private function tmpdir() { if ($this->tmpdir_ === null && ($this->tmpdir_ = tempdir()) === false) { $this->warnings[] = "Could not create temporary directory."; } return $this->tmpdir_; }
/** *子栏目 **/ function ListMoreSp() { global $db, $pre, $fid, $webdb, $fidDB; $order = 'list'; $order && ($_order = " ORDER BY {$order} DESC "); $rows = 4; $leng = 30; $query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$pre}spsort WHERE fup={$fid} ORDER BY list DESC"); while ($rs = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $SQL = "WHERE fid={$rs['fid']} {$_order} LIMIT {$rows}"; $which = '*'; $rs[article] = list_special($SQL, $which, $leng); //如果本栏目不能获取到专题,将获取其所有子栏目的专题 if (!$rs[article]) { $array_fid = Get_SonFid("{$pre}spsort", $rs[fid]); if ($array_fid) { $SQL = "WHERE fid IN (" . implode(',', $array_fid) . ") {$_order} LIMIT {$rows}"; $rs[article] = list_special($SQL, $which, $leng); } } $rs[logo] && ($rs[logo] = tempdir($rs[logo])); $listdb[] = $rs; } return $listdb; }
/** * Constructor of the executable runner. * * @param $workingDir Working directory (current directory) to be used when * running the program. */ public function __construct($submission, $workingDir = NULL) { // parent::__construct(); if ($workingDir == NULL) { $workingDir = tempdir($submission->getWorkDir(), ExecutableRunner::OUTPUT_PREFIX); } $this->setWorkingDir($workingDir); }
function get_examples($id) { global $pre, $db; $query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$pre}example WHERE fid='{$id}' AND ifhide=0 LIMIT 50"); while ($rs = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $rs[logo] = tempdir($rs[logo]); $_listdb[] = $rs; } $num = 5 - count($_listdb) % 5; for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) { $_listdb[] = array('display' => 'none'); } $listdb = array_chunk($_listdb, 5); return $listdb; }
function list_title($type = 'new', $rows = 10) { global $db, $pre, $_pre; if ($type == 'new') { $SQL = " ORDER BY DESC LIMIT {$rows}"; } elseif ($type == 'hot') { $SQL = " ORDER BY A.hits DESC LIMIT {$rows}"; } elseif ($type == 'com') { $SQL = " WHERE A.levels=1 ORDER BY A.levelstime DESC LIMIT {$rows}"; } $query = $db->query("SELECT A.*,B.* FROM {$_pre}content A LEFT JOIN {$_pre}content_1 B ON {$SQL}"); while ($rs = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $rs[picurl] && ($rs[picurl] = tempdir($rs[picurl])); $listdb[] = $rs; } return $listdb; }
exit; } } // Calculate report starttime and endtime $report_start = date('Y.m.d H:i', $starttime); $report_end = date('Y.m.d H:i', $endtime); # print <<< ENDHTML #</br> #Starttime : $starttime</br> #Timeperiod: $timeperiod</br> #STime : $stime</br> #Start : $report_start</br> #End : $report_end</br> #ENDHTML; // Setup temporary file/directory names $z_tmpimg_path = tempdir($z_tmp_path); $tmp_pdf_data = tempnam($z_tmp_path, "zabbix_report"); // Set Timezone date_default_timezone_set("{$timezone}"); // Print Header if debug is on if ($debug) { header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); if (isset($hostid)) { echo "<b>HostID: </b>" . $hostid . "</br>\n"; } if (isset($groupid)) { echo "<b>GroupID: </b>" . $groupid . "</br>\n"; } if (isset($reporttype)) { echo "<b>Report Type: </b>" . $reporttype . "</br>\n"; }
$importtemplateoutput .= "<div class='messagebox ui-corner-all'>"; if ($demoModeOnly === true) { $importtemplateoutput .= "<div class=\"warningheader\">" . $clang->gT("Error") . "</div><br />\n"; $importtemplateoutput .= sprintf($clang->gT("Demo mode: Uploading templates is disabled."), $basedestdir) . "<br/><br/>\n"; $importtemplateoutput .= "<br/><input type=\"submit\" onclick=\"'{$scriptname}?action=templates', '_top')\" value=\"" . $clang->gT("Template Editor") . "\"/>\n"; $importtemplateoutput .= "</div>\n"; return; } require "classes/phpzip/"; //$the_full_file_path = $tempdir . "/" . $_FILES['the_file']['name']; $zipfile = $_FILES['the_file']['tmp_name']; $z = new PHPZip(); // Create temporary directory // If dangerous content is unzipped // then no one will know the path $extractdir = tempdir($tempdir); $basedestdir = $usertemplaterootdir; $newdir = str_replace('.', '', strip_ext(sanitize_paranoid_string($_FILES['the_file']['name']))); $destdir = $basedestdir . '/' . $newdir . '/'; if (!is_writeable($basedestdir)) { $importtemplateoutput .= "<div class=\"warningheader\">" . $clang->gT("Error") . "</div><br />\n"; $importtemplateoutput .= sprintf($clang->gT("Incorrect permissions in your %s folder."), $basedestdir) . "<br/><br/>\n"; $importtemplateoutput .= "<br/><input type=\"submit\" onclick=\"'{$scriptname}?action=templates', '_top')\" value=\"" . $clang->gT("Template Editor") . "\"/>\n"; $importtemplateoutput .= "</div>\n"; return; } if (!is_dir($destdir)) { mkdir($destdir); } else { $importtemplateoutput .= "<div class=\"warningheader\">" . $clang->gT("Error") . "</div><br />\n"; $importtemplateoutput .= sprintf($clang->gT("Template '%s' does already exist."), $newdir) . "<br/><br/>\n";
