function edit_allocations_for_transaction($type, $trans_no) { global $systypes_array; $cart = $_SESSION['alloc']; display_heading(sprintf(_("Allocation of %s # %d"), $systypes_array[$cart->type], $cart->trans_no)); display_heading($cart->person_name); display_heading2(_("Date:") . " <b>" . $cart->date_ . "</b>"); display_heading2(_("Total:") . " <b>" . price_format($cart->bank_amount) . ' ' . $cart->currency . "</b>"); if ($cart->currency != $cart->person_curr) { $total = _("Total in clearing currency:") . " <b>" . price_format($cart->amount) . "</b>" . sprintf(" %s (%s %s/%s)", $cart->person_curr, exrate_format($cart->bank_amount / $cart->amount), $cart->currency, $cart->person_curr); display_heading2($total); } echo "<br>"; start_form(); div_start('alloc_tbl'); if (count($cart->allocs) > 0) { show_allocatable(true); submit_center_first('UpdateDisplay', _("Refresh"), _('Start again allocation of selected amount'), true); submit('Process', _("Process"), true, _('Process allocations'), 'default'); submit_center_last('Cancel', _("Back to Allocations"), _('Abandon allocations and return to selection of allocatable amounts'), 'cancel'); } else { display_note(_("There are no unsettled transactions to allocate."), 0, 1); submit_center('Cancel', _("Back to Allocations"), true, _('Abandon allocations and return to selection of allocatable amounts'), 'cancel'); } div_end(); end_form(); }
function edit($table, $vyber, $id) { $error_msg = array(); if ($_POST[submit]) { $meno = sec_sql(sec_input($_POST["meno"])); $hodnota = sec_sql(sec_input($_POST["hodnota"])); if (strlen($meno) > 30 or strlen($meno) < 3) { $error_msg[] = "Meno môže mať od 4 do 30 znakov"; } if (strlen($hodnota) > 30 or strlen($hodnota) < 3) { $error_msg[] = "Hodnota môže mať od 4 do 30 znakov"; } //var_dump($error_msg); if (empty($error_msg)) { echo "ok"; } else { echo "<div id=error_message>" . implode("<br>", $error_msg) . "</div>"; } } $id = sec_sql($id); $query = "Select id, hodnota, meno from " . PREFIX . "{$table} WHERE id={$id}"; $value = sql_query($query); $value = $value[0]; echo "<form method=\"POST\">"; hidden("id", $value[id]); textfield("meno", $value[meno], "Meno", 50, 20); textfield("hodnota", $value[hodnota], "Hodnota", 40, 20); submit("submit", "Odoslať"); echo "</form>"; }
function showCustomerForm($data, $action, $badFields) { formHeader($action, "<h1>Customer Info Form</h1>", "customerForm", "void"); customerFields($data, $badFields); tableRow(array(tableData(""), tableData(""), tableData(""), tableData(""), tableData(""), tableData(submit("Enter/Edit Customer!"), "right"))); echo getWordpressHiddenFormField(); formFooter("customerForm"); }
function showPackageForm($data, $action, $badFields) { formHeader($action, "Package Form", "packageForm", "void"); packageFields($data, $badFields); tableRow(array(tableData(""), tableData(""), tableData(""), tableData(""), tableData(""), tableData(submit("Submit!")))); echo getWordpressHiddenFormField(); formFooter("packageForm"); }
public function parse($orig_name) { global $CORE; ob_start(); if (is_action()) { try { $name = post('name'); if (!$name) { throw new FieldInputError('name', l('Please provide a map name.')); } if (!preg_match(MATCH_MAP_NAME, $name)) { throw new FieldInputError('name', l('This is not a valid map name (need to match [M])', array('M' => MATCH_MAP_NAME))); } if (count($CORE->getAvailableMaps('/^' . $name . '$/')) > 0) { throw new FieldInputError('name', l('A map with this name already exists.')); } // Read the old config $MAPCFG = new GlobalMapCfg($orig_name); $MAPCFG->readMapConfig(); // Create a new map config $NEW = new GlobalMapCfg($name); $NEW->createMapConfig(); foreach ($MAPCFG->getMapObjects() as $object_id => $cfg) { $NEW->addElement($cfg['type'], $cfg, $perm = true, $object_id); } success(l('The map has been created.')); reload(cfg('paths', 'htmlbase') . '/frontend/nagvis-js/index.php?mod=Map&show=' . $name, 1); } catch (FieldInputError $e) { form_error($e->field, $e->msg); } catch (NagVisException $e) { form_error(null, $e->message()); } catch (Exception $e) { if (isset($e->msg)) { form_error(null, $e->msg); } else { throw $e; } } } echo $this->error; echo '<div class="simple_form">' . N; js_form_start('to_new_map'); input('name'); submit(l('Save')); focus('name'); // Keep the view parameters the users has set $params = ltrim(req('view_params'), '&'); if ($params) { $parts = explode('&', $params); foreach ($parts as $part) { list($key, $val) = explode('=', $part); hidden($key, $val); } } form_end(); echo '</div>' . N; return ob_get_clean(); }
