function display_extensions() { global $installed_extensions; div_start('ext_tbl'); start_table(TABLESTYLE); $th = array(_("Extension"), _("Modules provided"), _("Options provided"), _("Installed"), _("Available"), "", ""); table_header($th); $k = 0; $mods = get_extensions_list('extension'); foreach ($mods as $pkg_name => $ext) { $available = @$ext['available']; $installed = @$ext['version']; $id = @$ext['local_id']; $entries = fmt_titles(@$ext['entries']); $tabs = fmt_titles(@$ext['tabs']); alt_table_row_color($k); label_cell($available ? get_package_view_str($pkg_name, $ext['name']) : $ext['name']); label_cell($tabs); label_cell($entries); label_cell($id === null ? _("None") : ($available && $installed ? $installed : _("Unknown"))); label_cell($available ? $available : _("Unknown")); if (!$available && $ext['type'] == 'extension') { // third-party plugin if (!$installed) { button_cell('Local' . $ext['package'], _("Install"), _('Install third-party extension.'), ICON_DOWN); } else { label_cell(''); } } elseif (check_pkg_upgrade($installed, $available)) { // outdated or not installed extension in repo button_cell('Update' . $pkg_name, $installed ? _("Update") : _("Install"), _('Upload and install latest extension package'), ICON_DOWN); } else { label_cell(''); } if ($id !== null) { delete_button_cell('Delete' . $id, _('Delete')); submit_js_confirm('Delete' . $id, sprintf(_("You are about to remove package \\'%s\\'.\nDo you want to continue ?"), $ext['name'])); } else { label_cell(''); } end_row(); } end_table(1); submit_center_first('Refresh', _("Update"), '', null); div_end(); }
$mods = get_charts_list(); foreach ($mods as $pkg_name => $ext) { $available = @$ext['available']; $installed = @$ext['version']; $id = @$ext['local_id']; $encoding = @$ext['encoding']; alt_table_row_color($k); // label_cell(is_array($ext['Descr']) ? $ext['Descr'][0] : $ext['Descr']); label_cell($available ? get_package_view_str($pkg_name, $ext['name']) : $ext['name']); label_cell($id === null ? _("None") : ($available && $installed ? $installed : _("Unknown"))); label_cell($available ? $available : _("None")); label_cell($encoding ? $encoding : _("Unknown")); if ($available && check_pkg_upgrade($installed, $available)) { // outdated or not installed theme in repo button_cell('Update' . $pkg_name, $installed ? _("Update") : _("Install"), _('Upload and install latest extension package'), ICON_DOWN); } else { label_cell(''); } if ($id !== null) { delete_button_cell('Delete' . $id, _('Delete')); submit_js_confirm('Delete' . $id, sprintf(_("You are about to remove package \\'%s\\'.\nDo you want to continue ?"), $ext['name'])); } else { label_cell(''); } end_row(); } end_table(1); div_end(); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end_form(); end_page();
start_form(true, true); start_outer_table(TABLESTYLE2); table_section(1); table_section_title(_("Create backup")); textarea_row(_("Comments:"), 'comments', null, 30, 8); compress_list_row(_("Compression:"), 'comp'); vertical_space("height='20px'"); submit_row('creat', _("Create Backup"), false, "colspan=2 align='center'", '', 'process'); table_section(2); table_section_title(_("Backup scripts maintenance")); start_row(); echo "<td style='padding-left:20px' align='left'>" . get_backup_file_combo() . "</td>"; echo "<td style='padding-left:20px' valign='top'>"; start_table(); submit_row('view', _("View Backup"), false, '', '', false); submit_row('download', _("Download Backup"), false, '', '', false); submit_row('restore', _("Restore Backup"), false, '', '', 'process'); submit_js_confirm('restore', _("You are about to restore database from backup file.\nDo you want to continue?")); submit_row('deldump', _("Delete Backup"), false, '', '', true); // don't use 'delete' name or IE js errors appear submit_js_confirm('deldump', sprintf(_("You are about to remove selected backup file.\nDo you want to continue ?"))); end_table(); echo "</td>"; end_row(); start_row(); echo "<td style='padding-left:20px' align='left'><input name='uploadfile' type='file'></td>"; submit_cells('upload', _("Upload file"), "style='padding-left:20px'", '', true); end_row(); end_outer_table(); end_form(); end_page();
