function loadPackages() { include_once(LIMB_DIR . '/core/util/'); $toolkit =& Limb :: toolkit(); $ini =& $toolkit->getINI('packages.ini'); $this->_packages = array(); $groups = $ini->getAll(); $packages = $ini->getOption('packages'); if (!count($packages)) return throw_error(new LimbException('no packages in package.ini!')); foreach($packages as $package_path) { $package_data = array(); include($package_path . '/setup.php'); $this->_definePackageConstant($PACKAGE_NAME, $package_path); $package_data['path'] = $package_path; $package_data['name'] = $PACKAGE_NAME; $this->_packages[] = $package_data; } }
function getClassId($object) { $toolkit =& Limb :: toolkit(); $db_table =& $toolkit->createDBTable('SysClass'); $class_name = $object->__class_name; $rs =& $db_table->select(array('name' => $class_name)); $count = $rs->getTotalRowCount(); if ($count == 1) { $rs->rewind(); $record = $rs->current(); return $record->get('id'); } elseif($count > 1) { return throw_error(new LimbException('there are more than 1 type found', array('name' => $class_name))); } $insert_data['name'] = $class_name; return $db_table->insert($insert_data); }
public function run($sql, $data = array()) { try { $statement = $this->PDO->prepare($sql); if (count($data)) { foreach ($data as $key => $value) { if (is_int($value)) { $statement->bindValue(":" . $key, $value, PDO::PARAM_INT); } else { if (is_bool($value)) { $statement->bindValue(":" . $key, $value, PDO::PARAM_BOOL); } else { if (is_null($value)) { $statement->bindValue(":" . $key, $value, PDO::PARAM_NULL); } else { if (is_string($value)) { $statement->bindValue(":" . $key, $value); } } } } } } $statement->execute(); return $statement; } catch (PDOException $e) { throw_error("Query Error: " . $e->getMessage()); } }
function resize($max_size) { $image_library =& $this->_getImageLibrary(); $media_manager =& $this->_getMediaManager(); $media_file_id = $this->getMediaFileId(); $input_file = $media_manager->getMediaFilePath($media_file_id); $output_file = $this->_generateTempFile(); $input_file_type = $image_library->getImageType($this->getMimeType()); $output_file_type = $image_library->fallBackToAnySupportedType($input_file_type); $image_library->setInputFile($input_file); $image_library->setInputType($input_file_type); $image_library->setOutputFile($output_file); $image_library->setOutputType($output_file_type); $image_library->resize(array('max_dimension' => $max_size)); //ugly!!! $image_library->commit(); if (catch_error('LimbException', $e)) { if (file_exists($output_file)) { $this->_unlinkTempFile($output_file); } return throw_error($e); } $this->_updateDimensionsUsingFile($output_file); $media_file_id = $media_manager->store($output_file); $this->setMediaFileId($media_file_id); $this->_unlinkTempFile($output_file); }
function create($library = 'gd', $dir = '') { if(defined('IMAGE_LIBRARY')) $library = IMAGE_LIBRARY; $image_class_name = 'image_' . $library; if(isset($GLOBALS['global_' . $image_class_name])) $obj =& $GLOBALS['global_' . $image_class_name]; else $obj = null; if(get_class($obj) != $image_class_name) { $dir = ($dir == '') ? LIMB_DIR . '/core/image/' : $dir; if(!file_exists($dir . $image_class_name . '.class.php')) return throw_error(new FileNotFoundException('image library not found', $dir . $image_class_name . '.class.php')); include_once($dir . $image_class_name . '.class.php'); $obj = new $image_class_name(); $GLOBALS['global_' . $image_class_name] =& $obj; } return $obj; }
function run(&$filter_chain, &$request, &$response) { $toolkit =& Limb :: toolkit(); $action_resolver =& $toolkit->getRequestResolver('action'); $service_resolver =& $toolkit->getRequestResolver('service'); if(!is_object($service_resolver) || !is_object($action_resolver)) return throw_error(new LimbException('request resolvers not set')); $service =& $service_resolver->resolve($request); if(!$action =& $action_resolver->resolve($request)) { $toolkit->setService($service); } elseif($service->actionExists($action)) { $service->setCurrentAction($action); $toolkit->setService($service); } else { $service404 = new Service('404'); $toolkit->setService($service404); } $filter_chain->next(); }
