function tep_update_whos_online()
    global $customer_id;
    if (tep_session_is_registered('customer_id')) {
        $wo_customer_id = $customer_id;
        $customer_query = tep_db_query("select customers_firstname, customers_lastname from " . TABLE_CUSTOMERS . " where customers_id = '" . (int) $customer_id . "'");
        $customer = tep_db_fetch_array($customer_query);
        $wo_full_name = $customer['customers_firstname'] . ' ' . $customer['customers_lastname'];
    } else {
        $wo_customer_id = '';
        $wo_full_name = 'Guest';
    $wo_session_id = tep_session_id();
    $wo_ip_address = tep_get_ip_address();
    $wo_last_page_url = tep_db_prepare_input(getenv('REQUEST_URI'));
    $current_time = time();
    $xx_mins_ago = $current_time - 900;
    // remove entries that have expired
    tep_db_query("delete from " . TABLE_WHOS_ONLINE . " where time_last_click < '" . $xx_mins_ago . "'");
    $stored_customer_query = tep_db_query("select session_id from " . TABLE_WHOS_ONLINE . " where session_id = '" . tep_db_input($wo_session_id) . "' limit 1");
    if (tep_db_num_rows($stored_customer_query) > 0) {
        tep_db_query("update " . TABLE_WHOS_ONLINE . " set customer_id = '" . (int) $wo_customer_id . "', full_name = '" . tep_db_input($wo_full_name) . "', ip_address = '" . tep_db_input($wo_ip_address) . "', time_last_click = '" . tep_db_input($current_time) . "', last_page_url = '" . tep_db_input($wo_last_page_url) . "' where session_id = '" . tep_db_input($wo_session_id) . "'");
    } else {
        tep_db_query("insert into " . TABLE_WHOS_ONLINE . " (customer_id, full_name, session_id, ip_address, time_entry, time_last_click, last_page_url) values ('" . (int) $wo_customer_id . "', '" . tep_db_input($wo_full_name) . "', '" . tep_db_input($wo_session_id) . "', '" . tep_db_input($wo_ip_address) . "', '" . tep_db_input($current_time) . "', '" . tep_db_input($current_time) . "', '" . tep_db_input($wo_last_page_url) . "')");
Exemplo n.º 2
 function quote($method = '')
     global $order, $cart, $shipping_weight, $currencies, $currency;
     $postcode_check_query = tep_db_query("select count(*) as total from " . TABLE_CITIES . " where city_id = '" . tep_db_input(tep_db_prepare_input($order->delivery['postcode'])) . "'");
     $postcode_check = tep_db_fetch_array($postcode_check_query);
     $shipping_cost = 0;
     //	  if (empty($order->delivery['postcode'])) {
     //		$this->quotes['error'] = MODULE_SHIPPING_UKRPOSTBN_NO_ZIPCODE_FOUND;
     //	  } elseif ($postcode_check['total'] < 1) {
     //		$this->quotes['error'] = MODULE_SHIPPING_UKRPOSTBN_NO_ZIPCODE_EXISTS;
     //	  } else {
     $total_sum = str_replace(',', '.', round($cart->total * $currencies->currencies[$currency]['value'], $currencies->currencies[$currency]['decimal_places']));
     $persentage = str_replace(',', '.', MODULE_SHIPPING_UKRPOSTBN_COST);
     $min_cost = str_replace(',', '.', MODULE_SHIPPING_UKRPOSTBN_MIN_COST);
     $add_cost = str_replace(',', '.', MODULE_SHIPPING_UKRPOSTBN_ADDITIONAL_COST);
     if ($persentage > 0) {
         $shipping_cost = $total_sum * $persentage / 100;
     if ($min_cost > 0 && $shipping_cost < $min_cost) {
         $shipping_cost = $min_cost;
     if ($add_cost > 0) {
         $shipping_cost += $add_cost;
     $shipping_method = sprintf(MODULE_SHIPPING_UKRPOSTBN_TEXT_WEIGHT, $shipping_weight);
     //	  }
     if ($shipping_cost > 0) {
         $shipping_cost = $shipping_cost / $currencies->get_value($currency);
     $this->quotes['id'] = $this->code;
     $this->quotes['module'] = MODULE_SHIPPING_UKRPOSTBN_TEXT_TITLE;
     $this->quotes['methods'] = array(array('id' => $this->code, 'title' => $shipping_method, 'cost' => $shipping_cost));
     return $this->quotes;
Exemplo n.º 3
 function after_process()
     global $insert_id;
     tep_db_query("UPDATE pi_paymill_transaction SET preauth_id = '" . tep_db_prepare_input($_SESSION['paymill']['preauth_id']) . "' WHERE order_id = " . (int) $insert_id);
Exemplo n.º 4
 function objectInfo($object_array)
     while (list($key, $value) = each($object_array)) {
         $this->{$key} = tep_db_prepare_input($value);
Exemplo n.º 5
  * @param $first_name
  * @param $last_name
  * @param $email
  * @return integer Customer ID
 public static function create_user($first_name, $last_name, $email)
     $existing_customer = self::get_customer_id_by_email($email);
     if (!$existing_customer) {
         // Customer doesn't exist, create them.
         // tep_encrypt_password deals with actual hashing, this is simply generating a longer string.
