Exemplo n.º 1
  * Display widget content.
  * @param array $args Display arguments including before_title, after_title, before_widget, and after_widget.
  * @param array $instance The settings for the particular instance of the widget
 function widget($args, $instance)
     $instance = wp_parse_args((array) $instance, $this->defaults);
     $featured_page = new WP_Query(array('page_id' => $instance['page_id']));
     echo $before_widget . '<div class="feature-page">';
     if (!empty($instance['title'])) {
         echo $before_title . apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title'], $instance, $this->id_base) . $after_title;
     if ($featured_page->have_posts()) {
         while ($featured_page->have_posts()) {
             echo '<div class="' . implode(' ', get_post_class()) . '">';
             if (!empty($instance['show_title'])) {
                 printf('<h4 class="entry-title"><a href="%s" title="%s">%s</a></h4>', get_permalink(), the_title_attribute('echo=0'), get_the_title());
             //Show image
             if (!empty($instance['show_image'])) {
                 printf('<a href="%s" title="%s" class="%s">%s</a>', get_permalink(), the_title_attribute('echo=0'), esc_attr($instance['image_alignment']), calibrefx_get_image(array('format' => 'html', 'size' => $instance['image_size'])));
             if (!empty($instance['show_content'])) {
                 if (empty($instance['content_limit'])) {
                 } else {
                     the_content_limit((int) $instance['content_limit'], esc_html($instance['more_text']));
             echo '</div><!--end post_class()-->' . "\n\n";
     echo '</div>' . $after_widget;
  * Echo the widget content.
  * @since 0.1.8
  * @param array $args Display arguments including before_title, after_title, before_widget, and after_widget.
  * @param array $instance The settings for the particular instance of the widget
 function widget($args, $instance)
     global $wp_query;
     //* Merge with defaults
     $instance = wp_parse_args((array) $instance, $this->defaults);
     echo $before_widget;
     //* Set up the author bio
     if (!empty($instance['title'])) {
         echo $before_title . apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title'], $instance, $this->id_base) . $after_title;
     $wp_query = new WP_Query(array('page_id' => $instance['page_id']));
     if (have_posts()) {
         while (have_posts()) {
             genesis_markup(array('html5' => '<article %s>', 'xhtml' => sprintf('<div class="%s">', implode(' ', get_post_class())), 'context' => 'entry'));
             $image = genesis_get_image(array('format' => 'html', 'size' => $instance['image_size'], 'context' => 'featured-page-widget', 'attr' => genesis_parse_attr('entry-image-widget')));
             if ($instance['show_image'] && $image) {
                 printf('<a href="%s" title="%s" class="%s">%s</a>', get_permalink(), the_title_attribute('echo=0'), esc_attr($instance['image_alignment']), $image);
             if (!empty($instance['show_title'])) {
                 if (genesis_html5()) {
                     printf('<header class="entry-header"><h2 class="entry-title"><a href="%s" title="%s">%s</a></h2></header>', get_permalink(), the_title_attribute('echo=0'), get_the_title());
                 } else {
                     printf('<h2><a href="%s" title="%s">%s</a></h2>', get_permalink(), the_title_attribute('echo=0'), get_the_title());
             if (!empty($instance['show_content'])) {
                 echo genesis_html5() ? '<div class="entry-content">' : '';
                 if (empty($instance['content_limit'])) {
                     global $more;
                     $more = 0;
                 } else {
                     the_content_limit((int) $instance['content_limit'], esc_html($instance['more_text']));
                 echo genesis_html5() ? '</div>' : '';
             if (!empty($instance['custom_text'])) {
                 $text = wp_kses_post($instance['custom_text']);
                 echo '<div class="custom-text">';
                 echo $instance['filter'] ? wpautop($text) : $text;
                 if (!empty($instance['more_text'])) {
                     echo '<span class="more-link"><a href="' . get_permalink($instance['page_id']) . '">' . $instance['more_text'] . '</a></span>';
                 echo '</div>';
             genesis_markup(array('html5' => '</article>', 'xhtml' => '</div>'));
     //* Restore original query
     echo $after_widget;
function crystal_portfolio_do_post_content()
    if (genesis_get_option('crystal_portfolio_content') == 'excerpts') {
    } else {
        if (genesis_get_option('crystal_portfolio_content_archive_limit')) {
            the_content_limit((int) genesis_get_option('crystal_portfolio_content_archive_limit'), __('View Project', 'crystal'));
        } else {
            the_content(__('View Project', 'crystal'));
 function widget($args, $instance)
     $instance = wp_parse_args((array) $instance, array('title' => '', 'posts_cat' => '', 'posts_num' => '', 'posts_offset' => '', 'orderby' => '', 'order' => '', 'show_image' => 0, 'image_alignment' => '', 'image_size' => '', 'show_title' => 0, 'show_byline' => 0, 'show_content' => 0, 'content_limit' => '', 'more_text' => ''));
     echo $before_widget;
     $featured_posts = new WP_Query(array('cat' => $instance['posts_cat'], 'showposts' => $instance['posts_num'], 'offset' => $instance['posts_offset'], 'orderby' => $instance['orderby'], 'order' => $instance['order']));
     if ($featured_posts->have_posts()) {
         while ($featured_posts->have_posts()) {
             echo '<li ';
             echo '>';
             if (!empty($instance['show_image'])) {
                 echo '<a href="' . get_permalink() . '" title="' . get_the_title() . '" class="' . esc_attr($instance['image_alignment']) . ' feature-image">';
                 genesis_image(array('format' => 'html', 'size' => $instance['image_size']));
                 echo '</a>';
             if (!empty($instance['show_title'])) {
                 echo '<h2 class="title"><a href="' . get_permalink() . '" title="' . esc_attr(get_the_title()) . '">' . get_the_title() . '</a></h2>';
             if (!empty($instance['show_byline'])) {
                 echo '<p class="byline">';
                 the_time('F j, Y');
                 echo ' ' . __('by', 'genesis') . ' ';
                 echo ' &middot; ';
                 comments_popup_link(__('Leave a Comment', 'genesis'), __('1 Comment', 'genesis'), __('% Comments', 'genesis'));
                 echo ' ';
                 edit_post_link(__('(Edit)', 'genesis'), '', '');
                 echo '</p>';
             if (!empty($instance['show_content'])) {
                 if ($instance['show_content'] == 'excerpt') {
                 } elseif ($instance['show_content'] == 'content-limit') {
                     the_content_limit((int) $instance['content_limit'], esc_html($instance['more_text']));
                 } else {
             echo '</li><!--end post_class()-->' . "\n\n";
             if (!empty($instance['show_slider_nav'])) {
                 $slider_nav .= '<li><a href="#"></a></li>';
     echo $after_widget;
     echo '<div class="feature-nav ' . esc_attr($instance['image_alignment']) . '">';
     echo '<ul>';
     echo $slider_nav;
     echo '</ul></div>';
  * Echo the widget content.
  * @since 0.2.0
  * @param array $args Display arguments including before_title, after_title, before_widget, and after_widget.
  * @param array $instance The settings for the particular instance of the widget
 function widget($args, $instance)
     global $wp_query;
     //* Merge with defaults
     $instance = wp_parse_args((array) $instance, $this->defaults);
     echo $before_widget;
     //* Set up the widget title
     if (!empty($instance['title'])) {
         echo '<h2 class="widget-title widgettitle">' . apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title'], $instance, $this->id_base) . '</h2>';
     $query_args = array('post_type' => 'awp-community', 'showposts' => $instance['posts_num'], 'offset' => $instance['posts_offset'], 'orderby' => $instance['orderby'], 'order' => $instance['order']);
     $wp_query = new WP_Query($query_args);
     if (have_posts()) {
         while (have_posts()) {
             genesis_markup(array('html5' => '<article %s>', 'xhtml' => sprintf('<div class="%s">', implode(' ', get_post_class())), 'context' => 'entry'));
             $image = genesis_get_image(array('format' => 'html', 'size' => $instance['image_size'], 'context' => 'featured-community-widget', 'attr' => genesis_parse_attr('entry-image-widget')));
             if ($instance['show_image'] && $image) {
                 printf('<div class="awp-community-image"><a href="%s" title="%s" class="%s">%s</a></div>', get_permalink(), the_title_attribute('echo=0'), 'awp-community-link', $image);
             if ($instance['show_title']) {
                 echo '<header class="entry-header">';
                 printf('<h3 class="entry-title"><a href="%s" title="%s">%s</a></h3>', get_permalink(), the_title_attribute('echo=0'), get_the_title());
                 echo '</header>';
             if (!empty($instance['show_content'])) {
                 echo '<div class="entry-content">';
                 if ('excerpt' == $instance['show_content']) {
                     $current_excerpt = get_the_excerpt();
                     echo $current_excerpt;
                 } elseif ('content-limit' == $instance['show_content']) {
                     the_content_limit((int) $instance['content_limit'], esc_html($instance['more_text']));
                 } else {
                     global $more;
                     $orig_more = $more;
                     $more = 0;
                     $more = $orig_more;
                 echo '</div>';
             genesis_markup(array('html5' => '</article>', 'xhtml' => '</div>'));