} start_form(); hidden('cart_id'); $customer_error = display_order_header($_SESSION['Items'], $_SESSION['Items']->any_already_delivered() == 0, $idate); if ($customer_error == "") { start_table(TABLESTYLE, "width='80%'", 10); echo "<tr><td>"; display_order_summary($orderitems, $_SESSION['Items'], true); echo "</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td>"; display_delivery_details($_SESSION['Items']); echo "</td></tr>"; end_table(1); if ($_SESSION['Items']->trans_no == 0) { submit_center_first('ProcessOrder', $porder, _('Check entered data and save document'), 'default'); submit_center_last('CancelOrder', $cancelorder, _('Cancels document entry or removes sales order when editing an old document')); submit_js_confirm('CancelOrder', _('You are about to void this Document.\\nDo you want to continue?')); } else { submit_center_first('ProcessOrder', $corder, _('Validate changes and update document'), 'default'); submit_center_last('CancelOrder', $cancelorder, _('Cancels document entry or removes sales order when editing an old document')); if ($_SESSION['Items']->trans_type == ST_SALESORDER) { submit_js_confirm('CancelOrder', _('You are about to cancel undelivered part of this order.\\nDo you want to continue?')); } else { submit_js_confirm('CancelOrder', _('You are about to void this Document.\\nDo you want to continue?')); } } } else { display_error($customer_error); } end_form(); end_page();
$cancelorder = _("Cancel Order"); $porder = _("Place Order"); $corder = _("Commit Order Changes"); } start_form(); hidden('cart_id'); $customer_error = display_order_header($_SESSION['Items'], $_SESSION['Items']->any_already_delivered() == 0, $idate); if ($customer_error == "") { start_table(TABLESTYLE, "width=80%", 10); echo "<tr><td>"; display_order_summary($orderitems, $_SESSION['Items'], true); echo "</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td>"; display_delivery_details($_SESSION['Items']); echo "</td></tr>"; end_table(1); if ($_SESSION['Items']->trans_no == 0) { submit_center_first('ProcessOrder', $porder, _('Check entered data and save document'), 'default'); submit_js_confirm('CancelOrder', _('You are about to void this Document.\\nDo you want to continue?')); } else { if ($_SESSION['Items']->trans_type == ST_SALESORDER) { submit_js_confirm('CancelOrder', _('You are about to cancel undelivered part of this order.\\nDo you want to continue?')); } submit_center_first('ProcessOrder', $corder, _('Validate changes and update document'), 'default'); } submit_center_last('CancelOrder', $cancelorder, _('Cancels document entry or removes sales order when editing an old document')); } else { display_error($customer_error); } end_form(); end_page();
function display_fiscalyears() { $company_year = get_company_pref('f_year'); $result = get_all_fiscalyears(); start_form(); display_note(_("Warning: Deleting a fiscal year all transactions \n\t\tare removed and converted into relevant balances. This process is irreversible!"), 0, 1, "class='currentfg'"); start_table(TABLESTYLE); $th = array(_("Fiscal Year Begin"), _("Fiscal Year End"), _("Closed"), "", ""); table_header($th); $k = 0; $row_cnt = 0; $can_close = true; while ($myrow = db_fetch($result)) { $row_cnt++; if ($myrow['id'] == $company_year) { start_row("class='stockmankobg'"); } else { alt_table_row_color($k); } $from = sql2date($myrow["begin"]); $to = sql2date($myrow["end"]); $closed_text = yesno_value($myrow["closed"]); label_cell($from); label_cell($to); label_cell($closed_text); // can only close year if there are no earlier open years; can reopen year that is closed if ($can_close || $myrow["closed"] != 0) { edit_button_cell("Edit" . $myrow['id'], _("Closed?")); } else { label_cell(''); } // can only delete first year if it is closed and not current year if ($myrow["id"] != $company_year && $row_cnt == 1 && $myrow["closed"] != 0) { delete_button_cell("Delete" . $myrow['id'], _("Delete")); submit_js_confirm("Delete" . $myrow['id'], sprintf(_("Are you sure you want to delete fiscal year %s - %s? All transactions are deleted and converted into relevant balances. Do you want to continue ?"), $from, $to)); } else { label_cell(''); } end_row(); if ($myrow["closed"] == 0) { $can_close = false; } } end_table(); end_form(); display_note(_("The marked fiscal year is the current fiscal year which cannot be deleted."), 0, 0, "class='currentfg'"); }
echo "</td>\n"; echo "</tr\n"; } $dim = get_company_pref('use_dimension'); start_form(false, false, "", "accrual"); start_table(TABLESTYLE2); date_row(_("Date"), 'date_', _('First date of Accruals'), true, 0, 0, 0, null, true); start_row(); label_cell(_("Accrued Balance Account"), "class='label'"); gl_all_accounts_list_cells(null, 'acc_act', null, true, false, false, true); end_row(); gl_all_accounts_list_row(_("Revenue / Cost Account"), 'res_act', null, true); if ($dim >= 1) { dimensions_list_row(_("Dimension"), 'dimension_id', null, true, " ", false, 1); } if ($dim > 1) { dimensions_list_row(_("Dimension") . " 2", 'dimension2_id', null, true, " ", false, 2); } $url = "gl/view/accrual_trans.php?act=" . get_post('acc_act') . "&date=" . get_post('date_'); amount_row(_("Amount"), 'amount', null, null, viewer_link(_("Search Amount"), $url, "", "", ICON_VIEW)); frequency_list_row(_("Frequency"), 'freq', null); text_row(_("Periods"), 'periods', null, 3, 3); textarea_row(_("Memo"), 'memo_', null, 35, 3); end_table(1); submit_center_first('show', _("Show GL Rows")); //,true,false,'process',ICON_SUBMIT); submit_center_last('go', _("Process Accruals")); //,true,false,'process',ICON_SUBMIT); submit_js_confirm('go', _("Are you sure you want to post accruals?")); end_form(); end_page();