         $password_string = md5(self::gen_random_string());
         $customer_data = array('customers_firstname' => $first_name, 'customers_lastname' => $last_name, 'customers_email_address' => $email, 'customers_gender' => '', 'customers_dob' => tep_db_prepare_input('0001-01-01 00:00:00'), 'customers_telephone' => '', 'customers_newsletter' => '0', 'customers_default_address_id' => 0, 'customers_password' => tep_encrypt_password($password_string));
         $cust = tep_db_perform(TABLE_CUSTOMERS, $customer_data);
         $cust_id = tep_db_insert_id();
         if (!$cust_id) {
             return FALSE;
         // Set an invalid password
         $query = "UPDATE " . TABLE_CUSTOMERS . " SET `customers_password` = :pw WHERE `customers_id` = :id";
         $query = bind_vars($query, ':pw', 'LOGINWITHAMAZON00000000000000000');
         $query = bind_vars($query, ':id', $cust_id);
         // Add user to the Amazon users table
         $amazon_table_safe = tep_db_input(self::TABLE_NAME_ONLY);
         $cust_id_safe = tep_db_input($cust_id);
         $query = "INSERT INTO " . $amazon_table_safe . " (customer_id) VALUES (" . $cust_id_safe . ")";
         // Create customer info entry
         tep_db_query("insert into " . TABLE_CUSTOMERS_INFO . " (customers_info_id, customers_info_number_of_logons, customers_info_date_account_created) values ('" . (int) $cust_id . "', '0', now())");
         return $cust_id;
     } else {
         return $existing_customer;
 function execute()
     global $sessiontoken, $login_customer_id, $messageStack, $oscTemplate;
     $error = false;
     if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'process' && isset($_POST['formid']) && $_POST['formid'] == $sessiontoken) {
         $email_address = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['email_address']);
         $password = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['password']);
         // Check if email exists
         $customer_query = tep_db_query("select customers_id, customers_password from " . TABLE_CUSTOMERS . " where customers_email_address = '" . tep_db_input($email_address) . "' limit 1");
         if (!tep_db_num_rows($customer_query)) {
             $error = true;
         } else {
             $customer = tep_db_fetch_array($customer_query);
             // Check that password is good
             if (!tep_validate_password($password, $customer['customers_password'])) {
                 $error = true;
             } else {
                 // set $login_customer_id globally and perform post login code in catalog/login.php
                 $login_customer_id = (int) $customer['customers_id'];
                 // migrate old hashed password to new phpass password
                 if (tep_password_type($customer['customers_password']) != 'phpass') {
                     tep_db_query("update " . TABLE_CUSTOMERS . " set customers_password = '******' where customers_id = '" . (int) $login_customer_id . "'");
     if ($error == true) {
         $messageStack->add('login', MODULE_CONTENT_LOGIN_TEXT_LOGIN_ERROR);
     include 'includes/modules/content/' . $this->group . '/templates/login_form.php';
     $template = ob_get_clean();
     $oscTemplate->addContent($template, $this->group);
Exemplo n.º 7
 function query($order_id)
     global $languages_id;
     $order_id = tep_db_prepare_input($order_id);
     // PWA BOF
     // added customers_dummy_account
     $order_query = tep_db_query("select customers_id, customers_name, customers_company, customers_street_address, customers_suburb, customers_city, customers_postcode, customers_state, customers_country, customers_telephone, customers_email_address, customers_address_format_id, customers_dummy_account, delivery_name, delivery_company, delivery_street_address, delivery_suburb, delivery_city, delivery_postcode, delivery_state, delivery_country, delivery_address_format_id, delivery_date, billing_name, billing_company, billing_street_address, billing_suburb, billing_city, billing_postcode, billing_state, billing_country, billing_address_format_id, payment_method, cc_type, cc_owner, cc_number, cc_expires, currency, currency_value, date_purchased, orders_status, last_modified from " . TABLE_ORDERS . " where orders_id = '" . (int) $order_id . "'");
     // PWA EOF
     $order = tep_db_fetch_array($order_query);
     $totals_query = tep_db_query("select title, text from " . TABLE_ORDERS_TOTAL . " where orders_id = '" . (int) $order_id . "' order by sort_order");
     while ($totals = tep_db_fetch_array($totals_query)) {
         $this->totals[] = array('title' => $totals['title'], 'text' => $totals['text']);
     $order_total_query = tep_db_query("select text from " . TABLE_ORDERS_TOTAL . " where orders_id = '" . (int) $order_id . "' and class = 'ot_total'");
     $order_total = tep_db_fetch_array($order_total_query);
     $shipping_method_query = tep_db_query("select title from " . TABLE_ORDERS_TOTAL . " where orders_id = '" . (int) $order_id . "' and class = 'ot_shipping'");
     $shipping_method = tep_db_fetch_array($shipping_method_query);
     $order_status_query = tep_db_query("select orders_status_name from " . TABLE_ORDERS_STATUS . " where orders_status_id = '" . $order['orders_status'] . "' and language_id = '" . (int) $languages_id . "'");
     $order_status = tep_db_fetch_array($order_status_query);
     $this->info = array('currency' => $order['currency'], 'currency_value' => $order['currency_value'], 'payment_method' => $order['payment_method'], 'cc_type' => $order['cc_type'], 'cc_owner' => $order['cc_owner'], 'cc_number' => $order['cc_number'], 'cc_expires' => $order['cc_expires'], 'date_purchased' => $order['date_purchased'], 'delivery_date' => $order['delivery_date'], 'orders_status' => $order_status['orders_status_name'], 'last_modified' => $order['last_modified'], 'total' => strip_tags($order_total['text']), 'shipping_method' => substr($shipping_method['title'], -1) == ':' ? substr(strip_tags($shipping_method['title']), 0, -1) : strip_tags($shipping_method['title']));