     //* Restore original query
     echo $after_widget;
 function widget($args, $instance)
     $instance = wp_parse_args((array) $instance, array('title' => '', 'page_id' => '', 'show_image' => 0, 'image_alignment' => '', 'image_size' => '', 'show_title' => 0, 'show_byline' => 0, 'show_content' => 0, 'content_limit' => '', 'more_text' => ''));
     echo $before_widget;
     // Set up the author bio
     if (!empty($instance['title'])) {
         echo $before_title . apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title']) . $after_title;
     $featured_page = new WP_Query(array('page_id' => $instance['page_id']));
     if ($featured_page->have_posts()) {
         while ($featured_page->have_posts()) {
             echo '<div ';
             echo '>';
             if (!empty($instance['show_image'])) {
                 printf('<a href="%s" title="%s" class="%s">%s</a>', get_permalink(), the_title_attribute('echo=0'), esc_attr($instance['image_alignment']), genesis_get_image(array('format' => 'html', 'size' => $instance['image_size'])));
             if (!empty($instance['show_title'])) {
                 printf('<h2><a href="%s" title="%s">%s</a></h2>', get_permalink(), the_title_attribute('echo=0'), the_title_attribute('echo=0'));
             if (!empty($instance['show_byline'])) {
                 echo '<p class="byline">';
                 the_time('F j, Y');
                 echo ' ' . __('by', 'genesis') . ' ';
                 echo g_ent(' &middot; ');
                 comments_popup_link(__('Leave a Comment', 'genesis'), __('1 Comment', 'genesis'), __('% Comments', 'genesis'));
                 echo ' ';
                 edit_post_link(__('(Edit)', 'genesis'), '', '');
                 echo '</p>';
             if (!empty($instance['show_content'])) {
                 if (empty($instance['content_limit'])) {
                 } else {
                     the_content_limit((int) $instance['content_limit'], esc_html($instance['more_text']));
             echo '</div><!--end post_class()-->' . "\n\n";
     echo $after_widget;
 function widget($args, $instance)
     echo $before_widget;
     $slider_nav = '';
     $featured_posts = new WP_Query(array('cat' => $instance['posts_cat'], 'showposts' => $instance['posts_num'], 'offset' => $instance['posts_offset'], 'orderby' => $instance['orderby'], 'order' => $instance['order']));
     if ($featured_posts->have_posts()) {
         while ($featured_posts->have_posts()) {
             echo '<li ';
             echo '>';
             if (!empty($instance['show_image'])) {
                 echo '<a href="' . get_permalink() . '" title="' . get_the_title() . '" class="' . esc_attr($instance['image_alignment']) . ' slider-show-image">';
                 genesis_image(array('format' => 'html', 'size' => $instance['image_size']));
                 echo '</a>';
             if (!empty($instance['show_title'])) {
                 echo '<h2 class="slider-title"><a href="' . get_permalink() . '" title="' . esc_attr(get_the_title()) . '">' . get_the_title() . '</a></h2>';
             if (!empty($instance['show_content'])) {
                 if ($instance['show_content'] == 'excerpt') {
                 } elseif ($instance['show_content'] == 'content-limit') {
                     the_content_limit((int) $instance['content_limit'], esc_html($instance['more_text']));
                 } else {
             echo '</li><!--end post_class()-->' . "\n\n";
             if (!empty($instance['show_slider_nav'])) {
                 $slider_nav .= '<li><a href="#" class="nav-thumb-wrapper">' . genesis_get_image(array('format' => 'html', 'size' => 'Slider Thumbnail', 'attr' => array('class' => 'nav-thumb-image'))) . '</a></li>';
     echo $after_widget;
     echo '<div id="slider-nav">';
     echo '<a class="nav-prev" href="#">Previous</a>';
     echo '<a class="nav-next" href="#">Next</a>';
     echo '<ul class="nav-thumbs">';
     echo $slider_nav;
     echo '</ul></div>';
    function widget($args, $instance)
        $instance = wp_parse_args((array) $instance, array('title' => '', 'page_id' => '', 'show_title' => 0, 'show_content' => 0, 'content_limit' => '', 'more_text' => ''));
        echo $before_widget;
        // Set up the author bio
        if (!empty($instance['title'])) {
            echo $before_title . apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title']) . $after_title;
        $featured_page = new WP_Query(array('page_id' => $instance['page_id']));
        if ($featured_page->have_posts()) {
            while ($featured_page->have_posts()) {
                echo '<div ';
                echo '>';
				<a href="<?php 
" rel="noindex"><?php 
                if (!empty($instance['show_title'])) {
                    printf('<h2><a href="%s" title="%s">%s</a></h2>', get_permalink(), the_title_attribute('echo=0'), the_title_attribute('echo=0'));
                if (!empty($instance['show_content'])) {
                    if (empty($instance['content_limit'])) {
                    } else {
                        the_content_limit((int) $instance['content_limit'], esc_html($instance['more_text']));
                echo '</div><!--end post_class()-->' . "\n\n";
        echo $after_widget;
Exemplo n.º 9
  * Echo the widget content.
  * @since 0.9.1
  * @param array $args Display arguments including before_title, after_title, before_widget, and after_widget.
  * @param array $instance The settings for the particular instance of the widget
 function widget($args, $instance)
     global $wp_query;
     //* Merge with defaults
     $instance = wp_parse_args((array) $instance, $this->defaults);
     echo $before_widget;
     //* Set up the author bio
     if (!empty($instance['title'])) {
         echo $before_title . apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title'], $instance, $this->id_base) . $after_title;
     $wp_query = new WP_Query(array('page_id' => $instance['page_id']));
     if (have_posts()) {
         while (have_posts()) {
             echo '<article class="' . implode(' ', get_post_class()) . ' entry" itemtype="http://schema.org/CreativeWork" itemscope="itemscope">';
             $image = omega_get_image(array('format' => 'html', 'size' => $instance['image_size']));
             if ($instance['show_image'] && $image) {
                 printf('<a href="%s" title="%s" class="%s">%s</a>', get_permalink(), the_title_attribute('echo=0'), esc_attr($instance['image_alignment']), $image);
             if (!empty($instance['show_title'])) {
                 printf('<header class="entry-header"><h2 class="entry-title"><a href="%s" title="%s">%s</a></h2></header>', get_permalink(), the_title_attribute('echo=0'), get_the_title());
             if (!empty($instance['show_content'])) {
                 echo '<div class="entry-content">';
                 if (empty($instance['content_limit'])) {
                     global $more;
                     $more = 0;
                 } else {
                     the_content_limit((int) $instance['content_limit'], esc_html($instance['more_text']));
                 echo '</div>';
             echo '</article>';
     //* Restore original query
     echo $after_widget;
  * Echo the widget content.
  * @since 0.1.8
  * @param array $args Display arguments including before_title, after_title, before_widget, and after_widget.
  * @param array $instance The settings for the particular instance of the widget
 function widget($args, $instance)
     global $wp_query, $_genesis_displayed_ids;
     //* Merge with defaults
     $instance = wp_parse_args((array) $instance, $this->defaults);
     echo $before_widget;
     //* Set up the author bio
     if (!empty($instance['title'])) {
         echo $before_title . apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title'], $instance, $this->id_base) . $after_title;
     $query_args = array('post_type' => $instance['post_type'], 'showposts' => $instance['posts_num'], 'offset' => $instance['posts_offset'], 'orderby' => $instance['orderby'], 'order' => $instance['order']);
     // Extract the custom tax term, if provided
     if ('any' !== $instance['tax_term']) {
         list($post_tax, $post_term) = explode('/', $instance['tax_term'], 2);
         $query_args['tax_query'] = array(array('taxonomy' => $post_tax, 'field' => 'slug', 'terms' => $post_term));
     //* Exclude displayed IDs from this loop?
     if ($instance['exclude_displayed']) {
         $query_args['post__not_in'] = (array) $_genesis_displayed_ids;
     if ('full' !== $instance['columns']) {
         add_filter('post_class', array($this, 'add_post_class_' . $instance['columns']));
     $wp_query = new WP_Query($query_args);
     echo '<div class="featured-wrap">';
     if (have_posts()) {
         while (have_posts()) {
             $_genesis_displayed_ids[] = get_the_ID();
             genesis_markup(array('html5' => '<article %s>', 'xhtml' => sprintf('<div class="%s">', implode(' ', get_post_class())), 'context' => 'entry'));
             // Enable the image to diplay under the title
             if ($instance['image_position']) {
                 if ($instance['show_title']) {
                     echo genesis_html5() ? '<header class="entry-header">' : '';
                 if (!empty($instance['show_title'])) {
                     if (genesis_html5()) {
                         printf('<h2 class="entry-title"><a href="%s" title="%s">%s</a></h2>', get_permalink(), the_title_attribute('echo=0'), get_the_title());
                     } else {
                         printf('<h2><a href="%s" title="%s">%s</a></h2>', get_permalink(), the_title_attribute('echo=0'), get_the_title());
                 if (!empty($instance['show_byline']) && !empty($instance['post_info'])) {
                     printf(genesis_html5() ? '<p class="entry-meta">%s</p>' : '<p class="byline post-info">%s</p>', do_shortcode($instance['post_info']));
                 if ($instance['show_title']) {