//多生成一张1:1的图片,方便标签调用 gdpic(ROOT_PATH . "{$webdb['updir']}/{$postdb['picurl']}", "{$Newpicpath}.jpg.jpg", $picWidth ? $picWidth : 300, $picWidth ? $picWidth : 300, $webdb[autoCutSmallPic] ? array('fix' => 1) : ''); gdpic(ROOT_PATH . "{$webdb['updir']}/{$postdb['picurl']}", $Newpicpath, $picWidth ? $picWidth : 300, $picHeight ? $picHeight : 225, $webdb[autoCutSmallPic] ? array('fix' => 1) : ''); if (file_exists($Newpicpath)) { $postdb[picurl] = $smallpic; //FTP上传文件到远程服务器 if ($webdb[ArticleDownloadUseFtp]) { ftp_upfile($Newpicpath, $postdb[picurl]); } } } else { if (file_exists(ROOT_PATH . "{$webdb['updir']}/{$post_picurl}.jpg")) { move_attachment($lfjuid, tempdir("{$post_picurl}.jpg"), $downloadDIR, 'small'); } if (file_exists(ROOT_PATH . "{$webdb['updir']}/{$post_picurl}.jpg.jpg")) { move_attachment($lfjuid, tempdir("{$post_picurl}.jpg.jpg"), $downloadDIR, 'small'); } } } //FTP上传文件到远程服务器 if ($webdb[ArticleDownloadUseFtp] && $file_db) { foreach ($file_db as $key => $value) { if (is_file(ROOT_PATH . "{$webdb['updir']}/{$value}")) { ftp_upfile(ROOT_PATH . "{$webdb['updir']}/{$value}", $value); } } } //如果系统设置自动提取关键字的话,只有当用户没设置关键字,才自动提取. if ($job == 'postnew' && $webdb[autoGetKeyword] && !$postdb[keywords]) { $postdb[keywords] = keyword_ck($postdb[keywords], $postdb[title]); }
//系统推荐主题 $myotherDB = $comDB = ''; $query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$pre}article ORDER BY levels DESC,levelstime DESC,aid DESC LIMIT 11"); while ($rs = $db->fetch_array($query)) { if (!$comDB) { //今日导读 $comDB = $rs; } else { $myotherDB[] = $rs; } } //我的图片主题 $myphotoDB = ''; $query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$pre}article WHERE ispic=1 AND uid='{$uid}' ORDER BY aid DESC LIMIT 6"); while ($rs = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $rs[picurl] = tempdir($rs[picurl]); $myphotoDB[] = $rs; } //论坛贴子 $mybbsDB = ''; if (ereg("^pwbbs", $webdb[passport_type])) { $query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$TB_pre}threads WHERE authorid='{$uid}' ORDER BY tid DESC LIMIT 10"); while ($rs = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $mybbsDB[] = $rs; } } //过滤不健康的字 $rsdb[truename] = replace_bad_word($rsdb[truename]); $rsdb[introduce] = replace_bad_word($rsdb[introduce]); $rsdb[address] = replace_bad_word($rsdb[address]); require get_member_tpl('homepage');
function get_label_mv($string) { global $jobs; preg_match_all("/\\(mv,([\\d]+),([\\d]+),(false|true)\\)([^\\(]+)\\(\\/mv\\)/is", $string, $array); foreach ($array[4] as $key => $value) { $value = str_replace("\r", "", $value); $detail = explode("\n", $value); foreach ($detail as $key2 => $value2) { list($url, $name, $fen, $type) = explode("@@@", $value2); if (!$url || $fen) { continue; } $url = tempdir($url); $string = preg_replace("/\\(mv,([\\d]+),([\\d]+),(false|true)\\)([^\\(]+)\\(\\/mv\\)/is", "", $string); $playcode = player($url, $array[1][$key], $array[2][$key], $array[3][$key], $type); if ($jobs == 'show') { //视频会档住标签,所以要特别处理 return "<div class='player' style='padding-top:20px;'>{$playcode}</div>{$string}"; } return "<div class='player'>{$playcode}</div>{$string}"; } } }
$size++; unlink($name); } } return $size; } $directory = dirname(__FILE__) . "/tgz"; $iterator = new DirectoryIterator($directory); $files = array(); foreach ($iterator as $fileinfo) { if ($fileinfo->isFile()) { $files[$fileinfo->getPathname()] = $fileinfo->getFilename(); } } ksort($files); foreach ($files as $path => $file) { $p = new PharData($path); $tmpdir = tempdir(); $p->extractTo($tmpdir); var_dump($file); var_dump(getFileCount($tmpdir)); $delIter = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($tmpdir, FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS), RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST); foreach ($delIter as $info) { if ($info->isDir()) { rmdir($info->getPathname()); } else { unlink($path); } } rmdir($tmpdir); }