     $this->customer = array('id' => $order['customers_id'], 'name' => $order['customers_name'], 'company' => $order['customers_company'], 'street_address' => $order['customers_street_address'], 'suburb' => $order['customers_suburb'], 'city' => $order['customers_city'], 'postcode' => $order['customers_postcode'], 'state' => $order['customers_state'], 'country' => array('title' => $order['customers_country']), 'format_id' => $order['customers_address_format_id'], 'telephone' => $order['customers_telephone'], 'email_address' => $order['customers_email_address'], 'is_dummy_account' => $order['customers_dummy_account']);
     // PWA EOF
     $this->delivery = array('name' => trim($order['delivery_name']), 'company' => $order['delivery_company'], 'street_address' => $order['delivery_street_address'], 'suburb' => $order['delivery_suburb'], 'city' => $order['delivery_city'], 'postcode' => $order['delivery_postcode'], 'state' => $order['delivery_state'], 'country' => array('title' => $order['delivery_country']), 'format_id' => $order['delivery_address_format_id']);
     if (empty($this->delivery['name']) && empty($this->delivery['street_address'])) {
         $this->delivery = false;
     $this->billing = array('name' => $order['billing_name'], 'company' => $order['billing_company'], 'street_address' => $order['billing_street_address'], 'suburb' => $order['billing_suburb'], 'city' => $order['billing_city'], 'postcode' => $order['billing_postcode'], 'state' => $order['billing_state'], 'country' => array('title' => $order['billing_country']), 'format_id' => $order['billing_address_format_id']);
     $index = 0;
     $orders_products_query = tep_db_query("select orders_products_id, products_id, products_name, products_model, products_code, products_price, products_tax, products_quantity, final_price from " . TABLE_ORDERS_PRODUCTS . " where orders_id = '" . (int) $order_id . "'");
     while ($orders_products = tep_db_fetch_array($orders_products_query)) {
         $this->products[$index] = array('qty' => $orders_products['products_quantity'], 'id' => $orders_products['products_id'], 'name' => $orders_products['products_name'], 'model' => $orders_products['products_model'], 'code' => $orders_products['products_code'], 'tax' => $orders_products['products_tax'], 'price' => $orders_products['products_price'], 'final_price' => $orders_products['final_price']);
         // BOF: MOD - Separate Pricing Per Customer
         global $sppc_customer_group_id;
         if (tep_session_is_registered('sppc_customer_group_id')) {
             $customer_group_id = $sppc_customer_group_id;
         } else {
             $customer_group_id = '0';
         if ($customer_group_id != '0') {
             $orders_customers_price = tep_db_query("select customers_group_price from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_GROUPS . " where customers_group_id = '" . $customer_group_id . "' and products_id = '" . $products[$i]['id'] . "'");
             if ($orders_customers = tep_db_fetch_array($orders_customers_price)) {
                 $this->products[$index] = array('price' => $orders_customers['customers_group_price'], 'final_price' => $orders_customers['customers_group_price']);
         // EOF: MOD - Separate Pricing Per Customer
         $subindex = 0;
         $attributes_query = tep_db_query("select products_options, products_options_values, options_values_price, price_prefix from " . TABLE_ORDERS_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTES . " where orders_id = '" . (int) $order_id . "' and orders_products_id = '" . (int) $orders_products['orders_products_id'] . "'");
         if (tep_db_num_rows($attributes_query)) {
             while ($attributes = tep_db_fetch_array($attributes_query)) {
                 $this->products[$index]['attributes'][$subindex] = array('option' => $attributes['products_options'], 'value' => $attributes['products_options_values'], 'prefix' => $attributes['price_prefix'], 'price' => $attributes['options_values_price']);
         $this->info['tax_groups']["{$this->products[$index]['tax']}"] = '1';
Exemplo n.º 8
function print_address($x, $y, $nums)
    global $pdf, $num, $billing;
    $pos = $y;
    global $orders_query;
    global $order;
    global $orders;
    global $languages_id;
    global $_POST;
    if ($order) {
        if ($billing == true) {
            $addressparts = explode("\n", tep_address_format($order->billing['format_id'], $order->billing, 1, '', " \n"));
        } else {
            $addressparts = explode("\n", tep_address_format($order->delivery['format_id'], $order->delivery, 1, '', " \n"));
        foreach ($addressparts as $addresspart) {
            $fontsize = GENERAL_FONT_SIZE;
            while ($pdf->getTextWidth($fontsize, $addresspart) > LABEL_WIDTH) {
            //$addresspart = preg_replace("%,[[:space:]]*$%", "", $addresspart);
            $pdf->addText($x, $pos -= GENERAL_LINE_SPACING, $fontsize, $addresspart);
        $pdf->addText($x + LABEL_WIDTH - ORDERIDXOFFSET - 22, $y + ORDERIDYOFFSET, ORDERIDFONTSIZE, $orders['orders_id']);
        if ($_POST['status'] && $_POST['status'] != $order->info['orders_status']) {
            $customer_notified = 0;
            $status = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['status']);
            $notify_comments = sprintf(EMAIL_TEXT_COMMENTS_UPDATE, BATCH_COMMENTS) . "\n\n";
            if ($_POST['notify']) {
                $status_query = tep_db_query("select orders_status_name as name from " . TABLE_ORDERS_STATUS . " where language_id = " . $languages_id . " and orders_status_id = " . tep_db_input($status));
                $status_name = tep_db_fetch_array($status_query);
                $email = STORE_NAME . "\n" . EMAIL_SEPARATOR . "\n" . EMAIL_TEXT_ORDER_NUMBER . ' ' . $orders['orders_id'] . "\n" . EMAIL_TEXT_DATE_ORDERED . ' ' . tep_date_long($order->info['date_purchased']) . "\n\n" . $notify_comments . sprintf(EMAIL_TEXT_STATUS_UPDATE, $status_name['name']);
                tep_mail($order->customer['name'], $order->customer['email_address'], EMAIL_TEXT_SUBJECT, nl2br($email), STORE_OWNER, STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS);
                $customer_notified = '1';
            tep_db_query("update " . TABLE_ORDERS . " set orders_status = '" . tep_db_input($status) . "', last_modified = now() where orders_id = '" . $orders['orders_id'] . "'");
