Exemplo n.º 1
 static function modules($admin = false)
     $results = array();
     if (!isset($_SESSION["username"]) or !isset($_SESSION["disabled_modules"]) or sys_is_super_admin($_SESSION["username"])) {
         $admin = true;
     $data = trans(file_get_contents(sys_custom("modules/schema/modules.txt")));
     if ($admin) {
         $data .= "\n" . trans(file_get_contents(sys_custom("modules/schema_sys/modules.txt")));
     if (file_exists(sys_custom("modules/schema/modules_ext.txt"))) {
         $data .= "\n{t}Extensions{/t}\n" . trans(file_get_contents(sys_custom("modules/schema/modules_ext.txt")));
     if ($admin and file_exists(sys_custom("modules/schema_sys/modules_ext.txt"))) {
         $data .= "\n" . trans(file_get_contents(sys_custom("modules/schema_sys/modules_ext.txt")));
     $groups = explode("\n\n", $data);
     foreach ($groups as $group) {
         $result = array();
         $group = explode("\n", $group);
         foreach ($group as $module) {
             if ($module == "") {
             $module = explode("|", $module);
             if (!isset($module[1])) {
                 $result[] = " " . $module[0];
             } else {
                 $result[$module[0]] = $module[1];
         if (!DEBUG) {
         $results = array_merge($results, $result);
     if (!$admin) {
         return array_diff_key($results, $_SESSION["disabled_modules"]);
     return $results;
Exemplo n.º 2
 static function username($username)
     if (defined("SETUP_ADMIN_USER") and sys_is_super_admin($username)) {
         return "username: {t}Username must be different from the super administrator.{/t}";
     if (strlen($username) < 129 and strlen($username) > 2 and preg_match('/^[a-z0-9-_@\\.]*$/', $username)) {
         return "";
     return "{t}Name must be not null, lowercase, min 3 characters, max 128 containing [a-z0-9_-@.].{/t}";
Exemplo n.º 3
function sys_process_session_request()
    if (!empty($_REQUEST["popup"]) and !empty($_REQUEST["iframe"])) {
    if (!empty($_REQUEST["iframe"])) {
        sys::$smarty->assign("iframe", 1);
    $keep_vars = array("popup", "preview", "lookup", "eto");
    foreach ($keep_vars as $var) {
        if (empty($_REQUEST[$var])) {
        sys::$urladdon .= "&" . $var . "=" . $_REQUEST[$var];
        sys::$smarty->assign($var, $_REQUEST[$var]);
    $_SESSION["view"]["_" . $GLOBALS["tfolder"]] = $GLOBALS["tview"];
    sys::$urladdon = "folder2=" . rawurlencode($GLOBALS["tfolder"]) . "&view2=" . $GLOBALS["tview"] . sys::$urladdon;
    sys::$smarty->assign("urladdon", sys::$urladdon);
    if (!empty($_REQUEST["action_sys"]) and !empty($_SESSION["username"]) and sys_is_super_admin($_SESSION["username"])) {
    if (!empty($_REQUEST["style"])) {
        $_SESSION["theme"] = basename($_REQUEST["style"]);
    sys::$smarty->assign("sys_style", !empty($_SESSION["theme"]) ? $_SESSION["theme"] : DEFAULT_STYLE);
    $table = $GLOBALS["table"];
    if ($GLOBALS["tview"] != $table["view"]) {
        $GLOBALS["tview"] = $table["view"];
    $tview = $GLOBALS["tview"];
    $tfolder = $GLOBALS["tfolder"];
    $tfolders = $GLOBALS["tfolders"];
    $tname = $GLOBALS["tname"];
    $tquota = $GLOBALS["tquota"];
    $anchor = $GLOBALS["sel_folder"]["anchor"];
    if (!empty($_REQUEST["reset_view"])) {
        $_SESSION[$tname][$tview] = array();
        $_SESSION["_" . $tfolder] = array();
        $_SESSION["view"]["_" . $tfolder] = $tview;
        $_SESSION[$tname]["_" . $tfolder] = array();
    $current_view = $table["views"][$tview];
    $cview = $current_view;
    $template = $tview;
    if ($current_view["TEMPLATE"] != "") {
        $template = $current_view["TEMPLATE"];
    if (isset($current_view["SCHEMA"]) and $current_view["SCHEMA"] != "") {
        $table2 = db_get_schema(sys_find_module($current_view["SCHEMA"]));
        $current_view = array_shift($table2["views"]);
