Exemplo n.º 1
 #var_dump( $where );
 // -------------------------- Search function end -------------------------- //
 // Access Management
 if (tkCheckTags("viewAll")) {
     $grant = 1;
 } else {
     if (tkCheckTags("viewOwn,viewPublic") == 2) {
         $where["access"] = "( author='" . $tkUser["id"] . "' OR visibility>0 )";
     } else {
         if (tkCheckTags("viewOwn")) {
             $where["access"] = "( author='" . $tkUser["id"] . "' )";
         } else {
             if (tkCheckTags("viewOwn,viewPublic")) {
                 $where["access"] = "( visibility=1 )";
             } else {
 // Set up where string
 $whereStr = tkWhereArrayToStr($where);
 // Request the list of Threads
 $thread->requestList($whereStr, $limit, "lastchange", "DESC", $addTables);
 // How many unread threads for the logged in user?
 $newThreadNum = $thread->numListElements;
 #$newThreadNum = $thread->countNotifies( $where, $addTables );
 #echo "num".$newThreadNum;
 // EXIT POINT if the Host script just wanted to know, how many unread tickets we hav
 if (tkREMOTE != "fetchNewThreadNum") {
     $rowsHtml = "";
Exemplo n.º 2
 function writeParams()
     if ($this->real) {
         // Update
         // Kick all static fields
         $update = array();
         foreach ($this->dataRaw as $name => $val) {
             if (!in_array($name, $this->confStaticFields)) {
                 $update[$name] = $val;
         // Create the update string
         $updateStr = "";
         $spacer = ", ";
         foreach ($update as $name => $val) {
             if (end(array_keys($update)) == $name) {
                 $spacer = "";
             $updateStr .= "`" . $name . "` = '" . $update[$name] . "'" . $spacer;
         $sql = "\n      UPDATE\n        " . PRFX . $this->table . "\n      SET\n        " . $updateStr . "\n      WHERE\n        id='" . $this->dataRaw["id"] . "'\n        ;";
     } else {
         // Insert
         $fieldStr = "( ";
         $valStr = "( ";
         $spacer = ", ";
         foreach ($this->confFields as $field) {
             if (end($this->confFields) == $field) {
                 $spacer = "";
             $fieldStr .= "`" . $field . "`" . $spacer;
             $valStr .= "'" . $this->dataRaw[$field] . "'" . $spacer;
         $fieldStr .= " )";
         $valStr .= " )";
         $sql = "\n      INSERT INTO\n        " . PRFX . $this->table . "\n        " . $fieldStr . "\n      VALUES\n        " . $valStr . "\n        ;";
     #die( $sql );
     // Make the Query
     $res = $this->query($sql);
     if ($res) {
         // We need a id to work in both cases, update and insert
         if (!$this->real) {
             $this->dataRaw["id"] = mysql_insert_id();
         return TRUE;
     } else {
         tkLog("MySQL Error @ setting Parrams for element: {$sql} , " . mysql_error());
Exemplo n.º 3
 function sendNotify($cause, $type)
     global $tmpl, $tkConfBotMail, $tkConfSysName, $ln_eNotify_titles, $tkUser;
     // Get all users who need to be identified
     $users = array();
     // First option - all users who subscribed to the current thread
     /*if( $type == "_subscribers" )#$this->checkFrontidExistance( $type ) )
         // Get the ids of the users who described to this thread
         $sql = "
           id, userid, email_last_notify
           threadid='".$this->dataRaw["id"]."' AND
           email_notification LIKE '%".$cause."%'
         $res = $this->query( $sql );
         while( $row = $this->assoc( $res ) )
           // don't spam the users
           if( time() > $row["email_last_notify"] + 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 ) // maximum is: once a week
             $users[] = $row["userid"];
       // Second Option - all users, who want to be notified when there is a new thread
       else if( $type == "_new" )
         global $confEmailNotifyUsers;
         $users = $confEmailNotifyUsers;
     // add the Global Subscription Users
     #$users = Array();
     // We are just notifying users who want it.