            tep_db_query("insert into " . TABLE_ORDERS_STATUS_HISTORY . " (orders_id, orders_status_id, date_added, customer_notified, comments) \r\n        values ('" . $orders['orders_id'] . "', '" . tep_db_input($status) . "', now(), '" . $customer_notified . "', '" . $notify_comments . "')");
        if ($nums % NUM_LABELS_PER_PAGE == NUM_LABELS_PER_PAGE - 1) {
            $order = false;
            return false;
        } else {
            if ($orders = tep_db_fetch_array($orders_query)) {
                $order = new order($orders['orders_id']);
                return true;
            } else {
                $order = false;
                return false;
    } else {
        return false;
Exemplo n.º 9
 function send($newsletter_id)
     $mail_query = tep_db_query("select customers_firstname, customers_lastname, customers_email_address from " . TABLE_CUSTOMERS . " where customers_newsletter = '1'");
     $mimemessage = new email(array('X-Mailer: osCommerce bulk mailer'));
     while ($mail = tep_db_fetch_array($mail_query)) {
         $mimemessage->send($mail['customers_firstname'] . ' ' . $mail['customers_lastname'], $mail['customers_email_address'], '', EMAIL_FROM, $this->title);
     $newsletter_id = tep_db_prepare_input($newsletter_id);
     tep_db_query("update " . TABLE_NEWSLETTERS . " set date_sent = now(), status = '1' where newsletters_id = '" . tep_db_input($newsletter_id) . "'");
Exemplo n.º 10
 function send($affiliate_newsletter_id)
     $mail_query = tep_db_query("select affiliate_firstname, affiliate_lastname, affiliate_email_address from " . TABLE_AFFILIATE . " where affiliate_newsletter = '1'");
     $mimemessage = new email(array('X-Mailer: osCmax Mailer'));
     while ($mail = tep_db_fetch_array($mail_query)) {
         $mimemessage->send($mail['affiliate_firstname'] . ' ' . $mail['affiliate_lastname'], $mail['affiliate_email_address'], '', EMAIL_FROM, $this->title);
     $affiliate_newsletter_id = tep_db_prepare_input($affiliate_newsletter_id);
     tep_db_query("update " . TABLE_AFFILIATE_NEWSLETTERS . " set date_sent = now(), status = '1' where affiliate_newsletters_id = '" . tep_db_input($affiliate_newsletter_id) . "'");
Exemplo n.º 11
 function objectInfo($object_array)
     while (list($key, $value) = each($object_array)) {
         // Check if value is defined
         if (defined($value) && constant($value) != null) {
             $this->{$key} = constant($value);
         } else {
             $this->{$key} = tep_db_prepare_input($value);
 public function recordFirstStep($orderId, $paramsSAR, $responseSAR)
     $datetime = new DateTime('NOW');
     if ($this->_getStep($orderId) == self::FIRST_STEP) {
         $requestKey = $responseSAR['RequestKey'];
         $publicRequestKey = $responseSAR['PublicRequestKey'];
         $query = "UPDATE todopago_transaccion SET first_step = '" . $datetime->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "', params_SAR = '" . tep_db_input(tep_db_prepare_input(json_encode($paramsSAR))) . "', response_SAR = '" . tep_db_input(tep_db_prepare_input(json_encode($responseSAR))) . "', request_key = '" . tep_db_input(tep_db_prepare_input($requestKey)) . "', public_request_key = '" . tep_db_input(tep_db_prepare_input($publicRequestKey)) . "' WHERE id_orden = " . $orderId;
         return $query;
     } else {
         return 0;
 function retrieveDetail($products_linking_id, $prepared = false)
     if (!$prepared) {
         $products_linking_id = tep_db_prepare_input($products_linking_id);
     $load_query = "SELECT pl.*, p.products_image";
     $load_query .= " FROM products_linking pl";
     $load_query .= " LEFT JOIN products p ON p.products_id=pl.links_id";
     $load_query .= " WHERE pl.products_linking_id={$products_linking_id}";
     $load_result = tep_db_query($load_query);
     $pl = tep_db_fetch_array($load_result);
     return $pl;
Exemplo n.º 14
 function send($newsletter_id)
     $mail_query = tep_db_query("select customers_firstname, customers_lastname, customers_email_address from " . TABLE_CUSTOMERS . " where customers_newsletter = '1'");
     while ($mail = tep_db_fetch_array($mail_query)) {
         $mimemessage = new email(array('X-Mailer: osCommerce bulk mailer'));
         // Préparation de l'envoie du mail en HTML
         $mimemessage->add_html_newsletter($this->header . "\n\n" . $this->content . "\n\n" . $this->unsubscribea . " " . '<a href="' . HTTP_SERVER . DIR_WS_CATALOG . FILENAME_UNSUBSCRIBE . "?email=" . $mail['customers_email_address'] . '">' . HTTP_SERVER . DIR_WS_CATALOG . FILENAME_UNSUBSCRIBE . "?email=" . $mail['customers_email_address'] . '</a>' . "\n\n" . $this->unsubscribeb);
         // ################# END - Contribution Newsletter v050 ##############
         $mimemessage->send($mail['customers_firstname'] . ' ' . $mail['customers_lastname'], $mail['customers_email_address'], '', EMAIL_FROM, $this->title);
     $newsletter_id = tep_db_prepare_input($newsletter_id);
     tep_db_query("update " . TABLE_NEWSLETTERS . " set date_sent = now(), status = '1' where newsletters_id = '" . tep_db_input($newsletter_id) . "'");
Exemplo n.º 15
function create_update_list($post_update_list, $db_update_list)
    $set_update = '';
    foreach ($post_update_list as $key => $value) {
        if (postOK($value)) {
            if (empty($set_update)) {
                $set_update .= $db_update_list[$key] . ' = "' . tep_db_prepare_input($_POST[$value]) . '"';
            } else {
                $set_update .= ',' . $db_update_list[$key] . ' = "' . tep_db_prepare_input($_POST[$value]) . '"';
    return $set_update;
Exemplo n.º 16
 protected function index()
     $this->data['button_confirm'] = $this->language->get('button_confirm');
     $this->data['button_back'] = $this->language->get('button_back');
     if (!$this->config->get('paypal_express_test')) {
         $this->data['action'] = '';
     } else {
         $this->data['action'] = '';
     $order_info = $this->model_checkout_order->getOrder($this->session->data['order_id']);
     if (empty($comments)) {
         if (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['ppecomments']) && tep_not_null($HTTP_POST_VARS['ppecomments'])) {
             $comments = tep_db_prepare_input($HTTP_POST_VARS['ppecomments']);
             $order->info['comments'] = $comments;
         $api_url = '';
     } else {
         $api_url = '';