function display_languages() { global $table_style, $installed_languages, $dflt_lang, $GetText; $th = array(_("Language"), _("Name"), _("Encoding"), _("Right To Left"), _("Installed"), _("Available"), _("Default"), "", ""); $currlang = $_SESSION["language"]->code; div_start('lang_tbl'); start_form(); // // select/display system locales support for sites using native gettext // if (function_exists('gettext')) { if (check_value('DisplayAll')) { array_insert($th, 7, _("Supported")); } start_table(); check_row(_('Display also languages not supported by server locales'), 'DisplayAll', null, true); end_table(); } start_table(TABLESTYLE); table_header($th); $k = 0; // get list of all (available and installed) langauges $langs = get_languages_list(); foreach ($langs as $pkg_name => $lng) { if ($lng == 'C') { // skip default locale (aka no translation) continue; } $lang = $lng['code']; $lang_name = $lng['name']; $charset = $lng['encoding']; $rtl = @$lng['rtl'] == 'yes' || @$lng['rtl'] === true; $available = @$lng['available']; $installed = @$lng['version']; $id = @$lng['local_id']; if ($lang == $currlang) { start_row("class='stockmankobg'"); } else { alt_table_row_color($k); } $support = $GetText->check_support($lang, $charset); if (function_exists('gettext') && !$support && !get_post('DisplayAll')) { continue; } label_cell($lang); label_cell($available ? get_package_view_str($lang, $lang_name) : $lang_name); label_cell($charset); label_cell($rtl ? _("Yes") : _("No")); label_cell($id === null ? _("None") : ($available && $installed ? $installed : _("Unknown"))); label_cell($available ? $available : _("None")); label_cell($id === null ? '' : radio(null, 'CurDflt', $id, $dflt_lang == $lang, true), "align='center'"); if (function_exists('gettext') && check_value('DisplayAll')) { label_cell($support ? _("Yes") : _("No")); } if (!$available && $lang != 'C') { // manually installed language button_cell('Edit' . $id, _("Edit"), _('Edit non standard language configuration'), ICON_EDIT); } elseif (check_pkg_upgrade($installed, $available)) { // outdated or not installed language in repo button_cell('Update' . $pkg_name, $installed ? _("Update") : _("Install"), _('Upload and install latest language package'), ICON_DOWN); } else { label_cell(''); } if ($id !== null && $lang != $currlang && $lang != 'C') { delete_button_cell('Delete' . $id, _('Delete')); submit_js_confirm('Delete' . $id, sprintf(_("You are about to remove language \\'%s\\'.\nDo you want to continue ?"), $lang_name)); } else { label_cell(''); } end_row(); } end_table(); display_note(_("The marked language is the current language which cannot be deleted."), 0, 0, "class='currentfg'"); br(); submit_center_first('Refresh', _("Update default"), '', null); submit_center_last('Add', _("Add new language manually"), '', false); end_form(); div_end(); }
vertical_space("height='20px'"); submit_row('creat', _("Create Backup"), false, "colspan=2 align='center'", '', 'process'); table_section(2); table_section_title(_("Backup scripts maintenance")); start_row(); echo "<td style='padding-left:20px' align='left'>" . get_backup_file_combo() . "</td>"; echo "<td style='padding-left:20px' valign='top'>"; start_table(); submit_row('view', _("View Backup"), false, '', '', false); submit_row('download', _("Download Backup"), false, '', '', false); submit_row('rendump', _("Rename Backup"), false, '', '', 'process'); submit_js_confirm('rendump', _("You are about to rename database backup file.\nDo you want to continue?")); submit_row('restore', _("Restore Backup"), false, '', '', 'process'); submit_js_confirm('restore', _("You are about to restore database from backup file.\nDo you want to continue?")); submit_row('deldump', _("Delete Backup"), false, '', '', true); // don't use 'delete' name or IE js errors appear submit_js_confirm('deldump', sprintf(_("You are about to remove selected backup file.\nDo you want to continue ?"))); if ($enable_shell_button) { submit_row('shcmds', _("Shell Commands"), false, '', '', 'process'); submit_js_confirm('shcmds', _("You are about to execute shell commands on the server.\nDo you want to continue?")); } end_table(); echo "</td>"; end_row(); start_row(); echo "<td style='padding-left:20px' align='left'><input name='uploadfile' type='file'></td>"; submit_cells('upload', _("Upload file"), "style='padding-left:20px'", '', true); end_row(); end_outer_table(); end_form(); end_page();