function delete_ngi() { checkUserIsAdmin(); if ($_POST) { submit(); } else { draw(); } }
function showShippingForm($data, $action, $badFields = array()) { prepDatePicker(); formHeader($action, "<h1>Shipping Info Form</h1>", "shippingForm", "void"); shippingFields($data, $badFields); tableRow(array(tableData(""), tableData(""), tableData(""), tableData(""), tableData(""), tableData(submit("Enter Shipping Details!"), "right"))); if (inWordPress()) { echo getWordpressHiddenFormField(); } formFooter("shippingForm"); }
function submit_add_or_update_center2($add = true, $title = false, $async = false) { echo "<center>"; if ($add) { submit('ADD_ITEM2', _("Add new"), true, $title, $async); } else { submit('UPDATE_ITEM2', _("Update"), true, $title, $async); submit('RESET2', _("Cancel"), true, $title, $async); } echo "</center>"; }
function showOrderEntryForm($data, $badFields = array()) { formHeader("", "", "orderEntry", "void"); customerFields($data, $badFields); orderFields($data, $badFields); if (inWordPress()) { echo getWordpressHiddenFormField(); } tableRow(array(tableData(""), tableData(""), tableData(""), tableData(""), tableData(""), tableData(submit("Enter Order!"), "right"))); formFooter("orderEntryForm"); }
/** * Controller for a service move request * @global array $_POST only set if the browser has POSTed data * @return null */ function move_service_end_point() { //The following line will be needed if this controller is ever used for non administrators: //checkPortalIsNotReadOnlyOrUserIsAdmin($user); if ($_POST) { // If we receive a POST request it's for a service movement submit(); } else { // If there is no post data, draw the select old site form drawSelectOldSite(); } }
/** * Controller for an add service type request * @global array $_POST only set if the browser has POSTed data * @return null */ function add_type() { //The following line will be needed if this controller is ever used for non administrators: //checkPortalIsNotReadOnlyOrUserIsAdmin($user); if ($_POST) { // If we receive a POST request it's to add a service type submit(); } else { // If there is no post data, draw the add service type form draw(); } }
/** * Controller for an edit user_dn request * @global array $_POST only set if the browser has POSTed data * @return null */ function edit_dn() { //The following line will be needed if this controller is ever used for non administrators: //checkPortalIsNotReadOnlyOrUserIsAdmin($user); if ($_POST) { // If we receive a POST request it's to edit a user dn submit(); } else { // If there is no post data, draw the edit DN page draw(); } }
/** * Controller for a retrieve account request. * @global array $_POST only set if the browser has POSTed data * @return null */ function retrieve() { //Check the portal is not in read only mode, returns exception if it is checkPortalIsNotReadOnly(); if ($_POST) { // If we receive a POST request it's to update a user submit(); } else { // If there is no post data, draw the edit user form draw(); } }
/** * Controller for an edit site property request * @global array $_POST only set if the browser has POSTed data * @return null */ function edit_property() { $dn = Get_User_Principle(); $user = \Factory::getUserService()->getUserByPrinciple($dn); //Check the portal is not in read only mode, returns exception if it is and user is not an admin checkPortalIsNotReadOnlyOrUserIsAdmin($user); if ($_POST) { submit($user); } else { draw($user); } }