     $params = array('USER' => MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_EXPRESS_API_USERNAME, 'PWD' => MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_EXPRESS_API_PASSWORD, 'VERSION' => '3.2', 'SIGNATURE' => MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_EXPRESS_API_SIGNATURE, 'METHOD' => 'DoExpressCheckoutPayment', 'TOKEN' => $ppe_token, 'PAYMENTACTION' => MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_EXPRESS_TRANSACTION_METHOD == 'Sale' ? 'Sale' : 'Authorization', 'PAYERID' => $ppe_payerid, 'AMT' => $this->format_raw($order->info['total']), 'CURRENCYCODE' => $order->info['currency'], 'BUTTONSOURCE' => 'osCommerce22_Default_EC');
     if (is_numeric($sendto) && $sendto > 0) {
         $params['SHIPTONAME'] = $order->delivery['firstname'] . ' ' . $order->delivery['lastname'];
         $params['SHIPTOSTREET'] = $order->delivery['street_address'];
         $params['SHIPTOCITY'] = $order->delivery['city'];
         $params['SHIPTOSTATE'] = tep_get_zone_code($order->delivery['country']['id'], $order->delivery['zone_id'], $order->delivery['state']);
         $params['SHIPTOCOUNTRYCODE'] = $order->delivery['country']['iso_code_2'];
         $params['SHIPTOZIP'] = $order->delivery['postcode'];
     $post_string = '';
     foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
         $post_string .= $key . '=' . urlencode(trim($value)) . '&';
     $post_string = substr($post_string, 0, -1);
     $response = $this->sendTransactionToGateway($api_url, $post_string);
     $response_array = array();
     parse_str($response, $response_array);
     if ($response_array['ACK'] != 'Success' && $response_array['ACK'] != 'SuccessWithWarning') {
         tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_SHOPPING_CART, 'error_message=' . stripslashes($response_array['L_LONGMESSAGE0']), 'SSL'));
     $this->data['back'] = $this->url->https('checkout/payment');
     $this->id = 'payment';
     $this->template = $this->config->get('config_template') . 'payment/paypal_express.tpl';
Exemplo n.º 17
 function send($newsletter_id)
     $mail_query = tep_db_query("select customers_firstname, customers_lastname, customers_email_address from " . TABLE_CUSTOMERS . " where customers_newsletter = '1'");
     $mimemessage = new email(array('X-Mailer: osCmax Mailer'));
     // BOF: MOD - WYSIWYG HTML Area (Send TEXT Newsletter v1.7 when WYSIWYG Disabled)
         // orginal OSC line
     } else {
     // EOF: MOD - WYSIWYG HTML Area (Send TEXT Newsletter v1.7 when WYSIWYG Disabled)
     while ($mail = tep_db_fetch_array($mail_query)) {
         $mimemessage->send($mail['customers_firstname'] . ' ' . $mail['customers_lastname'], $mail['customers_email_address'], '', EMAIL_FROM, $this->title);
     $newsletter_id = tep_db_prepare_input($newsletter_id);
     tep_db_query("update " . TABLE_NEWSLETTERS . " set date_sent = now(), status = '1' where newsletters_id = '" . tep_db_input($newsletter_id) . "'");
Exemplo n.º 18
function tep_update_information_languages($language_id = 0)
    global $languages, $languages_id, $gID;
    if ($language_id == 0) {
        $language_id = $languages_id;
    // Count all items
    $information_query = tep_db_query("select count(*) as information_count from " . TABLE_INFORMATION . " where information_group_id = '" . (int) $gID . "'");
    $information = tep_db_fetch_array($information_query);
    $information_count_all = $information['information_count'];
    // Count items for main language
    $information_query = tep_db_query("select count(*) as information_count from " . TABLE_INFORMATION . " where information_group_id = '" . (int) $gID . "' and language_id = '" . (int) $language_id . "'");
    $information = tep_db_fetch_array($information_query);
    $information_count_single = $information['information_count'];
    if ($information_count_all != $information_count_single * sizeof($languages)) {
        // Create array of language id's in information table
        $information_query = tep_db_query("select language_id from " . TABLE_INFORMATION . " where information_group_id = '" . (int) $gID . "' group by language_id");
        while ($information_language = tep_db_fetch_array($information_query)) {
            $information_languages[] = $information_language['language_id'];
        // Create array of language id's in languages
        foreach ($languages as $language) {
            $languages_ids[] = $language['id'];
        // Remove entries with languages no longer being used
        foreach ($information_languages as $_language_id) {
            if (!in_array($_language_id, $languages_ids)) {
                tep_db_query("delete from " . TABLE_INFORMATION . " where information_group_id = '" . (int) $gID . "' and language_id = '" . (int) $_language_id . "'");
        $information_query = tep_db_query("select * from " . TABLE_INFORMATION . " where information_group_id = '" . (int) $gID . "' and language_id = '" . (int) $language_id . "'");
        while ($information = tep_db_fetch_array($information_query)) {
            foreach ($languages_ids as $_language_id) {
                if (!in_array($_language_id, $information_languages)) {
                    $sql_data_array = array('language_id' => $_language_id, 'visible' => tep_db_prepare_input($information['visible']), 'show_in_infobox' => tep_db_prepare_input($information['show_in_infobox']), 'sort_order' => tep_db_prepare_input($information['sort_order']), 'information_id' => tep_db_prepare_input($information['information_id']), 'information_group_id' => tep_db_prepare_input($information['information_group_id']), 'information_title' => tep_db_prepare_input($information['information_title']), 'information_description' => tep_db_prepare_input($information['information_description']), 'information_url' => tep_db_prepare_input($information['information_url']), 'information_target' => tep_db_prepare_input($information['information_target']), 'info_cg_hide' => tep_db_prepare_input($information['info_cg_hide']));
                    tep_db_perform(TABLE_INFORMATION, $sql_data_array);
Exemplo n.º 19
function changeOrderStatus($order_id, $order_status, $comment = '')
    $sql_data_array['orders_id'] = $order_id;
    $sql_data_array['orders_status_id'] = $order_status;
    $sql_data_array['date_added'] = 'now()';