     $users = globGetUsers();
     #foreach ( $globUser as $userid )
     # if( !in_array( $userid, $users ) )
     #   $users[] = $userid;
     // Give the users for debug reasons
     #var_dump( $users );
     /*foreach( $users as $userid )
         echo "-------------<br />";
         $user = tkCbGetUserById( $userid );
         echo $user["name"];
         echo " -".$user["email"]."-<br />";
     // Now it's time to notify the users
     foreach ($users as $userid) {
         // get the details for each user
         $user = tkCbGetUserById($userid);
         // check the users mail
         if (!validateMail($user["email"])) {
             tkLog("bad mail for user \"" . $user["name"] . "\": " . $user["email"]);
         // Is the user even allowed to view this thread?
         if (tkCheckTags("viewAll", $userid) || tkCheckTags("viewOwn", $userid) && $this->dataRaw["author"] == $userid) {
             $access = true;
         } else {
         // only send the mail, if the user checked the rhead since last mail
         //   (meaning, if the email_last_notify column in threads_marks != 0, then no mail)
         $marks = $this->getMarks($user["id"]);
         if ($marks["email_last_notify"] > 0) {
         // send a notification mail
         switch ($cause) {
             case "onComment":
                 $eTmpl = $tmpl["email:newComment"];
                 #$content = $this->posts["create"]->handleField( "text", $this->posts["create"]->dataRaw["text"] );
                 $content = $this->posts["create"]->dataRaw["text"];
                 $author = $this->posts["create"]->handleField("author", $this->posts["create"]->dataRaw["author"]);
             case "onStatusChange":
                 $eTmpl = $tmpl["email:statusChange"];
             case "onNew":
                 $eTmpl = $tmpl["email:newThread"];
                 $content = $this->posts["create"]->dataRaw["text"];
                 $author = $this->handleField("author", $this->dataRaw["author"]);
                 tkSendError("System Error: unkown notify status");
         $htmlContent = $this->posts["create"]->handleField("text", $content);
         $lastCheckOnThread = $this->getLastCheck($tkUser["id"], $dataRaw["id"]);
         $unreadPosts = 0;
         $allPosts = 0;
         // First unread post
         foreach ($this->posts as $post) {
             if ($post->dataRaw["build"] > $lastCheckOnThread) {
                 if (!isset($firstUnreadPost)) {
                     $firstUnreadPost = $post->dataRaw["id"];
         $subjval = $this->handleField("subject", $this->dataRaw["subject"]);
         $subject = $ln_eNotify_titles[$cause] . ': \'' . $subjval . '\'';
         global $tkConfPath;
         // No Br in Mails
         #$text = $content;
         #$text = str_replace( "\n", "<br />", $text );
         #$text = stripslashes( $text );
         #$content = $text;
         $params = array("username" => $user["name"], "author" => $author, "subject" => $subjval, "status" => $this->dataRaw["status"], "content" => $htmlContent, "link" => $tkConfPath . "index.php?id=" . $this->dataRaw["frontid"] . "&p=" . $firstUnreadPost . "#comment" . $firstUnreadPost, "frontid" => $this->dataRaw["frontid"]);
         #$message = $tkConfNotMailTmpl;
         $message = tkMakeHtml($eTmpl, $params);
         /*$headers = 'From: KG-Ticket-Notify <'.$tkConfBotMail . ">\r\n" .
               'Reply-To: KG-Ticket-Notify <'.$tkConfBotMail . ">\r\n" . 
               "MIME-Version: 1.0" . "\r\n";
               "Content-type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" ;
               "\n\n" ;
           $trans_table = array (
             'ä' => 'ae',
             'ö' => 'oe',
             'ü' => 'ue',
             'Ä' => 'Ae',
             'Ö' => 'Oe',
             'Ü' => 'Ue'
           $subject = str_replace( array_keys( $trans_table), $trans_table, $subject );*/
         // don't notify the user himself
         if ($user["id"] != $tkUser["id"]) {
             // Send the notification mail
             #die( $htmlContent );
             mailLog($user["email"], $user["name"], $subject, $message, $headers);
             #echo $user["name"];
             #$x = mail( $to, $subject, $message, $headers );
             #sendMail( $subject, $message, $user["email"], $user["name"], "Dies ist eine HTML-Email...man kann sie nur mit einem HTML-Email-View ansehen..." );
             #die( "stop" );
             #echo "sendmail";
             /*echo "<pre>"."Send Mail
             To: $to; 
             Subject: $subject; 
             Message: $message"."</pre>";*/
         // prevent spam ( also at creation of ticket )
         $sql = "\n      UPDATE \n        " . PRFX . "threads_marks\n      SET\n        email_last_notify='" . time() . "'\n      WHERE\n        threadid='" . $this->dataRaw["id"] . "' AND\n        userid='" . $user["id"] . "'\n    ;";
     // Send all Mails in the background
     #> /dev/null &
     system("php includes/sendmails.php > includes/maillog &", $ret);
     // attention, works only with Linux!
     #echo $ret;
     return 0;