        // preserve in search, override for schema=x
        if (!empty($table["att"]["SQL_HANDLER"]) and empty($current_view["SQL_HANDLER"])) {
            $current_view["SQL_HANDLER"] = $table["att"]["SQL_HANDLER"];
        $GLOBALS["table"] = $table2;
        // needed for asset-functions and triggers
        $table["att"] = $table2["att"];
        if ($current_view["TEMPLATE"] != "") {
            $template = $current_view["TEMPLATE"];
    $GLOBALS["current_view"] = $current_view;
    $field_names = array();
    foreach ($current_view["fields"] as $key => $field) {
        if (isset($field["NODB"]) and empty($current_view["SQL_HANDLER"])) {
        $field_names[] = $key;
    if (!empty($_SESSION["alert"])) {
        sys::$alert = array_merge(sys::$alert, $_SESSION["alert"]);
        $_SESSION["alert"] = array();
    if (!empty($_SESSION["notification"])) {
        sys::$notification = array_merge(sys::$notification, $_SESSION["notification"]);
        $_SESSION["notification"] = array();
    if (!empty($_SESSION["warning"])) {
        sys::$warning = array_merge(sys::$warning, $_SESSION["warning"]);
        $_SESSION["warning"] = array();
    if ($table["views"][$tview]["SCHEMA_MODE"] != "") {
        $tfolders = _build_merge_folders(array_keys($tfolders), $tfolder, $tview, true);
    $dclick = $current_view["DOUBLECLICK"];
    if ($dclick == "") {
        if (in_array($template, array("display", "free")) and isset($current_view["views"]["details"])) {
            $dclick = "details";
        } else {
            $dclick = "edit";
    if (isset($current_view["MERGE_TABS"])) {
        foreach (array_keys($current_view["fields"]) as $key) {
            $current_view["fields"][$key]["SIMPLE_TAB"] = array("general");
    $tfield_1 = isset($current_view["TFIELD_1"]) ? $current_view["TFIELD_1"] : modify::get_required_field($current_view["fields"]);
    $tfield_2 = isset($current_view["TFIELD_2"]) ? $current_view["TFIELD_2"] : "";
    // TODO2 reduce ??
    $t = array("anchor" => $anchor, "att" => $table["att"], "buttons" => $current_view["buttons"], "custom_name" => $table["att"]["CUSTOM_NAME"], "data" => array(), "default_sql" => $current_view["DEFAULT_SQL"], "disable_tabs" => isset($current_view["DISABLE_TABS"]) ? $current_view["DISABLE_TABS"] : "", "doubleclick" => array_key_exists($dclick, $current_view["views"]) ? $dclick : "", "fields" => $current_view["fields"], "fields_all" => $table["fields"], "fields_query" => array_unique(array_merge(array($current_view["id"]), $field_names, array("created", "lastmodified", "createdby", "lastmodifiedby", "folder"))), "field_1" => $tfield_1, "field_2" => $tfield_2, "filter" => isset($current_view["FILTERS"]) ? $current_view["FILTERS"] : "", "filters" => $current_view["filters"], "folder" => $tfolder, "folders" => $tfolders, "folder_preview" => isset($_REQUEST["tpreview"]), "function" => isset($current_view["FUNCTION"]) ? $current_view["FUNCTION"] : "", "id" => $current_view["id"], "isdbfolder" => is_numeric($tfolder) ? true : false, "limit" => $current_view["LIMIT"], "links" => $current_view["links"], "linkstext" => $current_view["linkstext"], "load_css" => isset($table["att"]["LOAD_CSS"]) ? $table["att"]["LOAD_CSS"] : "", "load_js" => isset($table["att"]["LOAD_JS"]) ? $table["att"]["LOAD_JS"] : "", "lookup" => isset($_REQUEST["lookup"]) ? $_REQUEST["lookup"] : "", "order" => $current_view["ORDER"], "orderby" => $current_view["ORDERBY"], "groupby" => $current_view["GROUPBY"], "group" => $current_view["GROUP"], "handler" => $current_view["SQL_HANDLER"], "hidedata" => $_SESSION["hidedata"], "nosinglebuttons" => isset($cview["NOSINGLEBUTTONS"]) ? $cview["NOSINGLEBUTTONS"] : "", "notification" => &sys::$notification, "warning" => &sys::$warning, "noviewbuttons" => isset($cview["NOVIEWBUTTONS"]) ? $cview["NOVIEWBUTTONS"] : "", "page" => 