Exemplo n.º 1
  * Test terms in a single and multiple hierarchy.
 function testTaxonomyTermHierarchy()
     // Create two taxonomy terms.
     $term1 = $this->createTerm($this->vocabulary);
     $term2 = $this->createTerm($this->vocabulary);
     // Check that hierarchy is flat.
     $vocabulary = entity_load('taxonomy_vocabulary', $this->vocabulary->id());
     $this->assertEqual(0, $vocabulary->hierarchy, 'Vocabulary is flat.');
     // Edit $term2, setting $term1 as parent.
     $edit = array();
     $edit['parent[]'] = array($term1->id());
     $this->drupalPostForm('taxonomy/term/' . $term2->id() . '/edit', $edit, t('Save'));
     // Check the hierarchy.
     $children = taxonomy_term_load_children($term1->id());
     $parents = taxonomy_term_load_parents($term2->id());
     $this->assertTrue(isset($children[$term2->id()]), 'Child found correctly.');
     $this->assertTrue(isset($parents[$term1->id()]), 'Parent found correctly.');
     // Load and save a term, confirming that parents are still set.
     $term = entity_load('taxonomy_term', $term2->id());
     $parents = taxonomy_term_load_parents($term2->id());
     $this->assertTrue(isset($parents[$term1->id()]), 'Parent found correctly.');
     // Create a third term and save this as a parent of term2.
     $term3 = $this->createTerm($this->vocabulary);
     $term2->parent = array($term1->id(), $term3->id());
     $parents = taxonomy_term_load_parents($term2->id());
     $this->assertTrue(isset($parents[$term1->id()]) && isset($parents[$term3->id()]), 'Both parents found successfully.');
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Tests that many terms with parents show on each page
 function testTaxonomyTermChildTerms()
     // Set limit to 10 terms per page. Set variable to 9 so 10 terms appear.
     \Drupal::config('taxonomy.settings')->set('terms_per_page_admin', '9')->save();
     $term1 = $this->createTerm($this->vocabulary);
     $terms_array = '';
     // Create 40 terms. Terms 1-12 get parent of $term1. All others are
     // individual terms.
     for ($x = 1; $x <= 40; $x++) {
         $edit = array();
         // Set terms in order so we know which terms will be on which pages.
         $edit['weight'] = $x;
         // Set terms 1-20 to be children of first term created.
         if ($x <= 12) {
             $edit['parent'] = $term1->id();
         $term = $this->createTerm($this->vocabulary, $edit);
         $children = taxonomy_term_load_children($term1->id());
         $parents = taxonomy_term_load_parents($term->id());
         $terms_array[$x] = taxonomy_term_load($term->id());
     // Get Page 1.
     $this->drupalGet('admin/structure/taxonomy/manage/' . $this->vocabulary->id() . '/overview');
     $this->assertText($term1->getName(), 'Parent Term is displayed on Page 1');
     for ($x = 1; $x <= 13; $x++) {
         $this->assertText($terms_array[$x]->getName(), $terms_array[$x]->getName() . ' found on Page 1');
     // Get Page 2.
     $this->drupalGet('admin/structure/taxonomy/manage/' . $this->vocabulary->id() . '/overview', array('query' => array('page' => 1)));
     $this->assertText($term1->getName(), 'Parent Term is displayed on Page 2');
     for ($x = 1; $x <= 18; $x++) {
         $this->assertText($terms_array[$x]->getName(), $terms_array[$x]->getName() . ' found on Page 2');
     // Get Page 3.
     $this->drupalGet('admin/structure/taxonomy/manage/' . $this->vocabulary->id() . '/overview', array('query' => array('page' => 2)));
     $this->assertNoText($term1->getName(), 'Parent Term is not displayed on Page 3');
     for ($x = 1; $x <= 17; $x++) {
         $this->assertNoText($terms_array[$x]->getName(), $terms_array[$x]->getName() . ' not found on Page 3');
     for ($x = 18; $x <= 25; $x++) {
         $this->assertText($terms_array[$x]->getName(), $terms_array[$x]->getName() . ' found on Page 3');
Exemplo n.º 3
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public static function postDelete(EntityStorageInterface $storage, array $entities)
     parent::postDelete($storage, $entities);
     // See if any of the term's children are about to be become orphans.
     $orphans = array();
     foreach (array_keys($entities) as $tid) {
         if ($children = taxonomy_term_load_children($tid)) {
             foreach ($children as $child) {
                 // If the term has multiple parents, we don't delete it.
                 $parents = taxonomy_term_load_parents($child->id());
                 if (empty($parents)) {
                     $orphans[] = $child->id();
     // Delete term hierarchy information after looking up orphans but before
     // deleting them so that their children/parent information is consistent.
     if (!empty($orphans)) {
         entity_delete_multiple('taxonomy_term', $orphans);
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Display FAQ questions and answers filtered by category.