                     echo genesis_html5() ? '</header>' : '';
                 $size = $instance['image_size'];
                 $image = apply_filters('featured_custom_post_type_image', genesis_get_image(array('format' => 'html', 'size' => $instance['image_size'], 'context' => 'featured-post-widget', 'attr' => genesis_parse_attr('entry-image-widget'))), $size);
                 if ($instance['show_image'] && $image) {
                     printf('<a href="%s" title="%s" class="%s">%s</a>', get_permalink(), the_title_attribute('echo=0'), esc_attr($instance['image_alignment']), $image);
                 if (!empty($instance['show_gravatar'])) {
                     echo '<span class="' . esc_attr($instance['gravatar_alignment']) . '">';
                     echo get_avatar(get_the_author_meta('ID'), $instance['gravatar_size']);
                     echo '</span>';
             } else {
                 $size = $instance['image_size'];
                 $image = apply_filters('featured_custom_post_type_image', genesis_get_image(array('format' => 'html', 'size' => $instance['image_size'], 'context' => 'featured-post-widget', 'attr' => genesis_parse_attr('entry-image-widget'))), $size);
                 if ($instance['show_image'] && $image) {
                     printf('<a href="%s" title="%s" class="%s">%s</a>', get_permalink(), the_title_attribute('echo=0'), esc_attr($instance['image_alignment']), $image);
                 if (!empty($instance['show_gravatar'])) {
                     echo '<span class="' . esc_attr($instance['gravatar_alignment']) . '">';
                     echo get_avatar(get_the_author_meta('ID'), $instance['gravatar_size']);
                     echo '</span>';
                 if ($instance['show_title']) {
                     echo genesis_html5() ? '<header class="entry-header">' : '';
                 if (!empty($instance['show_title'])) {
                     if (genesis_html5()) {
                         printf('<h2 class="entry-title"><a href="%s" title="%s">%s</a></h2>', get_permalink(), the_title_attribute('echo=0'), get_the_title());
                     } else {
                         printf('<h2><a href="%s" title="%s">%s</a></h2>', get_permalink(), the_title_attribute('echo=0'), get_the_title());
                 if (!empty($instance['show_byline']) && !empty($instance['post_info'])) {
                     printf(genesis_html5() ? '<p class="entry-meta">%s</p>' : '<p class="byline post-info">%s</p>', do_shortcode($instance['post_info']));
                 if ($instance['show_title']) {
                     echo genesis_html5() ? '</header>' : '';
             if (!empty($instance['show_content'])) {
                 echo genesis_html5() ? '<div class="entry-content">' : '';
                 if ('excerpt' == $instance['show_content']) {
                 } elseif ('content-limit' == $instance['show_content']) {
                     the_content_limit((int) $instance['content_limit'], esc_html($instance['more_text']));
                 } else {
                     global $more;
                     $orig_more = $more;
                     $more = 0;
                     $more = $orig_more;
                 echo genesis_html5() ? '</div>' : '';
             genesis_markup(array('html5' => '</article>', 'xhtml' => '</div>'));
     echo '</div>';
     if ('full' !== $instance['columns']) {
         remove_filter('post_class', array($this, 'add_post_class_' . $instance['columns']));
     //* Restore original query
     //* The EXTRA Posts (list)
     if (!empty($instance['extra_num'])) {
         if (!empty($instance['extra_title'])) {
             echo $before_title . esc_html($instance['extra_title']) . $after_title;
         $offset = intval($instance['posts_num']) + intval($instance['posts_offset']);
         $query_args = array('post_type' => $instance['post_type'], 'showposts' => $instance['extra_num'], 'offset' => $offset);
         // Extract the custom tax term, if provided
         if ('any' != $instance['tax_term']) {
             list($post_tax, $post_term) = explode('/', $instance['tax_term'], 2);
             $query_args['tax_query'] = array(array('taxonomy' => $post_tax, 'field' => 'slug', 'terms' => $post_term));
         $wp_query = new WP_Query($query_args);
         $listitems = '';
         if (have_posts()) {
             while (have_posts()) {
                 $_genesis_displayed_ids[] = get_the_ID();
                 $extra_title = sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', get_permalink(), get_the_title());
                 $listitems .= '<li>';
                 $listitems .= apply_filters('featured_custom_post_type_extra_title', $extra_title);
                 $listitems .= '</li>';
             if (mb_strlen($listitems) > 0) {
                 printf('<ul>%s</ul>', $listitems);
         //* Restore original query
     if (!empty($instance['more_from_category']) && !empty($instance['more_from_category_text']) && 'any' !== $instance['tax_term']) {
         list($post_tax, $post_term) = explode('/', $instance['tax_term'], 2);
         printf('<p class="more-from-category"><a href="%1$s">%2$s</a></p>', esc_url(get_term_link($post_term, $post_tax)), esc_html($instance['more_from_category_text']));
     if (!empty($instance['archive_link']) && !empty($instance['archive_text'])) {
         $archive_url = get_post_type_archive_link($instance['post_type']);
         if ('post' === $instance['post_type']) {
             $postspage = get_option('page_for_posts');
             $archive_url = get_permalink(get_post($postspage)->ID);
             $frontpage = get_option('show_on_front');
             if ('posts' === $frontpage) {
                 $archive_url = get_home_url();
         printf('<p class="more-from-category"><a href="%1$s">%2$s</a></p>', esc_url($archive_url), esc_html($instance['archive_text']));
     echo $after_widget;
  * Echo the widget content.
  * @since  1.0.0
  * @param  array $args Display arguments including before_title, after_title, before_widget, and after_widget.
  * @param  array $instance The settings for the particular instance of the widget
  * @global mixed $wp_query
 function widget($args, $instance)
     /** Extract arguments */
     /** Merge with defaults */
     $instance = wp_parse_args((array) $instance, $this->defaults);
     /** Check SPECIFIC display option for this widget and optionally disable it from displaying */
     if ($instance['not_in_public'] && !is_user_logged_in()) {
     /** Check GENERAL display option for this widget and optionally disable it from displaying */
     if ('single_posts' === $instance['widget_display'] && !is_singular('post') || 'single_pages' === $instance['widget_display'] && !is_singular('page') || 'single_posts_pages' === $instance['widget_display'] && !is_singular(array('post', 'page'))) {
     // end-if widget display checks
     /** Get global $wp_query object */
     global $wp_query;
     /** Widget title URL helpers */
     $title_url_custom = !empty($instance['title_url']) && !$instance['title_url_page'] ? $instance['title_url'] : '';
     $title_url = $instance['title_url_page'] ? get_permalink($instance['page_id']) : $title_url_custom;
     /** Optional title URL target */
     $title_url_target = $instance['title_url_target'] ? ' target="_blank"' : '';
     /** Typical WordPress Widget title filter */
     $title = apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title'], $instance, $this->id_base);
     /** GFPE Widget title filter */
     $title = apply_filters('gfpe_filter_widget_title', $instance['title'], $instance, $this->id_base);
     /** Prepare the title display string */
     $title_display = sprintf('%1$s%2$s%3$s', $instance['title_url_page'] || !empty($instance['title_url']) ? '<a href="' . esc_url($title_url) . '"' . $title_url_target . '>' : '', esc_attr($instance['title']), $instance['title_url_page'] || !empty($instance['title_url']) ? '</a>' : '');
     /** Output the widget wrapper and title */
     echo $before_widget;
     /** Set up the complete title display */
     if (empty($instance['title_hide']) && !empty($instance['title'])) {
         echo $before_title . $title_display . $after_title;
     // end if
     /** Action hook 'gfpe_before_search_widget' */
     do_action('gfpe_before_page_widget', $instance, $this->id_base);
     /** Display widget intro text if it exists */
     if (!empty($instance['intro_text'])) {
         printf('<div class="textwidget"><p class="%s-intro-text gfpe-intro-text">%s</p></div>', $this->id, $instance['intro_text']);
     // end-if optional intro
     /** Set new WP_Query instance */
     $wp_query = new WP_Query(array('page_id' => $instance['page_id']));
     /** Loop through pages */
     if (have_posts()) {
         while (have_posts()) {
             /** Genesis markup: open */
             genesis_markup(array('html5' => '<article %s>', 'xhtml' => sprintf('<div class="%s">', implode(' ', get_post_class())), 'context' => 'entry'));
              * Image center alignment helper - needs to go before actual
              *    image if/else statement!
             if ('aligncenter' === $instance['image_alignment']) {
                 $img_centered = ' centered';
                 add_filter('genesis_attr_entry-image-widget', 'ddw_gfpe_entry_image_widget_class');
             } else {
                 $img_centered = '';
             // end if
             /** a) Featured image support */
             if (!empty($instance['image_show']) && empty($instance['image_url'])) {
                 /** Retrieve featured image */
                 $image = genesis_get_image(array('format' => 'html', 'size' => $instance['image_size'], 'context' => 'featured-page-widget', 'attr' => genesis_parse_attr('entry-image-widget')));
                 /** Output featured image */
                 if ($image) {