<?php require "global.php"; //导航条 @(include Mpath . "data/guide_fid.php"); $mid = 2; /** *获取信息正文的内容 **/ $rsdb = $db->get_one("SELECT A.*,B.*,M.icon FROM `{$_pre}person` A LEFT JOIN `{$_pre}content_{$mid}` B ON LEFT JOIN {$pre}memberdata M ON A.uid=M.uid WHERE'{$id}'"); if (!$rsdb) { showerr("内容不存在"); } elseif (!$web_admin && $rsdb[uid] != $lfjuid && $rsdb[cuid] != $lfjuid) { showerr("你无权查看"); } $rsdb[picurl] = tempdir($rsdb[icon]); $rsdb[C] = $db->get_one("SELECT * FROM {$_pre}content WHERE id='{$rsdb['cid']}'"); $field_db = $module_DB[$mid]['field']; /** *对信息内容字段的处理 **/ $Module_db->hidefield = true; $Module_db->classidShowAll = true; $Module_db->showfield($field_db, $rsdb, 'show'); $rsdb[posttime] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $rsdb[posttime]); require getTpl("print_member");
$job_path .= '/' . $jobid; } // Setup directories (including ssh/host vars) // do we force this plugin to run locally as chris? $force_chris_local = in_array($plugin_name, explode(',', CHRIS_RUN_AS_CHRIS_LOCAL)); $host = CLUSTER_HOST; if ($status == 100 || $force_chris_local) { $host = 'localhost'; } $ssh = new Net_SSH2($host); if (!$ssh->login($username, $password)) { die('Login Failed'); } $ssh->exec('umask 0002 ; mkdir -p ' . $job_path); // dprint($of, "job_path = $job_path\n"); $job_path_output = tempdir($ssh, $job_path); // dprint($of, "job_path_output = $job_path_output\n"); // replace ${OUTPUT} pattern in the command and in the parameters $command = str_replace("{OUTPUT}", $job_path, $command); $command = str_replace("{FEED_ID}", $feed_id, $command); $command = str_replace("{USER_ID}", $user_id, $command); $parameters = str_replace("{OUTPUT}", $job_path, $parameters); $parameters = str_replace("{FEED_ID}", $feed_id, $parameters); $parameters = str_replace("{USER_ID}", $user_id, $parameters); // add meta information to the feed FeedC::addMetaS($feed_id, 'parameters', $parameters, 'simple'); // add owner FeedC::addMetaS($feed_id, 'root_id', (string) $feed_id, 'extra'); // append the log files to the command $command .= ' >> ' . $job_path_output . '/chris.std 2> ' . $job_path_output . '/chris.err'; // create the chris.env and file
die("Invalid upload (1)"); } if ($_FILES['filenameuploaded']['type'] != "application/x-zip-compressed" && $_FILES['filenameuploaded']['type'] != "application/zip") { die("Invalid upload (2)"); } // Make sure the file name doesn't contain any funky characters - e.g. / or perhaps unicode which will confuse things. // This regexp probably rules out brackets e.g Copy of Foo (1).zip which is quite common. if (preg_match('![^-a-z0-9_\\.]!i', $_FILES['filenameuploaded']['name'])) { die("Supplied file name contains invalid characters, remove any non-alphanumerics and retry."); } _load_language_file("/website_code/php/"); // Clean uploaded file name. Remove non-(alphanumerics or - or . characters). // as we use the user's provided file name later on in file paths etc. $userProvidedFileName = $_FILES['filenameuploaded']['name']; // Create a unique, random, temporary directory. $temp_dir = tempdir(); $zip_file = $temp_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $userProvidedFileName; // Copy the uploaded file into the tempdir, unzip it and then remove it. if (@move_uploaded_file($_FILES['filenameuploaded']['tmp_name'], $zip_file)) { $zip = new dUnzip2($zip_file); $zip->debug = false; $zip->getList(); $zip->unzipAll($temp_dir); $zip->close(); unlink($zip_file); } else { _debug("Upload of template failed - " . print_r($_FILES, true)); die("Upload failed - couldn't process uploaded file. ({$new_file_name}) "); } // XXX: What should $_POST['folder'] look like? Presumably something like 'Nottingham'. if (!empty($_POST['folder'])) {