function edit_form($file) { global $PHP_SELF; if (@is_readable($file)) { $data = join('', file($file)); } elseif (EDIT_USE_SUOPEN and $f = suopen($file, "r")) { while (!feof($f)) { $data .= fread($f, 16000); } suclose($f); } return form($PHP_SELF, textarea('data', $data) . submit('Save')); }
/** * Controller for an edit service request * @global array $_POST only set if the browser has POSTed data * @return null */ function edit_service() { $dn = Get_User_Principle(); $user = \Factory::getUserService()->getUserByPrinciple($dn); //Check the portal is not in read only mode, returns exception if it is and user is not an admin checkPortalIsNotReadOnlyOrUserIsAdmin($user); if ($_POST) { // If we receive a POST request it's for a new site submit($user); } else { // If there is no post data, draw the edit site form draw($user); } }
function delete() { if (!isset($_REQUEST['id']) || !is_numeric($_REQUEST['id'])) { throw new Exception("An id must be specified"); } $dn = Get_User_Principle(); $user = \Factory::getUserService()->getUserByPrinciple($dn); //get the site $site = \Factory::getSiteService()->getSite($_REQUEST['id']); if ($_POST or sizeof($site->getServices()) == 0) { submit($site, $user); } else { draw($site); } }
/** * Controller for a new_property request * @global array $_POST only set if the browser has POSTed data * @return null */ function add_service_group_property() { $dn = Get_User_Principle(); $user = \Factory::getUserService()->getUserByPrinciple($dn); //Check the portal is not in read only mode, returns exception if it is and user is not an admin checkPortalIsNotReadOnlyOrUserIsAdmin($user); //Check user has modification rights for this entity if ($_POST) { // If we receive a POST request it's for a new property submit($user); } else { // If there is no post data, draw the New property form draw($user); } }
function etable($datos, $tablea = [], $tha = [], $tra = [], $tda = []) { global $d, $t, $columnas; $res = "\n" . t("tr", tarray("th", $columnas, $tha), $tra); // aqui acumulamos el resultado parcial - los headings + rows // intentamos hacer una fila de edit controls $edits = ""; foreach ($columnas as $i) { $edits .= "\n" . t("td", input(["name" => $i]), $tda); } $res .= t("tr", $edits . t("td", submit("Insertar") . hidden("d", $d) . hidden("t", $t) . hidden("c", "i"), $tda), $tra); foreach ($datos[1] as $arr) { $res .= "\n" . t("tr", tarray("td", $arr, $tda), $tra); } return t("table", $res, $tablea); }
/** * Controller for a request to add NGIs to a project * @global array $_POST only set if the browser has POSTed data * @return null */ function add_ngis_to_project() { $dn = Get_User_Principle(); $user = \Factory::getUserService()->getUserByPrinciple($dn); //Check the portal is not in read only mode, returns exception if it is and user is not an admin checkPortalIsNotReadOnlyOrUserIsAdmin($user); ////Check the user has permission to see the page, will throw exception //if correct permissions are lacking checkUserIsAdmin(); if ($_POST) { // If we receive a POST request it's to add ngis submit(); } else { // If there is no post data, draw the add NGI page draw(); } }
function delete() { $dn = Get_User_Principle(); $user = \Factory::getUserService()->getUserByPrinciple($dn); //get the site if (isset($_REQUEST['propertyid']) || !is_numeric($_REQUEST['propertyid'])) { $property = \Factory::getServiceGroupService()->getProperty($_REQUEST['propertyid']); $serviceGroup = \Factory::getServiceGroupService()->getServiceGroup($_REQUEST['id']); } else { throw new \Exception("A service group must be specified"); } if ($_POST) { submit($property, $user, $serviceGroup); } else { draw($property, $serviceGroup, $user); } }
