function send_mms_commission($tel, $type, $uid) { global $_MooClass, $dbTablePre, $timestamp, $user_arr; include "ework/include/crontab_config.php"; $pic_path = "./data/upload/userimg/"; $file_path = "data/mmstmp/"; if ($type == 'rose') { $mes = "真爱一生网 ID为" . $uid . "的会员给您发送了鲜花,赶快访问 登录您的账户了解ta的详细信息吧,同时可以搜索您的意中人,给TA送出自己的鲜花,希望您在茫茫人海中早日找寻到属于自己的幸福。"; $title = "真爱一生网鲜花提醒"; } else { $mes = "真爱一生网 ID为" . $uid . "的会员给您发送了委托,赶快访问 登录您的账户了解ta的详细信息吧,同时可以搜索您的意中人,给TA送出自己的委托,希望您在茫茫人海中早日找寻到属于自己的幸福。"; $title = "真爱一生网委托提醒"; } $mes_gb = iconv("UTF-8", "gb2312", "{$mes}"); //$tel=$sendto_user_info['telphone']; $mkdirs = MooAutoLoad('MooFiles'); $image = MooAutoLoad('MooImage'); $sql = "SELECT pic_date,pic_name FROM {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}pic where uid='{$uid}' and isimage=0 and syscheck=1 limit 5"; $user_image_arr = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getAll($sql); $sql = "SELECT m.uid,m.nickname,m.province,,m.gender,b.pic_name,m.birthyear,c.age1,c.age2,c.workprovince,c.workcity \n FROM {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members_search m\n left join {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members_base b on m.uid=b.uid \n left join {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members_choice c on m.uid=c.uid WHERE m.uid='{$uid}'"; $userinfo = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getOne($sql); $file_name_smil = 'temp' . time() . rand(10000, 99999); $file_array = $file_path . $file_name_smil . ".smil," . $file_path . $file_name_smil . ".txt"; $file_name = 'temp' . time() . rand(10000, 99999); $nickname1 = "昵称:" . $userinfo['nickname']; $nickname = iconv("UTF-8", "gb2312", "{$nickname1}"); $txt = " ID:" . $userinfo['uid'] . "(" . (gmdate('Y', time()) - $userinfo['birthyear']) . "岁),居住在" . ($provice_list[$userinfo['province']] || $city_list[$userinfo['city']] ? $provice_list[$userinfo['province']] . $city_list[$userinfo['city']] : "未填") . "的" . ($userinfo['gender'] ? '女士' : '男士') . "寻找一位年龄在" . $userinfo['age1'] . "-" . $userinfo['age2'] . "岁,居住" . ($provice_list[$userinfo['workprovince']] || $city_list[$userinfo['workcity']] ? $provice_list[$userinfo['workprovince']] . $city_list[$userinfo['workcity']] : "未填") . "的" . ($userinfo['gender'] ? '男士' : '女士'); $txt1 = iconv("UTF-8", "gb2312", "{$txt}"); $txt = $nickname . $txt1; $mkdirs->fileWrite($file_path . $file_name . ".txt", $txt); $pic_name_old = MooGetphoto($userinfo['uid'], 'medium'); $pic_only_name = $userinfo['uid'] * 3 . "_medium.gif"; $pic_name_file = $file_path . '/' . $pic_only_name; $pic = '' . $pic_name_old; $pic = file_get_contents($pic); file_put_contents($pic_name_file, $pic); $image->config(array('thumbDir' => $file_path . '/', 'thumbStatus' => '1', 'saveType' => '0', 'thumbName' => $pic_only_name, 'waterMarkMinWidth' => '100', 'waterMarkMinHeight' => '125', 'waterMarkStatus' => 9)); $image->thumb('100', '125', $pic_name_old); //$pic_name_file=$file_path.'/'.$pic_only_name; //$pic_name="5226417_mid.jpg"; $par = '<par dur="50000ms"><img src="' . $pic_only_name . '" region="Image" /><text src="' . $file_name . '.txt" region="Text" /></par>'; $file_array = $file_array . "," . $file_path . $file_name . ".txt," . $pic_name_file; foreach ($user_image_arr as $key => $user_image_name) { $user_image = thumbImgPath("2", $user_image_name['pic_date'], $user_image_name['pic_name']); $image_name_arr = explode('.', $user_image_name['pic_name']); if (file_exists("." . $user_image) && $image_name_arr[1] != 'bmp') { $image_only_name = $file_name . $key . ".gif"; list($width, $height) = getimagesize('.' . $user_image); $d = $width / $height; $c = 85 / 100; if ($d < $c) { $thumb1_width = 85; $b = $width / $thumb1_width; $thumb1_height = $height / $b; } else { $thumb1_height = 100; $b = $height / $thumb1_height; $thumb1_width = $width / $b; } $image->config(array('thumbDir' => $file_path, 'thumbStatus' => '1', 'saveType' => '0', 'thumbName' => $image_only_name, 'waterMarkMinWidth' => '82', 'waterMarkMinHeight' => '114', 'waterMarkStatus' => 9)); $image->thumb($thumb1_height, $thumb1_width, '.' . $user_image); $need_product_img[] = $file_path . $image_only_name; $file_array = $file_array . "," . $file_path . $image_only_name; $par = $par . '<par dur="50000ms"><img src="' . $image_only_name . '" region="Image" /></par>'; } } $mkdirs->fileWrite($file_path . $file_name_smil . ".txt", $mes_gb); $smil = '<smil xmlns=""><head><layout><root-layout width="208" height="176" /><region id="Image" left="0" top="0" width="128" height="128" fit="hidden" /><region id="Text" left="0" top="50" width="128" height="128" fit="hidden" /></layout></head><body><par dur="50000ms"><text src="' . $file_name_smil . '.txt" region="Text" /></par>' . $par . '</body></smil>'; $mkdirs->fileWrite($file_path . $file_name_smil . ".smil", $smil); require 'ework/include/pclzip_new.lib.php'; $archive = new PclZip($file_path . $file_name_smil . '.zip'); $v_list = $archive->create($file_array, PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_ALL_PATH); if ($v_list == 0) { die("Error : " . $archive->errorInfo(true)); } $ret = send_mms_yimei_up($title, $tel, $file_name_smil . '.zip'); $ret_ok = substr($ret, 0, 2); if ($ret_ok == "OK") { $dateline = time(); $sql = "INSERT INTO {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}mmslog(sid,uid,title,content,sendtime,id_list) VALUES('000','{$uid}','{$title}','system','{$dateline}','{$uid}')"; $sid = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->query($sql); $result = "OK"; } else { $result = false; } $mkdirs->fileDelete($file_path . $file_name_smil . '.zip'); $mkdirs->fileDelete($file_path . $file_name_smil . '.txt'); $mkdirs->fileDelete($file_path . $file_name_smil . '.smil'); $mkdirs->fileDelete($file_path . $file_name . '.txt'); $mkdirs->fileDelete($pic_name_file); if ($need_product_img) { foreach ($need_product_img as $del_img) { $mkdirs->fileDelete($del_img); } } return $result; }
<span class="r-title">相册</span></div> <div class="rightbox-in"> <div id="liquid" class="liquid"> <span class="previous"></span> <div class="wrapper"> <ul> <?php foreach ((array) $user_pic as $k => $v) { ?> <li><a class="fancybox-buttons" data-fancybox-group="button" href="<?php echo IMG_SITE . $v['imgurl']; ?> " ><img src="<?php echo thumbImgPath('2', $v['pic_date'], $v['pic_name']); ?> " /></a></li> <?php } ?> </ul> </div> <span class="next"></span> </div> </div> </div> <?php if ($user['gender'] == '1') { ?> <?php
function sendnewleer() { global $_MooClass, $dbTablePre, $timestamp, $user_arr, $serverid; $sendtoid = MooGetGPC('sendtoid', 'integer'); $userid = $user_arr['uid']; //note 分配客服 //allotserver($userid); //note 获得照片总数 //$query = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("SELECT imgid FROM {$dbTablePre}pic WHERE uid = '$sendtoid'"); //$pic_total = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->numRows($query); $query = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("SELECT count(1) as c FROM {$dbTablePre}pic WHERE uid = '{$sendtoid}'"); $pic_total = $query['c']; //note 自己不能给自己发送秋波,直接转到秋波列表页面 if ($sendtoid == $userid) { MooMessage('自己不可以给自己发过送秋波', 'javascript:history.go(-1);', '04'); exit; } $result = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("select groupid from web_admin_user where uid='{$serverid}'"); $groupid = $result['groupid']; //系统管理员权限 $GLOBALS['system_admin'] = array(60); if (in_array($groupid, $GLOBALS['system_admin'])) { $serverid = null; } if ($serverid) { MooMessage('对不起您不能模拟操作', 'javascript:history.go(-1);', '04'); exit; } //note 双方屏蔽不给操作 if (MooGetScreen($userid, $sendtoid)) { MooMessage('因特殊原因,送秋波失败', "index.php?n=service&h=rose&t=getmorerose", '03'); exit; } //note 要做性别过滤,异性的发送秋波,直接转到秋波列表页面 $send_user1 = leer_send_user1($sendtoid); $user = leer_send_user1($userid); if ($send_user1['gender'] == $user['gender']) { MooMessage('同性之间不可互发秋波', 'javascript:history.go(-1);', '02'); exit; } //测试用的 by hwt if ($_POST['sendleer']) { if (empty($GLOBALS['MooUid'])) { list($uid, $password) = explode("\t", MooAuthCode($_MooCookie['auth'], 'DECODE')); $uid = intval($uid); } else { $uid = $GLOBALS['MooUid']; } if (empty($uid)) { MooMessage('您还没有登录', 'index.php?n=login'); } $leer = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("SELECT * FROM {$dbTablePre}service_leer WHERE receiveuid = '{$sendtoid}' AND senduid = '{$userid}' "); if ($leer['lid']) { $lid = $leer['lid']; //note 如果已经发送过秋波,就增加发送秋波的次数 $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("UPDATE {$dbTablePre}service_leer SET num = num + 1,receivenum = receivenum + 1,sendtime = '{$timestamp}',receivetime = '{$timestamp}',receive_del = '0' WHERE lid = '{$lid}'"); //note 如果已经收到这个人的秋波,已经拒绝,现在改变注意,又发送秋波给这个人,拒绝状态2更改为0 $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("UPDATE {$dbTablePre}service_leer SET stat = '0' WHERE senduid = '{$sendtoid}' AND receiveuid = '{$uid}' AND stat = '2'"); } else { //note 发送新的秋波,写入数据库 发送者,接受者,发送时间 $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("INSERT INTO {$dbTablePre}service_leer SET sendtime = '{$timestamp}',receivetime = '{$timestamp}',receivenum = '1', num = '1', senduid = '{$uid}',receiveuid = '{$sendtoid}'"); } //将新注册的会员更新为优质会员 if (in_array($user_arr['sid'], array(0, 52, 123)) && $user_arr['is_well_user'] != 1) { update_iswell_user($user_arr['uid']); } //发送短信和邮件 include_once "./module/crontab/crontab_config.php"; if (MOOPHP_ALLOW_FASTDB) { $res = MooFastdbGet('members', 'uid', $sendtoid); } else { $res = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("select * from {$dbTablePre}members where uid='{$sendtoid}'"); } $send_user_info = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("select * from `{$dbTablePre}members` a left join {$dbTablePre}choice b on a.uid=b.uid where a.uid = '{$uid}' LIMIT 1"); //头像路径 $path = thumbImgPath(2, $send_user_info[pic_date], $send_user_info[pic_name]); if (file_exists($path)) { $img_path = $path; } else { if ($send_user_info['gender'] == 1) { $img_path = "/public/images/service_nopic_woman.gif"; } else { $img_path = "/public/images/service_nopic_man.gif"; } } $send_username = $send_user_info['nickname'] ? $send_user_info['nickname'] : $send_user_info['uid']; //发送者用户名 $send_user_grade = $send_user_info['gender'] == 1 ? "女" : "男"; //发送者性别 $province = $provice_list[$send_user_info[province]]; //省 $city = $city_list[$send_user_info[city]]; //市 $height = $send_user_info[height] ? $height_list[$send_user_info[height]] : "未知"; //身高 ob_start(); //require_once MooTemplate('public/mail_space_leertpl', 'module'); //秋波模板 require_once MooTemplate('public/mail_space_leertpl', 'module'); //秋波模板 $body = ob_get_clean(); MooSendMail($res['username'], "真爱一生网系统温馨提示", $body, "", false, $sendtoid); // MooSendMailSpace($res['username'],"真爱一生网系统温馨提示","真爱一生网提醒:有会员给您发送秋波了!请尽快查收!您的帐号是:".$res['username'],$type="1",$send_user,$send_type = "秋波",$userid,$send_user_img,$age,$tall,$area,$sendtime,$introduce); //每天向同一用户发送多次,短信记录数表只记一次 $send_leer_date = isset($leer['sendtime']) ? date("Y-m-d", $leer['sendtime']) : date("Y-m-d"); // $today_leer_count = isset($leer['lid']) ? $leer['num'] + 1 : 1; if (date("Y-m-d") > $send_leer_date) { $today_leer_count = 1; } /*if($res['is_phone']){ SendMsg($res['telphone'],"真爱一生网 用户ID:".$userid.",".$send_user_grade.",已给您发送秋波,请及时把握您的缘分!4006780405"); }*/ //SendMsg($res['telphone'],"秋波","真爱一生网 用户ID:".$userid.",".