Exemplo n.º 1
function template_add_head_foot($temp, $header, $footer)
    global $role_id;
    $header = $header . ".tpl";
    $footer = $footer . ".tpl";
    $head = template_open($header);
    $foot = template_open($footer);
    if ($role_id) {
        switch ($role_id) {
            case $role_id >= $ROLE_ADMIN:
                $foot = str_replace("##IF_ADMIN##", "", $foot);
                $foot = str_replace("##IF_LEADER##", "", $foot);
            case $role_id <= $ROLE_ADMIN and $role_id >= $ROLE_LEADER:
                $foot = template_clean_up_tags($foot, "##IF_ADMIN##", 1);
            case $role_id <= $ROLE_LEADER and $role_id >= $ROLE_EMPLOYED:
                $foot = template_clean_up_tags($foot, "##IF_ADMIN##", 1);
                $foot = template_clean_up_tags($foot, "##IF_LEADER##", 1);
                $foot = template_clean_up_tags($foot, "##IF_ADMIN##", 1);
                $foot = template_clean_up_tags($foot, "##IF_LEADER##", 1);
                $foot = template_clean_up_tags($foot, "##IF_EMPLOYED##", 1);
                //	$foot =  template_clean_up_tags($foot,"##IF_ZALEC##",1);
    } else {
        $foot = template_clean_up_tags($foot, "##IF_ZALEC##", 1);
        $head = template_clean_up_tags($head, "##IF_USER##", 1);
        $foot = template_clean_up_tags($foot, "##IF_ADMIN##", 1);
        $foot = template_clean_up_tags($foot, "##IF_LEADER##", 1);
        $foot = template_clean_up_tags($foot, "##IF_EMPLOYED##", 1);
    //pogoj za zacasno blokado-vizualno zalcu
    if ($unit == $ROLE_ZALEC) {
        $foot = template_clean_up_tags($foot, "##IF_ZALEC##", 1);
    return $head . "\n\n" . '<!-- end head -->' . $temp . "\n\n" . '<!-- end main template -->' . "\n\n" . ' <!-- start foot -->' . "\n\n" . $foot;
Exemplo n.º 2
		$rtable =str_replace("##PLACE##",$x,$rtable);
		$rtable =str_replace("##TIME##",$res->f("end_time"),$rtable);
		$rtable =str_replace("##TIME2##",substr($micro,0,2),$rtable);
	$table = str_replace("##RESULTS##",$rtable,$table);
	$rtable = '';

//create db object//
$db = new DB_Sql();

//open template//
$tem = template_open("user_group_list.tpl");
//add header footer//
$tem = template_add_head_foot($tem,head,foot);

$tmp = template_get_repeat_text("##START_EN##","##STOP_EN##","##RESULTS##",$tem);
$row = $tmp[1];
$tem = $tmp[0];

$tmp = template_get_repeat_text("##START_ALL##","##STOP_ALL##","##RESULTS_LIST##",$tem);
$row_category = $tmp[1];
$tem = $tmp[0];

//echo $row_category . "<hr>". $row;
Exemplo n.º 3

require_once "inc/config.php";
$tem = template_open("add_address.tpl");
$tem = template_add_head_foot($tem, head, foot);
$username = ereg_replace("[^[A-z]]", "", $_REQUEST['username']);
$password = ereg_replace("[^[A-z]]", "", $_REQUEST['password']);
$first = ereg_replace("[^[:alnum:] ]", "", $_REQUEST['first']);
$last = ereg_replace("[^[:alnum:] ]", "", $_REQUEST['last']);
echo "do sem";
$sql = "SELECT * FROM roles";
$result = $db->fetchAll($sql);
foreach ($result as $res) {
    $names[] .= $res["name"];
    $values[] .= $res["id_role"];
$role_dropdown = html_drop_down_arrays("role_drop", $names, $values, "");
if ($_REQUEST['add'] == "Dodaj") {
    //echo $username."-".$password."-".$first."-".$last."-".$role_drop;
    if ($username and $password and $first and $last) {
        //pogledamo kaj imamo in ce je ze tak notr slucajn...
        $sql = "SELECT first FROM persons where first='{$first}' and last='{$last}'";
        $result = $db->fetchOne($sql);
        if ($result) {
            $message .= "Uporabnik ze obstaja";
        } else {
            // dejansko vnesemo
            $data = array('username' => $username, 'passwd' => $password, 'first' => $first, 'last' => $last, 'id_role' => $role_drop);
            $db->insert('persons', $data);
Exemplo n.º 4

require_once "inc/config.php";
$tem = template_open("ocenjevanje.tpl");
$sql = "SELECT * FROM persons";
/*$result = $db->fetchAll($sql);
foreach ($result as $res) {
	if (!is_array($names)) {
		$names[] ="izberi ime...";
	$names[] .= $res["first"]." ".$res["last"];
	$values[] .= $res["first"]." ".$res["last"];