function form_task($minimized, $vyber, $order) { //var_dump($vyber); $cls = "ghost"; if (!empty($_SESSION["username"])) { $upozornenie_d = sql_query("Select id from dodavatel\r\n WHERE upozornenie = " . $_SESSION["username"] . " "); } if (count($upozornenie_d) > 0) { $up_id = array(); foreach ($upozornenie_d as $up) { $up_id[] = $up["id"]; } $pocet_upozorneni = sql_query("Select count(id) as counter from do_objednavka\r\n WHERE vymaz=0 AND komplet=0 AND id_dodavatel IN (" . implode(",", $up_id) . ") ")[0]["counter"]; } if ($pocet_upozorneni > 0) { $cls .= " red"; } else { $cls .= " silver"; } echo "<div id=\"tasker\" class=\"{$cls}\">\r\n \r\n <div class=\"tasker_title\">Objednávka <span></span>\r\n <div class=\"minimize\">_</div>\r\n </div>\r\n "; echo "<div class=\"tasker_content {$minimized}\">"; echo "<div class=\"new_task\">"; echo "<form method=\"POST\" id=\"do_objednavka\">"; echo select("task_dodavatel", "Dodávateľ", "SELECT id, meno from dodavatel \r\n WHERE vymaz=0 \r\n ORDER BY meno", "", "", "", "", "NO"); echo textfield("task_ks", "", "množstvo", 10, 2); $jednotky = array("ks" => "ks", "m" => "m"); echo select("jednotky", "", "", "", "", "", "", "NO", $jednotky); echo textfield("task_text", "", "Text", 150, 32); //echo hidden("task_produkt", ""); $ord = ""; $zakaznik = ""; if ($vyber == "objednavky" && $order > 0) { $ord = sql_query("\r\n SELECT c_obj\r\n FROM objednavka \r\n WHERE id = " . $order . "\r\n LIMIT 1\r\n ")[0]["c_obj"]; $zakaznik = sql_query("\r\n SELECT meno\r\n FROM revizia \r\n WHERE id_obj = " . $order . "\r\n ORDER BY datum DESC LIMIT 1\r\n ")[0]["meno"]; } echo textfield("task_zakaznik", $zakaznik, "Zákazník", 100, 20); echo textfield("task_order", $ord, "č. obj.", 15, 5); echo select("task_from", "Zadal", "SELECT id, meno from uzivatel \r\n WHERE skupina=1 AND perm_uroven_id<=2 AND vymaz=0 \r\n ORDER BY meno", $_SESSION["username"], "", "", "", "NO"); echo submit("submit", "Odoslať"); echo "</form>"; echo "</div>"; echo "</div>"; echo "</div>"; }
function delete() { $dn = Get_User_Principle(); $user = \Factory::getUserService()->getUserByPrinciple($dn); if (!isset($_REQUEST['propertyid']) || !is_numeric($_REQUEST['propertyid'])) { throw new Exception("A propertyid must be specified"); } if (!isset($_REQUEST['serviceid']) || !is_numeric($_REQUEST['serviceid'])) { throw new Exception("A service id must be specified"); } //get the service and property $property = \Factory::getServiceService()->getProperty($_REQUEST['propertyid']); $service = \Factory::getServiceService()->getService($_REQUEST['serviceid']); if ($_POST) { submit($property, $service, $user); } else { draw($property, $service, $user); } }
function delete_endpoint() { $dn = Get_User_Principle(); $user = \Factory::getUserService()->getUserByPrinciple($dn); if (!isset($_REQUEST['endpointid']) || !is_numeric($_REQUEST['endpointid'])) { throw new Exception("An endpointid must be specified"); } if (!isset($_REQUEST['serviceid']) || !is_numeric($_REQUEST['serviceid'])) { throw new Exception("A service id must be specified"); } //get the service and endpoint $endpoint = \Factory::getServiceService()->getEndpoint($_REQUEST['endpointid']); $service = \Factory::getServiceService()->getService($_REQUEST['serviceid']); if ($_POST) { submit($endpoint, $service, $user); } else { draw($endpoint, $service, $user); } }
function edit_allocations_for_transaction($type, $trans_no) { global $systypes_array; start_form(); display_heading(_("Allocation of") . " " . $systypes_array[$_SESSION['alloc']->type] . " # " . $_SESSION['alloc']->trans_no); display_heading($_SESSION['alloc']->person_name); display_heading2(_("Date:") . " <b>" . $_SESSION['alloc']->date_ . "</b>"); display_heading2(_("Total:") . " <b>" . price_format(-$_SESSION['alloc']->amount) . "</b>"); echo "<br>"; div_start('alloc_tbl'); if (count($_SESSION['alloc']->allocs) > 0) { show_allocatable(true); submit_center_first('UpdateDisplay', _("Refresh"), _('Start again allocation of selected amount'), true); submit('Process', _("Process"), true, _('Process allocations'), 'default'); submit_center_last('Cancel', _("Back to Allocations"), _('Abandon allocations and return to selection of allocatable amounts'), 'cancel'); } else { display_note(_("There are no unsettled transactions to allocate."), 0, 1); submit_center('Cancel', _("Back to Allocations"), true, _('Abandon allocations and return to selection of allocatable amounts'), 'cancel'); } div_end(); end_form(); }