$send_user_grade.",已给您发送秋波,请及时把握您的缘分!4006780405",$userid); /* $week_time = 24*3600*7;//一周时间秒数 $interval_time = $timestamp - $user_arr['last_login_time'];//当前时间-最后登录时间 $date1 = date("Y-m-d",strtotime("last Monday")); $date2 = date("Y-m-d",strtotime("Sunday")); if($interval_time > $week_time){//不活跃用户每周发一条短信 $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("INSERT INTO {$dbTablePre}today_send SET uid = '".$sendtoid."', sid = '".$userid."',phone = '".$res['telphone']."',sendtime = '".date("Y-m-d")."'" ); $cos = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("select count(*) as c from {$dbTablePre}today_send where uid='$sendtoid' and sendtime>='$date1' and sendtime<='$date2'"); if($cos['c']<=1){ //fanglin暂时屏蔽 Push_message_intab($sendtoid,$res['telphone'],"秋波","真爱一生网 用户ID:".$userid.",".$send_user_grade.",已给您发送秋波,请及时把握您的缘分!4006780405",$userid); } }else{ //活跃用户每天一条 if($send_leer_date==date("Y-m-d") && $today_leer_count == 1){ //每天同一个用户发送多次秋波,短信只记一次 $cos = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("select count(*) as c from {$dbTablePre}today_send where uid='$sendtoid' and sendtime='".date("Y-m-d")."'"); if($cos[c]<5){ $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("INSERT INTO {$dbTablePre}today_send SET uid = '".$sendtoid."', sid = '".$userid."',phone = '".$res['telphone']."',sendtime = '".date("Y-m-d")."'" ); //fanglin暂时屏蔽 Push_message_intab($sendtoid,$res['telphone'],"秋波","真爱一生网 用户ID:".$userid.",".$send_user_grade.",已给您发送秋波,请及时把握您的缘分!4006780405",$userid); } } }*/ //提醒所属客服 $sid = $user_arr['sid']; $title = '您的会员 ' . $user_arr['uid'] . ' 向 ' . $sendtoid . ' 发送了秋波'; $awoketime = $timestamp + 3600; $sql_remark = "insert into {$dbTablePre}admin_remark set sid='{$sid}',title='{$title}',content='{$title}',awoketime='{$awoketime}',dateline='{$timestamp}'"; $res = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query($sql_remark); $users =& $res; MooMessage('发送秋波成功', 'index.php?n=service&h=leertest&t=sendnewleer'); } else { $sql = "SELECT content FROM {$dbTablePre}members_sendinfo where type=1 and isShow=1"; $sendinfo = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getAll($sql); require MooTemplate('public/service_leer_sendnewleer', 'module'); } }
<!--放照片flash的开始--> <iframe src="index.php?n=myaccount&h=picflash" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" width="600" height="467"></iframe> <!--放照片flash的结束--> </div> <div class="video"> <ul id="pic_flash"> <?php if ($flash_pic) { ?> <?php foreach ((array) $flash_pic as $r_pic) { ?> <li> <img src="<?php echo thumbImgPath(2, $r_pic['pic_date'], $r_pic['pic_name']); ?> " /> <?php if ($acc_pic == $r_pic['pic_url']) { ?> <p style="font-size:12px;"> 我的形象照</p> <?php } else { ?> <p><a href="index.php?n=myaccount&h=videoindex&pic_url=<?php echo $r_pic['pic_url']; ?> &actio=u">设为形象照</a> <a href="index.php?n=myaccount&h=videoindex&tmp_id=<?php echo $r_pic['tmp_id']; ?>
function to_send_message() { global $_MooClass, $dbTablePre, $userid, $pagesize, $user_arr, $timestamp, $serverid; //print_r($_POST); //note s_cid 发送者的权限(回复时才有) $s_cid = MooGetGPC('s_cid', 'integer', 'P'); //echo $s_cid;exit; //收件人id $sid = MooGetGPC('s_id', 'integer', 'P'); //发件人id $mid = MooGetGPC('m_id', 'integer', 'P'); ///echo $sid;exit; $s_title = MooGetGPC('s_title', 'string', 'P'); $s_title = rtrim($s_title); //对主题字数限制 $s_title = MooStrReplace(MooCutstr($s_title, 30, $dot = '')); $s_content = MooGetGPC('s_content', 'string', 'P'); //note 特殊字符 $s_content = rtrim(MooStrReplace(safeFilter($s_content))); $send_mymessage = MooGetGPC('send_mymessage', 'integer', 'P'); $message_back = MooGetGPC('message_back', 'integer', 'P'); //note 双方屏蔽不给操作 if (MooGetScreen($mid, $sid)) { MooMessage('因特殊原因,消息发送失败', "index.php?n=service&h=rose&t=getmorerose", '01'); exit; } if ($mid && $sid && $s_title && $s_content) { $m_level = get_userrank($userid); //会员等级 if ($m_level == 2 && $user_arr['usertype'] != 3) { //普通会员需要审核(除采集会员之外) //if($user_arr['gender'] == 0){ //如果是男方发的,需要审核,0表示 $send_status = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("insert into {$dbTablePre}services (s_cid,s_uid,s_fromid,s_title,s_content,s_time,sid,flag) values ('{$s_cid}','{$sid}','{$mid}','{$s_title}','{$s_content}'," . time() . ",'{$user_arr['sid']}','0')"); } else { $send_status = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("insert into {$dbTablePre}services (s_cid,s_uid,s_fromid,s_title,s_content,s_time,sid,flag) values ('{$s_cid}','{$sid}','{$mid}','{$s_title}','{$s_content}'," . time() . ",'{$user_arr['sid']}','1')"); } //发送短信和邮件 include_once "./module/crontab/crontab_config.php"; $res = MooMembersData($sid); // $send_user_info = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getAll("select * from `{$dbTablePre}members_search` a left join {$dbTablePre}members_choice b on a.uid=b.uid where a.uid = '$userid'"); $send_user_info = array_merge(MooGetData("members_choice", 'uid', $userid), MooMembersData($userid)); // $send_user_info = $send_user_info[0]; //头像路径 $path = thumbImgPath(2, $send_user_info['pic_date'], $send_user_info['pic_name'], $send_user_info['gender']); if (file_exists($path)) { $img_path = $path; } else { if ($send_user_info['gender'] == 1) { $img_path = "/public/images/service_nopic_woman.gif"; } else { $img_path = "/public/images/service_nopic_man.gif"; } } $send_username = $send_user_info['nickname'] ? $send_user_info['nickname'] : $send_user_info['uid']; //发送者用户名 $send_user_grade = $send_user_info['gender'] == 1 ? "女" : "男"; //发送者性别 $province = $send_user_info['province'] ? $provice_list[$send_user_info['province']] : ''; //省 $city = $send_user_info['city'] ? $city_list[$send_user_info['city']] : ''; //市 $height = $send_user_info['height'] ? $height_list[$send_user_info['height']] : "未知"; //身高 ob_start(); require_once MooTemplate('public/mail_space_messagetpl', 'module'); //模板 $body = ob_get_clean(); MooSendMail($res['username'], "真爱一生网系统温馨提示", $body, "", false, $sid); $week_time = 24 * 3600 * 7; //一周时间秒数 $interval_time = $timestamp - $user_arr['last_login_time']; //当前时间-最后登录时间 $date1 = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("last Monday")); $date2 = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("Sunday")); if ($interval_time > $week_time) { //不活跃用户每周发一条短信 $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("INSERT INTO {$dbTablePre}today_send SET uid = '" . $sid . "', sid = '" . $userid . "',phone = '" . $res['telphone'] . "',sendtime = '" . date("Y-m-d") . "'"); $cos = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("select count(*) as c from {$dbTablePre}today_send where uid='{$sid}' and sendtime>='{$date1}' and sendtime<='{$date2}'", true); if ($cos['c'] <= 1) { //fanglin暂时屏蔽 Push_message_intab($sid, $res['telphone'], "邮件", "用户ID:" . $userid . "," . $send_user_grade . ",已给您发送电子邮件,请登录www.zhenaiyisheng.cc查看!4008787920【真爱一生网】", $userid); } } else { //活跃用户每天一条 //每天该用户超过5条信息不发送短信 $cos = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("select count(*) as c from {$dbTablePre}today_send where uid='{$sid}' and sendtime='" . date("Y-m-d") . "'", true); if ($cos['c'] < 5) { $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("INSERT INTO {$dbTablePre}today_send SET uid = '" . $sid . "', sid = '" . $userid . "',phone = '" . $res['telphone'] . "',sendtime = '" . date("Y-m-d") . "'"); //fanglin暂时屏蔽 Push_message_intab($sid, $res['telphone'], '邮件', "用户ID:" . $userid . "," . $send_user_grade . ",已给您发送电子邮件,请登录!4008787920【真爱一生网】", $userid); } } //note 发送资料给接收方 if ($send_mymessage) { } //note 备份邮件操作 if ($message_back) { //note 发送MAIL时所需信息 $user = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("select username,nickname from {$dbTablePre}members_search where uid='{$mid}'"); //note 发送MAIL时收信人的邮箱 $ToAddress = $user['username']; //note 发送MAIL时主题 $ToSubject = '提示:您在真爱一生网所发的消息备份'; //note 发送MAIL时Body内容所需信息 $username = $user['nickname']; //note 发送MAIL时Body内容所需信息 $toname = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("select nickname from {$dbTablePre}members_search where uid='{$sid}'"); if ($username) { $ToBody = $username; } else { $ToBody = 'ID号为' . $mid . '的会员<br>'; } if ($toname['nickname']) { $ToBody .= ':您好,您于' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()) . ',在真爱一生网发送电子邮件给' . $toname['nickname'] . ',内容如下:<br>'; } else { $ToBody .= ':您好,您于' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()) . ',在真爱一生网发送电子邮件给ID号为' . $sid . '的会员,内容如下:<br>'; } if ($username) { $ToBody .= ' 发件人:' . $username . '<br>'; } else { $ToBody .= ' 发件人:ID号为' . $mid . '<br>'; } if ($toname['nickname']) { $ToBody .= ' 收件人:' . $toname['nickname'] . '<br>'; } else { $ToBody .= ' 收件人:ID号为' . $sid . '<br>'; } $ToBody .= ' 主题:' . $s_title . '<br>'; $ToBody .= ' 正文:<br> ' . $s_content; MooSendMail($ToAddress, $ToSubject, $ToBody, $is_template = true, $sid); } //添加成功提示信息 if ($send_status) { /*普通会员对全权会员反馈白名单*/ if ($res['usertype'] == '3' && $user_arr['usertype'] != '3' && !$serverid) { white_list($res['uid'], $user_arr['uid']); } /*客服模拟全权记录*/ if ($user_arr['usertype'] == '3' && $serverid && $res['usertype'] != '3') { $action = '站内信'; fulllog($user_arr['uid'], $serverid, $action, $res); } //提醒所属客服 $usid = $user_arr['sid']; $title = '您的会员 ' . $mid . ' 向 ' . $sid . ' 发送了邮件'; $awoketime = $timestamp + 3600; $sql_remark = "insert into {$dbTablePre}admin_remark set sid='{$usid}',title='{$title}',content='{$title}',awoketime='{$awoketime}',dateline='{$timestamp}'"; $res = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query($sql_remark); if ($user_arr['gender'] == 0) { //男方发的 MooMessage('发送成功,真爱一生审核后对方即可以收到。', 'index.php?n=service&h=message&t=sendmessage', '05'); } else { MooMessage('发送成功', 'index.php?n=service&h=message&t=sendmessage', '05'); } } else { MooMessage('发送失败', 'index.php?n=service&h=message&t=send&sendtoid=' . $sid, '03'); } } else { MooMessage('数据填写不完整', 'index.php?n=service&h=message&t=send&sendtoid=' . $sid, '02'); } }
function send_rose() { global $_MooClass, $dbTablePre, $timestamp, $user_arr, $serverid; $sendtoid = MooGetGPC('sendtoid', 'integer'); $userid = $user_arr['uid']; //note 分配客服 //allotserver($userid); //note 获得照片总数 $query = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("SELECT imgid FROM {$dbTablePre}pic WHERE uid = '{$sendtoid}'"); $pic_total = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->numRows($query); //note 自己不能给自己发送玫瑰,直接转到玫瑰列表页面 if ($userid == $sendtoid) { MooMessage('自己不可以给自己送鲜花', "index.php?n=service&h=rose&t=getmorerose"); exit; } //客服不能模拟操作 $result = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("select groupid from web_admin_user where uid='{$serverid}'"); $groupid = $result['groupid']; //系统管理员权限 $GLOBALS['system_admin'] = array(60); if (in_array($groupid, $GLOBALS['system_admin'])) { $serverid = null; } if ($serverid) { MooMessage('对不起您不能模拟操作', 'javascript:history.go(-1);', '04'); exit; } //note 双方屏蔽不给操作 if (MooGetScreen($userid, $sendtoid)) { MooMessage('因特殊原因,送鲜花失败', "index.php?n=service&h=rose&t=getmorerose"); exit; } //note 要做性别过滤,异性的发送玫瑰,直接转到玫瑰列表页面 $send_user1 = leer_send_user1($sendtoid); $user = leer_send_user1($userid); if ($send_user1['gender'] == $user['gender']) { MooMessage('不可给同性发送鲜花', 'javascript:history.go(-1);'); exit; } //note 如果自己没有玫瑰花了,就提示没有玫瑰花了 if ($user['rosenumber'] <= 0) { MooMessage('您没有鲜花了,获取更多鲜花', "index.php?n=service&h=rose&t=getmorerose"); exit; } //发送短信和邮件 include_once "./module/crontab/crontab_config.php"; if (MOOPHP_ALLOW_FASTDB) { $res = MooFastdbGet('members_search', 'uid', $sendtoid); $res_b = MooFastdbGet('members_base', 'uid', $sendtoid); $res = array_merge($res, $res_b); } else { $res = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("select s.telphone,b.is_phone,s.username from {$dbTablePre}members_search s left join {$dbTablePre}members_base b on s.uid=b.uid where s.uid='{$sendtoid}'"); } $send_user_info = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getAll("select b.