$name_dropdown = html_drop_down_arrays("entry.1.single",$names,$values,$name_drop); 
$sql = "SELECT * FROM applic";
$result = $db->fetchAll($sql);
foreach ($result as $res) {
    if (!is_array($aname)) {
        $aname[] = "izberi program...";
        $avalue[] = "";
    $aname[] .= $res["name"];
    $avalue[] .= $res["name"];
$appl_dropdown = html_drop_down_arrays("entry.4.single", $aname, $avalue, $appl_drop);
$sql = "SELECT * FROM work WHERE {$ROLE_USER}>=`group`  order by applic";
$result = $db->fetchAll($sql);
foreach ($result as $res) {
Exemplo n.º 5

require_once "inc/config.php";
$TITLE = "Glavna stran";
$tem = template_open("view_notice.tpl");
$tem = template_add_head_foot($tem, head, foot);
$tmp = template_get_repeat_text("##START_LOG##", "##STOP_LOG##", "##LOGS##", $tem);
$row = $tmp[1];
$tem = $tmp[0];
 * Obdelava feedback 
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `feedback` WHERE `modified_by`={$person_id} and `status` in (0, 1) order by id desc";
$result = $db->fetchAll($sql);
foreach ($result as $res) {
    $table .= $row;
    $table = str_replace("##FEEDBTIME##", $res[timestamp], $table);
    $table = str_replace("##FEEDBNOTE##", substr($res["note"], 0, 120) . '...', $table);
 *Izpis končanih v feedback 
$tmp = template_get_repeat_text("##START END##", "##STOP_END##", "##LOGS2##", $tem);
$row = $tmp[1];
$tem = $tmp[0];
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `feedback` WHERE `modified_by`={$person_id} and `status` =2 order by id desc LIMIT 0 , 4";
$result = $db->fetchAll($sql);
foreach ($result as $res) {
Exemplo n.º 6

require_once "inc/config.php";
$tem = template_open("add_role.tpl");
$tem = template_add_head_foot($tem, head, foot);
$name = $_REQUEST['name'];
if ($_REQUEST['add'] == "Dodaj") {
    if ($name) {
        //pogledamo kaj imamo in ce je ze tak notr slucajn..
        $sql = "SELECT id_role FROM TitleGroup  where name='{$name}'";
        $result = $db->fetchOne($sql);
        if ($result) {
            $message .= "Role ze obstaja";
        } else {
            //dejansko vnesemo
            $data = array('name' => $name);
            $db->insert('TitleGroup', $data);
            $message .= "Role je  dodano..";
    } else {
        $message .= "Izpolni vsa polja!";
$tem = str_replace("##MESSAGE##", $message, $tem);
$tem = template_clean_up_tags($tem, "##");
echo $tem;
Exemplo n.º 7

require_once "inc/config.php";
$tem = template_open("add_log_admin.tpl");
$tem = template_add_head_foot($tem, head, foot);
$TITLE = "Evidenca OE";
//pogoj, da lahko vsi ki imajo nad 80 role_id vidijo vse in dopisujejo vse
if ($role_id < 80) {
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM persons where unit={$role_id} and id_role>30 order by last ASC";
} else {
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM persons where id_role>30 order by first ASC";
$result = $db->fetchAll($sql);
foreach ($result as $res) {
    if (!is_array($names)) {
        $names[] = "ime in priimek zaposlenega...";
        $values[] = "";
    $names[] .= $res["first"] . " " . $res["last"];
    $values[] .= $res["id_person"];
$name_dropdown = html_drop_down_arrays("name_drop", $names, $values, $name_drop);
//pogoj, da lahko vsi ki imajo nad 80 role_id vpisujejo vse JOBTYPE, ostali pa ne
//if ($role_id<80){
//  $sql = "SELECT * FROM jobtype where role between 30 and 79 order by name ASC";
//	}
//else {
//    $sql = "SELECT * FROM jobtype where role > 79 order by name ASC";

