echo $row["id"]; ?> "><?php echo $row["caption"]; ?> </a></div> <div class="rws-column rws-bigsection"><?php echo $row["account_no"]; ?> </div> <div class="rws-column"><?php echo $array_product_type[$row["product_type"]]; ?> </div> <div class="rws-column"><?php echo togetfieldvalue($row['bank'], 'tbl_banks', 'bank'); ?> </div> <div class="rws-column"><?php if ($row['status'] == "1") { echo '<span class="gtaccepted">Verified</span>'; } elseif ($row['status'] == "2") { echo '<span class="gtrejected">Not Verified</span>'; } else { echo '<span class="gtpending">Pending</span>'; } ?> </div> <div class="rws-column"><?php echo togetofferstatus($row["id"], $_SESSION['GTUserID'], $array_statuso2, $array_statuso); ?>
} } $j = 1; $search_txt = $_POST["search_txt"]; if ($search_txt != "") { $nquery = " AND (`registerfirstname` LIKE '%{$search_txt}%' OR `registerlastname` LIKE '%{$search_txt}%' OR `registercompanyname` LIKE '%{$search_txt}%' OR `registerlocationtowncity` LIKE '%{$search_txt}%' OR `registerpostcode` LIKE '%{$search_txt}%' OR `registeremail` LIKE '%{$search_txt}%' ) "; } $query = "SELECT t1.*, as ac_id,t2.account,t2.balance,,t2.status,t2.alert,t2.account_no,t2.\ndate_opened,t2.date_closed,t2.dateofbirth,t2.pancard,t2.note, t2.product_type, t2.caption, t2.unikdueid,\n t2.add_date as account_date FROM `tbl_userdetails` as t1 INNER JOIN `tbl_accounts` as t2 ON\n WHERE" . $_SESSION['banid'] . $nquery; $rs = mysql_query_with_throw($query); $perpage = 20; $currentpage = $_REQUEST['currentpage'] ? $_REQUEST['currentpage'] : '1'; $startrecord = ($currentpage - 1) * $perpage; $totalrows = mysql_num_rows($rs); $result = mysql_query_with_throw($query . " ORDER BY t2.add_date DESC LIMIT {$startrecord}, {$perpage}") or die(mysql_error()); $rand2 = mt_rand(1000, 9999); $filenamenew = str_replace(' ', '-', togetfieldvalue($_SESSION['bid'] - 1, 'tbl_banks', 'bank')) . '-User-Account-Data-' . $rand2 . "-" . date('d-m-Y') . ".csv"; ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <title>ADMIN CONSOLE // <?php echo $sitename; ?> Website</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="resources/css/reset.css" type="text/css" media="screen" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="resources/css/style.css" type="text/css" media="screen" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="resources/css/invalid.css" type="text/css" media="screen" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="resources/css/theme.default.css" type="text/css" media="screen" /> <link href="<?php echo $baseurl;
<?php checklogin(); $lockstatus = togetfieldvalue($_SESSION['GTUserID'], 'tbl_userdetails', 'lock'); if ($lockstatus == 0) { if (isset($_POST['button'])) { $_SESSION['myForm'] = $_POST; $firstname = addslashes($_POST["firstname"]); $middlename = addslashes($_POST["middlename"]); $lastname = addslashes($_POST["lastname"]); $email = $_POST["email"]; $password = addslashes($_POST["password"]); $mobile = addslashes($_POST["mobile"]); $address1 = addslashes($_POST["address1"]); $address2 = addslashes($_POST["address2"]); $city = addslashes($_POST["city"]); $state = addslashes($_POST["state"]); $country = addslashes($_POST["country"]); $pincode = addslashes($_POST["pincode"]); $phone = addslashes($_POST["phone"]); $errors = array(); //Initialize error array // Name if (empty($_POST['firstname'])) { $errors[] = "First Name field can't be blank!"; } if (empty($_POST['lastname'])) { $errors[] = "Last Name field can't be blank!"; } // Email if (empty($_POST['email'])) {
<td align="left" class="head2"><?php echo $admin->account_no; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="30" align="left" class="blackbold">Account Type</td> <td align="left" class="head2"><?php echo $array_product_type[$admin->product_type]; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="30" align="left" class="blackbold">Creditor</td> <td align="left" class="head2"><?php echo togetfieldvalue($admin->bank, 'tbl_banks', 'bank'); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="30" align="left" class="blackbold">Principal</td> <td align="left" class="head2">Rs. <?php echo moneyFormatIndia($admin->principal); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="30" align="left" class="blackbold">Interest</td> <td align="left" class="head2">Rs. <?php echo moneyFormatIndia($admin->interest);