*,c.*,a.* from `{$dbTablePre}members_search` a left join {$dbTablePre}members_base c on a.uid=c.uid left join {$dbTablePre}members_choice b on a.uid=b.uid where a.uid = '{$userid}'"); $send_user_info = $send_user_info[0]; //头像路径 $path = thumbImgPath(2, $send_user_info[pic_date], $send_user_info[pic_name], $send_user_info['gender']); if (file_exists($path)) { $img_path = $path; } else { if ($send_user_info['gender'] == 1) { $img_path = "/public/images/service_nopic_woman.gif"; } else { $img_path = "/public/images/service_nopic_man.gif"; } } $send_username = $send_user_info['nickname'] ? $send_user_info['nickname'] : $send_user_info['uid']; //发送者用户名 $send_user_grade = $send_user_info['gender'] == 1 ? "女" : "男"; //发送者性别 $province = $provice_list[$send_user_info['province']]; //省 $city = $city_list[$send_user_info['city']]; //市 $height = $send_user_info['height'] ? $height_list[$send_user_info['height']] : "未知"; //身高 ob_start(); require_once MooTemplate('public/mail_space_rosetpl', 'module'); //模板 $body = ob_get_clean(); MooSendMail($res['username'], "真爱一生网系统温馨提示", $body, "", false, $sendtoid); if (empty($GLOBALS['MooUid'])) { list($uid, $password) = explode("\t", MooAuthCode($_MooCookie['auth'], 'DECODE')); $uid = intval($uid); } else { $uid = $GLOBALS['MooUid']; } if (empty($uid)) { MooMessage('您还没有登录', 'index.php?n=login'); } $leer = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("SELECT * FROM {$dbTablePre}service_rose WHERE receiveuid = '{$sendtoid}' AND senduid = '{$userid}' ORDER BY rid DESC LIMIT 1"); if ($user['rosenumber'] > 0) { if ($leer['rid']) { $rid = $leer['rid']; //note 如果已经发送过玫瑰,就增加发送玫瑰的次数 $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("UPDATE {$dbTablePre}service_rose SET num = num + 1, receivenum = receivenum + 1,sendtime = '{$timestamp}',receivetime='{$timestamp}',receive_del=0,send_del=0 WHERE rid = '{$rid}'"); } else { //note 发送新的玫瑰,写入数据库 发送者,接受者,发送时间 $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("INSERT INTO {$dbTablePre}service_rose SET num = 1, receivenum = 1, sendtime = '{$timestamp}',receivetime='{$timestamp}',senduid = '{$uid}',receiveuid = '{$sendtoid}' "); } //note 发送一朵玫瑰,自己就要减少一朵玫瑰 //enkytest //enkytestend $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("UPDATE {$dbTablePre}members_base SET rosenumber = rosenumber - 1 WHERE uid = '{$uid}'"); if (MOOPHP_ALLOW_FASTDB) { $user_rosenum = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getOne("SELECT rosenumber FROM {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members_base WHERE `uid`='{$uid}' LIMIT 1"); $value['rosenumber'] = $user_rosenum['rosenumber']; MooFastdbUpdate('members_base', 'uid', $userid, $value); } } //将新注册的会员更新为优质会员 if (in_array($user_arr['sid'], array(0, 52, 123)) && $user_arr['is_well_user'] != 1) { update_iswell_user($user_arr['uid']); } //每天向同一用户发送多次,短信记录数表只记一次 $send_rose_date = isset($leer['sendtime']) ? date("Y-m-d", $leer['sendtime']) : date("Y-m-d"); // $today_rose_count = isset($leer['rid']) ? $leer['num'] + 1 : 1; if (date("Y-m-d") > $send_rose_date) { $today_rose_count = 1; } if ($res['is_phone']) { SendMsg($res['telphone'], "真爱一生网 用户ID:" . $userid . "," . $send_user_grade . ",已给您发送鲜花,请及时把握您的缘分!4006780405"); } //提醒所属客服 $sid = $user_arr['sid']; $title = '您的会员 ' . $user_arr['uid'] . ' 向 ' . $sendtoid . ' 发送了鲜花'; $awoketime = $timestamp + 3600; $sql_remark = "insert into {$dbTablePre}admin_remark set sid='{$sid}',title='{$title}',content='{$title}',awoketime='{$awoketime}',dateline='{$timestamp}'"; $res = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query($sql_remark); MooMessage('发送鲜花成功' . $note, "index.php?n=service&h=rose&t=isendrose", "05"); require MooTemplate('public/service_rose_sendrose', 'module'); }
function addmyfriend() { global $_MooClass, $dbTablePre, $pagesize, $user_arr, $timestamp, $serverid; $sendtoid = MooGetGPC('sendtoid', 'integer'); $userid = $user_arr['uid']; if ($sendtoid == $userid) { MooMessage('自己不可加自己为意中人', 'javascript:history.go(-1);', '04'); exit; } //note 双方屏蔽不给操作 if (MooGetScreen($userid, $sendtoid)) { MooMessage('因特殊原因,加意中人失败', "index.php?n=service&h=rose&t=getmorerose", '03'); exit; } $result = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("select groupid from web_admin_user where uid='{$serverid}'"); $groupid = $result['groupid']; //系统管理员权限 $GLOBALS['system_admin'] = array(60); if (in_array($groupid, $GLOBALS['system_admin'])) { $serverid = null; } if ($serverid) { MooMessage('对不起您不能模拟操作', 'javascript:history.go(-1);', '04'); exit; } //note 分配客服 //allotserver($userid); //note 获得照片总数 //$query = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("SELECT imgid FROM {$dbTablePre}pic WHERE uid = '$sendtoid'"); //$pic_total = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->numRows($query); $query = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("SELECT count(1) as c FROM {$dbTablePre}pic WHERE uid = '{$sendtoid}'"); $pic_total = $query['c']; //note 要做性别过滤,异性的发送玫瑰,直接转到玫瑰列表页面 $send_user1 = leer_send_user1($sendtoid); $user = leer_send_user1($userid); if ($send_user1['gender'] == $user['gender']) { MooMessage('不可加同性为意中人', 'javascript:history.go(-1);', '04'); exit; } if (empty($GLOBALS['MooUid'])) { list($uid, $password) = explode("\t", MooAuthCode($_MooCookie['auth'], 'DECODE')); $uid = intval($uid); } else { $uid = $GLOBALS['MooUid']; } if (empty($uid)) { MooMessage('您还没有登录', 'index.php?n=login', '04'); } $friend = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("SELECT * FROM {$dbTablePre}service_friend WHERE friendid = '{$sendtoid}' AND uid = '{$uid}'", true); if ($friend['fid']) { $content = '对不起,对方已经在您的意中人列表中'; $url = 'index.php?n=space&h=viewpro&uid=' . $sendtoid; MooMessage($content, $url, '02'); } else { //note 加为意中人,新插入一行记录,谁加谁 $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("INSERT INTO {$dbTablePre}service_friend SET friendid = '{$sendtoid}',uid = '{$uid}',sendtime='" . time() . "'"); } //将新注册的会员更新为优质会员 if (in_array($user_arr['sid'], array(0, 52, 123)) && $user_arr['is_well_user'] != 1) { update_iswell_user($uid); } //发送短信和邮件 include_once "./module/crontab/crontab_config.php"; if (MOOPHP_ALLOW_FASTDB) { $res = MooFastdbGet('members_search', 'uid', $sendtoid); $res_b = MooFastdbGet('members_base', 'uid', $sendtoid); $res = array_merge($res, $res_b); } else { $res = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("select s.telphone,b.is_phone,s.username from {$dbTablePre}members_search s left join {$dbTablePre}members_base b on s.uid=b.uid where uid='{$sendtoid}'"); } $send_user_info = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getAll("select c.*,b.*,a.* from `{$dbTablePre}members_search` a left join {$dbTablePre}members_base b on a.uid=b.uid left join {$dbTablePre}choice c on a.uid=c.uid where a.uid = '{$uid}'"); $send_user_info = $send_user_info[0]; //头像路径 $path = thumbImgPath(2, $send_user_info[pic_date], $send_user_info[pic_name], $send_user_info['gender']); if (file_exists($path)) { $img_path = $path; } else { if ($send_user_info['gender'] == 1) { $img_path = "/public/images/service_nopic_woman.gif"; } else { $img_path = "/public/images/service_nopic_man.gif"; } } $send_username = $send_user_info['nickname'] ? $send_user_info['nickname'] : $send_user_info['uid']; //发送者用户名 $send_user_grade = $send_user_info['gender'] == 1 ? "女" : "男"; //发送者性别 $province = $provice_list[$send_user_info[province]]; //省 $city = $city_list[$send_user_info[city]]; //市 $height = $send_user_info[height] ? $height_list[$send_user_info[height]] : "未知"; //身高 ob_start(); require_once MooTemplate('public/mail_space_friendtpl', 'module'); //模板 $body = ob_get_clean(); // MooSendMailSpace2($res['username'],"真爱一生网系统温馨提示","真爱一生网提醒:有会员将您添加为意中人了!请尽快查收!您的帐号是:".$res['username'],$type="1",$body); MooSendMail($res['username'], "真爱一生网系统温馨提示", $body, "", false, $sendtoid); // MooSendMailSpace($res['username'],"真爱一生网系统温馨提示","真爱一生网提醒:有会员给您发送秋波了!请尽快查收!您的帐号是:".$res['username'],$type="1",$send_user,$send_type = "秋波",$userid,$send_user_img,$age,$tall,$area,$sendtime,$introduce); $week_time = 24 * 3600 * 7; //一周时间秒数 $interval_time = $timestamp - $user_arr['last_login_time']; //当前时间-最后登录时间 $date1 = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("last Monday")); $date2 = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("Sunday")); if ($interval_time > $week_time) { //不活跃用户每周发一条短信 $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("INSERT INTO {$dbTablePre}today_send SET uid = '" . $sendtoid . "', sid = '" . $userid . "',phone = '" . $res['telphone'] . "',sendtime = '" . date("Y-m-d") . "'"); $cos = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("select count(*) as c from {$dbTablePre}today_send where uid='{$sendtoid}' and sendtime>='{$date1}' and sendtime<='{$date2}'"); if ($cos[c] <= 1) { //fanglin暂时屏蔽 Push_message_intab($sendtoid, $res['telphone'], "意中人", "真爱一生网 用户ID:" . $userid . "," . $send_user_grade . ",已将您添加为意中人,请及时把握您的缘分!4006780405", $userid); } } else { //每天该用户超过5条信息不发送短信 $cos = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("select count(*) as c from {$dbTablePre}today_send where uid='{$sendtoid}' and sendtime='" . date("Y-m-d") . "'"); if ($cos[c] < 5) { $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("INSERT INTO {$dbTablePre}today_send SET uid = '" . $sendtoid . "', sid = '" . $userid . "',phone = '" . $res['telphone'] . "',sendtime = '" . date("Y-m-d") . "'"); //fanglin暂时屏蔽 Push_message_intab($sendtoid, $res['telphone'], "意中人", "真爱一生网 用户ID:" . $userid . "," . $send_user_grade . ",已将您添加为意中人,请及时把握您的缘分!4006780405", $userid); } } require MooTemplate('public/service_friend_addmyfriend', 'module'); }
<div class="show-img"> <?php if (!$users2['syscheck']) { ?> <div class="post_s_div">照片正在审核中</div> <?php } ?> <div class="pic10"> <p> <a href="./index.php?n=material&h=del&isimage=0&imageid=<?php echo $users2['imgid']; ?> "> <img src="<?php echo thumbImgPath(2, $users2['pic_date'], $users2['pic_name']) . '?sid=' . rand(111111, 999999); ?> " /> </a> </p> </div> <p style="padding-top:5px;"> <a class="setImage" style="cursor:pointer" data-gender="<?php echo $user_arr['gender']; ?> " data-url="<?php echo $users2['imgurl']; ?> " data-date="<?php echo $users2['pic_date']; ?>