function showfield($field_db, &$rsdb, $type = 'show') { foreach ($field_db as $key => $rs) { if ($type == 'list' && !$rs[listshow]) { //列表页的话,需要后台设置在列表页显示 //continue; } //隐藏某些用户组没权限看的字段 if ($this->hidefield && $rs[allowview]) { global $groupdb, $web_admin, $lfjuid; if (!$web_admin && $lfjuid != $rsdb[uid] && !in_array($groupdb['gid'], explode(",", $rs[allowview]))) { $rsdb[$key] = "<font color=red>权限不够,无法查看!</font>"; continue; } } if ($rs[form_type] == 'textarea') { if ($type == 'show') { //内容页完整显示 require_once ROOT_PATH . "inc/encode.php"; $rsdb[$key] = format_text($rsdb[$key]); } elseif ($type == 'list') { //列表页部分显示 $rsdb[$key] = get_word($rsdb[$key], 100); } } elseif ($rs[form_type] == 'ieedit' || $rs[form_type] == 'ieeditsimp') { if ($type == 'show') { //内容页完整显示 $rsdb[$key] = En_TruePath($rsdb[$key], 0, 1); } elseif ($type == 'list') { //列表页部分显示 $rsdb[$key] = @preg_replace('/<([^>]*)>/is', "", $rsdb[$key]); $rsdb[$key] = get_word($rsdb[$key], 100); } } elseif ($type == 'show' && ($rs[form_type] == 'upfile' || $rs[form_type] == 'onepic')) { $rsdb[$key] = tempdir($rsdb[$key]); } elseif ($type == 'show' && ($rs[form_type] == 'upmorepic' || $rs[form_type] == 'upmorefile')) { $detail = explode("\n", $rsdb[$key]); unset($rsdb[$key]); foreach ($detail as $_key => $value) { list($_url, $_name) = explode("@@@", $value); $rsdb[$key][url][] = tempdir($_url); $rsdb[$key][title][] = $_name; } } elseif ($rs[form_type] == 'classdb') { $rsdb[$key] = $this->classdb_show($rsdb[$key]); } elseif ($rs[form_type] == 'select' || $rs[form_type] == 'radio') { if (strstr($rs[form_set], "|")) { $rs[form_set] = str_replace("\r", "", $rs[form_set]); $detail = explode("\n", $rs[form_set]); foreach ($detail as $key2 => $value2) { list($_key, $_value) = explode("|", $value2); $_key == $rsdb[$key] && $_value && ($rsdb[$key] = $_value); } } } elseif ($rs[form_type] == 'checkbox') { if (strstr($rs[form_set], "|")) { $rs[form_set] = str_replace("\r", "", $rs[form_set]); $detail = explode("\n", $rs[form_set]); foreach ($detail as $key2 => $value2) { list($_key, $_value) = explode("|", $value2); if ($_value) { //以下还需要进一步改进的 $rsdb[$key] = str_replace($_key, $_value, $rsdb[$key]); } } } $rsdb[$key] = str_replace("/", "、", $rsdb[$key]); } if ($rs[field_type] == 'int' && $rsdb[$key] == '0' && !$rs[form_units]) { $rsdb[$key] = ''; } elseif ($rs[form_units] && $type == 'show') { $rsdb[$key] .= " {$rs['form_units']}"; } } }
} if (!$listdb) { $listdb[] = array("subject" => "本专题暂无文章,请管理员在后台添加文章"); } //统计点击次数 $db->query("UPDATE {$pre}special SET hits=hits+1,lastview='{$timestamp}' WHERE id='{$id}'"); //SEO $titleDB[title] = filtrate(strip_tags("{$rsdb['title']} - {$fidDB['name']} - {$webdb['webname']}")); $titleDB[keywords] = filtrate("{$rsdb['keywords']} {$webdb['metakeywords']}"); $rsdb[description] = get_word(preg_replace("/(<([^<]+)>|\t| |\n)/is", "", $rsdb[content]), 250); $titleDB[description] = filtrate($rsdb[description]); //附件真实地址还原 $rsdb[content] = En_TruePath($rsdb[content], 0); $rsdb[content] = str_replace("\n", "<br>", $rsdb[content]); $rsdb[posttime] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $rsdb[posttime]); $rsdb[picurl] && ($rsdb[picurl] = tempdir($rsdb[picurl])); require ROOT_PATH . "inc/head.php"; require html("showsp", $main_tpl); require ROOT_PATH . "inc/foot.php"; $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); ob_start(); if ($webdb[www_url] == '/.') { $content = str_replace('/./', '/', $content); } echo $content; //伪静态处理 if ($webdb[NewsMakeHtml] == 2) { $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); ob_start();
if ($key == 'content') { continue; } if ($rs[form_type] == 'textarea') { $rsdb[$key] = format_text($rsdb[$key]); } elseif ($rs[form_type] == 'ieedit') { $rsdb[$key] = En_TruePath($rsdb[$key], 0); } elseif ($rs[form_type] == 'upfile') { $rsdb[$key] = tempdir($rsdb[$key]); } elseif ($rs[form_type] == 'upmorefile') { $detail = explode("\n", $rsdb[$key]); unset($rsdb[$key]); foreach ($detail as $_key => $value) { list($_url, $_name) = explode("@@@", $value); $_rsdb[$key][name][] = $_name = $_name ? $_name : "DownLoad{$_key}"; $_rsdb[$key][url][] = $_url = tempdir($_url); $rsdb[$key][show][] = "<A HREF='{$_url}' target=_blank>{$_name}</A>"; } $rsdb[$key] = implode("<br>", $rsdb[$key][show]); } elseif ($rs[form_type] == 'radio' || $rs[form_type] == 'select' || $rs[form_type] == 'checkbox') { $rsdb[$key] = SRC_true_value($rs, $rsdb[$key]); } } $rsdb[posttime] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $rsdb[posttime]); require "head.php"; require ROOT_PATH . "{$dirname}/data/form_tpl/admin_bencandy_{$mid}.htm"; require "foot.php"; } elseif ($job == "yz") { $db->query("UPDATE `{$_pre}content` SET yz='{$yz}' WHERE id='{$id}'"); jump("修改成功", "{$FROMURL}", '0'); } elseif ($job == "reply") {
