Exemplo n.º 1
			$aus['conf'].=table_output($lang['L_SEND_MAIL_FORM'],$lang['L_YES'] . ", " . $lang['L_EMAIL_ADRESS'] . ": " . $config['email_recipient']);
			if ($config['email_recipient_cc'] > '') $aus['conf'].=table_output($lang['L_EMAIL_CC'],$config['email_recipient_cc']);
			$text=$lang['L_YES'] . ", " . $lang['L_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE'] . ": ";
			$bytes=$config['email_maxsize1'] * 1024;
			if ($config['email_maxsize2'] == 2) $bytes=$bytes * 1024;
			if ($config['send_mail_dump'] == 1) $aus['conf'].=table_output($lang['L_SEND_MAIL_DUMP'],$text);


		for ($x=0; $x < 3; $x++)
			if (isset($config['ftp_transfer'][$x]) && $config['ftp_transfer'][$x] > 0)
		$aus['conf'].='<a href="config_overview.php?config=' . urlencode($c) . '">' . $icon['edit'] . '</a>';

		if ($c != 'mysqldumper') // && $old_config['config_file']!=$c)
$aus['conf'].='<a href="config_overview.php?config_delete=' . urlencode($c) . '" onclick="if(!confirm(\'' . sprintf($lang['L_CONFIRM_CONFIGFILE_DELETE'],$c) . '\')) return false;">' . $icon['delete'] . '</a>';
		else $aus['conf'].='&nbsp;';


