if (!$password) { $validated = false; notice(_BLANK_PASSWORD); } elseif (strlen($password) < 6) { $validated = false; notice(_JOIN_PASSWORD_TOO_SHORT); } elseif (!$password2) { $validated = false; notice('Password confirmation required.'); } elseif ($password != $password2) { $validated = false; notice('Password mismatch.'); } if ($validated) { sql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `usePassword` = '" . sha1($password) . "' WHERE `useid` = '" . $useData["useid"] . "' LIMIT 1"); terminateSession($_auth["useid"]); // force the user to log in with their new password redirect(url("passwordchanged")); } } ?> <form action="<?php echo url("."); ?> " method="post"> <div class="caption"><?php echo _USE_ENTER_NEW_PASSWORD; ?> :</div> <div><input class="narrow" name="joinpassword" type="password" /></div>
$susLeft = $suspendUntil - time(); $susLeft = round(($susLeft < 0 ? 0 : $susLeft) / (60 * 60 * 24)); addModeratorLog($useData["useid"], "[b]Suspended until[/b]: " . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $suspendUntil) . " (" . $susLeft . " days)"); redirect(url(".")); } // only smod can ban if (atLeastSModerator()) { if (isset($_POST["submitBan"])) { $suspendReason = $_POST["suspendReason"]; terminateSession($useData["useid"]); sql_query("UPDATE `users`,`useExtData` SET `useIsBanned` = '1', " . "`useSuspendedReason` = '" . addslashes($suspendReason) . "' " . "WHERE `useid` = `useEid` AND `useid` = '" . $useData["useid"] . "'"); addModeratorLog($useData["useid"], "[b]BANNED![/b]"); redirect(url(".")); } if (isset($_POST["submitUnban"])) { terminateSession($useData["useid"]); sql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `useIsBanned` = '0' " . "WHERE `useid` = '" . $useData["useid"] . "' LIMIT 1"); addModeratorLog($useData["useid"], "[b]Unbanned![/b]"); redirect(url(".")); } } if (isset($_POST["submitLog"])) { addModeratorLog($useData["useid"], $_POST["modMessage"]); redirect(url(".") . "#modlog"); } if (isset($_POST["submitUserData"])) { $changes = array(); $changesExt = array(); if ($useData["useCustomTitle"] != $_POST["useCustomTitle"]) { $changesExt["useCustomTitle"] = $_POST["useCustomTitle"]; addModeratorLog($useData["useid"], "[b]Changed user custom title[/b]");