} } } elseif (!$web_admin && $lfjuid !== $rsdb[uid] && $rsdb[money] > 0) { if ($Aid != $rsdb[aid] || $TI != $ti) { if (get_money($lfjuid) < $rsdb[money]) { showerr("你的{$webdb[MoneyName]}不足{$rsdb[money]}{$webdb[MoneyDW]}", 1); } else { add_user($lfjuid, -$rsdb[money], '观看视频扣分'); //1小时内不重复扣积分 setcookie("down_{$rsdb['aid']}", mymd5("{$ti}\t{$rsdb['aid']}"), $timestamp + 3600); } } } //更新点击量 update_hits($mid, $midDB[keywords], $id, $rid, $rsdb[hits_time]); $true_url = tempdir($url); require_once html("player"); //下载与播放视频更新点击率 function update_hits($mid, $keyword, $aid, $rid, $time) { global $lfjid, $db, $pre, $timestamp; if ($keyword == 'download' || $keyword == 'mv') { if (date("W", $time) != date("W", $timestamp)) { $SQL .= ",week_hits=1"; } else { $SQL .= ",week_hits=week_hits+1"; } if (date("md", $time) != date("md", $timestamp)) { $SQL .= ",day_hits=1"; } else { $SQL .= ",day_hits=day_hits+1";
function write_friendlink() { global $db, $pre, $timestamp, $webdb; $query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$pre}friendlink WHERE ifhide=0 AND yz=1 AND (endtime=0 OR endtime>{$timestamp}) ORDER BY list DESC"); while ($rs = $db->fetch_array($query)) { foreach ($rs as $key => $value) { $rs[$key] = AddSlashes($rs[$key]); } if ($rs[logo] && !$rs[iswordlink]) { $rs[logo] = tempdir($rs[logo]); $logodb[] = "'{$rs['id']}'=>array('name'=>'{$rs['name']}','url'=>'{$rs['url']}','logo'=>'{$rs['logo']}','descrip'=>'{$rs['descrip']}')"; } else { $worddb[] = "'{$rs['id']}'=>array('name'=>'{$rs['name']}','url'=>'{$rs['url']}','descrip'=>'{$rs['descrip']}')"; } } $write = "<?php\r\n\$friendlinkDB[1]=array(" . implode(",\r\n", $logodb) . ");\r\n\$friendlinkDB[0]=array(" . implode(",\r\n", $worddb) . ");"; //以上是供首页调用显示.以下是供其它页面调用显示 $query2 = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$pre}friendlink_sort"); while ($rs2 = $db->fetch_array($query2)) { unset($logodb, $worddb); $query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$pre}friendlink WHERE fid='{$rs2['fid']}' AND ifhide=0 AND yz=1 AND (endtime=0 OR endtime>{$timestamp}) ORDER BY list DESC"); while ($rs = $db->fetch_array($query)) { foreach ($rs as $key => $value) { $rs[$key] = AddSlashes($rs[$key]); } if ($rs[logo] && !$rs[iswordlink]) { $rs[logo] = tempdir($rs[logo]); $logodb[] = "'{$rs['id']}'=>array('name'=>'{$rs['name']}','url'=>'{$rs['url']}','logo'=>'{$rs['logo']}','descrip'=>'{$rs['descrip']}')"; } else { $worddb[] = "'{$rs['id']}'=>array('name'=>'{$rs['name']}','url'=>'{$rs['url']}','descrip'=>'{$rs['descrip']}')"; } } $write .= "\r\n\r\n\$friendlink_DB[{$rs2[fid]}][1]=array(" . implode(",\r\n", $logodb) . ");\r\n\$friendlink_DB[{$rs2[fid]}][0]=array(" . implode(",\r\n", $worddb) . ");"; } write_file(ROOT_PATH . "data/friendlink.php", $write); }
if (is_writable($dir)) { do { $path = $dir . $prefix . mt_rand(0, 9999999); } while (!mkdir($path, $mode)); return $path; } else { die(T_("Error: Cannot write to temporary directory")); } } $tempdir = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../include/limesurvey/tmp'); $operator_id = get_operator_id(); if ($operator_id) { $sql = "SELECT *,SUBSTRING_INDEX(extension, '/', -1) as ext\n\t\tFROM extension\n\t\tWHERE current_operator_id = {$operator_id}"; $rs = $db->GetRow($sql); if (!empty($rs)) { $zipdir = tempdir($tempdir); $userAgent = strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); if (preg_match('/linux/', $userAgent)) { //assume linux copy(realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../voipclient'), "{$zipdir}/voipclient"); $f1 = "{$zipdir}/voipclient"; $f2 = "{$zipdir}/startvoip"; file_put_contents($f2, "./voipclient -i -u {$rs['ext']} -p {$rs['password']} -h " . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']); } else { //assume windows copy(realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../voipclient.exe'), "{$zipdir}/voipclient.exe"); $f1 = "{$zipdir}/voipclient.exe"; $f2 = "{$zipdir}/startvoip.bat"; file_put_contents($f2, "voipclient.exe -i -u {$rs['ext']} -p {$rs['password']} -h " . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']); } require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../include/limesurvey/admin/classes/phpzip/";