                     printf('<%1$s %2$s title="%3$s" class="%4$s%5$s">%6$s</%1$s>', $instance['image_link'] ? 'a' : 'span', $instance['image_link'] ? 'href="' . get_permalink() . '"' : '', the_title_attribute('echo=0'), esc_attr($instance['image_alignment']), $img_centered, $image);
                 // end if
             } elseif (!empty($instance['image_url'])) {
                 $img_sizes = genesis_get_image_sizes();
                 // all image sizes available
                 $size_wh = $instance['image_size'];
                 // needed size (set in widget)
                 $custom_image = '<img width="' . absint($img_sizes[$size_wh]['width']) . '" height="' . absint($img_sizes[$size_wh]['height']) . '" src="' . esc_url($instance['image_url']) . '" class="attachment-' . $size_wh . $img_centered . '" alt="' . the_title_attribute('echo=0') . '" />';
                 printf('<%1$s %2$s title="%3$s" class="%4$s%5$s">%6$s</%1$s>', $instance['image_link'] ? 'a' : 'span', $instance['image_link'] ? 'href="' . esc_url(get_permalink()) . '"' : '', the_title_attribute('echo=0'), esc_attr($instance['image_alignment']), $img_centered, $custom_image);
             // end if
             /** Page title support */
             if (!empty($instance['page_title_show'])) {
                 if (!empty($instance['page_title_limit'])) {
                     $page_title = genesis_truncate_phrase(the_title_attribute('echo=0'), $instance['page_title_limit']) . $instance['page_title_cutoff'];
                 } else {
                     $page_title = get_the_title();
                 // end if
                 $page_link = sprintf('<a href="%s" title="%s">%s</a>', get_permalink(), the_title_attribute('echo=0'), $page_title);
                 /** Genesis 2.0+ / HTML5 way: */
                 if (genesis_html5()) {
                     printf('<header class="entry-header"><h2 class="entry-title">%s</h2></header>', !$instance['page_title_link'] ? $page_title : $page_link);
                 } else {
                     printf('<h2>%s</h2>', !$instance['page_title_link'] ? $page_title : $page_link);
                 // end if
             // end if
             /** Page Byline support */
             if (!empty($instance['byline_show']) && !empty($instance['page_post_info'])) {
                 printf(genesis_html5() ? '<p class="entry-meta">%s</p>' : '<p class="byline post-info">%s</p>', do_shortcode($instance['page_post_info']));
             // end if
             /** Set optional "autark" custom 'More Link' */
             $more_link_target = 'none' != $instance['more_link_target'] ? ' target="' . esc_html($instance['more_link_target']) . '"' : '';
             $autark_more_link = sprintf('<div class="gfpe-more-link"><a class="more-link%s" href="%s"%s title="%s">%s</a></div>', !empty($instance['more_link_class']) ? ' ' . esc_attr($instance['more_link_class']) : '', empty($instance['more_link_url']) ? get_permalink($instance['page_id']) : esc_url($instance['more_link_url']), $more_link_target, esc_html($instance['more_link_text']), $instance['more_link_text']);
              * 1) Content Type: Original Page Content (optional with wpautop!)
             if ('page_content' === $instance['content_type']) {
                 echo genesis_html5() ? '<div class="entry-content">' : '';
                 /** a) No content limit is set: */
                 if (empty($instance['content_limit'])) {
                     global $more;
                     $more = 0;
                     printf('%s', $instance['page_keep_wpautop'] ? wpautop(the_content()) . $autark_more_link : get_the_content() . $autark_more_link);
                 } else {
                     printf('%s', empty($instance['more_link_url']) ? the_content_limit((int) $instance['content_limit'], esc_html($instance['more_link_text'])) : the_content_limit((int) $instance['content_limit'], '') . $autark_more_link);
                 // end if
                 echo genesis_html5() ? '</div>' : '';
             // end if
              * 2) Content Type: Original Page Excerpt
             if ('page_excerpt' === $instance['content_type']) {
                 echo genesis_html5() ? '<div class="entry-content">' : '';
                 printf(the_excerpt() . '%s', empty($instance['more_link_show']) ? '' : $autark_more_link);
                 echo genesis_html5() ? '</div>' : '';
             // end if
              * 3) Content Type: Custom Text by user
             if ('custom_user_content' === $instance['content_type']) {
                 echo '<div class="entry-content custom-content">';
                 $content = apply_filters('widget_text', empty($instance['custom_content']) ? '' : $instance['custom_content'], $instance);
                 echo $instance['custom_wpautop'] ? wpautop($content) : $content;
                 echo '</div>';
                 if (!empty($instance['more_link_text'])) {
                     echo $autark_more_link;
                 // end if
             // end if
              * 4) Content Type: no content at all
             if ('no_content' === $instance['content_type']) {
                 if ($instance['more_link_text']) {
                     echo $autark_more_link;
                 // end if
             // end if
             /** Genesis markup: close */
             genesis_markup(array('html5' => '</article>', 'xhtml' => '</div><!--end post_class()-->' . "\n\n"));
         // end while (when pages exist)
     // end if loop check
     /** Display widget outro text if it exists */
     if (!empty($instance['outro_text'])) {
         printf('<div class="textwidget"><p class="%s-outro_text gfpe-outro-text">%s</p></div>', $this->id, $instance['outro_text']);
     // end-if optional outro
     /** Action hook 'gfpe_after_search_widget' */
     do_action('gfpe_after_search_widget', $instance, $this->id_base);
     /** Output the closing widget wrapper */
     echo $after_widget;
     /** Reset our custom $wp_query object */
Exemplo n.º 12
 * Display the default entry metadata.
function omega_entry()
    if (is_home() || is_archive() || is_search()) {
		<div <?php 
        if (get_theme_mod('post_thumbnail', 1) && has_post_thumbnail()) {
            if (!class_exists('Get_The_Image')) {
                apply_filters('omega_featured_image', printf('<a href="%s" title="%s">%s</a>', get_permalink(), the_title_attribute('echo=0'), get_the_post_thumbnail(get_the_ID(), get_theme_mod('image_size'), array('class' => get_theme_mod('image_size')))));
            } else {
                get_the_image(array('size' => get_theme_mod('image_size')));
        if ('excerpts' === get_theme_mod('post_excerpt', 'excerpts')) {
            if (get_theme_mod('excerpt_chars_limit', 0)) {
                the_content_limit((int) get_theme_mod('excerpt_chars_limit'), get_theme_mod('more_text', '[Read more...]'));
            } else {
        } else {
    } else {
		<div <?php 
        wp_link_pages(array('before' => '<p class="page-links">' . '<span class="before">' . __('Pages:', 'omega') . '</span>', 'after' => '</p>'));
  * Echo the widget content.
  * @since 0.1.8
  * @global WP_Query $wp_query Query object.
  * @global integer  $more
  * @param array $args Display arguments including before_title, after_title, before_widget, and after_widget.
  * @param array $instance The settings for the particular instance of the widget
 function widget($args, $instance)
     global $wp_query;
     //* Merge with defaults
     $instance = wp_parse_args((array) $instance, $this->defaults);
     echo $args['before_widget'];
     //* Set up the author bio
     if (!empty($instance['title'])) {
         echo $args['before_title'] . apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title'], $instance, $this->id_base) . $args['after_title'];
     $wp_query = new WP_Query(array('page_id' => $instance['page_id']));
     if (have_posts()) {
         while (have_posts()) {
             genesis_markup(array('html5' => '<article %s>', 'xhtml' => sprintf('<div class="%s">', implode(' ', get_post_class())), 'context' => 'entry'));
             $image = genesis_get_image(array('format' => 'html', 'size' => $instance['image_size'], 'context' => 'featured-page-widget', 'attr' => genesis_parse_attr('entry-image-widget', array('alt' => get_the_title()))));
             if ($instance['show_image'] && $image) {
                 $role = empty($instance['show_title']) ? '' : 'aria-hidden="true"';
                 printf('<a href="%s" class="%s" %s>%s</a>', get_permalink(), esc_attr($instance['image_alignment']), $role, $image);
             if (!empty($instance['show_title'])) {
                 $title = get_the_title() ? get_the_title() : __('(no title)', 'genesis');
                  * Filter the featured page widget title.
                  * @since  2.2.0
                  * @param string $title    Featured page title.
                  * @param array  $instance {
                  *     Widget settings for this instance.
                  *     @type string $title           Widget title.
                  *     @type int    $page_id         ID of the featured page.
                  *     @type bool   $show_image      True if featured image should be shown, false
                  *                                   otherwise.
                  *     @type string $image_alignment Image alignment: alignnone, alignleft,
                  *                                   aligncenter or alignright.
                  *     @type string $image_size      Name of the image size.
                  *     @type bool   $show_title      True if featured page title should be shown,
                  *                                   false otherwise.
                  *     @type bool   $show_content    True if featured page content should be shown,
                  *                                   false otherwise.
                  *     @type int    $content_limit   Amount of content to show, in characters.