require_once "inc/config.php";
$TITLE = "&#352ifrant aktivnosti uporabnikov";
$tem = template_open("help_client_activity.tpl");
$tem = template_add_head_foot($tem, head, foot);
$tmp = template_get_repeat_text("##START_LOG##", "##STOP_LOG##", "##LOGS##", $tem);
$row = $tmp[1];
$tem = $tmp[0];
$sql = 'SELECT `applic`.`name` aname,`work`.`name` wname,`work`.`opis` wopis FROM work,applic where 10>=`work`.`group` and `work`.`applic_id`=`applic`.`applic_id` order by `applic`.`name` ';
$result = $db->fetchAll($sql);
//log_id	timestamp	person_id	jobtype_id	start	end	note	job_id	name	description
foreach ($result as $res) {
    $table .= $row;
    $table = str_replace("##APP_NAME##", $res["aname"], $table);
    $table = str_replace("##NAME_WORK##", $res["wname"], $table);
    $table = str_replace("##DESC_WORK##", $res["wopis"], $table);
    //echo "<br>".$res['timestamp']." - ".date("H:i",$res['start'])." - ".date("H:i",$res['stop'])." - ".$res['name']." - ".$res['description'];
$tem = str_replace('##TITLE##', $TITLE, $tem);
$tem = str_replace('##USER##', $identity, $tem);
$tem = str_replace("##LOGS##", $table, $tem);
$tem = str_replace("##MESSAGE##", $message, $tem);
$tem = template_clean_up_tags($tem, "##");
echo $tem;

require_once "inc/config.php";
$TITLE = "&#352ifrant aktivnosti zaposlenih";
$tem = template_open("help_client_employe.tpl");
$tem = template_add_head_foot($tem, head, foot);
$tmp = template_get_repeat_text("##START_LOG##", "##STOP_LOG##", "##LOGS##", $tem);
$row = $tmp[1];
$tem = $tmp[0];
$sql = "SELECT `work`.`applic_id` applic_id,`work`.`subcat_id` subcat_id,`applic`.`name` aname,`work`.`name` wname,`work`.`opis` wopis FROM work,applic where `work`.`applic_id`=`applic`.`applic_id` and `work`.`group`>{$ROLE_USER} and {$role_id}>=`group` order by `work`.`applic_id`,`work`.`subcat_id`";
$result = $db->fetchAll($sql);
//log_id	timestamp	person_id	jobtype_id	start	end	note	job_id	name	description
foreach ($result as $res) {
    $table .= $row;
    $table = str_replace("##APP_ID##", $res["applic_id"], $table);
    $table = str_replace("##WORK_ID##", $res["subcat_id"], $table);
    $table = str_replace("##APP_NAME##", $res["aname"], $table);
    $table = str_replace("##NAME_WORK##", $res["wname"], $table);
    $table = str_replace("##DESC_WORK##", $res["wopis"], $table);
    //echo "<br>".$res['timestamp']." - ".date("H:i",$res['start'])." - ".date("H:i",$res['stop'])." - ".$res['name']." - ".$res['description'];
$tem = str_replace('##TITLE##', $TITLE, $tem);
$tem = str_replace('##USER##', $identity, $tem);
$tem = str_replace("##LOGS##", $table, $tem);
$tem = str_replace("##MESSAGE##", $message, $tem);
$tem = template_clean_up_tags($tem, "##");
echo $tem;
Exemplo n.º 10

require_once "inc/config.php";
$tem = template_open("add_plan.tpl");
$tem = template_add_head_foot($tem);
$work_values = array();
$work_names = array();
//get out different types of work
$sql = "SELECT id,naziv FROM delo";
$result = $db->fetchAll($sql);
foreach ($result as $row) {
    $work_values[] = $row['id'];
    $work_names[] = $row['naziv'];
//create a dropdown
$work_drop = html_drop_down_arrays("work_id", $work_names, $work_values, '');
//get user id
$sql = "SELECT id FROM users where username='******'";
$user_id = $db->fetchOne($sql);
///form submit
$title = $_REQUEST['title'];
$desc = $_REQUEST['desctiption'];
$price = $_REQUEST['price'];
if ($_REQUEST['form_submit'] == "true") {
    if ($title and $desc and $price) {
        //pogledamo kaj imamo in ce je ze tak notr slucajn..
        //dejansko vnesemo
        $data = array('naziv' => $title, 'id_user' => $user_id, 'id_delo' => $work_id);
        $db->insert('main', $data);
        $message .= "Delo je  dodano..";
    } else {
Exemplo n.º 11
include "../inc/config.php";

//create db object//
$db = new DB_Sql();