    if ($comment != 'Comment for new status' && $comment != '') {
        $sql_data_array['comments'] = tep_db_prepare_input($comment);
    tep_db_perform('orders_status_history', $sql_data_array);
    tep_db_query("UPDATE orders SET orders_status={$order_status}, last_modified=now() WHERE orders_id={$order_id}");
Exemplo n.º 20
                        $pifile2download = $file;
                    if ($pifile2download != '' && fileReadyForDownload($pi_cache_path . $pi_to_download)) {
                        return $pifile2download;
    return null;
if (isset($_POST['username']) && isset($_POST['pi_delete'])) {
    $username = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['username']);
    $pi_delete = $pi_on_download_path . tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['pi_delete']);
    //pi_delete ex: SP-XXXX or JG-XXXX or DP-XXXX
    if (is_file($pi_delete)) {
} else {
    $search_new_file = true;
    /* //"activate this if we want to download multi pi batches for a product only to a single station" as well as same comments like this on line above
       $last_downloaded_file = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['last_downloaded']);
       if($last_downloaded_file!='') {
           //check for next increment batches file to be downloaded
           $tmp = explode('_', $last_downloaded_file);
           if(count($tmp)>0) {
               $file_counter = str_replace('.pdf', '', $tmp[2]);
               $next_counter = $file_counter + 1;
               $tmp[2] = $next_counter;
Exemplo n.º 21
        $check_address = tep_db_fetch_array($check_address_query);
        if ($check_address['total'] != '1') {
            $billto = $customer_default_address_id;
            if (tep_session_is_registered('payment')) {
require DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'order.php';
$order = new order();
if (!tep_session_is_registered('comments')) {
if (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['comments']) && tep_not_null($HTTP_POST_VARS['comments'])) {
    $comments = tep_db_prepare_input($HTTP_POST_VARS['comments']);
$total_weight = $cart->show_weight();
$total_count = $cart->count_contents();
// load all enabled payment modules
require DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'payment.php';
$payment_modules = new payment();
$breadcrumb->add(NAVBAR_TITLE_1, tep_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_SHIPPING, '', 'SSL'));
$breadcrumb->add(NAVBAR_TITLE_2, tep_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT, '', 'SSL'));
require DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'template_top.php';

var selected;
Exemplo n.º 22
        $result = array();
        $result['notifications_id'] = $notifications_id;
        $result['not_class'] = $not_class;
    } elseif ($_POST['me_action'] == 'CLOSEFEEDBACK') {
        $ids = $_POST['ids'];
        list($notifications_id, $not_class) = split('-', $ids);
        $result = array();
        $result['ids'] = $ids;
        $result['notifications_id'] = $notifications_id;
    } elseif ($_POST['me_action'] == 'REFRESHFILTERS') {
        $sender = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['sender']);
        $filter = isset($_POST['sender']) && $_POST['sender'] != '' ? "AND posted_by = '{$sender}'" : "";
$date_oldest = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("-14 day"));
$date_today = date('j M Y');
$date_yesterday = date('j M Y', strtotime("-1 day"));
$n_lists = $notifications->retrieveListGeneralQuery("muhn.user_id={$session_userinfo['id']} AND (muhn.status=0 OR muhn.need_feedback=1 OR muhn.posted_date>='{$date_oldest}') {$filter}", 'muhn.posted_date DESC, muhn.posted_by');
$notifications_new = array();
$printed_date = '';
$previous_date = '';
//$dbposted = tep_db_query("SELECT DISTINCT posted_by FROM minierp_users_has_notifications WHERE user_id = '$session_userinfo[id]'");
//while($r=tep_db_fetch_array($dbposted))$postedusers[$r['posted_by']] = $r['posted_by'];
$postedusers = array();
foreach ($n_lists as $n) {
    if (!isset($postedusers[$n['posted_by']])) {
Exemplo n.º 23
if (!isset($_SESSION['customer_id'])) {
    tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_LOGIN, '', 'SSL'));
    tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_ACCOUNT, '', 'SSL'));
$check_customer_query = tep_db_query("select customers_password from " . TABLE_CUSTOMERS . " where customers_id = '" . (int) $customer_id . "'");
$check_customer = tep_db_fetch_array($check_customer_query);
if (!empty($check_customer['customers_password'])) {
    tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_ACCOUNT, '', 'SSL'));
// needs to be included earlier to set the success message in the messageStack
require DIR_WS_LANGUAGES . $_SESSION['language'] . '/modules/content/account/cm_account_set_password.php';
if (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'process' && isset($_POST['formid']) && $_POST['formid'] == $_SESSION['sessiontoken']) {
    $password_new = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['password_new']);
    $password_confirmation = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['password_confirmation']);
    $error = false;
    if (strlen($password_new) < ENTRY_PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH) {
        $error = true;
        $messageStack->add('account_password', ENTRY_PASSWORD_NEW_ERROR);
    } elseif ($password_new != $password_confirmation) {
        $error = true;
        $messageStack->add('account_password', ENTRY_PASSWORD_NEW_ERROR_NOT_MATCHING);
    if ($error == false) {
        tep_db_query("update " . TABLE_CUSTOMERS . " set customers_password = '******' where customers_id = '" . (int) $customer_id . "'");
        tep_db_query("update " . TABLE_CUSTOMERS_INFO . " set customers_info_date_account_last_modified = now() where customers_info_id = '" . (int) $customer_id . "'");
        $messageStack->add_session('account', MODULE_CONTENT_ACCOUNT_SET_PASSWORD_SUCCESS_PASSWORD_SET, 'success');
        tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_ACCOUNT, '', 'SSL'));
Exemplo n.º 24
            tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTES, $page_info));
        case 'delete_option':
            $option_id = tep_db_prepare_input($HTTP_GET_VARS['option_id']);
