Exemplo n.º 1
        $t_res = SLQuery($query);
        if ($sl_err) {
        for ($irow = 0; $irow < SLRowCount($t_res); ++$irow) {
            $row = SLGetRow($t_res, $irow);
            list($patient_id, $encounter_id) = explode(".", $row['invnumber']);
            // If a facility was specified then skip invoices whose encounters
            // do not indicate that facility.
            if ($form_facility) {
                $tmp = sqlQuery("SELECT count(*) AS count FROM form_encounter WHERE " . "pid = '{$patient_id}' AND encounter = '{$encounter_id}' AND " . "facility_id = '{$form_facility}'");
                if (empty($tmp['count'])) {
            thisLineItem($patient_id, $encounter_id, '', $row['description'], $row['transdate'], $row['qty'], $row['sellprice'] * $row['qty']);
        // end for
    // end not $INTEGRATED_AR
    if ($_POST['form_csvexport']) {
        if (!$_POST['form_details']) {
            echo '"' . display_desc($product) . '",';
            echo '"' . $productqty . '",';
            echo '"';
            echo '"' . "\n";
    } else {
Exemplo n.º 2
    $res = sqlStatement($query);
    while ($row = sqlFetchArray($res)) {
        thisLineItem($row['pid'], $row['encounter'], $row['code'] . ' ' . $row['code_text'], substr($row['date'], 0, 10), $row['units'], $row['cyp_factor'], $row['invoice_refno']);
    $query = "SELECT s.sale_date, s.quantity, s.pid, s.encounter, " . "d.name, d.cyp_factor, fe.date, fe.facility_id, fe.invoice_refno " . "FROM drug_sales AS s " . "JOIN drugs AS d ON d.drug_id = s.drug_id AND d.cyp_factor > 0 " . "JOIN form_encounter AS fe ON " . "fe.pid = s.pid AND fe.encounter = s.encounter AND " . "fe.date >= '{$from_date} 00:00:00' AND fe.date <= '{$to_date} 23:59:59' " . "WHERE s.fee != 0";
    // If a facility was specified.
    if ($form_facility) {
        $query .= " AND fe.facility_id = '{$form_facility}'";
    $query .= " ORDER BY d.name, fe.date, fe.id";
    $res = sqlStatement($query);
    while ($row = sqlFetchArray($res)) {
        thisLineItem($row['pid'], $row['encounter'], $row['name'], substr($row['date'], 0, 10), $row['quantity'], $row['cyp_factor'], $row['invoice_refno']);
    if ($_POST['form_csvexport']) {
        if (!$_POST['form_details']) {
            echo '"' . display_desc($product) . '",';
            echo '"' . $productqty . '",';
            echo '"' . formatcyp($productcyp) . '",';
            echo '"' . formatcyp($producttotal) . '"' . "\n";
    } else {

 <tr bgcolor="#ddddff">
  <td class="detail" colspan="<?php 
        echo $_POST['form_details'] ? 3 : 1;
Exemplo n.º 3
// end not export
// If generating a report.
if ($_POST['form_refresh'] || $_POST['form_csvexport']) {
    $from_date = $form_from_date;
    $to_date = $form_to_date;
    $query = "SELECT po.patient_id, po.date_ordered, " . "pd.pubpid, " . "CONCAT(pd.lname, ', ', pd.fname, ' ', pd.mname) AS patient_name, " . "u1.lname AS provider_lname, u1.fname AS provider_fname, u1.mname AS provider_mname, " . "pp.name AS organization, " . "lop.title AS priority_name, " . "los.title AS status_name, " . "pr.procedure_report_id, pr.date_report, pr.report_status " . "FROM procedure_order AS po " . "JOIN form_encounter AS fe ON fe.pid = po.patient_id AND fe.encounter = po.encounter_id " . "JOIN patient_data AS pd ON pd.pid = po.patient_id " . "LEFT JOIN users AS u1 ON u1.id = po.provider_id " . "LEFT JOIN procedure_providers AS pp ON pp.ppid = po.lab_id " . "LEFT JOIN list_options AS lop ON lop.list_id = 'ord_priority' AND lop.option_id = po.order_priority " . "LEFT JOIN list_options AS los ON los.list_id = 'ord_status' AND los.option_id = po.order_status " . "LEFT JOIN procedure_report AS pr ON pr.procedure_order_id = po.procedure_order_id " . "WHERE " . "po.date_ordered >= '{$from_date}' AND po.date_ordered <= '{$to_date}' AND " . "( pr.report_status IS NULL OR pr.report_status = 'prelim' )";
    // TBD: What if preliminary and final reports for the same order?
    if ($form_facility) {
        $query .= " AND fe.facility_id = '{$form_facility}'";
    $query .= " ORDER BY pd.lname, pd.fname, pd.mname, po.patient_id, " . "po.date_ordered, po.procedure_order_id";
    $res = sqlStatement($query);
    while ($row = sqlFetchArray($res)) {
// end report generation
if (!$_POST['form_csvexport']) {