//open template//
$tem = template_open("tekma_add.tpl");
//add header footer//
$tem = template_add_head_foot($tem,head,foot);

if ($_REQUEST["submit"]!='') {
		//then we need to insert a new one//
		$e_name = trim($_REQUEST['name']);
		$sql = "select * from tekma where name='$e_name'";
		if ($db->affected_rows()>0) {
			$message = "Tekma ze obstaja";
		} else {
			$sql = "INSERT INTO  `timming`.`tekma` (
			`tekma_id` ,
			NULL ,  '$e_name')
			$message = "Tekma uspesno vnesena";
require_once "inc/config.php";
$TITLE = "Letno poročilo";
$tem = template_open("view_year_report.tpl");
$tem = template_add_head_foot($tem, head, foot);
$tmp = template_get_repeat_text("##START_LOG##", "##STOP_LOG##", "##LOGS##", $tem);
$row = $tmp[1];
$tem = $tmp[0];
//spremenljivki za mesec ine leto//
if ($mon < 1 or $mon > 12) {
    $mon = '';
if (!$mon) {
    $mon = date("m", time());
if (!$year) {
    $year = date("Y", time());
// instanciate a new DAL
$dal = new DAL();
$age_min = 18;
$age_max = 36;
$unitarray = array(75, 77, 78);
$disorderarray = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
function query1($disorder)
    echo "jaz sem funkcija";
    $dal = new DAL();
Exemplo n.º 13

require_once "inc/config.php";
$TITLE = "Mese&#269;na evidenca prisotnosti uporabnikov za";
$tem = template_open("view_presence.tpl");
$tem = template_add_head_foot($tem, head, foot);
$tmp = template_get_repeat_text("##START_LOG_NOT##", "##STOP_LOG_NOT##", "##LOGS_NOT##", $tem);
$rownot = $tmp[1];
$tem = $tmp[0];
$tmp = template_get_repeat_text("##START_LOG##", "##STOP_LOG##", "##LOGS##", $tem);
$row = $tmp[1];
$tem = $tmp[0];
//zacetek in konec meseca//
if ($mon < 1 or $mon > 12) {
    $mon = '';
if (!$mon) {
    $mon = date("m", time());
if (!$year) {
    $year = date("Y", time());
$mesec_start = mktime(0, 0, 0, $mon, 1, $year);
$last_day = date("t", $mesec_start);
$mesec_end = mktime(0, 0, 0, $mon, $last_day, $year);
$ts = "{$year}" . " " . $mon . "%";
//pogoj, da lahko vsi ki imajo nad 80 role_id vidijo vse in dopisujejo vse
if ($role_id < 80) {
    $sql = "SELECT DATE( FROM_UNIXTIME(  `end` ) ) datum, \r\n                      DATE_FORMAT( FROM_UNIXTIME(  `end` ) ,\r\n                      '%d' ) dan,\r\n                      `persons`.`first` ime,\r\n                      `persons`.`last` priimek,\r\n\t              person_id\r\n               FROM  `work_log` ,  `persons`\r\n\t       WHERE  `persons`.`id_person` =  `work_log`.`person_id`\r\n                 and id_role<20\r\n                 and unit={$role_id}\r\n                 AND DATE_FORMAT( FROM_UNIXTIME(  `end` ) ,  '%Y %m' ) LIKE  '{$ts}'\r\n               GROUP BY dan, person_id order by letter ASC";
Exemplo n.º 14
Arquivo: run.php Projeto: urki/timing
include "../inc/config.php";

$event_id = $_REQUEST["event_id"];
$tekma_id = $_REQUEST["tekma"];

if (!$event_id or !$tekma_id)
	die("event tekma .. nic ni");

//create db object//
$db = new DB_Sql();

//open template//
$tem = template_open("run.tpl");
//add header footer//
$tem = template_add_head_foot($tem,head,foot);
$tmp = template_get_repeat_text("##START##","##STOP##","##RUNNERS##",$tem);
$row = $tmp[1];
$tem = $tmp[0];

//get out the event title//
$sql = "Select events.name as ename, tekma.name as tname from events,tekma where event_id='$event_id' and tekma_id='$tekma_id'";
if ($db->next_record()) {
	$tem = str_replace("##TITLE##",$db->f("ename"). " - ". $db->f("tname"),$tem);

