n";
        echo "<response>\n";
        echo "<error>1</error>\n";
        echo "<message>{$error_message}</message>\n";
        echo "</response>";
    } else {
        echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?' . ">\n";
        echo "<response>\n";
        echo "<error>0</error>\n";
        echo "</response>";
Exemplo n.º 4
    $q = "insert into " . T_COMMENTS . "\n\t\t\tset \n\t\t\tpostid='{$tbpost}',\n\t\t\tparentid='{$replyto}',\n\t\t\tposttime='{$now}',\n\t\t\tpostername='{$blog_name}',\n\t\t\tposteremail='',\n\t\t\tposterwebsite='{$tb_url}',\n\t\t\tposternotify='0',\n\t\t\tpubemail='0',\n\t\t\tpubwebsite='1',\n\t\t\tip='{$remaddr}',\n\t\t\ttitle='{$title}',\n\t\t\tcommenttext='{$excerpt}',\n\t\t\ttype='trackback'";
    $insid = $bBlog->insert_id;
    if ($insid < 1) {
        trackback_response(1, "Error adding trackback : " . mysql_error());
    } else {
        // notify owner
        include_once BBLOGROOT . 'inc/mail.php';
        notify_owner("New trackback on your blog", "{$blog_name} ( {$tb_url} ) has sent a trackback to your post at " . $bBlog->_get_entry_permalink($tbpost) . "\n");
        // update the commentcount.
        // now I thought about having a seperate count for trackbacks and comments ( like b2 )
        // , but trackbacks are really comments, so I decided against this.
        $newnumcomments = $bBlog->get_var("SELECT count(*) as c FROM " . T_COMMENTS . " WHERE postid='{$tbpost}' and deleted='false' group by postid");
        $bBlog->_adb->Execute("update " . T_POSTS . " set commentcount='{$newnumcomments}' where postid='{$tbpost}'");
        trackback_response(0, "");
// Send a trackback-ping.
function send_trackback($url, $title = "", $excerpt = "", $t)
    //parse the target-url
    $target = parse_url($t);
    if ($target["query"] != "") {
        $target["query"] = "?" . $target["query"];
    //set the port
    if (!is_numeric($target["port"])) {
        $target["port"] = 80;
    //connect to the remote-host
    if ($error) {
        echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?' . ">\n";
        echo "<response>\n";
        echo "<error>1</error>\n";
        echo "<message>{$error_message}</message>\n";
        echo "</response>";
    } else {
        echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?' . ">\n";
        echo "<response>\n";
        echo "<error>0</error>\n";
        echo "</response>";
$tb_url = $_POST['url'];
if (empty($_POST['title'])) {
    $title = $_POST['url'];
} else {
    $title = $_POST['title'];
$excerpt = $_POST['excerpt'];
if (!empty($tb_url)) {
    $result = Content::add_trackbacks($_GET['cid'], $tb_url, $title, $excerpt);
    if ($result == FALSE) {
        trackback_response(1, 'We already have a ping from that URI for this post.');
    } else {
} else {
    trackback_response(1, 'Url required');
  * Send response header with http status code and reason.
 public function send_response($hook, $code)
     $code = (int) apply_filters(self::PLUGIN_SLUG . "-{$hook}-status", (int) $code);
     $mesg = (string) apply_filters(self::PLUGIN_SLUG . "-{$hook}-reason", get_status_header_desc($code));
     // nocache and response code
     switch ((int) substr("{$code}", 0, 1)) {
         case 2:
             // 2xx Success
             header('Refresh: 0; url=' . home_url(), TRUE, $code);
             // @since 3.0
         case 3:
             // 3xx Redirection
             wp_redirect('http://blackhole.webpagetest.org/', $code);
             // 4xx Client Error, 5xx Server Error
             // @since 2.0.0
             if (function_exists('trackback_response')) {
                 trackback_response($code, $mesg);
             } elseif (!defined('DOING_AJAX') && !defined('XMLRPC_REQUEST')) {
                 FALSE !== @(include STYLESHEETPATH . "/{$code}.php") or FALSE !== @(include TEMPLATEPATH . "/{$code}.php") or wp_die($mesg, '', array('response' => $code, 'back_link' => TRUE));