exit; } pcntl_signal(SIGTERM, "handler"); } // デーモン化 daemon(); // プライオリティ低に pcntl_setpriority(20); include_once 'config.php'; include_once INSTALL_PATH . '/DBRecord.class.php'; include_once INSTALL_PATH . '/Reservation.class.php'; include_once INSTALL_PATH . '/Keyword.class.php'; include_once INSTALL_PATH . '/Settings.class.php'; $settings = Settings::factory(); if (file_exists($file)) { storeProgram($type, $file); @unlink($file); } // 不要なプログラムの削除 // 8日以上前のプログラムを消す $arr = array(); $arr = DBRecord::createRecords(PROGRAM_TBL, "WHERE endtime < subdate( now(), 8 )"); foreach ($arr as $val) { $val->delete(); } // 8日以上先のデータがあれば消す $arr = array(); $arr = DBRecord::createRecords(PROGRAM_TBL, "WHERE starttime > adddate( now(), 8 )"); foreach ($arr as $val) { $val->delete(); }
@unlink($settings->temp_xml); } } } } // 地上波を処理する if ($settings->gr_tuners != 0) { foreach ($GR_CHANNEL_MAP as $key => $value) { // 録画重複チェック $num = DBRecord::countRecords(RESERVE_TBL, "WHERE complete = '0' AND type = 'GR' AND endtime > now() AND starttime < addtime( now(), '00:01:10')"); if ($num == 0) { $cmdline = "CHANNEL=" . $value . " DURATION=60 TYPE=GR TUNER=0 MODE=0 OUTPUT=" . $settings->temp_data . " " . DO_RECORD . " >/dev/null 2>&1"; exec($cmdline); $cmdline = $settings->epgdump . " " . $key . " " . $settings->temp_data . " " . $settings->temp_xml; exec($cmdline); storeProgram("GR", $settings->temp_xml); if (file_exists($settings->temp_data)) { @unlink($settings->temp_data); } if (file_exists($settings->temp_xml)) { @unlink($settings->temp_xml); } } } } // 不要なプログラムの削除 // 8日以上前のプログラムを消す $arr = array(); $arr = DBRecord::createRecords(PROGRAM_TBL, "WHERE endtime < subdate( now(), 8 )"); foreach ($arr as $val) { $val->delete();