$finalstart = $_POST["start_date"] . ' 00:00:00'; $finalend = $_POST["end_date"] . ' 00:00:00'; $nquery .= " AND (t1.add_date BETWEEN '{$finalstart}' AND '{$finalend}') "; } if ($_SESSION['adminType'] == 'sub-admin') { $nquery .= " and t1.subadmin= " . $_SESSION['aid']; } $queryrws = "SELECT t1.firstname, t1.middlename, t1.lastname,,,, t1.state, t1.source, t1.sourcebank, t1.type, t4.full_name as owner, t1.contact_method, DATE_FORMAT(t1.add_date, '%d %M %Y %I:%i:%S') as \n Register_Date, IFNULL(t2.total_account,0) as total_account FROM tbl_userdetails AS t1 LEFT JOIN (SELECT userid, COUNT(*) AS total_account FROM tbl_accounts GROUP BY userid ) AS t2 ON = t2.userid left join tbl_admin as t4 on WHERE > 0 " . $nquery . ' ORDER BY t1.add_date'; $result_add = mysql_query_with_throw($queryrws); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result_add)) { $firstname = addslashes($row["firstname"]); $middlename = addslashes($row["middlename"]); $lastname = addslashes($row["lastname"]); $email = $row["email"]; $mobile = $row["mobile"]; $city = $row["city"]; $state = $row["state"]; $Register_Date = $row["Register_Date"]; $total_account = $row["total_account"]; $source = addslashes($array_source[$row["source"]]); $type = addslashes($array_custype[$row["type"]]); $owner = $row["owner"]; $contact_method = addslashes($array_conmethod[$row["contact_method"]]); $sourcebank = togetfieldvalue($row["sourcebank"], 'tbl_banks', 'bank'); $insert_query = mysql_query_with_throw("INSERT INTO `tbl_userexport_main` (`Firstname`, `Middlename`, `Lastname`, `Email`, `Mobile`, `City`, `State`, `Register_Date`, `Source`, `Source_Bank`, `Type`, `Owner`, `Contact_Method` , `total_account`) VALUES ('{$firstname}', '{$middlename}', '{$lastname}', '{$email}', '{$mobile}', '{$city}', '{$state}', '{$Register_Date}', '{$source}', '{$sourcebank}', '{$type}', '{$owner}', '{$contact_method}', '{$total_account}')"); } $export_query = "SELECT * FROM `tbl_userexport_main`"; $rand2 = mt_rand(1000, 9999); $filenamenew = 'CMD-User-List-' . $rand2 . "-" . date('d-m-Y') . ".csv"; exportMysqlToCsv($export_query, $filenamenew); }
<tr> <td colspan="2" align="left" valign="middle">Great going! Your dues account has beed added successfully to clearmydues. You should receive verification confirmation within 48 hours. You can start settling once that happens.</td> </tr> <tr> <td height="1" colspan="2" align="left" valign="middle" bgcolor="#e5e5e5"></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="227" height="30" align="left" valign="middle"><span style="color: #FFFFFF"><font style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; font-weight:bold; color:#333333"> Account Name:</font></span></td> <td width="406" height="30" align="left" valign="middle"><font style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; color:#000000;">' . stripslashes($account) . '</font></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="1" colspan="2" align="left" valign="middle" bgcolor="#e5e5e5"></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="30" align="left" valign="middle"><font style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; font-weight:bold; color:#333333;"> Creditor:</font></td> <td height="30" align="left" valign="middle"><font style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; color:#000000; ">' . togetfieldvalue($bank, 'tbl_banks', 'bank') . '</font></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="1" colspan="2" align="left" valign="middle" bgcolor="#e5e5e5"></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="30" align="left" valign="middle"><font style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; font-weight:bold; color:#333333;"> Product Type:</font></td> <td height="30" align="left" valign="middle"><font style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; color:#000000; ">' . $array_product_type[$product_type] . '</font></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="1" colspan="2" align="left" valign="middle" bgcolor="#e5e5e5"></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="30" align="left" valign="middle"><font style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; font-weight:bold; color:#333333;"> Account Number:</font></td> <td height="30" align="left" valign="middle"><font style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; color:#000000; ">' . stripslashes($account_no) . '</font></td> </tr>