            tep_db_query("delete from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_OPTIONS . " where products_options_id = '" . (int) $option_id . "'");
            tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTES, $page_info));
        case 'delete_value':
            $value_id = tep_db_prepare_input($HTTP_GET_VARS['value_id']);
            tep_db_query("delete from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_OPTIONS_VALUES . " where products_options_values_id = '" . (int) $value_id . "'");
            tep_db_query("delete from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_OPTIONS_VALUES . " where products_options_values_id = '" . (int) $value_id . "'");
            tep_db_query("delete from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_OPTIONS_VALUES_TO_PRODUCTS_OPTIONS . " where products_options_values_id = '" . (int) $value_id . "'");
            tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTES, $page_info));
        case 'delete_attribute':
            $attribute_id = tep_db_prepare_input($HTTP_GET_VARS['attribute_id']);
            tep_db_query("delete from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTES . " where products_attributes_id = '" . (int) $attribute_id . "'");
            // added for DOWNLOAD_ENABLED. Always try to remove attributes, even if downloads are no longer enabled
            tep_db_query("delete from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTES_DOWNLOAD . " where products_attributes_id = '" . (int) $attribute_id . "'");
            tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTES, $page_info));
<!doctype html public "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<html <?php 
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<?php 
function runElementQuery($outsourced_flag)
    global $class_ea, $ecats, $all_period;
    if (isset($_GET['shipwin_month'])) {
        $month = str_pad(tep_db_prepare_input($_GET['shipwin_month']), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
        $year = date('Y');
        $shipwin_start = $year . "-{$month}-01";
        $eom_date = date('t', strtotime($shipwin_start));
        $shipwin_end = date('Y') . "-{$month}-{$eom_date}";
        $shipwin_filter = "AND joi.shipping_window_open BETWEEN '{$shipwin_start}' AND '{$shipwin_end}'";
    } else {
        $shipwin_filter = "";
    $element_list = array();
    $order_date_start = '2013-08-13';
    $order_date_end = '2013-08-14';
    $q = "SELECT\n        e.elements_image\n        , e.attribute_category_id AS ecatid\n        , MONTH(joi.shipping_window_open) AS period\n        , IF(IFNULL(paue.elements_id, 0)>0, paue.elements_id, pue.elements_id) AS elements_id\n        , SUM(joi.order_quantity * IF(IFNULL(paue.quantity,0)>0, paue.quantity, pue.quantity)) AS elements_needed\n        , etes.price_quantity_type AS unit, etes.pieces_per_qty_type AS unit_multiplier\n        , es.stock\n    FROM jng_sp_orders jo\n    LEFT JOIN jng_sp_orders_items joi ON joi.jng_sp_orders_id=jo.jng_sp_orders_id\n    LEFT JOIN products p ON p.products_id=joi.products_id\n    LEFT JOIN products_use_elements pue ON pue.products_id=joi.products_id\n    LEFT JOIN products_articles_use_elements paue ON paue.products_use_elements_id=pue.products_use_elements_id AND paue.products_articles_id=joi.products_articles_id\n    LEFT JOIN element e ON e.elements_id=IF(IFNULL(paue.elements_id, 0)>0, paue.elements_id, pue.elements_id)\n    LEFT JOIN elements_to_elements_suppliers etes ON etes.elements_id=e.elements_id AND is_default='1'\n    LEFT JOIN elements_stock es ON es.jng_warehouses_id={$whid} AND es.elements_id=e.elements_id\n    WHERE jo.jng_sp_id=5\n    AND jo.order_date BETWEEN '{$order_date_start}' AND '{$order_date_end}'\n    {$shipwin_filter}\n    AND p.is_outsourced='{$outsourced_flag}'\n    GROUP BY elements_id, period\n    ORDER BY ecatid, elements_id, period";
    $r = tep_db_query($q);
    $elements_total = array();
    $elements_unit = array();
    $elements_unit_multiplier = array();
    while ($row = tep_db_fetch_array($r)) {
        $cid = $row['ecatid'];
        $eid = $row['elements_id'];
        $p = $row['period'];
        if (!isset($ecats[$cid])) {
            $c = $class_ea->retrieveDetail('cat', $cid);
            $ecats[$cid] = $c[0]['name'];
        if (!in_array($p, $all_period)) {
            $all_period[] = $p;
        if (!isset($element_list[$cid])) {
            $element_list[$cid] = array();
        if (!isset($element_list[$cid][$eid])) {
            $element_list[$cid][$eid] = array();
        if (!isset($element_list[$cid][$eid]['id'])) {
            $element_list[$cid][$eid]['id'] = '<div>' . $eid . '</div>';
        if (!isset($element_list[$cid][$eid]['image'])) {
            $element_list[$cid][$eid]['image'] = '<div>' . webImage($row['elements_image'], IMAGE_SIZE_THUMBNAIL_1, IMAGE_SIZE_THUMBNAIL_1, "Element {$eid}") . '</div>';
        if (!isset($element_list[$cid][$eid]['stock'])) {
            $element_list[$cid][$eid]['stock'] = '<div>' . $row['stock'] . '</div>';
        if (!isset($element_list[$cid][$eid]['order'])) {
            $element_list[$cid][$eid]['order'] = '<div>' . elements_order::openOrdersQuantity($eid) . '</div>';
        $element_list[$cid][$eid][$p] = '<div>' . $row['elements_needed'] . '</div>';
        if (!isset($elements_total[$eid])) {
            $elements_total[$eid] = 0;
        $elements_total[$eid] += $row['elements_needed'];
        if (!isset($elements_unit[$eid])) {
            $elements_unit[$eid] = $row['unit'];
        if (!isset($elements_unit_multiplier[$eid])) {
            $elements_unit_multiplier[$eid] = $row['unit_multiplier'];
    foreach ($element_list as $cid => $elist) {
        foreach ($elist as $eid => $el) {
            foreach ($all_period as $p) {
                if (!isset($el[$p])) {
                    $element_list[$cid][$eid][$p] = '<div>0</div>';
            $element_list[$cid][$eid]['total'] = '<div>' . $elements_total[$eid] . '</div>';
            $element_list[$cid][$eid]['unitm'] = '<div>' . $elements_unit_multiplier[$eid] . '</div>';
            $element_list[$cid][$eid]['totalunit'] = '<div>' . ceil($elements_total[$eid] / $elements_unit_multiplier[$eid]) . '</div>';