/** * Wrapper to call required function(s) to generate current active form. * @since 2.0.0 * @version 2.1.0 * @return void */ function get_form() { global $hc_cfg, $eID, $lID; if (HCCOM == '') { return 0; } switch (HCCOM) { case 'send': send_to_friend(); break; case 'signup': news_signup(); break; case 'edit': news_edit(); break; case 'filter': filter(); break; case 'search': search(); break; case 'searchresult': search_result(); break; case 'submit': if ($eID > 0 || isset($_GET['sID'])) { submit_update(); } else { submit(); } break; case 'rsvp': rsvp(); break; } }
stdfoot(); die; } if ($type == 'saved') { print "<tr><td colspan=2 class=\"heading\" valign=\"top\" align=\"center\"><font color=red>" . $lang_usercp['text_saved'] . ($_GET["mail"] == "1" ? $lang_usercp['std_confirmation_email_sent'] : "") . " " . ($_GET["passkey"] == "1" ? $lang_usercp['std_passkey_reset'] : "") . " " . ($_GET["password"] == "1" ? $lang_usercp['std_password_changed'] : "") . " " . ($_GET["privacy"] == "1" ? $lang_usercp['std_privacy_level_updated'] : "") . "</font></td></tr>\n"; } form("security"); tr_small($lang_usercp['row_reset_passkey'], "<input type=checkbox name=resetpasskey value=1 />" . $lang_usercp['checkbox_reset_my_passkey'] . "<br /><font class=small>" . $lang_usercp['text_reset_passkey_note'] . "</font>", 1); if ($disableemailchange != 'no' && $smtptype != 'none') { //system-wide setting tr_small($lang_usercp['row_email_address'], "<input type=\"text\" name=\"email\" style=\"width: 200px\" value=\"" . htmlspecialchars($CURUSER["email"]) . "\" /> <br /><font class=small>" . $lang_usercp['text_email_address_note'] . "</font>", 1); } tr_small($lang_usercp['row_change_password'], "<input type=\"password\" name=\"chpassword\" style=\"width: 200px\" />", 1); tr_small($lang_usercp['row_type_password_again'], "<input type=\"password\" name=\"passagain\" style=\"width: 200px\" />", 1); tr_small($lang_usercp['row_privacy_level'], priv("normal", $lang_usercp['radio_normal']) . " " . priv("low", $lang_usercp['radio_low']) . " " . priv("strong", $lang_usercp['radio_strong']), 1); submit(); print "</table>"; stdfoot(); die; break; } } } stdhead($lang_usercp['head_control_panel'] . $lang_usercp['head_home']); usercpmenu(); //Comment Results $commentcount = get_row_count("comments", "WHERE user="******"id"])); //Join Date if ($CURUSER['added'] == "0000-00-00 00:00:00") { $joindate = 'N/A'; } else {
function formular_cp($order, $revision = 0, $fieldsets_c = 1, $form_data = "", $page = "") { if (isset($_GET["cp"])) { $cp = sec_input($_GET["cp"]); } if (!empty($form_data)) { foreach ($form_data as $key => $value) { ${$key} = $value; } } $data = sql_query("SELECT, r.id_obj, r.meno, adresa, ico, telefon, email, komentar,\r\n DATE_FORMAT(datum, '%d. %m. %Y, %H:%i') AS datum\r\n FROM revizia r \r\n \r\n WHERE{$revision} \r\n LIMIT 1"); $data = $data[0]; //var_dump($data); $data_obj = sql_query("SELECT DATE_FORMAT(datum, '%d. %m. %Y, %H:%i') AS datum, c_obj, id_zakaznik\r\n FROM objednavka \r\n WHERE id=" . $data["id_obj"] . " LIMIT 1"); $data_obj = $data_obj[0]; //var_dump($data); $message = ""; $message .= "<h1>Cenová ponuka pre objednávku č. " . $data_obj["c_obj"] . " / " . $data["id"] . "</h1>"; $message .= "<h5>Objednávka zo dňa: " . $data_obj["datum"] . "</h5>"; $message .= "<div class=\"print_hlavicka\">"; if ($data_obj[id_zakaznik] > 0) { $meno_zakaznika = sql_query("SELECT meno, adresa, mesto, psc, ico, dic, telefon, email \r\n \r\n FROM uzivatel WHERE id={$data_obj['id_zakaznik']} LIMIT 1"); $meno_zakaznika = $meno_zakaznika[0]; $data[meno] = $meno_zakaznika[meno]; $data[adresa] = $meno_zakaznika[adresa]; $data[mesto] = $meno_zakaznika[mesto]; $data[psc] = $meno_zakaznika[psc]; $data[ico] = $meno_zakaznika[ico]; $data[dic] = $meno_zakaznika[dic]; $data[telefon] = $meno_zakaznika[telefon]; $data[email] = $meno_zakaznika[email]; //$cenova_hladina = sql_query("SELECT id_c_hladina FROM uzivatel WHERE id=$data_obj[id_zakaznik]"); //$cenova_hladina = $cenova_hladina[0][id_c_hladina]; } $message .= "<div class=\"print_odberatel\"><table class=\"print_odberatel\"><tr><td></td><td><strong>Objednávateľ:</strong></td></tr>"; $message .