1, "quota" => $tquota, "restore" => $current_view["restore"], "rights" => $GLOBALS["sel_folder"]["rights"], "vright" => isset($cview["RIGHT"]) ? $cview["RIGHT"] : "", "rowfilters" => $current_view["rowfilters"], "rowvalidates" => $current_view["rowvalidates"], "schema_mode" => $current_view["SCHEMA_MODE"], "singlebuttons" => $current_view["singlebuttons"], "sqllimit" => array(), "sqlorder" => "", "sqlvars" => array("folder" => $tfolder, "folders" => array_keys($tfolders)), "sqlvarsnoquote" => array(), "sqlwhere" => $current_view["SQLWHERE"], "sqlwhere_default" => $current_view["SQLWHERE_DEFAULT"], "subitem" => 0, "tabs" => isset($current_view["tabs"]) ? $current_view["tabs"] : array("general" => array("NAME" => "general")), "template" => "asset_" . $template . ".tpl", "template_mode" => isset($current_view["TEMPLATE_MODE"]) ? $current_view["TEMPLATE_MODE"] : "", "title" => $tname, "view" => $tview, "views" => $table["views"][$tview]["views"]);
    $GLOBALS["t"] = $t;
    if (!empty($current_view["SCHEMA_MODE"])) {
Exemplo n.º 4

 * @package Simple Groupware
 * @link http://www.simple-groupware.de
 * @copyright Simple Groupware Solutions Thomas Bley 2002-2012
 * @license GPLv2
define("NOCONTENT", true);
require "index.php";
if (!sys_is_super_admin($_SESSION["username"])) {
    sys_die(t("{t}Not allowed. Please log in as super administrator.{/t}"));
$show_form = true;
if (!empty($_REQUEST["token"])) {
    $no_hash = false;
    if ($_REQUEST["setup_admin_pw"] == "" and $_REQUEST["setup_admin_user"] == SETUP_ADMIN_USER) {
        $_REQUEST["setup_admin_pw"] = SETUP_ADMIN_PW;
        $no_hash = true;
    $no_hash2 = false;
    if ($_REQUEST["setup_admin_pw2"] == "" and $_REQUEST["setup_admin_user2"] == SETUP_ADMIN_USER2) {
        $_REQUEST["setup_admin_pw2"] = SETUP_ADMIN_PW2;
        $no_hash2 = true;
    $error = sysconfig::validate();
    if ($error == "") {
        sysconfig::write_config($no_hash, $no_hash2);
        echo t("{t}Setup: setup-data written to %s.{/t}", "simple_store/config.php");
Exemplo n.º 5
 static function process_login($username, $password = "")
     $id = session_id();
     if (!APC_SESSION and $id and (empty($_SESSION["username"]) or $_SESSION["username"] != $username)) {
         $row = db_select_first("simple_sys_session", array("id", "data", "expiry"), "username=@username@", "lastmodified desc", array("username" => $username));
         if (!empty($row["id"])) {
             $_SESSION = array();
             if ($row["expiry"] < NOW) {
                 db_delete("simple_sys_session", array("id=@id@"), array("id" => $row["id"]));
         if (!db_count("simple_sys_session", array("id=@id@"), array("id" => $id))) {
             db_insert("simple_sys_session", array("expiry" => NOW + LOGIN_TIMEOUT, "id" => $id));
     $_SESSION["username"] = $username;
     if ($password != "") {
         $_SESSION["password"] = sys_encrypt($password, $id);
     if (!isset($_SESSION["history"])) {
         $_SESSION["history"] = array();
     $_SESSION["groups"] = array();
     $_SESSION["folder_states"] = array();
     $base = dirname($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]) . "/";
     if (sys_is_super_admin($_SESSION["username"])) {
         $_SESSION["ALLOWED_PATH"] = array($base . SIMPLE_STORE . "/home/", $base . SIMPLE_CACHE . "/debug/", $base . SIMPLE_STORE . "/trash/", $base . SIMPLE_CACHE . "/preview/", $base . SIMPLE_STORE . "/backup/");
     } else {
         $_SESSION["ALLOWED_PATH"] = array($base . SIMPLE_STORE . "/home/" . $_SESSION["username"] . "/", $base . SIMPLE_CACHE . "/preview/");
     foreach (explode(",", SIMPLE_IMPORT) as $folder) {
         if ($folder == "" or !is_dir($folder)) {
         if ($folder[0] != "/" and !strpos($folder, ":")) {
             $folder = $base . $folder;
         $_SESSION["ALLOWED_PATH"][] = rtrim(str_replace("\\", "/", $folder), "/") . "/";