///now the runners//
$sql = "SELECT * 
Exemplo n.º 15

require_once "inc/config.php";
$TITLE = "Inventura";
$tem = template_open("scan_inventory.tpl") . ($tem = template_open("scan_last_insert.tpl") . ($tem = template_open("scan_not_yet.tpl") . ($tem = template_open("scan_last_insert_no_valid.tpl"))));
$tem = template_add_head_foot($tem, head, foot);
if ($role_id) {
    switch ($role_id) {
        case $role_id >= $ROLE_ADMIN:
            $tem = template_clean_up_tags($tem, "##IF_BUT_ADMIN##", 1);
            $tem = str_replace("##IF_ADMIN##", "", $tem);
            $tem = str_replace("##IF_LEADER##", "", $tem);
        case $role_id <= $ROLE_ADMIN and $role_id >= $ROLE_LEADER:
            $tem = template_clean_up_tags($tem, "##IF_ADMIN##", 1);
            $tem = str_replace("##IF_BUT_LEADER##", "", $tem);
        case $role_id <= $ROLE_LEADER and $role_id >= $ROLE_EMPLOYED:
            $tem = template_clean_up_tags($tem, "##IF_ADMIN##", 1);
            $tem = template_clean_up_tags($tem, "##IF_LEADER##", 1);
            $tem = str_replace("##IF_BUT_LEADER##", "", $tem);
            $tem = template_clean_up_tags($tem, "##IF_ADMIN##", 1);
            $tem = template_clean_up_tags($tem, "##IF_LEADER##", 1);
            $tem = template_clean_up_tags($tem, "##IF_EMPLOYED##", 1);
            //$tem =  template_clean_up_tags($tem,"##IF_ZALEC##",1);
} else {
    $tem = template_clean_up_tags($tem, "##IF_ZALEC##", 1);
Exemplo n.º 16

require_once "inc/config.php";
$TITLE = "Aktivnosti";
//$tem = template_open("NEWadd_work_emplo.tpl").
$tem = template_open("drekstos.tpl") . ($tem = template_open("NEWview_last_insert_client_diary.tpl") . ($tem = template_open("NEWview_client_diary.tpl")));
//$tem = template_add_head_foot($tem,head,blank);
$tem = template_add_head_foot($tem, head, foot);
//Za izpis tistih katere hočem  - to moram prestavit v funkcijo!!!!!!!
if ($role_id) {
    switch ($role_id) {
        case $role_id >= $ROLE_ADMIN:
            $tem = template_clean_up_tags($tem, "##IF_BUT_ADMIN##", 1);
            $tem = str_replace("##IF_ADMIN##", "", $tem);
            $tem = str_replace("##IF_LEADER##", "", $tem);
        case $role_id < $ROLE_ADMIN and $role_id >= $ROLE_LEADER:
            $tem = template_clean_up_tags($tem, "##IF_ADMIN##", 1);
            $tem = str_replace("##IF_BUT_LEADER##", "", $tem);
        case $role_id < $ROLE_LEADER and $role_id >= $ROLE_EMPLOYED:
            $tem = template_clean_up_tags($tem, "##IF_ADMIN##", 1);
            $tem = template_clean_up_tags($tem, "##IF_LEADER##", 1);
            $tem = str_replace("##IF_BUT_LEADER##", "", $tem);
            $tem = template_clean_up_tags($tem, "##IF_ADMIN##", 1);
            $tem = template_clean_up_tags($tem, "##IF_LEADER##", 1);
            $tem = template_clean_up_tags($tem, "##IF_EMPLOYED##", 1);
            //$tem =  template_clean_up_tags($tem,"##IF_ZALEC##",1);
Exemplo n.º 17

require_once "inc/config.php";
check_role($ROLE__EMPLOYED, "login.php");
$TITLE = "Evidenca prisotnosti";
$tem = template_open("index.tpl");
$tem = template_add_head_foot($tem, head, foot);
///////test za izpis
echo $drek;
echo " ".$cvek;
echo "uname".$box;*/
/*$sql = "SELECT * FROM persons"; 
//za izbiro person - vendar trenutno ne rabim

$result = $db->fetchAll($sql);
foreach ($result as $res) {
	$names[] .= $res["first"]." ".$res["last"];
	$values[] .= $res["id_person"];

$name_dropdown = html_drop_down_arrays("name_drop",$names,$values,$name_drop); */
#Za zaposlene naj bo dostopen samo vpis slu�be, torej tega en rabijo
#$sql = "SELECT * FROM jobtype order by name ASC"; 
Exemplo n.º 18

check_role($ROLE_EMPLOYED, "login.php");
$TITLE = "Evidenca prisotnosti";

$tem = template_open("add_log_manualy.tpl");
$tem = template_add_head_foot($tem, head, foot);

if ($role_id) {

    switch ($role_id) {

        case ($role_id >= $ROLE_ADMIN):
            $tem = template_clean_up_tags($tem, "##IF_BUT_ADMIN##", 1);
            $tem = str_replace("##IF_ADMIN##", "", $tem);
            $tem = str_replace("##IF_LEADER##", "", $tem);
            $conditionUnit="";//to be in that unit

        case ($role_id < $ROLE_ADMIN and $role_id >= $ROLE_LEADER):
            $tem = template_clean_up_tags($tem, "##IF_ADMIN##", 1);
            $tem = str_replace("##IF_BUT_LEADER##", "", $tem);
             $conditionUnit="and unit=$unit";//to be in that unit

        case ($role_id < $ROLE_LEADER and $role_id >= $ROLE_EMPLOYED):
Exemplo n.º 19
function template_add_head_foot($temp) {
    return $head."\n\n".'<!-- end head -->'.$temp."\n\n".'<!-- end main template -->'."\n\n".' <!-- start foot -->'."\n\n".$foot;