function preParse() { if (!isset($this->attributes['name'])) { return throw_error(new WactException('missing required attribute', array('tag' => $this->tag, 'attribute' => 'name', 'file' => $this->source_file, 'line' => $this->starting_line_no))); } $this->const = $this->attributes['name']; return PARSER_REQUIRE_PARSING; }
function & getFileResolver($resolver_name) { global $LIMB_FILE_RESOLVERS; if(isset($LIMB_FILE_RESOLVERS[$resolver_name])) return $LIMB_FILE_RESOLVERS[$resolver_name]; else return throw_error(new LimbException('unknown file resolver', array('resolver' => $resolver_name))); }
function resolve($class_path, $params = array()) { if(file_exists(LIMB_DIR . '/core/actions/' . $class_path . '.class.php')) $full_path = LIMB_DIR . '/core/actions/' . $class_path . '.class.php'; else return throw_error(new FileNotFoundException('action not found', $class_path)); return $full_path; }
/** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: Asus * Date: 5/30/2015 * Time: 9:57 AM */ function getCurrentDateTime() { global $timezone; try { $now = new DateTime("now", new DateTimeZone($timezone['timezone'])); } catch (Exception $e) { throw_error($e->getMessage()); } return $now->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"); }
function get_slow_page_data() { global $xhprofModelObject; global $game_cfg; $result = $xhprofModelObject->generic_execute_get_query_detail('get_slow_page_data', array("slow_page_table" => $game_cfg["slow_page_table"])); if (!$result) { throw_error("Internal plumping error, slow db could not be owned (mined)"); } return $result; }
function _applyAccessPolicy($object, $action) { $access_policy = new AccessPolicy(); $access_policy->applyAccessTemplates($object, $action); if (catch_error('LimbException', $e)) { MessageBox::writeNotice("Access template of " . get_class($object) . " for action '{$action}' not defined!!!"); } elseif (catch_error('LimbException', $e)) { return throw_error($e); } }
function load() { if(!file_exists($this->file_path)) return throw_error(new FileNotFoundException('ini file not found', $this->file_path)); if ($this->use_cache) $this->_loadCache(); else $this->_parse($this->file_path); }
function preParse() { if (!isset($this->attributes['tab_id'])) { return throw_error(new WactException('missing required attribute', array('tag' => $this->tag, 'attribute' => 'id', 'file' => $this->source_file, 'line' => $this->starting_line_no))); } if (!in_array($this->attributes['tab_id'], $this->parent->parent->tabs)) { return throw_error(new WactException('invalid attribute value', array('tag' => $this->tag, 'attribute' => 'tab_id', 'description' => 'tab_id not declared in <tab_item:label> tag', 'file' => $this->source_file, 'line' => $this->starting_line_no))); } return PARSER_REQUIRE_PARSING; }
function resolve($file_name, $params = array()) { if (file_exists(LIMB_DIR . '/tests/settings/' . $file_name)) $dir = LIMB_DIR . '/tests/settings/'; elseif (file_exists(LIMB_DIR . '/settings/' . $file_name)) $dir = LIMB_DIR . '/settings/'; else return throw_error(new FileNotFoundException('ini file not found', $file_name)); return $dir . $file_name; }
function _updateObjectOperation() { $this->object->set('files_data', $_FILES[$this->name]); $this->object->updateVariations(); if (catch_error('SQLException', $e)) { return throw_error($e); } elseif (catch_error('LimbException', $e)) { MessageBox::writeNotice('Some variations were not resized'); } elseif (catch_error('LimbException', $e)) { return throw_error($e); } }
