Exemplo n.º 1
function checkImportedParticpation($currentgroup, $alerts)
    global $DB, $CFG, $COURSE, $USER;
    $averages = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT avg(coalesce(t3.msgchars,0)) as avgmsgsize
	(SELECT user_id, coalesce(length(message),0) as msgchars FROM
	(SELECT userid FROM `mdl_groups_members` WHERE groupid = ' . $currentgroup . ') t0
	 LEFT JOIN `mdl_project_user_mapping`  t1
	ON t0.userid = t1.user_id
	LEFT JOIN `mdl_project_history_imp_detail` t2
	 ON t2.user = t1.skype
	 WHERE group_id = ' . $currentgroup . '
	 ) t3');
    $config = get_config('project');
    $message = new stdClass();
    $message->size_small = $averages->avgmsgsize * ($config->smallmsg / 100);
    $message->size_medium = $averages->avgmsgsize * 1.0;
    $message->size_large = $averages->avgmsgsize * ($config->largemsg / 100);
    $charCount = new stdClass();
    $charCount = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT userid, coalesce(Schar,0) as Schar, coalesce(Mchar,0) as Mchar, coalesce(Lchar,0) as Lchar, coalesce(Tchar,0) as Tchar FROM
	(SELECT userid FROM `mdl_groups_members` WHERE groupid = ' . $currentgroup . ' ) t0
	(SELECT user_id, sum(length(message)) as Schar FROM
	`mdl_project_history_imp_detail`  t1
	LEFT JOIN `mdl_project_user_mapping` t2
	 ON t1.user = t2.skype
	 WHERE group_id = ' . $currentgroup . ' AND length(message) < ' . $message->size_small . '
	 GROUP BY user_id) t3
	 ON t0.userid = t3.user_id
	(SELECT user_id, sum(length(message)) as Mchar FROM
	`mdl_project_history_imp_detail`  t4
	LEFT JOIN `mdl_project_user_mapping` t5
	 ON t4.user = t5.skype
	 WHERE group_id = ' . $currentgroup . ' AND length(message) BETWEEN ' . $message->size_small . '  AND ' . $message->size_large . '
	 GROUP BY user_id) t6
	 ON t0.userid = t6.user_id
	(SELECT user_id, sum(length(message)) as Lchar FROM
	`mdl_project_history_imp_detail`  t7
	LEFT JOIN `mdl_project_user_mapping` t8
	 ON t7.user = t8.skype
	 WHERE group_id = ' . $currentgroup . ' AND length(message) > ' . $message->size_large . '
	 GROUP BY user_id) t9
	 ON t0.userid = t9.user_id
	(SELECT user_id, sum(length(message)) as Tchar FROM
	`mdl_project_history_imp_detail`  t10
	LEFT JOIN `mdl_project_user_mapping` t11
	 ON t10.user = t11.skype
	 WHERE group_id = ' . $currentgroup . ' AND length(message) >= ' . $message->size_small . '
	 GROUP BY user_id) t12
	 ON t0.userid = t12.user_id');
    $stats = new stdClass();
    $stats = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT sum(coalesce(t3.msgchars,0)) as sum
		(SELECT user_id, coalesce(length(message),0) as msgchars FROM
		(SELECT userid FROM `mdl_groups_members` WHERE groupid = ' . $currentgroup . ') t0
		 LEFT JOIN `mdl_project_user_mapping`  t1
		ON t0.userid = t1.user_id
		LEFT JOIN `mdl_project_history_imp_detail` t2
		 ON t2.user = t1.skype
		 WHERE group_id = ' . $currentgroup . '
		 ) t3');
    //Get number of group members
    $numMembers = $DB->count_records('groups_members', array('groupid' => $currentgroup));
    $stats->avg = $stats->sum / $numMembers;
    $stats->low = $stats->avg * ($config->lowthreshold / 100);
    $stats->high = $stats->avg * ($config->highthreshold / 100);
    $low_participators = array();
    foreach ($charCount as $member) {
        if ($member->tchar < $stats->low) {
            $member->alert = "Low";
            $low_participators[$member->userid] = studentidToName($member->userid);
        } else {
            if ($member->tchar > $stats->high) {
                $member->alert = "High";
            } else {
                $member->alert = null;
    if (!empty($charCount[$USER->id]->alert)) {
        $msg = "";
        if ($charCount[$USER->id]->alert == "High") {
            if ($alerts->import_alert + $config->highimportalertsfreq * 60 * 60 * 24 > time()) {
            // $msg .= $USER->firstname.", You are a high participator in the Skype conversations.<br /><br />We have determined you are rather active in the imported Skype chats.<br /><br />
            // As an additional challenge, try incorporating others in to the discussion, especially ";