require ROOT_PATH . "inc/label_module.php"; //文章自定义模型$fidDB[config] if ($rsdb[mid]) { if ($rsdb[mid] != $fidDB[fmid]) { @extract($db->get_one("SELECT config AS m_config FROM {$pre}article_module WHERE id='{$rsdb['mid']}'")); $M_config = unserialize($m_config); } else { $M_config = $fidDB[M_config]; } $_rsdb = $db->get_one("SELECT * FROM `{$pre}article_content_{$rsdb['mid']}` WHERE aid='{$id}' AND rid='{$rsdb['rid']}'"); if ($_rsdb) { $rsdb = $rsdb + $_rsdb; show_module_content($M_config); } } $rsdb[picurl] = tempdir($rsdb[picurl]); $webdb[AutoTitleNum] && $rsdb[pages] > 1 && ($rsdb[title] = Set_Title_PageNum($rsdb[title], $page)); if ($rsdb[keywords]) { unset($array); $detail = explode(" ", $rsdb[keywords]); foreach ($detail as $key => $value) { $_value = urlencode($value); $array[] = "<A HREF='{$webdb['www_url']}/do/search.php?type=keyword&keyword={$_value}' target=_blank>{$value}</A>"; } $rsdb[keywords] = implode(" ", $array); } //过滤不良词语 $rsdb[content] = replace_bad_word($rsdb[content]); $rsdb[title] = replace_bad_word($rsdb[title]); $rsdb[subhead] = replace_bad_word($rsdb[subhead]); //多模型扩展接口
/** *针对分类获取子栏目 **/ function ListOnlySort($rows) { global $db, $_pre, $fid, $page, $Fid_db, $fidDB, $webdb; $_SonOrder = 'id'; //排序 if ($fidDB[config][sonListorder] == 1) { $_SonOrder = 'id'; //理应是list } elseif ($fidDB[config][sonListorder] == 2) { $_SonOrder = 'hits'; } elseif ($fidDB[config][sonListorder] == 3) { $_SonOrder = 'lastview'; } elseif ($fidDB[config][sonListorder] == 4) { $_SonOrder = 'rand()'; } else { $_SonOrder = 'id'; } //显示几行 if ($fidDB[config][sonTitleRow] > 0) { $_SonRow = $fidDB[config][sonTitleRow]; } elseif ($webdb[InfoListSonRows] > 0) { $_SonRow = $webdb[InfoListSonRows]; } else { $_SonRow = 10; } //每个标题显示几个字 if ($fidDB[config][sonTitleLeng] > 0) { $_SonLeng = $fidDB[config][sonTitleLeng]; } elseif ($webdb[InfoListSonLeng] > 0) { $_SonLeng = $webdb[InfoListSonLeng]; } else { $_SonLeng = 50; } if (!$page) { $page = 1; } $min = ($page - 1) * $rows; $query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$_pre}sort WHERE fup={$fid} AND forbidshow=0 ORDER BY list DESC LIMIT {$min},{$rows}"); while ($rs = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $rs[article] = $_SQL = $fiddb = ''; if ($rs[type]) { foreach ($Fid_db[$rs[fid]] as $key => $value) { $fiddb[] = $key; foreach ($Fid_db[$key] as $key2 => $value2) { $fiddb[] = $key2; } } if ($fiddb) { $fids = implode(",", $fiddb); $_SQL = "WHERE A.fid IN ({$fids}) AND A.yz=1 ORDER BY {$_SonOrder} DESC LIMIT {$_SonRow}"; } } else { $_SQL = "WHERE A.fid={$rs['fid']} AND A.yz=1 ORDER BY {$_SonOrder} DESC LIMIT {$_SonRow}"; } if ($_SQL) { $rs[article] = list_content($_SQL, $_SonLeng); } $rs[logo] && ($rs[logo] = tempdir($rs[logo])); $listdb[] = $rs; } return $listdb; }
$ch_pagetype = 3; //2,为list页,3,为bencandy页 $ch_module = $webdb[module_id] ? $webdb[module_id] : 99; //系统特定ID参数,每个系统不能雷同 $ch = 0; //不属于任何专题 require ROOT_PATH . "inc/label_module.php"; if ($rsdb[uid]) { $userdb = $db->get_one("SELECT * FROM {$pre}memberdata WHERE uid='{$rsdb['uid']}'"); $userdb[username] = $rsdb[username]; $userdb[regdate] = date("y-m-d H:i", $userdb[regdate]); $userdb[lastvist] = date("y-m-d H:i", $userdb[lastvist]); $userdb[icon] = tempdir($userdb[icon]); include_once ROOT_PATH . "data/level.php"; $userdb[level] = $ltitle[$userdb[groupid]]; } else { $userdb[username] = preg_replace("/([\\d]+)\\.([\\d]+)\\.([\\d]+)\\.([\\d]+)/is", "\\1.\\2.*.*", $rsdb[ip]); $userdb[level] = "游客"; } unset($picdb); if ($rsdb[picnum] > 1) { $query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$_pre}pic WHERE id='{$id}'"); while ($rs = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $rs[imgurl] = tempdir($imgurl = $rs[imgurl]); $rs[picurl] = eregi("^http:", $imgurl) ? $rs[imgurl] : "{$rs['imgurl']}.gif"; $picdb[] = $rs; } } require ROOT_PATH . "inc/head.php"; require getTpl("bencandy_{$fidDB['mid']}", $main_tpl); require ROOT_PATH . "inc/foot.php";
private function initTemp() { $this->TEMP_DIR = tempdir(); }