function & _getIni() { if(is_object($this->ini)) return $this->ini; $toolkit =& Limb :: toolkit(); $this->ini =& $toolkit->getIni($this->name . '.service.ini', 'service'); if(!is_object($this->ini)) return throw_error(new LimbException($this->name . '.service.ini not found'));//FIX return $this->ini; }
function fallBackToAnySupportedType($type) { if ($this->isTypeCreateSupported($type)) return $type; if ($this->isTypeCreateSupported('PNG')) return 'PNG'; if ($this->isTypeCreateSupported('JPEG')) return 'JPEG'; return throw_error(new LimbException('no file type supported')); }
function resolve($file_name, $params = array()) { if(!isset($params[0])) $locale_id = DEFAULT_CONTENT_LOCALE_ID; else $locale_id = $params[0]; if(file_exists(LIMB_DIR . '/tests/i18n/' . $file_name . '_' . $locale_id . '.ini')) $dir = LIMB_DIR . '/tests/i18n/'; else return throw_error(new FileNotFoundException('strings file not found', $file_name, array('locale_id' => $locale_id))); return $dir . $file_name . '_' . $locale_id . '.ini'; }
function store($disk_file_path) { if (!file_exists($disk_file_path)) { return throw_error(new FileNotFoundException('file not found', $disk_file_path)); } srand(time()); $media_id = md5(uniqid(rand())); Fs::mkdir(MEDIA_DIR); $media_file = $this->getMediaFilePath($media_id); if (!copy($disk_file_path, $media_file)) { return throw_error(new IOException('copy failed', array('dst' => $media_file, 'src' => $disk_file_path))); } return $media_id; }
function _performStateCommand($state) { if (!isset($this->states[$state])) { return throw_error(new LimbException('illegal state', array('state_name' => $state))); } $method = 'perform' . $state; $result = $this->factory->$method(); $this->state_history[] = array($state => $result); return $result; }
function _validPerform(&$request, &$response) { $params = array(); $params['identifier'] = $this->dataspace->get('identifier'); $params['parent_path'] = $this->dataspace->get('parent_path'); $params['class'] = $this->dataspace->get('class_name'); $params['title'] = $this->dataspace->get('title'); $toolkit =& Limb::toolkit(); $object =& $toolkit->createSiteObject($params['Class']); $datasource =& $toolkit->getDatasource('SingleObjectDatasource'); $datasource->setPath($params['parent_path']); $is_root = false; if (!($parent_data = $datasource->fetch())) { if ($params['parent_path'] == '/') { $is_root = true; } else { MessageBox::writeNotice('parent wasn\'t retrieved by path ' . $params['parent_path']); $request->setStatus(Request::STATUS_FAILURE); return; } } if (!$is_root) { $params['parent_node_id'] = $parent_data['node_id']; } else { $params['parent_node_id'] = 0; } $object->merge($params); $object->create($is_root); if (catch_error($e, 'LimbException')) { MessageBox::writeNotice('object wasn\'t registered!'); $request->setStatus(Request::STATUS_FAILURE); return; } elseif (catch_error($e, 'LimbException')) { return throw_error($e); } if (!$is_root) { $parent_object =& $toolkit->createSiteObject($parent_data['ClassName']); $parent_object->merge($parent_data); $controller =& $parent_object->getController(); $action = $controller->determineAction(); $access_policy = new AccessPolicy(); $access_policy->saveNewObjectAccess($object, $parent_object, $action); } $request->setStatus(Request::STATUS_FORM_SUBMITTED); if ($request->hasAttribute('popup')) { $response->write(closePopupResponse($request)); } }
function insert(&$object) { if (!$object->get('oid')) return throw_error(new LimbException('oid is not set')); if (!$object->get('id')) return throw_error(new LimbException('node id is not set')); $toolkit =& Limb :: toolkit(); $db_table =& $toolkit->createDBTable('SysObject2Node'); $row = array('oid' => $object->get('oid'), 'node_id' => $object->get('id')); $db_table->insert($row); }