= "<tr><td></td><td class=\"print_bigger\">" . $data["meno"] . "</td></tr>"; $message .= "<tr><td></td><td>" . $data["adresa"] . "</td></tr>"; $message .= "<tr><td></td><td>" . $data["psc"] . " " . $data["mesto"] . "</td></tr>"; $message .= "<tr><td>IČO:</td><td>" . $data["ico"] . "</td></tr>"; $message .= "<tr><td>DIČ:</td><td>" . $data["dic"] . "</td></tr>"; $message .= "<tr><td>tel.:</td><td>" . $data["telefon"] . "</td></tr>"; $message .= "<tr><td>email:</td><td>" . $data["email"] . "</td></tr>"; $message .= "</table>"; $message .= "</div>"; //var_dump($dekor); echo "<div class=\"print\">"; echo $message; echo "</div>"; echo "</div>"; echo "<div id=\"content\" class=\"print_hlavicka4\">"; if (empty($page) or $page == 1) { if ($_POST["submit_page1"]) { $fieldsets_c = count($_POST["id"]); for ($i = 0; $i < $fieldsets_c; $i++) { $id_objednavka_row[] = sec_input(sec_sql($_POST["id"][$i])); $zlava[] = str_replace(',', '.', sec_input(sec_sql($_POST["zlava"][$i]))); $product_price[] = str_replace(',', '.', sec_input(sec_sql($_POST["product_price"][$i]))); $id_cp_product[] = sec_input(sec_sql($_POST["id_cp_product"][$i])); $ks[] = sec_input(sec_sql($_POST["ks"][$i])); } $form_data[id_objednavka_row] = $id_objednavka_row; $form_data[id_cp_product] = $id_cp_product; $form_data[ks] = $ks; $form_data[zlava] = $zlava; $form_data[product_price] = $product_price; //var_dump($order); //var_dump($revision); if (empty($error_msg)) { $query = "INSERT INTO cp ( id_objednavka, id_revizia, vytvoril )\r\n VALUES ( {$order}, {$revision}, {$_SESSION['username']} )\r\n "; //print_r($query); //die(); mysql_query("BEGIN"); $sql_cp = sql_insert($query); $cp_id = $sql_cp["inserted_id"]; for ($i = 0; $i < count($form_data[id_objednavka_row]); $i++) { if (empty($form_data[product_price][$i])) { $product_price = sql_query("SELECT cena FROM cp_product WHERE id=" . $form_data[id_cp_product][$i] . " ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1")[0]["cena"]; } else { $product_price = $form_data[product_price][$i]; } //echo $product_price."<br>"; //$product_ks_sum = $product_ks_sum + sec_input($form_data["ks"][$i]); $product_price_sum = $product_price * sec_input($form_data["ks"][$i]); $products_prices_sums = $products_prices_sums + $product_price_sum; $zlava_E = $product_price_sum * $form_data["zlava"][$i] / 100; $po_zlave = $product_price_sum - $zlava_E; $po_zlave_sum = $po_zlave_sum + $po_zlave; $query_cp_row = "INSERT into cp_row (id_cp, id_objednavka_row, id_cp_product, \r\n ks, cena, zlava, sum)\r\n VALUES ({$cp_id},\r\n {$form_data[id_objednavka_row][$i]}, \r\n \"{$form_data[id_cp_product][$i]}\", \r\n {$form_data[ks][$i]},\r\n \"{$form_data[product_price][$i]}\",\r\n \"{$form_data[zlava][$i]}\",\r\n \"{$po_zlave}\"\r\n )"; //echo $query_cp_row."<br>"; sql_insert($query_cp_row); //var_dump($query_poznamka); } sql_update("UPDATE cp SET all_sum={$po_zlave_sum} WHERE id={$cp_id}"); mysql_query("COMMIT"); //dd($form_data); //$_SESSION["posted_form_from_cp"]=$form_data; header("location: ?vyber=cp&order={$order}&revision={$revision}&action=display_all"); } else { echo "<div id=error_message>" . implode("<br>", $error_msg) . "</div>"; } } echo "<form method=\"POST\" id=\"formular\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\">"; echo "<fieldset id=\"cp_rows\">"; // pre editaciu cenovej ponuky.... //========================================= $data_row = sql_query("SELECT * \r\n FROM objednavka_row\r\n WHERE id_revizia = " . $revision . "\r\n "); //var_dump($data_row); $fieldsets_c = count($data_row); for ($i = 0; $i < $fieldsets_c; $i++) { $ks[$i] = $data_row[$i][ks]; $id[$i] = $data_row[$i][id]; $product_type[$i] = $data_row[$i][id_product_type]; $product[$i] = $data_row[$i][id_product]; $product_delivery[$i] = $data_row[$i][id_product_delivery]; $atyp_text[$i] = $data_row[$i][atyp_text]; $data_row_option = sql_query("SELECT id_product_atribute, id_product_atribute_option \r\n FROM objednavka_row_atribute \r\n WHERE id_revizia=\"{$revision}\" AND