Exemplo n.º 2
     echo '<tr><td>' . $lang['L_GZIP'] . ":</td><td><strong>" . ($config['cron_compression'] == 1 ? $lang['L_ACTIVATED'] : $lang['L_NOT_ACTIVATED']);
     echo '</strong></td></tr>';
     echo '<tr><td>' . $lang['L_MULTI_PART'] . ":</td><td><strong>" . ($config['multi_part'] == 1 ? $lang['L_YES'] : $lang['L_NO']);
     echo '</strong></td></tr>';
     if ($config['multi_part'] == 1) {
         echo '<tr><td>' . $lang['L_MULTI_PART_GROESSE'] . ':</td><td><strong>' . byte_output($config['multipart_groesse']) . '</td></tr>';
     echo '<tr><td>' . $lang['L_CRON_PRINTOUT'] . ':</td><td><strong>' . ($config['cron_printout'] == 1 ? $lang['L_ACTIVATED'] : $lang['L_NOT_ACTIVATED']) . '</strong></td></tr>';
     if ($config['send_mail'] == 1) {
         $t = $config['email_recipient'] . ($config['send_mail_dump'] == 1 ? $lang['L_WITHATTACH'] : $lang['L_WITHOUTATTACH']);
     echo '<tr><td>' . $lang['L_SEND_MAIL_FORM'] . ':</td><td><strong>' . ($config['send_mail'] == 1 ? $t : $lang['L_NOT_ACTIVATED']) . '</strong></td></tr>';
     for ($x = 0; $x < 3; $x++) {
         if (isset($config['ftp_transfer'][$x]) && $config['ftp_transfer'][$x] > 0) {
             echo table_output($lang['L_FTP_TRANSFER'], sprintf(str_replace('<br>', ' ', $lang['L_FTP_SEND_TO']), $config['ftp_server'][$x], $config['ftp_dir'][$x]), 1, 2);
     //echo '</td></tr>';
     echo '</table>';
     //	Eintraege fuer Perl
     echo '<br><p class="small">' . $lang['L_PERLOUTPUT1'] . ':<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>' . $scriptentry . '</strong><br>';
     echo $lang['L_PERLOUTPUT2'] . ':<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>' . $scriptref . '</strong><br>';
     echo $lang['L_PERLOUTPUT3'] . ':<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>' . $cronref . '</strong></p>';
     echo '</div>';
 case 'restore':
     echo headline(sprintf($lang['L_FM_RESTORE_HEADER'], $databases['db_actual']));
     echo $msg > '' ? $msg : '';
     echo $autodel;
     echo '<form name="fm" id="fm" method="post" action="' . $href . '">';
Exemplo n.º 3
function table_output($result, $item_class = '', $title = '', $level = 0)
    # template cache for detect previouse loaded template
    global $template_cache;
    # the local template cache is for detecting endless loops
    global $template_cache_local;
    # handling the local template cache
    #reseting it if level is 0
    if ($level == 0) {
        $template_cache_local = array();
    } elseif ($level == 20) {
        # this is a hardcoded loop stopper, should come into action, but prevents that the page will endless load
        # normaly there will never be templates on 20 level inherited
    # output will catch the content until return
    $output = '';
    if (!empty($result)) {
        if (is_array($result) and !empty($result) and !empty($title)) {
            $output .= '<tr><td colspan=2><br>';
            if ($item_class == 'template_inheritance') {
                $output .= '<b>inherited from</b> ' . $title;
            } else {
                $output .= '<b>' . $title . '</b>';
            $output .= '</td></tr>';
        $last_fname = '';
        foreach ($result as $entry) {
            if (!empty($entry["config_class"]) and $entry["config_class"] == "service") {
                $host_query = 'SELECT attr_value AS hostname
                                      FROM ConfigValues,ConfigAttrs,ConfigClasses,ItemLinks
                                      WHERE fk_item_linked2=ConfigValues.fk_id_item
                                          AND id_attr=ConfigValues.fk_id_attr
                                          AND naming_attr="yes"
                                          AND fk_id_class = id_class
                                          AND config_class="host"
                                          AND ItemLinks.fk_id_item=' . $entry["item_id"];
                $hostname = db_handler($host_query, "getOne", "Get linked hostnames (if service)");
            if (!empty($entry["friendly_name"])) {
                $group_name = $entry["friendly_name"];
            // group same attributes
            if (!empty($group_name) and $last_fname != $group_name) {
                $show_fname = $group_name;
                //$bgcolor = 'class="color_list2"';
            } else {
                $show_fname = '';
            $output .= '<tr>';
            //$output .= '<td '.$bgcolor.'>'.$show_fname.'</td>';
            $output .= '<td class="color_list2">' . $show_fname . '</td>';
            # print template (and detect repetitive)
            if ($item_class == 'template_inheritance') {
                $template_status = apply_template($template_cache, $entry["item_id"]);
                $local_template_status = apply_template($template_cache_local, $entry["item_id"]);
                NConf_DEBUG::set($local_template_status, 'DEBUG', "local repetitive status");
                NConf_DEBUG::set($template_cache_local, 'DEBUG', "local template cache");
            } else {
                $template_status = FALSE;
                $local_template_status = FALSE;
            if (!empty($entry["config_class"]) and $entry["config_class"] == "service" && $item_class != "host") {
                $output .= '<td class="color_list1 highlight">';
                $output .= '<a href="detail.php?id=' . $entry["item_id"] . '">';
                $output .= $hostname . ': ' . $entry["attr_value"];
                $output .= '</td>';
            } else {
                $level_label = '';
                for ($i = $level; $i > 1; $i--) {
                    $level_label .= '<div style="width: 9px; display: inline-block;"></div>';
                if ($i == 1 and $level != 0) {
                    ## add a mark
                    $level_label .= '<span class="link_with_tag2"></span>';
                # mark previously applied templates
                if ($template_status === "repetitive") {
                    # detect previously applied or template loop
                    if ($local_template_status === "repetitive") {
                        # endless loop
                        $repetitive_text = "(circular template chain detected)";
                        $class = "ui-state-error highlight";
                    } else {
                        $repetitive_text = "(previously applied)";
                        $class = "color_list1 highlight";
                    $output .= '<td class="' . $class . '">';
                    $output .= $level_label . '<a href="detail.php?id=' . $entry["item_id"] . '">';
                    $output .= $entry["attr_value"] . '</a>';
                    $output .= '<span id="' . $entry["item_id"] . '" class="previously_applied" style="float: right;"><i>' . $repetitive_text . '</i></span>';
                    $output .= '</td>';
                } else {
                    # set id for coming repetitive
                    if ($item_class == 'template_inheritance') {
                        $output .= '<td id="' . $entry["item_id"] . '_first" class="color_list1 highlight">';
                    } else {
                        $output .= '<td class="color_list1 highlight">';
                    if (!empty($entry["item_id"])) {
                        $output .= $level_label;
                        $output .= '<a href="detail.php?id=' . $entry["item_id"] . '">';
                        $output .= $entry["attr_value"] . '</a>';
                    } else {
                        $output .= $entry["attr_value"];
                    $output .= '</td>';
            $output .= '</tr>';
            if (!empty($group_name)) {
                $last_fname = $group_name;
                $show_fname = '';
                $bgcolor = '';
            # lookup template himself
            if ($item_class == 'template_inheritance') {
                if ($local_template_status === "repetitive") {
                    NConf_DEBUG::set('', 'DEBUG', 'template is repetitive, stopping inheritance to prevent endless loop');
                } else {
                    $template_on_template = db_templates("template_inheritance_direct", $entry["item_id"]);
                    if (!empty($template_on_template)) {
                        //$output .= '<tr><td colspan=2><br><b>directly linked to service</b></td></tr>';
                        $output .= table_output($template_on_template, 'template_inheritance', '', ++$level);
    return $output;