function sendnewfl() { global $_MooClass, $dbTablePre, $timestamp, $user_arr, $serverid, $memcached, $_MooCookie, $GLOBALS; //是否合法登录 $and_uuid = isset($_GET['uuid']) ? $_GET['uuid'] : ''; $uid = $_GET['uid'] = isset($_GET['uid']) ? $_GET['uid'] : ''; if ($uid) { $userid = $mem_uid = $memcached->get('uid_' . $uid); } $checkuuid = check_uuid($and_uuid, $userid); if (!$checkuuid) { $error = "uuid_error"; echo return_data($error, false); exit; } $sendtoid = MooGetGPC('sendtoid', 'integer', 'P'); // $user_arr = MooMembersData($userid); $uid = $userid; $return = array(); $is_first_send = true; $query = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("SELECT count(1) as c FROM {$dbTablePre}pic WHERE uid = '{$sendtoid}'"); $pic_total = $query['c']; //note 自己不能给自己发送秋波,直接转到秋波列表页面 if ($sendtoid == $userid) { $error = "自己不可以给自己发过送鲜花"; echo return_data($error, false); exit; } $result = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("select groupid from web_admin_user where uid='{$serverid}'"); $groupid = $result['groupid']; //系统管理员权限 $GLOBALS['system_admin'] = array(60); if (in_array($groupid, $GLOBALS['system_admin'])) { $serverid = null; } if ($serverid && $user_arr['usertype'] != 3) { //只能模拟全权会员 $error = "对不起您不能模拟操作"; echo return_data($error, false); exit; } //note 双方屏蔽不给操作 if (MooGetScreen($userid, $sendtoid)) { $error = "因特殊原因,送鲜花失败"; echo return_data($error, false); exit; } //note 要做性别过滤,异性的发送秋波,直接转到秋波列表页面 $send_user1 = leer_send_user1($sendtoid); $user = leer_send_user1($userid); if ($send_user1['gender'] == $user['gender']) { $error = "同性之间不可互发鲜花"; echo return_data($error, false); exit; exit; } if ($user['rosenumber'] <= 0) { $error = '您没有鲜花了,获取更多鲜花'; echo return_data($error, false); exit; } // //发送短信和邮件 include_once "./module/crontab/crontab_config.php"; $res = MooMembersData($sendtoid); $send_user_info = array_merge(MooGetData('members_choice', 'uid', $userid), MooMembersData($userid)); //头像路径 $path = thumbImgPath(2, $send_user_info['pic_date'], $send_user_info['pic_name'], $send_user_info['gender']); if (file_exists($path)) { $img_path = $path; } else { if ($send_user_info['gender'] == 1) { $img_path = "/public/images/service_nopic_woman.gif"; } else { $img_path = "/public/images/service_nopic_man.gif"; } } $send_username = $send_user_info['nickname'] ? $send_user_info['nickname'] : $send_user_info['uid']; //发送者用户名 $send_user_grade = $send_user_info['gender'] == 1 ? "女" : "男"; //发送者性别 $province = $send_user_info['province'] ? $provice_list[$send_user_info['province']] : ''; //省 $city = $send_user_info['city'] ? $city_list[$send_user_info['city']] : ''; //市 $height = $send_user_info['height'] ? $height_list[$send_user_info['height']] : "未知"; //身高 ob_start(); //require_once MooTemplate('public/mail_space_rosetpl', 'module'); //模板 $body = ob_get_clean(); if ($res['usertype'] != 3) { MooSendMail($res['username'], "真爱一生网系统温馨提示", $body, "", false, $sendtoid); } if (empty($GLOBALS['MooUid'])) { list($uid, $password) = explode("\t", MooAuthCode($_MooCookie['auth'], 'DECODE')); $uid = intval($uid); } else { $uid = $GLOBALS['MooUid']; } //if(empty($uid)){ // MooMessage('您还没有登录','index.php?n=login'); //} $leer = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("SELECT * FROM {$dbTablePre}service_rose WHERE receiveuid = '{$sendtoid}' AND senduid = '{$userid}' ORDER BY rid DESC LIMIT 1"); //库中验证鲜花数 //$rosenum_check = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getOne("SELECT rosenumber FROM {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members_base WHERE `uid`='{$uid}' LIMIT 1",true); //if($rosenum_check['rosenumber'] > 0) { if ($leer['rid']) { $is_first_send = false; $rid = $leer['rid']; //note 如果已经发送过玫瑰,就增加发送玫瑰的次数 $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("UPDATE {$dbTablePre}service_rose SET num = num + 1, receivenum = receivenum + 1,sendtime = '{$timestamp}',receivetime='{$timestamp}',receive_del=0,send_del=0 WHERE rid = '{$rid}'"); } else { //note 发送新的玫瑰,写入数据库 发送者,接受者,发送时间 $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("INSERT INTO {$dbTablePre}service_rose SET num = 1, receivenum = 1, sendtime = '{$timestamp}',receivetime='{$timestamp}',senduid = '{$uid}',receiveuid = '{$sendtoid}' "); } //note 发送一朵玫瑰,自己就要减少一朵玫瑰 $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("UPDATE {$dbTablePre}members_base SET rosenumber = rosenumber - 1 WHERE uid = '{$uid}'"); if (MOOPHP_ALLOW_FASTDB) { $user_rosenum = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getOne("SELECT rosenumber FROM {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members_base WHERE `uid`='{$uid}' LIMIT 1", true); $value['rosenumber'] = $user_rosenum['rosenumber']; MooFastdbUpdate('members_base', 'uid', $userid, $value); } //} //将新注册的会员更新为优质会员 if (in_array($user_arr['sid'], array(0, 52, 123)) && $user_arr['is_well_user'] != 1) { update_iswell_user($user_arr['uid']); } //每天向同一用户发送多次,短信记录数表只记一次 $send_rose_date = isset($leer['sendtime']) ? date("Y-m-d", $leer['sendtime']) : date("Y-m-d"); // $today_rose_count = isset($leer['rid']) ? $leer['num'] + 1 : 1; if (date("Y-m-d") > $send_rose_date) { $today_rose_count = 1; } $sendinfo = MooGetGPC('sendinfo', 'string', 'G'); if (!empty($sendinfo)) { $sendinfo = ",对您说:" . $sendinfo; } if ($res['usertype'] != 3) { if ($serverid) { //客服模拟会员登录可以选择发送短信或彩信 $SMStype = MooGetGPC('selectSMSorCMS', 'string', 'G'); if ($SMStype == 'SMS' && $res['is_phone']) { Push_message_intab($sendtoid, $res['telphone'], "鲜花", "真爱一生网 用户ID:" . $userid . "," . $send_user_grade . ",已给您发送鲜花" . $sendinfo . " 请及时把握您的缘分!4006780405", $userid); } elseif ($SMStype == 'CMS' && $res['is_phone']) { //====发送彩信 begin ==== //发送人有照片 $sql = "SELECT uid,telphone FROM {$dbTablePre}members_search where uid='{$userid}' and images_ischeck=1 and pic_num>0"; $sendfrom_user_info = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne($sql, true); //发送条件:本站注册会员,有电话号码的,开启短信通知的会员发送 /* $sql="SELECT telphone FROM {$dbTablePre}members where uid='{$sendtoid}'";// and is_phone=1 and telphone!='' and usertype=1"; $sendto_user_info=$_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne($sql);*/ if ($sendfrom_user_info['uid']) { $sendedMMSCount = $memcached->get('hznsimulate' . $serverid); if (empty($sendedMMSCount)) { $sendedMMSCount = 0; } //if($sendedMMSCount > 10){ // MooMessage('您今天累计已经发过10条彩信','index.php?n=service&h=rose'); //} send_mms_commission($res['telphone'], 'rose', $userid); $memcached->set('hznsimulate' . $serverid, ++$sendedMMSCount, 0, 28800); } //====发送彩信 end ===== } } else { //真实会员登录 if ($res['is_phone'] && $is_first_send && $res['s_cid'] != 40) { //第一次发才短信提示 // SendMsg($res['telphone'],"真爱一生网 用户ID:".$userid.",".$send_user_grade.",已给您发送鲜花".$sendinfo." 请及时把握您的缘分!4006780405"); Push_message_intab($sendtoid, $res['telphone'], "鲜花", "真爱一生网 用户ID:" . $userid . "," . $send_user_grade . ",已给您发送鲜花" . $sendinfo . " 请及时把握您的缘分!4006780405", $userid); } } } /* $week_time = 24*3600*7;//一周时间秒数 $interval_time = $timestamp - $user_arr['last_login_time'];//当前时间-最后登录时间 $date1 = date("Y-m-d",strtotime("last Monday")); $date2 = date("Y-m-d",strtotime("Sunday")); //echo "interval_time:".$interval_time . ' and '.'week:'.$week_time;exit; if($interval_time > $week_time){//不活跃用户每周发一条短信 $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("INSERT INTO {$dbTablePre}today_send SET uid = '".$sendtoid."', sid = '".$userid."',phone = '".$res['telphone']."',sendtime = '".date("Y-m-d")."'" ); $cos = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("select count(*) as c from {$dbTablePre}today_send where uid='$sendtoid' and sendtime>='$date1' and sendtime<='$date2'"); if($cos[c] <= 1){ //fanglin暂时屏蔽 Push_message_intab($sendtoid,$res['telphone'],"鲜花","真爱一生网 用户ID:".$userid.",".$send_user_grade.",已给您发送鲜花,请及时把握您的缘分!4006780405",$userid); } }else{ //echo $today_rose_count;exit; if($send_rose_date==date("Y-m-d") && $today_rose_count == 1){ //每天同一个用户发送多次秋波,短信只记一次 $cos = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("select count(*) as c from {$dbTablePre}today_send where uid='$sendtoid' and sendtime='".date("Y-m-d")."'"); //print_r($cos);exit; if($cos[c]<5){ $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("INSERT INTO {$dbTablePre}today_send SET uid = '".$sendtoid."', sid = '".$userid."',phone = '".$res['telphone']."',sendtime = '".date("Y-m-d")."'" ); //fanglin暂时屏蔽 Push_message_intab($sendtoid,$res['telphone'],"鲜花","真爱一生网 用户ID:".$userid.",".$send_user_grade.",已给您发送鲜花,请及时把握您的缘分!4006780405",$userid); } } } */ /* //发送彩信 $sql="SELECT uid FROM {$dbTablePre}members where uid='{$uid}' and mainimg!='' and images_ischeck=1 and pic_num>0"; //$sql="SELECT uid FROM {$dbTablePre}members where uid='{$uid}'"; $sendout_user_info=$_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne($sql); //发送人有照片 $sql="SELECT telphone FROM {$dbTablePre}members where uid='{$sendtoid}' and is_phone=1 and telphone!='' and usertype=1"; $sendto_user_info=$_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne($sql); //发送条件:本站注册会员,有电话号码的,开启短信通知的会员发送 //echo $sendto_user_info['telphone'].' and '.$sendout_user_info['uid'];exit; if($sendto_user_info['telphone']&&$sendout_user_info['uid']){ //echo 'ffff';exit; if(send_mms_commission($sendto_user_info['telphone'],'rose',$sendout_user_info['uid'])){ $note="。"; }else{ $note="!"; } } */ /*普通会员对全权会员反馈白名单*/ if ($res['usertype'] == '3' && $user_arr['usertype'] != '3' && !$serverid) { white_list($res['uid'], $user_arr['uid']); } /*客服模拟全权记录*/ if ($user_arr['usertype'] == '3' && $serverid && $res['usertype'] != '3') { $action = '鲜花'; fulllog($user_arr['uid'], $serverid, $action, $res); } //提醒所属客服 $sid = $user_arr['sid']; $title = '您的会员 ' . $user_arr['uid'] . ' 向 ' . $sendtoid . ' 发送了鲜花'; $awoketime = $timestamp + 3600; $sql_remark = "insert into {$dbTablePre}admin_remark set sid='{$sid}',title='{$title}',content='{$title}',awoketime='{$awoketime}',dateline='{$timestamp}'"; $res = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query($sql_remark); $return = "发送鲜花成功"; echo return_data($return); exit; //MooMessage('发送鲜花成功',"index.php?n=service&h=rose&t=isendrose","05"); //require MooTemplate('public/service_rose_sendrose', 'module'); }
function sendcontact() { global $_MooClass, $dbTablePre, $timestamp, $user, $user_arr, $hzn, $serverid; $returnurl = 'index.php?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; //返回的url $userid = $GLOBALS['MooUid']; //note 目前默认系统不审核 $contact_sys_check = '0'; //note 目前系统默认是委托真爱一生等待对方的回应 $contact_stat = '1'; $content = MooCutstr(safeFilter(MooGetGPC('content1', 'string')), 200, ''); $sendid = MooGetGPC('sendid', 'integer'); //客服不可模拟操作 /*if($hzn == "hongniangwang"){ MooMessage('对不起您不能模拟操作','javascript:history.go(-1);','04'); exit; }*/ if ($serverid) { MooMessage('对不起您不能模拟操作', 'javascript:history.go(-1);', '04'); exit; } //自己不可委托真爱一生联系自己 if ($sendid == $userid) { MooMessage('自己不可委托真爱一生联系自己', 'javascript:history.go(-1);', '02'); exit; } //note 双方屏蔽不给操作 if (MooGetScreen($userid, $sendid)) { MooMessage('因特殊原因,委托失败', "index.php?n=service&h=rose&t=getmorerose", '03'); exit; } $formsubmit1 = MooGetGPC('formsubmit1', 'string'); //委托联系人表 $checkuser = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("SELECT mid,sendtime FROM {$dbTablePre}service_contact WHERE you_contact_other='{$sendid}' AND other_contact_you = '{$userid}' and receive_del=0 and send_del=0 and is_server=0"); //查今天委托次数 $checkuser2 = $user_arr; //note 委托也要做性别限制 if (MOOPHP_ALLOW_FASTDB) { $user_s = MooFastdbGet('members_search', 'uid', $sendid); } else { $user_s = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("SELECT * FROM {$dbTablePre}members_search WHERE uid = '{$sendid}'", true); } //note 获得照片总数 $ret_count = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("SELECT count(imgid) as c FROM {$dbTablePre}pic WHERE uid = '{$user_s['uid']}'"); $pic_total = $ret_count['c']; if ($checkuser2['gender'] == $user_s['gender']) { MooMessage('同性之间不可委托真爱一生', 'javascript:history.go(-1);', '02'); exit; } //note 检查绑定是否过期 if ($user_s['isbind'] == 1) { //note 如果被绑定,检测绑定是否到期 $user_s['isbind'] = check_bind($user_s['bind_id']); if ($user_s['isbind'] == 1) { MooMessage('不能向绑定中的会员发委托', 'javascript:history.go(-1);', '02'); exit; } } if ($user_s['showinformation'] != 1) { MooMessage('发起委托失败,该会员已经关闭资料!', 'javascript:history.go(-1);', '02'); exit; } //note 如果已经联系他就直接提示 if ($checkuser['mid']) { MooMessage("对不起,您已经委托真爱一生联系TA了", 'javascript:history.go(-1);', '02'); } //note 如果是今天超过3次就直接提示 $mtime = date("Ymd"); $contact_time_Ymd = date("Ymd", $checkuser2['contact_time']); if ($contact_time_Ymd == $mtime && $checkuser2['contact_num'] >= 3) { MooMessage("今天委托真爱一生已经超过3次", 'javascript:history.go(-1);', '02'); } //提交时 if ($formsubmit1 && $content && $sendid) { if (!