global $class_path;
$class_path = 'classes/';
include_once $class_path . '';
$site = new Site(array());
# set script execution time to 10 min only  if general value is smaller
if (intval(ini_get('max_execution_time')) < 1200) {
# memory limit = 24,
if (intval(ini_get('memory_limit')) < 24) {
    ini_set('memory_limit', '24M');
/*---------------------------	Code Begin	------------------------------------------*/
// sync extension for new error template
include_once $class_path . 'extension.class.php';
// op'ed PHP templates switch from v4 SAPI templates
$sql = "select ttyyp_id, nimi, templ_fail, op from templ_tyyp where ttyyp_id < 100 and op <> ''";
$result = new SQL($sql);
while ($row = $result->fetch('ASSOC')) {
    switch ($row['op']) {
        // sitemap
        case 'kaart':
        case 'sitemap':
            // update only if the op has not been set
            $sql = "select op from templ_tyyp where templ_fail = '../../../extensions/saurus4/content_templates/sitemap.html'";
            $inner_result = new SQL($sql);
            if (!$inner_result->fetchsingle()) {
                $sql = "update templ_tyyp set op = '" . $row['op'] . "' where templ_fail = '../../../extensions/saurus4/content_templates/sitemap.html'";
                new SQL($sql);
 public function synchroniseExtensions()
     global $class_path;
     include_once $class_path . 'extension.class.php';