            // $msg .= displayUsersAsText($low_participators);
            // $msg .= " who's not participating as much during the Skype chats.";
            $msg .= $USER->firstname . ", you are contributing really a lot to the Skype conversations! This is great!<br /><br />\n\t\t\tHowever, for the group project to be successful, it would be important to get other members' ideas, concerns and thoughts as well. <br /><br />\n\t\t\tYou would be a good leader for your group! Try to improve your leadership skills by trying to incorporate others in the discussion, especially ";
            $msg .= rtrim(displayUsersAsText($low_participators), ", ");
            $msg .= " who is not participating as much!";
            $alert_icon = "info.png";
        } else {
            if ($alerts->import_alert + $config->lowimportalertsfreq * 60 * 60 * 24 > time()) {
            // $msg = $USER->firstname.", You are a low participator in the Skype conversations.<br /><br />During your next Skype meeting, try posting more in-depth, detailed ideas, concepts or thoughts to expand on your posts and contribute as equally as others.";
            $msg = $USER->firstname . ", it seems that you have not contributed much to the Skype conversations so far. <br /><br />\n\t\t\tFor the group project to be successful, it is important that each team member contributes to the discussions.<br /><br />\n\t\t\tTry to share some ideas, concerns or thoughts with your team members in the next Skype meeting!";
            $alert_icon = "alert_icon.png";
        $html = '<div id="dialog-message" title="' . $charCount[$USER->id]->alert . ' Skype Participation Alert!">
				<span  style="float:left; margin:0 7px 10px 0;"><img src="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/project/pix/' . $alert_icon . '" width="32px" height="32px" /></span>
				' . $msg . '
			  $(function() {
				$( "#dialog-message" ).dialog({
				  modal: true,
				  width: 350,
				  buttons: {
					Ok: function() {
					  $( this ).dialog( "close" );
        add_to_log($COURSE->id, 'project', 'alert-skype', $charCount[$USER->id]->alert);
        echo $html;
        $DB->set_field('project_user_mapping', 'import_alert', time(), array('user_id' => $USER->id));
    //end if alert check
Exemplo n.º 2
function getLowParticipators($groupid, $timestamp)
    global $DB;
    $sql = 'SELECT userid FROM `mdl_chat_messages_current` WHERE groupid = ' . $groupid . ' AND timestamp BETWEEN ' . ($timestamp - 1) . ' AND ' . ($timestamp + 1) . ' AND message LIKE "alert-low%"';
    $users = $DB->get_records_sql($sql);
    $users_list = "";
    foreach ($users as $userid => $user) {
        $users_list .= ucfirst(studentidToName($userid)) . ", ";
    //end for
    return rtrim($users_list, ", ");
Exemplo n.º 3
    //Increament Total Meetings for all users after skype has been imported
    $total_meetings = $DB->get_records('project_user_mapping', array('group_id' => $currentgroup), null, 'group_id,meetings_total', 0, 1);
    $inc_total = $total_meetings[$currentgroup]->meetings_total;
    $DB->set_field('project_user_mapping', 'meetings_total', ++$inc_total, array('group_id' => $currentgroup));
    //reset users meeting alert
    $DB->set_field('project_user_mapping', 'meeting_alert', 0, array('group_id' => $currentgroup));
    //If all all mapped, redirect page, skipping form
    if (!$unmapped) {
        redirect('view.php?id=' . $cmid);
    $user_map = array();
    //Create the array
    $user_map[0] = "";
    //Add Blank option
    foreach ($mapped_users as $member) {
        //Fill the array with usernames
        $user_map[$member->user_id] = studentidToName($member->user_id);
    //end for each
    $mapped_form = new history_map_users(null, array('group_members' => $user_map, 'convo_members' => $names_unique, 'history' => $history));
echo $OUTPUT->header();
echo $OUTPUT->heading(format_string('Chat History Import'), 2);
if ($mapped) {
//$strlastmodified = get_string("lastmodified");
//echo "<div class=\"modified\">$strlastmodified: ".userdate($project->timemodified)."</div>";
echo $OUTPUT->footer();