$checkuser['mid']) { //发送短信和邮件 include_once "./module/crontab/crontab_config.php"; if (MOOPHP_ALLOW_FASTDB) { $res = MooFastdbGet('members_search', 'uid', $sendid); } else { $res = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("select telphone,is_phone,username from {$dbTablePre}members_search where uid='{$sendid}'"); } if (MOOPHP_ALLOW_FASTDB) { $send_user_info = MooFastdbGet('members_search', 'uid', $userid); $send_user_info = array_merge($send_user_info, MooFastdbGet('members_choice', 'uid', $userid)); } else { $send_user_info = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getAll("select b.*,a.* from `{$dbTablePre}members_search` a left join {$dbTablePre}members_choice b on a.uid=b.uid where a.uid = '{$userid}'"); $send_user_info = $send_user_info['0']; } //头像路径 $path = thumbImgPath(2, $send_user_info['pic_date'], $send_user_info['pic_name'], $send_user_info['gender']); if (file_exists($path)) { $img_path = $path; } else { if ($send_user_info['gender'] == 1) { $img_path = "/public/images/service_nopic_woman.gif"; } else { $img_path = "/public/images/service_nopic_man.gif"; } } $send_username = $send_user_info['nickname'] ? $send_user_info['nickname'] : $send_user_info['uid']; //发送者用户名 $send_user_grade = $send_user_info['gender'] == 1 ? "女" : "男"; //发送者性别 $province = $provice_list[$send_user_info['province']]; //省 $city = $city_list[$send_user_info['city']]; //市 $height = $send_user_info['height'] ? $height_list[$send_user_info['height']] : "未知"; //身高 ob_start(); require_once MooTemplate('public/mail_space_commissiontpl', 'module'); //模板 $body = ob_get_clean(); MooSendMail($res['username'], "真爱一生网系统温馨提示", $body, "", false, $sendid); /*发送短信提醒 begin $week_time = 24*3600*7;//一周时间秒数 $interval_time = $timestamp - $user_arr['last_login_time'];//当前时间-最后登录时间 $date1 = date("Y-m-d",strtotime("last Monday")); $date2 = date("Y-m-d",strtotime("Sunday")); if($interval_time > $week_time){//不活跃用户每周发一条短信 $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("INSERT INTO {$dbTablePre}today_send SET uid = '".$sendid."', sid = '".$userid."',phone = '".$res['telphone']."',sendtime = '".date("Y-m-d")."'" ); $cos = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("select count(*) as c from {$dbTablePre}today_send where uid='$sendtoid' and sendtime>='$date1' and sendtime<='$date2'"); if($cos['c'] <= 1){ //fanglin暂时屏蔽 Push_message_intab($sendid,$res['telphone'],"委托","真爱一生网 用户ID:".$send_user_info['uid'].",".$send_user_grade.",已委托真爱一生联系您,请及时把握您的缘分!4006780405",$send_user_info['uid']); } }else{ //每天该用户超过5条信息不发送短信 $cos = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("select count(*) as c from {$dbTablePre}today_send where uid='$sendid' and sendtime='".date("Y-m-d")."'"); if($cos['c']<5){ $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("INSERT INTO {$dbTablePre}today_send SET uid = '".$sendid."', sid = '".$userid."',phone = '".$res['telphone']."',sendtime = '".date("Y-m-d")."'" ); //fanglin暂时屏蔽 Push_message_intab($sendid,$res['telphone'],"委托","真爱一生网 用户ID:".$send_user_info['uid'].",".$send_user_grade.",已委托真爱一生联系您,请及时把握您的缘分!4006780405",$send_user_info['uid']); } } end */ //note 今天提交委托真爱一生,表中的委托计数还是昨天的就 update为0 if ($contact_time_Ymd != $mtime) { $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("UPDATE {$dbTablePre}members_base SET contact_num = 0,contact_time = '{$timestamp}' WHERE uid = '{$userid}'"); if (MOOPHP_ALLOW_FASTDB) { $value = array(); $value['contact_num'] = 0; $value['contact_time'] = $timestamp; MooFastdbUpdate('members_base', 'uid', $userid, $value); } } //note 如果今天提交委托真爱一生次数超过3次不能再发起委托,否则更新次数 $today_contact_num = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("SELECT contact_num FROM {$dbTablePre}members_base WHERE uid = '{$userid}'", true); //$today_contact_num = $checkuser2; $today_contact_num = $today_contact_num['contact_num']; //今天委托的次数 //if($user_arr['uid']=='20796965') $today_contact_num=0; if ($today_contact_num < 3) { //优质会员列表 $update_sql = ''; if (empty($user_arr['sid']) && $user_arr['usertype'] == 1) { $update_sql = ',is_well_user=1'; } $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("UPDATE {$dbTablePre}members_base SET contact_num = contact_num + 1,contact_time = '{$timestamp}' {$update_sql} WHERE uid = '{$userid}'"); if (MOOPHP_ALLOW_FASTDB) { $oldarr = MooFastdbGet('members_base', 'uid', $userid); $value = array(); $value['contact_num'] = $oldarr['contact_num'] + 1; $value['contact_time'] = $timestamp; if ($update_sql != '') { $value['is_well_user'] = 1; } MooFastdbUpdate('members_base', 'uid', $userid, $value); } //note 记录委托真爱一生的内容 $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("INSERT INTO {$dbTablePre}service_contact SET content = '{$content}',other_contact_you = '{$userid}',you_contact_other='{$sendid}',stat = '{$contact_stat}',syscheck='{$contact_sys_check}',sendtime = '{$timestamp}'"); //将新注册的会员更新为优质会员 if (in_array($user_arr['sid'], array(1, 52, 123)) && $user_arr['is_well_user'] != 1) { update_iswell_user($user_arr['uid']); } //if($user_arr['uid']=='20796965'){ //====发送委托彩信 begin ==== $sql = "SELECT uid,telphone FROM {$dbTablePre}members_search where uid='{$userid}' and mainimg!='' and images_ischeck=1 and pic_num>0"; $sendout_user_info = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne($sql); //发送人有照片 //echo $sendid."<br />".$userid; $sql = "SELECT s.telphone FROM {$dbTablePre}members_search as s\n\t left join {$dbTablePre}members_base as b on s.uid=b.uid\n\t where s.uid='{$sendid}' and b.is_phone=1 and s.telphone!='' and s.usertype=1"; $sendto_user_info = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne($sql, true); //发送条件:本站注册会员,有电话号码的,开启短信通知的会员发送 //print_r($sendout_user_info); //exit;$sendout_user_info['telphone'] if ($sendto_user_info['telphone'] && $sendout_user_info['uid']) { //SendMsg('18911883821',"真爱一生网 用户ID:".$user_arr['uid'].",".$gender.",已给委托真爱一生 委托您,请及时把握您的缘分!4006780405"); send_mms_commission($sendto_user_info['telphone'], 'contact', $sendout_user_info['uid']); } //====发送委托彩信 end ===== //} MooMessage("委托成功", 'index.php?n=service', '05'); } else { MooMessage("今天委托真爱一生已经 超过3次", 'javascript:history.go(-1);', '02'); } } else { MooMessage("对不起,您已经委托真爱一生联系TA了", 'javascript:history.go(-1);', '02'); } } //是否有手机号码 if (MOOPHP_ALLOW_FASTDB) { $status = MooFastdbGet('certification', 'uid', $userid); } else { $status = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("SELECT telphone FROM {$dbTablePre}certification WHERE uid='{$userid}'", true); } if (!$status['telphone']) { MooMessage("对不起,您没有通过手机验证,请先通过验证再委托", 'index.php?n=myaccount&h=telphone', '02'); } else { $tel = $status['telphone']; } require MooTemplate('public/service_contact_sendcontact', 'module'); }
function check_image() { global $_MooClass; $sid = $GLOBALS['adminid']; $type = MooGetGPC('type', 'string') == '' ? 'list' : MooGetGPC('type', 'string'); $lei = "会员相册图片审核"; $uid = MooGetGPC('uid', 'integer'); $usersid = MooGetGPC('usersid', 'string', 'G'); //makui $id = MooGetGPC('id', 'integer'); $checkArr = array(1 => '审核通过', 0 => '未审核'); switch ($type) { //相册列表 case 'list': //note 获得当前url $pass = MooGetGPC('pass', 'integer', 'G'); $currenturl = "index.php?action=check&h=image"; $currenturl2 = preg_replace("/(&page=\\d+)/", "", $currenturl); $currenturl2 = preg_replace("/(&pass=\\d+)/", "", $currenturl2) . "&pass={$pass}"; $currenturl2 = preg_replace("/(&usersid=\\d+)/", '', $currenturl2); $page = get_page(); $prepage = 20; $start = ($page - 1) * $prepage; $sql_where = ''; //所管理的客服id列表 if (isset($_GET['usersid']) && MooGetGPC('usersid', 'string', 'G') == 0) { salert("无所属客服"); } $myservice_idlist = get_myservice_idlist(); if (empty($myservice_idlist)) { $sql_where = " AND b.sid IN({$GLOBALS['adminid']})"; } elseif ($myservice_idlist == 'all') { if (isset($_GET['usersid'])) { $sql_where = " AND b.sid='{$usersid}'"; } //all为客服主管能查看所有的 } else { $sql_where = " AND b.sid IN({$myservice_idlist}) "; if (isset($_GET['usersid'])) { $sql_where .= " AND b.sid='{$usersid}'"; } } if ($uid > 0) { $sql_where .= " AND b.uid=" . $uid; } else { $sql_where .= " AND a.syscheck=" . $pass; } $total_count = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getOne("SELECT count(1) as c FROM {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}pic AS a left JOIN {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members AS b on a.uid=b.uid WHERE 1 {$sql_where}"); $total = $total_count['c']; $list = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getAll("SELECT a.uid,a.imgid as id,a.syscheck AS syscheck,b.nickname,b.birthyear,b.sid as sid,b.gender,b.lastvisit FROM {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}pic AS a left JOIN {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members AS b on a.uid=b.uid WHERE 1 {$sql_where} ORDER BY b.lastvisit DESC LIMIT {$start},{$prepage} "); //echo ("SELECT a.uid,a.imgid as id,a.syscheck AS syscheck,b.nickname,b.birthyear,b.gender,b.lastvisit FROM {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}pic AS a JOIN {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members AS b WHERE a.uid=b.uid {$sql_where} ORDER BY a.syscheck,a.imgid DESC LIMIT $start,$prepage "); require adminTemplate("check_list"); break; //会员相册查看222 //会员相册查看222 case 'show': $pass = MooGetGPC('pass', 'integer', 'G'); //获取待审核列表 $images = array(); if ($_COOKIE['images']) { $imagedata_dir = MOOPHP_DATA_DIR . '/block/' . 'story' . $sid . '.data'; if (file_exists($imagedata_dir)) { $images = unserialize(file_get_contents($imagedata_dir)); } } if (!$images) { $images = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getAll("SELECT a.*,b.birthyear,b.gender,b.mainimg FROM {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}pic as a join {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members as b WHERE a.uid=b.uid and a.uid='{$uid}' and a.syscheck={$pass}"); } if ($id && $images) { //数组重排 $sortarr = array(); foreach ($images as $img) { if ($img['mid'] == $id) { $sortarr[] = -1; } else { $sortarr[] = $img['mid']; } } array_multisort($sortarr, SORT_ASC, $images); } //取出待审核照片 $image = $images[0]; $_MooClass['MooCache']->setBlockCache('story' . $sid, $images); $id = $image['imgid']; serverlog(1, $dbTablePre . "pic", $GLOBALS['username'] . "查询会员相册", $GLOBALS['adminid']); require adminTemplate("check_show"); break; //审核 //审核 case 'submit': $is_pass = MooGetGPC('pass', 'string'); $is_onpass = MooGetGPC('nopass', 'string'); if ($is_onpass) { $imagesname = MooGetGPC('imagesname', 'string'); $pic_date = MooGetGPC('pic_date', 'string'); $imagessrc1 = "../data/upload/images/photo/" . $pic_date . "/orgin/" . $imagesname; $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->query("DELETE FROM {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}pic WHERE `imgid`='{$id}'"); if (file_exists(".." . thumbImgPath("1", $pic_date, $imagesname))) { unlink(".." . thumbImgPath("1", $pic_date, $imagesname)); } if (file_exists(".." . thumbImgPath("2", $pic_date, $imagesname))) { unlink("../" . thumbImgPath("2", $pic_date, $imagesname)); } if (file_exists(".." . thumbImgPath("3", $pic_date, $imagesname))) { unlink(".." . thumbImgPath("3", $pic_date, $imagesname)); } if (file_exists($imagessrc1)) { unlink($imagessrc1); } serverlog(2, $dbTablePre . "pic", $GLOBALS['username'] . "未通过用户的图片" . $id, $GLOBALS['adminid'], $uid); sendusermessage($uid, "您的图片不符合图片要求,已被红娘删除,请您按要求进行操作", "图片审核"); //salert('审核图片删除成功'); $alert = '审核图片删除成功'; } elseif ($is_pass) { //用户相册图片总数加1 $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS num FROM {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}pic \n\t\t\t\tWHERE syscheck=1 and isimage='0' and uid='{$uid}'"; $pic_count = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getOne($sql); $pc = $pic_count['num'] + 1; $sql = "update {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members set pic_num='{$pc}' where uid='{$uid}'"; $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->query($sql); if (MOOPHP_ALLOW_FASTDB) { $value['pic_num'] = $pc; MooFastdbUpdate('members', 'uid', $uid, $value); } $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->query("UPDATE {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}pic SET `syscheck`=1 WHERE `imgid`='{$id}'"); serverlog(3, $dbTablePre . "pic", $GLOBALS['username'] . "通过用户的图片" . $id, $GLOBALS['adminid'], $uid); sendusermessage($uid, "您的图片已经过红娘的审核,您还可以继续上传您的照片", "图片审核"); //salert('审核图片成功'); $alert = '审核图片成功'; } //更新缓存 $imagedata_dir = MOOPHP_DATA_DIR . '/block/' . 'story' . $sid . '.data'; $images = array(); if (file_exists($imagedata_dir)) { $images = unserialize(file_get_contents($imagedata_dir)); } $image = array_shift($images); $_MooClass['MooCache']->setBlockCache('story' . $sid, $images); if ($images) { $url = 'index.php?action=check&h=image&type=show&id=' . $image['imgid']; } else { $url = 'index.php?action=check&h=image'; } $imgkey = $images ? 1 : 0; setcookie('images', $imgkey); salert($alert, $url); break; } }