id_objednavka_row=\"{$data_row[$i][id]}\""); //dd($form_data_row_option); foreach ($data_row_option as $option) { $data_rows[$i][$option["id_product_atribute"]] = $option["id_product_atribute_option"]; } if (isset($_GET["cp"]) and !empty($_GET["cp"])) { $query = "SELECT * from cp_row WHERE id_cp=" . sec_input(sec_sql($_GET["cp"])) . " AND id_objednavka_row=" . $data_row[$i][id] . ""; $cp_row = sql_query($query)[0]; $cena[$i] = $cp_row[cena]; $zlava[$i] = $cp_row[zlava]; //var_dump($cp_row); } } $data[id_all] = $id; $data[ks_all] = $ks; $data[product_type_all] = $product_type; $data[product_all] = $product; $data[product_delivery_all] = $product_delivery; $data[atyp_text_all] = $atyp_text; $data[product_atribute_options_all] = $data_rows; $data[product_price_all] = $cena; $data[zlava_all] = $zlava; $message = "<div class=\"print_hlavicka3\">\r\n <table>\r\n <tr>\r\n <th></th> \r\n <th style=\"width: 380px;\">produkt</th>\r\n <th style=\"width: 40px;\">množstvo</th>\r\n <th style=\"width: 70px;\">doprava</th> \r\n <th style=\"width: 50px;\">j.cena</th>\r\n <th style=\"width: 50px;\">Spolu</th>\r\n <th style=\"width: 90px;\">zľava %</th>\r\n <th style=\"width: 50px;\">po zľave</th>\r\n </tr>"; //echo hidden("name", "value"); //var_dump($data); $fieldsets_c = count($data["ks_all"]); for ($i = 0; $i < $fieldsets_c; $i++) { $poradie = 0; $poradie = $i + 1; $message .= "<tr>\r\n <td class=\"form_poradie\">{$poradie}. </td>\r\n "; $product_type = sql_query("SELECT meno FROM product_type WHERE id=" . sec_sql(sec_input($data["product_type_all"][$i])) . " LIMIT 1"); $product_type = $product_type[0]; $product = sql_query("SELECT id, meno FROM product WHERE id=" . sec_sql(sec_input($data["product_all"][$i])) . " LIMIT 1")[0]; $message .= hidden("id[]", $data["id_all"][$i]); $options_str = array(); //var_dump($data); if (!isset($data["product_atribute_options_all"][$i]) or empty($data["product_atribute_options_all"][$i])) { $data["product_atribute_options_all"][$i] = array(); } $option_c_hladina = 1; foreach ($data["product_atribute_options_all"][$i] as $option) { //var_dump($option); $options = sql_query("SELECT id, meno, id_c_hladina FROM product_atribute_option WHERE id=" . sec_sql(sec_input($option)) . " LIMIT 1"); $options_str[] = $options[0]["meno"]; if ($options[0]["id_c_hladina"] > $option_c_hladina) { $option_c_hladina = $options[0]["id_c_hladina"]; } //$options["price"] = sql_query("SELECT id, cena FROM product_atribute_option WHERE id=".sec_sql(sec_input($option))." LIMIT 1"); } $options_str = empty($options_str) ? "" : " (" . join(", ", $options_str) . ")"; $message .= "<td class=\"form_nazov_siroky\">" . $product_type["meno"] . " " . $product["meno"] . "" . $options_str . "" . (empty($data["atyp_text_all"][$i]) ? "" : "<br>Atyp: " . sec_input($data["atyp_text_all"][$i])) . "</td>"; $product_delivery = sql_query("SELECT meno FROM product_delivery WHERE id=" . sec_sql(sec_input($data["product_delivery_all"][$i])) . " LIMIT 1"); $product_delivery = $product_delivery[0]; $message .= "<td class=\"form_ks\">" . sec_input($data["ks_all"][$i]) . " ks</td>"; $message .= "<td class=\"form_hrana\">" . $product_delivery["meno"] . "</td>"; $message .= hidden("ks[]", $data["ks_all"][$i]); if (empty($data[product_price_all][$i])) { $product_prices = sql_query("SELECT id, cena FROM cp_product WHERE id_c_hladina=" . $option_c_hladina . " AND id_product=" . $product["id"] . " ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1")[0]; $product_price = $product_prices[cena]; } else { $product_price = $data[product_price_all][$i]; } $product_ks_sum = $product_ks_sum + sec_input($data["ks_all"][$i]); $product_price_sum = $product_price * sec_input($data["ks_all"][$i]); $message .= hidden("id_cp_product[]", $product_prices[id]); // spocitanie ceny spolu za vsetky produkty $products_prices_sums = $products_prices_sums + $product_price_sum; $zlava_E = $product_price_sum * $data[zlava_all][$i] / 100; $po_zlave = $product_price_sum - $zlava_E; $po_zlave_sum = $po_zlave_sum + $po_zlave; if (!empty($data["atyp_text_all"][$i])) { $product_price = textfield("product_price[{$i}]", $data[product_price_all][$i], "", 5, 3, "product_price"); } else { $product_price = $product_price . " €"; } $message .