                  *     @type int    $more_text       Text to use for More link.
                  * }
                  * @param array  $args     {
                  *     Widget display arguments.
                  *     @type string $before_widget Markup or content to display before the widget.
                  *     @type string $before_title  Markup or content to display before the widget title.
                  *     @type string $after_title   Markup or content to display after the widget title.
                  *     @type string $after_widget  Markup or content to display after the widget.
                  * }
                 $title = apply_filters('genesis_featured_page_title', $title, $instance, $args);
                 $heading = genesis_a11y('headings') ? 'h4' : 'h2';
                 if (genesis_html5()) {
                     printf('<header class="entry-header"><%s class="entry-title"><a href="%s">%s</a></%s></header>', $heading, get_permalink(), $title, $heading);
                 } else {
                     printf('<%s><a href="%s">%s</a></%s>', $heading, get_permalink(), $title, $heading);
             if (!empty($instance['show_content'])) {
                 echo genesis_html5() ? '<div class="entry-content">' : '';
                 if (empty($instance['content_limit'])) {
                     global $more;
                     $orig_more = $more;
                     $more = 0;
                     $more = $orig_more;
                 } else {
                     the_content_limit((int) $instance['content_limit'], genesis_a11y_more_link(esc_html($instance['more_text'])));
                 echo genesis_html5() ? '</div>' : '';
             genesis_markup(array('html5' => '</article>', 'xhtml' => '</div>'));
     //* Restore original query
     echo $args['after_widget'];
Exemplo n.º 14
 /** Widget Output */
 function widget($args, $instance)
     // defaults
     $instance = wp_parse_args((array) $instance, array('title' => '', 'posts_cat_1' => '', 'posts_cat_2' => '', 'posts_cat_3' => '', 'posts_cat_4' => '', 'posts_cat_5' => '', 'posts_cat_6' => '', 'posts_cat_7' => '', 'posts_cat_8' => '', 'posts_cat_9' => '', 'posts_cat_10' => '', 'show_image' => 0, 'image_alignment' => '', 'image_size' => '', 'show_title' => 0, 'show_byline' => 0, 'post_info' => '[post_date] ' . __('By', 'genesis') . ' [post_author_posts_link] [post_comments]', 'show_content' => 'excerpt', 'content_limit' => '', 'more_text' => __('[Read More...]', 'genesis')));
     echo $before_widget;
     // Pull the chosen categories into an array
     $cats = array($instance['posts_cat_1'], $instance['posts_cat_2'], $instance['posts_cat_3'], $instance['posts_cat_4'], $instance['posts_cat_5'], $instance['posts_cat_6'], $instance['posts_cat_7'], $instance['posts_cat_8']);
     // Display the tab links
     echo '<ul class="ui-tabs-nav">';
     foreach ((array) $cats as $cat) {
         if ($cat) {
             echo '<li><a href="#cat-' . $cat . '">' . get_cat_name($cat) . '</a></li>';
     echo '</ul>';
     // Loop through all chosen categories
     foreach ((array) $cats as $cat) {
         if (!$cat) {
         // skip iteration if $cat is empty
         // Custom loop
         $tabbed_posts = new WP_Query(array('cat' => $cat, 'showposts' => 1, 'orderby' => 'date', 'order' => 'DESC'));
         if ($tabbed_posts->have_posts()) {
             while ($tabbed_posts->have_posts()) {
                 echo '<div id="cat-' . $cat . '" ';
                 echo '>';
                 if (!empty($instance['show_image'])) {
                     printf('<a href="%s" title="%s" class="%s">%s</a>', get_permalink(), the_title_attribute('echo=0'), esc_attr($instance['image_alignment']), genesis_get_image(array('format' => 'html', 'size' => $instance['image_size'])));
                 if (!empty($instance['show_title'])) {
                     printf('<h2><a href="%s" title="%s">%s</a></h2>', get_permalink(), the_title_attribute('echo=0'), get_the_title());
                 if (!empty($instance['show_byline']) && !empty($instance['post_info'])) {
                     printf('<p class="byline post-info">%s</p>', do_shortcode(esc_html($instance['post_info'])));
                 if (!empty($instance['show_content'])) {
                     if ('excerpt' == $instance['show_content']) {
                     } elseif ('content-limit' == $instance['show_content']) {
                         the_content_limit((int) $instance['content_limit'], esc_html($instance['more_text']));
                     } else {
                 echo '</div><!--end post_class()-->' . "\n\n";
     echo $after_widget;
  * Echo the widget content.
  * @since 0.1.8
  * @global WP_Query $wp_query               Query object.
  * @global array    $_genesis_displayed_ids Array of displayed post IDs.
  * @global $integer $more
  * @param array $args Display arguments including before_title, after_title, before_widget, and after_widget.
  * @param array $instance The settings for the particular instance of the widget
 function widget($args, $instance)
     global $wp_query, $_genesis_displayed_ids;
     //* Merge with defaults
     $instance = wp_parse_args((array) $instance, $this->defaults);
     echo $args['before_widget'];
     //* Set up the author bio
     if (!empty($instance['title'])) {
         echo $args['before_title'] . apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title'], $instance, $this->id_base) . $args['after_title'];
     $query_args = array('post_type' => 'post', 'cat' => $instance['posts_cat'], 'showposts' => $instance['posts_num'], 'offset' => $instance['posts_offset'], 'orderby' => $instance['orderby'], 'order' => $instance['order'], 'ignore_sticky_posts' => $instance['exclude_sticky']);
     //* Exclude displayed IDs from this loop?
     if ($instance['exclude_displayed']) {
         $query_args['post__not_in'] = (array) $_genesis_displayed_ids;
     $wp_query = new WP_Query($query_args);
     if (have_posts()) {
         while (have_posts()) {
             $_genesis_displayed_ids[] = get_the_ID();
             genesis_markup(array('html5' => '<article %s>', 'xhtml' => sprintf('<div class="%s">', implode(' ', get_post_class())), 'context' => 'entry'));
             $image = genesis_get_image(array('format' => 'html', 'size' => $instance['image_size'], 'context' => 'featured-post-widget', 'attr' => genesis_parse_attr('entry-image-widget', array('alt' => get_the_title()))));
             if ($instance['show_image'] && $image) {
                 $role = empty($instance['show_title']) ? '' : 'aria-hidden="true"';
                 printf('<a href="%s" class="%s" %s>%s</a>', get_permalink(), esc_attr($instance['image_alignment']), $role, $image);
             if (!empty($instance['show_gravatar'])) {
                 echo '<span class="' . esc_attr($instance['gravatar_alignment']) . '">';
                 echo get_avatar(get_the_author_meta('ID'), $instance['gravatar_size']);
                 echo '</span>';
             if ($instance['show_title']) {
                 echo genesis_html5() ? '<header class="entry-header">' : '';
             if (!empty($instance['show_title'])) {
                 $title = get_the_title() ? get_the_title() : __('(no title)', 'genesis');
                  * Filter the featured post widget title.
                  * @since  2.2.0
                  * @param string $title    Featured post title.
                  * @param array  $instance {
                  *     Widget settings for this instance.
                  *     @type string $title                   Widget title.
                  *     @type int    $posts_cat               ID of the post category.
                  *     @type int    $posts_num               Number of posts to show.
                  *     @type int    $posts_offset            Number of posts to skip when
                  *                                           retrieving.
                  *     @type string $orderby                 Field to order posts by.
                  *     @type string $order                   ASC fr ascending order, DESC for
                  *                                           descending order of posts.
                  *     @type bool   $exclude_displayed       True if posts shown in main output
                  *                                           should be excluded from this widget
                  *                                           output.
                  *     @type bool   $show_image              True if featured image should be
                  *                                           shown, false otherwise.
                  *     @type string $image_alignment         Image alignment: alignnone,
                  *                                           alignleft, aligncenter or alignright.
                  *     @type string $image_size              Name of the image size.
                  *     @type bool   $show_gravatar           True if author avatar should be
                  *                                           shown, false otherwise.
                  *     @type string $gravatar_alignment      Author avatar alignment: alignnone,
                  *                                           alignleft or aligncenter.
                  *     @type int    $gravatar_size           Dimension of the author avatar.
                  *     @type bool   $show_title              True if featured page title should
                  *                                           be shown, false otherwise.
                  *     @type bool   $show_byline             True if post info should be shown,
                  *                                           false otherwise.
                  *     @type string $post_info               Post info contents to show.
                  *     @type bool   $show_content            True if featured page content