function material_photo_show() { global $_MooClass, $dbTablePre, $userid, $user, $user_arr; $user_rank_id = get_userrank($userid); if (MOOPHP_ALLOW_FASTDB) { $usercer = MooFastdbGet('certification', 'uid', $userid); } else { $usercer = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("SELECT * FROM {$dbTablePre}certification WHERE uid='{$userid}' LIMIT 1 ", true); } $memberid = $userid; $sql = "select count(*) as c from `{$dbTablePre}pic` where `uid` = '{$memberid}' AND `isimage` = '0'"; $ret_count = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne($sql, true); $total = $ret_count['c']; //note 还可以上传多少张 $maxuploadnum = 20; $leave_num = max(0, $maxuploadnum - $total); $user1 = $user_arr; //note 查询出相册里面的照片 $user2 = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getAll("select * from `{$dbTablePre}pic` where `uid` = '{$memberid}' order by imgid desc ", 0, 0, 0, true); $thumb_2 = ltrim(thumbImgPath(2, $user_arr['pic_date'], $user_arr['pic_name']), '/'); include MooTemplate('public/material_getmemberphoto', 'module'); }
function ajax_sellsendactive() { $type = MooGetGPC('type', 'string', 'G'); $sendid = MooGetGPC('from', 'integer', 'G'); $receiveuid = MooGetGPC('to', 'integer', 'G'); if ($type == '' || $sendid == '' || $receiveuid == '' || $sendid == 0 || $receiveuid == 0) { echo 'errors'; } $nowtime = time(); $user = MooMembersData($receiveuid); $senduser = MooMembersData($sendid); /*if(MOOPHP_ALLOW_FASTDB){ $user = MooFastdbGet('members','uid',$receiveuid); $senduser = MooFastdbGet('members','uid',$sendid); }else{ $sql = "SELECT username,telphone FROM {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members WHERE `uid`='".$receiveuid."'"; $user=$GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getOne($sql); $sql = "SELECT gender FROM {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members WHERE `uid`='".$sendid."'"; $senduser=$GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getOne($sql); }*/ $gender = $senduser['gender'] == 1 ? "女" : "男"; switch ($type) { case 'commission': //$sql = "SELECT mid,sendtime FROM {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}service_contact WHERE you_contact_other='$sendid' AND other_contact_you = '$userid' and receive_del=0 and send_del=0 and is_server=0"; $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}service_contact WHERE you_contact_other = '{$receiveuid}' AND other_contact_you = '{$sendid}' "; $com = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getOne($sql, true); if (empty($com)) { $sql = "INSERT INTO {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}service_contact SET `you_contact_other`='" . $receiveuid . "',`other_contact_you`='" . $sendid . "',`stat`=1,`syscheck`=1,`sendtime`='" . $nowtime . "',`is_server`=1"; $result = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->query($sql); echo 'ok'; exit; } else { echo 'having'; exit; } //更改最后活动时间,上线 $sql = "UPDATE {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members_login SET lastvisit='{$GLOBALS['timestamp']}' WHERE uid='{$sendid}'"; $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->query($sql); if (MOOPHP_ALLOW_FASTDB) { $value['lastvisit'] = $GLOBALS['timestamp']; MooFastdbUpdate('members_login', 'uid', $sendid, $value); } //发e-mail提醒(委托)-------开始//////////////////////////////////////////// include_once "./include/crontab_config.php"; $send_user_info = array_merge(MooGetData('members_choice', 'uid', $sendid), MooMembersData($sendid)); /*$send_user_info = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getAll("select * from `{$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members` a left join {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}choice b on a.uid=b.uid where a.uid = '$sendid'"); $send_user_info = $send_user_info[0];*/ //头像路径 $path = thumbImgPath(2, $send_user_info['pic_date'], $send_user_info['pic_name'], $send_user_info['gender']); if (file_exists($path)) { $img_path = $path; } else { if ($send_user_info['gender'] == 1) { $img_path = "/public/images/service_nopic_woman.gif"; } else { $img_path = "/public/images/service_nopic_man.gif"; } } $send_username = $send_user_info['nickname'] ? $send_user_info['nickname'] : $send_user_info['uid']; //发送者用户名 $send_user_grade = $send_user_info['gender'] == 1 ? "女" : "男"; //发送者性别 $province = $provice_list[$send_user_info['province']]; //省 $city = $city_list[$send_user_info['city']]; //市 $height = $send_user_info['height'] ? $height_list[$send_user_info['height']] : "未知"; //身高 ob_start(); require_once adminTemplate('mail/mail_space_commissiontpl'); $body = ob_get_clean(); MooSendMail($user['username'], "真爱一生网系统温馨提示", $body, "", false, $receiveuid); //--------->发送邮件提醒 结束/////////////////////////////////////////// //fangin暂时屏蔽 Push_message_intab($receiveuid, $user['telphone'], "委托", "尊敬的会员您好!" . $sendid . "," . $gender . ",委托我们联系您,请及时登录www.zhenaiyisheng.cc查收,把握您的缘分。【真爱一生网】", $sendid); //写日志 serverlog(3, $GLOBALS['dbTablePre'] . 'service_contact', "{$GLOBALS['adminid']}号客服{$GLOBALS['username']}在后台以会员{$sendid}的身份向{$receiveuid}会员发送委托", $GLOBALS['adminid'], $receiveuid); echo 'ok'; exit; break; case 'leer': $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}service_leer WHERE senduid = '{$sendid}' AND receiveuid= '{$receiveuid}' "; $leer = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getOne($sql, true); if (!empty($leer)) { $lid = $leer['lid']; //note 如果已经发送过秋波,就增加发送秋波的次数 $sql = "UPDATE {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}service_leer SET fakenum = fakenum + 1,num = num + 1,receivenum = receivenum + 1,sendtime = '{$nowtime}',receivetime = '{$nowtime}',receive_del = '0' WHERE lid = '{$lid}'"; $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->query($sql); //note 如果已经收到这个人的秋波,已经拒绝,现在改变注意,又发送秋波给这个人,拒绝状态2更改为0 if ($leer['receive_del'] == 1 || $leer['stat'] == 2) { $sql = "UPDATE {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}service_leer SET stat = '0',receive_del = 0 WHERE senduid = '{$sendid}' AND receiveuid = '{$receiveuid}' AND stat = '2'"; $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->query($sql); } } else { //note 发送新的秋波,写入数据库 发送者,接受者,发送时间 $sql = "INSERT INTO {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}service_leer SET sendtime = '{$nowtime}',receivetime = '{$nowtime}',fakenum = '1', receivenum = '1', num = '1', senduid = '{$sendid}',receiveuid = '{$receiveuid}',is_server=1"; $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->query($sql); } //更改最后活动时间,上线 $sql = "UPDATE {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members_login SET lastvisit='{$GLOBALS['timestamp']}' WHERE uid='{$sendid}'"; $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->query($sql); if (MOOPHP_ALLOW_FASTDB) { $value['lastvisit'] = $GLOBALS['timestamp']; MooFastdbUpdate('members_login', 'uid', $sendid, $value); } //发e-mail提醒(委托)-------开始//////////////////////////////////////////// include_once "./include/crontab_config.php"; $send_user_info = array_merge(MooGetData('members_choice', 'uid', $sendid), MooMembersData($sendid)); /*$send_user_info = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getAll("select * from `{$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members` a left join {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}choice b on a.uid=b.uid where a.uid = '$sendid'"); $send_user_info = $send_user_info[0];*/ //头像路径 $path = thumbImgPath(2, $send_user_info['pic_date'], $send_user_info['pic_name'], $send_user_info['gender']); if (file_exists($path)) { $img_path = $path; } else { if ($send_user_info['gender'] == 1) { $img_path = "/public/images/service_nopic_woman.gif"; } else { $img_path = "/public/images/service_nopic_man.gif"; } } $send_username = $send_user_info['nickname'] ? $send_user_info['nickname'] : $send_user_info['uid']; //发送者用户名 $send_user_grade = $send_user_info['gender'] == 1 ? "女" : "男"; //发送者性别 $province = $provice_list[$send_user_info['province']]; //省 $city = $city_list[$send_user_info['city']]; //市 $height = $send_user_info['height'] ? $height_list[$send_user_info['height']] : "未知"; //身高 ob_start(); require_once adminTemplate('mail/mail_space_leertpl'); $body = ob_get_clean(); MooSendMail($user['username'], "真爱一生网系统温馨提示", $body, "", false, $receiveuid); //--------->发送邮件提醒 结束/////////////////////////////////////////// //fangin暂时屏蔽 Push_message_intab($receiveuid, $user['telphone'], "秋波", "尊敬的会员您好!ID" . $sendid . "," . $gender . ",给您发送秋波,请及时登录www.zhenaiyisheng.cc查收,把握您的缘分。【真爱一生网】", $sendid); //写日志 serverlog(3, $GLOBALS['dbTablePre'] . 