= "<td class=\"form_nazov ali-center product-price\">" . $product_price . "</td>"; $message .= "<td class=\"form_nazov ali-center bold\"><span class=\"cena-spolu-product\">" . $product_price_sum . "</span> €</td>"; $message .= "<td class=\"form_nazov\">" . textfield("zlava[]", $data[zlava_all][$i], "", 4, 2, "zlava") . "<span class=\"zlava-E bold\">" . ($zlava_E > 0 ? "-" . $zlava_E . " €" : "") . "</span></td>"; $message .= "<td class=\"form_nazov ali-center po-zlave-sum\">" . $po_zlave . "</td>"; $message .= "</tr>"; } $message .= "<tr class=\"cp_spolu bold\">\r\n <td></td>\r\n <td>Spolu:</td>\r\n <td class=\"ali-center\">" . $product_ks_sum . " ks</td>\r\n <td></td>\r\n <td></td>\r\n <td class=\"ali-center\">" . $products_prices_sums . " €</td>\r\n <td></td>\r\n <td class=\"ali-center po-zlave-sum-all\">" . $po_zlave_sum . " €</td>\r\n \r\n <tr>"; $message .= "</table></div>"; echo $message; echo "</fieldset>"; echo submit("submit_page1", "Pokračovať"); } echo "</form>"; }
private function changeForm() { global $CORE, $AUTH; if (is_action()) { try { $user = $AUTH->getUser(); $password_old = post('password_old'); if (!$password_old) { throw new FieldInputError('password_old', l('You need to specify the old password.')); } $password_new1 = post('password_new1'); if (!$password_new1) { throw new FieldInputError('password_new1', l('You need to specify the new password.')); } $password_new2 = post('password_new2'); if (!$password_new2) { throw new FieldInputError('password_new2', l('You need to specify to confirm the new password.')); } if ($password_new1 != $password_new2) { throw new FieldInputError('password_new1', l('The new passwords do not match.')); } if ($password_old == $password_new1) { throw new FieldInputError('password_new1', l('The new and old passwords are equal. Won\'t change anything.')); } // Set new passwords in authentication module, then change it $AUTH->passNewPassword(array('user' => $user, 'password' => $password_old, 'passwordNew' => $password_new1)); if (!$AUTH->changePassword()) { throw new NagVisException(l('Your password could not be changed.')); } success(l('Your password has been changed.')); js('setTimeout(popupWindowClose, 1000);'); // close window after 1 sec } catch (FieldInputError $e) { form_error($e->field, $e->msg); } catch (NagVisException $e) { form_error(null, $e->message()); } catch (Exception $e) { if (isset($e->msg)) { form_error(null, $e->msg); } else { throw $e; } } } echo $this->error; js_form_start('change_password'); echo '<table class="mytable">'; echo '<tr><td class="tdlabel">' . l('Old password') . '</td>'; echo '<td class="tdfield">'; password('password_old'); echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td class="tdlabel">' . l('New password') . '</td>'; echo '<td class="tdfield">'; password('password_new1'); echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td class="tdlabel">' . l('New password (confirm)') . '</td>'; echo '<td class="tdfield">'; password('password_new2'); echo '</td></tr>'; echo '</table>'; js('try{document.getElementById(\'password_old\').focus();}catch(e){}'); submit(l('Change password')); form_end(); }
<?php include_once 'includes/header.php'; session_start(); if (empty($_POST['user_name'])) { echo "<div id='hello'>"; echo "<label for='login'>Здравейте, Моля попълнете полетo за да продължим : </label>"; echo "<p><form action='page2.php' method='post'>"; input('login', 'text', 'user_name', 'Enter user name...'); echo "</p>"; echo "<p>"; submit('Continue', 'btn btn-info'); echo "</p></form>"; echo "</div>"; echo "<div id='deny' class='alert alert-danger' role='alert' >Ако не въведете потребителско име в полето неможе да продължите ...</div>"; } else { echo "<div id='success' class='alert alert-success' role='alert' >Здравейте " . $_POST['user_name'] . "</div>"; } ?> <?php include_once 'includes/footer.php';