function resolve($file_path, $params = array()) { $packages = $this->_getPackages(); foreach($packages as $package) { if (!isset($package['path'])) continue; $resolved_file_path = $package['path'] . $file_path; if (file_exists($resolved_file_path)) return $resolved_file_path; } return throw_error(new FileNotFoundException('file not found in packages', $file_path)); }
function write($log_file_data, $string) { $log_dir = $log_file_data[0]; $log_name = $log_file_data[1]; $file_name = $log_dir . $log_name; if (!is_dir($log_dir)) Fs :: mkdir($log_dir, 0775, true); $oldumask = umask(0); $file_existed = file_exists($file_name); $log_file = fopen($file_name, 'a'); if ($log_file) { $time = gmstrftime("%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", time()); $notice = '[ ' . $time . " ]\n"; $toolkit =& Limb :: toolkit(); $user =& $toolkit->getUser(); if(($user_id = $user->getId()) != DEFAULT_USER_ID) $notice .= '[ ' . $user_id . ' ] [ ' . $user->getLogin() . ' ] [ ' . $user->get('email', '') . ' ] '; $notice .= '[' . Sys::clientIp() . '] [' . (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) ? $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] : '') . "]\n" . $string . "\n\n"; fwrite($log_file, $notice); fclose($log_file ); if (!$file_existed) chmod($file_name, 0664); umask($oldumask); $result = true; } else { umask($oldumask); return throw_error(new IOException("Cannot open log file '$file_name' for writing\n" . "The web server must be allowed to modify the file.\n" . "File logging for '$file_name' is disabled.")); } return $result; }
function process() { $ds =& $this->_createDAO(); $datasource =& $ds->fetchRecord(); foreach($this->targets as $target) { if($target_component =& $this->parent->findChild($target)) { $target_component->registerDataSource($datasource); } else { return throw_error(new WactException('target component not found', array('target' => $target))); } } }
function _updateObjectOperation() { if (isset($_FILES[$this->name]['tmp_name']['file'])) { if ($_FILES[$this->name]['size']['file'] > ini_get('upload_max_filesize') * 1024 * 1024) { return throw_error(new LimbException('uploaded file size exceeds limit')); } $toolkit =& Limb::toolkit(); $request =& $toolkit->getRequest(); $datasource =& $toolkit->getDatasource('RequestedObjectDatasource'); $datasource->setRequest($request); $object_data = $datasource->fetch(); $this->object->set('media_id', $object_data['media_id']); $this->object->set('tmp_file_path', $_FILES[$this->name]['tmp_name']['file']); $this->object->set('file_name', $_FILES[$this->name]['name']['file']); $this->object->set('mime_type', $_FILES[$this->name]['type']['file']); } parent::_updateObjectOperation(); }
function perform() { $toolkit =& Limb :: toolkit(); if(!$view =& $toolkit->getView()) return throw_error(new LimbException('view is null')); ob_start(); $view->display(); $response =& $toolkit->getResponse(); $response->write(ob_get_contents()); if(ob_get_level()) ob_end_clean(); return LIMB_STATUS_OK; }
function insert(&$object) { if (!$object->get('oid')) return throw_error(new LimbException('oid is not set')); $toolkit =& Limb :: toolkit(); $service_db_table =& $toolkit->createDBTable('SysService'); $service_id = $this->_getServiceId($object); $db_table =& $toolkit->createDBTable('SysObject2Service'); $row = array('oid' => $object->get('oid'), 'service_id' => $service_id, 'title' => $object->get('title'), ); $db_table->insert($row); }
function process() { $dataset =& $this->getDataset(); if($navigator =& $this->_getNavigatorComponent()) $dataset->paginate($navigator); foreach($this->targets as $target) { if($target_component =& $this->parent->findChild($target)) { $target_component->registerDataSet($dataset); } else { return throw_error(new WactException('target component not found', array('target' => $target))); } } }