                  *                                           should be shown, false otherwise.
                  *     @type int    $content_limit           Amount of content to show, in
                  *                                           characters.
                  *     @type int    $more_text               Text to use for More link.
                  *     @type int    $extra_num               Number of extra post titles to show.
                  *     @type string $extra_title             Heading for extra posts.
                  *     @type bool   $more_from_category      True if showing category archive
                  *                                           link, false otherwise.
                  *     @type string $more_from_category_text Category archive link text.
                  * }
                  * @param array  $args     {
                  *     Widget display arguments.
                  *     @type string $before_widget Markup or content to display before the widget.
                  *     @type string $before_title  Markup or content to display before the widget title.
                  *     @type string $after_title   Markup or content to display after the widget title.
                  *     @type string $after_widget  Markup or content to display after the widget.
                  * }
                 $title = apply_filters('genesis_featured_post_title', $title, $instance, $args);
                 $heading = genesis_a11y('headings') ? 'h4' : 'h2';
                 if (genesis_html5()) {
                     printf('<%s class="entry-title"><a href="%s">%s</a></%s>', $heading, get_permalink(), $title, $heading);
                 } else {
                     printf('<%s><a href="%s">%s</a></%s>', $heading, get_permalink(), $title, $heading);
             if (!empty($instance['show_byline']) && !empty($instance['post_info'])) {
                 printf(genesis_html5() ? '<p class="entry-meta">%s</p>' : '<p class="byline post-info">%s</p>', do_shortcode($instance['post_info']));
             if ($instance['show_title']) {
                 echo genesis_html5() ? '</header>' : '';
             if (!empty($instance['show_content'])) {
                 echo genesis_html5() ? '<div class="entry-content">' : '';
                 if ('excerpt' == $instance['show_content']) {
                 } elseif ('content-limit' == $instance['show_content']) {
                     the_content_limit((int) $instance['content_limit'], genesis_a11y_more_link(esc_html($instance['more_text'])));
                 } else {
                     global $more;
                     $orig_more = $more;
                     $more = 0;
                     $more = $orig_more;
                 echo genesis_html5() ? '</div>' : '';
             genesis_markup(array('html5' => '</article>', 'xhtml' => '</div>'));
     //* Restore original query
     //* The EXTRA Posts (list)
     if (!empty($instance['extra_num'])) {
         if (!empty($instance['extra_title'])) {
             echo $args['before_title'] . esc_html($instance['extra_title']) . $args['after_title'];
         $offset = intval($instance['posts_num']) + intval($instance['posts_offset']);
         $query_args = array('cat' => $instance['posts_cat'], 'showposts' => $instance['extra_num'], 'offset' => $offset);
         $wp_query = new WP_Query($query_args);
         $listitems = '';
         if (have_posts()) {
             while (have_posts()) {
                 $_genesis_displayed_ids[] = get_the_ID();
                 $listitems .= sprintf('<li><a href="%s">%s</a></li>', get_permalink(), get_the_title());
             if (mb_strlen($listitems) > 0) {
                 printf('<ul>%s</ul>', $listitems);
         //* Restore original query
     if (!empty($instance['more_from_category']) && !empty($instance['posts_cat'])) {
         printf('<p class="more-from-category"><a href="%1$s" title="%2$s">%3$s</a></p>', esc_url(get_category_link($instance['posts_cat'])), esc_attr(get_cat_name($instance['posts_cat'])), esc_html($instance['more_from_category_text']));
     echo $args['after_widget'];
#commentspost" rel="nofollow" title="Jump to the comments"><?php 
                comments_number('0', '1', '%');
			<h2><a href="<?php 
" title="<?php 
                the_content_limit(140, '');
			<p class="more"><a href="<?php 
" title="<?php 
                _e('Read Full Story', 'wpzoom');
		</div><!-- end .post -->
Exemplo n.º 17
 * Outputs the selected content option if any
 * @author Nick Croft
 * @since 0.1
 * @version 0.2
 * @param array $instance Values set in widget isntance
function gfwa_do_post_content($instance)
    if (!empty($instance['show_content'])) {
        if ($instance['show_content'] == 'excerpt') {
        } elseif ($instance['show_content'] == 'content-limit') {
            the_content_limit((int) $instance['content_limit'], esc_html($instance['more_text']));
        } else {
Exemplo n.º 18
  * Echo the widget content.
  * @since 0.1.8
  * @param array $args Display arguments including before_title, after_title, before_widget, and after_widget.
  * @param array $instance The settings for the particular instance of the widget
 function widget($args, $instance)
     /** Merge with defaults */
     $instance = wp_parse_args((array) $instance, $this->defaults);
     echo $before_widget;
     /** Set up the author bio */
     if (!empty($instance['title'])) {
         echo $before_title . apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title'], $instance, $this->id_base) . $after_title;
     $query_args = array('post_type' => 'post', 'cat' => $instance['posts_cat'], 'showposts' => $instance['posts_num'], 'offset' => $instance['posts_offset'], 'orderby' => $instance['orderby'], 'order' => $instance['order']);
     $featured_posts = new WP_Query($query_args);
     if ($featured_posts->have_posts()) {
         while ($featured_posts->have_posts()) {
             echo '<div class="' . implode(' ', get_post_class()) . '">';
             if (!empty($instance['show_image'])) {
                 printf('<a href="%s" title="%s" class="%s">%s</a>', get_permalink(), the_title_attribute('echo=0'), esc_attr($instance['image_alignment']), genesis_get_image(array('format' => 'html', 'size' => $instance['image_size'])));
             if (!empty($instance['show_gravatar'])) {
                 echo '<span class="' . esc_attr($instance['gravatar_alignment']) . '">';
                 echo get_avatar(get_the_author_meta('ID'), $instance['gravatar_size']);
                 echo '</span>';
             if (!empty($instance['show_title'])) {
                 printf('<h2><a href="%s" title="%s">%s</a></h2>', get_permalink(), the_title_attribute('echo=0'), get_the_title());
             if (!empty($instance['show_byline']) && !empty($instance['post_info'])) {
                 printf('<p class="byline post-info">%s</p>', do_shortcode($instance['post_info']));
             if (!empty($instance['show_content'])) {
                 if ('excerpt' == $instance['show_content']) {
                 } elseif ('content-limit' == $instance['show_content']) {
                     the_content_limit((int) $instance['content_limit'], esc_html($instance['more_text']));
                 } else {
             echo '</div><!--end post_class()-->' . "\n\n";
     /** The EXTRA Posts (list) */
     if (!empty($instance['extra_num'])) {
         if (!empty($instance['extra_title'])) {
             echo $before_title . esc_html($instance['extra_title']) . $after_title;
         $offset = intval($instance['posts_num']) + intval($instance['posts_offset']);
         $query_args = array('cat' => $instance['posts_cat'], 'showposts' => $instance['extra_num'], 'offset' => $offset);
         $extra_posts = new WP_Query($query_args);
         $listitems = '';
         if ($extra_posts->have_posts()) {
             while ($extra_posts->have_posts()) {
                 $listitems .= sprintf('<li><a href="%s" title="%s">%s</a></li>', get_permalink(), the_title_attribute('echo=0'), get_the_title());
             if (strlen($listitems) > 0) {
                 printf('<ul>%s</ul>', $listitems);
     if (!empty($instance['more_from_category']) && !empty($instance['posts_cat'])) {
         printf('<p class="more-from-category"><a href="%1$s" title="%2$s">%3$s</a></p>', esc_url(get_category_link($instance['posts_cat'])), esc_attr(get_cat_name($instance['posts_cat'])), esc_html($instance['more_from_category_text']));
     echo $after_widget;
Exemplo n.º 19
    function widget($args, $instance)
        /* Our variables from the widget settings. */
        $title1 = apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title1']);
        $color1 = $instance['color1'];
        $posts1 = $instance['posts1'];
        $category1 = get_category($instance['category1']);
        if ($category1) {
            $categoryLink1 = get_category_link($category1);
        $exclude_featured = $instance['exclude_featured'];
        /* Exclude featured posts from Widget Posts */
        $postnotin = '';
        if ($exclude_featured == 'on') {
            $featured_posts = new WP_Query(array('post__not_in' => get_option('sticky_posts'), 'posts_per_page' => option::get('featured_number'), 'meta_key' => 'wpzoom_is_featured', 'meta_value' => 1));
            while ($featured_posts->have_posts()) {
                global $post;
                $postIDs[] = $post->ID;
            $postnotin = $postIDs;
        /* Before widget (defined by themes). */
        //echo $before_widget;
        $z = 0;
        while ($z < 1) {
            $color = "color{$z}";
            $categoryLink = "categoryLink{$z}";
            $title = "title{$z}";
            $posts = "posts{$z}";
            $category = $instance["category{$z}"];
		<div class="block">
            if (${$title}) {
                echo '<h3 class="' . ${$color} . '"><a href="' . ${$categoryLink} . '">' . ${$title} . ' &raquo;</a></h3>