'service_leer', "{$GLOBALS['adminid']}号客服{$GLOBALS['username']}在后台以会员{$sendid}的身份向{$receiveuid}会员发送秋波", $GLOBALS['adminid'], $receiveuid); echo 'ok'; exit; break; case 'rose': $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}service_rose WHERE senduid = '{$sendid}' AND receiveuid= '{$receiveuid}' "; $rose = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getOne($sql, true); if (!empty($rose)) { $rid = $rose['rid']; //note 如果已经发送过鲜花,就增加发送鲜花的次数 $sql = "UPDATE {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}service_rose SET fakenum = fakenum + 1,num = num + 1,receivenum = receivenum + 1,sendtime = '{$nowtime}',receivetime = '{$nowtime}',receive_del = '0' WHERE rid = '{$rid}'"; $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->query($sql); //note 如果用户已经将该鲜花记录删除,则要改变删除状态,不然鲜花不会在前台显示 if ($rose['receive_del'] == 1) { $sql = "UPDATE {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}service_leer SET receive_del = 0 WHERE senduid = '{$sendid}' AND receiveuid = '{$receiveuid}'"; $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->query($sql); } } else { //note 发送新的鲜花,写入数据库 发送者,接受者,发送时间 $sql = "INSERT INTO {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}service_rose SET sendtime = '{$nowtime}',receivetime = '{$nowtime}',fakenum = '1', receivenum = '1', num = '1', senduid = '{$sendid}',receiveuid = '{$receiveuid}',is_server=1"; $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->query($sql); } //更改最后活动时间,上线 $sql = "UPDATE {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members_login SET lastvisit='{$GLOBALS['timestamp']}' WHERE uid='{$sendid}'"; $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->query($sql); if (MOOPHP_ALLOW_FASTDB) { $value['lastvisit'] = $GLOBALS['timestamp']; MooFastdbUpdate('members_login', 'uid', $sendid, $value); } //发e-mail提醒--->开始/////////////////////////////////// include_once "./include/crontab_config.php"; $send_user_info = array_merge(MooGetData('members_choice', 'uid', $sendid), MooMembersData($sendid)); /*$send_user_info = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getAll("select * from `{$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members` a left join {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}choice b on a.uid=b.uid where a.uid = '$sendid'"); $send_user_info = $send_user_info[0];*/ //头像路径 $path = thumbImgPath(2, $send_user_info['pic_date'], $send_user_info['pic_name'], $send_user_info['gender']); if (file_exists($path)) { $img_path = $path; } else { if ($send_user_info['gender'] == 1) { $img_path = "/public/images/service_nopic_woman.gif"; } else { $img_path = "/public/images/service_nopic_man.gif"; } } $send_username = $send_user_info['nickname'] ? $send_user_info['nickname'] : $send_user_info['uid']; //发送者用户名 $send_user_grade = $send_user_info['gender'] == 1 ? "女" : "男"; //发送者性别 $province = $provice_list[$send_user_info['province']]; //省 $city = $city_list[$send_user_info['city']]; //市 $height = $send_user_info['height'] ? $height_list[$send_user_info['height']] : "未知"; //身高 ob_start(); require_once adminTemplate('mail/mail_space_rosetpl'); $body = ob_get_clean(); MooSendMail($user['username'], "真爱一生网系统温馨提示", $body, "", false, $receiveuid); //----->发送email-->结束///////////////////////// //fangin暂时屏蔽 Push_message_intab($receiveuid, $user['telphone'], "鲜花", "尊敬的会员您好!ID" . $sendid . "," . $gender . ",给您发送鲜花,请及时登录www.zhenaiyisheng.cc查收,把握您的缘分。【真爱一生网】", $sendid); //写日志 serverlog(3, $GLOBALS['dbTablePre'] . 'service_rose', "{$GLOBALS['adminid']}号客服{$GLOBALS['username']}在后台以会员{$sendid}的身份向{$receiveuid}会员发送鲜花", $GLOBALS['adminid'], $receiveuid); echo 'ok'; exit; break; default: echo "errors"; break; } exit; }
function check_image() { global $_MooClass, $dbTablePre, $allow_order, $rsort; $sid = $GLOBALS['adminid']; $type = MooGetGPC('type', 'string', 'R') == '' ? 'list' : MooGetGPC('type', 'string', 'R'); $lei = "会员相册图片审核"; $uid = MooGetGPC('uid', 'integer', 'R'); $usersid = MooGetGPC('usersid', 'string', 'R'); //makui $id = MooGetGPC('id', 'integer', 'R'); $checkArr = array(1 => '审核通过', 0 => '未审核'); switch ($type) { //相册列表 case 'list': //note 获得当前url $pass = MooGetGPC('pass', 'integer', 'R'); $page = get_page(); $prepage = 20; $start = ($page - 1) * $prepage; $sql_where = ''; $usersid = MooGetGPC('usersid', 'string', 'R'); if ($usersid === null) { $usersid = -1; } else { $usersid = intval($usersid); } $myservice_idlist = get_myservice_idlist(); if (empty($myservice_idlist) || $myservice_idlist === $GLOBALS['adminid']) { $sql_where = " AND b.sid ={$GLOBALS['adminid']}"; //$sql_where = " AND b.sid IN({$GLOBALS['adminid']})"; } elseif ($myservice_idlist == 'all') { //all为客服主管能查看所有的 $adminUser = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getAll("select uid,username from web_admin_user", 0, 0, 0, true); //if(isset($_GET['usersid'])){$sql_where=" AND b.sid='$usersid'";} if ($usersid >= 0) { $sql_where = " AND b.sid='{$usersid}'"; $start = 0; //重新选择客服,刷新 } } else { $adminUser = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getAll("select uid,username from web_admin_user where uid in ({$myservice_idlist}) ", 0, 0, 0, true); $sql_where = " AND b.sid IN({$myservice_idlist}) "; //if(isset($_GET['usersid'])){$sql_where .=" AND b.sid='$usersid'";} if ($usersid >= 0) { $sql_where .= " AND b.sid='{$usersid}'"; $start = 0; //重新选择客服,刷新 } } $currenturl = "index.php?action=check&h=image&pass={$pass}"; //$currenturl2 = preg_replace("/(&page=\d+)/","",$currenturl); $currenturl2 = preg_replace("/(&pass=\\d+)/", "", $currenturl) . "&pass={$pass}"; $currenturl2 = preg_replace("/(&sid=\\d+)/", '', $currenturl2); if (!empty($uid)) { $sql_where = ''; $start = 0; $sql_where .= " AND b.uid=" . $uid; $usersid = -1; } else { $sql_where .= " AND a.syscheck=" . $pass; } if ($usersid >= 0) { $currenturl2 = $currenturl2 . "&usersid={$usersid}"; } //排序 $query_builder = get_query_builder($sql_where, $allow_order, '', '', 'pic_date', 'asc', $rsort); $sort_arr = $query_builder['sort_arr']; $rsort_arr = $query_builder['rsort_arr']; $sql_sort = $query_builder['sort']; $order = MooGetGPC('order', 'string', 'R'); $method = MooGetGPC('method', 'string', 'R'); if (!empty($order) && !empty($method)) { $sql_sort = "order by {$order} {$method} "; $currenturl2 .= "&order={$order}&method={$method}"; } $sql_sort = str_replace("pic_date", "a.pic_date", $sql_sort); $sql_sort = str_replace("uid", "a.uid", $sql_sort); $currentur = $currenturl2; if (strpos($sql_where, 'b.') === false) { $sql_count = "SELECT count(1) as c FROM {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}pic AS a WHERE 1 {$sql_where}"; $sql = "SELECT a.imgid FROM {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}pic AS a left join {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members_login AS d on d.uid=a.uid WHERE 1 {$sql_where} LIMIT {$start},{$prepage} "; //ORDER BY d.lastvisit DESC } else { $sql_count = "SELECT count(1) as c FROM {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}pic AS a left JOIN {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members_search AS b on a.uid=b.uid WHERE 1 {$sql_where}"; $sql = "SELECT a.imgid FROM {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}pic AS a left JOIN {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members_search AS b on a.uid=b.uid left join {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members_login AS d on d.uid=b.uid WHERE 1 {$sql_where} LIMIT {$start},{$prepage} "; //ORDER BY d.lastvisit ASC } $total_count = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getOne($sql_count, true); $total = $total_count['c']; $list_imgid = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getAll($sql, 0, 0, 0, true); $list = array(); if (!empty($list_imgid)) { $imgids = array(); foreach ($list_imgid as $img) { $imgids[] = $img['imgid']; } $sql = "SELECT a.uid,a.imgid as id,a.syscheck AS syscheck,b.nickname,b.birthyear,b.sid as sid,b.gender,c.allotdate,d.lastvisit FROM {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}pic AS a left JOIN {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members_search AS b on a.uid=b.uid left join {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members_base AS c on c.uid=b.uid left join {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members_login AS d on d.uid=c.uid WHERE a.imgid in (" . implode(',', $imgids) . ") {$sql_sort}"; $list = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getAll($sql, 0, 0, 0, true); //获取图片的上传日期 foreach ($list as $key => $val) { $uidpic = $val['id']; $sql = "select pic_date from web_pic where imgid='{$uidpic}'"; $resultpic = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getOne($sql); if (!empty($resultpic)) { $picdate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($resultpic['pic_date'])); $list[$key]['pic_date'] = $picdate; } else { $list[$key]['pic_date'] = null; } } } require adminTemplate("check_list"); break; //会员相册查看222 //会员相册查看222 case 'show': $pass = MooGetGPC('pass', 'integer', 'G'); $usersid = MooGetGPC('usersid', 'integer', 'R'); $page = MooGetGPC('page', 'integer', 'G'); //获取待审核列表 if (!$images) { $images = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getAll("SELECT a.*,b.birthyear,b.gender,c.mainimg FROM {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}pic as a join {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members_search as b on a.uid=b.uid left join {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members_base as c on b.uid=c.uid WHERE a.uid='{$uid}' and a.syscheck={$pass}"); } //取出待审核照片 $image = count($images) > 0 ? $images[0] : array(); $id = isset($image['imgid']) ? $image['imgid'] : ''; //==========页面返回url=====取值================================ $url = "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $url = preg_replace("/www./", "", $url); $url = preg_replace("/show/", "list", $url); //返回列表页 $url = preg_replace("/&uid=\\d+/", "", $url); serverlog(1, $dbTablePre . "pic", $GLOBALS['username'] . "查询会员相册", $GLOBALS['adminid']); require adminTemplate("check_show"); break; //审核 //审核 case 'submit': $is_pass = MooGetGPC('pass', 'string'); $is_onpass = MooGetGPC('nopass', 'string'); $uid = MooGetGPC('uid', 'integer', 'P'); if ($is_onpass) { $imagesname = MooGetGPC('imagesname', 'string'); $pic_date = MooGetGPC('pic_date', 'string'); $imagessrc1 = "../data/upload/images/photo/" . $pic_date . "/orgin/" . $imagesname; $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->query("DELETE FROM {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}pic WHERE `imgid`='{$id}'"); if (file_exists(".." . thumbImgPath("1", $pic_date, $imagesname))) { unlink(".." . thumbImgPath("1", $pic_date, $imagesname)); } if (file_exists(".." . thumbImgPath("2", $pic_date, $imagesname))) { unlink("../" . thumbImgPath("2", $pic_date, $imagesname)); } if (file_exists(".." . thumbImgPath("3", $pic_date, $imagesname))) { unlink(".." . thumbImgPath("3", $pic_date, $imagesname)); } if (file_exists($imagessrc1)) { unlink($imagessrc1); } serverlog(2, $dbTablePre . "pic", $GLOBALS['username'] . "未通过用户的图片" . $id, $GLOBALS['adminid'], $uid); sendusermessage($uid, "您的图片不符合图片要求,已被红娘删除,请您按要求进行操作", "图片审核"); //salert('审核图片删除成功'); $alert = '审核图片删除成功'; } elseif ($is_pass) { //用户相册图片总数加1 $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS num FROM {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}pic WHERE syscheck=1 and isimage='0' and uid='{$uid}'"; $pic_count = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getOne($sql); $pc = $pic_count['num'] + 1; $sql = "update {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members_search set pic_num='{$pc}' where uid='{$uid}'"; $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->query($sql); searchApi('members_man members_women')->updateAttr(array('pic_num'), array($uid => array((int) $pc))); if (MOOPHP_ALLOW_FASTDB) { $value['pic_num'] = $pc; MooFastdbUpdate('members_search', 'uid', $uid, $value); } $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->query("UPDATE {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}pic SET `syscheck`=1 WHERE `imgid`='{$id}'"); serverlog(3, $dbTablePre . "pic", $GLOBALS['username'] . "通过用户的图片" . $id, $GLOBALS['adminid'], $uid); sendusermessage($uid, "您的图片已经过红娘的审核,您还可以继续上传您的照片", "图片审核"); //salert('审核图片成功'); $alert = '审核图片成功'; } //enky add if (!$images) { $images = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getAll("SELECT a.*,b.birthyear,b.gender,c.mainimg FROM {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}pic as a join {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members_search as b on a.uid=b.uid left join {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members_base as c on b.uid=c.uid WHERE a.uid='{$uid}' and a.syscheck=0"); } $image = count($images) > 0 ? $images[0] : array(); $id = isset($image['imgid']) ? $image['imgid'] : ''; //enky add end if ($images) { $url = 'index.php?action=check&h=image&type=show&id=' . $image['imgid'] . "&usersid={$usersid}" . "&uid={$uid}"; } else { /* $url = "http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $url=preg_replace("/www./","",$url); $url=preg_replace("/submit/", "list", $url); $url=preg_replace("/&uid=\d+/", "", $url); //$url=preg_replace("/&usersid=\d+/", "", $url); $url .="&pass=0"; */ $url = "index.php?action=check&h=image&type=list&usersid={$usersid}&pass=0"; } $imgkey = $images ? 1 : 0; setcookie('images', $imgkey); salert($alert, $url); break; } }