<?php require "global.php"; $mid = 2; $field_db = $module_DB[$mid]['field']; $Lrows = 10; $showpage = getpage("{$_pre}join A", "WHERE A.cid={$cid}", "?cid={$cid}", $Lrows); unset($listdb); if ($page < 1) { $page = 1; } $min = ($page - 1) * $Lrows; $query = $db->query("SELECT A.*,B.*,C.* FROM {$_pre}join A LEFT JOIN {$_pre}content_{$mid} C ON LEFT JOIN {$pre}memberdata B ON A.uid=B.uid WHERE A.cid='{$cid}' ORDER BY A.posttime DESC LIMIT {$min},{$Lrows}"); while ($rs = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $Module_db->showfield($field_db, $rs, 'list'); $rs[username] || ($rs[username] = $rs[ip]); $rs[picurl] = tempdir($rs[icon]); $rs[posttime] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $rs[posttime]); $listdb[] = $rs; } $rs = $db->get_one("SELECT * FROM `{$_pre}content` WHERE id='{$cid}'"); if (!$lfjuid || $rs[uid] != $lfjuid) { showerr("ÄãÎÞȨ²é¿´"); } require ROOT_PATH . "inc/head.php"; require getTpl("list_{$mid}"); require ROOT_PATH . "inc/foot.php";
$showpage = getpage("`{$pre}friendlink` A", "{$SQL}", "?lfj={$lfj}&job={$job}&fid={$fid}", $rows); $query = $db->query("SELECT A.*, AS fname FROM `{$pre}friendlink` A LEFT JOIN {$pre}friendlink_sort B ON A.fid=B.fid {$SQL} ORDER BY A.list DESC,A.yz ASC, DESC LIMIT {$min},{$rows}"); while ($rs = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $rs[ifshow] = $rs[ifhide] ? "<A HREF='?lfj={$lfj}&job=up&ifhide=0&id={$rs['id']}' style='color:red;'>首页隐藏</A>" : "<A HREF='?lfj={$lfj}&job=up&ifhide=1&id={$rs['id']}' style='color:blue;'>首页显示</A>"; if (!$rs[yz]) { $rs[ifshow] = "隐藏"; } if (!$rs[endtime]) { $rs[state] = '长久有效'; } elseif ($rs[endtime] < $timestamp) { $rs[state] = '<font color=#FF0000>已过期</font>'; } else { $rs[state] = '<font color=#0000FF>' . date("Y-m-d H:i", $rs[endtime]) . '</font>截止'; } if ($rs[logo]) { $rs[logo] = tempdir($rs[logo]); $rs[logo] = "<img src='{$rs['logo']}' width=88 height=31 border=0>"; } $rs[yz] = $rs[yz] ? "<a href='index.php?lfj={$lfj}&job=setyz&yz=0&id={$rs['id']}' style='color:red;'><img alt='已通过审核,点击取消审核' src='../member/images/check_yes.gif' border=0></a>" : "<a href='index.php?lfj={$lfj}&job=setyz&yz=1&id={$rs['id']}' style='color:blue;'><img alt='还没通过审核,点击通过审核' src='../member/images/check_no.gif' border=0></a>"; $listdb[] = $rs; } require dirname(__FILE__) . "/" . "head.php"; require dirname(__FILE__) . "/" . "template/friendlink/menu.htm"; require dirname(__FILE__) . "/" . "template/friendlink/friendlink.htm"; require dirname(__FILE__) . "/" . "foot.php"; } elseif ($action == "list" && $Apower[friendlink_mod]) { foreach ($listdb as $key => $value) { $db->query("UPDATE {$pre}friendlink SET `list`='{$value}' WHERE id='{$key}'"); } write_friendlink(); jump("修改成功", "{$FROMURL}", 1);
**/ $rows = $webdb[Info_ShowCommentRows] ? $webdb[Info_ShowCommentRows] : 8; if ($page < 1) { $page = 1; } $min = ($page - 1) * $rows; /*评论字数再多也只限制显示1000个字*/ $leng = 10000; $query = $db->query("SELECT A.*,B.icon FROM `{$_pre}comments` A LEFT JOIN {$pre}memberdata B ON A.uid=B.uid WHERE{$id} {$SQL} ORDER BY A.cid DESC LIMIT {$min},{$rows}"); while ($rs = $db->fetch_array($query)) { if (!$rs[username]) { $detail = explode(".", $rs[ip]); $rs[username] = "{$detail['0']}.{$detail['1']}.{$detail['2']}.*"; } if ($rs[icon]) { $rs[icon] = tempdir($rs[icon]); } $rs[posttime] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $rs[posttime]); $rs[full_content] = $rs[content]; $rs[content] = kill_badword($rs[content]); $rs[username] = kill_badword($rs[username]); $rs[title] = preg_replace("/\\[quote\\](.*)\\[\\/quote\\]/", "", $rs[content]); $rs[title] = get_word($rs[title], 50); $rs[content] = get_word($rs[content], $leng); $rs[content] = preg_replace("/\\[quote\\](.*)\\[\\/quote\\]/", "<div class='quotecomment_div'>\\1</div>", $rs[content]); $rs[content] = str_replace("\n", "<br>", $rs[content]); if ($lfjuid) { if ($lfjuid === $rs[cuid] || $web_admin || $lfjuid === $rs[uid] || in_array($lfjid, explode(",", $rsdb[admin]))) { $rs[ifadmin] = 1; } else { $rs[ifadmin] = 0;
//真实地址还原 $value = En_TruePath($value, 0); } elseif ($rs[type] == 'pic') { unset($width, $height); $picdb = unserialize($rs[code]); $picdb[imgurl] = tempdir("{$picdb['imgurl']}"); $picdb[width] && ($width = " width='{$picdb['width']}'"); $picdb[height] && ($height = " height='{$picdb['height']}'"); if ($picdb['imglink']) { $value = "<a href='{$picdb['imglink']}' target=_blank><img src='{$picdb['imgurl']}' {$width} {$height} border='0' /></a>"; } else { $value = "<img src='{$picdb['imgurl']}' {$width} {$height} border='0' />"; } } elseif ($rs[type] == 'swf') { $flashdb = unserialize($rs[code]); $flashdb[flashurl] = tempdir($flashdb[flashurl]); $flashdb[width] && ($width = " width='{$flashdb['width']}'"); $flashdb[height] && ($height = " height='{$flashdb['height']}'"); $value = "<object type='application/x-shockwave-flash' data='{$flashdb['flashurl']}' {$width} {$height} wmode='transparent'><param name='movie' value='{$flashdb['flashurl']}' /><param name='wmode' value='transparent' /></object>"; } elseif ($rs[type] == 'rollpic') { $value = rollPic_flash(unserialize($rs[code])); } else { $value = stripslashes($rs[code]); //真实地址还原 $value = En_TruePath($value, 0); } } $show = stripslashes($value); if (!is_dir(dirname($FileName))) { makepath(dirname($FileName)); }