            $second_query = new WP_Query(array('cat' => $category, 'showposts' => ${$posts}, 'orderby' => 'date', 'post__not_in' => $postnotin, 'order' => 'DESC'));
            $i = 0;
            if ($second_query->have_posts()) {
                while ($second_query->have_posts()) {
                    unset($image, $cropLocation);
                    global $post;
                    if ($i == 1) {

				<div class="firstn">

                        get_the_image(array('size' => 'featured-cat', 'width' => 235, 'height' => 140));

					<h2><a href="<?php 
" title="<?php 

                        printf('%s at %s', get_the_date(), get_the_time());



			<!-- A list with another 3 articles from the same category-->
			<div class="rightn">

                    } else {

                        get_the_image(array('size' => 'featured-cat-small', 'width' => 90, 'height' => 80));

					<div class="rightcont">

						<div class="bubble"><?php 
                        comments_popup_link('0', '1', '%', ' ', ' ');

						<a href="<?php 
" title="<?php 

                        the_content_limit(110, '');

                        printf('%s at %s', get_the_date(), get_the_time());

					<div style="clear:both;"></div>


            } else {
                echo '<p>';
                _e('There are no posts in this category.', 'wpzoom');
                echo '</p>';
			<div class="clear"></div>
		</div><!-- end .category -->
        // while
        echo ' <!-- end .featCategory -->';
        /* After widget (defined by themes). */
        //echo $after_widget;
Exemplo n.º 20
" title="<?php 
        if (strlen($post->post_title) > 35) {
            echo substr(the_title($before = '', $after = '', FALSE), 0, 35) . '...';
        } else {




