public function edit($_id = '') { $this->assigns_layout["gnb_left"] = "contents"; if ($_REQUEST["subject"]) { $content_parsed = parse_html($_REQUEST["contents"]); foreach ($content_parsed as $c) { if (strtolower(substr($c, 0, 4)) == "<img") { $t = tag_barase($c); if ($t["src"]) { $_REQUEST["img"] = $t["src"]; break; } } } $_id = $this->Content->add($_REQUEST); if ($_REQUEST["pic"]) { $img_temp_name = str_replace(" ", "", $_REQUEST['pic']); $ck = substr($img_temp_name, 0, 1); if ($ck == '/') { $img_temp_name = substr($img_temp_name, 1, strlen($img_temp_name) - 1); } $file_ext = explode('.', $img_temp_name); //$filename = basename($_FILES['file']['name']); $file_ext = '.' . $file_ext[sizeof($file_ext) - 1]; $original_file = $this->settings->root_path . $img_temp_name; $copy_file = $this->settings->root_path . 'media/contents/' . $_id . $file_ext; GD2_make_thumb_x(300, "", $original_file); //그림 파일 update 폴더로 옮긴 후 임시파일 삭제 copy($original_file, $copy_file); unlink($original_file); $_pic = '/media/contents/' . $_id . $file_ext; $this->Content->add_picture($_id, $_pic); } header("Location: /admin_contents"); } if ($_id) { $this->assigns["res"] = $this->Content->get($_id); } $this->assigns["cat"] = $this->Content_category->list_(1, 100); }
public function views($_id) { $res = $this->Recruit->get($_id); if ($res && $res["state"] == 1) { $this->Recruit->pageview($_id); $res["local"] = $this->Recruit_opt->get_detail($_id, 1); $res["career"] = $this->Recruit_opt->get_detail($_id, 2); $res["term"] = $this->Recruit_opt->get_detail($_id, 4); $res["part"] = $this->Recruit_opt->get_detail($_id, 7); // $res["dev"] = $this->Recruit_opt->get_detail($_id, 3); // $res["lang"] = $this->Recruit_opt->get_detail($_id, 5); // $res["job"] = $this->Recruit_opt->get_detail($_id, 6); $this->assigns["res"] = $res; $st_res = $this->Recruit->list_s_(1, 5, 'r.en < 2 and r.state = 1 ' . 'and (' . '(r.start <= "' . date("Y.m.d") . '" and r.end >= "' . date("Y.m.d") . '") ' . 'or (r.start <= "' . date("Y.m.d") . '" and r.end = "") ' . 'or (r.start = "" and r.end = "")' . ')', 'v_cnt DESC'); for ($sr = 0; $sr < sizeof($st_res); $sr++) { $st_res[$sr]["part"] = $this->Recruit_opt->get_detail($st_res[$sr]["rid"], 7); } $this->assigns["st_res"] = $st_res; $og["type"] = 'article'; $og["url"] = 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $og["title"] = $res["title"] . " on D.CAMP"; $og["description"] = strip_tags($res["contents"]); if (strlen(strip_tags($res["contents"])) > 148) { $og["description"] = mb_substr(strip_tags($res["contents"]), 0, 148, 'UTF-8') . '...'; } $content_parsed = parse_html($res["contents"]); foreach ($content_parsed as $c) { if (strtolower(substr($c, 0, 4)) == "<img") { $t = tag_barase($c); if ($t["src"]) { $img = $t["src"]; break; } } } if ($img) { $og["image"] = $img; } else { $og["image"] = 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $res["slogo"]; } $this->assigns_layout["og"] = $og; if (!strpos($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"], "")) { $this->assigns_layout["cards"] = bottom_main(); } } else { header("Location: /"); } }
public function edit($_id = '') { if (!$_SESSION["s"]) { header("Location: /404_error"); } if ($_REQUEST["subject"]) { $content_parsed = parse_html($_REQUEST["contents"]); foreach ($content_parsed as $c) { if (strtolower(substr($c, 0, 4)) == "<img") { $t = tag_barase($c); if ($t["src"]) { $_REQUEST["img"] = $t["src"]; break; } } } $_id = $this->Content->add($_REQUEST); if ($_REQUEST["pic"]) { $img_temp_name = str_replace(" ", "", $_REQUEST['pic']); $ck = substr($img_temp_name, 0, 1); if ($ck == '/') { $img_temp_name = substr($img_temp_name, 1, strlen($img_temp_name) - 1); } $file_ext = explode('.', $img_temp_name); //$filename = basename($_FILES['file']['name']); $file_ext = '.' . $file_ext[sizeof($file_ext) - 1]; $original_file = $this->settings->root_path . $img_temp_name; $copy_file = $this->settings->root_path . 'media/contents/' . $_id . $file_ext; GD2_make_thumb_x(300, "", $original_file); //그림 파일 update 폴더로 옮긴 후 임시파일 삭제 copy($original_file, $copy_file); unlink($original_file); $_pic = '/media/contents/' . $_id . $file_ext; $this->Content->add_picture($_id, $_pic); } header("Location: /member/edit_contents"); } $this->assigns["cate"] = $this->Content_category->get_cat_by_user($_SESSION["s"]["id"], 'cc.hidden = 0'); if ($_id) { $res = $this->Content->get($_id); if ($res["user_id"] != $_SESSION["s"]["id"]) { $this->assigns["cate"] = null; } else { $this->assigns["res"] = $res; } } }