<!-- stuff for the popup calendar -->
<style type="text/css">@import url(../../library/dynarch_calendar.css);</style>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../library/dynarch_calendar.js"></script>
                         $rowmethod = trim(substr($row['notes'], $i + 5, $j - $i - 5));
             // end foreach
         } else {
             $rowmethod = trim($row['source']);
             if ($form_report_by != '3') {
                 // Extract only the first word as the payment method because any
                 // following text will be some petty detail like a check number.
                 $rowmethod = substr($rowmethod, 0, strcspn($rowmethod, ' /'));
         // end reporting by method
         thisLineItem($patient_id, $encounter_id, $row['memo'], $row['transdate'], $rowmethod, $rowpayamount, $rowadjamount, $payer_type);
     // end for
 // end not $INTEGRATED_AR
 // Not payer summary.
 if ($form_report_by != '1' || $_POST['form_details']) {
     if ($form_report_by == '1') {
         // by payer with details
         // Sort and dump saved info, and consolidate items with all key
         // fields being the same.
         usort($insarray, 'payerCmp');
         $b = array();
         foreach ($insarray as $a) {
             if (empty($a[4])) {
                 $a[4] = xl('Patient');
     } else {
         if (empty($row['session_id'])) {
             $rowmethod = trim($row['memo']);
         } else {
             $rowmethod = trim($row['reference']);
         if ($form_report_by != '3') {
             // Extract only the first word as the payment method because any
             // following text will be some petty detail like a check number.
             $rowmethod = substr($rowmethod, 0, strcspn($rowmethod, ' /'));
     thisLineItem($row['pid'], $row['encounter'], $row['code'], $thedate, $rowmethod, $row['pay_amount'], $row['adj_amount'], $row['payer_type'], $row['invoice_refno']);
 // Not payer summary.
 if ($form_report_by != '1' || $_POST['form_details']) {
     if ($form_report_by == '1') {
         // by payer with details
         // Sort and dump saved info, and consolidate items with all key
         // fields being the same.
         usort($insarray, 'payerCmp');
         $b = array();
         foreach ($insarray as $a) {
             if (empty($a[4])) {
                 $a[4] = xl('Patient');
             if (empty($b)) {
                 $b = $a;
Exemplo n.º 6
                        $qtys[1] = 0 - $row['quantity'];
                    } else {
                        if ($row['fee'] != 0) {
                            $qtys[2] = 0 - $row['quantity'];
                        } else {
                            // no pid, distributor, source lot or fee: must be an adjustment
                            $qtys[4] = 0 - $row['quantity'];
        thisLineItem($row['drug_id'], $row['warehouse_id'], $row['pid'] + 0, $row['encounter'] + 0, $row['name'], $row['title'], $row['sale_date'], $qtys, $row['invoice_refno']);
    // Generate totals for last product and warehouse.
    thisLineItem(0, '~', 0, 0, '', '', '0000-00-00', array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0));
    // Grand totals line.
    if ($form_action != 'export') {
        // if submit
        $grei = getEndInventory();
 <tr bgcolor="#dddddd">
  <td class="detail" colspan="4">
        echo htmlspecialchars(xl('Grand Total'));
  <td class="dehead" align="right">
        echo $grei - $grandqtys[0] - $grandqtys[1] - $grandqtys[2] - $grandqtys[3] - $grandqtys[4];
Exemplo n.º 7
    $res = sqlStatement($query);
    while ($row = sqlFetchArray($res)) {
        $patient_id = $row['patient_id'];
        $date_ordered = $row['date_ordered'];
        $relcodes = explode(';', $row['related_code']);
        foreach ($relcodes as $codestring) {
            if ($codestring === '') {
            list($codetype, $code) = explode(':', $codestring);
            $brow = sqlQuery("SELECT count(*) AS count " . "FROM billing AS b, form_encounter AS fe WHERE " . "b.pid = '{$patient_id}' AND " . "b.code_type = '{$codetype}' AND " . "b.code = '{$code}' AND " . "b.activity = 1 AND " . "fe.pid = b.pid AND fe.encounter = b.encounter AND " . "fe.date >= '{$date_ordered} 00:00:00'");
            // If there was such a service, then this followup is not pending.
            if (!empty($brow['count'])) {
            thisLineItem($row, $codetype, $code);
// end report generation
if (!$_POST['form_csvexport']) {