Exemplo n.º 20
include "../inc/config.php";

//create db object//
$db = new DB_Sql();

//open template//
$tem = template_open("print_user.tpl");
//add header footer//
///$tem = template_add_head_foot($tem,head,foot);
$tmp = template_get_repeat_text("##START##","##STOP##","##USER_LIST##",$tem);
$row = $tmp[1];
$tem = $tmp[0];

//get out the events//
$sql = "SELECT * 
FROM users, events
WHERE users.event_id=events.event_id and id_user=$id_user
ORDER BY events.event_id, users.number ASC";
while ($db->next_record()) {
	$table = str_replace("##USER_ID##",$db->f("id_user"),$table);
	$table = str_replace("##NAME##",$db->f("full_name"),$table);
	$table = str_replace("##EVENT##",$db->f("name"),$table);
	$table = str_replace("##NUMBER##",$db->f("number"),$table);
//replace template variables//
$tem = str_replace("##USER_LIST##",$table,$tem);
$tem = str_replace("##MESSAGE##",$message,$tem);
///clean up//
Exemplo n.º 21

require_once "inc/config.php";
$tem = template_open("help.tpl");
$tem = template_add_head_foot($tem, head, foot);
$tmp = template_get_repeat_text("##START_LOG##", "##STOP_LOG##", "##LOGS##", $tem);
$row = $tmp[1];
$tem = $tmp[0];
$sql = 'SELECT `applic`.`name` aname,`work`.`name` wname,`work`.`opis` wopis FROM work,applic where `work`.`applic_id`=`applic`.`applic_id` and `work`.`group`<=86 order by `applic`.`name` ';
$result = $db->fetchAll($sql);
//log_id	timestamp	person_id	jobtype_id	start	end	note	job_id	name	description
foreach ($result as $res) {
    $table .= $row;
    $table = str_replace("##APP_NAME##", $res["aname"], $table);
    $table = str_replace("##NAME_WORK##", $res["wname"], $table);
    $table = str_replace("##DESC_WORK##", $res["wopis"], $table);
    //echo "<br>".$res['timestamp']." - ".date("H:i",$res['start'])." - ".date("H:i",$res['stop'])." - ".$res['name']." - ".$res['description'];
$tem = str_replace("##MONTH##", " " . $mon . "/" . $year, $tem);
//v header sem dal zraven naslova izpis meseca za katerega je izpis
$tem = str_replace('##TITLE##', $TITLE, $tem);
$tem = str_replace('##USER##', $identity, $tem);
$tem = str_replace("##LOGS##", $table, $tem);
$tem = str_replace("##MESSAGE##", $message, $tem);
$tem = template_clean_up_tags($tem, "##");
echo $tem;
Exemplo n.º 22


$user = $_REQUEST["user"];
$pass = $_REQUEST["pass"];

$tem = template_open("login.tpl");
$tem = template_add_head_foot($tem);
if ($user and $pass) {	
	// Set up the authentication adapter 
	$authAdapter = new Zend_Auth_Adapter_DbTable($db);

	// Attempt authentication, saving the result 
	$result = $auth->authenticate($authAdapter); 

	if (!$result->isValid()) { 
		// Authentication failed; print the reasons why 
		foreach ($result->getMessages() as $message) { 
Exemplo n.º 23

$tem = template_open("user_add.tpl");
$tem = template_add_head_foot($tem);

$username = ereg_replace("[^[A-z]]","",$_REQUEST['username']);
$password = ereg_replace("[^[A-z]]","",$_REQUEST['password']);
$first = ereg_replace("[^[:alnum:] ]","",$_REQUEST['first']);
$last = ereg_replace("[^[:alnum:] ]","",$_REQUEST['last']);

$sql = "SELECT * FROM roles"; 
$result = $db->fetchAll($sql);
foreach ($result as $res) {
	$names[] .= $res["name"];
	$values[] .= $res["id_role"];

$role_dropdown = html_drop_down_arrays("role_drop",$names,$values,""); 

if ($_REQUEST['add'] == "Dodaj") {
	//echo $username."-".$password."-".$first."-".$last."-".$role_drop;
	if ($username and $password and $first and $last) {
		//pogledamo kaj imamo in ce je ze tak notr slucajn...       
		$sql = "SELECT first FROM persons where first='$first' and last='$last'"; 