function label_hf($tag, $_value) { global $db, $pre, $webdb; $query = $db->query(" SELECT * FROM {$pre}label WHERE chtype='99' "); while ($rs = $db->fetch_array($query)) { if ($rs[type] == 'code') { $rs[code] = En_TruePath($rs[code], 0); $value = stripslashes($rs[code]); //$value=str_replace("$webdb[www_url]/$webdb[updir]",'$webdb[www_url]/$webdb[updir]',$value); } elseif ($rs[type] == 'pic') { $picdb = unserialize($rs[code]); $picdb[imgurl] = tempdir("{$picdb['imgurl']}"); $picdb[width] && ($width = " width='{$picdb['width']}'"); $picdb[height] && ($height = " height='{$picdb['height']}'"); if ($picdb['imglink']) { $value = "<a href='{$picdb['imglink']}' target=_blank><img src='{$picdb['imgurl']}' {$width} {$height} border='0' /></a>"; } else { $value = "<img src='{$picdb['imgurl']}' {$width} {$height} border='0' />"; } //$value=str_replace("$webdb[www_url]/$webdb[updir]",'$webdb[www_url]/$webdb[updir]',$value); } elseif ($rs[type] == 'swf') { $flashdb = unserialize($rs[code]); $flashdb[flashurl] = tempdir($flashdb[flashurl]); $flashdb[width] && ($width = " width='{$flashdb['width']}'"); $flashdb[height] && ($height = " height='{$flashdb['height']}'"); $value = "<object type='application/x-shockwave-flash' data='{$flashdb['flashurl']}' {$width} {$height} wmode='transparent'><param name='movie' value='{$flashdb['flashurl']}' /><param name='wmode' value='transparent' /></object>"; //$value=str_replace("$webdb[www_url]/$webdb[updir]",'$webdb[www_url]/$webdb[updir]',$value); } else { $value = stripslashes($rs[code]); //真实地址还原 $value = En_TruePath($value, 0); } $label[$rs[tag]] = $value; } $label[$tag] = stripslashes($_value); $show = "<?php\r\n"; foreach ($label as $key => $value) { if ($value == '') { continue; } $value = addslashes($value); $value = str_replace('$', '\\$', $value); //$value=str_replace("$webdb[www_url]/$webdb[updir]",'$webdb[www_url]/$webdb[updir]',$value); $value = En_TruePath($value, 1); $show .= "\n\t\t\$label[{$key}]=En_TruePath(stripslashes(\"{$value}\"),0);"; } write_file(ROOT_PATH . "data/label_hf.php", $show); }
/** *大分类的子栏目 **/ function ListMoreSort() { global $db, $pre, $fid, $webdb, $fidDB, $Fid_db; //排序 if ($fidDB[config][sonListorder] == 1) { $order = 'A.list'; } elseif ($fidDB[config][sonListorder] == 2) { $order = 'A.hits'; } elseif ($fidDB[config][sonListorder] == 3) { $order = 'A.lastview'; } elseif ($fidDB[config][sonListorder] == 4) { $order = 'rand()'; } else { $order = 'A.list'; } $_order = " ORDER BY {$order} DESC "; //显示几行 if ($fidDB[config][sonTitleRow] > 0) { $rows = $fidDB[config][sonTitleRow]; } elseif ($webdb[ListSonRows] > 0) { $rows = $webdb[ListSonRows]; } else { $rows = 10; } //每个标题显示几个字 if ($fidDB[config][sonTitleLeng] > 0) { $leng = $fidDB[config][sonTitleLeng]; } elseif ($webdb[ListSonLeng] > 0) { $leng = $webdb[ListSonLeng]; } else { $leng = 30; } if (!$webdb[viewNoPassArticle]) { $SQL_yz = ' AND A.yz=1 '; } $query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$pre}sort WHERE fup={$fid} AND forbidshow!=1 ORDER BY list DESC LIMIT 50"); while ($rs = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $erp = $Fid_db[iftable][$rs[fid]] ? $Fid_db[iftable][$rs[fid]] : ''; $SQL = "A LEFT JOIN {$pre}reply{$erp} R ON A.aid=R.aid WHERE R.topic=1 AND A.fid={$rs['fid']} {$SQL_yz} {$_order} LIMIT {$rows}"; $which = 'A.*,R.content'; $rs[article] = list_article($SQL, $which, $leng, $erp); //如果本栏目不能获取到文章,将获取其所有子栏目的文章 if (!$rs[article]) { $array_fid = Get_SonFid("{$pre}sort", $rs[fid]); if ($array_fid && count($array_fid) < 50) { //分表后,如果子栏目不是同一模型的话.将不能获取资料 $SQL = "A LEFT JOIN {$pre}reply{$erp} R ON A.aid=R.aid WHERE R.topic=1 AND A.fid IN (" . implode(',', $array_fid) . ") {$SQL_yz} {$_order} LIMIT {$rows}"; $rs[article] = list_article($SQL, $which, $leng, $erp); } } $rs[logo] && ($rs[logo] = tempdir($rs[logo])); $listdb[] = $rs; } return $listdb; }