            $element_list[$cid][$eid]['unit'] = '<div>' . $elements_unit[$eid] . '</div>';
    return $element_list;
            $countries_iso_code_3 = tep_db_prepare_input($HTTP_POST_VARS['countries_iso_code_3']);
            $address_format_id = tep_db_prepare_input($HTTP_POST_VARS['address_format_id']);
            tep_db_query("insert into " . TABLE_COUNTRIES . " (countries_name, countries_iso_code_2, countries_iso_code_3, address_format_id) values ('" . tep_db_input($countries_name) . "', '" . tep_db_input($countries_iso_code_2) . "', '" . tep_db_input($countries_iso_code_3) . "', '" . (int) $address_format_id . "')");
        case 'save':
            $countries_id = tep_db_prepare_input($HTTP_GET_VARS['cID']);
            $countries_name = tep_db_prepare_input($HTTP_POST_VARS['countries_name']);
            $countries_iso_code_2 = tep_db_prepare_input($HTTP_POST_VARS['countries_iso_code_2']);
            $countries_iso_code_3 = tep_db_prepare_input($HTTP_POST_VARS['countries_iso_code_3']);
            $address_format_id = tep_db_prepare_input($HTTP_POST_VARS['address_format_id']);
            tep_db_query("update " . TABLE_COUNTRIES . " set countries_name = '" . tep_db_input($countries_name) . "', countries_iso_code_2 = '" . tep_db_input($countries_iso_code_2) . "', countries_iso_code_3 = '" . tep_db_input($countries_iso_code_3) . "', address_format_id = '" . (int) $address_format_id . "' where countries_id = '" . (int) $countries_id . "'");
            tep_redirect(tep_href_link('countries.php', 'page=' . $HTTP_GET_VARS['page'] . '&cID=' . $countries_id));
        case 'deleteconfirm':
            $countries_id = tep_db_prepare_input($HTTP_GET_VARS['cID']);
            tep_db_query("delete from " . TABLE_COUNTRIES . " where countries_id = '" . (int) $countries_id . "'");
            tep_redirect(tep_href_link('countries.php', 'page=' . $HTTP_GET_VARS['page']));
require 'includes/template_top.php';

    <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
        <td><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
            <td class="pageHeading"><?php 
Exemplo n.º 27
 public function findCustomer($customerEmail)
     $result = tep_db_query('SELECT * FROM ' . TABLE_CUSTOMERS . ' WHERE customers_email_address = "' . tep_db_prepare_input($customerEmail) . '"');
     return tep_db_num_rows($result) > 0 ? tep_db_fetch_array($result) : null;
Exemplo n.º 28
    $use_meta_tags = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['use_meta_tags']);
    $use_partial_total = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['use_partial_total']);
    require DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS . 'seo_density.php';
    $ttl_words = 0;
    if (!empty($density_url)) {
        if (!($dens = kda($density_url, $ttl_words, $use_meta_tags, $use_partial_total))) {
            $error = 'Failed to read url: ' . $density_url;
} elseif (tep_not_null($action_check_links)) {
    $badLinks = array();
    $idx = 0;
    $totalLinks = 0;
    $url = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['check_page']);
    if (FALSE === strpos($url, 'http://')) {
        $link = 'http://' . $url;
    CheckLinks($link, $idx);
    $files = ListFiles();
    for($i=0; $i<count($files); $i++)  
       if (FALSE === strpos($files[$i], '.php')  || FALSE !== strpos($files[$i], 'search') ||
           FALSE !== strpos($files[$i], 'login') || FALSE !== strpos($files[$i], 'checkout_') )
    //   echo $files[$i].'<br>';  
     $link = $url . $files[$i];
Exemplo n.º 29
    $affiliate_newsletter = tep_db_fetch_array($affiliate_newsletter_query);
    $nInfo = new objectInfo($affiliate_newsletter);
    include DIR_WS_LANGUAGES . $language . '/' . $nInfo->module . substr($PHP_SELF, strrpos($PHP_SELF, '.'));
    include DIR_WS_MODULES . 'newsletters/' . $nInfo->module . substr($PHP_SELF, strrpos($PHP_SELF, '.'));
    $module_name = $nInfo->module;
    $module = new $module_name($nInfo->title, $nInfo->content);
    echo $module->confirm();
} elseif ($action == 'confirm_send') {
    $nID = tep_db_prepare_input($_GET['nID']);
    $affiliate_newsletter_query = tep_db_query("select affiliate_newsletters_id, title, content, module from " . TABLE_AFFILIATE_NEWSLETTERS . " where affiliate_newsletters_id = '" . (int) $nID . "'");
    $affiliate_newsletter = tep_db_fetch_array($affiliate_newsletter_query);
    $nInfo = new objectInfo($affiliate_newsletter);
    include DIR_WS_LANGUAGES . $language . '/' . $nInfo->module . substr($PHP_SELF, strrpos($PHP_SELF, '.'));
    include DIR_WS_MODULES . 'newsletters/' . $nInfo->module . substr($PHP_SELF, strrpos($PHP_SELF, '.'));
    $module_name = $nInfo->module;
    $module = new $module_name($nInfo->title, $nInfo->content);
        <td><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
            <td class="main" valign="middle"><?php 
    echo tep_image(DIR_WS_ICONS . 'ani_send_email.gif', IMAGE_ANI_SEND_EMAIL);
Exemplo n.º 30
    $newsletter = tep_db_fetch_array($newsletter_query);
    $nInfo = new objectInfo($newsletter);
    include DIR_WS_LANGUAGES . 'lang/modules/newsletters/' . $nInfo->module . substr($PHP_SELF, strrpos($PHP_SELF, '.'));
    include DIR_WS_MODULES . 'newsletters/' . $nInfo->module . substr($PHP_SELF, strrpos($PHP_SELF, '.'));
    $module_name = $nInfo->module;
    $module = new $module_name($nInfo->title, $nInfo->content);
    echo $module->confirm();
} elseif ($action == 'confirm_send') {
    $nID = tep_db_prepare_input($HTTP_GET_VARS['nID']);
    $newsletter_query = tep_db_query("select newsletters_id, title, content, module from " . TABLE_NEWSLETTERS . " where newsletters_id = '" . (int) $nID . "'");
    $newsletter = tep_db_fetch_array($newsletter_query);
    $nInfo = new objectInfo($newsletter);
    include DIR_WS_LANGUAGES . 'lang/modules/newsletters/' . $nInfo->module . substr($PHP_SELF, strrpos($PHP_SELF, '.'));
    include DIR_WS_MODULES . 'newsletters/' . $nInfo->module . substr($PHP_SELF, strrpos($PHP_SELF, '.'));
    $module_name = $nInfo->module;
    $module = new $module_name($nInfo->title, $nInfo->content);
        <td><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
            <td class="main" valign="middle"><?php 
    echo tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'ani_send_email.gif', IMAGE_ANI_SEND_EMAIL);