		$result = $db->fetchOne($sql); 
Exemplo n.º 24

$time = time();
require_once "inc/config.php";
$TITLE = "Pregled vpisanih aktivnosti za";
$tem = template_open("view_client_diary.tpl");
$tem = template_add_head_foot($tem, head, foot);
$tmp = template_get_repeat_text("##START_LOG##", "##STOP_LOG##", "##LOGS##", $tem);
$row = $tmp[1];
$tem = $tmp[0];
if (!$id) {
    $id = "<>0";
} else {
    $id = "={$id}";
    $role_id = 80;
//spremenljivki za mesec ine leto
if ($mon < 1 or $mon > 12) {
    $mon = '';
if (!$mon) {
    $mon = date("m", time());
if (!$year) {
    $year = date("Y", time());
//Za izpis tistih katere hočem  - to moram prestavit v funkcijo!!!!!!!
//pogoj, da lahko vsi ki imajo nad 80 role_id vidijo vse in dopisujejo vse
if ($role_id < $ROLE_LEADER) {
    $sql = "SELECT id as log_id, \r\n              date_format(from_unixtime(`end`),'%d.%m.%Y') \r\n              datum,\r\n              `persons`.`first` ime_varov,\r\n              `persons`.`last` priim_varov,\r\n              `work`.`name`,\r\n              time(from_unixtime(`start`)) zacetek, \r\n              time(from_unixtime(`end`)) konec,\r\n              `work_log`.`assessor_id` ,\r\n              `work_log`.`comm` from `work_log`,\r\n              `work`,\r\n              `persons` \r\n            WHERE id{$id}\r\n              and `work`.`work_id`=`work_log`.`work_id` \r\n              and `persons`.`id_person`=`work_log`.`person_id` \r\n              and `unit`={$unit} \r\n              and `assessor_id`>0 \r\n              and `assessor_id`={$person_id}\r\n              and month(from_unixtime(`end`))={$mon}\r\n              and year(from_unixtime(`end`))={$year} \r\n            ORDER BY datum desc,\r\n              letter, \r\n              ime_varov, \r\n              zacetek ";
Exemplo n.º 25

$tem = template_open("work_add.tpl");
$tem = template_add_head_foot($tem,head,foot);

$title = $_REQUEST['title'];
$desc = $_REQUEST['desctiption'];
$price = $_REQUEST['price'];

if ($_REQUEST['form_submit'] == "true") {
	if ($title and $desc and $price) {
		//pogledamo kaj imamo in ce je ze tak notr slucajn..        
		$sql = "SELECT naziv FROM delo  where naziv='$title'"; 
		$result = $db->fetchOne($sql); 
		if ( $result ) {
			$message.="Delo ze obstaja";
		} else {
			//dejansko vnesemo 
			$data = array( 
			    'naziv'      => $title, 
			    'opis'		 => $desc, 
			    'cena'      => $price 
			$db->insert('delo', $data); 
			$message .= "Delo je  dodano..";
Exemplo n.º 26

$DO_NOT_REDIRECT = "true";
require_once "inc/config.php";
$tem = template_open("eval.tpl");
$tem = template_add_head_foot($tem);
$sql = "SELECT * FROM persons";
$result = $db->fetchAll($sql);
foreach ($result as $res) {
    $names[] .= $res["first"] . " " . $res["last"];
    $values[] .= $res["id_person"];
$name_dropdown = html_drop_down_arrays("name_drop", $names, $values, $name_drop);
$sql = "SELECT * FROM jobtype";
$result = $db->fetchAll($sql);
foreach ($result as $res) {
    $names_job[] .= $res["name"];
    $values_job[] .= $res["job_id"];
$job_dropdown = html_drop_down_arrays("job_drop", $names_job, $values_job, $job_drop);
$name = $_REQUEST['name'];
if ($_REQUEST['add'] == "Dodaj") {
    $start_time = mktime($HOUR_START, $MIN_START, 0, date("n", time()), date("j", time()), $year = date("Y", time()));
    $stop_time = mktime($HOUR_STOP, $MIN_STOP, 0, date("n", time()), date("j", time()), $year = date("Y", time()));
    if ($name_drop and $job_drop and $start_time and $stop_time) {
        $sql = "SELECT timestamp FROM log  where person_id = '{$name_drop}' and start='{$start_time}' and end='{$stop_time}'";
        $result = $db->fetchOne($sql);
        if (!$result) {
            //dejansko vnesemo
            $data = array('person_id' => $name_drop, 'jobtype_id' => $job_drop, 'start' => $start_time, 'end' => $stop_time, 'note' => $note);
            $db->insert('log', $data);
Exemplo n.º 27

