function thb_contact_map($params = array()) { $latlong = thb_get_option('contact_lat_long'); $zoom = thb_get_option("contact_zoom"); $marker = thb_get_option("contact_marker"); $map_config = array('height' => '500'); $map_config = thb_array_asum($map_config, $params); if ($latlong != '') { echo thb_do_shortcode("[thb_map latlong='{$latlong}' zoom='{$zoom}' " . thb_get_attributes($map_config) . " marker='{$marker}']"); } }
function thb_text_format($str, $add_paragraphs = false) { $str = wptexturize(thb_do_shortcode($str)); if ($add_paragraphs) { $str = thb_add_paragraphs($str); } $str = apply_filters('thb_text_format', $str); return $str; }
/** * Displaying the widget * * @return void * @see WP_Widget::widget **/ public function widget($args, $instance) { if ($this->_showCondition != '' && call_user_func($this->_showCondition) == false) { return; } extract($args); // Widget class if ($this->_class != '') { $before_widget = str_replace("class=\"widget", "class=\"widget " . $this->_class, $before_widget); } // Data $title = apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title']); // Let's display the widget echo $before_widget; if (!empty($title)) { echo $before_title; if (!empty($this->_titleLink)) { echo '<a href="' . $this->_titleLink . '">'; echo $title; echo '</a>'; } else { echo $title; } echo $after_title; } $shortcode = '[' . $this->_shortcode->getName() . ' ' . $this->composeShortcodeAttributes($instance) . ' title="" caller="widget"]'; echo thb_do_shortcode($shortcode); echo $after_widget; }
?> "> <ul class="thb-tabs-nav"> <?php $i = 0; foreach ($tabs as $tab) { ?> <li> <a href="#<?php echo thb_text_slugify($tab[0]); ?> -<?php echo $i; ?> "><?php echo $tab[0]; ?> </a> </li> <?php $i++; } ?> </ul> <div class="thb-tabs-contents"> <?php echo thb_do_shortcode($content); ?> </div> </div>
thb_data_attributes($slide_data); ?> > <?php if ($slide['type'] == 'image') { ?> <img src="<?php echo thb_image_get_size($slide['id'], $image_size); ?> " alt=""> <?php } else { ?> <?php $attributes = thb_get_attributes(array('url' => $slide['url'], 'class' => 'thb_slideshow_video thb-noFit', 'autoplay' => $slide['autoplay'], 'loop' => $slide['loop'])); echo thb_do_shortcode('[thb_video ' . $attributes . ']'); ?> <?php } ?> <?php if ($slide['caption'] != '') { ?> <div class="caption"> <?php echo thb_text_format($slide['caption'], true); ?> </div> <?php }
$class = (array) $class; if (!in_array($align, $class)) { $class[] = $align; } if (!empty($icon)) { $class[] = 'w-icon'; } ?> <section class="thb-shortcode thb-box <?php echo implode(' ', $class); ?> "> <?php echo thb_do_shortcode('[thb_icon url="' . $icon . '" align="' . $align . '"]'); ?> <?php if (!empty($title)) { ?> <h1 class="thb-shortcode-title"><?php echo wptexturize($title); ?> </h1> <?php } ?> <div class="thb-text"> <?php
function thb_related($post_type = null) { $id = thb_get_page_ID(); if (!$post_type) { global $post; $post_type = $post->post_type; } $show = thb_get_post_meta($id, $post_type . '_related'); if ($show != '1') { return; } $shortcode_id = $post_type; if ($post_type == 'post') { $shortcode_id .= 's'; } $shortcode = '[thb_related_' . $shortcode_id . ' title=""'; $num = thb_get_post_meta($id, $post_type . '_related_number'); $thumb = thb_get_post_meta($id, $post_type . '_related_thumb'); if ($num != '') { $shortcode .= ' num="' . $num . '"'; } if ($thumb != '') { $shortcode .= ' thumb="' . $thumb . '"'; } $shortcode .= ']'; echo thb_do_shortcode($shortcode); }
?> " alt=""> <?php if ($slideshow->slidesImagesClickable()) { ?> </a> <?php } ?> <?php } else { ?> <?php echo thb_do_shortcode('[thb_video url="' . $slide['url'] . '" class="thb_slideshow_video" ' . $video_data . ']'); ?> <?php } ?> <?php if ($slide['caption'] != '') { ?> <div class="caption"> <?php echo apply_filters('the_content', $slide['caption']); ?> </div> <?php }
function thb_slideshow() { // $config = thb_config('core/slideshows'); $page_id = thb_get_page_ID(); $slideshow_shortcode = thb_get_post_meta($page_id, 'slideshow'); if (empty($slideshow_shortcode)) { return; } if (thb_text_contains($slideshow_shortcode, 'thb_')) { $slideshow_id = thb_get_shortcode_attribute($slideshow_shortcode, 'id'); $thb_slideshow = new THB_Slideshow($slideshow_id); $slideshow_type = $thb_slideshow->getType(); if (thb_is_page_template(thb_config('core/slideshows/submodules/' . $slideshow_type, 'templates'))) { if (!empty($slideshow_shortcode) && trim($slideshow_shortcode) != '') { echo thb_do_shortcode($slideshow_shortcode); } } } else { echo thb_do_shortcode($slideshow_shortcode); } }