  * @param $faq_display
  *   Define the way the FAQ is being shown; can have the values:
  *   'questions top',hide answers','questions inline','new page'.
  * @param $category_display
  *   The layout of categories which should be used.
  * @param $term
  *   The category / term to display FAQs for.
  * @param $display_header
  *   Set if the header will be shown or not.
  * @param &$output
  *   Reference which holds the content of the page, HTML formatted.
  * @param &$output_answer
  *   Reference which holds the answers from the FAQ, when showing questions
  *   on top.
 private function _displayFaqByCategory($faq_display, $category_display, $term, $display_header, &$output, &$output_answers)
     $default_sorting = \Drupal::config('faq.settings')->get('default_sorting');
     $term_id = $term->id();
     $query = db_select('node', 'n');
     $query->join('node_field_data', 'd', 'd.nid = n.nid');
     $query->innerJoin('taxonomy_index', 'ti', 'n.nid = ti.nid');
     $query->leftJoin('faq_weights', 'w', 'w.tid = ti.tid AND n.nid = w.nid');
     $query->fields('n', array('nid'))->condition('n.type', 'faq')->condition('d.status', 1)->condition("ti.tid", $term_id)->addTag('node_access');
     $default_weight = 0;
     if ($default_sorting == 'ASC') {
         $default_weight = 1000000;
     // Works, but involves variable concatenation - safe though, since
     // $default_weight is an integer.
     $query->addExpression("COALESCE(w.weight, {$default_weight})", 'effective_weight');
     // Doesn't work in Postgres.
     //$query->addExpression('COALESCE(w.weight, CAST(:default_weight as SIGNED))', 'effective_weight', array(':default_weight' => $default_weight));
     $query->orderBy('effective_weight', 'ASC')->orderBy('d.sticky', 'DESC');
     if ($default_sorting == 'ASC') {
         $query->orderBy('d.created', 'ASC');
     } else {
         $query->orderBy('d.created', 'DESC');
     // We only want the first column, which is nid, so that we can load all
     // related nodes.
     $nids = $query->execute()->fetchCol();
     $data = Node::loadMultiple($nids);
     // Handle indenting of categories.
     $depth = 0;
     if (!isset($term->depth)) {
         $children = taxonomy_term_load_children($term->id());
         $term->depth = count($children);
     while ($depth < $term->depth) {
         $display_header = 1;
         $indent = '<div class="faq-category-indent">';
         $output .= $indent;
     // Set up the class name for hiding the q/a for a category if required.
     $faq_class = "faq-qa";
     if ($category_display == "hide_qa") {
         $faq_class = "faq-qa-hide";
     $output_render = $output_answers_render = array('#data' => $data, '#display_header' => $display_header, '#category_display' => $category_display, '#term' => $term, '#class' => $faq_class, '#parent_term' => $term);
     switch ($faq_display) {
         case 'questions_top':
             $output_render['#theme'] = 'faq_category_questions_top';
             $output .= drupal_render($output_render);
             $output_answers_render['#theme'] = 'faq_category_questions_top_answers';
             $output_answers .= drupal_render($output_answers_render);
         case 'hide_answer':
             $output_render['#theme'] = 'faq_category_hide_answer';
             $output .= drupal_render($output_render);
         case 'questions_inline':
             $output_render['#theme'] = 'faq_category_questions_inline';
             $output .= drupal_render($output_render);
         case 'new_page':
             $output_render['#theme'] = 'faq_category_new_page';
             $output .= drupal_render($output_render);
     // Handle indenting of categories.
     while ($depth > 0) {
         $output .= '</div>';
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Helper function to setup the list of sub-categories for the header.
  * @param $term
  *   The term to setup the list of child terms for.
  * @return
  *   An array of sub-categories.
 public static function viewChildCategoryHeaders($term)
     $child_categories = array();
     $list = taxonomy_term_load_children($term->id());
     foreach ($list as $tid => $child_term) {
         $term_node_count = FaqHelper::taxonomyTermCountNodes($child_term->id());
         if ($term_node_count) {
             // Get taxonomy image.
             $term_image = '';
             //taxonomy_image does not exists in D8 yet
             //if (module_exists('taxonomy_image')) {
             //  $term_image = taxonomy_image_display($child_term->tid, array('class' => 'faq-tax-image'));
             $child_term_id = $child_term->id();
             $term_vars['link'] = l(t($child_term->getName()), "faq-page/{$child_term_id}");
             $term_vars['description'] = t($child_term->getDescription());
             $term_vars['count'] = $term_node_count;
             $term_vars['term_image'] = $term_image;
             $child_categories[] = $term_vars;
     return $child_categories;