     // TODO2 put in extra function and configure it with setup to fetch groups from somewhere else
     if (sys_is_super_admin($_SESSION["username"])) {
         $_SESSION["permission_sql"] = "1=1";
         $_SESSION["permission_sql_exception"] = "1=0";
         $_SESSION["disabled_modules"] = array();
     } else {
         $_SESSION["permission_sql"] = sql_regexp("r@right@_users", array($username, "anonymous"));
         $_SESSION["permission_sql_exception"] = "(rexception_users!='' and " . sql_regexp("rexception_users", array($username, "anonymous"), "|@view@:@right@:%s|") . ")";
         $_SESSION["disabled_modules"] = array_flip(explode("|", DISABLED_MODULES));
         $rows = db_select("simple_sys_groups", "groupname", array("activated=1", "members like @username_sql@"), "", "", array("username_sql" => "%|" . $username . "|%"));
         if (is_array($rows) and count($rows) > 0) {
             foreach ($rows as $val) {
                 $_SESSION["groups"][] = $val["groupname"];
             $_SESSION["permission_sql"] = "(" . $_SESSION["permission_sql"] . " or " . sql_regexp("r@right@_groups", $_SESSION["groups"]) . ")";
             $_SESSION["permission_sql_exception"] = "(" . $_SESSION["permission_sql_exception"] . " or (rexception_groups!='' and " . sql_regexp("rexception_groups", $_SESSION["groups"], "|@view@:@right@:%s|") . "))";
     $_SESSION["permission_sql_read"] = str_replace("@right@", "read", $_SESSION["permission_sql"]);
     $_SESSION["permission_sql_write"] = str_replace("@right@", "write", $_SESSION["permission_sql"]);
     $_SESSION["ip"] = _login_get_remoteaddr();
     $_SESSION["tickets"] = array("templates" => array("dbselect", "simple_templates", array("tplcontent", "tplname"), array("tplname like @search@"), "tplname asc"));
     $_SESSION["treevisible"] = true;
     $row = db_select_first("simple_sys_users", "*", "username=@username@", "", array("username" => $username));
     if (!empty($row["cal_day_begin"])) {
         $_SESSION["day_begin"] = sys_date("G", $row["cal_day_begin"] - 1) * 3600;
         $_SESSION["day_end"] = sys_date("G", $row["cal_day_end"]) * 3600;
     } else {
         $_SESSION["day_begin"] = 25200;
         // 7:00 = 7*3600
         $_SESSION["day_end"] = 64800;
         // 18:00 = 18*3600
     if (!empty($row["enabled_modules"])) {
         $row["enabled_modules"] = array_flip(explode("|", trim($row["enabled_modules"], "|")));
         $_SESSION["disabled_modules"] = array_diff_key($_SESSION["disabled_modules"], $row["enabled_modules"]);
     if (!empty($row["timezone"])) {
         $_SESSION["timezone"] = $row["timezone"];
     } else {
         $_SESSION["timezone"] = "";
     if (!empty($row["theme"])) {
         $_SESSION["theme"] = $row["theme"];
     } else {
         $_SESSION["theme"] = "core";
     if (!empty($row["home_folder"])) {
         $_SESSION["home_folder"] = "index.php?folder=" . rawurlencode($row["home_folder"]);
     } else {
         if (sys_is_super_admin($username)) {
             $anchor = "system";
         } else {
             $anchor = "home_" . $username;
         $_SESSION["home_folder"] = "index.php?folder=^" . $anchor;
     if ($id or isset($_REQUEST["login"])) {
         sys_log_stat("logins", 1);
         sys_log_message_log("login", sprintf("{t}login %s from %s with %s{/t}", $_SESSION["username"], $_SESSION["ip"], sys::$browser));
     if (!empty($row["pwdexpires"]) and $row["pwdexpires"] < NOW) {
         sys_warning(sprintf("{t}Password expired. (password of %s has expired){/t}", $username));
     } else {
         if (!empty($_REQUEST["page"])) {
             if (CMS_REAL_URL) {
                 self::_redirect(CMS_REAL_URL . $_REQUEST["page"]);
             self::_redirect("cms.php/" . $_REQUEST["page"]);
         } else {
             if (!empty($_REQUEST["redirect"])) {