Exemplo n.º 21
" alt="<?php 
" /></a>
        } else {
        the_content_limit(400, "[Read more]");
<div style="clear:both;"></div>
                <div style="border-bottom:1px dotted #BBBBBB; margin-bottom:10px; padding:0px 0px 0px 0px; clear:both;"></div>
posts_nav_link(' &#8212; ', __('&laquo; Previous Page'), __('Next Page &raquo;'));
Exemplo n.º 22
 * Display the default entry metadata.
function omega_entry()
    if (is_home() || is_archive() || is_search()) {
        if (omega_get_setting('content_archive_thumbnail')) {
            get_the_image(array('meta_key' => 'Thumbnail', 'default_size' => omega_get_setting('image_size')));
        if ('excerpts' === omega_get_setting('content_archive')) {
            if (omega_get_setting('content_archive_limit')) {
                the_content_limit((int) omega_get_setting('content_archive_limit'), omega_get_setting('content_archive_more'));
            } else {
        } else {
  * Outputs the selected content option, if any.
  * @param array $instance The settings for the particular instance of the widget.
 public static function do_post_content($instance)
     //* Bail if empty show param
     if (empty($instance['show_content'])) {
     if ('' !== $instance['show_content'] && ($pre = apply_filters('gsfc_post_content_add_entry_content', false))) {
         echo '<div class="entry-content">';
     switch ($instance['show_content']) {
         case 'excerpt':
             add_filter('excerpt_more', array('GS_Featured_Content', 'excerpt_more'));
             remove_filter('excerpt_more', array('GS_Featured_Content', 'excerpt_more'));
         case 'content-limit':
             the_content_limit((int) $instance['content_limit'], esc_html($instance['more_text']));
         case 'content':
     if ('' !== $instance['show_content'] && ($pre = apply_filters('gsfc_post_content_add_entry_content', false))) {
         echo '</div>';
Exemplo n.º 24
 * Custom loop for listing archive page
function pods_do_loop()
    // Title and description
    echo '<div class="entry-category">';
    echo '<h1>' . get_queried_object()->name . '</h1>';
    echo term_description(get_queried_object()->term_id, 'services');
    echo '</div>';
    // Loop
    $paged = get_query_var('page') ? get_query_var('page') : 1;
    $args = array('post_type' => 'service', 'posts_per_page' => 10, 'paged' => $paged);
    if (get_queried_object()->slug != null || get_queried_object()->slug != '') {
        $args['tax_query'] = array(array('taxonomy' => 'services', 'field' => 'slug', 'terms' => get_queried_object()->slug));
    $services = new WP_Query($args);
    $count = 0;
    while ($services->have_posts()) {
        global $post;
        $image = genesis_get_image(array('format' => 'html', 'size' => 'img-thumb-list-archive'));
        if ($image == null) {
            $image = '<img src="' . $image . '" title = "' . get_the_title() . '" alt = "' . get_the_title() . '" class="entry-image img-thumb-list-archive alignleft" />';
        echo '<article class="content-archive-entry">';
        printf('<a href="%s" title="%s" class="alignleft">%s</a>', get_permalink(), the_title_attribute('echo=0'), $image);
        printf('<h2 class="entry-title"><a href = "%s" title = "%s">%s</a></h2>', get_permalink(), get_the_title(), get_the_title());
        if (empty($post->post_excerpt)) {
            the_content_limit(250, '');
        } else {
        echo '</article>';
    if ($services->max_num_pages > 1) {
        if ($paged > 1) {
            <a href="<?php 
            echo '?page=' . ($paged - 1);
            //prev link
        for ($i = 1; $i <= $services->max_num_pages; $i++) {
            <a href="<?php 
            echo '?page=' . $i;
" <?php 
            echo $paged == $i ? 'class="selected"' : '';
            echo $i;
        if ($paged < $services->max_num_pages) {
            <a href="<?php 
            echo '?page=' . ($paged + 1);
            //next link
Exemplo n.º 25
Arquivo: post.php Projeto: nkeat12/dv
 * Echo the post content.
 * On single posts or pages it echoes the full content, and optionally the trackback string if enabled. On single pages,
 * also adds the edit link after the content.
 * Elsewhere it displays either the excerpt, limited content, or full content.
 * Applies the `genesis_edit_post_link` filter.
 * @since 1.1.0
 * @uses genesis_get_option() Get theme setting value.
 * @uses the_content_limit()  Limited content.
function genesis_do_post_content()
    if (is_singular()) {
        if (is_single() && 'open' === get_option('default_ping_status') && post_type_supports(get_post_type(), 'trackbacks')) {
            echo '<!--';
            echo '-->' . "\n";
        if (is_page() && apply_filters('genesis_edit_post_link', true)) {
            edit_post_link(__('(Edit)', 'genesis'), '', '');
    } elseif ('excerpts' === genesis_get_option('content_archive')) {
    } else {
        if (genesis_get_option('content_archive_limit')) {
            the_content_limit((int) genesis_get_option('content_archive_limit'), genesis_a11y_more_link(__('[Read more...]', 'genesis')));
        } else {
            the_content(genesis_a11y_more_link(__('[Read more...]', 'genesis')));
Exemplo n.º 26
function epik_portfolio_do_post_content()
    if (genesis_get_option('epik_portfolio_content') == 'excerpts') {
    } else {
        if (genesis_get_option('epik_portfolio_content_archive_limit')) {
            the_content_limit((int) genesis_get_option('epik_portfolio_content_archive_limit'), __('Read More', 'epik'));
        } else {
            the_content(__('Read More', 'epik'));
  * Echo the widget content.
  * @since 0.9.1
  * @param array $args Display arguments including before_title, after_title, before_widget, and after_widget.
  * @param array $instance The settings for the particular instance of the widget
 function widget($args, $instance)
     global $wp_query, $_omega_displayed_ids;
     //$_omega_displayed_ids[] = get_the_ID();
     //* Merge with defaults
     $instance = wp_parse_args((array) $instance, $this->defaults);
     echo $before_widget;
     //* Set up the author bio
     if (!empty($instance['title'])) {
         echo $before_title . apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title'], $instance, $this->id_base) . $after_title;
     $query_args = array('post_type' => 'post', 'cat' => $instance['posts_cat'], 'showposts' => $instance['posts_num'], 'offset' => $instance['posts_offset'], 'orderby' => $instance['orderby'], 'order' => $instance['order']);
     //* Exclude displayed IDs from this loop?
     if ($instance['exclude_displayed']) {
         $query_args['post__not_in'] = (array) $_omega_displayed_ids;
     $wp_query = new WP_Query($query_args);
     if (have_posts()) {
         while (have_posts()) {
             $_omega_displayed_ids[] = get_the_ID();
             echo '<article class="' . implode(' ', get_post_class()) . ' entry" itemtype="http://schema.org/BlogPosting" itemscope="itemscope">';
             $image = omega_get_image(array('format' => 'html', 'size' => $instance['image_size']));
             if ($instance['show_image'] && $image) {
                 printf('<a href="%s" title="%s" class="%s">%s</a>', get_permalink(), the_title_attribute('echo=0'), esc_attr($instance['image_alignment']), $image);
             if (!empty($instance['show_gravatar'])) {
                 echo '<span class="' . esc_attr($instance['gravatar_alignment']) . '">';
                 echo get_avatar(get_the_author_meta('ID'), $instance['gravatar_size']);
                 echo '</span>';
             if ($instance['show_title']) {
                 echo '<header class="entry-header">';
             if (!empty($instance['show_title'])) {
                 printf('<h2 class="entry-title"><a href="%s" title="%s">%s</a></h2>', get_permalink(), the_title_attribute('echo=0'), get_the_title());
             if (!empty($instance['show_byline']) && !empty($instance['post_info'])) {
                 printf('<p class="entry-meta">%s</p>', do_shortcode($instance['post_info']));
             if ($instance['show_title']) {
                 echo '</header>';
             if (!empty($instance['show_content'])) {
                 echo '<div class="entry-content">';
                 if ('excerpt' == $instance['show_content']) {
                 } elseif ('content-limit' == $instance['show_content']) {
                     the_content_limit((int) $instance['content_limit'], esc_html($instance['more_text']));
                 } else {
                     global $more;
                     $orig_more = $more;
                     $more = 0;
                     $more = $orig_more;
                 echo '</div>';
             echo '</article>';
     //* Restore original query
     //* The EXTRA Posts (list)
     if (!empty($instance['extra_num'])) {
         if (!empty($instance['extra_title'])) {
             echo $before_title . esc_html($instance['extra_title']) . $after_title;
         $offset = intval($instance['posts_num']) + intval($instance['posts_offset']);
         $query_args = array('cat' => $instance['posts_cat'], 'showposts' => $instance['extra_num'], 'offset' => $offset);
         $wp_query = new WP_Query($query_args);
         $listitems = '';
         if (have_posts()) {
             while (have_posts()) {
                 $_omega_displayed_ids[] = get_the_ID();
                 $listitems .= sprintf('<li><a href="%s" title="%s">%s</a></li>', get_permalink(), the_title_attribute('echo=0'), get_the_title());
             if (mb_strlen($listitems) > 0) {
                 printf('<ul>%s</ul>', $listitems);
         //* Restore original query
     if (!empty($instance['more_from_category']) && !empty($instance['posts_cat'])) {
         printf('<p class="more-from-category"><a href="%1$s" title="%2$s">%3$s</a></p>', esc_url(get_category_link($instance['posts_cat'])), esc_attr(get_cat_name($instance['posts_cat'])), esc_html($instance['more_from_category_text']));
     echo $after_widget;
Exemplo n.º 28
function femme_grid_loop_content()
    global $_genesis_loop_args;
    if (in_array('genesis-feature', get_post_class())) {
        // if the post is a feature
        if ($_genesis_loop_args['feature_image_size']) {
            $image = genesis_get_image(array('size' => $_genesis_loop_args['feature_image_size'], 'context' => 'grid-loop-featured', 'attr' => genesis_parse_attr('entry-image-grid-loop', array('class' => $_genesis_loop_args['feature_image_class']))));
            printf('<a href="%s" title="%s">%s</a>', get_permalink(), the_title_attribute('echo=0'), $image);
        if ($_genesis_loop_args['feature_content_limit']) {
            the_content_limit((int) $_genesis_loop_args['feature_content_limit'], esc_html($_genesis_loop_args['more']));
        } else {
    } else {
        // The post is a teaser
        $default_img = '<img class="post-image" itemprop="image" src="' . CUTTZ_CORE_SKINS_URL . '/femme-flora/images/femme-default-img.png" alt="Femme-Flora" />';
        if ($_genesis_loop_args['grid_image_size']) {
            $image = genesis_get_image(array('size' => $_genesis_loop_args['grid_image_size'], 'context' => 'grid-loop', 'attr' => genesis_parse_attr('entry-image-grid-loop', array('class' => $_genesis_loop_args['grid_image_class']))));
            printf('<a href="%s" title="%s">%s</a>', get_permalink(), the_title_attribute('echo=0'), empty($image) ? $default_img : $image);
        if ($_genesis_loop_args['grid_content_limit'] == 'no_content') {
            printf(__('%sClick to read more&hellip;%s', 'cuttz-framework'), '<a href="' . get_permalink() . '" class="more-link"><span class="more-link-content">', '</span></a>');
        } elseif ($_genesis_loop_args['grid_content_limit']) {
            the_content_limit((int) $_genesis_loop_args['grid_content_limit'], esc_html($_genesis_loop_args['more']));
        } else {
            printf('<a href="%s" class="more-link">%s</a>', get_permalink(), esc_html($_genesis_loop_args['more']));
Exemplo n.º 29
    if (is_archive() || is_search()) {
        // Only display Excerpts for archives & search
		<div class="entry-summary">
		</div><!-- .entry-summary -->
    } else {
		<div class="entry-content">
        wp_link_pages(array('before' => '<div class="page-link">' . __('Pages:', 'themename'), 'after' => '</div>'));
		</div><!-- .entry-content -->

Exemplo n.º 30
" rel="bookmark"><img style="float:left;margin:0px 10px 0px 0px;"src="<?php 
/images/thumbnail.png" alt="<?php 
" /></a>
    the_content_limit(400, "[Read more about this property]");
<div style="clear:both;"></div>
                <div style="border-bottom:1px dotted #BBBBBB; margin-bottom:10px; padding:0px 0px 0px 0px; clear:both;"></div>