$bank = $_POST["bank"]; if ($start_date != "" && $end_date != "") { $finalstart = $_POST["start_date_n"] . ' 00:00:00'; $finalend = $_POST["end_date_n"] . ' 00:00:00'; $nquery .= " AND (t1.add_date BETWEEN '{$finalstart}' AND '{$finalend}') "; } if ($bank != "") { $nquery .= " AND ( = '{$bank}') "; } if ($_SESSION['adminType'] == 'sub-admin') { $nquery .= " AND t2.subadmin= " . $_SESSION['aid']; } $queryrws = "SELECT, t1.userid, t1.payin, t1.account,, t1.product_type, t1.account_no, DATE_FORMAT(t1.date_opened, '%d %M %Y') as date_opened, DATE_FORMAT(t1.date_closed, '%d %M %Y') as date_closed, DATE_FORMAT(t1.dateofbirth, '%d %M %Y') as dateofbirth, t1.pancard, t1.principal, t1.interest, t1.balance, t1.other_charges, DATE_FORMAT(t1.last_payment_date, '%d %M %Y') as last_payment_date, t1.last_payment_done, t1.unikdueid, t1.caption, t1.status, t1.cibil_status, t1.case_type, t1.account_source, DATE_FORMAT(t1.add_date, '%d %M %Y %I:%i:%S') as account_creation_date, t2.firstname, t2.middlename, t2.lastname,,,, t2.source, t2.type, t2.owner FROM tbl_accounts AS t1 INNER JOIN tbl_userdetails AS t2 ON t1.userid = WHERE > 0 " . $nquery . ' ORDER BY t1.add_date'; $result_add = mysql_query_with_throw($queryrws); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result_add)) { $bank = addslashes(togetfieldvalue($row["bank"], 'tbl_banks', 'bank')); $account = addslashes($row["account"]); $product_type = addslashes(togetaccounttypevalue($row["product_type"])); $account_no = $row["account_no"]; $date_opened = $row["date_opened"]; $date_closed = $row["date_closed"]; $dateofbirth = $row["dateofbirth"]; $pancard = $row["pancard"]; $principal = $row["principal"]; $interest = $row["interest"]; $balance = $row["balance"]; $other_charges = $row["other_charges"]; $last_payment_date = $row["last_payment_date"]; $last_payment_done = $row["last_payment_done"]; $unikdueid = $row["unikdueid"]; $caption = addslashes($row["caption"]);
function togetlistaccounbyuser($userid) { $query = "SELECT id,caption,bank FROM `tbl_accounts` WHERE `userid` = {$userid}"; $rs = mysql_query_with_throw($query); if (mysql_num_rows($rs) > 0) { $string = '<select id="accountdetails" name="accountdetails" onchange="selectaccountdetails(this.value);">'; while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs)) { $id = $row["id"]; $account = $row["caption"]; $bank = $row["bank"]; $string .= '<option value="' . $id . '">' . $account . ' » ' . togetfieldvalue($bank, 'tbl_banks', 'bank') . '</option>'; } $string .= '<option value="addnewaccount">+ Add New</option></select>'; } else { $string = ""; } return $string; }
?> </td> <td height="30"><?php echo moneyFormatIndia($row1['principal']); ?> </td> <td height="30"><?php echo todisplay($array_asource, 'ad_asource[' . $row1['id'] . ']', 'Please Select', togetfieldvalue($row1['id'], "tbl_accounts", "account_source")); ?> </td> <td height="30"><?php echo todisplay($array_cibil, 'ad_acibil[' . $row1['id'] . ']', 'Please Select', togetfieldvalue($row1['id'], "tbl_accounts", "cibil_status")); ?> </td> <td><?php echo todisplay($array_case, 'ad_case[' . $row1['id'] . ']', 'Please Select', togetfieldvalue($row1['id'], "tbl_accounts", "case_type")); ?> </td> <input name="rws_case[<?php echo $row1['id']; ?> ]" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $row1['case_type']; ?> " /> <input name="rws_acid[<?php echo $row1['id']; ?> ]" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $row1['id']; ?>
<div class="gt-fields"> <div class="gt-label">Account Type<span class="error">*</span></div> <div class="gt-formfields"><?php echo $array_product_type[$_SESSION['myForm']['product_type']]; ?> </div> </div> <!-- Field Content Ends --> <div class="gt-fields"> <div class="gt-label">Creditor<span class="error">*</span></div> <div class="gt-formfields"><?php if ($_SESSION['myForm']['otherbank'] != "") { echo $_SESSION['myForm']['otherbank']; } else { echo togetfieldvalue($_SESSION['myForm']['bank'], 'tbl_banks', 'bank'); } ?> </div> </div> <!-- Field Content Ends --> <div class="gt-fullfields"> <div class="gt-label">Notes for Creditor</div> <div class="gt-formfields"><?php echo stripslashes($_SESSION['myForm']['notes']); ?> </div> </div>