function to_send_message() { global $_MooClass, $dbTablePre, $userid, $user_arr, $memcached, $timestamp, $serverid; $and_uuid = isset($_GET['uuid']) ? $_GET['uuid'] : ''; $uid = isset($_GET['uid']) ? $_GET['uid'] : ''; if ($uid) { $userid = $mem_uid = $memcached->get('uid_' . $uid); } $uuid = $memcached->get('uuid_' . $userid); //$error[] = array("getand_uuid"=>$and_uuid,"getuid"=>$uid,"userid"=>$userid,"mem_uuid"=>$uuid); $checkuuid = check_uuid($and_uuid, $userid); if (!$checkuuid) { $error = "uuid_error"; echo return_data($error, false); exit; } $user_arr = MooMembersData($userid); $contentid = MooGetGPC('s_id', 'integer', 'P'); //不可给同性别发送消息 $receive_info = MooMembersData($contentid); $receive_gender = $receive_info['gender']; if ($user_arr['gender'] == $receive_gender) { $err = "不可给同性别发送消息"; echo return_data($err, false); exit; } //系统管理员权限 /*$result=$_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("select groupid from web_admin_user where uid='{$serverid}'"); $groupid=$result['groupid']; //$GLOBALS['system_admin'] = array(60); if(in_array($groupid,$GLOBALS['system_admin'])){ $serverid=null; }*/ $result = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("select groupid from web_admin_user where uid='{$serverid}'"); $groupid = $result['groupid']; if ($serverid && $user_arr['usertype'] != 3) { $err = "对不起您不能模拟操作"; echo return_data($err, false); exit; } if ($serverid && $user_arr['usertype'] == 3 && !in_array($groupid, $GLOBALS['admin_aftersales'])) { $err = "对不起您不能模拟操作"; echo return_data($err, false); exit; } //如果是本站注册会员 if ($user_arr['usertype'] == 1) { $m_level = get_userrank($userid); //会员等级 if ($m_level != 1) { //不是高级会员 if (!checkIsMobileCertical($userid)) { //没有通过了手机验证 $err = "您还没有进行手机验证,请先认证"; echo return_data($err, false); exit; } else { //if(!checkIsOver($userid)){ //过了试用期 $err = "只有钻石或高级会员才可以发送电子邮件给对方"; echo return_data($err, false); exit; //} } } } //print_r($_POST); //note s_cid 发送者的权限(回复时才有) $s_cid = MooGetGPC('s_cid', 'integer', 'P'); //echo $s_cid;exit; //收件人id $sid = $contentid; //发件人id $mid = $userid; ///echo $sid;exit; $s_title = MooGetGPC('s_title', 'string', 'P'); $s_title = rtrim($s_title); //对主题字数限制 $s_title = MooStrReplace(MooCutstr($s_title, 30, $dot = '')); $s_content = MooGetGPC('s_content', 'string', 'P'); //note 特殊字符 $s_content = rtrim(MooStrReplace(safeFilter($s_content))); $send_mymessage = MooGetGPC('send_mymessage', 'integer', 'P'); $message_back = MooGetGPC('message_back', 'integer', 'P'); //note 双方屏蔽不给操作 if (MooGetScreen($mid, $sid)) { $err = "因特殊原因,消息发送失败"; echo return_data($err, false); exit; } if ($mid && $sid && $s_title && $s_content) { $m_level = get_userrank($userid); //会员等级 if ($m_level == 2 && $user_arr['usertype'] != 3) { //普通会员需要审核(除采集会员之外) //if($user_arr['gender'] == 0){ //如果是男方发的,需要审核,0表示 $send_status = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("insert into {$dbTablePre}services (s_cid,s_uid,s_fromid,s_title,s_content,s_time,sid,flag) values ('{$s_cid}','{$sid}','{$mid}','{$s_title}','{$s_content}'," . time() . ",'{$user_arr['sid']}','0')"); } else { $send_status = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("insert into {$dbTablePre}services (s_cid,s_uid,s_fromid,s_title,s_content,s_time,sid,flag) values ('{$s_cid}','{$sid}','{$mid}','{$s_title}','{$s_content}'," . time() . ",'{$user_arr['sid']}','1')"); } //发送短信和邮件 include_once "./module/crontab/crontab_config.php"; $res = MooMembersData($sid); // $send_user_info = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getAll("select * from `{$dbTablePre}members_search` a left join {$dbTablePre}members_choice b on a.uid=b.uid where a.uid = '$userid'"); $send_user_info = array_merge(MooGetData("members_choice", 'uid', $userid), MooMembersData($userid)); // $send_user_info = $send_user_info[0]; //头像路径 $path = thumbImgPath(2, $send_user_info['pic_date'], $send_user_info['pic_name'], $send_user_info['gender']); if (file_exists($path)) { $img_path = $path; } else { if ($send_user_info['gender'] == 1) { $img_path = "/public/images/service_nopic_woman.gif"; } else { $img_path = "/public/images/service_nopic_man.gif"; } } $send_username = $send_user_info['nickname'] ? $send_user_info['nickname'] : $send_user_info['uid']; //发送者用户名 $send_user_grade = $send_user_info['gender'] == 1 ? "女" : "男"; //发送者性别 $province = $send_user_info['province'] ? $provice_list[$send_user_info['province']] : ''; //省 $city = $send_user_info['city'] ? $city_list[$send_user_info['city']] : ''; //市 $height = $send_user_info['height'] ? $height_list[$send_user_info['height']] : "未知"; //身高 ob_start(); require_once MooTemplate('public/mail_space_messagetpl', 'module'); //模板 $body = ob_get_clean(); MooSendMail($res['username'], "真爱一生网系统温馨提示", $body, "", false, $sid); $week_time = 24 * 3600 * 7; //一周时间秒数 $interval_time = $timestamp - $user_arr['last_login_time']; //当前时间-最后登录时间 $date1 = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("last Monday")); $date2 = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("Sunday")); if ($interval_time > $week_time) { //不活跃用户每周发一条短信 $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("INSERT INTO {$dbTablePre}today_send SET uid = '" . $sid . "', sid = '" . $userid . "',phone = '" . $res['telphone'] . "',sendtime = '" . date("Y-m-d") . "'"); $cos = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("select count(*) as c from {$dbTablePre}today_send where uid='{$sid}' and sendtime>='{$date1}' and sendtime<='{$date2}'", true); if ($cos['c'] <= 1) { //fanglin暂时屏蔽 Push_message_intab($sid, $res['telphone'], "邮件", "真爱一生网 用户ID:" . $userid . "," . $send_user_grade . ",已给您发送电子邮件,请及时到真爱一生网查看!4006780405", $userid); } } else { //活跃用户每天一条 //每天该用户超过5条信息不发送短信 $cos = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("select count(*) as c from {$dbTablePre}today_send where uid='{$sid}' and sendtime='" . date("Y-m-d") . "'", true); if ($cos['c'] < 5) { $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("INSERT INTO {$dbTablePre}today_send SET uid = '" . $sid . "', sid = '" . $userid . "',phone = '" . $res['telphone'] . "',sendtime = '" . date("Y-m-d") . "'"); //fanglin暂时屏蔽 Push_message_intab($sid, $res['telphone'], '邮件', "真爱一生网 用户ID:" . $userid . "," . $send_user_grade . ",已给您发送电子邮件,请及时到真爱一生网查看!4006780405", $userid); } } //note 发送资料给接收方 if ($send_mymessage) { } //note 备份邮件操作 if ($message_back) { //note 发送MAIL时所需信息 $user = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("select username,nickname from {$dbTablePre}members_search where uid='{$mid}'"); //note 发送MAIL时收信人的邮箱 $ToAddress = $user['username']; //note 发送MAIL时主题 $ToSubject = '提示:您在真爱一生网所发的消息备份'; //note 发送MAIL时Body内容所需信息 $username = $user['nickname']; //note 发送MAIL时Body内容所需信息 $toname = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("select nickname from {$dbTablePre}members_search where uid='{$sid}'"); if ($username) { $ToBody = $username; } else { $ToBody = 'ID号为' . $mid . '的会员<br>'; } if ($toname['nickname']) { $ToBody .= ':您好,您于' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()) . ',在真爱一生网发送电子邮件给' . $toname['nickname'] . ',内容如下:<br>'; } else { $ToBody .= ':您好,您于' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()) . ',在真爱一生网发送电子邮件给ID号为' . $sid . '的会员,内容如下:<br>'; } if ($username) { $ToBody .= ' 发件人:' . $username . '<br>'; } else { $ToBody .= ' 发件人:ID号为' . $mid . '<br>'; } if ($toname['nickname']) { $ToBody .= ' 收件人:' . $toname['nickname'] . '<br>'; } else { $ToBody .= ' 收件人:ID号为' . $sid . '<br>'; } $ToBody .= ' 主题:' . $s_title . '<br>'; $ToBody .= ' 正文:<br> ' . $s_content; MooSendMail($ToAddress, $ToSubject, $ToBody, $is_template = true, $sid); } //添加成功提示信息 if ($send_status) { /*普通会员对全权会员反馈白名单*/ if ($res['usertype'] == '3' && $user_arr['usertype'] != '3' && !$serverid) { white_list($res['uid'], $user_arr['uid']); } /*客服模拟全权记录*/ if ($user_arr['usertype'] == '3' && $serverid && $res['usertype'] != '3') { $action = '站内信'; fulllog($user_arr['uid'], $serverid, $action, $res); } //提醒所属客服 $usid = $user_arr['sid']; $title = '您的会员 ' . $mid . ' 向 ' . $sid . ' 发送了邮件'; $awoketime = $timestamp + 3600; $sql_remark = "insert into {$dbTablePre}admin_remark set sid='{$usid}',title='{$title}',content='{$title}',awoketime='{$awoketime}',dateline='{$timestamp}'"; $res = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query($sql_remark); if ($user_arr['gender'] == 0) { //男方发的 $suc = "发送成功,真爱一生审核后对方即可以收到。"; echo return_data($suc, true); exit; } else { $suc = "发送成功"; echo return_data($suc, true); exit; } } else { $err = "发送失败"; echo return_data($err, false); exit; } } else { $err = "数据填写不完整"; echo return_data($err, false); exit; } }
function deletePhoto() { global $_MooClass, $dbTablePre, $userid, $user, $user_arr; $imgid = MooGetGPC('imgid', 'integer', 'P'); $image = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("select * from {$dbTablePre}pic where imgid='{$imgid}' and uid='{$userid}'", true); //note 相册三张缩略图 $thumb_1 = ltrim(thumbImgPath('1', $image['pic_date'], $image['pic_name']), '/'); $thumb_2 = ltrim(thumbImgPath('2', $image['pic_date'], $image['pic_name']), '/'); $thumb_3 = ltrim(thumbImgPath('3', $image['pic_date'], $image['pic_name']), '/'); file_exists($thumb_1) && unlink($thumb_1); file_exists($thumb_2) && unlink($thumb_2); file_exists($thumb_3) && unlink($thumb_3); file_exists($image['imgurl']) && unlink($image['imgurl']); $image_woter = str_replace('.', '_nowater.', $image['imgurl']); if (file_exists($image_woter)) { unlink($image_woter); } if ($user_arr['mainimg'] == $image['imgurl'] && $user_arr['images_ischeck'] == '2') { $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("update `{$dbTablePre}members_base` set `mainimg` = '',`pic_date` = '',`pic_name` = '' where `uid` = '{$userid}'"); $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("update `{$dbTablePre}members_search` set `images_ischeck` = '0',updatetime = '{$updatetime}' where `uid` = '{$userid}'"); if (MOOPHP_ALLOW_FASTDB) { $photo_arr = array(); $photo_arr['mainimg'] = ''; $members_search['images_ischeck'] = '0'; $photo_arr['pic_date'] = ''; $photo_arr['pic_name'] = ''; MooFastdbUpdate('members_base', 'uid', $userid, $photo_arr); MooFastdbUpdate('members_search', 'uid', $userid, $members_search); } } $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("delete from `{$dbTablePre}pic` where `imgid` = '{$imgid}' and uid='{$userid}'"); $user_pic = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("SELECT COUNT(*) AS num FROM {$dbTablePre}pic WHERE syscheck=1 and isimage='0' and uid='{$userid}'", true); $user_pic = (int) $user_pic['num']; if ($user_pic == 0) { $user_pic = 0; } $sql = "update {$dbTablePre}members_search set pic_num='{$user_pic}' where uid='{$userid}'"; $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query($sql); if (MOOPHP_ALLOW_FASTDB) { $pic_arrs = array(); $pic_arrs['pic_num'] = $user_pic; MooFastdbUpdate('members_search', 'uid', $userid, $pic_arrs); } searchApi("members_man members_women")->updateAttr(array('images_ischeck', 'pic_num'), array($memberid => array(0, $user_pic))); //searchApi("members_man members_women")->UpdateAttributes(array($memberid=>array('images_ischeck'=>'0','pic_num'=>$user_pic))); }