require_once "inc/config.php";
check_role($ROLE_EMPLOYED, "login.php");
$TITLE = "Evidenca zaposlenih";
$tem = template_open("NEWaktivnosti_employe.tpl");
$tem = template_add_head_foot($tem, head, foot);
$sql = "SELECT `work_id`,`work`.`applic_id`,`subcat_id`, `applic`.`name` Program, `work`.`name` name, `opis` FROM `work`,`applic` WHERE '{$role_id}'>=`group` and `group`>'{$ROLE_USER}' and `work`.`applic_id`=`applic`.`applic_id` ORDER BY `work`.`applic_id`,`subcat_id`";
$qhour_start_time = range(0, 23);
//$qhour_start_time_dropdown = html_drop_down_arrays("hour_start_time_drop",$qhour_start_time,$qhour_start_time,"8");//date("H",time()));
$qhour_start_time_dropdown = html_drop_down_arrays("hour_start_time_drop", $qhour_start_time, $qhour_start_time, $hour_start_time_drop);
$qmin_start_time = range(0, 59);
$qmin_start_time_dropdown = html_drop_down_arrays("min_start_time_drop", $qmin_start_time, $qmin_start_time, $min_start_time_drop);
$qhour_stop_time = range(0, 23);
$qhour_stop_time_dropdown = html_drop_down_arrays("hour_stop_time_drop", $qhour_stop_time, $qhour_stop_time, $hour_stop_time_drop);
$qmin_stop_time = range(0, 59);
$qmin_stop_time_dropdown = html_drop_down_arrays("min_stop_time_drop", $qmin_stop_time, $qmin_stop_time, $min_stop_time_drop);
$qday = range(1, 31);
$day_dropdown = html_drop_down_arrays("day_drop", $qday, $qday, date("j", time()));
$qmonth = range(1, 12);
$month_dropdown = html_drop_down_arrays("month_drop", $qmonth, $qmonth, date("n", time()));
$qyear = range(2009, date("Y", time()) + 1);
$year_dropdown = html_drop_down_arrays("year_drop", $qyear, $qyear, date("Y", time()));
//$sql = 'SELECT * FROM `work` WHERE $role_id>=`group` and `group`>$ROLE_USER ORDER BY `work`.`applic_id`,`subcat_id`";
$result = $db->fetchAll($sql);
foreach ($result as $res) {
Exemplo n.º 28

require_once "inc/config.php";
$tem = template_open("feedback.tpl");
$tem = template_add_head_foot($tem, head, foot);
$TITLE = "Va&#353a vpra&#353anja, pripombe...";
$name = $_REQUEST['name'];
if ($_REQUEST['add'] == "    Naprej    ") {
    //if ( $tip and $note) {
    //$sql = "SELECT timestamp FROM feedback where $tip=type_id and note = '$note'";
    //	$result = $db->fetchOne($sql);
    //	if (!$result) {
    //dejansko vnesemo
    $data = array('type_id' => $tip, 'note' => $note, 'modified_by' => $person_id);
    //// SEND MAIL to admin
    //pridobi ime pošiljatelja
    $sql_temp = "SELECT first, last FROM persons where id_person='{$person_id}'";
    $name = $db->fetchOne($sql_temp);
    echo $note;
    $to = '*****@*****.**';
    $subject = '[Feedback]' . '[uporabnik:' . $name . ']';
    $mailmessage = '
            <html>  <p>Opis: <br> </html>
                 <html>' . $note . '</html><br>
                    <br>' . $name;
    // To send HTML mail, the Content-type header must be set
    $headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
Exemplo n.º 29

$time = time();
require_once "inc/config.php";
$TITLE = "pregled aktivnosti";
$tem = template_open("view_client_work.tpl");
$tem = template_add_head_foot($tem, head, foot);
$tmp = template_get_repeat_text("##START_LOG##", "##STOP_LOG##", "##LOGS##", $tem);
$row = $tmp[1];
$tem = $tmp[0];
$mon = $_REQUEST["mon"];
$year = (int) $_REQUEST["year"];
$name_drop = (int) $_REQUEST["name_drop"];
////month dropdown//
for ($x = 1; $x < 13; $x++) {
    if ($x < 10) {
        $names[] .= "0" . $x;
    } else {
        $names[] .= $x;
if (!$id) {
    $id = "<>0";
} else {
    $id = "={$id}";
    $role_id = $ROLE_LIST;
$values = $names;
$month_dropdown = html_drop_down_arrays("mon", $names, $values, date("m", time()));
///year dropdown//
Exemplo n.º 30

require_once "inc/config.php";
//Role id protection//
$tem = template_open("feedback_accepted.tpl");
$tem = template_add_head_foot($tem, head, foot);
$tem = str_replace('##USER##', $identity, $tem);
$tem = template_clean_up_tags($tem, "##");
echo $tem;