<!-- stuff for the popup calendar -->
<style type="text/css">@import url(../../library/dynarch_calendar.css);</style>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../library/dynarch_calendar.js"></script>
Exemplo n.º 8
    $query = "SELECT s.sale_date, s.fee, s.quantity, s.pid, s.encounter, " . "d.name, fe.date, fe.facility_id, fe.provider_id, fe.invoice_refno " . "FROM drug_sales AS s " . "JOIN drugs AS d ON d.drug_id = s.drug_id " . "JOIN form_encounter AS fe ON " . "fe.pid = s.pid AND fe.encounter = s.encounter AND " . "fe.date >= ? AND fe.date <= ? " . "WHERE s.fee != 0";
    array_push($sqlBindArray, $from_date, $to_date);
    // If a facility was specified.
    if ($form_facility) {
        $query .= " AND fe.facility_id = ?";
        array_push($sqlBindArray, $form_facility);
    if ($form_provider) {
        $query .= " AND fe.provider_id = ?";
        array_push($sqlBindArray, $form_provider);
    $query .= " ORDER BY d.name, fe.date, fe.id";
    $res = sqlStatement($query, $sqlBindArray);
    while ($row = sqlFetchArray($res)) {
        thisLineItem($row['pid'], $row['encounter'], xl('Products'), $row['name'], substr($row['date'], 0, 10), $row['quantity'], $row['fee'], $row['invoice_refno']);
    if ($_POST['form_csvexport']) {
        if (!$_POST['form_details']) {
            echo '"' . display_desc($product) . '",';
            echo '"' . $productqty . '",';
            echo '"';
            echo '"' . "\n";
    } else {

 <tr bgcolor="#ddddff">
  <td class="detail">
Exemplo n.º 9
function thisLineItem($row, $xfer = false)
    global $grandtotal, $grandqty, $encount, $form_action;
    $invnumber = '';
    $dpname = '';
    if (!empty($row['pid'])) {
        $ttype = xl('Sale');
        $dpname = $row['plname'];
        if (!empty($row['pfname'])) {
            $dpname .= ', ' . $row['pfname'];
            if (!empty($row['pmname'])) {
                $dpname .= ' ' . $row['pmname'];
        $invnumber = empty($row['invoice_refno']) ? "{$row['pid']}.{$row['encounter']}" : $row['invoice_refno'];
    } else {
        if (!empty($row['distributor_id'])) {
            $ttype = xl('Distribution');
            if (!empty($row['organization'])) {
                $dpname = $row['organization'];
            } else {
                $dpname = $row['dlname'];
                if (!empty($row['dfname'])) {
                    $dpname .= ', ' . $row['dfname'];
                    if (!empty($row['dmname'])) {
                        $dpname .= ' ' . $row['dmname'];
        } else {
            if (!empty($row['xfer_inventory_id']) || $xfer) {
                $ttype = xl('Transfer');
            } else {
                if ($row['fee'] != 0) {
                    $ttype = xl('Purchase');
                } else {
                    $ttype = xl('Adjustment');
    if ($form_action == 'export') {
        echo '"' . oeFormatShortDate($row['sale_date']) . '",';
        echo '"' . $ttype . '",';
        echo '"' . esc4Export($row['name']) . '",';
        echo '"' . esc4Export($row['lot_number']) . '",';
        echo '"' . esc4Export($row['warehouse']) . '",';
        echo '"' . esc4Export($dpname) . '",';
        echo '"' . (0 - $row['quantity']) . '",';
        echo '"' . bucks($row['fee']) . '",';
        echo '"' . $row['billed'] . '",';
        echo '"' . esc4Export($row['notes']) . '"' . "\n";
    } else {
        $bgcolor = ++$encount & 1 ? "#ddddff" : "#ffdddd";

 <tr bgcolor="<?php 
        echo $bgcolor;
  <td class="detail">
        echo htmlspecialchars(oeFormatShortDate($row['sale_date']));
  <td class="detail">
        echo htmlspecialchars($ttype);
  <td class="detail">
        echo htmlspecialchars($row['name']);
  <td class="detail">
        echo htmlspecialchars($row['lot_number']);
  <td class="detail">
        echo htmlspecialchars($row['warehouse']);
  <td class="detail">
        echo htmlspecialchars($dpname);
  <td class="detail" align="right">
        echo htmlspecialchars(0 - $row['quantity']);
  <td class="detail" align="right">
        echo htmlspecialchars(bucks($row['fee']));
  <td class="detail" align="center">
        echo empty($row['billed']) ? '&nbsp;' : '*';
  <td class="detail">
        echo htmlspecialchars($row['notes']);
    // End not csv export
    $grandtotal += $row['fee'];
    $grandqty -= $row['quantity'];
    // In the special case of a transfer, generate a second line item for
    // the source lot.
    if (!empty($row['xfer_inventory_id'])) {
        $row['xfer_inventory_id'] = 0;
        $row['lot_number'] = $row['lot_number_2'];
        $row['warehouse'] = $row['warehouse_2'];
        $row['quantity'] = 0 - $row['quantity'];
        $row['fee'] = 0 - $row['fee'];
        thisLineItem($row, true);